Newspaper Page Text
-l'ROPS. I for the past week "that could be desired. tsriD, clear and cloudless; 4 " bracing and serene, r jj^vv Hhowers of rain whose beneficent ef , .isibie everywhere. pens now 110 longer wear jjed look that has hereto« obsorved, but are decked r their livery of brightest Ld promise a fine yield of j table vegetables. jlds also lookremark f^nd should tho river keep lioJt time longer and heavy fi continue to fall, a fall crop „«rent staple may yet be made. Ulso, looks very promising, j, the staml is unequal. Gen f in the front it is splendid; * back, good; and in the rear, nt On the Woodland and Lent plantations, the stand is l'en and very fine, and looks kand luxuriant, and promises (tidd* U inJ fig trees are we ^ e( * y doubtless yield a full crop. i e orange trees look remarkably [ami seem to be more free from jethen they have been at any [ace 1865, and promise a very mgli not abundant crop, the I being generally unequally -some being very fiill, others fitery good sprinkling, whilst s are common where they [sfe\f or no fruit at all. This is jpally owing to the severe Lflast winter, which destroyed Itvouug trees and injured many g ones, which, in consequence liiirown out a groat quantity of Loots, which, in general, is [productive this season, though it will bear abundantly rear, should no severe weather pest winter to dash our hopes, lie, in this parish, one of the ■eve: known for oranges. i who hixvo orange crops to I till, doubtless, realize a good jsaid may, thereby, be induced isj more attention than they 1 hitherto done to the cultiva lof this delicious and highly re ptive fruit. to if 1'iuld tho balance of the season pue favorable, the prospect for J crops iB very fair, though not life. One month ago the out U;w very gloomy, but the rise Biie river and the advent of good tlier, lias dissipated all our feus, i though we cannot expect to Full crops, the indications are e will make enough for home femption, besides, wherwithal I« our obligations and prevent rnptnra of our ordinary busi fc relations.— Plaquemines Repub most marked incident in ich news is, however, the speech sDnc d'Andriffot -Pasquir, in rating what we should call the pat of the committee on thecon oi the war. He made the shocking exposures of Impo st corruption. He showed that jetable doalcr named Cholet '»ten seut to England when the e liroko out to buy cartridges, Wl made §500,000 for himself fsrcliases to the amount of "W ',000 in the course of a single '• The best of it was that half wiridges did not reach France üe war wa3 more than half over, remaining half nntill it was iy over. Several foreign offered, in 1867, to supply -pots at §12, but their bids yarded, and the contracts iS to two Frenchmen at $14. 'taoks wado it appear that the army was in 1870 possessed pieces of artillery; the ^ful truth was that it had only a " told. The books said * ere 3,000,000 muskets in the when there were only ■ But tli9 administration L ""T ®ppeared to be absolutely r«*i k° wound up with a D S enlogium on the men and f °f the army, and when he coul '°£> e » patience, la L ® es8 . ®Qd self-denial, and L.*"»11 their children should lev" 111, 'I" 8 declaration in favor jndsory an< j genert j military lin f * the Assembly to its w? nrs * of enthusiasm. The H r? droned the Empire be lli and the eôort of l^'lonttkehaadagainrttho v,^ 0 Ini l'3oation in a two hours t 0vCi | a j" il subsccjuent period Ullerly unavailing.— The Ka amount of Travtllng The CongrëqaiSinalid gives timely warning to women, and especially 4 to girls, about the acquaintances whom they make in the cars. Speaking of the pimps and scoun drels, who seem to grow even more numerous and more subtile as our civilization grows older jit says: On the. watch for women as bad as themselves, or for the young and unsophisticated, of whom a villain might make a victim, it is next to impossible for a young woman to enter the car unattended without their knowledge. She is fortunate if they make no more or less cau tious approaches to find out who she is, where she is going, and whether she will tolerate the famil iarity of a stranger. So numerous are these men that it is with some peril that a young woman under takes a long journey alone. The peril of those who may be unforti fied by principle, or unacquainted with the ways of the world, or sus ceptible to flatteries from a smooth tongue, is great. We know of no help for this evil but in the watch fulness of parents, in the uprising of the Virtuous against the vile, and the discretion of those who are sub ject to these annoyances and in sulta It is safe for a young woman to repel the familiar advances of smiling and officious strangers at any time. If on the road any help is required, there are public officials to whom it is always both proper and safe to make application. ATEW ORLEANS, MOBILE & TEXAS j^j RAILROAD. change of schedule. Ott and arter MONDAY, April 1, 1872, Pas senger Trains will leave and arrive as follows : 7:30 a. m . EXPRESS AND MAIL, Daily, for Mobile and regular intermediate Station»; arrives at Mobile at 2:00 r. h . 