Newspaper Page Text
PROSPECTUS OF THE I , ^deflvorto establish another L„ journal iu New Orleans, j,, toré of the LorrauNiAK, , to fill a necessity which hu , «id sometime« painfully— M • . Lui*** * u ^ ,e trnnsltlwn "tat« plu, in their struggling efforts j flirt position in the Body drich we conceit« to lie their IHù rt#rJetl that rnnch iufor guidtuice, encouragement, diad reproof hate been lost, in Uncc of the lack of a medium, rh which these deficiencies might We shall strive to make e khii ma " 11 desideratum in these POLICY. ■ motto indicates, the Lon L «Jwllbe " Republican at alt under all circumstances " Wc Llvocatc the security and enjoy Lf bread civil liberty, the abso Lnnlity of all mon before the law, L impartial distribution of lion l B ] patronage to all who merit * of allaying auimo.sii.ioa, of rating the memory of the bittcr promoting harmony and union «all cLisses and between all in \ tc slmU advocate tlie removal liwlitidil disabilities, foster kind Lulforbearancc, where malignity |p?ntrai'»t reigned, and seek for «and justice where wrong and «ou prevailed. Thus united in |»iind objects, wc shall conserve IM interests, elevate our noble I. to an enviable position among Jitter Stuten, by the development «illimitable resources, and secure |i Iienolits of the mighty changes t history and condition of the i and the Country. ring that there can be no true j without the supremacy of law vilnrge a strict ftud undiscrimi (hlminifltntion of justice. TAXATION. Uinïï support the doctrine of an title division of taxation among a, & faithful collection of the economy in the expendi wu/ormably with ttte exigen ce State or Conntry and the ■of every legitimate obtiga EDÜCATION. » stall sustain the carrying ont of «avisions of the act establishing Isuiaon school system, and urge Immmount duty the education of rath, as vitally connected with pom enlightenment, and the seen lad stability of a Republican at FINAL. h ferons, manly, independent, IÄ0U8 conduct, we shall strive pue our paper, from an ephem Usd temporary existence, and it upon a basis, tiwt if we " cvucmwid, " we ehalf il all " deserve " succees. ALBERT EYRJCH, toiler nsd SteUtner lin» CANAÏi STREET, W 0r]<mt8, Louisiana. fbeebman's savings —and— \mV8T COMPANY, Gartered by the United Stete« Government, March, ' 1865. &«. OFFICE, WAIBDtOtOKi V, 0. ^EATON. Actuary, |%CH \T NEW ORLEANS, LA. '14 Carondelet Street. c.d .RTURTEVANT, Cashier. 9 a. K .to3p .K ' %hts 6 to 8 o'clock Resort botel, take pleasure inan ^ j have completed the ' ntbng up and supplying of ""»«èant» 0rt at St. Louis, > Wtoou! •®®®unodâte all who* are: $2 25 15 00 ....50 00 S. J. STOKES & co. inlr 1 icra '•k i , ■ - • stok1 Umc, Jnly 1, 1872. IMPORTANT « W W—BO m i T to the ▲morloocn. Peepl« of the dîtbodcction FOR THE FIRST IIME IN THE UXITED STATES OF Dr. Or. Qoilefo'a CKLKDA TED EUROPEAN RENOWNFD ALTERATIVE PILLS. Tho »nccoHH of wliioli in Engl ft nil, France, Germany, Austria and Prussia in unprcci lonWd, having entirely superseded all mag nesias, MltH, soltzers, oils, etc., of every de scription, and are universally acknowledged to be tho moat effective and agrveablo Purgh livn over vut introduced. Dr. Collets<i has Just completed arrapge monto to supply the poople in Atqetiea with his valuable Fills, and . to prevent any imita tion of them, manufacture« thum at liia Cen tral Depot, No. 32 CarondcW street, New Or leans, where orders are -already pouring in from all parts of the country. Dr. Calletso, to assure the people that his ALTFUATIVE TILLS arc not gotten up on speculation and never yet tried, would state that ho is a graduate member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, and during his extensive practice for the last twenty-five years in Europe, has abored to produce some medicine which would come within th« reach of all, and and which would effectually cure a large number of complaints so general, and for the want of an article of this kind generally goes neglected until the healt is impaired and undermined and the constitution shat i red. He, therefore, has tried them effer n*Uy in Europe for the last fifteen years, with the most satisfactory results, and their v.cceiM has been so complete, that it lias as tonished even liim*'If, and surpassed bis most sanguine expectations. One or two boxes save hundreds of dollars in doctors' foes every year »n curing the following com plaints, which are at the foundation of all diseases : If your blood is rancid or vitiated, purify it with Dit. