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"REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIMES, AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES." VOLUME t. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 187. UMB Le Luisiana. I S. ' ,iI r('qy s ,vil S.rnd, ys. S l C.AoI-NDIELET STREET, y w OI:TEAxS L+. opRORIEOETOa. 1I'IN('IIBA('K, O .RLEANS, , \N[ 1oINE, Canso, Y. hi-ISO, 1PIDES. uRs. WG. BROI N,---Editor. , . .............. .$5 00 . . . ............ . 5 .300 ,; . ...'1 . . IPROSPECTUS , ,I' . If! .5 :. r to establish another ..n jurn: in New Orleans, r: if the LorIsiANIAN, :, ... , a necessity which has , "... : .1.. , s,,in.times painfully S In the transition state (,.. .. in thir struggling efforts t:- .it Ioitin in the Body ¾r · nl: v, cnceive to be their , r.,: rl-1 that much infor . ,;. : 1. ,encouragement, 1 : i r r, 1l f i, ve been lost, in f tI. lick of a medium, . .. - . h d-lticiencies might Ssha\\ ll strive to make ' : i ,: ; a ,I'..i',rtlum in these I't )LICY. " indicatets, the Lori ,,ll he " lublican at all ,,,t rodl ,ircrun.orae." We Ito the security and enjoy : t ·,", l'ivil liberty, the abso "i:' : .al men before the law, , u,: u ". \ lijtribution of hon r l t,, all who merit - ii. g a, inimosities, of .i miu,,ry of the bitter .. :ng harmony ani union s , an,1 between all in ;:.ii :Ilvo(ate the removal ..d s ,i:abilities, foster kind,, where malignity .r .::t reigned, and seek for ju-tice where wrong and r- : vailed. Thus united in ,l,jcts, we shall conserve is-' , , elevate our noble , via-il,le position among : by the development S" .. resources, anld secure .. :i- f the mighty changes ..:v anu condition of the t i,, ( intry. Ti;"t there can be no true :t the supremacy of law, . -trict antl undiscrimi ti.'l ti,nl of justice. .TAXATION. " ll.rt the doctrine of an ,'in of taxation among ifaithful collection of the l,,milv in the explendli :" rmhbly with the exigen :'- t.t, or Country aud the " very lcgitimate obliga EIU( ATION. ' ..tain the carrying out of i'": i ,f the act establishing S".'h, system, and urge S:--;.t dulty the education of : .. vit.dly connected with i': ' I~iihtnmcnt, and the secu i -',!y of a Republican IFINAL. " :."',,. manly, independent, i' : crnluct, we shall strive 'or pler. from an ephem .1 tpomrary existence, and 't upnu a basis, that if we 'cl'm:rnnd," we shall at all I;El IT EYRICH, L Iiler and Stationer 1 C.ANL STREET. N. Orleaj, LOiiiraL, CIVIL RIGHTS BILL. Sr The joint resolution requesting Congress to pass the civil rights bill presented by Mr. Charles Sumner being before the Senate Mr. Pinchback-I did not desire to say anything upon this concur rent resolution, because I thought it unnecessary to do so. I thought that after the pleasant excursion of my friend from Claiborne (Mr. Blackman) on the Wilderness, his trip through the swamps to and from one of our gulf towns, and the pleasant time he spent in the com pany of my distinguished friend and collegue, MIr. Antoine, and Sen ator Ingraham he had become tho roughly biokuri in to the doctrine of equal civil rights. I am told they ate at the saiae table, and drank and smoked together, and enjoyed them selves exceedingly on perfectly equal terms; and I can not conceive why the gentleman (Mr. Blackman) should object to the resolution ac cording to other white men the same privileges he enjoyed at that time. Why, sir, the condition of public opinion in this State is such as to prevent some of the best white friends I have from going to Mo reau's and taking dinner with me, although I have no doubt the gen tleman would agree to do so if I should promise to foot the bill (which I would certainly do), and if his interest drove him to it, as it did on board the Wilderness. I have yet to see a white man refuse to take a drink with a colored man, if his interest was involved. Look at the way the lobbyists do. Look how John's, and Moreau's, and all those grand places of refreshment, fly open as if touched by a talis manic power, and whites and blacks gather round the festive board on perfectly equal terms. And yet, when we conme here and ask a sim ple matter of right, we are referred to the constitution. "Is it consti, tutional?" is the first question asked. Every time a question comes up in which the interests of the colored people of the State are involved, we are met at the very threshold with objections on the ground of uncon stitutionality. I am sick and tired of this ceaseless prating about the constitution. It struck me as ex traordinary when I noticed that some of my colored friends, a few days ago, had become terribly con scientious about the constitution. I opine that if those laws which they now say are unconstitutional had not been placed upon the statute books, these gentlemen