1:00 a. at. COAST ACCOMMODATION, Daily except Sundays, for Ocean Springs at 8:10 r. h . 5:20 p . sr. FAST EXPBESS, Daily, for Mo bile—will stop only at ltigolets slssippi City, liiloxi. Orean Springs East Pascajsoula and St. Elmo; aud arrive at Mobile at 11:30 p. m. A fast Express Train will leave Mobile daily ■ ■ *• - 1 14MI a m »topping only at stations named for ^Express from New Orleans; andar rive at New Orleans at 7:lu A. M. Tlio Coast Accommodation Train, return ing daily, except Sundays, will leave Ocean Springs at 5:40 a. m ., and arrive at New Or leans at 10:00 a. m. The Express and Mail Train, Daily, will leave Mobile at 11:80 a. St., arriving at New Orleans at G:10 p. v. »arTiekots sold at offices corner Magazine and Natchez and corner of Camp and Com mon streets. Mileage Tickets—good for families and firms—500 miles for $20, and 1000 miles for Î30— are sold at the Ticket office Cè'Tlirongh Freight Trains run daily, ex cept Sundays, morning and evening, to and from Mobile. Freight received at foot of Girod street, aud through bills of lading signed. G. W. R. BAYLE\, General Superintendent. CIIAS. L. FITCH, General Freight and Tassengcr Agent. C. A. WHITNEY & CO., General Agents. ^"ew orleans, jackson and great northren railroad, From Depot, foot of Calliopo street, on and after SUNDAY, November 1,18<2. Trains will Leave and Arrive as follows: Express Passenger Train leaves daily, Sun days excepted at 7 o'clock a. m. Night Mail leaves daily at. 5:30. Night Express arrives 12 midnight. Mail and Passenger arrive daily, Sundays excepted at 12 noon. NIGHT EXPRESS will stop at all regular stations South of Magnolia, and atFlag sta tions Saturday nights and Monday mornings. PULLMAN PALACE OARS attached to all Trains, through to Louisville without change, and but one change to New V>rk, and ah principal cities North, East and West. Tickets for sale at 22 Camp street, comer Common street, under City Hotel, and at De pot N. O. J. «nd G. N. R. B. ED. FROST, General Sup't. S. E. CAREY, General Ticket Agent. C. Pi ATMOBE, General Passenger Agent Louisiana division— NEW ORLEANS. MOBILE AND TEXAS RAILROAD. trains tob ddkatmosmis. Leave Now Orleans at Arrive at DonaldsonviÛe at 12'1<J noon Leave Donaldsonvillo at * *• *• Freight ^TOBeived *àt J tickets' sold at Station of Mobile Division. °* ^General Superintendent. CHAS. L. FITCH, , . General Freight and Passenger Agent. C. A. WHITNEY A OO., General Ameute "i mportant to the TRAVELING PUBLIC 1 will leave the dopot, foot of Caaal street, daily, at 5r.lL, running through via Mobile oau^t pi V n B*| u and Ohio Railroad, to Meridian, Miss., making cloae connection forSehna and East .1—1. VA« #ni4lia* infiiPi-jfifùin on« ern pointe. F ° t farther information and . a L. «ma i i t «t KAVâf'nAÎAA V- O through tickMs, apply at tiCket'oflEjce N. O. AT B. R., comer Camp and Common streets, New Oilcans. JNO. A. rUMt'U, ÇicU. j'ac3. 31. A Ü. R. 1». On and after March 23,187J, PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS 4 ÀMIOBHCElffitt to the A m ertoftn, People of the introduction FOR TUE FIRST 7IME IN TIIE UNITED STATES OF Dr. Gr. Collotao'« CELEBATED EUROPEAN REXOWXFÜ ALTERATIVE PILLS. The succès» of which in England, France, Germany, Austria and Pmsma is unproci dented, having entirely miperaeded all mag. ncuiaH, salts, seltzers, oils, etc., of every de scription, and aro universally acknowledged to be the moat effective and agreeable Purga tive ever yet introduced. Dr. Colletso has just completed arrange ments to supply tho people in America with his valuable Pills, and to prevent any imita tion of them, manufacturuH them at his Cen tral Depot, No. 32 Carondelet street, New Or leans, where orders are already pouring in from all parts of the country. Dr. CaUetso, to aetrare the people that his ALTFIUTIVE PILLS are not gotten up on