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If your skin is diseased and you are eov :r»,d with pimples, lioils, blotches, old sores, jcurvv or scrofula, DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS will remove aud eure them all. If you are worse, and have Ulcers, Cancer or Tumors, the effect is magical and tho cure oompk-tc in taking DR. COLLETSO S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If your liver is sluggish and you are suf fering with janndiceand palpitation of tho heart, you eau be cured by taking DR. COLIETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If your digestion is bad, and you are con stipated, your skin dry and feverish, your head hot and arlung, your mouth and lips parched and your eyes red and constipated, or inflamed, you will find immediate relief in taking DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If you hate inflammation of the stomach, bowels, womb, kidneys or bladder, with pain in the small of the back, difficulty in stoop ing without falling, weakness in the knees and dixziness in the heed, with dimness of sight, you can remove tho inflammation and restore your strength by using DR. OOLLETSO S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If you havo an enfeebled and debilitated constitution, and are afflicted with lassitude, less of memory, loss of sleep, loss of appe tite, short breath, and are nervous and rest less, with bad circulation of the Mood, try DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. If you resido in a climate where yon arc liable to Yellow Fever, Typhoid or Typhus Fever, or Fever and Ague, yon can escape these diseases entirely by taking as a pre ventive DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS. In spring and summer, when dysentery and diarrhteao are so prevalent among children and adults, one box of DR. COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE PILLS will check the complaint and euro you at once. Should you be attacked with that dread disease, Cholera, so fatal in its effects, its perfectly harmless if you are provided with a box of DX* COLLETSO'S ALTERATIVE T1LLSI The following is only one of thousands of thousands of testimonials that could be pub lished, but as it ia from floor of the most e minen t Physicians in London, it is consid. ered substantial proof of their efficacy in Fever and Cholera cases: 13 H yde P ark G ate, ) London, August Id, 1871- S Dr. G. OoHetso: D eab Sim—We have pleasure in informing r oa t kAt ftftor ftererml trial* of yottr va i okmo A lterative P ills , both among our outsido IU and especially in the Fever and * Hospitals, we Lave found that in every case where your Pills were given in *jfoi»ee?Msd («pcciaßysoin all Cholera, eksesi not a single life of which has been Josi wherever we have Med the«M. owr tOado^t you our most disnnguienea regard for so valuable and useful a dieeovery. Please for ward to above address one gross boxes ca your A lterative P ili *, and find in clos ed cheque for same, and oblige your most obe dient servants, _ _ . „ _ A.K. w tmajc, Bart, ED. J obs F. U axto , JjL D. H enry C. B oden , M. D. C. K, T ract , M. D. Dr. Cotletao would also stete a^oa evidence of their usefulness in Fever coses that his ALTERATIVE PILLS were used by His R o yal Highwss tho P bisce of w hales diring his illness, sod the sur geons would not allow say oilier Purgative Medicine to be used. In order that the people may not be de ceived in purchasing his Alterative Pills, ho would stete that they are all manufactured his CENTRAL DËTOT, 33 Carondelet Street, • New Orleans, where be prefers to receive all applications thst hemay «««^ a medimns which he can guarantee and whi^i vffl prevent impostors m trying to ooaaterfttt; lot aftsr having eMsnsod thsss, patients osa never be de dewed bj the substitntinn of any obnoxious eonpoaai. :.*! Prise par hes«l, erste boxes $8; deBfwsd io say aMre« ia the oouafcy. AU letters mA s p ptiea tin a s through the poet shoald be addressed to dr . o. crajxrao, Feet OAee Box 3M, New Orieoas, La. Medical Office and Surgery, {g Çarondelel street, New Orleans. THE LOUISlANI AN BOOK AND JOB Pritetins EstteMlshment, 114 CknaMet Street. 114 N ew O rleans. We are now prepared to execute every DESCRIPTION 1» R INTINO, « such as Mammoth Fosters, Fancy Show Cards, Railroad Work, Lawyers' Briefs, Book Work, Steamboat Work, Business Cards, Programmes, Handbill*, And all kinds of MERCANTILE WORK. RULING AND B00K-BINDIN8 —OP— EVERY DESCRIPTION Executed with Dwpatch. Steamboat Printing. Steamboat Officers will find it to their interest to call at our Office and LEAVE THEIR ORDERS. Pouters and Handbills in BLACK AND COLORED INKS, and of every size. BILL HEADS Ou any quality of paper— Prices Accordingly. Insurance Policies and Blanks. Railroad Tickets, Time-Tables, In fact, all kinds of fol» Printing can be executed at this Office—not only with DISPATCH, but