Newspaper Page Text
The Right to Carry itre-Judge Alli seo's tiens. In the Court of Oyer and Terminer, during the trial ofEdward McNulty for the murder of Jacob Gornor, Peter Truitt, colored witness (pr the Commonwealth, appeared on the stand with a loaded pistol upon his person, which occasioned quite a sensation and considerable discus sion. In the course of the trial his Honor Judge Allison referred to the subject in the following language: There was something said, gentle men, at an earlier stage of the case, in regard to the right to one of the witnesses to carry a loaded pistol. The witness having stated, on cross examination, that he carried it for defense of his person, that he had been shot at three or four times, in his own door, at the election before the last, and that as they all knew him, he did not know what they might do to him. This right was questioned by the eounsel for the pxisoner, which I felt it my duty to say that, upon the facts stated by the witness, he was, under the law of the land, justified in carrying upon his person a loadedpistol and that he could bring it with him here if, under a well-grounded apprehen sion or periltohisperson or hislife, he armed for defense. I repeat now to the jury in substance what I then said and add that this is not an uncertain or doubtful right; it is guaranteed to the citizen by the declaration of rights, which is part of the fundemental law of the State; and is therefore above all acts of Assembly, which might be passed to abridge or take the privilege away. The language of the Constitution is "that the right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themseuves and the Sta'e .hall not be ,u'estioned." This places the right above all legis lative, judicial, or individual ques tion; it cannot be taken away till the Constitution itself upon this subject be changed. But if it be supposed that the act of the 13th of May, 1850, is in conflict with this constitutional right, the supposition is a ckar misinterpretation of the statute which makes it a crime for any person to carry a concealed deadly weapon with the intent thel e with unlawnlly and malicious ly to do injury to any person. This act of Assembly is aimed at the in tent to no unlawfully and. malili ous injury, and is designed to in terfere with the sacred right of de fense of life or person against vio lent or deadly assault, and is there fore in entire harmony with the constitutional privilige to which I referred. The act declares that the jury may infer the intent to do ma licious injury to the persons of the citizens from the posession of a deadly weapon concealed upon the person of the party accused, but this can only be done where the purpose is neeplained; and when the jury are satisfied that the object to be accomplished is defence against threatened or apprehended violence they are duty bound to acquit the accused, or if the jury disregard the duty and convict, the court will set the verdict aside and discharge the defendant. Now, whether the prin ciple be applied to the case of the witness whose life had been attacked, and who feared a re petition of it or to a class of per sons similarly situated, the supreme law of the land protects him and them, and if there were an hundred statutes to the contrary, they would not be worth the paper they are printed on, becuse they would call in question that which the Bill of Rights declares is beyond question, and against which there can be no law. I have thought it proper to say his much upon the general princi ple, for the pnrpose of correcting misapprehension upon this subject, as it may affet this case, which has been the subject of comment by counsel, that a .witness called upon the stand had arms upon his person, which I instruct you of itself makes neither for or against him, if he was armed for defense against attack upon his way here, or whilst in a. tendance at the sessions of the court, or