Newspaper Page Text
BATES OF ADVERTISING. Squares One v ~ Two Ton'" Font Fi*« Six 1 Column j 1 mo/2 84 7 9 15 90 24 45 87 9 H 25 35 42 80 3 mot ♦9 12 90 85 45 50 120 * 7* 8HM 920 — 35 36 50 60 70 175 50 79 8& 10« 25« Transient advertisements, $150 pet square finit insertion; each subsequent insertion, 75 cents. All business notices of advertisements to be charged twenty cents per line each insert» a. Jod Prixtisq executed with neatness and dispatch. Wedding Gante' executed in accordance with providing fashions. Funeral "Notices printed ou shortest no ice and with quickest dispatch. PROFESSIONAL. JOHN B. HOWARD. LAW OFFICE, 26 St Chubs Street New Orleans. Prompt attention given to civ business in the several courte of the State. A. P. FIELDS k ROBERT DOLTft* ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 9 Commercial Place, 2nd Itoor, New Orleans; jJS9*Strict Attention t» all Civil end Criminal business in the State and United States Court. J. E. Wallace. Attorney at 69 CANAL STEET, NEW ORLEANS, LA ' jal8-ly. Bllle r 1 office 69 canax, st., sxax POSKOnOX. ■ A graduate from the University of Coe penhagen, Denmark, and honorary M. D from the University of Padova, Italy; for several years assistant physician to the cele brated Prof. Ricord, Paris. DR. RILLE has acquired a high reputation as SPE CIALIST for oil kinds of Sexual diseases, male and female. Private diseases cured after a new, sure and quick method Painful and Retained Menstruation quickly relieved. Perfect cure always warranted. Letters containing $5 and stamps' will receive prompt attention. All consultations and communications strictly confidential. janl8-6m ! JNSUBAN't COMPANIES—BANKS. LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COM1 NT office, No. 120 comhox stbeet. INSURES FIRE, aRINE AND RIVER RISKS ab1> pats losses« im New Orleans, New York, Liverpool London, Havre, Paris, or Bremen, at the option of tjie insured, CHARLES BRIGGS, President Ar CARRIERE, Vice-President J. P. Roux» Secretary. THE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS | —and— TRUST COMPANY, Chartered by the United Statte Government, March, 2865. nnrciPAL office, Washington, ». a J>. X. EATON... ..Actuary BRANCH AT NEW ORLEANS; LA. iH Carondelet Street C, D. STURTEVANT, Csdner. Bank Hows....... 9a. x. to3r.u SatuTday Nights........ 6 to 8 o'clock | CIGAR MANUFACTORT. The nndenlgned notifies the Pubhe Of the establishment of a CIGAR MANUFACTORT, 8t No. 129 Polyoma Street, near Dry ad«« Street, "where ordere will be thankfully received and prompQy at tended to. 4;0. B. ROUDEZ, an! New Qémma, Dee. 18,1871. CARPET WARCHOU8E. 17 CHARTRES STREET .|? ABROUSSEAU it CO., Imperters and Deniers at Wholesale and Retail, offer el low prices j CARPETING, 1^>OR OH» 6L0TH, MATTING. Curtain and UJa ! olatmra , Mater! mdow Shades, T able Covers; Ha nths. lacs Cartstas, Otrnicis, 7* REMOVAL • -•> ™ 167... .CANAL STREET.. ...167 room No. 9 CAMP STREET. Manufacturers and Dealern » BOOTS AND SHOES, Tranks, Valises and Bags, We repectfnlly give notice that they have removed to the large and centrally located Wo, 167 Canal Street, Near Dauphine. PARTIES WHO BUY FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS —FOB CA8H— Will find their money spent more to their satisfaction at BRASELMAN& ADAM'S CASH HOUSE than ELSEWHERE. A Glance through their immense stock Silks, Satins, Real Poplins, Plaids, Serges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Emp. Cloths, Formosas, Arabs, Jackets, Shawls Sackings, Cleakings, Cloths, Flannels, Laces, Embroide ries, Gloves, Corsets, Vel vets, Ribbons, Parasols, Fans, Etc., Etc., Etc. WILL CONVINCE. 