on ACCOMMO DATING TERMS. «•a repository of fashion, pleasure, and instruction." HARPER'S BAZAR. a supplement containing numerous foil sized patterns of useful articles accompa nies the paper CTerv fortnight Harper's Bazar contains 1G folio pi.ges of the size of Harper's Weekly, printed on superfine calendered paper, and is pub lished weekly notices 07 tbe press. Harper's Bazar contains, besides pic tures, patterns, etc., a variety of matter of especial use and interest to the family; articles ta health, dress, and housekeep ing in all its branches; its editorial matter is specially adapted to the circle it is in tended to interest and instruct; and it has, besides, good stories and literary matter of merit. It is not surprising that the journal, with such features, has achieved in a short time an immense success; for semething of its kind was desired in thousands of families, and its publish >rr have filled the demand. The young lady; who buys a single nnmbe'r of Harpèr's Bazar is made a subscriber for life.—Xtw York Evening Post The B&9\r is . excellent. Like all the periodicals which the* Harpers publish, it is almost idféally weÏÏ edited, and the class of r^adièi^ for whom it is intended—tho mothers and daughters in average fam ilea-eaanot but profit by its good sense and good taste, which, we have no doubt, are to-day «wiring very many homes hap aertfaon they may have been before the women began t a king leeon* in personal and household and social management from this good-natured menton— The Na tion, MY. Subscriptions.—I1872. Harper's Bazar, one year $4 00 An extra copy ot either the Ma g asine . Weekly, or Basar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subecribenbt fft 00 each, in one remittance ; or, 8ix Copies for *90 00, without extra oopy. Subscriptions to Harpers Magasine, Weekly and Basar, to me address !» one year, $10 00;'or, two of Harper's Periodi cal, to one address for one year, $7 00. ^ff»Back numbers can be supplied at Tola. I^IL, and HL of Harper's Basar, te tfc» 9Mi INI m TO. «hgantty bound in gMHilWW «Mfe,.*ill be eent by express, freist* P^eFmd,** *7 0® The postage on &qpflr'a>Baaar is ,80 cents a year, which must be prid at the subscriber's post ettce. Address ^ HAUTES & BKOTHEE. Dec. ?8, 71. New York HARPERS PERIODICALS. i^nntioublf the best snslaiaed work of the kiüit in the World ." HARPERS'S MAGAZINE Notlecu of the rress. No more delightful travels are printed in the English language than appear per petually in H arper's M aoazine . They ate read with eqnal interest and satisf:tc Hion by boys of evtfry grade from eighteen to eighty. Ita scientific pipers, wbile suf ficiently profound to demand the uttention of the learned, are yet admirably adapted to the popular understanding, and design ed as much to diffuse correct information concerning current scientific discovery as it could bo if it was the organ of the "So ciety fox the Diffusion of Usefol Knowl edge." The great design ol H arper's is to give correct information and rational amusement to the great masses of the peo ple. There arc few intettigent American families in which H arper's M agazine would not be an appreciated and highly welcome guest, Tnere is no monthly Magazine an intelligent reading fiimily can less afford to be without. Many Maga zines are accumulate ' H arper's is edit ed. There is not a ngazinethat is print, ed which shows more intelligent pains ex on its articles and mechanical execution. There is not a cheaper Magazine publish ed. There is not, confeasedly, a more pop ular Magazine in the world. — New Eii'/html Homestead. It is one of the wonders of journalism— the editorial management of H arper's. — The Nation. SUBSCRIPTIONS.—1871,, Termai H asher's M agazine , one year $4 00 An Ertra Copy of either the M agazine W eeket, or B azaar viU be supplied gratis for every Club of F ive S ubscribers at $4 00 each, hi one rem Wanre; or Six Cnjrie*for $20, 00, without extra copy. Sultscriptions to H arper's M aoazxke, w eeket, ax/1 B azaar, to one address for one year, $10,00; or boo of llarper'a Peri' ndicfds, to one address for one year, $7,00. Bade Numbers cm be supplied at any time. A Complete Set of H arper's M agazine. now comprising 41 Volumes, in neat clotb binding, Will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2 25 per vol ume. Single Volumes, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth cases for binding, will be 58 cento« by mail, postpaid. The Postege on H arper's M agazine is 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-office. Addtete HAItPEß k BROTHERS, - \ W ' New Torfc ^ . "A Craplete Pictorial History of the Times." " The Best; Cheapest and most Svc cessful Family Papet in the 4 