Newspaper Page Text
MIRRIED. Janary 4th, 1872 in the city ,rollton, Parish of Jefferson the First Colored Baptist by the Rev. Geo. Step *lIc Thos. Peterson, to Mts. buth of Carrollton La. Carrollton La., January 6, 1872. eve of Jan. 4, I repaired the invited guests to the o. Peterson's church in Car witness the marriage cer :w, Riv. Thos. Peterson, E-);ells. After waiting Se titbride and bridegroom r inely attired and with , rus attendants. Like b)rtly after came the Rev. tfptoe, who performed the ce remony in the presence and crowded congrega nuch so that the church was r rthowing. 1 A. F. Munroe, was very ac arranging the preliminaries l:occasion. There was refresh :a abundance at the church Se iarre assembly. 1eli:itely after the ceremony Dude and bridegroom repaired r.-rlence of the Rev. Peter . a carriarge, attended by a aumber of Ministers and invi * ret'. Everything was done * end order and fine style; so the whoie exercise was long to SrFset.hered. Ev rth g passed off "gajy as e rarriae bell." May peace, rpenrand happiness attend the u;e through this vale of sorrow, 1 s;r cre wish of your many, AN INVITED GEr ROoCmD 1rN-M1 OF THE SENATE. -o----- :C(OND SESSION OF THE Mad General Assembly OF THE : OF LOUISIANA. .,rood Day's Session. SENATE CHAMBER, Tuesday, January 2, 1872. } h nate met pursuant to adjourn *nt-lion. P. B. S. Pinchback, :,.tnt Governor and President of .ut,. and Messrs. barber, But '.bell. Gallup, Harris, Hunsa al-. Kelso, Lynch, McMillen, lRagan, Swords, Twitchell, -13. jr *idlnt announced that there run present. I Millen offered the following That the Sergeant at-Arms ':.,. tamnts he and they are here * trmod and ordered to arrest all tie were absent when the -e wallid this morning, and hold W custody until the next meeting n 'tl sould the Senate not x-'tonat thetie the arrest as aid compel the attendance of *roay he thus arrested at the i5S1 tf the Senate. rl. That the Sergeant at-Ar's overed. with the approval of *k1nt cf the Senate, toappoint ~-s'rg,,nts-at-arms and employ a- many be neeessary to thiii object. Which was I keyr moved that the Senate Suntil four o'clock P.M. I aLof the reoess hawing explred atewas called to orer by the Bar,, r. Butler, Oallup,Harris, or Jenks, Lynch, Noland, 1. 'l it anntounced that there kr odthtthe Senate luti to rrow at tweie o' eintthen announeed tlist Lt- stood adjourned until to Stwelve o'clock )I. (hAs. IT. 11ERRTIT, Scretary of tbe Senate. Loe1 son are you, my little l ainIt nobody's son m apton s nelphew, sir.' t barber who dressed the ' 'are has been enae t5ocs of a eanal. C an admitted fact that one doanot nake a summer, eat can make a Mprang. "s ay1'ng "that thor. h Lc leather," is justified by * *~tfat it i9 our sole reijaine. armi New York, goe Sis too lazy tot I - . V - m 0 lj m " Or THE P House of Representatiety eoonrl Gener ' As STATE OF LOUISIANA. keal Day's Prceedilep. BoOMr " Ra=asUwaes, Timeday. January !, 1871 The House met pureuant to ad adjournment. Speaker Carter in the chair. The roll was called and the fol lowing members answered to their names: Meurs. Carter,. Abel, Antoine, Baker, Barker, Barrett, Barrow, Bentley, Bickham, Blunt, Bowen, Brewster, Brown, Bryan, Burch, Butler, Carr, Cachere, Crawford, Darby, Darinsburg, Davidson, Davis, Demas, Dewees, Durio, Ellis, Faulkner, Flo d, Gaddis, Gardner, Gartakamp, William Harper, Hemp stead, Huaston, Hyams, Johnson, Kearson, Kenner, Killen, Kinsella, LaSaliniere, Laurent, Llambias, H. Lott, J. B. Lott, Lynch, Mahoney, Marie, Marvin, Matthews, McCarty, McFarland, Meadows, Moncure, Moore, Morphy, Morris, Murray, Nelson, Ong, Oplahek, Otto, Over ton, Pond, Quinn, Baby, Riley, Ringgold, Sartain, Schumacher, Smith, Soaev, Stamps, Stanton, Stevms, Stinson, Tatman, Thomp son, Tureaud, Ullman, Verrett, Washington (Assumption), Wash nto (Concordia), Waters, E. Wit 'lams, Y. Williams, Wilson, Worrall, Wanda, Wheyland, Yorke, Young.