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"REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIMES, AND UNDER ALL CI C STANCES." VOLUME t. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER " 1871. NMBRR8. eLoI~SAIU hrirsdbys sad Sundays. O; 114 CARONDELET STREET, sw ORLEANS LA. I) C PINCIIBACK, Oat.wrs' t. ANTOINE, Canso, Eo Y. KELSO, Rsrms. µa,(G. BROWN,---Editor. * TrIEMS OF SrascurrIo': -i: r .. ....... 5 00 h.; . ; . . .. 300 .tn MIA U ....... . .. . 1 50 PROSPECTUS OF THE b th en.: i vor to establish another ,u&lan ;ournal in New Orleans, '. 11,1t1 Of the LouIxsLNIAN, to i iA necessity which has !;.al sometimes painfully o."t. In the transition state , ,r lp l, in their struggling efforts ,, that position in the Body shich we conceive to be their regarded that much infor s I, guidauce, encouragement, - i end reproof have been lost, in " 1ue of the lack of a medium, ; !: which these deficiencies might 1 ,1,1. We shall strive to make 'N1 tIAN It desideratum in these POLICY. r sotto indicates, the Lout shall be " Republican at all .I oiI'redl circumn.stznces" We i ochate the security and enjoy 2)!f broadcivil liberty, the ubso cqu: ity of all men bsfore the law, Al impartial distribution of hon :1 patronage to all who merit r n: of allaying animosities, of rutingr the memory of the bitter !rtooting harmony and union 11 classes and between all in shall advocate the removal niaal disabilities , foster kind rl aranwe, where malignity .in. nt reigned, and seek for Sl justice where wrong and _q prvailed. Thus united in "il objects, we shall conserve itcr'sts, elevate our noble an enviable position among r Sut a, by the development u ..iutle resources, and secure - -tita of the mighty changes rv and condition of the P. the Country. that there can be no true Lw it the supremacy of law, a strict and undiscrimi " aration of justice. TAXATION. 'Ipor-t the doctrine of an litL tn of taxation among .1 faihfid collection of the Seeouonoy in the expendi Sforatably with the exigen th Stte or Country and the '-rg.. f every legitimate obliga EDUCATION. shl ustain the carrying out of prtin of the act establishing Amonf school system, and urge 'P un duty the education of ' otas vitally connected with K enlighteament, and the aeon e l stibilhty of a Republican *.lunt. a FINAL~. coendruct, mn independent, biour odut we shall strive heorPaper, from an ephem ttemporar existence, and Uht upon a bisis, that if we onnn,"we shall at all ALIBEIT EYRICII, ha~eller and Stationer ' CANAL STREET, Ne Orlqan Lou~iins POETRY. [From the Atlantic Monthly. A QUIET LIFE. Y MDssR . D. ascz. R You scorn my dwelling as you pass it by ; I do not say, Come in; You are a stranger to the company I entertain within. My house is humble, yet within its walls Contentment doth abide; And from the wings of peace a blessing falls, Like dew at eventide. You think my soul is narrow, like the room Wherein I toil for bread; And that, because oblivion is my doom, I might as well be dead. Yet are you sure the riches are not mine, The poverty your own; Is he not rich who finds his lot divine, In hovel or on throne ? You judge me by the narrow boundaries Twixt which my body moves; But I behold a wider land that lies Free to the soul that loves. Is that not mine in which I hourly take My largnes of delight? Are not all things created for his sAke Who reads theit meaning right? It is not mine, this landscape I behold? Mine to enjoy and use For all life's noblest uses, though no gold Has made it mine to lose? I know the wood-paths where the feet of spring Have left their prints in flowers; And all the carols that the wild birds sing Through the long summer hours. I watch the changeful light upon the grass, The wind-waves in the grain; . I note the swift cloud-shadows as they pass Above the breezy plain. Mine are the stillness of the autumn noons, The peace of tranquil eves, The sunset splendors, and the glimmering moons, The rain fall on the leaves. I cannot count the half of daily joys Which kindly Nature gives; For while some homely task my hands employs, With her my spirit lives. Nor these alone the pleasures that I know, The riches I possess; Still other things are mine, and they bestow A aeep'r happiness. For unto me the past, with all its shore Of untold wealth belongs; To me the singers and the saints of yore Repeat their prayers and songs. For me again the long-past centuries yield The harvest of their thought; My gleaning brings me sheaves from many a field. Where stronger hearts have wrought. Mine is the present, too; nor let it be Despised as little worth; I could not tell of all the good I sec Each day upon