would not be here now to talk about the con stitution. The Senator (3Mr. Black man) says he is in favor of giving to the people of Louisiana a repub lican form of Government, and he proposes to introduce a substitute or an amendment to this concurrent resolution in order to accomplish that end. He makes a special appeal to the colored people, and cites them to the fact that some of their num ber had been unjustly deprived of their seats in the Legislature. What did the Democratic party do in Georgia when it had the power? If I am not mistaken there were thirty or forty colored men elected to the Legislature of that State, and when the constitutional question came up in reference to their eligibility the Democrats turned every one of them out; and yet the gentleman says he wants a "republican form of government." We had a "repub lican form of government" in 1868, didn't we? We had not then those laws which are so bitterly com plained of now, and under the operation of which some of the heads of my own friends were stricken off. We only had the con stitution then, and in the election held that year under it we found an extraordinary unanimity iu the votes of the people. If my memory serves me right, in the parish of Claiborne, where the population, as the gentleman (Mr. Blackman) himself admits, is composed equally of whites and blacks, there were only two votes east for Grant. Wil anybody argue that in a populous parish like Claiborne, where the people were equally divided in color, Grant could only get two votes in a fair and free election? In the adjoining parish, where this "constitutional government" was also in force, what was the result? One of our colored fellow-citizens. who helped to frame the constitu tion of the State, was foully assas sinated, for no reason whatever ex cept that he was a colored man and a Republican. This is not the kind of "constitutional government" that I and those I represent desire. I want a government that will protect every citizen, whether black or white, Republican or Democrat, in the free expression of his will at the ballot-box, and that is the kind of government we will have in Louis iana or we will have none at all, and will go back under martial law and military jurisdiction, as the gentleman seems to desire. I must refer again to that point made by the Senator (ir. Blackman) in reference to a majority of the col ored men elected to the Legislature bhaving been kept out of their places. At that time I believe I was one of the foremost men in the State in battling for the rights of those col ored men, who I believed then, and now believe, were unjustly deprived of their seats in the Legislature. My distinguished friend from Oua chita (Mr. Ray), was at a supper given just prior to the assembling of the Legislature, at which I made a strong appeal to the colored and while Republicans present to see that exact justice was meted out to the contestants, and MIr. Ray did the same thing. The Legislature assembled, and who did we find arrayed against these men? Did we find opposing them the officers whose duty it was to execute these laws? No: we found a majority of both houses deciding who should or who should not occupy seats in the Legislature. It may have been unjust, but it was not the fault of the law. I am of the opinion that you can not pass a law that will not be abused, to a certain extent. No matter how carefully it may be worded. the executive officers will sometimes abuse the power which is placed in their hands. If you change the present laws on regis tration and.election to the fullest extent, at the next meeting of the General Assembly you will have the same abuses to complain of. The gentleman is mistaken when he asserts that a majority of the colored men elected were prevented from taking their seats. In the House of Representatives there was a case from West Baton Rouge, one from Iberville and one from De Soto, in which, in my opinion, wrong was done to colored men. In the Senate there was one case which I thought was decided erroneously. I believe those four were the only cases in which colored men were deprived of their seats when they had any reason or foundation of contesting. I think if this question were sub mitted to the people to determine, they would conclude it was better that a few of their number should meet with injustice, that the great mass might be protected in the exercise of their rights. No matter how well regulated and enlightened the community may be, these abuses will creep in. There was another -point made by the gentle man from Claiborne (Mr. Black man) that our party was going back on us; and he cites as an in stance of it that the civil rights ill, in reference to which we propose to petition Congress, received only four votes in the