-9& Quorum present. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Satchell On motion of Mr. Carr, of DeS o to. the reading of the jorsnal was dispensed with. Mr. Burch, of East Baton Rouge. moved that the journal be corrected. as the motion relative to the ad - jourument of the House was allowed, and not carried. - Mr. Carr, of DeSoto, moved that the journal as printed be approved and called for the previous ques tion. Messrs. Dewees, of DeSoto, and Yorke. of Carroll, called for the yeas and nays on the adoption of the journal, which resulted as fol lows: Yeas-Abel, Barrett, Belot, Bentley, Blunt, Bowen, Brewster, Can, Darins burg, Davidon, Floyd, Gardner, Garst hamp, P. Harper, Hempstead, Kinsella, LaSaliniere, Mahoney, Marie, Marvin, McCarty, McFarland, Moore, Morphy, Morris, Murray, Ong, Oplatek, Quinn, Raby, Riley, Ringgold, Smith, Soner, Stamps, Verrett, Washington (Assump tion), Washington (Concordia, Waters, Wheyland, Young.-45. Nays-Antoine, Baker, Barker, Barrow, Bickham, Brown, Bryan, Burch, Butler, Chachere, Crawford, Darby, Durio, Ellis, Gaddis, William Harper, Huston, Hyams, Johnson, Kearson, Kenner, Killen, Lau rent, Llambias, H. Lott, J. B. Lott, Mat thews, Meadows, Moncnre, Nelson, Otto, Overton, Pond, Sartain, Schumacher, Stanton, ,tevens, Stinson, Tatman, Thompson, Tureaud, Ullman, E. Wil liam., H, Williams, Wilson, Worrall, Wands, Yorke-48. The journal, as corrected, was then approved. Upon which Messrs. Carr, of De Soto, and Quinn, of Orleans, do manded the yeas and nays, which' resulted as follows: Yeas-Abel, Barrett, Delot, Bentiley, Blunt, Bowen, Brswster, Cmr, Dauiasburg, Davis, Demans, Dewees, saulkn, Floyd, Gardner, Garstkamp, P. Harper, ep stead, linsella, La Saliniere, Makaeay, Marie, Marvin, McCarty, Mc~ailand, Moors, Morphy, Monris, Marway, 0mg, Oplatek, Pond. Quinn, Baby, Riley, Ring-' gold, Smnith, Boner, Stamp., Verrett, Washington (Asmumption), Washington, (Concordia), Waters, Wheyland, Young '5. Nays-Antoine, Baker, Barker, Bar row, Bickham, Brown, Bryan, Dureh, Butler, Chachere, -Crawford, Derby, anehioa, ase ~amd&. Wifas !i Harper, Huston, Hyau s, Johnson, Kear son, Kenner, Killen, laurent, Llambias, H. Lott, I. B. Lott, 140thn, Matthews, Meadows, Moncure, Nelson, Otto, Over ton, Sartain, .*humahebr, Stanton, Stevens, Stinson, Tatman,, I'hompson, Tureaud, rilman, E. William,, K, Wil liaas, Wikass, Wombl Wrnd, Yar~h'5 1 Lost Mr. a. Lott, of Uapiq offered o thsta~llowing resolution, whiob-wes 4 read: )Ikefred, That we, the members of daliaBme of Bepreeentuhiues, 4 have un~abg&-snIsein the ef- a fEciency. and integrity of Hon. G. e W. Carter, Speaker of this House, 6' and do Imsby pledge to him our 6sstrappot domihg th.e ontinu- ) ance of tbh~e et Genersl Aseeen blMr. Gerstkamp, of Jefrsn the raterhemsolatisamsn lie over one day. rContiuand ~n fat pae ] HARPERS PERIODICALS. " aquestiloably lie best smstalsei work of the hied in the WorM." IU - d neeV & Feesm . No more deliifuhl amele are printed in the aglish Isugues thea appear per petda3y in feomase " sme . Th'iy are :ead with eg-d hweare