Newspaper Page Text
IF WE WOULD. If we would but check the speaker, When he spoils a neighbor's fame, If he. would but help the erring, Ere we utter words of blame: If we would, how many might we Turn from paths of sin and shame. Ah! the wrongs that might be righted, If we would but see the way! Ah! the pain that might be lightened Every hour and every day, If we would but hear the pleadings Of the hearts that go astray. Let us step outside the stronghold Of our selfishness and pride; Let us lift our fainting brothere: Let us strengthen ere we chide: Let us, ere we blame the fdllen, Hold a light to cheer and guide. Ah, how blessed! ah, how Llessed Earth would be, if we but try Thus to aid and right the wea4cr, Thus to aid each brother's sigh; Thus to walk in duty's pathway, To our better life on high. . RIDE FOR LIFE. There occred on the Oregon and California railroad, between this city and Salem, one of the most' thrilling railroad incidents we have ever heard of. The following par ticulars, furnished by an eye-witness, may be relied upon as true : When the down train came near one of the stations on the road, it was running at full speed, in order to make up time, as it was a few minutes behind. The road at this point runs through a cut something more than a mile in length, and in entering it the road makes a curve so that the engineer cannot see en tirely through it. He had hardly gotten into the cut before he saw a woman riding leisurely through it, and with perfect nonchalance using the centre of the track. She was not more than half way through the the cut, and barely a quarter of a mile ahead of him. He immediately whistled "down brakes," and then sounded the warning. The woman, hearing the peculiar death-whistle of the locomotive, looked over her shoulder and saw the train rushing at her. She did' not shriek, nor faint, nor give up all hope, but, like a true Webfoot, her courage rose equal to the emergency, and without a moments hesitation, she commenced swinging her riding whip from one shoulder of her steed' to the other, thereby urging him to exert his utmost speed. The whip, and perhaps the shreiking of the steam whistle, caused the animal ridden by the lady to do his best, and he made about as rapid time as any animal ever seen in Oregon; but each instant the iron horse gained upon the one composed of blood and muscle. The shrieking of the locomotive's whistle caused the passengers to look out of the windows and upon their discovering what was the mat ter the wildest excitement ensued. Several jumped forward and seized the bell-rope, and commenced pull ing it as if they could stop the train by that means. The brake men were exerting all their strength I on the brakes, and the engineer! had cut off the connection and was doing a.l t.?.'.th io iew to stop the train, while the woman was doing her best to make that bit of horse- I flesh rise to the speed of a "Helm bold,"' but all in vain the loco motive kept gaining on the horse ind its rider, and there was hardly , ters on the train who did not expect that"th the woman and horse would be killed. There was perhaps thirty feet' intervening between the cowcatcher and the horse's heels when. !Cr tunately for the woman, she ob served a place which was a little wider than usual and with a steady rein, she guided the fleeing horse from the track and endeavored to press him against the wall of the cat in order that the train might pae by without injury. In doing this the woman was encouraged by Mr. Sam. Winans, the conductor, who had run forward and had got out on the locomotive. A few Eeconds only passed by when the fiery monster poked its nose past the rump of the herse. At this moment Mr. Winans threw his whole force ainst the animal and held him unt? the train stopped, and then a rowing cheer of gratifi cation and joy at the escape of the woman from a terrible death was given.