the earth. Ingratitude. It is an old saying that if you do a man nineteen favors, and for any reason decline to do him the twen tieth, he will forget the nineteen requests that you have granted, and only remember the one fat you have refused-and for that refusal he will hate you ever afterward. And this is true of some men; it is true of men of mean and narrow natures; but it is not true of all. It is natural for a noble soul to cherish a lively recollection of kizndneasees as it is to breathe. And while we are often shocked to see acts of friendship towards others, which have cost us a good deal of time and of labor, entirely overlooked and forgotten, we not unfrequently, on the other hand, are surprised by' the grateful reciprocation of some favor long since rendered, and the very performance of which had passed from our own recollectioni, until reminided of it by the recipient. We have always regarded grati tude as a feeling which is hardly susceptible of being taught to any one. A lecture on gratitude, to whomsoever addressed, instead of awakening that emotion, is very apt to engender a feeling of indignation and hatred. People never like to be told tobe grateful. And it isof no use to tellithem. If it is not natural to a boul to appreciate te good nature of other. it can never be taught such appreciation. WHO TME GRAIND DUIE I LEXI 1. And now comes Alexis, the son of the Emperor of all the Russias, to New York. He is a son-the third - of the present Emperor Alexander II, and was borne on the 2d of January, 1850, and hence is in his twenty-second year. He comes of a famous family famous not only for their military power and glory, but for their cul ture of the arts and mechanics in such a degree as to raise the Rus sian Empire to its present high condition in civil and military honors. His father, Alexander the II, was born in the reign of his uncle, Alexander I, on April 29,1818, and succeeded his father, Nicholas I, on March 2d, 1855. The first years of his reign was somewhat turbulent, from the fact of Russia's being then at war with the allied powers. But this he conducted with such firm ness and vigor as to win the ap plause of his estates and family, which, until then, had been some what at variance with him, and finally, when peace was declared, with their earnest support, was enabled to undertake vigorous meas ures to place the national finances on a firmer basis, and reduce the army to the lowest limits compatible with the dignity and safety of the Empire. He fully succeeded, and emboldened by the efforts of these reforms, was induced to the eman cipation of 23,000,000 human beings from the bondage of serfdom on the 3d of March, 1861. This, in consideration of the previously con ceived idea of Russian sovereignty among themselves, and as conflict ing with all ideas of tradition and government, may be considered the great act of his reign. In 1841, April the 28th, the Em peror Alexander II married Maria Alexandrovna, Princess of Hesse, by whom he had a large family. The Grand Duke Alexander, born March 10, 1842, and heir-apparent to the throne ; the Grahd Duke Vladimir, born April 2, 1837, and thirdly, the :rand Duke Alexis, who now proposes to visit the Uni ted States. Besides these are the Grand Duchess Maria, the Grand Duke Sergius, and the Grand Duke Paul, the last born October 3, 1870. The Grand Duke Alexis is des cribed as peculiarly bright, hand some and engaging, taking a par ticular interest. in his profession, that of a sailor, and now bearing the earned rank of Captain of the Fleet. He is also described as having seen some of the world before his advent into these parts, having traveled over a greater part of Eu rope and Asia, besides being en gaged in several matters of skill and diplomacy, which would seem to already stamp him as a worth des cendant of the great Peter. .He adds to his other accomplish ments, it is said, that of beinglearn ed in mcience and a most proficient linguist. The last important event in his career, previous to his de parture for New York, was a visit, in cmpany with his father, to the Emperor Willigm, at Berlin, during which were supposed to have been tranesated affairs of such serious importance as greatly to affect the future well being of all Europe. This visit to America has been a long talked of matter, setting the New York aristocracy by the ears for months, but of its ultimate ful ilment, nothing was positively known until June last, when it was publicly made known that he would come ; and now as he has actually set mail from Falmouth, on the 22d of September, it may be supposed that these ideas will reaeh their fal filment. He brings arich and kingly com pany of gentlemen with him from his Northern home, and it may be' well supposed 'female Agerica" is all agog at theurne His reception in New York will doubties., from. the arraageauats perfeoted in advance, be a very~ brillisat a~bir, werth Dot emly at that city, but also of the young man of imperial blood, who comes to our shores on a peaceful visit, and as the bearer of kindly greet ings from his father, our ally and friend. And when New York is done with him, the rest of J~he country will take him up, extending a hearty welcome without stint, and in all sincerity.