Newspaper Page Text
POLITIGAL NOllcU. C.\IdOLLTON, LA., Dec. 2, 1871. .. t plursuanlt to cadl. ",e-tt-HIon. T. B. Stamps. Presi O : pCned with Iprayer by ILr. Sto, of A. F. Monroe, the pint,, a comiuttee of seven r::. ,,,luitiu,n- to Ie adopted ,by i, .d all Repuldicaus attend ,:*i t . ting. ,:!,oinitt,1 the following gen 3. "i. Moniroe, Chairman; W. 1 :.. ToElbert. T. D. Fletcher. S; lu.h Wilkerson and H. ..!' ,:.mitt:e.. reported the fol StionI-.. which were unani A t,",, ol. n rm ti,,n of J. '. 1 Iv A. Tolbert: It 1::+ !pl'iaset God in hii S !,t t r. u1've from otur . . I,,, 1. ho orld and t. .tt. !1:11:, tae Honor I.:. 1: Li :iten:iaut irov ,: it ,f I. i, .ua; and .A. . , oty ,f our R ppui S hr .,lujiiteed in the ! :" a..'.: ,l :t s and have tI. i,, :. 1'. 1. Pinchback !. , t . . ` .tt S nat, anl L, ut,.: at Glo .v:it., r of the SL .- . L.r fo'e, S1;v. 1Tihat w,', the Re Sti, city of Carrollton, . r.",:. ,I'ft ,:1nk), find, r.. :. , d ,,f the Hon. P. B. . uliciut honesty as an 'I .ittl'age ti n1l civil rights, t, the po.'ition. Th t ndor.-V the Na te .. Ad. , tt.\mini.tration; and .th' State administration. O.f!;rts in securing the IIn. P. B. S. Pinch . ..i. ,ver that houorableh 1. Ii et wu d,.neOnee Geo. S-...:. i hi, hirde of followers, , ,'l:ara' trs to the interest li I'. ,:,rty; having been S...:: t i.. ir fl;,rts to defeat ,. ' t i',i,;:n! 1,un 1. e. in the Senate * ._I. t;rlh of December, 1871. 1. i. T1A!,At . copy of these res .- n rwr.ted to the Governlor L. t ::nt (Governor; also that ! " ' lil l,' in the Louisianian I. Ipublican. m h t1,. your cl,.mLittec, :. -,1.m it. A. TOLBEIIT. T. D. FLET'r('H11EI. .T. 8. Ell;l KS,D i :.1.1ll W\ILKEI{ ()N, \V. P'. ;IlIEEN. S,,,retary. h! ti,, ' ,i f W. 1'. Green,. that !ir 4 i,.. lI' ,-ilent of this :,L 1,, . , l :r, ,. vý , , t . alul : va -a' -, -4 the P.,r:-h ELl, ,- tiv, ('oumitt. S.- ,., r.,d v 14,'1t. and J.. T. , at \.,, d,.clar.d vacanll t in ! in l lxcutinveColLunmitt,-e: A. F. 0 l... :i.tni1ou4 ly telheted to ;. aid WV. 1. Green. the Itil, and A. LFrringtoa Se \ ., lnt. I tf \V. 1'. Gree'.n, a motion ' .l!in . J. T. Cl.tjiborn to S' lib: Ih, r.,fus,,le to uimak', e utiutllltt were to be . t. Ii ht refu.ed to speak. T 1:. St ! t 1, h'ltresssed the , 41, , iti,.n if the Re . t i;l a- .tetd to the : 4. ' h, , 1.i 1 i -t hi inperi a t, vt- to rnmove . IW. S4: th, :. . ki e rs Chair. and to , Iust of Representa . ,r wi. juitly entit,.l to '. . 1, 4 rn r ade B, IO . 1. ! s hieartily rece.ived 1'4tu-. A vote of thanks • .ti, (`l,'a]{ r. .,1. Th'I1t the proeeedl .- .ting I. e pl, ul ishiled in .tr. Loisianian and I- p alim, ,li, vn. T. B. BSTAMiPS. I t President. ' . glish actor, Garrick, , , mencement of the 14 "l'w4) ,,r three years pre - 1 his share in Drury I, ,. f.,r thirty-seven thous ' o i, .... after which he ti, stage. It was Dr. . ' ii that Garrick's I the gavetv of na - ivri'hedl the public 1 1l 1lss pleasure." t JThn's Commemoration. - r tr r t - Cf B E R R Y -140ble in the - N .\y. IDiemer 31, ', . 1.. ,oil will cerle " . . I(e,'iiuber27. by 1 .d isphapel( on - r 1111iro1riat services 14, h r, will return S 1 .. r ,.h' nut. will be : . 1 ',enling are noti I. . I , .rn ::r- also cordially < . Fr," i , , i. ' the e.remonies a \\ \ (G. BROWN, ISecretary. THE LOUISIANIAN BOOK AND JOB Printing Establishment, 114..... Carondelet Street ..... 