-Portland (Orepon) Buletin. W'At an Indiana railroad break fast table a few days ago a traveler from the east handed to one of his fellow-travellers a plate of sauugs; whereupon the question was asked, "Is it pfle?" To which it we plied, "Thisis a prolio bod coun try, and it is ef to sauu where eaer og is ahea)r te ti ·. Fe. ad rFaey. -A Miserly bailiff, in England came into poseessionof a baronetey, and, desiring an appropriate "coat of arns," adopted one, represent ing a tin plate, over which was placed a fork, signifying "fork over the tin." -A lady wished a seat. A port ly, handsome gentleman brought one and seated her. "Oh, you are a jewel," said she, "Oh no," replied he, "I am a jeweller-I have just set the jewel." -When a miser was asked what he gave to the poor, he testily re plied, "What I give is nothing to nobody." "Well you say you've put all my baggage safe, what are you waiting for ? I thought you were forbidden to take money." Porter-"So we is sir, we never 'takes it-it is 'given' to us !" -"Pa, didn't you whip me for biting Tommy ?" "Yes myehild, you hurt him very much indeed." "Well then, pa, you ought to whip mamma's music teacher, too, for he bit mamma right in her mouth, and I knew it hurt her, because she put her arms around his neck and tried to choke him." -"Wife, wife, 'what has become of the grapes ?" "I suppose, my dear, the hens picked them off," was her moderate reply. "Hens-hens -some two-legged hens, I guess," said her husband with some im petuosity, to which she calmly re plied, "My dear, did you ever see any other kind ?" -"Well, Mr. Robinson and how does your son get on with his violin ?" "Astonishingly ; there were fourteen of us playing together last night and he took the lead." "Capital-admirable !" "Yes, and he kept it so well that none of us could catch him !" -"Sam, I have lost my watch overboard-it lies in twenty feet of water. Is there any way to get it ?" "Yes, of course there is." "How, Sam ?" "Why, divers' ways, to be sure." -An Irishman being called to testify in Court, as a witness, was told by the clerk to hold up his hand. The man immediately held up his left hand "Hold up your right," said the clerk. "Please your honor," said the witness, still keep ing up his left hand, "Please y~ u honor, I am left handed !" "How does your newly purchased horse anss er ?" "I really don't know, for I have never asked him a question !" -"You told me, neighbor Twist, when I paid Tim in advance, on his promising to work for me in haying time, that I should find him as good as his word." "To be sure I did, for I always knew his word was good for nothing." -"Pat do you love your country3' "Yes, yer honor." aWhata's the best thing about onld Ireland, Pat?" "The whiskey your honor." "Ah, I see, Pat, with all her faults you love her still." ~-"Gentlemen" said a tavern keeper to his guests, at midnight, "I don't know whether you have I talked enough or not, bu. as for mn self, I am going to shut. p. .,ionable visitor thus ad dressed a little girl: "How are you, my dear ?" "Very well, I thank you ?" she replied. The visitor then added, "Now, my dear, you should ask me how I am." The child simply and honestly replied, "I don't want to know." -That must be a foolish, rash woman who will put tubs out doors to catch soft water when it is rain ing hard. -"If I were so unlucky" said an officer, "as to have a stupid son, I would certainly, by all means, make him a parson." A clergyman, who was in the company, calmly replied, "you think differently, sir, from your father." -"Have you dined ?" said a lounger to his friend. '"I have upon my lwnor," replied he "ThenIm," replied the flirst, '"if you dined upon your honor, I fear you have made a sety mal." -W -ir the smes" aked an idle IIw, 'df amn working him ..rL dh to get a living." BAILBOADs. SPECIAL NOTICE. ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD. THE ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE To St. Louis, Chicago, Omaha, San Francisco, St Paul, Kansas City, Leav enworth, St Joseph, And all Points Nortb, Ertt and West. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS leave the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad Depot daily, at 7 A.ML. and 5 P. M. AN EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the foot of Canal street daily at 8 A. M., via the New Orleans, Mobile and Chattanooga Railroad, making close connections at Mobile with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to all points North, East and West. For tickets apply to A. D. SHELDON. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northen Railroad, corner Camp and Common streets, under City Hotel ; or to W. BEDELL. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Mobile and Chatanooga Railroad No. 150 Com mon street, under St. Charles Hotel J. H. WINGFIELD. General Superintending Agent St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE AND CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. The Mobile division of this road will be opened for business on Mloday, November 21, 1570, and passenger trains will run as follows : Leave New Orleans, from the foot of Canal street, for Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Mississippi City, Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Pascagoulaand Mobile at 8 o'clock A. M. Arrivive at Mobile at 2:30 o'clock P. M., connecting at Mobile with the MOBILE AND OHIO, and the MO BILE AND MONTGOMERY RAIL ROADS for all points OJR TII, EAST AND IVES T. Leave Mobile for New Orleans at 11:20 A. M. Arriving at C:10 P. M. Fare Between New Orleans and Mobile. Five iilars. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS RUN EACH WAY DAILY. Freight received at New Orleans, at the foot of Julia street before 4:30 P. M,. delivered at Mobile early next morning. FREIGHT AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. For further information, call at the General Office of the company, rooms one and two, up stairs. STORY BUILDING, corner Camp and Common streets. J. R. KENDRICI, General Superintendent. TRAVELLERS,_ATTENTION: The New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern and Mississippi Central Railroads. Run their Pa.senger Coaches and Bag gages Cars, their combined length without cLange. BAGGAGE CHECKED FROM RE RIDENCE TO DEa TINATIQN. The 7 . 9. ExpressTrail runs aily, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Makes close connections for Vicksburg, Mem phias, St. Louis, Chicago, Louisville, and all points beyond, Sleeping cars at night, Canton to Grand Junction and Humboldt. The nsil Train leases New realsl Daily, at ) P, 1, Makes schedule connections with Light ning E tprastrine, to all pointsNORTH, EAST and WEST. Carries the great North Mail Time to New lwk, 70 Haus. New and elegantly fitted up Sleeping Cars run to Humboldt, Tennessee, Cleve land, Tennessee, and Louisville, Kentuc Express Train South arrives at 1:30 & . Mail Train South arrives at 11.05 A. M. Ticket Odoi, Galveston, Iron Building. Ticket Omces, New Orleans, under City Hotel, Cor. Camp and Common streets, and at Depot E. Q. SEWALL, General Superintendent; J. B. MOREY, Geeral Ticket Agent New Orlesam, Jackson and Great Neuetbe Riesod. E. D. FROST, GenemlSuperisteRdent b. a xeasal, O a 'est As et. used. ~s cntra aeBalua. no etrPP flem 'PamingerwA t -NETf ADVERTISEMENTS. THE INDIA RUBBER COMB CO. N1o. 9, II &13 Mercer Street, NEW YORK, .Sle asaufactnren, uder Gmodyear's ad Ieyer's Fatents, -o- INDIA RUBBER COMB8, Dressing Combs. Long Combs. Twist Combs. Fine Tooth Combs, [A variety of Elegant Fancy Patterns.] Pocket Combs. Ridding Combs. Hair Pins. ALSO, SOLE MAN.UFACTUREIRS -Otf COMBINATION SIDE COMBS [MlADE rYDEE FArLr's PArarr.] The sale of any Combination Side Combs, no matter of what material made, unless sold under a license from us, is prohibited by law. CAMeas A. DAA, Eater. A Newpaper et oae Premeos Timea. Ieseeded eer raele New a sue.h Indeitag Paruase Mehesies. Merchsats, Pro. tmal MIIaWeebaeTatkera, and all Man ner of Hoarnest Flka, and the Wive, ons and Dauster of all aee. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR? ONE HUNDRED O0PIES !OR $60. Or less than One Cent a Copy. Let thre be a SO Club as every Past oee. bEI-WIEELY SUN, 6S A TYAR, of the sam e sad general character as TRE WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of nlaellaneoos reading, and tfrnishina the news to Its sna lerte with greater frerbneis. beasn. e It stoes twice a weea lastea of once only. TUE DAILY SUN, 6 YEAR. Speemnasntlty r eadsle , w neweerw tee lersatt ataltoa as the erld Free. bade dent. and fealess In p.uts. All he onews im everywhre. Two scar e OOpy ; by maal, aents a aa. or a yearV TERMS TO CLUBS THE DOLLAR WEEKLY StUN. FIve copis, me year, ar ea sdserd r~E .. I lard. Tea coe MMone year, .9ead a extra aopy to saw ut i o ?)d. S Eigh kDllars. T==t se ope, s , ieperaty l addreese en - era osopy wo tihe tr p not ab). OFifeISSIODiEANTS. SB~.eone tear, toae . adO tand the 'i "ýe Cueyear toister a r pf eob), -Tiu.sre.- Deliere. Frta eoape one Tear. repaeruy aeteawI (cen toe Semn1wcel>,toe1e rn i 1 o ~atb, Cn handred es "see yeer, to se sadidre One hundred -e-e--. or. jesperesely ad. sdres ad tLe DfeZrenestar to tes ette THE SENI.WEEKLrT SN. rive copies, one yea, ar, rscLa COMMISSI etra Cpy to getter ep ANT db) _-. S N Y O U R D.PI o( l a rs. N14 D C Oaro o let t., Liber'! Adcanhes made N,5 monsin- . hesi Prome .t0teonves t'A o al sales t o . a p eA , Pobt s Pintr C'OSBIIIRSSIO ADBER(IANDS. 'T P. e. S. P:caci, La RD. C. AnoiW, a FO or'c'is, L.CS. BeRndr, LDAcI p PDiCHBACb , & Anl TOJEe COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Baw a onnutBi, soit. diber.i! .4(cancs d naqely L tan ntrwands, Ceasrin fanrs, cers Pc. T.sPignpi Lre r cooie . y Tnsl.e astr sooWi as hepp, iales oterwid, e nsorudtd On te Bill of Lamditang.a. VICKSBURCG AD BENDS. Leaveas on gATbDoY, at 5 P. 1!l ta , PMqand, Carolina Pilchei Point. Conkeb rgt Gnd lu with aJoekeph, ford and llinterntedirte and Coast llinse. The new and magniflaont steamer T. P. Lr A r ma ..........Master. For fright or p g appt n bosod JiO, mnNERY, Ageat, 150 Cammon Ibteet WdLTHAM WATCHES. THE BALANCE WHEEL @1 A ' WALTHAM WATCH arnls 4 times a second, 240 times a minute, 14,400 times an hour, 345,600 times a day, 292,00 times a week, 10,368,000 times a month, 126,144,000 times a year. MORE IS EXPECTED OFA WATCH, THAN AXY OTHER KIXD OF MACHERY. It must not only run uld day, butal ni,ht ; not only on weekdis, but on Sundays and Holidays. It must run hanging up or lying down--pside down or right side up. It must keep running when the wearer sits down or stand up, When he walks or rides. In fact, it is eapecded to do its duty at all times, in every place and in srvry position. A Genuine Waltham Watch will fulfil all these requirements. I wound once a day, it will faithfully tick for you a hundred and twenty-six million times in a year, without even requiring fresh oil all that time. A Genuine Waltham Watch cosrnrz 5 Spring, 9 theels, 51 Screws, and 98 other parts making aling ether 136 separate pieces. ALL GENUINE WALTHAM Watchem have sevens Jewoele. rTE EXTIA JEWILLUD NAVE ELUVZN JEWEL THi FULL JEWELLED NAVE YIFTL E JWELS. Every part of a Waltham Watch is made by machinery, The machinery used in making the movement of a single watch coast over a Hundred Tnousand Dollars, yet we sell these Watches, in a solid Silver Hunting Case, for $18 The same watch could not be made by hand and finisheds as perfectly for TEs Tnxas as ecus. A Genuine waltham Watch Is ihterchangeable, like a Springfield rifle that is, any part of one Watch is exactly like the same part in another ; and if