whilst returning to his home. The tebuday of Trait is to be considered and judged by the jury by the ordinary tests of truth fulness and credibility. To the ex tent to which you believe what he has said to be correct and true, you will act upon it, and in so far as his testimony is unmliable in your judment, you will rejeet it--Our Natonaltuopma m - c FL FMn and_ Facy. -"Mr. Jones, you said you were connected with the ne arts. Do" you mean by that that you area sculptor ? "No, sir ; I don't scalp myself, but I furnish the stone to the man that does." -A Dutchman in Albany, some time back went out to his milkman in the street with a dish in each hand, instead of one as usual. The dispenser of attenuated milk asked if he wished him to fill both vessels. The Dutchman, replied, suiting the action to the word, "Dis is for the milluk and this for de watter, an' I will mix them to shute myself." -A gentleman at the opera, the other night, in sounding the praises of a new opera glass which he had just purchased, said : "Why, bless your soul, it brings the ladies on the opposite side of I the house so near, that I can smell the musk on their pocket-handker chiefs, and hear the beating of their dear little hearts." -"Sam, what fish in the salt water weighs de least ?" "Why, Julius, what ignoramous questions you ax yer bredren ! Minims weigh de least of course." "No, no, sah--dats wrong now ; it am the porpus weighs nothing cos he's got no scales." -"Pa, I planted some potatoes in our garden," said a smart youth to his father, "and what do you think came up ?" "Why, potatoes of course." "No siree ! There came up a drove of hogs and ate them all." -"An aged friend in exhibiting a very complicated lock to his bet ter half, recently remarked that there was something the devil couldn't unlock. "What made you get something you couldn't open yourself ?" was the gentle reply. -"May it please your honor," said a lawyer addressing one of the judges, "I brought this man from the jail on habeas corpus." "That's a good one !" said a fel low in an under tone, who stood m the rear of the court. "I'm blow'd if I didn't see him come here in a cab." -An Irish gentleman hearing of a friend having a stone coffin made for himself, exclaimed: "By me sowl, an' that's a good idea ! Shure an' a stone coffin 'ud last a man his lifetime !" -"The following notice might have been seen some time ago stuck up in a corset-maker's shop window in Glascow: "All sorts of ladies' stays here." - -Persons who are confined to their homes by illness, and unable to earn bread for their poor families, will find it profitable to go a fishing among the Islands in the bay, says the Editor of the "True Irishman." -I-"Weigh youz words," said a i man to a fellow who was blustering away in a towering passion at an other. "They won't weigh much if he does," said the antagonist coolly. -A tailor's apprentice, who seemr ed to be pained a good deal with the cross-legged attitude, was asked how he liked tailoring, to which he replied, "Very well ; but I believe, I shall never be able to stand sit ting." -At Springfield Mass., a lady sent the following volunteer toast : -"Spruce old bachelors the ever greens of society." -'It's a very solemn thing to get married," said Aunt Bethany. "Yes, but it's a great deal more sol emn not to be," said her niece. -A gentleman was threatening to beat a dog who barked intoler ably. "Why," exclaimed an Irishman who was present, "would you beat the poor dumb animal for sparkin' out ?" -Dr. Durbin, the great Methodist orator, oncae attempted to pseach from the text. "Remember Lot's wife," and made a failure. After wards, remarking to Dr. Bond that he did not know the reason of his failure, the venerable doctor re plied that he "had tL th - ter let other people's irbes alone !" -"Din't you gura '~ that the horse wouldn't shy before the Iare of an enemy ?" "No mere he won't; 'tia't till edi the Izutha hash RAIL B (2I SPE C IAL NO 1 0 . d ST. LO s. i itOi MQ>NT AI1 AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD. a THE ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE To St. Louis, Chicago, Omaha, San 1 Francisco, St Paul, Kansas City, Leav enworth, St Joseph, And all Points North, Enst and West. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS leave the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad Depot daily, at 7 A. M. and 5 P. M. SAN EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the foot of Canal street daily at 8 A. M., via the New Orleans, Mobile and Chattanooga Railroad, making close connections at Mobile with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to all points North, East and West. For tickets apply to A. D. SHELDON. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northen Railroad, corner Camp and Common streets, under City Hotel ; or to W. BEDELL. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Mobile and Chatanooga Railroad No. 150 Com mon street, under St. Charles Hotel. J. H. WINGFIELD. General Superintending Agent St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Soulern Railroa l NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE AND CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. The Mobile division of this road will be opened for business on londay, November 21, 1570, and passenger trains will run as follows : Leave New Orleans, from the foot of Canal street, for Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Mississippi City, Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Pascagoulaand Mobile at 8 o,'clock A. M. Arrivive at Mobile at 2:30 o'clock P. M., connecting at Mobile with the MOBILE AND OHIO, and the MO BILE AND MONTGOMERY RAIL ROADS for all points NOR TH, EAST AND WEST. Leave Mobile for New Orleans at 11:20 A. M. Arriving at 6:10 P. M. Fare Between New Orleans and Mobile, Five Dollars. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS RUN EACH WAY DAILY. Freight received at New Orleans, at the foot of Julia street before 4:30 P. M,. delivered at Mobile early next morning. FREIGHT AS LOW AS EY ANY OTHER ROUTE. For further information, call at the General Office of the company, rooms one and two, up stairs. STORY BUILDING, corner Camp and Common streets. J. R. KENDRICK, General Superintendent. TRAVELLERS_, ATTENTION: The New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern and lississippi SCentral ailmdads. Run their Passenger Coaches and Bag gages Cars, their combined length without change. BAGGAGE CHECKED FROM RE SIDENCE TO DESTINATION. The 7 A. ). ExpressTrain runs Daily, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Makes close connections for Vicksburg, Mem phis, St. Louis, Chicago, Louisville, and all points beyond, Sleeping cars at night, Canton to Grand Junetion and Humboldt. Thle Mail Tain less; New Srleaq Daily, at 8 F. i. Makes schedule connections with Light nine Exprestraine, toall points NORTH, EAST and WEST. Carries the great I North Mail. t Time to New Terk, 70 oars. New and elegantly itted up Sleeping Casrun to Humboldt, Tenames, Cleve land, Tennessee, and Louisville, Kentuc- r ky. Expres Train South arrives at 1:30 . M. Mail Train South arrives at 1105 A. M. Ticket ffce, Galveston, Iron Building. Ticket Ofces, New Orleans, under'City Hotel, Cor. Camup and Common streets, a t Depot E. Q SEWALL, General8aperintendent; ( J. B MOREY, General Ticket Agent SNew Orlelua, Jackeos and OGreat a Irthern BRailroad. E.. D. FROST,fI-s-d"-pd-- -nt D. a MoRer, Gemural Tisckl AsL** . u& IL WIFFE u-- 1-pp- .TI sR COMB Co os. 9,11 d &13Mercer Street, NEW YORK, Sle maaufaetarm, umder Goodyear's, lid Iryer's Paktes, -or INDIA RUBBER COMll8, Dressing Combs. Long Combs. Twist Combs. Fine Tooth Combs, [A variety of Elegant Fancy Patterns.] Pocket Combs. Ridding Combs. Hair Pins. ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS ; COMBINATION SIDE COMBS [MADE UNDER F A~t.1'S PATENT.] The sale of any Combination Side i Combs, no matter of what material made, unless sold under a license from us, is prohibited by law. CBIALES A. DAIA. Editor. A Newspaper of the Present Times. Intended for Peelle New em Earth. Ineulas Farmers. Mecha·na MIrebants, Pro. ihes1el Me ,Workre, Thnukers, and all Man ner of Bouet FolEs and the Wives, Son and Daughters of all suc. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I ONE BUNDRED COPIES FOR s ;O. t Or less than One Cent a Opy. Let there be a S Club as every Post Oa e. NWI-WEEKLY SUN, s A YEAR, of theame sise and general haracter as TEE WEEIT. but with a greater variety cf miscellaneous reading, and furnishiong the news to s amesalrberawith greater freshness. because It esmes twice a week inLtead of once only. THE DAILY SUN, S A YEAR. SpAeimmninln readleba new aper it te larest circulatio to the woe . I nde. udent, and tferles In peltics. All the news from everywhere Two cants a 0opy;b y mail. Slatom a moa bragiga , ear. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SU.I. Five copies, sem year, aarsl ad_ d r. eear Deoaes. Tea copies, one year, earaey addread (aad au otra op, tothe ete 21eMfca Twenty eoples. oue r, separately ddressd o a tro copy to th getter up of cb) leema Delhi.. FIR cnue year. to oe addrm tand i 0 Bern. oek usem year to getter up of dab). T lD w URty-ee Dellmm,. Oe ndrederi. ene ar . e to ne address (rod hlesa o yew tothegetlar upo| culb). Iidy Delhri. up ofclab), mgDlI'.n.a THEE SEIMIWEEKLY SU8N. Ten cooe one year. separater acesmd (and an extra copy to getter Up of club) c SEteeN DeRlaN SEND YOULT MONET L W. EntAn. Pnblsher a leasg eof farmew Te C. VCOIISSION MERCHANTS.T. P. B. S. PIocnaAcR, C. C. A- . iNE, t 2\'ew Orlenqc, Li. '4reret La. PINCHBACK, B ANSTOIE, COGUISIlION MEICHANTIS 114, Snnydeelet Pit.. NEW ORLEANS. Liberalt Adcances made on Lnsign.L ,nenls. Prorupl atteuton g.ihen to ai sales tir and purchases, iasoin of farns, tic., ic. C(nsiwtnnts coP red by lnsuranie as soon as hipped, uless oLerwis insructerd on the Bill of Llading. VICKSBURG AND BENDS. Leaves on SATURDAY, at 5P. M. FOR VICKSBURG, DAVIS' NI1 Ce, Maryland, Cgaroina, Pilcher' Point. Skipwith, lare Provideoes, Transylvania, Al Vicksburg, GanMd GuIZ St Joseph, Rod v ney, Waterproof, Natchez, Bayou Sara, e Baton Rouge, Plaquemine,Donaldsonville, E and all intermodiate and Coast lanalings. The new and magnicfeletarner Will leae as above, and, will land all Coast pampre with their freght. all points on the Yuoo and Tallabatehie riven. or to THE HAZ AYNCE WHEEL WA WALTHAM WATCH al' 4 times a second, 240 times a minute, 14,400 times an hour, 345,600 times a day, 292,00 times a week, 10,368,00Q timqs £ month, S126,144,01j0 dr ear. MORE IS EPECXSD 0"WdWATCI,I 1HlAN ANY OT . RIND It must sot oaly run ud'b butall night; not env on ton a ys,; bu lof $Ukkays sal, Holidays. It must nrin up or lying down-upside down or uiJ p. It must keep running when the werer sits down or stand up, When he walks or rides. In fact, it is expected to do its duty at all times, in every place and in sterypositi on. A Genuine Waltham Watch will fulfl all these rs niremente. I wound once a day, it will faithfully tick for you a hundred and twenty ix million times in a year, without even requiting tlh oil all that time. A Genuine WalthanMWatch t COUTAI 5 Spring, 9 sheels, 51 &rews,# aid 9eder parts making alliogethw 136 separate pieoes, I ALL GENUINE WAITA'dt SWaatohem havos _we Jeweselr. TEX EXTXA JEWELLED nATS mLEVE JEWEL J THE FULL JEWELLED HAVE MTEE" I JEWELS. Every part of a Waltham Watch is made by machinery, The machinery used ini making the movement of a single watch coast over a HIndred Tnousand Dollars, yet we sell these Watches, in a solid Silver Hunting Case, for $18. The same watch could not be made by hand and finisheds as perfectly for TES TrErs AS MUCH. A Genuine waltham Watch Is ihterchangeable, like a Springfield