114 : :w On.a L s. We are now prepared to execute every DESCRIPTION -OF SR I 1NJ T I N G, SUCH AS Mammoth Posters, Fancy Show Cards, Railroad Work, Book Work, Stea..boat Work, Busines. Cards, Programmes, Handbills, .:. all k'i:., of MERCANTILE WORK. RULINI AND BOOK-BINDING -OFr EVERY DESCRIPTION Executed with Dispatch. Steamboat Printing. Stcab',oat Officers will find it to their interest to call at our Office and LEAVE THEIR ORDERS. Posters and Handbills IN BLACK AND COLORED INKS, AND OF EVERY SIZE. BILL II [:ADS O. any quality of paper Prices Accordingly. Inuuranc P Piicies and Blanks. r :I1,,..,1 Ticket., Time-Tables. In Lu t, al ki:,l of ,Tob 'Printian c ton h execnted at this Office-not only with DISPATCIH, but on ACCO3IMO DATING TERMS. SA IREP'OSITORY OF FASHION, PLEASURE. AND INSTRUCTION." HARPER'S BAZAR. A .:uii Ini nt containing numerous full sized latterus of useful articles aeconmpa Hies the palper every fortnight. llarr's rBzar contains 16 folio pages of th- :.ize of Ilarpers Weekly, printed on uperfinue calcendred paper, and is pub liohed wcekly. N '-TICEI OF TIlE PREsts. Ii.lrper': Bazar contains, besides pic tur~r, iatterns, etc., a variety of matter of especial 'ue and interest to the family; a•rticlcs on her.dth, dress, and housekeep ing in all its branches; its editorial matter is aaLptel to the circle it is in tended to interest and instruct; and it has, besides, good stories and literary matter of merit. It is not surprising that the journal, with such features, has achieved in a short time an immense success; for someuthing of its kind was desired in thousands of families, and its publishers lhave tilled the dumand. The young lady who, buy a single number of Harper's Bazar is made e. subscriber for hfe.-S-Aw l,,rk E,c ,.'i, P,,t. The Bazar i5 excellent. Like all the periodicals which the Harpers publish, it is ahnost ideally well edited, and the class of for whonm it is intended-the motherM and daughters in average fam iles--cannot but profit by its good sense and good taste, which, we have no doubt, are to-day making very many homes halp pier they may have been before the women began taking lesons in personal and household and social management from this goo)d-natured mentor.- Th, J.:- I SUbscriptions.-1872, Iiartr'. Bazar, ono year..........S 00 Au exctra c 'y of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $1 00. each. in one remittance; or, Six Copies f.or 520 00, without extra copy. Sulbscriptions to IHarper's Magazine, Weekly and Bazar. to one address for one year, $10 (~): or. two of Harpcr's Periodi cals, to one address for one year, $7 00. .7Z- Back numbers can be supplied at any time. Vols. I., II., and ILI. of Harper's Bazar, for the years 1886. '69, '70, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be I sent by express, freight prepaid, for S7 00 each. The postage on Harper's Bazar is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the C subscriber's post office. Address HARPER BBaOTHER, Ihec. 98, '7i. ew York. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. "'nquestieUbly the best sustained work of the kind i the World." HARPERS'8 MASAZINE Notices of the Press. No more delightful travels are printed in the English language than appear per petually in Haapan's M.o.onE. They are read with equal interest and satisfac ,son by boys of every grade from eighteen to eighty. Its scientific papers, while suf ficiently profound to demand the attention of the learned, are yet admirably adapted to the popuiar understanding, and design ed as much to diffme correct information concerning current scientific