-N. 0. Times, 17th. The light In in the light Mlace, [From the Shreveport Bepublican.] The State Senate, in choosing Senator Pinchbeck as Lieutenant Governor, became a sound inter preter of Republican preference, and at the same time significantly indorsed a sound Republican. Our readers will remember the deep regret which spread through the ranks of the Republican party on the death of Mr. Lincoln, and in the narrower sphere of State life, a similar feeling of condolence was felt for the loss of Lieutenant Gov ernor Dunn. Being among the first of his race who had been elevated to power by the reconstruction laws admittedly an excellent presiding officer, said to be in person a cor rect representative of his race, con ciliatory in his manners, and digni fied in his deportment, he filled the measure of his days to almost uni versal satisfaction. But Providence always furnishes its compensations, and although we drop a tear of regret over the loss of an able defender of republicanism, we bid a heart's Godspeed to his successor who isno less able, in fact we regard the successor as the abler man. Keen witted, intrepid, can did, determined and loyal to his party, no one will doubt that Lieutenant Governor Pinchback is prepared to do his full share of work, meet his full share of dan ger and contribute his proper amount of influence in securing Re publican supremacy. Individual fidelity has always been the touchstone of individual success, and this is the secret of Senator Pinchback's elevation over his peers to the honorable position which he now occupies. In the be ginning of the war he was one of the first to demonstrate the loyalty, bravery and readiness of the colored race to turn what had been a union of oppression to a union of strength for hunanity, and when he was elected a member of the Senate, he proved by his fearly utterances that he had not forgotten the hole of the pit from which he was dug, nor the rock from which he was hewed. And this individual loyalty was in keeping with his submission to party discipline. No sight neglect or misrepresentation could move him from a firm and unqualified devotion to his people. Whether Democrats maligned, or false Republicans deceived; whether he had to "light with the beasts at Ephesus" or the thugs and plug uglies of ward clubs, his joyful sub mission to party discipline, his thorough acceptance of an adminis tration which he has as a Repub lican helped to elect, and his manly defense of those principles by which the South alone can recover from the devastation of war, master the difficulties of reoonstructiou and utilize its victory over an inhuman system indicated him as the coming man of his race. Such a man will always attract to him those who can be used for party success, he will always be recognized by such as understasil the proper value of efficient agent.; and so it lhas come about that political saga city weds itself to political giants. Party necessity finds providential masters, the races are blended ini the exgnisof Republican suc ocess, and the day us not distant when the people will indorse the choice of the Senate in the election of Mr. Pinchbeck and the re-elec tion of Governor Warmoth. -A waggish speuidthrift recesntly wmpi, 'Five years ig@ I was not worth a cent ia the vadd ; now me where I sa through my ow. .zemenn r" "W0, whare are your 'Wby, I mw -or thd 8eoe1" ADDRESS o0 TrE kapubliean State Central Cmmittle of LOUISIANA. Roomx BEPUBIcAN STATE CENTRAL Comr rsa, New Orleans, Dec. 22, 1871. To the Republicans of Louisiana: The gratifying intelligence received from all parts of the State of the unanimous indorsement of the action of the Senate in the recent election for Lieutenant Governor, induces this committee to present to you a resume of the facts precedent thereto: During the two campaigns of 1870 a few ambitious men, principally fed eral officeholders, organized a bolting faction in our ranks. Notwithstand ing an overwhelming defeat, these di. sentionists, determined to " rule or ruin," industriously sought