580. and 588 M agazine street, cor. Si Atdrew, 500. 500. 500. 500. HOME WASHERS, HOME WASHERS, HOME WASHERS, Sold within the Past Two Months under a Full Guarantee, Not one returned— Not one complaint. Speaks for itself, In Operation Daily at the Depot,No. 176 Canal street. PRICE $18. New Orleans Home Manufacturing Company. P. B. ETHELL, \ MERCHANDISE, FLOUR Aim PROVISION BROKER, ! 105....POYDRAS STREET....105 W. J. TAYLOR....JNO. M. BURK Salesman. Mrs. 6. E. Craig, NO. 283 POYDRAS STBEET. New Orleans. | a ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN » AKD New Orleans. al '72 -ly. 8T. PHILIP 8T0RE, 230 ROYAL ST.. CONER. ST. PHILIP. New Orleans. B. A. CHIAPELLA, —Cl^H DEALER 1>— la pie a ad Fan f y Dr jr Goods, TRIMMINGS AND HATS AT AUCTION PRICES [gPECIAL INOTICE. SOUTHERN RAILROAD. THE ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE To St Louis, Chicago, Omaha, San IFrancisco, St Paul, Kans as City, Leav | enworth » 84 'oaeph, And iII Fointft Stitb, Best aid West. New Orleans, Jackson and Great <Uil r , «7 AN EXPRESS TRAIN tarn» Ib. Ra ilr oad,, m a kin g close connec tions j at Mobile with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to all pointa- North, East end West. . * For tickets apply to . I a n sDfirivw A. D. SHELDON. Ticket Agent New Cifcians, Jackson andf Great Northen RaStoed, comer Camp «a - 4 W. BEDELL Ticket Agent New Orleans, Mobile and Cbatouoga Railroad Na 160 Com non street, und er Si HoteL I J. H. mxQTaLD. F^miutnuiintr ^ r j at SUMMER RESORT. The undersigned take pleasure in an nouncing to their friends and Re public generally, that the'Welt-known " Letts HoT£x,"atBay St Lbnte,Miss., has been secured and perfectly renovated by them as a first class Civil Rights Hotel, under the name of " Stokes Hotel ," and will be ready to receive boarders on the 15th o May 1872. The proprietors will spare neither pains nor expense tome rit a liberal share of public patronage. S. J. STOKES ACo., Proprietors. New Orleans, March 9, 1872. 3mos. TO Z j ZTF, AT BAY ST. LOUIS. A HOUSE—containing 6 rooms, gallery, water-closet, chicken house, a good spring well,* a woodshed, garden and large shade trees, all newly repaired—on Goodchildren street, near Louisiana wharf and the rail oad depot, with privilege of a bath house. Address Jeff. Stokes, at the State House, or at STOKES' HOTEL, Ray St Louis, Miss. STEAMBOATS. Packet Msbc han ts' Sodthebn company. Fob St. Louis, Cairo, | Memphis and the Bends— The steamers of this line will leave as follows, at & P. M. Giving through bills of lading over the Illinois Central Railroad to al points on Arkansas, White and Cumb erland rivers. Through bills of ladin ; and passenger tickets issued to à I lints on the Upper Mississippi, as ;h as St. Paul. .Plans of cabin may be see and state rooms secured on application to STEVENSON ft VERLANDER Agents, 135 Gravier street. JOHN F. BAKER, President Bills of lading over the Illinois Cent ral Railroad signed onlyattheoffice of JAS. T. TUCKER. 26 Carondelet street. NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO AND THE WEST. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD x/j nun IUUM3 OHYC nix «ray. age , "jd transfer charges at Cairo, and their goods are always nnder cover, and no charges are made for forwarding. JAMES T. TUCKER, General Agent. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD and Blue Line, Via Cairo, WILLTAKE FREIGHT From Now Orleans on first lelass steamers, leaving daily, at 5 p. 11., fob CAIRO, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, WEST AND EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. All rates and all through bills lading from New Orleans by above route given, signed and recognized only at the General Office of the Com r , No. 26 Carondelet Street lippers by this route save all dray w * R Greathoüse - Maste 'î j James McElbot , Clerk, 8«P«*et ST. LOUIS. For St. Louis, Cairo and Memphis. Steamer KATIE, ! J. M White , Master; will leave New Orleans for above ports on I SATURDAY, SATURDAY, Juno 10; June 24; I SATURDAY, SATURDAY, July 8; July 22. For freight or passage apply on board I or to J. JANNEY, No. 150 Common Street . A. A. GREEN. No. 196 Common Stree Where a plan of the cabin can be seen BATON ROUGE. Rouge aens, Coa teRail ° ndtirusso T passen mi-weekly ST. JOHN. Leaves every WEDNESDAY, at 5 P, M,, and SUNDAY, at 10 A. M. Returning, leaves Baton Rouge every Monday and Thursday ev enings For freight or passage apply on board, r to E. O. Melakçon , il Conti street CAIRO. Company FOE OUBO ASD ST. LOOTS. ^ aüro(ul Packets j w iU leave as totiows: living through biltojgtf ladin» to all Mem®«" and 0Wlet.ton Northwestern itauroad« and Meiophis "and Qii i o BûL I road—also to St Loals. Through Tickets fkmdshed at lowest rates to all points East, W^st and Noîthî fc* 11 ^ via Memphis! SS I ! o n j*. Shrterooma so 0®°*» Common 4 A. A, WOODS, eeum igest, r n " * JOHN ». BOFINGER PttsiStT I Bills of lading for #11 freights over at the office of an been be o ; I NEW^ ADVERTISEMENTS. The India Rubber Comb Nos. 9,11 & 13 Mèrcer Stfect, NEtfYOÉki Sole m&Bnfaetarm, ander Goodyear'* «ad Meyer's Patents, —of—: INDIA RUBBER COMRS, Dressing Oombs. Long Combs. Twist Combs. Fine Tooth Combs, [a variety of Elegant Fancy Patterns.] Pocket Combs. combination side combs [Made jwdeb Paum's Patent.] The sole of any Combination Side Combs, no matter of what material Ridding Combs, Hair Pin®. ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS —of— made, ttnless seid under a Beeaw from us, is prohibited bylaw. CHAELE» a . DA SA, Editor. A Newspaper of the Present Times. Intended for People Mow an Barth. Including FSfrmeisi Mechanlea, Merchant«, Pro ftMlonsl Men, Worker*. TMnken» sod sir Man aer of Honeat FoUca, and tbe Wlvei, Sena, sad nansbter* of all mob. ONLT OSB DOLUS A VKAR | ONE HITNDKED COPIES FOB. SSO, Or le» tban Oae Cent a Copy. Let tbeie tie a iMClnkateTtfryFottOffloe. 8BMI -WBBKLY SUN, 13 A TEAS. of tbe une éize sad general character m or tbe aune else and general eSaraetor as the weekly , bnt with a greater variety of tt come* twico a week Inatoad or once only. tt «ray. Cairo, nnder made for Agent. FREIGHT on first fob ALL AND bills of above recognized Com dray Clerk, v Jj Q'«>»';»y «V6MitaaiBeBa > or«aay M r. TERMS TO CLUBa ■tu, — , ... , .... FJSLSiSSSSZ^ _ . Pear Beïiars» Tea eoalM. —• — *enMtalysddm*sd (aad aaexiraeopy to tb* getter a^ofotao^^ " Mr addrMi ■P of emb>, «jmiaxf te one sddrew tasdl 1 oao yegrto fetter np «fjjjR '^fKv^smASSa» g^^ssagggs» et« year, will on 24; 22. board Street Stree seen teRail passen M,, every board, all BûL lowest Noîthî so over •one--. (UL clal») One bandred.eeaifis.eae yesr. leparattdr ad TBS 8BMI- wkek t,T subt. Fire copies, 000 year, separately addiened, _ Eight Dollars, Ten copies, one veir. repsratelv addrcucd /and aa extra copy togetternp of club), Sixteen Dollars. SEND YOÜtt MONEY 1 9ft ** order», ehnekb, or draft* on New J. W. ENGLAND, Pnbllslier. Son office, Mew Torts City. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. P. b. S. PiNcinjAcir, New Orleans, La. C. C. AxTonnt, Shrevtport, La. PINCHBACK, A ANTOINE, C0MMISSUI1I UrDPUAUTe bummisini MERCHANTS, 11-4 0«roadel<Ast, NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advances made on Consign merits. Prompt attention given to all sales and purchases, leasing of farms, etc., etc. Consignments covered by Insurance as soon as shipped, unless otherwise instructed on MILLINERY ESTABLIISHMENT. FALL AND WINTER 8TOCKOF Goods of every description, just received at r.n.H AÄD31-» I X». . .CHARTRES STREET. ..201 1 «tween Canal and Customhouse Nxw Obueams. • EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANT Of THE CITT OF EEW tolté KO. 189 BROADWAY. ' Cmccss Geo. W. Smith, Vue* Prêt 9. Hilton Soribtwr. Prest, £. H. Waters, ^ W - Ortfrd. SOty.; MbenU Chpp. Sup*. Agença. T. R SInrcy. Med. Etamr., -<. m* WALTHÀ'M WATCH MORE IS EXPECTED OF A WATCH, THAN ANT OTHER KIND OF MACHEST, It must not only run utt day, butaü night 4 times a aacond, 240 times » minute, 14,400 times an hour, 345,600 times a day, 292,00 times a week, 10,368,000 times a month, 126,144,000 times a. yean not only on weekday», but on 8undaya and Holidays. It mut run hanging up or lying down—upside down or right aide tip. It must keep running when the w eurer fits down or stand up, When he walks or rides. In fact, ü is expected to do its duty at all times, in «ilIftltlalltliêMiaiiiinniiiib. I womidll A»/. a » j* , ^ ltbftdly ." Ck H L without • • f I »U that time. ° j A Genuine Waltham Watch ©ostaiss 5 Spring, 9 wheels, 51 Screws, and 98 other part t making aUlngelhtr 136 separate pieces, ALL GENUINE WAL THAM ever y pi ace aiu j svery position. j a Genuine Waltham Watch | the ax«a «w™ bavx klevxm «vm. «« roui jewxlleo bay. iuteen ncwxLs. I Every part of a WaMham Watch is made by machinery, The machinery used in I making the movement at a single watch coast over a Hundred Tnousand Dollars,. yet we sell these Watches, in a solid Silver Hunting Case, for $18. The same watch ( could not be made by hand and finisheds as perfectly for Tex Times as hoch . I m /»_ . ... ... . , I Waltham Watch Is ihterchangeable, like a S pringfield rifle like the same part in another ; and if ten mixeÄ togatter, ten watches could be made by putting these parts together again, w ^thuot any reference to their former combination. This is a GREAT ADVANTAGE; For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is j injured we can always replaçait at a - I I Trifling Erpense. I Is made with spécial reference to DURABILITY w .. , Other Watches wiU run fora year or two, an require constant repaire ; but Wftl tfi am WAtoh WILL RUN FAITHFULLY FOR MANY YEARS We sell these Watches, IN SOLID SILVER HUNTING C ASES jig " IN SOLID GOLD HUNTING CASES,$70 . . 