Newspaper Page Text
RATES OP ADVERTISING. Squares One Two TbtM F oat Fire Six 1 Column 1 mo $4 7 9 15 20 24 45 3 mos $7 9 12 95 35 42 80 3 mos $9 12 20 35 45 50 120 6 mos $12 80 35 60 CO TO 175 1 yi 35 50 70 81 10» 251 Transient advertisements, $150 pel square first insertion; each subsequent insertion, 75 cents. All business notices of advertisements to be charged twenty cents per line each insertko. J ob Psnmxo executed with neatness and dispatch. Wedding Cards executed in accordance with providing fashions. Funeral Hottes* printed oil shortest BO' ice and with quickest dispatch. PROFESSIONAL. JOHN B. HOWARD. LAW OFFICE, 26 St Charles Street Hew Orleans. Prompt attention given to civ business in the several courts of the State. 2ft â. r. FIELDS k ROBERT DOLTftÄ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 9 Commercial Place, 2nd Hear, Now Orleans. ^arStriet Attention to all Civil and Criminal business in the State and United States Court. J. E. Wallace Attorney »t [69 CANAL STEET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. j »18 -ly. X>1'. W. omCE 69 canal st., KEAE pobtoftice. A graduate from the University of Co® penhagen, Denmark, and honorary M. D from the University of Padova, Italy; for several years assistant physician to the cele brated Prof. Ricord, Paris. DR. BILLE has acquired a high reputation as SPE CIALIST for all kinds of Sexual diseases, male and female. Private diseases curcd after a now, sure and quick method. Painful and Retained Monstruation quickly relieved. Perfect euro always warranted. Letters containing $5 and fctuwps will receive prompt attention. All consultations and communications strictly confidential. janl8-Gin INSURAN'E COMPANIES—BASKS. LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COM1 NY OFFICE, NO. 120 COM1ION STKKET. INSURES FIRE, ARINE AND RIVER RISKS *;,"!> raï3 lokhji38 im New Orleans, New York, Liverpool London, Havre, Paris, or Bremen, at the option of tho insured. CHARLES BRIGGS, President. A CARRIERE, Vice-President. 3. P. Roux, Secretary. THE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS —AND— TRUST COMPANY, Chartered by the United States Government March, I860. PKIMCIPAL OFFICE, WASHINGTON, P. 0. J>. L. EATON.... Actuary BRANCH AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. ill Carondelet Street C, D. STURTEVANT, Cashier. Bank Hours 73. .9 a. m . to 3 f . m Saturday Nights..... 6 to 8 o'clock CARPET WAREHOUSE. 17 CHARTRES STREET I? A BROUSSE AU & CO., Imperien and Dealern at Wholesale and Retail, offer at low prices ; CARPETING, FLOOR OIL CLOTH, MATTING. Cnrlain and Uphohtlercra' Mat«*« indow Shades, Table Covers, Ha «B«, T^Mfliitrfni. Csrnices. etc. Ziouisiana I DYEING AND SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT. 7. OÜBD®. Steam Dyer and Scourer, 228 CANAL STREET... .228 BETWEEN RAMPAKT AND BASIN, jkl8 4jaa, NEW OBLLANB, Kille, • REMOVAL *o 167 X -CANAL STREET... -.167 rooM No. 9 CAMP STREET. GrXjTg-Tnr db WXSTTSB Manufacturers and Dealers IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Trunks, Valises and Bags, We repectfally give notice that they have removed to the large and oentrally located No, 167 Canal Street, Near Dauphine. FABTIES WHO BUY FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS —FOB CASH— WilUlnd their money spent more to their satisfaction at BBASELMAN& ADAM'S CASH HOUSE THAN ELSEWHERE. A Glance through their immense .stock Silks, Satins, Real Poplins, Plaids, Serges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Emp. Cloths, Formosas, Arabs, Jackets, Shawls Sackings, Cloakings, Cloths, Flannels, Laces, Embroide ries, Gloves, Corsets, Vel vets, Ribbons, Parasols, Fans, Etc., Etc.,' Etc. , WILL CONVINCE. (86 and 5S8 Magazine street, cor. St Andrew, 500. 