rife that is, any part of one Watcb is exactly like the same part in another ; and if ten Watches of one grade were taken apart, and the screws, wheels, springs, &c., were 1 mixed together, ten watches could be made by putting these parts together again, withuot any reference to their former combination. This is a t GREAT ADVANTAGE; Is For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is injhred we can always replace it at a ft Trrifing Erpense. A SENUNE WALTHAM WATCH o1 Is made with special reference to i DURABILITY 0i Other Watches will ran for a year or two. fr an require constant repairs ; but ec A. Walthma W atch WILL RUN F.4ITI'. JLLY FOR MANY YEARS- W We sell these Watches, le IN SOLID SILVER HUNTING CASES ........................ $18 IN SOLID GOLD HUNTING CASES, $70 ax We have prepared an of ILLUSTRATED PICE UST, which describes the various grades of R Watches in detail, gives the weight and P quality of the Cases, and all other inform- 0 ation necessary for an intelligent selection. _ We wish every one would send for it F: before ordering a Watch. Writefer it as folows : Messrs. Howfan & Co., No. 785 Broadway, New York : Please sotul ae your lUustrated Price List oJ Waltham Watches, as per adver-. tiserned in Tax ILtiswnrw. (ign name and address in full) I WITHOUT EXPENSE, on We have seat out over mRm Thoswmd of these Watches upon theme conditions, and have only been asked to refund the money - in three cases, and not oa othese was on account of disatisfacton with the Watclh, but because the partieis needed the money more., Wi sari we Aoars, arw ovu Pncx s uAz r wsax ro ALL. A ammue or0 Oaoow on TzAA can an A WAic loa n Ls AND Tr WUL coTr m uo mo an IrA a. ,vED r, Nxw Youx. Ax) mS 1s W,.LAn ,,,r Pm.c Lx.r. - SPECIAL NOTICE. I Wi DO NOT L WalthamWatches in any Imitatigp, Gilt, Plated Oride, Filled Cmes whatever (these are alU other names for Br or m Ge~ a C Silver). The Waltham Watch is worthy of a solid Goldr o Silve Case, ard we do not propose to selit ia say ot~er. g IL EYTs r o@3 ,s3 ros A Pmaca as. lAa am s e, ar4mess NI . asg AT, d a, l w 1 wa Bame,v, Maw M1 WATCH A 8,R C y I -Duxeas =-' GOLD AND 8ILVEEB WATCHES, And Fine Gold ewelry. Keep always on hand all clases and patterns of Gold, Silver and Steel Speetacles and Eye Glasses Glasses changed and sent to any part of the country. Wateh repairs done promptly and warranted. Address T orders to PAUL GRANZIN, 112 Carondelet Street, Feb. 16 ly :: 96.. GOOD $. WATCHES , AT I =1 1 n AS THE SOLE AGENTS in the United States for the LIVERPOOL WATCH 00., we are authorized by them to close out a large ine o(, European Watches, d Chains. etc., now in stock, for Cash, at u prices never before .known. All beautiful n in fnish, artistic in design, reliable or il accurate time, durable, and of the lates style. Evry Watch will be retailed at less than east of importation, and forwarded securely packed, prepaid, to any part of the cohftry on receipt of price. Money canbe sent to as by Express, with or ders e Express Co.. to retarn Goods or Cash, which will secure promptness and safety to purchaser. Among or list will be found. A BEATIFUL ENGLISH SILVER, SOLID DOUBLE CASE WATCH, genuine English full plate l jeweled movements, duted regulator, i steel cut -hands, engine turn nerl, correct and serviceable article large or small size in complete running -order, wiih an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and e key, all complete mailed free for FIVE DOLLARS A AVERY HANDSOME WATCfI in fine 18 karat Gold plated Double Ceases h imitation of $100 Gold Watch-ehngrved or plain, genuine English, full plate jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, correct, and in complete running or der with elegent Gent's Vest Chain, e withLocket and Key, mailed pre-paid for y only EIGHTEEN I)OLLARS. The Oride Gold Watch, IN MASSIVE OBIDE GOLD Double Hunting Magic Spring Cases, elegantly engraved, or engine turned, Genuine Patent' Lever movements, full jeweled. r regulated and warranted to keep correct time, and wear equal to Gold, preci Rely like in appearance, make, finish, brilliancy of color. $200 Gold Watch. SOne of these splendid Watches will be forwarded by mail free to any address, in handsome morocco case, lined with velvet and'satin, (Ladies' or Gent's size W'tch, for only TWELVE DOLLARS. Watches for Holiday Presents manufac tured to order. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES of all grades, in Gold and Silver Cases, from $18 upto $200. Other Good Watches equally low. With every Club of six Watches, of any kind, we send one extra of same kind free, as a premium to getter up of the Club. A superior stock of Ge nuine Oride Gold Chains, $2 to $6 each, warranted fully equal to Gold in brilliancy of color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 col- u lected on delivery, if desired. All Bills of a $12, and less, must becash in P. O. Money Orders, or Registered Letters, at our risk. Goods carefully selected, pecked and forwarded pre-paid by mail, or by T Ejxpress, or receipt of price. Safe delivery a of all goods guarenteed. Watches forward- L ed to be examined to parties known when express charges both ~ay are paid. No goods forwarded west of the Mississippi I River, with bill to collect on delivery. Purchasers must pay all exress charges on goods sent C. O. D.: ~ forreturn i of money. All Cash ordeu forwarded free of charges to destinatieg. Catalogues Free. Address all orders. CHAS. P. NORTON h CO., : Importers of Watches, etc. Established 1857. 86 Namau St., N. Y. No. 34-tf. GEORGE IIITE, Lock-Smnith & Bell-~anUger IlO I AILIIGS FITTED li S t 206, COMMON STREET, ' NEW ORLEANS. e Presses repeaired, Bells and Gong I Houses, u and StsmboaSt Fitted a GEORGE TAYLOR. NO. 91 FRONT I4EVEE, THIrRD DISTRICT, Boardftsg a,.d Lod$,sg - ro--- Oeo. oome. o ,,. Ioomman. GIGNAC & JOURDAIN, Coszmz Comu an Vn.mJ, No. 239. ALWAYS (0 RAND Olte, C-aies, bag?,u Sftisin W B sgiI~t wL S EMPORIUM, B ------- e163.... CANAL STREET , 1 FIRST FLOOR: DRY 600GJ4l' I$ SECOND FLOOR: LADIEB BOOMpORSlAl,4 CLV 1 AND WRAIS. THIRD FLOOR: C.GRPRET MATrING AND Bxr diA risit to the Mtore will r Sprsons wihing to buycheap and t goofi. s 110.... CANAL STREET.. l SNear St. Cbharle Y NEW ORLEANS, LA. M EN'S AN1 BOnrs e (or an ow mua tIBOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, el Every Article Marked is e Plain Figures. Goods sold on "one price" system, a r any article purchased which fails top satisfaction can be returned and the 1S ey will be refunded. JiModerate Prices and Fre e Stock to select from are somel ' the inducements offered at B. T. WALSHE'S PREMIUMI SHIT AND CLOTiINC IIil 110 Canal St., near St. Cbarlo, Jew Orleans. --0---- N. B.--Letter Orders receive prompt attention and filled C. 0. D. it desied $705 iery Week: MADE EASY. BT We want Smart and Enereetic Agec tto utroduce our popular and justly celebr ted inventions, in every Village, T'm and (ty in t e World. Indispensable to Every onusehold; They are highly approved of, ender-ed and asopted by Ladis, I')ysiciars 0d Diries, and now a GREAT FAVO' ITE with them. Every Family will Purchase On. of more of them. Something that tbr merits are apparent at a GLANCE DRI'GGOEI, MILLINERS, DRESS3MAKERS, And all who keep FANCY '" I:)F,.' will find our excellent articles 'EI VERY RAPIDLY, gives p)rf.ct 'tI"1 tion and netting to all Dealers and Agents. Country Rights Free to all who desire engaging in an 11</ Repctabe and Profiable B,.sinr,,., at the same time doing good to their coop" nions in life Sample $2,00, esent free mail on receipt of price. SEND FOE WHOLESALE CIBULAR. ADDR~ lcetoria Mamupatfturif Ce 17 PARK PLACE. NEW ToRE Enabbe rIothiqg COMPANY. mi Jobberf, -or obhr g** OF EVERY DECI3MXt. CwTHING, BOOWS AND SHOU8, 1iTaO, PWo INo Ao Bg ENAXILED CI(OIB PIANO COVEzs, BALL TOYS, Ac. * Iass s a r, 0** F.. . jHF5PA*D