ten Watches of one grade were taken apart, and the screws, wheels, springs, &c., were mixed together, ten watches could be made by putting these parts together again, withuot any reference to their former combination. This is a GREAT ADVANTAGE; For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is injured we can always replace it at a Trfling Expense. A IENUNE WALTHAM WATCH Is made with special reference to DURABILITY Other Watches will ran for a year or two, f an require constant repairs ; but e A. WJalthaam Watch WIL ZL= V FAITHFULLY FOR MANY YEARS. We sell these Watches, IN SOLID SILVER HUNTING $ CASES ........................ $18 , IN SOLID GOLD HUNTING CASES, $70 We have prepared an ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST, which describes the various grades of a Watches in detail, gives the weight and P quadity of the Cases, and all other inform. - ation necessary for an intelligent selection. We wish every one would send fr it I before ordering a Watch. Writefor it as follrows : Messrs. Howan & Co., d,. 785 BrDoade ', ,ero YAk : J'IeCse send ,ae your Jhskleled Price List 4f Waultna I~i:ches, as per alrcr tissment on Tax LoaIuwUas. (Sign name and addlrees in full) WITHOUT EXPENSE, on We have sent out WV W Thousmand of these Watches upon tht conditions, and haveonly bee as ked to reJhnd the money in three eases,and not one oftheue was on aooount of disstibcton with the Watch, but beauser the parties needed the money mOe. Wi zavi we Assomts, A~ o prc a u r e ssa To Au.. A mmar or Ousaow ou ans cax sur a Wsax curso ve hJD Er wuz. cc m mu woseman Tn i as ure Ex Nsw Toa. AL1 s a 1 nsAu m ns Paxc LilT. SPECIAL NOTICE. wi Do aOT sm. Waltibm Watehes in ay Iitsaion~ Gilt, Plated, Oide, Filled Csesw whevr (thbee am a oter manes IDo me w nemmn Silver). The Waltham Watch is wothy of a sid Gold or Bilver Cas, and we do not prapse to mllit in ay oth. ( Lnu vasr ea wso ar Pca LD . Jaam e a u, wa asmeaww. am Is. WATCHMAKERS, ETC. -DZuann 1- GOLD AND SILVER WA T CHES, And Fine Gold Jewelry. Keep always on hand all classes and patterns of Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Glasses changed and sent to any part of the country. Watch repairs done promptly and warranted. Address orders to , PAI'L GRANZIN, 112 Carondelet Street, Feb. 16 ly NEw Orx ra.s. 5O. GOOD $8. WATCHES AT L PESI1 AS THE SOLE AGENTS in the United States for the LIVERPOOL WATCH CO., we are authorized by them to close out a large line of European Watches, l Chains. etc., now in stock, for Cash, at prices never before known. All beautiful in finish, artistic in design, reliable or acourate time, durable, and of the lates style. Every Watch will be retailed at less than cost of importation, and forwarded securely packed, prepaid, to any part of the country on receipt 'of price. Money can be sent to us by Express, with or ders for Express Co.. to return Goods or Cash, which will secure promptness and safety to purchaser. Among our list will be found. A BEATIFUL ENGLISH SILVER, SOLID DO(BLE CASE WATCH, genuine English full plate jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, steel cut hands, engine turn nerl, correct and serviceable article, large or small size in complete running order, wiih an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and key, all complete, mailed free for FIVE DOLLARS. A VERY HANDSOME WATCH in fine 18 karat Gold plated Double Casses imitation of $100 Gold Watch-engraved or plain, genuine English, full plate' jeweled movements, adjusted regulator. correct, and in complete running o,-t der with elegent Gent's Vest Chain, withLocket and Key, mailed pre-paid for only EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. The Oride Gold Watch, IN MASSIVE ORIDE GOLD Double Hunting Magic Spring Cases, elegantly engraved, or engine turned, Genuine Patent Lever movements, fell jeweled, regulated and warranted to keep correct time, and wear equal to Gold, preci sely like in appearance, make, finish, brilliancy of color. $200 Gold Watch. One of these splendid Watches will be forwarded by mail free to any address, in handsome morocco case, lined with velvet and'satin. (Ladies' or Gent's size Wtch, for only TWELVE DOLLARS. Watches for'Holiday Presents manufac turted to order. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES of all grades, in Gold and Silver Cases, from $18 up to $200. Other Good Watches equally low. With every Club of six Watches, of any kind, we send one extra of same kind free, as a premium to getter up of the Club. A superior stock of Ge nuine Oride Gold Chains, $2 to $6 each, warranted fully equal to Gold in brilliancy of color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 col lected on delivery, if desirp4 1ll Bills of a $12, and less, mnust becash in P. ,. Money Orders, or Registered Letters, at our risk. Goods carefully selected, packed and forwarded pre-paid by mail, or by '1 Express, or receipt of price. Safe delivery3- a of all goods guarenteed. Watches forward- 1 ed to be examined to parties known I when express charges both ways are paid. No goods forwarded west of the Mississippi I River, with bill to collect mo delivery. Purchasers must pay all express charges on goods sent C. O. D.: abl for return of money. All Cash ordem forwarded free of charges to destinatia . Catalogues Free. Address all orders. CHAS. P. NORTON CO., Importers of Watches, etc. 1 Established lb57. 6 Name St., N. Y. No. 34-tf. ,E,) R E IIJ TE, Lock-Smlith & Bedl*,n2ger !IO ft Aillle FITTED ?K 206, COMMON STLEEET, NEW ORLEANS. Ar Presses repaired, Bls and Gong Hoeaes, 9 and Stemboeats Fitted a COOED 8LAMrS ULOM. GEORGE TAYLOR. NO. 91 FRONT LEVEE, THIRD DISTRICT, Boardig a.d Ledging Goao. oxoc. as.?. lOsDeAr1 . GIGNAC & JOURDAIN, Camma Cowns a Vuna., No. 239. ALWAYS ON BAND EGbIm, smuius, beas, TI, ? btaiel, Ikl. m py~ial m ti. emm ~wnp m~ . {R Y QOOIA6 eo ýa T M ltJOasIL-8O BIT Sgem E3IPORIULM n l163. .. C.ANAL STREET, 2 FIRST FLOOR: DRY GOODS, GENrTS FtR SECOND FLOOR: LADIES ROOM FOR SIIAWa ( AND WRAPS. THIRD FLOOR: CARPETS, MATTING AND A visit to the store will r, persons wishing to buy cheapl. tgoods. 110.... CANAL STREET f Near St. Charles, NEW ORLE, ,L, L. r I MEN'S AND BOI|' et81IlB " S(O HIS owr M.s l tjBOYS AND CHILDREN CLOTHING. IEN'S AND BOS' SilRITS IA.E TIl Every Article Marked Plain Figures. Goods sold on "one price" cy,.: any article purchased which fas:, satisfaction can be returtned and te ey will be refunded. S& iModerate Prices and r Stock to select from are sc.c the inducements offered at B. T. WALSHE' PREII.I SHIRT 1ND LOThIIS EVi' 110 Canal St., near St. ('ha.:: 1oew Orleanza. -0- N. B.-Letter Ord, rs rsceive I r, attention and filled C. 1. D. it i,.. *$7I ]lvery W~Tioe MADE EASY, We want Smart and Enereetic A4- utrodnee o'.r popul.,r an I justly 2I: . ted inventions, in ,very I:r,v Indispewn 4ble to Every I ounsehtold; They are highly approvtd of, t:,!(: and aoltud by Lldis. ',/.oi,;, i ;r'ta.. .. d1 now a GII E.EAT AT;1 ITE with tL'm. Every Family will Purchase On of more of them. Somethin- th": ,t merits are apparent at a GLANCE. MIILLINERS. DRESSMAKERS, A.,d ell w-ho 'ep F.ACYI sT:87 will fi" our excellent aru'"" (', IRAPIDLY, girvt wlrfu " nuon and netting msa 11ll -ort.ae3' to all Dealers and Agoutt. Country IyI fkts F're to all who deira engagin~ in 3; .'I Respei and Prbi itel'e ..isi,'"'t - mine time doing goodl to their nions in life Sample $2A11. sIt ~it mail on receipt of price. SED r WHOLESALE CIBCULALB AD Jlctorta Manufactlrit g " 17 PARK PLACE. NEW ToUR COMPANY. Manutheturers, Importer ad Jobbers, -or Rubber G* OF EVEBY rLCBIVO CLOTHING, BOOTS AND 8HOES, BELTING, PACKING A ENAMELED ClOTH PIANO COVEBS BALL TO 8T Le. 363 Baoar w coa. FWZLnm. ' "' 6a La Ia em C, sC3cA F. K. SHEPPA ' J. A. M onrr, Secreti