United States Senate. Now, I venture to predict that that same measure, which was offered by Mr. Sumner as an amendment to the amnesty bill, and which received only four votes, will, before the Senate adjourns sine die, receive the requisite num ber of votes to become a law, and will he signed by the President. If my prophesy is not verified, I will say our party is going . back on us. I want this resolution to be placed before Conagrems as an evidence of the fact that the class of people I represent in the State of Louisiana are deprived of their just and legal rights. Con gress has solicited our information upon this subject, and I am deter mined, so far as I am personally concerned, to lead the representa tives of the nation into no error as to whether our people desire it or not. New, why did it receive only four votes? Because, in the judgment of a majority of the Republicans present, it was regarded as an inopportune time to bring it up. I think Mr. Sumner erred when he attempted to attach it to the amnesty bill, as there was a marked difference between them-one requiring a two thirds vote, while the other, in which we are directly interested, only re quired a majority to pass it. It was one of those errors which are often committed by earnest zealots like Mr. Sumner. He has been battling for many long, weary years for the accomplishmentof the object sought to be attained in that bill. He commenced his great work of philanthropy when our people were chained in elavery; he was one of the pioneers in the old Anti-Slavery Society at the North, and fought his intellectual and moral fight for twenty-five or thirty years, until he succeeded in striking the shackles from the limbs of my people and placing into their eager, grateful hands the elective franchise. If the Republican party does not intend to go back upon us here, this con current resolution will receive the support of every Republican Sen ator present. I am astonished that the Senator from Claiborne (MIr. Blacknan), who has so often testified his willingness to accord to the colored people all their legal rights, should endeavor to stop the progress of this resolution by tech nical objections, in order that he may escape the responsibility of voting upon it. The result to be attained by this measure is a ques tion in which every black man in the State is deeply interested. It pro poses to save us from the humilia tion shams when we pay the same fare that the gentleman from Claiborne (Mr. Blackman) would pay on a public carrier-of being placed in the filthiest and most disagreeable part of the steamer or train-forcing our wives into the company of dirty, contemptible blackguards, while he and his wife are enjoying the best cabin or car. It proposes, also, to permit the gen tleman to associate with any colored man he wishes without laying him self liable to the ostracism of his own race. In conclusion, I will state, Mr.Preident, that if the gen tleman is yet in doubt as to the meaning or contents of the civil rights bill of Mr. Sumner, I am perfectly willing to allow him reasonable time to exanine it. -A Dutchman thus describes an accident : "Vonce, a long while ago, I vent intos my abbleorchard, to climb a bear-tree to get some beaches to make vrow a plum budding mit ; and ven I gets on the tobermost branch, I vail from the lowermost limb, mit von leg on both sides of the fence, and like to stove mine outside in." -"Can you give two sixpences for a shilling ?"asked a little boy of a grocer's clerk. "Certainly," said the clerk, hand ing out two six-penny pieces. "Well," said the boy, picking up the sixpences and turning to go out, "mother says she will send the shil ling to-morrow." -A young lady explained to a printer the other day the distinc tion between printing and publish ing, and, at the conclusion of her remarks, by way of illustration, she said, "You may print a kiss on my cheek, but you must not publish it" -"Where are you going ?" said a Scotch gentleman to a thief, whom he observed crawling through a hole in the hedge into hie garden. "Back again !" replied Sawney,as he hastily ietreated. THE SENATE. MONDAY, February 5, 1872. The Senate was called to order at 12 x., Lient. Gov. Pinchback pre siding. Twenty-four Senators present. Prayer by the Chaplain. President Pinchback observed that there was great confusion upon the floor of the Senate. Mr. McMillen was of opinion that the confusion was chiefly caused by persons who had no business upon the floor of the Senate, walking around, conversing with and occu pying the attention of Senators while the Senate was in session. Senator Pinchback observed that it was in the power of the Senate to enforce the rules and prevent the entrance of such persons within the hall. The lobbies were open to