discovery as it could be if it was the organ of the "'So ciety foe the Diffusion of Useful Knowl edge." The great design of HABPEn's is to give correct information and rational amusement to the great masses of the peo ple. There are few intelligent American families in which HA.nPE' s MAGOAZINE would not be an appreciated and highly welcome guest. Tnere is no monthly Magazine an intelligent reading family can less afford to be without. Many' Maga. zines are accumulate HARPER ' is edit ed. There is not a agazine that is print. ed which shows more intelligent pains ex on its articles and mechanical execution. There is not a cheaper Magazine publish ed. There is not, confessedly, a more pop ular Magazine in the world. - _\t E, glUlad Homestead. It is one of the wonder.s of journalism the editorial management of HARPrn's. -The Ytion. SUBSCRIPTIONS.--1871, . HARPER'S MoAGAIZN, one year .... $ 00 A, Ectre G,py of either the MAoAZneE, WEEKLY, or BlAZ&A will be Splpiid grelti for ecery (Cl') offFIvE SUBSCRIBERS ' $4 00 ear:h, i, oce remitta),c'; or Sixr G,pies for $20, 00, trithoet extra copy. Sbscriptions to HARPEn'a MAGAZINE, WEEKILY, axd BAZAAR, to o»e a,llress for moe year, $10,00; or twro of Harper's Puri olic.ds, to oee address fr one year, ST7,00. Bwtck Nu,,bers can be supplied at any time. A Complete Set of Il.uRtPE's IG..AZINE, now comprising 41 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2 253 per vol u:ne. Sinle l' bnaes, by mail, ,'p,aild. $3 (e. Cloth cases fr bijlding, will be ,j cents, by mail, postpaid. The Postage on HaurPna's M3IaotE is 21 ceunt. a year, which must be pail at the s ,,.','iber's post-office. Address HARPER & BROTIHERS, New York. ". foluplete Pirtorial History of the Times." " Ti.' Be,.4, C',op".,t a,:l mna. ,gc c'.. ftdu Family Pop'r ina the =%NION." -HARPER'S WEEKLY- SPLENDLDLY ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE PREaS. The Ml,,btl ,,rspjler of our country. Complete in all the departments of an American Family Paper, HARPE('s WEEK LY has earned for itself a right to its title, "A Jornss.. or CIuzxATIo.. ' --Ne t,'k The best publication of its class in America, and so far ahead of all other journals as not to permit of any compari son between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest collections of reading matter that are printed. * * Its illustrations are numerous and beauti ful, being furnished by the chief art%,t. of the country.--B,,s'n Tr, vrc,'. Harper's Weekly is the best and most interesting illustrated newspaper. Nor does its value depend on its illustrations alone. Its reading matter is of a high order of literary merit-varied, instruc tive. entertaining, and unexceptionable. Subscriptions-1871. TERMS : ilHarper's Weekly, one y-ear ........l 0t( An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of Five Ss',scribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance; or, six copies for $20 00, without extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodi cals, to one address for one year, $7 00. B- Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of HARPER'S WEEKLY, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for 67 00 each. A complete Set, comprising Four teen Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5 25 per voL, freight at ex pense of purchaser. Volume XIV ready January Ist, 1671. The postage on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's poet office. Sir Address HaREU A BUOTHERS, New York. 8 TEAJMBOATS. CAIRO. -o ST. Louis AN NEw OarzwE PAcKr COMP.AýY. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Illinois Central Railroad Packets. . FOR MEMRHPIS, CAIRO and the Bends-The flue passenger steamers of this line will leave as follows: Giving through bills of lading to all points on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, Nashville and Northwestern ·Jallroad, and Memphis and Ohio Rail road-also to St. Louis. Through Tickets furnished at lowest rates to all points East, West and North, by all the various routes via Memphis, Cairo and St. Louis. St'lterooms se cured at General Office, 104 Common treet. A. A. WOODS, General Agent, 104 Common Street. C. G. WAYNE, Freight Agent, 37 Natchez Street, JOHN N. BOFINGER. Pre.ident, Bills of lading for all freights over the Illinois Central Railroad; signed at the office of JAMES T. TUCKER, apl. 6-tf 26 Carondelet Street. MERCIAcrs' SOLtraEN PACKET CosrPAy.y. iFoR ST. Lorts, CArno, ME~sPHIS and the Bends The steamers of this line will leave as follows, at 5 P, MI. Giving through bills of lading over the Illinois Central Railroad to al points on Arkasasa, White and Cumb erland rivers. Through bills of lading and passenger tickets issued to all points on the Upper Mississippi. as high as St. Paul. Plans of cabin may be see and state rooms secured on application to STEVENSON & VERLANDER. Agents, 135 Gravier street. JOHN F. BAKER, President. Bills of lading over the Illinois Cent ral Railroad signed only at the office of JAS. T. TUCKER. 26 Carondelet street. NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO AND THE WEST. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD AND Blue Line, Via Cairo, .WILL TAKE FREIGHT From New Orleans on first class steamers, LEAVFIN DAILY, AT 5 P. M., FOR CAIRO, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, WEST AND EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. All rates and all through bills of lading from New Orleans by above route given, signed and recognized only at the General Office of the Com pany, No. 26 Carondelet Street. Shippers by this route save all dray age and transfer charges at Cairo, and their goods are always under cover, and no charges are made for forwarding. JAMES T. TUCKER, General Agent. ST. LOUIS. For St. Louis, Cairo and Memphis. The Steamer KATIE, J. M WarrE, LMaster; will leave New Orleans for above ports on SATUTIDAY, SATURDAY. Juni 10; June 21; SATURDAY, SATURDAY, July 8; July 22. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. JANNEY, No. 150 Common Street. A. A. GREEN, No. 196 Common Stree Where a plan of the cabin can be seen BATON ROUGE. New Orleans. Coa~t, B:ton Rouge:and Grosse Tete Rail road semi-weekly plsen ger packet T1. JOHN. V. R. GREATNOUsr, Mastor JAxEs McEanor, Clerk, Will leave New Orleans every SAToErAr, at 5 P. M., andWz.nESDAT, at 5 P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to E. . O MEIzLcoN, 11 Conti street MILLINTERY ESTABLIISHMENT. FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF MILLINEERY GOODS of every description, just receivel at u...CHARTBES STREET...29 etween Canal and Cuatomhome Nzw Omarss. MILLIYERY STORES. MRS. A. M.PARRISH FIRST PREMIUM iO.t31 CANAL STREET, New Orleans, La. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of Gents' Under clothing; alsoBase Ball Club and Firemen's UniformM3ade to order. BRANCH OF THE NEW YORK Emporium of Fashion FOR LADIES. Represented by Mrs. A. Goodale and rs. K. E. Linroin. FURNISHING GOODS OF ALL KINDS, FROM HEAD DRESS TO HOSIERY, SUITS IN GRFAT VARIETY, Wrappers Single or Double, Undercloth ing of every description, Night Dresses, Trail and Walking Skirts, Chemise, Drawers, Sacks, Over Skirts, Aprons, &Ac. Orders taken for wedding Outfits, Chil drens and Infants' Wardrobes, suits and Dresses in the Latest Styles, and supplied at short notice. .The TRADE supplied at Yew York prices. Sample Room, No. tl Canal st., AT MRS. A. M. PARRISH'S FIRST PREMIEUM SHIRT MANIFACTORY. /'Orders respectfully solicited. Mrs. A. GOODALE, Mrs. K. E. LINCOLN. BOOKTSELLER.S', STA TIONERS .AL..Ar t~iO:m91.,l COSMOPOLITAN NEWS DEPOT, STATIONERY, BOOKS, ETC., A). 94, EchIange Alley, between Bhia cille and G(,ti Streets, Nw Or leaa . All the large Northern and Western dai lies. S More than one hundred and sixty diff. erent publications received and sold. Subscriptions received to all periodical publications. Subscribers will be accountable for the subscription as long as they do not send back the paper, or notify otherwise. CAIRPENTERS, FURNITURE, d'c JULIU . P. BROWN. HOUSE CARPENTER Caz.e ST. Bet 1 ILa.xy & RoBEzrNos ST's. Jobbnbg. Attended to Punctually. The Mitchell & Ramellsberg FURNITURE CO., -LLN'FACTURERS AN'D DEALEERS IX ALL ZL'DS OF FURNITURE, MATTR ASSES, LCOKING GLASSEr,, &e., 103 and 103 Camp street, corner Poydras, * ORESQUE BUILDINO, NEw OaRLEss. ST. PHIUP STORE, 230 ROYAL ST.. CORNER. ST. PHILIP, New Orlesa. g. A. CIIAPELLA, --CASH DEALER IN Staplesad Iaity Dry *eeds, TPIMMINGS AND JAATS ,T AT AUCTON PR1(s SDAT'OOIL S 'CLOTHLIG. PARTIES WHO BUY FIRST (LASS DRY GOODS -FOn CASH Will find their money spent more to their satisfaction at BRASEL:MAN& ADAM'S CASH HOUSE THAN ELSEWHERE. A Glance through their immense stock --IF--- Silks, Satins, Real Poplins, Plaids, Serges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Emp. Cloths, Formosas, Arabs, Jackets, Shawls Sackings Cleaking, Cloths, Flannels, Lase, Embroide ries, Gloves, Corsets, Vel vets, Ribbons, Parasols, Fans, Etc., Etc., Etc. WILL CONVINCE. 586...............and............ .588 Magazine street, cor. St. Andrew, MISCELLANEOUS. THE PEOPLES COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Lepzatmaseta of Straight Universily. Located over the Freedmens Savings Bannk, 114 Carondelet St. OPEN DAY AND EVENING, NO VACATION. The old and young can enter at this. Institation any day, no distinction made in regard to race or color. The design of the Institution, is to furnish opportunities to those wishing a rapid, thoroagh and practical business edu cation, fifty to one hundred per cent. saved by students, by taking the rapid commercial course. Parties having or dinary ability, who have entirely ne glected their education now have the opportunity to qualify themselves for almost any position in the State, in an incredible short time. From two to three months is all that requires to complete the commer al course. Terms duced to suit the times. For further information call at the College, or address Prof. A. T. Selever, PrincipaL REMOVAL TO 167 ..CANAL STREET.....167 FROM No. 9 CAMP STREET. Manufacturers and Dealers IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Trunks, Valises and Bags, We repectfully give notice that they have rembved to the large and centrally located No 167 Canal Street, Near Dauphine. WINIFIELD & COOPER. PAINTING, GLAZING, CALSOMINING, GRANTILING, FRESCOING, GRANING, SIGN PAINT ING,'WALL PAPERING. Omice No. 84 Dryades Street, Near Union