speculation and never yet tried, would state that he is a graduate member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, and daring his extensive practice for the last twenty-five years in Europo, has abored to produce some medicine which would come within tin rcach of all, and end which would effectually cure a large number of complaints so general, and for the want of an articlo of this kind generally goes neglected until the healt is impaired and undermined and the constitution sliat ered. He, therefore, has tried them effee ually in Europe for the last fifteen years, with the most satisfactory results, and their ucccss has boen so complete, that it has as toninhed even himself, and surpassed his most sanguine expectations. One or two boxes save hundreds of dollars in doctors fees every year in curing the following com plaints, which are at tho foundation of all diseases: If your blood is rancid or vitiated, purify it with . DB. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If your skin is diseased and you are cov îrtîd with pimples, boils, blotches, old sores, jcurvy or scrofula, DB. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS will remove and cure them all. If you are worse, and have Ulcers, Cancer ALTERATIVE IUL. If your liver is Blugg irti and yon are Buf fering with jaundice and palpitation of the head hot and aching, your mouth and lips parched and your eyts rod and constipated. i»"-""- .■ — v or inflamed, you wUlflud immediate rehef m DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE TILLS. If your digestion is bad, and yon are con itipatcd, your skin dry aud foNTrish, your taking DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If you have inflammation of the stomach, Itoweln, womb, kidneys or bladder, with pain in the small of the back, difficulty in stoop ing without falling, weakness in tho knees and dizziuess in the head, with dimness of sight, you can remove the Inflammation and restore your strength by using DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If you have an enfeebled and debilitated constitution, and arc afflicted with lassitude, loss of memory, loss of sleep, loss of appe tite, short breath, and are nervous and rest less, with bad circulation of tho blood, try DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If you reside ill a climate where you are liable to Yellow Fever, Typhoid or Typhus Fever, or Fever and Ague, you can escape these diseases entirely by taking aa a pre ventive DR. COLLETSO'S ALTEBATIVE PILLS. In spring and summer, when dysentery and diarrliccao are so prevalent among children and adults, ouc box of DB. COLLETSO'S ALTEBATIVE PILLS will chcck tho complaint and cure you at once. Should you bo attacked with that dread disease, Cholera, so fatal hi its effects, its perfectly harmless if you aro provided with a box of DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS 1 The following is only one of thousands of thousands of testimonials that could be pub lished, but as it is from four of tho most eminent Physicians in London, it is consid ered substantial proof of their cfficacy in Fever and Cholera cases: 12 Hyde Tabic Gate, > Loudon, August lö, 1671. ) geons would not allow any Medicine to be used. order that the people ^ "— 1 to any addroas in the pa#ntrr, All letters and «wiHnatiiki! po«^ should he äddri^od t4 rt yiAT Dr. G. Ooiletfo: Deak Sib —We have pleasure in informing you that after Bcveral trials of your valuable ki/rauATivE Piixb , both among our outside patients and especially in the Fever and Cholera Hospitals, wo have found that in evcrv case where your Pills were given in time' that they invariably cheeked the disease at onco, and especially so in all Cholera cases, not a single life of which has been lost wherever we have used them. Such is our confidence, after having proved them by _flve years' experience, wo have decided to adopt their use altogether, and desire to express to yon our most distinguished regard for so valuable aud useful a discovery. Please for ward to above address one gross boxes of v(«ur Alterative Piixb , _ and find inclosed lue for same, aud oblige your most obe ieut servants, A. K. Wmas , Bart, M. D. John F. Martin , M. D. Henry C. Rode », M. D. C. K. T kacy , M. D. Dr. Colletso would also state as an evidence vt their usefulness in Fever cases that his ch< ALTERATIVE PILLS were used by His Royal Highness tho Pbkce of Whales during his^ illness, and the sur other Purgative