eferybody. Mr. McMillen hoped this rule would be enforced for the future. Petitions and memorials from certain charitable institutions were received and acted upon. The following message was re ceived from the Governor and read by the Secretary of the Senate: STATE OF LOUIIaSNA. Executive Department, New Orleans, Feb. 5, 1872. To the Honorable Members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the State of Lou isiana: Thirty-four days of your session have been dissipated in contests, the nature of which I will not dis cuss now, but which are familiar to the members of your honorable bodies, and which, permit me to add, have tended much to weaken the confidence of the people in free government. I regret the necessity that impels me to once more address you, frank ly, sincerely and earnestly, on ques tions deeply affecting the interests and feelings of the people of the State. This I shall do without un necessary verbiage or circumlocu tion. There are laws on the statute book which must be modified in the most solemn manner to modify in a way that will make them acceptable to the great body of the people. The public voice has spoken in this behalf with no uncertain sound, and it is your duty as representa tives of the people to give the force of law to the popular will without any further delay. I will be candid with you, and state that your plighted faith is sus pected on this subject, when so much time is wasted in delay. Every consideration of justice to the people, to yourselves, and to my self, whose friends'sa large number of you are, requires that the modi fication of these laws should receive your prompt and undivided atten tion. The condition of affairs in 1868, which induced and made necessary the enactment of most stringent laws on the subject of registration and election has ceased, in a great measure, to exist The relations between the white and colored citizens of this State then unsettled and quiet and grow ing respect for the rights of each other. I barelyallude to the scenes of 1858. Ihavenowish toreferto them, except to show that what may have been then necessary is unnecessary now. In no State of the Union does there exist a more determined spirit among all classes to maintain the rights of our colored citizens than in Louisiana at this time. And as a natural result, mutual confidence is rapidly springing up between the two races, in place of the hostility, jealousy and apprehension formerly existing between them. The stringent provisions of the election and registration laws, enacted to meet this disturbed cqn dition of society, should no longer be permitted to remain on the statute book, but should be made to conform to the more enlightened condition of public sentiment Care shbould be taken while modi 1fying those laws to retain fayar no vision that may be necessary to pro tect and secure the weaker mem bers of our population full, free and equal advantages to vote for the men of theirchoice for office. With out this the equality of all men be fore the law becomes a delusion and a barren boon. The other provisions, that make the m&chinery one-sided, partisan and dangerous to the liberties of the people when wielded by an am ambitious executive, should be so modified that the breath of suspi cion of unfairness should not attach to a victory achieved by either par ty at the election. It would be much better for the interests of society and the perpe tuity of free institutions that the Republican party should be de feated rather than that the opinion should prevail that its success has been obtained by a fraudulent use of official powers and extraordinary advantages in the manipulation of the votes and suafrages of the peo ple. If such a law is required to bolster up and sustain the Republi can party in this State, I am free to say I had rather it would perish. These are no new views of mine, but simply a restatement of my an nual message of 1870, more fully made in my annual message of this year, and which I now desire to reiterate with more distinctness and emphasis. I recommend and urge you to pass an act amending the law on registration, giving the parochial government of each parish the ap pointment of the registrar of voters; that it shall be necessary for the re gistrar to have been a resident of the parish for twelve months before his appointment ; that he shall be ineligible for any elective office during the terml of his employment; and that the expenses of registra tion should be paid by each parish. Second-That the election law be so amended as to give to the parochial authorities the selection of the Commissioners of 'Election in such a measure as to secure a re presentation of each political party at each of the polls established to receive votes; that the ballots should be