and enatho. don by boys of every grade from eighteen to eighty. Its seeiMe papers, while set - bAuently profound to demand the attention of th issued, are ye adisaby adapted to the populer adeadlag, and design ed as much to diAse wsasret informaton concerning cn eent aeide discovery as it could be it was the orgpa of thse "o ciety fao the Dilheio f Usefal anowl edge." The grst deign it Rearma's to to give correct information and raticmal sane mntb the ýse amass of the peo ple. There are fw. Jutelligemt Amesiasa families in which Hadmas Masamnz would not be an apprenlated and highy. welcome guest. Ta.e is, no monthly Magazine an Intelligent reading amily ea lees afford to be without Many Mag. sides wae seenssualse Eaemsms ia edit ed. There is not a agazlne that is print. ed which shows more intelligent pains ex o its aieles and mehenical eaeaton. These is not a ebeaper Magmaine publish ed. There is ast, see wedly, a more pop. ular Magazine in the world. -Yew pgIIUd Ames bee It is one of the wonders of journalism the editorial mangegme at Han 's. -The Naied. SUBSCRIPTIONS.-1871, HmarAs'S MaGSsws, one year....$4 00 An .tre Copy qf edAer Ase Maasmua, Wzanm, or Bazasa wili be supplied gratis for every Club of Flvs Sumecazaxss at $4 00 each, in one reminawe; or Sis Ckpiesfor $20, 00, wWtout extra copy. S ubsiptions to amnm's HaoAsmNa, Wxuam, art BAAsua, to ode address for one yuzr, $10,00; or two of lkeper's Pert odicals, to one addresfer one year, 87,00. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. A Complete Get of Harma's Maomrs now comprising 41 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for 8S 25 per vol ume. Single Volones, by mail, postpaid, $S 00. Cloth cases for binding, will be 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. The Postage on Haas's Moazniz is 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's poet-aoge. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1A" Complete Pictorial Istery of the Times." " The BRsw, Chanpea and mos Suc co'ful Family Paper in the -HARPER'S WEEKLY 5PLDIDLY flLLSluRAT. Noncreor o Pais. The Mydsl Nasspqwer f our eonntry. Complete in all the departments of an American Family Piper, Harm's aWuux Lyrhas earned for itseifasright to ite title, "A Joemaxa. or Crvn.uavtroN."-New Terk keniang Poet, The best publication of its class in America, and so Br ahead of all other journals as not to peamit ot say souari son between it and any of their number. Its colamaseceute as$aei elecieoans of reading matter that are printed.*** Its illustrations are numeroue and beauti Ihl, being furnished by the chief artiste of the oountsy.-Boetou 2huvder. Harper's Weekly is the beet and most I interesting llleutstd newspaper. Nor does It. 'eahe. depend en hs illesttione alone. It. readisag matter is of a high order ci hterast meit-vaslsd, instruc tive, entertaining, end unexceptionable. -N. T. Sw,. Subscriptiofl-1S7I. xiaue: Harpers Weebly, one year.....:.84& 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis I for every club of Five &abscrlbers .t 84 00 each, in one remittemoes or, sax copies for 820 00, without extam copy. abseeriptloeu to BEspier' Naaini Wagly, and Baeasq #o esam~pnte e sppar,, Q0i a', two of Nqaepq'qfeee eplsdgo on demarp~tqe #e*wref9 Ag Back nmhmbe Alhdemp~ rt The Arnalt Yehsmes g HAEPKR'8 WILL hne c*4 loth 1DIwil O senth )gua~ess, fee of amme. 4 end M cepnriesl Four; 4 , eatop -wek qehwnat paeotjgrelhaser. Voaume The postage am Beapeak WeMVA** cents a year, -bl'AI