Street TIlE PEOPLE'S BOO0 AND THE BOOK OF THE DAY. JUST OUT. The Louisiana Magistrate. A GUIDE OF DAILY USE TO THE JUDGE, THE PARISH OFFI CER, THE LAWYER, THE BUSINESS MIAN, AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. Containing the most necessary informs. ion on questions of every day use, AND COMPLETE SET OF FORMS FOB ALL CONTRACTS OF EVERY DAY OCCURRENCE For sale by BARRETT, SEYMOUR & C(O., General Stdasrss and law Puheishers, mh30. tL No. 60 Camp stlet. P. & ETHELL4 UElIAglWISE, FLOUR PROVISION BBOS53, IOL.PO~BRAh ArBauuT...lo10 &L Ta S. ....IOBX.UL tUbi bhm - - ZO?7ERIES. ImMllh RATE 1ilRTI C(OIPA Inoorporstsd August17, 1868 CHARLES T. NOW ARD .. Panmmzsr SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY, Sr.zaon ScsxuM! OIL.T 0,000 Nusasm. CaPrrrA Par - - - - $50,000. CLAS4 R, TO BE DRAWN IN NEW ORLEANS ON Saturday, Be'ater A, 1871, HOWARD, 8IMMONDS &CO., Contr'c. SCHEME : 20,000 rsuxnze-ucnm ors r $20. 1 prize of $50,000 is. ....$50,000 1 prize of 30,000 is........ 30,000 1 prize of 20,000 is........ 20,000 1 prize of 10,000 i......... 10,000 1 prize of 9,000 s.......... 9,00 1 prize of 8,000 is........... 8000 1 pre of 7,000 is........ 7,000 1 prizeof 600s.......0 6,000 prize of 5,000 il......... 6,000 1 prize of 4,000 is.......... 4,000 1 prize of ,000 is.......... ,000 1 prize of 2,000 in.......... 8,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prie of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prizv of 1.000 1 plze of 1,000 1 prise of 1,000 I prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 are $25,006 1 prize of 1,000` 1 prize of 1,000 1 prizeof 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 I prize of 1,090 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 50 prizes of 500 are 25,000 317 prizes of 500 are 63,450 440 prizes amounting to $280,450 Whole tickets $20; shares in proportion. Prizes payable in full without deduction. Orders to be addressed to. CHS. T. HOWARD, Lock Box 692 Postoffice, New Orleans. Send Postofice Money order or Register your Letter. I Sta9g & ' ('eil PATENT ATTORNEYS AND DEALER IN ALL THE and most Uefttul Patents of the age. We beg to call public attention to the fact that we are now prepared to fill or di'rs for the latest novelties in the line of patented goods, and are constantly adding to our large stock, such articles of merit as the inventive spirit of the a produces, and the progressive temper the times demands. The Southern Coun try especially, needs these labor-saving inventions; to our friends in the country extend an invitation to call and examine our stock of oUsEHo oL AND rams UYnx Inventors can obtain information through our Agency, of the course to be pursued in obtaining patents, the monwa OPKraD o0 TO 2 PATEiT OmICx, Govern ment fees, Ae., Ae. Appliesations made, and Caveats lied, speedily and effectively through our office, AND ALa s COST TO TIX fWINTroz, than personal applicution at Washinston. For eircular addrean STAGG & O'NEILL, 180 Canal Street. New Orleans. Mrs. G. E. Craig, Fashionable Milliner, 283 Poydras steet. -:O: 8 Bonnets, Ilegalias, Flags and Rosettes. Society work done to order. 600. 500. 600. 600. HOME WASHItERS, HOME WASHERS, HOME WASHERS, Sold within the Past Two Months under a Full Guaantee, Not one returned Not one complaint. Speaks for itselt In Opartion Daily at the Depet,iNo. 176 Caral street. PRICE $18. New Orlens Nos Home annfsctang Oompaly. G CASENAVT. maD aaTann *#R' 051J47& r c~mai~ug a-. ~