500. 500. 500. HOME WASHERS, HOME WASHERS, HOME WASHERS, Sold within the Past Two Months nnder a Full Guarantee, Not one returned— Not one complaint. Speaks for itself. In Operation Daily at the Depot,No. 176 Canal street, PRICE $18. New Orleans Home Manufacturing Company. I». B. ETHELL, MERCHANDISE, FLOUR and PROVISION BROKER, 105.... POYDRAS STREET ...105 W. J. TAYLOR... .JNO. M. BURK Salesman. Mrs. G. E. Craig, NO. 283 POYDRAS STREET. N ew O bleaxs. al '72-ly. ST. PHILIP STORE, 230 ROYAL ST., CONER. ST. PHILIP. New Orleans. E. A. CHIAPELLA, —CA^H DEALER IN— Staple aid Fancy Dry Goods, TRIMMINGS AND HATS AT AUCTION PRICES S PECIAL NOTICE. ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN and SOUTHERN RAILROAD. THE ONLY ALL BAIL ROUTE To St. Louis, Chicago, Omaha, San Francisco, St Paul, Kansas City, Leav enworth, St Joseph, And all Points North, Best ind West. TWO EXPRESS TEAESTS leave the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Bailroad Depot daily, at 7 A. M. and 5 P. M. AN EXPRESS TRAIN leaves tho foot of Canal street daily at 8 A. M., via the New Orleans, Mobile and Chattanooga Railroad, making close connections at Mobile with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to all points North, East and West For tickets apply to A. D. SHELDON. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northen Railroad, corner Camp and Common streote, nnder City Hotel ; or to W. BEDELL. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Mobilo and Chatanooga Railroad No. 150 Com mon street, under St. Charles Hotel J. H. WINGFIELD. General Superintending Agent St. Louis, Iren Momatwa and Soutiers llaikoatl STEAMBOATS. M ebchasts ' S outhebh P acket C ompas*. Fox Sr. Louis, C ajbo, .M emphis and the Bends— The steamers of this line will leave as follows, at 5 P. M. Giving through bills of lading over the Illinois Central Railroad to al points on Arkansas, White and Cumb erlond rivers. Through bills of ladinp and passenger tickets issued to al E oints on the Upper Mississippi, as ighas St. Paul. Plans of cabin may be see and state rooms secured on application to STEVENSON & VEKLANDEB. Agents, 135 Gravier street JOHN P. BAKER, President. Bills of lading over the Illinois Cent ral Railroad signed only at the office of JAS. T. TUCKER. 26 Carondelet street. NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO AND THE WEST. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD and Blue Lin«, Via Cairo, WILL TAKE FREIGHT From New Orleans on first class stealers, leaving daily, at 5 p. m., fob CAIRO, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, WEST AND EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. All rates and all through bills of lading from New Orleans by above ronte given, signed and recognized only at. the General Office of the Com pany, No. 26 Carondelet Street. Shippers by this route save all dray age and transfer charges at Cairo, and their goods are always under cover, and no charges are made for forwarding. JAMES T. TUCKER, General Agent. ST. LOUIS. For St Louis, Cairo and Memphis. Steamer KATIE, J. M W hite , Master; will leave Naw Orleans for above ports on SATURDAY, SATURDAY, Juno 10; June 24; SATURDAY, SATURDAY, July 8; July 22. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. JANNF.Y, No. 150 Common Street A. A. GREEN, No. 106 Common Stree. Where a plan ol" the cabin can be seen BATON ROUGE. llougo cens, Coa f e Rail ® udcirosge T passeii uii-wcekly gor packet ST. JOHN. W. R. G beathouhb , Master; J ames M c E lroy , Clerk, L oaves every WEDNESDAY, at 5 P. M., and SUNDAY, at 10 A. >1. Returning, leaves Baton Rouge every Monday and Thursday evenings. For freight or passage apply on board, r to E. O. M elancon , 11 Conti street. CAIRO. O— : S t . L ouis and N ew O rleans P acket C oupant. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Illinois Central Railroad Packets FOR MEMliriS, CAIRO and the Bends—The fiue passenger steamers of this Uno will leave as lollows: Giving through bills of lading to all points on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, Naahville and Northwestern Railroad, and Memphis and Ohio Rail road—also to St. Louis. Through Tickets fmnifihed at lowest rates to all points East, West and North, by all the various routes via Memphis, Cairo and St. Louis. Staterooms se cured at General Office, 104 Common treet. A. A. WOODS, General Agent, 104 Common Street. C. G. WAYNE, Freight Aent, 37 Natchez Street, JOHN N. BOFINGER. President, Bills of lading for nil ' freights over the Illinois Central Bailroad; signed at the office of JAMES T. TUCKER, apl. 6-tf 23 Carondelet Street GREENVILLE, VICKSBURG AND THÉ BENDS. Leaves on THURSDAY, at 5 P. M. FOR VICKSBURG, DAVIS* Bend G beekville A bgxle Sunny Side, Egg's Point iBamard, Grand Lake, Leo. ta, Maryland, Carolina, Pilcher'a Point Skipwith, Lako Providence, Transylvania, Goodrich's, Millikens Bend, Dnckport, Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, St. Joseph, Bod ney. Waterproof, Natchez, Bayou Sara. Baton Rouge, Plaquemine, Donaldsonville, and all intermediate and Coast landings. The new and magnificent steamer 4NUTIE. Will leave as above, and, will land all Coast passengers with their freight. Connects at Vicksburg with packets for all points on the Yazoo and Tallahatchie rivers. , , For freight or passago apply onboard JNO, JANNEY, Agent, ISO Common Street G. CASENAVE. UNDERTAKER Bourbon NEW ORLEANS. CARRIAGES FOR HIRE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T he I ndia R ubber C omb C o. Nos. 9,11 &13 Mercer Street, NEW YOUR, Sole manufacturers, under Coodyear's and Meyer's Patents, —OF— INDIA RUBBER COMBS, Dressing Combs. Long Combs. Twist Combs. Fine Tooth Combs, [A variety of Elegant Fancy Patterns.] Pocket Combs. Bidding Combs. Hail- Pins. ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS —OF— COMBINATION SIDE COMBS [M ade dxdeb F ault's P atent.] Tbe sale of any Combination Side Combs, no matter of what material made, unless sold nnder a license from us, is prohibited by law. CHAULES A. DA3TA. Sdttor. A N twipifïr oi the Present Tinos. Intended for People Now en Çitrth. laetadiBg Farmen, Mechfcnici, Mcrcbimts, Pro. fesslonal Men, Workers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honwt Folies, Ml tbe Wives, Gossa, tad Daughters of all snob. 0VLY OXB DOLLAR A year I OSE HUNDRED COPIES FOR 850. Or loss than One Cent a Copy, let there bo a 830 Club m every Fast Office. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN, 83 A TEAS, of the same sice nod general character as TH!3 VEEKLF, bnt v/lth a creator variety of mteccllencona rékdina, and farafchlaij tho wwi to its snoäerlber» with greater freshness, bccanse It coses twice a week lastoad of once only. THE DAILY SUN, 80 A YEAR. . A preeminently readable nemmaper. with the largest circulation in tb3 worta. Pw, inde pendent, and fearless In polities. All the newa from everywhere. Two conta a copy : by wall, SO seats a mouth, or 86 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. CUE DOLLAR WEEKLY BFIi. Five eopies, one year, seperatelr address«!. Foar 0oll «r*. Ten copies, one resr.semreteiyaddressM {and on extra copy to tie getter up ofclu:>>. fiitfht Dollars. Twenty copies, en* year, separately addressed (aad an extra copy to tbe ejt^^np of^ci nb)^ ^ Fifty tor!'"