0 ve prepared an maw» ,---- ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST* which describes the various grades wntcn describes the various grades Watches in detail, gives the weight and q^octbeGase^andau otheri-^ " *' Write for it as follows : - - ; ation necessary tor an intelligent selection. We wish every one would send for before ordering a Watch. Messrs. Howard & Co., No. 785 Broadway, New York: Please send me your Illustrated Price List of Waltham Watches, as per adver tiscmeiU in Tax Louisiamiam. (Sign name and address in full) WITHOUT EXPENSE, o> tibu Watch * bnt becana « the parties needed the money more, Reft md t h e BSoiiey. We have sent out over Five Thousand «f these Watches Upon these conditions, and have only been asked to reftmd the money in three eases, and not on* of these was on account of dissatisfaoton with the We eats ho Aoehts, and oua tucks abe TBS SAXE TO AIA. A BESIDEST of Omaoow OBTUAS CAN BÛT a Waxck raoM AEDIT wzu, COST BW MO KOBE TEAM IP ■s ltwd m New Yobb. Au am is BxrunsD » mi PncB LIST. SPECIAL NOTICE, we do «ox selz, Waltham Watohes in any Imitation, Gilt, M*t*d,Oâde, lïQadCeMes whatever (these. JÛTJÏ! "STT?. 1 " QmM Silver). The Waltham Watch is worthy} BaoUd Gold or Silier Case, and we do F **** *" HOWARD & Co, I Jewe&rs ami «ter j t *0. 785 Ba<?AawAT, H*w lea*. ] WATCHMAKERS, ETC. W-W: Ä»1 m, -wiMi nr— -f GOLD AND SILVER WATC1ÏES , And Fine Gold Jewelry. Keep always on hand all classes and patterns of Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Glasses changed and sent to any part of the cotmtiy. Watch repairs ! done promptly and warranted. Address orders to PAÜL OBANznf « ] 112 Carondelet Street | Feb. lOly New Obleabs. GOOD W ATC HE S a* ' * I A? It! MIOKSI f AS THE SOLE AGENTS in the United States for the LIVERPOOL WATCH CO., we an authorized by them to close out ï" 5 *, ".**7^ Chains, etc., now m stock, for Cash, at prices never before known. Alt beautiful * n flnwb» Mtistic in design, reliable or CTSgl +£*£ SULS^JSZ 0,11,1 8084 ** importation, and forwarded securely packed, prepaid, to any part of the country on receipt of price. Money »n be sent to us by Express, with or ders 1er Express Co.. to return Goods or which wil1 8efcnr ® promptness and Among our list will be found. A REATIFUL ENGLISH SILVER, SOLID DOUBLE CASE wa t5, h ' ßeuuin ? ea f sh ^ ml , plute ït ' 8 hands, engine turn nerl, correct and serviceable article, large or small sfee in complete running order, wiih an ele S ant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and key ' aU com P^ te » mailad &ee for FIVE DOLLARS. A VERY HANDSOME WATCH in fine watch Dollars,. Silver 18 karat Gold plated Double Casses watch ( imitation of $100 Gold Watch—engraved finisheds er pl*>n, genuine English, full plate . I jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, , I correct, and in complete running der with elegent Gent's Vest Chain, rifle withLockctand Key, mailed pro-paid for «Ü7EIGHTEEHD01LAE& if ten Tha OriHa GaIH Watoli be 810 S P nn 8 Cases, elegantly together Lvor 'movem^^fnll^'lS their Pftt< ?* LeT ® r n,ovemento . full jeweled, regulated and warranted to keep correct tnne, and wear equal to Gold, preci Uly like in ^ make, finish, is j »"'"aiicy of color. $200 Gold Wateh. - I One of these splendid Watches will he I forwarded by mail free to any address, in I handsome morocco case, lined with vetret and satin, (Ladies' or Gent's size Wtch, )fer | twelve dollars. Watches for Holiday Presents manuiar tared to mder. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES , . of all grades, in Gold and Silver Cases, two, j from *l 8 npto *200. Other Good Watched equally low. With every Club of sis Watches, of any kind, we send one extra ; of same kind free, as a premium to getter up of the Club. A superior stock of Ge nuine Oride Gold Chains, $2 to SO each, warranted fully equal to Gold x» brittaacy of color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 col lected on delivery, if desired. All Bills of $12, and less, mnst becash in P. O. jig j Money Orders, or Registered Letters, at our risk. Goods carefully selected, packed aRd forwarded p^idby mail, or by Express, or receipt of price. Safe delivery j of all goods gnarentecd. Watches forward ed to be examined to partira known When express charges both ways are paid. I No goods forwarded west of the Mississippi oi I River, with bill to collect on delivery. oi I ttiver, with bill to collect on delivery. and Purcha ^ rs l»y ^ «P*»» cha ^<» S j wi money, aii uisa oraesv lorwaraeu I free of cmirges to deatinAtieg . Catalogues it I Free. Address all orders. j CHAS. P. NORTON A CO., 1 Importers of Watehes, etc. Established 1057. 86 NassanSt, N. Y. : Established 1057. 86 NassanSt, No. Price adver GEORGE HITE, Lock-Smith «0 Bell-Hanger IRON RAILINGS FITTED Xaroxa. 0»fea repaired 80«, COMMON STREET, NEW ORLEANS. ß*" Presses repaired, Bells and 4 and Steamboats fitted «f I H oums , and was I COLORED SEA MENS' HOME, the GEORGE TÀYLORr NO. 91 FRONT LEVEE, THIRD DISTRICT, Boarding and Lodging A.»«aB»asa r. alf. JOURDAIN. jîw, - , . • n of raoM IP is lono. oiokac. Com C6KI1 VoiasB, No. « vtb do ALWAYS ON HAND Wim itfUfum. I £&D j Plantation flKtjppHea GIGWAC a JOURDAIN, m, always on Gold, Eye sent to repairs Address United CO., out at beautiful or forwarded part of Money or or and dOTiij GOODS, JOSÉPB ir. 6011 EMPORhjjj 1g3... CANAL STßEEx. first floor. DRY GOODS, GENTS 000DS. SECOND FLOOR; will CASE plute correct sfee an and FIVE fine — plate or Chain, for 0 correct preci finish, he in vetret )fer AND WBAÏ& THIRD FLOOR: carpets, M atting asd A visit to the store viO m persons wishing to goods. f. i. itols 110—CANAL STBEET.. Near St Charlta, NEW ORLEANS, H MEN'S AND B0Ï shirts. ^OF BIS OTRJ iiAKj) BOYS AND CHILDBES CLOTHIKG, JIES'S BOYS' SHRITSX1BET0 Every Article Marked Plain Figures. Goods sold on "one price" srsten any artwie purchased which feüsti satu&chen can be returned and tb ey will be refunded. »"Moderate Prices an« Stock to select from we the inducements offered at B. T. WALSIIE'S PBEIWIM SHIRT IVDCLOTHLKG EIPW1 110 Canal St., near St. C'harl New Orleans. N. R.—Letter Orders receive p attention and filled C. 0. 1). if 978 Bvory XVoolii MADE EASY. manuiar WATCHES Cases, Watched of sis extra Br » getter Ge each, brittaacy col Bills of O. at packed or by delivery forward known paid. delivery. delivery. ^<» etc. N. Y. UP, Gong u I We want Smart and EaeieetieAg utrodoee our popular and jtistly cele ted inventions, in every and City teile World. Indispensable to Every UÔKseliold; They are highly approred of, oi and aoopted by Ladies, Divines, and now a G1£EAT FAV ITE with them. Every Family wit IPtorcfa*' of more of them SomethiiTg merits are apparcai, a6 ai ( MILLEŒSS, DRESSMAKERS, And all who keep FANCY will find our excellent article» VERY RAPIDLY, gives perfect »" tion and netting Bhwoll rortunea to all Dealers .and Agents, Country Rights F* to all who desire engaging in an Jim Respectable and PrqftM* Businesi, same time doing good to tbeir » nions in life Sample 82,00, sentjto* mail on receipt of price. WHOLESALE CIRCULAR. ADD: Victoria MantrfMtvriPÇ 17 PARK PLACE. NEW Ï0BK COMPANY. Maiiolketorers, Imports and Jobbers, —OF— of evebt pescbntwf" CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, BELTING, PACKING * H03& ENAMELED CLOTH PIANO COTEES, BALL TOYS, Ac. 388 Bboaowat, cob. Fbaviu» s 82 Lâxx Snur, öescaoo. 607 Mabbet Snèsr. SakF»a»cW» F. M. SHEPPABD, y m-.wTP Üff' J. A. Mixott , Secretary,