to spread discontent by asserting that the policy of the State administration would be to exclude from office every colored man, and gradually transfer the gov ernment to the control of the Democ racy. Unfortunately the bolters ob tained control of the late State Central Committee, and under their auspices a convention was called to meet in New Orleans in August last. It is, perhaps, needless to recur to the out rages then and there perpetrated. This so-called convention met in the federal Customhouse, outside the ju risdiction of Louisiana; the legally elected representatives of the people were excluded by armed federal deputy marshals and federal troops, and a bogus organization effected, although not a quorum was present until six teen additional bogus delegates, prin cipally federal employes, were ap pointed, on motion of a federal office holder, to fill the places of excluded regularly chosen members. These gross usurpations necepsitated the holding of the Republican con vention at Turner Hall, not a secret conclave. guarded by armed sentinels, but open and free to the whole peo ple. The proceedings of that conven tion were scattered broadcast, and everywhere met the full and hearty approbation of Republicans at home and throughout the nation. Coming to the next scene in this political drama. ,.The outcry against the State administration was vigor ously maintained by the factionists, but how much truth there was in the charges of antagonism to the colored people, and secret affiliation with the Democracy, can best be determined by the events of the sixth of Decem ber. Upon both parties a practical test of their sincerity was suddenly and unexpectedly forced. The lament able death of Oscar James Dunn cre ated a vacancy in a constitutional office, to fill which the State Senate was con vened. The cloven foot of treason could no longer be hidden. Their mask of deceit and dissimulation was ruthlessly torn away, and the bolters evhinited in their true colors. One of the foremost colored men of the coun try-one exceptional devoted to his race and advanced Republicanism became the candidate of the party for the vacant Lieutenant Governorship, and received the earnest support of the State administration, while the Customhouse faction, to defeat him, and further their secret aim to irrevo cably dividb the B ublican party, boldly entered into league with the Democrats, who, true to their pro scriptive prejudices, exacted (the only qualifiathion they demanded) that their candidate should be a hiteasan/~ The treditions sad pksaforms of the Republican party of Louisianm pledged its adherents to " an equal dietibu tion among white and colored alike of all offies." This the bolters deliberately ig nored, thereby betraying the claims of ninety thousand Republican voters, and exhibiting a treachery unparal leled in the history of political organi sations. The Customhouse faction even resorted to threats to intimidate Senators, as in the eane of Senator Butler, of Plaquemines perish. The fedmsl Marshal, S~B. Packard, as serted to him that the State would be put under martial law if the coalition of which he is a leader idnot win in the contest. How abased they feel at the fruitless results of all their treads erous and nefarious plottingsuwe have no means of judging, but &.e beat commentary that can be -ie on this contest of Loyalty em. Thueaso s MoOS tained in the votatwbich a to the Dygmbliesa party a glouioe viekrsy Ie amongd to thai&Lema. On call of the roll for election of Lieutenant Governor the Senators re sponded as follows, each candidate voting for his opponent, according to custom and courtesy: Fos P. B. S. PransancK-Mesrs. Barber, Butler, Campbell, Ooupland, Gallup, Harris, Hunsakesr, Jenks, Kelso. Lewis, Lynch, McMillen, No land, Ragan, Swords, Twitchel, Whit ney, Wilcox-eighteen true and stead fast Republicans! Fos T. V. Cour awo-Messrs. An derson, Antoine, Blackman, Bowman, Ikaigle, PFuh, Herwig, Ithgraham, O'Hars, Pinchbeck, Bay, Sitth, Sy pher, Thomas, Thompbasf Todd--1ix teen, including swees Democrats and six Custpmhouse employee! Republicans I if these men, on an occasion of comparatively inferior im portance, can so vilely betray your party and its solemn pledges, will you trust thenn the great crisis of 1872, when your liberties-aye, even your liver-ore staked upon the issue of the struggle? Fortunatey, the victory of the sixth of Decemiber positively demonstrates that the Republican par ty can carry Louisiana against the Customhouse faction and Democray combined. One particular point it is desirable should be made clear. Tae whole po litical capital of the bolters