St peed at the ammj~m.. , ,woesezi aav elv NAB! U A 33()TBEB8, New YTck. 0 TEAMBOATS. t CAIBO. ST. Loris AND Nzw ORauNS PACKu Coxrya FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOURS. Ribhia Omaral -Bdharne. Petes FOR MEMHPIS, CAIRO - 4te - sWem-Thu Ia. paunger steamers of this line will leave as follows: Giving through billk of lding to all e - - ]thai wqiuhm cn? iitoe Railroad, Nashville and Northwestern Railroad, and MeV s p 84 Ohs RAil road-alo to 8t Lgulb. .j Through .coketa utished at lowest hates to all pints lait, West and North, byall ts vsatioin routes via Mempbls, Cairo sad St. Lous. Staterooms ea cared at Gemeral o0m., 101 cesnms A. A. WOODS, General Agent, 104 Common Street a G. WAYNE, Freight Agent, 87 Natches Street, JOHN N. BOFINGER. President, Bills of lading for all freights ovr the Illinois Central Railroad; signed at the office of JAMES T. TUCKER, apL 6-ti 26 Carondelet Street ManCHAnTS' SOtTHZRNI PAtERK Coue~r.r Fos Sr. Lois, CAzaO nsald th.es_ T1estham*ers of this line-w31"mwe as follows. at 6 P, N. points SK Ahns WMbtdal Combu * erland rivers. Through billaof Ialg I sad psueager tickets irked to all p-ats eo the Upper Mi im i as high as St. Paul. Plans of eaia ma= be am wias es I rooms secured on appIiaismtA a ST3VENRWO NVADR. 1$35 Oravier strept. ?omI * 34P., B Bile of lading overtlhs lpsisGent ral Raig signed o antatth o4e.ofe JAB. T. TUOR ,R 26 Caroadelstatreet. NEW ORBEANS, CHICAGO AND THE WES. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD AnD Blue Line, Via Cairo, WILLTAKPEREI GHT From New Orleans on first lsseenamees, LEAVING DAM?, AT 5 . Y., 705 CAIRO, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, WEST AND C EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. AR rates and all through bills of lading from New Orleans by above route given, signed and recognised & only at the General Office of the Comn pany, No. 26 Caromdelet Street. Shippers by this route nave all dray age and transfer chprges at Cairo, and their goods are always under cover, and no charges are made for 6 forwrding JAMIS T. TUCKER, p General Agent. ST. LOUIa. b For St. Louis, Cairo and Ikemphi.. SThe Steamer KATIE, ( £ N Wuer, Mser; wfI 1 leai ers Nyw em for above perk eon C SATUJRDA2Y SATURDAY, Juno 10; June 24; SATURDAY, SATURDAY, C July 8; July 32. For &eight or pessage apply on board, 1. JAlqmqT, No. 180 Commdu Street. A. A. GREEN, No. 156 Oommon Stree wbmarpha 6Fthe callS can behes N BATON ROUGE. ~LNew Orleans, Coast, Baton Rougesad Gromettek Rail. d semi-wez.en W. R. Osmavous, Master; James Mcmear, Cek~, Wilesve New Orteams Svereuacn, t P16 sadWso~tnivo, at &?. K. ~o frigt. o ..egesapply n b artl, man~ G4Jmainoy U nott st avery dhesrip"on, just recm'ved at 't... .EBDinWBIB'lBET.. .29 atw ee nd and Customhouse MILLINE RY 5TO7ES. MRS. A. M. PARRI8SH FIRST PREMIUM Ahi t~gein a New Orleas, Particular attention paid to the a t nn of ` Un;e, +o ig ; alo a C b and n Firemen's Unifoemeade to order. NB~i W Ug W58 FOR LADIES. a 1epineit y fIt. A. Swiuie and o A LL IDS, Falo HEAD DXEs TO (OERY, M SUITS IN ORFAT VARLETY, Wrappers Single or Double, Undereloa. o hag of .very 4mesiption. Nght Desseae, Trail and Walking Skir., Chemfise Draw., Sack, Over Skirts, Aprons, A& d Ord=n taken tor wedding Omes, Chit 0 dress and Iunhof' Wardrobe., Bamits and Dreease 1a the Latest SMyley and esppiied at abort otice. a d 1+'Tha TRADE supplied at Bew York 9 pWal.s. Sample Reom, No. 221 Canal at., AT MRS. A. M. PARRISH'S FIPs? PRIU N S3111 IARIFACNITy. C AR-Orders respectfully solicited. Mrs. A. GOODALE, Mrs. K. E. LINCOLN. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS 08MOPSOUTAN NEWS IEPOT, c STATIONERY, BOOKS, ETC., ANo. 94, Exchange Alley, between Bienville and Conti Streeam, New Or leans. 7I All the large Northern and Westen dui. lies. More than one hundred and sixty diff erent publications received and sold. Subscriptions received to all periodicsl pubtleaioms. Subscribers will be aceonaable 5cr ~se sbscription as long as they do not send hac the paper, or notify otherwise. CAAPATERES, FURNITURA Jo 808 CCENS CANALSLr Bet Vr.LZ~ar & 8r'a. The Mitkiesi £ Itamenoberg KhJU1rC1TXs A2Wweasws ws IN xxaL or C 103 and 105 Camp strut, coiner Poyldus, &w OarLUas. 2100 AT AT'rts 08 DBY GOODS & CLOTHING. PAR1tES WHO BUX 74T (JAaS5 DRY GOODS -sncum WM lad t ramoney spmt most their 33AL VA AN ADAM'S CaSE DotUs ma1 IL s52WNI RE. *e A Glance through their imsmene atook F d ýbe~ab ýý . Fmamos, Arabst Iaekv, Ghawls H7arhs, IAessammrd.. ise, Gloves, Comste V. Sets, Ribbons, Patisols, F-, t.. as usee., mt, ha. WILL CONVINCO. 5es...........aa..........8 Magazine street, cor St. Adtew, MIS LLdANoe. PEOPEEf O MERCtAL COLLEGE t Straight Untuiereatl. Located over the Freedmen. Savings 114 Careadelet St. o0 I DA? AND wanwo, NO VACATION. The ad mad yosag can eter at this Ia n tuis aw dºys so disc ometn made in regard to e or eslar. The design of the Inatitution, is to famish opportunities to those wishing a rapid, to- and practical business ed Seaicn, afty to one hundred per cent saved by etens by taking the rapid amuweIel ienss. PadMsa havimg on-f dianr tahl ty, who have estiese- ! goleted their eduestiom sow have the opportunity to qualify themselves for almost any position in the Statp, is en incredible short tise. Ferm two to three moaths is al tht reqgises to emspbatu $ commer al eoume. Tems duee tsqui the time For further information all at the College, or address Prof. A. T. Selever, Principal REMOVAL TO 167 ..CANAL STREET.....167 rnox No. 9 CAMP STREET. I ea.T f Wgo z2 Manuhcturers and Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES, Trunks, Valises afd Bags, We repecttilly give notice that they bave removed to the large and centrally located No 167 Canal Street, Near Dauphian PaDITIIT, LaWGeca~ssouIse, SGRANTI¶two, PESBO1NG, ~ GRAZING, SIGN PAINT ING, WALL3'APZRING, . 03cc Ne. 84Dryadestm.are, Near Unl. Steet. TIE ?Iffl'E' 1001 AND Jose our.' The Louisiana Magistrate. A GUJIDB Of DA~arDU 71t~a *UDGR, THE PA1ER CER, TRE Z.AWT, TSR -READS O1F FAWLage / Gome g nes as~ gsen eietadW. lot em questce of evy Us, Aa r oA Osaesemi8a n ad awpul J. TAYLOR... .JoBN JI. UR LOTTERIES. ~Y Inwrporat~d A lust 17,1$66 CHARM T. RWA3P . SINGLE *d1U~3R LOTTERY. it Sw~a'up.S 5 qb !^0W R1I Canel. Pnzi - - - - $50,000. Br ~~0D' - 8O0,E awmii ~i~r *00, 1 Pof 7,6 i. . .,0 ipt~asl 1,00 1 1wa o. 1,00 ire N P5.,000 "t: ;..1,86,4.0 lpa of 1,000 1' aedf 1,000 _ 1 .o 1000 ... 1iprios oe . 1,000ae =9,0 p 1pdiec f -1,0001."";. 1 Gpdaeof 1,00006 1~ pdis of 1,e00045 Oreeobem ln 6o s Preue, ofetso Wlei de to af pbire 4t50o o fac t ea we ar m oriw e isre to 4611 o peated good., o Mondeminy addror£singe toour terge . .. di a letg o pdceadthe prepdeaepe We vibegs to calpbi Metnd. Sm to ethey eatened godm n lai a ao ento nl addingim toour etoc ofe uou Aris of m-ta the enrndi ~apW ofth prtoduces aendcth dftpeemt limer pi ted ti emah~nds Ta~he urdw Cn,. - *r liS; to ow *iapvo i th a o ntr ppextend n nvtaio Wto em. Fo