- <>ne rear, to one address (and the Bowl-Weekly ose year to setter np of elab), lïinMhm Oettan, Fifty eoplte. ono year, separately aodreased (and tbe Semi-weekly one y ear to niter no of MUM, Tblrty-Sve Otiten» One hMdred copias, one year, to oat (and the Dally Co r one psf tetiwSl SfnpS "•»'t Itty ÜsllaM. One bnndred «»ptes. one year, separately si» Bpofcla^)° D«ly fer oae mrtoUit^li ti TOE SEMI.WEEKLY SUN. Five coule». one year, separatel^^ren«^ Tec copies, one year, separately addressed (and m extra copy te getter up of clnb). BBKD TOUR ROS IT ? I Poet OSee order*, cheeks, or draft* eaNew orlc, «lier« var eoavenleet. ifiot, tm rulitct Ute leiten containing moSey. AMreet raB<HM L W. KNSLAjTD. PablWWr. Baa office. New Tork Cttjh COMMISSION MERCHANTS. P. B. S. PlKCHBACK, New Orleans, La. pinchback, à antoine, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 114 Oaroncielet flit.* NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advances made on Consign ments. Prompt attention given to all sales and purchases, leasing of farms, etc., etc. Consignments covered by Insurance as soon as shipped, unless otherwise instructed on the BUI of Lading. MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF of every description, just received at ».R.£C^.H3DB=:'a M». . .CHARTRES STREET.. .29 etween Canal and Customhouse N ew O rleans. E MP IE E mutual L ife insurance company OF THE CIT7 OF ÎTEW YORK NO. 139 BROADWAY. O fficers Geo. W. Smith. Vice Prest. O. Hilton Scrilmer. Prest., L. II. Waters. Actuary. Sidney W. Crofut. Secbj., Everett Clapp. S>ip'. Agevcs. T. K. Murcy. Med. Exam Aquds Ncv Orkans fsiCDACS & Azxom* C. C. A ntoine, Shreveport, La. WAHMAM WATCHES. ~ or a WALTHÄM •sat* 4 times a second, 240 times a minute, 14,400 times an hoar, 345,800 times a day, 892,00 times a week, 10,368,000 times a month, 126,144,000 times a year. MORE IS EXPECTED OF A WATCH, THAN ANT OTHER KIND OF MACHERT. It must not only run vtt day, butaM night / not oniy on weekdays, but on Sundays and Holidays. It must run hanging vp or lying doun—vpsid* down or right side up. It mvst keep running when the wearer sits down or stand up, When he walks or rides. In fact, it is expected to do its duty at alt times, in everyplace and in sveryposition. A Ctonuint WaJtham Watch will fulfil all these requirements. I wound once a day, it will faithfully tick for yon a hnndred and twenty-six million times in a year, without even requiring fresh oil all that time. A Genuine Waltham Watch contains 5 Spring, 9 wheels, 61 Screws, and 98 other parts making aUtogeOier 136 separate pieces, ALL GENUINE WALTHAM w atolxea lutvo am «T owela, tbs extba jewklud eat1 kleyen jewkx. the itu, jewelled bate fifteen JEWELS. Every part of a Waltham Watch is made by machinery, The machinery used in making the movement of a single watch coast over a Hundred Tiiousatid Dollars, yet we Bel! these Watches, in a solid Silver Hunting Caso, for $18. The same watch could not be made by hand and finisheds 03 perfectly for T en T imes ab much. A Genuine waltham Watch Is ihterchaogeable, like a Springfield rifle that is, any part of one Watch is exactly like the same part in another ; and if ten Watches of one grade were taken apart, and the screws, wheeh, springs, &c., were mixed together, ten watches could be made by putting these parts together again, withuot any rcferenco to their former combination. This is a GREAT ADVANTAGE', For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is injured wo can always replace it at a Trifling Expense. A GENUNE WALTHAM WATCH Is taade with special rcfcrence (9 DURABILITY Other Watches will run for a year or two, an require constant repairs ; but A. Waith «m Watob. WILL RUN FAITHFULLY FOR MANY YEARS We sell these Watches, IN SOLID SILVER HUNTING CASES $18 IN SOLID GOLD HUNTING CASES, $70 We have