In order that the people may not be d<h ceived in purchasing his Alterative Pills, he would state that they are all manufactured at his CENTRAL DEPOT, 32 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, where he prefers to receive all applications that ho may send a medicine which he can gnarantee and wliteh will prevent impostors rom trying to counterfeit; but after « it a- Ann nAPAH tlA <lfV ^ uaed°these, patients can never be dc c û. ve d by the substitution of any obnoxious Price per box $1, or m how* »5 doHwred through the f>R. G. CQLLKTSO, Post Office Bo* 39t», Now Orioaua, L«. Medial Office and Surgery, « Cwvn^clct * cw Orkans. THE LOÜISIANIAN BOOK AND JOB Printing Establishment, 114 Canndelet Stmt 114 Nl*w Obixass. We are now prepared to execnte eveiy DESCRIPTION —or— PRZNTXNCtr, SUCH AS Mammoth Posters, Fancy Show Cards, Railroad Work, Lawyers' Briefs, Book Work, Steamboat Work, Business Cards, Programmes, Handbills, And an kinds of MERCANTILE WORK. RULING AND BOOK-BINDING —OK— EVERY DESCRIPTION Lxt/cuted with Dispatch. Steamboat Printing. Steamboat Officers will find it to their interest to call at our Offic« and LEAVE THEIR ORDERS. Poster8 and Handbills is BLACK AND COLORED INKS, and of evebt size. BILL HEADS On any quidity of paper Prices Accordingly, [usuronce Policies and Blanks. Railroad Tickets, Time-Tables, In fact, all kinds of «Tola Z*rlsitlxt6 can be executed at this Office—not only with DISPATCH, but on ACCOMMO DATING TERMS. .« A REPOSITORY . OP FASHION, PLEASURE, AND INSTRUCTION." HARPER'S BAZAR. A supplement containing numerous full sized patterns of useful articles accompa nies the paper every fortnight. Harper's Ra^ar contains 1G folio pi.ges of the size of Harper's Weekly, printed on superfine calendered paper, ted is pub NOTICES OF THE PBESS. Harper's Bazar contains, besides pic tures, patterns, etc., a variety of matter of especial use and interest to the family; articles on health, dress, and housekeep ing in all its branches; its editorial matter is specially adapted to the circle it is in tended to interest and instruct; and it has, besides, good stories and literary matter of merit it is not surprising that the journal, with such features, has achieved in a short time an immense success; for something of its kind was desired in thousands of families, and its publisher* have filled the demand. The young lad;' who buys a single number of Harper's Bazar is made t. subscriber for life,— New York Evening Post, The Bazar is excellent. Like all tie periodicals which the Harpers publish, it is almost ideally well edited, and the diss of readers for whom it is intended—tho mothers and daughters in average fam - iles—cannot but profit by its good sens« and good taste, which, we hate no doubt, are to-day making very many homes Imp dier than they may have been beforo the women began taking lésons in personal and household and social management from, this good-natured mentor.— The No* Subscriptions.—1872. Terms s Harper's Bazar, one year $4 00 An extra copy ot either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will bo supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance ; or. Six Copies for $20 00, without extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10 00; cr, two of Harper's Periodi cals, to one address for one year, $7 00. ^ar-Back numbers can be supplied at any time. Vols. L, IL, and IIL of Harper's Bazar, for the years 1868, '69, '70, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be gent by express, freight prepaid, for $7 00 each, The postage on Harper's Bazar is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post office. Address H.UÜ'LK & UliOTHEu. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. 'Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World." HARPERS'S MA8AZINE Notices of the Press. No more delightful travels aro printed in the English language than appear per petually in Habpeb's Magazine . They are read with equal interest and satisfac tion by boys of evtfry grade from eighteen to eighty. Its scientific papers, while suf ficiently profound to demand the attention of the learned, are yet admirably adapted to the popuiar understanding, and design ed as much to diffuse correct information concerning current scientific discovery as it could bo if it was the organ of tho -'So ciety foi the Diffusion of Useful Knowl edge." Tho great design of HusrEK's is to give correct information and rational amusement to tho great masses of the peo ple. There are few intelligent American families in which Habpeb's Magazine would not be an appreciated and highlj' wclcomc guest. Tnere is no monthly Magazine an intelligent reading family can les3 afford to be without. Many Maga zines are accumulate Habpeb's in edit ed. There is not a agazine that is print, ed which shows more intelligent pains ex on its articles and mechanical execution. There is not a cheaper Magazine publish ed. There is not, confessedly, a more pop ular Magazine in the world. —XeiB England Homestead. It is one of the wonders of journalism the editorial management of Habpeb's. —The Nation. SUBSCRIPTIONS.