is founded on wanton mendacity. Assuming, by virtue of occupancy of federal posi tions, to be the direct representatives of the national administration, they have, with a persistency equaled only by its falsity, endeavored to instill in the public mind a belief that the State administration is antagonistic thereto. This is not true. The Republican party, of which this committee is the head, and to which the State ofcials give allegiance, will, under all circum stances, stand firm and true with the national Republican organization, and guarantee Louisiana for Grant if it is the expressed desire of the party, in convention assembled, that he be re elected to the Presidency. Finally, your State Central Com mittee regard the action of the mem bers of the Senate, in extra session. convened on the sixth of December, 1871, in giving full recognition to the claims of the colored people, of such importance as to justify the declara tion that our party has again been consolidated, and that with measures of retrenchment and reform in all branches of the government which the party proposes to carry out, and your earnest co-operation with this com mittee, defeat in 1872 is an utter im possibility. Let there be no compro mise with treason, but, with the watch word, " Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," emblazoned on your ban ners, press on to a glorious triumph that will overtop in benefits to human ity even those past victories which have rendered our beloved Louisiana truly " the land of the free!" THE COMMITTEE. Committee: OFFICERS. President-P. B. S. Pinchbeck. Recording Secretary-William V`gers. Corresponding Secretary-J, W. Fair fax. xEMBERZD For the State at large-Edward But ler, of Plaquemines; S. S. Sehmidt, of Orleans; Thompson Coakley, of Rapides; Albert Gantt, of &t Landry; John Parsons, ef Orieans; A. W.' Smyth, of Orleans; H. Baby, of Natch itoches; G. Y. Kelso, of Rapides; DN vid iYoungs of Concordia; F. 3. Her ron, of Orleans. First Congressional District-Hugh 3. Campbell, H. Mahoney. Second Congressional DisritA. SBarber, James L Belden. Third Canaresional Disstrih-Thos. H. Noland, George Washington. Fourth Conpressi~ual Diatriet-LE W. Dewees, Raford Bluntk Fifth Congressional District-A. W. Faulkner, A. B. Harris. A trmeecopy: 3. W. FAIRFAX, 'gPhiladelpliis is going to have another otatnte of W~asagton, to be placed in Fairmoual~amrk. The projeet is in the hands of the Smnior and Junioir Order of Aueaselaa MW cabnies.. Plans havebem. propemed sad a contract uaIaed, wh~ic pro vides that the worknbmllbe cope 'ted loneyeaw. Thesaatate wilB be dtbmos., hluhte n .16, neil ingupomaspekeethl of Quieyor h AATES OP ADVERT MEO. Sure+ m mos sumo * u 1 yr On. TW 7 12 U. Two 7 9 I13 50 18 Three 9 1210 s Ns Four 15 16 35 71 " Five . 90 s3 4W' $ Six 34 42 140 0 IColumn. 45 0 110 175 Trandent adverseementa, $1PR pe squn test iuserio; each sbeus insertion, 75 aents, ah st rt All busneeas duees d ad esths to be aharged twenty oeots per U s each inaertke. JOB Pamme executed with seabee and dipatch. " W Oed =ed tn is.sdt.MuW with prevan fshie..s Funeral Noticeaiat oun shortest no tice and with qui*e dispateh. ýdeeo g sdcsto an who may wish oo eeuoa sipees. PRO oi54i 4L. JOHN B. HOWARD. LAW ormsn, 26 St. (barlma Street 26 New O(lean. Prompt atteltiomt given to eM! business in the several eourt .I to State. A. F. FIELD & Dill? NYgSE, ATTORNEYS .ND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 9 Commercial PIFe, 2nd Floor, New Urleanas. -o--, AirStriict Attention to all Civil and Criminal business in the State and United States CMart. INSURANCE COMPANIES-BANKA LOUISIANA MUTUAL DISURANCE COMPANT orncI, No. 120 commoW ean. IN8URES FIRE, MARINE AND RITER RISKS AND PAts UoANgO IN New Orleans, New York, Liverpool London, Havre, Paris, or Bremen, at the option of the insured. CHARLES BRIGGS, President A. CARRIERE, Vice-President J. P. Roux, Secretary. EXPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THZ crTr or :Z YOUE NO. 139 BROADWAY. owzm~s Geo. W. 8mit. Vice Pont 9. Hues Sribner. Pret., L H Wterm Add, Sidney W. "004d. &4tp., hoeref dmp Slpt. Agenea. T. A:pL arep. MA~e., Agents New Orlesma n rIcKaac ANwSEEa TIE FIEEDIAI'S SATI1 S -ND M PalacAtru orrici, wAaaEIeToN, D. 0. D. L. ZATOZJ.....Acuesrp. BRANCH AT NEW OlIMAM,. LA. 114 Caemsdele Steest. C, D. KTUUTNTAJT, Csier. Bank Remus.........*.u. . .to 8 .u. Seameday Niht.......6 teS cee'ste The.. .. eIM~s the Publie of the -~ait oft a CIGAR XAJUFAOTORY, at No. 13 Polymnim soeet, near Dz7 ades skreet, where cid.r. waD.i teamimlhn C. B an New orlean, ~ec. 18, 18n. CARPET WARVHOULE A33o0&Ui * 00., lugense.. ml sellislLtehla