prepared an ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST, which describes the various grades of Watches in detail, gives the weight and quality ofthe Cases, and all other inform' ation necessary for an intelligent selection. We wish every one would send for it before ordering a Watch. Write far it fis follows : Messrs. H owabd & Co., No. 785 Broadway, New York: Please send me your Illustrated Price lÀiit of Waltham Watches, as per adver tisetnent in Tnx L ouisluiuk. (Sign name and address in full) WITHOUT EXPENSE, tlio Money. We have sent out over Five Thousand of these Watches upon these conditions, and have only been asked to refund the money in three cases, and not one of these was on account of dissatis&cton with the Watch, but because the parties needed the money more, ' Ws have no A geets, and oca psiceh ie the sams to aix. A sesfhdit ot O bsooh ob texas cam but a W atch non üb and rr will cost hm ko hobe tbin if be ltvei » is N ew Y obe. A li bis is explained » the P bicb L ist. SPECIAL NOTICE. we Du NOT SEUCi WaKham Watches in any Imitation, Gilt, Plated, Oride, Filled Coses whatever (these are all other names for Brass or German Silver). The Waltham Watch is worthy of a solid Gold or Silver Case, and we do not propose to sell it in any other. L et evebt ose seed fob' a P rice L ist AnDssaeiN reu., HOWABD Jt Co. Jewrlkrs vnd tiihp mnitha, No. 15« £ ac4d , vai , It".f; Votti. •Stx.s&p&l WATCH —iDWJtEE IN— GOLJD AND SIEVE It WA T CUES, And Fine Gold Jewelry. Keep always on hand all classes and patterns of Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eye G1&S8&. Glasses changed and sont to any part of the country. Watch repairs done promptly and warranted. Address orders to PAUL GBANZ1N, 112 Carondelet Street, Feb. 16 ly N ew O hleans. $5. GOOD $8. W A T C HE S AT 0L0 PRICES! AS THE SOLE AGENTS in the United States for the LIVERPOOL WATCH CO., we are authorized by them to close out a large line of European Watches, Chains, etc., now in stock, for Cash, at prices never before known. All beautiful in finish, artistic in design, reliable or accurate time, durable, and of the lates style. Every Wateh will be retailed at lees than cost of importation, and forwarded securely packed, prepaid, to any part of the country on receipt of price. Money can be sent to us by Express, with or ders for Express Co.. to return Goods or Cash, which will secure promptness and safety to purchaser. Among our list will be found. A BEATIFUL ENGLISH SILVER. SOLID DOUBLE CASE WATCH, genuine English füll plate jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, steel cut hands, engine turn nerl, correct and serviceable article, large or small size in complete running order, wiih an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and key, all complete, mailed free for FIVE DOLLARS. A VEBY HANDSOME WATCH in fine 18 knrat Gold plated Double Casses— imitation of $100 Gold Watch—engraved or plain, genuine English, full plate jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, correct, and in completo running or der with elegent 1 Gent's Vest Chain, withLocketand Koy, mailed pre-paid for only EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. The Oride Gold Watch, „ IN MASSIVE ORIDE GOLD Double Hunting Magic Spring Cases, elegantly engraved, or engine turned, Genuine Patent Lever movements, full jeweled, regulated and warranted to keep correct time, and wear equal to Gold, preci sely like in appearance, make, finish, brilliancy of color. $200 Gold Wateh. One of these splendid Watches will be forwarded by mail free to any address, iu handsome morocco case, liued with velvet and satin, (Ladies' or Gent's size Wtch, )for only TWELVE DOLLARS. Watches for Holiday Presents nuiuuftic. lured to order. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES of all grades, in Gold and Silve* "Cases, from $18 up to $200. Other Good Watches equally low. With every Club of six Watches, of any kind, we send one extra of same kind free, as a premium to getter up of the Club. A superior stock of Ge nuine Oride Gold Ciutins, $2 to $6 each, warranted fully equal to Gold iu brilliancy of color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 col lected on delivery, if desired. All Bills of $12, and less, must becash in P. O. Money Orders, or Registered Letters, at our*risk. Goods carefully selected, packed and forwarded pre-paid by mail, or by Express, or receipt of price. Safe delivery of all goods guaranteed. Watches forward ed to be examined to parties known when express charges both ways are paid. No goods forwarded west of the Mississippi River, with bill to collect on delivery. Purchasers must pay all express charges on goods sent C. O. D. : mk> for return of money. All Cash ordff) forwarded free of charges to destination Catalogues Free. Address all orders. CHAS» P. NORTON *CO., Importers of Watchœ, etc. Established 1857. 86 Nassau St, N. Y. No. 34-tf. GEORGE HI TE, Lock-Smith & Bell-Hanger IBON RAILINGS FITTED UP, Iron Safosi repaired 906, COMMON STREET, NEW ORLEANS. MSr Presses repaired, Bells and Gong Houses, h and Steamboats Fitted n COLORED SEAMENS' HOME. GEORGE TAYLOR. NO. 91 FRONT LEVEE, THIRD DISTRICT, Boarding and Lodging foe m ; VX geo. olonac. GiGNAC & JOURDAIN, gho CBRS, ' ■ C obneb C onti am» vhabbe , N o . 230. ALWAYS ON HAND flwi«, Grewrifs, CWfcf, T«a, Freriiieiis, . Wines aid Liqawi. ^ AÎÎD Î flaatailon auppllc» j _2®*Oidert. ptouipUy attended to. . alf. .ioubdaiw. DRY GOODS, JOSEPH H. EMP0RI CM( 163. ..canal stre et first floor DRY GOODS, GENTS ; goods. SECOND FLOOR: LADIES R00MF0B SHAWLS, c?n AND WKA1 -S. third floor carpets. mattikgakd V A visit to the store will persons wishing to goods. «TV 110 canal street. .. Near St Charles, NEW ORLEANS, LA MEN'S AND Bov SHIRTS, VOF HIS OWN JUKE) boys and childbed CLOTH IN fS'sirens Mino m Every Article Marked Plain Figures. Goods sold on "one price" svslm any article purchased wbi.-h tafeln satisfaction cnu be relnmed and U» ey will be refunded. ( «^Moderate Prices ami }' t( Stock to sclect from are som the inducements offered at B. T. WALSHE 'S P REMIUM SMUT AM) CLOTIIHG EM! 110 Cnnal Si, near St Charta New Orleans, N. lt.— Letter Orders receive attention and filled C. 0. D. if t $78 Every Week! MADE EASY, ET a: We want Smnrt and Kneriretic Agist utroduce our popular nurl jnstiy celeb ted inventions, in every Villd'jt, and City in the World. Indispensable to Ever Household; They are highly approved of, es and u« opted by Ladies, I'hyM® Divines, and now a G1IEAÏ FA 1 ITE with them. Every Family will Purchase0 of more of them. Something that merits arc apparent at a (JLANCE. deuggis: MILLINERS, DRESSMAKERS, And all who keep FANCÏ STOß! will find onr excellent articles S® VERY RAPILLY, gives perfect satisC tion and netting Small Fortune 8 to all Dealers and Agents, Country ltight» Fv to all who desire engaging in an llw 0 Respectable and Profitable Busing, at same time doitg good to their com] nions in lifo Sample $2,00, «eut mail on receipt of price. SLNP WHO LESALE CIBCULAll. ADM® Victoria Mawufactuviim 17 PARK PLACE. NEW Ï0BK COMPANY' Manufacturers, Iiiip« |tcl and J Obliers of kyïrï descelwioî" CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, BELTING, PACKING A HU " ' ENAMELED CLOTH riANO COTEES. BALL TOYS, &c. 3g3 beoabwav, cw 1 ' 82 L ake S tbekt , C hicago. C 07 MiBKEf SnsixT, S a>- 1 ; nand^' • F. M. SHEPl'AI!!' ■ I* RD>lM- Ni J. A. , Scactaiy. W "w«s »Us,,