--I87I, Terms: Habpeb's Magazine , one year $•! 00 An Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazaab will be supplied yratis for every ClaJt of Five Subscribkks at $4 00 each, in one remittance; or Six Copies for $20, 00, without extra copy. Subscriptions to Habpeb's Magazine, Weekly, axd Bazaab, to one address for one year, $10,00; or two of Harper's Peri odicals, to one address for one year, $7,00. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. A Complete Set of Habpeb's Magazine, now comprising 41 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will bo sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2 25 per vol ume. Single Volumes, by mail, postpaid, S3 00. Cloth eases for binding, will be 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. The Postage on Habpeb's Magazine is 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-office. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." " The Best, Cheapest and most Suc cessful Family Paper in the UNION." — IIA R PER' S WEE EL Ï btlifcsöidly illustrated. f ibms : k Harper's Weekly, one year SI 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly; or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of Five Subscribers at 34 00 cach, in ons remittance; or, six copies for $20 00, without extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodi cals, to one address for one year, $7 00. Back numbers can be supplied at nay time.*"i^ t Notices of the Pkess. Tho Model Newspaper of our country. Complete in all the departments of an American Family Paper, Habpeb's Week ly has earned for itself a right to its title, "A Joübnai. of Civilization."— New York Evening Post, The best publication of its class in America, and so far ahead of all other journals as not to permit of any compari son between it and any of t'ieir number. Its columns contain the finest collections of reading matter that ate printed. * » » Its illustrations are numerous and beauti iul, being furnwhed by tha chief artists of the country.— Boston Traveler. Harper's Weekly is the best and most interesting illustrated newspaper. Nor does its value depend on its illustrations alone. Its reading matter is of a high order of literary merit—varied, instruc tive, entertaining, and unexceptionable. -N. Y. Sun. Subscriptions—1871. The Annual Volumes of HARPER'S WEEKLY, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A complete Set, comprising Four teen Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5 25 per vol, freight at ex pense of purchaser. Volume X1Y r«atly January 1st, 1871. The postag» on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents a year, lirhicli must- be paid t tho subscriber's post office. Address ilAKl là & lîiïOTHEBS, - : îi6w Yor!^ MIS CELLANEO US. f HE PEOPLES COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! Department off Straight University. Located over the Freedmena Savings Bannk, 114 Carondelet St. OPES das axd evening, no vacation. The old and young can enter at this Institution any day, no distinction rnado in regard to race or color. The design of the Institution, is to furnish opportunities to those wishing a rapid, thorough and practical business édu cation, fifty to one hundred per cent, saved by students, by taking the rapid commercial course. Parties having or dinary ability, who havè entirely ne glected their education now have the opportunity to qualify themselves for almost any position in the State, in an incredible short time. From two to three months is all that requires to complete the commcr al course. Terms reduced to suit the times. For further information call at the College, or address Prof. A. T. Selover, Principal. WINGFIELD& COOPER. PAINTING, GLAZING, CALSOMINING, GKANTILING, FRESCOING, GRANING, SIGN PAINT ING, WALL PAPERING. Office No. 84 Dryades Street, Near Union Street. TUE PEOPLE'S COOK AND THE BOOK OF THE DAY. JUST OUT. The Louisiana Magistrate» A GUIDE OF DAILY USE TO THE JUDGE, THE PARISH OFFI CER, THE LAWYER, THE BUSINESS MAN» AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. Containing the most necessary informa ion on questions of every day use, AND COMPLETE. SET OF FORMS FOB ALL CONTRACTS OF EVERY DAY OCCURRENCE For sale by BARRETT, SEYMOUR & CO., General Stationers and Law Publishers, :nh30. tf. No. CO Camp street. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS COSMOPOLITAN NEWS DEPOT, STATIONERS', BOOKS, ETC., No. 94, Exchange Alley, between Bienville and Conti Street?, New Or leans. All the large Northern and Western dai lies. Moro than one hundred and sixty diff erent publications received and sold. Subscriptions received to all periodical publications. Subscribers will be accountable for the subscription as long as they do not send back the paper, or notify otherwise. CARPENTERS, FURNITURE, &c JULIUS P. Bit O WN. HOÜSE CARPENTER Canal St . Bet Yillees & Rosebxsox St's. Jobbing. Attended to Punctwdl y. The Mitchell & Ramellsberg FURNITURE CO., UAMCr4CXCBEBS a5d dealers I» all KISDS Of ÏUBNITUR1, MATTE ASSES, LOOKING GLASSEÖ, &e., n 103 and 105 Ctunp street, corner Poycbss, ore3que building, . Kew Orleans. G. CASE NAVE. UNDERTAKER 88 33cnjLirlaou S«r«P NE W ORLEANS. CAIÎRIAGE5 FOE HIRE. LOTTERIES. LOUISIANA -STATB LOTTERY ; WIMM Incorporated August 17« 1368 CHARLES T. HOWARD .. RsBsmja* SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY. Splendid Scheme! Oklt 20,000 Nosibkbs. Capital Peize - - - - $50,000. CLASS G, TO BE DRAWN IN NEW ORLEANS Saturday, May 18,1S73. HOWARD, SIMMONDS&CO., Contr'cls. SCHEME : 20,000 nuhbehs —tickets only $20. 1 prize of $50,000 is....... 1 prize of 30,000 is 1 prize of 20,000 is 1 prize of 10,000 is 1 prizo of 9,000 is 1 prizo of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize- of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prizv of 1 prize of 1 prize of i «r .$50,000 . 30,000 . 20,(WO . 10,000 . 9.00G . 8,000 . 7,000 . 6,000 . 5,000 . 4,000 . 3,000 . 2,060 are 925,QM 9,000 ~ 8,000 is 7,000 is G.000 is 5,000 is 4,000 is 3,000 is 2,000 is 1,000^ 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1. prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 50 prizes of 500 are 317 prizes of * 600 are M0 prizes amounting to $280,450 Whole tickcts $20; shares in proportion. Prizes payable in lull without deduction. Orders to be addressed to. CHS. T. HOWARD, Lock Box 692 Postoffice, New Orleans. Send Postoffice Money order or Register your Letter. 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prizo of 1 prizo of , of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 85,000 63,450 MKS. A. M. P ARRISH FIRST PREMIUM JiMii Mûn NO. Hl CANAL S TEE ET, New Orléans, Lu. Particular. - attention paid to the_ manufacture of Gents' Under- 1 clothing ; alsoBase Ball Club arid BRANCH OF THE NEW YORK Emporium of Fashion FOB LADIES. Represented by Mrs. A. Goodaie and rs. K. E. Lincoln. FURNISHING GOODS OF ALL -KINDS, FROM HEAD DRESS TO HOSIERY, SUITS IN GRFAT VARIETY, Wrappers Single or Double, TJnderdoth». ingof every description, Night Dresses, Trail and Walking Skirts, Chemise, Drawers, Sacks, Over Skirts, Aprons, <fcc. Orders taken for wedding Outfits, Chil drensand Infants' Wardrobes, tfuita and Dresses in the Latest Styles, and supplied at short notice. jsS-The TRADE supplied at Next York priccs. Sample Room, Wo. 221 Canal st., AT MRS. A. M. PARRISH'S FIRST PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. jE3~0rders respectfully solicited. Mrs. A. GOODALE. " ~ Mrs. K. E. LINCOLN. GREENVILLE, VICKSBURG ; AND THE BENDS. ' Leaves on THURSDAY, at 5 P. M. FOR VICKSBtJRG, DAVIS' Bend GIUEH«* TILLE AJV.YLE any Side; Egg's Point Boruard, Grand Lake, Le - ta, Maryland, Carolina, Pilchcr's I jint. Skipvith, Lake Providence, Transylvania, Goodrich's, Millikcns Rend, Duckport, Yicksburg, Grand Gulf, St. Joseph, Rod' ney.' Waterproof, ^fetchoz, Bajpu S rçiu Baton Rouge, Plaqueminc, Donftlt Ison ville , and all intermediate and Coast lamTing ta The new and 'iaagmficent steamer K A T I E* p . -ïîf . ":î • Wltl loavq as above, àh^ypl h»à4 *lî Csast passengers with t&ärct)ajg& Connects at YieksbfiSg! witfc v i'Beîs fc>r ; al! point» on tho V&tfO -asfcl TaUahuieiii«» j rives», , ... . ;•». _ j h Fer feeighl or-pa^jje "r »0 ■ v '' .« J NO. r s T X ?2vLy, ' . ' l-j'J Qi/aiMva S^TNt