counted and publicly proclaimed immediately after the close of the election, and on the spot, in the presence of any and everybody who may desiie to be present. That the returns should be made out in duplicate, one to be forwarded to the Secretary of State, and the other filed with the parish government. That the voting pre cincts in each parish should be es tablished by the parishgovernment, and shall not be changed without six months' public notice first given. That the Board of Commissioners shall be either abolished or selected from citizens not candidates for of fice, and to the end that each poli tical party shall be fully represent ed in such body, and that in the case of registration the expense of election should be borne by the parochial government. Third-I recommend that the office of chief constable in each parish be abolished, and the return of the civil power to the sheriff; or at least an amendment of the law, giving compensation only when in active service. Fourth-The revenue law should be amended. The enormous com pensation paid many of the officers for assenting and collesting the revenues must be reduced, and on this subject I refer you to the fol lowing extracts from my annual message: 9. I recommend a reduction in the compensation given for asseess ment and collection of the taxes of the State; that the $2000 paid country tax collectors for listing the property be reduced to $300 each; that there be aboard of four State assessors for the city of New Orleans at a salary otf $5000 each, who bshall make the aseesment on the property of the city for the State; that the boards shall also furnish acopy of therollto the ~ty, whi saha with ueh modifiea (cuines PrmmmaSS RATES OF ADVERTISING. quares1 mo2 mos 3 mose 6 man 1 yr ------(-----)---- -i One $4 $7 $9 $12 $20 Two 7 9 12 20 35 Three 9 12 20 35 50 Four 15 , 25 35 50 70 Five 201 35 45 60 85 Six 4t 42 o 60 70 100o 1 Column.) 45 80 J 120 175 250 Tranient advertisements, $150 per squae finst inertiona; each subsequent inserton, 75 cents. All business sotices of advertisements to be charged twenty cents per line each inasertic k. Jos Panzrrta executed with neatn and dispatch. Wedding Oards executed in acoordane with prevaling fashions. Funeral Notices printed on shortest a tice and with quickest dispatch. 'i Circualars, Programmes, Genera Business Cards, Posters, etc., etc., guar anteed to give general satisfaction to all who may wish to secure our services. PROFESSIONAL. JOHN B. HOWARD. LAW OFFICE, 26 St. Charles Street 2 New Orleans. Prompt attention given to car business in the several courts of the State. A. P. FIELDS k ROBERT BOLTOl, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 9 Commercial Place, 2nd Floor, New Orleans. O A.'Strict Attention to all Civil and Criminal business in the State and United States Court. J. E. Wallace, Attorasey at .aeaw, 69 CANAL STEET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. jalS-ly. Dr. W. Bille, oFFICE 69 CAAL. ST., NEAR POSTOFFIcr. A graduate from the University of Coo penhagen, Denmark, and honorary M. D. from the University of Padova, Italy; for several years assistant physician to the cele brated Prof. Ricord, Paris. DR. BILLE has acquired a high reputation as SPE CIALIST for all kinds of Sexual diseases, male and female. Private diseases cured after a new, sure and quick method. Painfil and Retained Menstruation quickly relieved. Perfect cure always warranted. Letters containing $5 and stamps will receive prompt attention. All consultations and communications strictly confidentiaL jan18-6m INSURANCE COMPANIES-BANKS. LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAN1 OFFICE, No. 120 counos sTBwr. INSURES FIRE, MARINE AND RIVER RISKS AND PAYS LO(IBER IN New Orleans, New York, Liverpoo) London, Havre, Pans, or Bremen, at the option of the insured. CHARLES BRIGGS, President a CARRIERE, Vice-President J. P. Roux. Secretary. THE FiEEDIAN'S SAVING -AND TRUST. COMPANY, Chartered by the United States Government, March, 1865. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, WASIBHINrTON, SL D. L. EATON ..... Actwr, BRANCH AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. 114 Carondelet Straeet. C, D. RTURTEVANT, Casis Bank Hours............9a . .to S .s ISaturday Nights........ 6to 8 o'elk C1AIR MAMIFACTOGT. The anderahi notifiaee the Pabli of the establiament of a CIGAR MANUFACTORY, at No. 129 Polymnia Street, near Dry ades Street, where orders will as thankfully received and promptly mt tended to. O. B. BOUDEZ~ 8m New Orleans, Dec. 13, 1871. SCARPET WAREHOUSE. r17......CRARTRES 8TREET......17 ,A BBOUUZAU A CO., Impsrtem am 1 Dealersat Wholesle and Betail, o&r at 1low prse; CARPET~ING, FLOOR OIL CLOTH. uadaa an d Upbhlc ere Matu Wtahd ause T1hh c 1. a (Soths. QOLeas~artae.selsa ea