union - ." —HARPER'S WEEKLY— splendidly illustrated. terms î Harper's Weekly, one year $4 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will bo supplied gratis for every club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance; or, six copies for $20 00, without extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodi cals, to one address lor one year, $7 00. ßSt* Back numbers, àui be supplied at any timo.T£& N otices of the P ress. The Model Newspaper of our country. Complete in all tho departments of an American Family Paper, H arper's W ees et has earned for itself a right to its title, M A j ournal or C ivilization. "— New York Evening Post, The best publication of its cl ass in America, and so far ahead of all other journals as not to permit of any compari son between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest collections of reading matter that are printed. * * * Its illustra tiens are numerous and beauti ful, being fornisbed by the chief artists of the country. —Boston Traveler. Harper's Weekly is the best and most interesting illustrated newspaper. Nor does its value depend on its illustrations alone. Its reading matter is of a high efder of literary merit—varied, instruc tive, entertaining, and unexceptionable. —N. Y. Sun. - Subscriptions-1871. The *«™»i Volumes of HABPEK'S WEEKLY, in neat doth binding, will be sent by e xpress, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A complete Set, comprising Four teen Volâmes, sent on receipt of cash oft the rate of SS 25 per voL, freight at ex pense of purchaser. Volume XIV ready January 1st,^Wl. The postage on Harper's Weekly is 20 cmte a year, which must be paid, t the subscriber's' post office. pff* Address llART KU & BROTHERS. New York. LOTTERIES. >wlsim stub -lottery company Incorporated August I7 t 1868 chables t. howard .. P resident SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY. S plendid S cheme! O nlt 20,000 N umbers. C apital P kize - - - - $50,000. CLASS K; TO BE DKAWN IN NEW ORLEANS Satardtf, July 2ft. 1372. HOWABD, SÏMMOXDS & CO., Contr'cts. SCHEME : 20,000 stoibers —tickets oxi.y $20. .$50,000 . 30,000 . 20,000 . 10,000 . 9,0(C . 8,000 . 7,000 . C.000 . 5,000 . 4,000 . 3,000 . 2,000 1 prize of $50,000 is 1 prize of 30,000 is 1 prize of 20,000 is.. 1 prize of 10.0(H) is... 1 prize of 9,000 is 1 prize of 8,000 is ... 1 prize of 7,000 is... 1 prize of 6,000 is... 5,000 is. 4,000 is. 3,000 is. 2,000 is 1,000] 1,000 1,000 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1,000 1 prizv of 1.000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of '.a a! 1 pnze oi 50 prizes of 317 prizes of 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 ore $25,OOP 500 are 500 are : to 23.000 63,450 140 prizes amonnliu Whole tickets $20; shares in prop Prizes payable in full without deduction. Whole tickets $20; sluires in ] Orders to bo addressed to. CHS. T. HOWARD, Loek Box 602 Fostoffice. Orleans. Send PoKfcoflîcc Money order or Begistei your Letter. The Science of Health. a new independent health monthly. Devoted to the preservation and restora tion of Health ou Hygienic principles. Health is the great want of tho age. It is the first ncod of the individual, the na tion, and the race. Health is long life; Disease is premature death. Health de velops body, mind and soul; Disease dwarfs arid punlizes all. To educate the people in the Science of Life, which it* dudes all that ri-lntes-to Preserving Health, and to the Art of Treating Disease Without Medicine, is the object and ^>prposes of this new Henlth Journal. / / THE SCIENCE OF will a» W to disseminate thronglkrat the world a knowledge of Hygorut: principles. It will not be the organ ctî any person, business, or institution, l:nt an earnest teacher of the Laws of I>!fe and Health. THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH will be the exponent of all known means by which Health, Strength, Happines, and Long Life may be obtained, by using and regu lating those agencies vitally related to Health and the treatment of Disease, in cluding Air, Light, Temperature, Bathing, Diet, Clothing, Exercise, Best, Sleep, and all normal agents and hygienic materials. TERMS.—Published monthly at $2 00 a year in advance; single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten at $1 50 each, and an extra copy to agent We are offering the most liberal list of Premiums. L ocal A gents wanted everywhere, and cash com missions given. Address all letters to SAMUEL R. WELLS, Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York. wm8field* cooper. PAINTING, GLAZING, CALSOMINING, GRANTILING, FRESCOING, GBANING, SIGN PAINT ING, WALL PAPERING. Office No. 84 Dryades Street, Near Union Street. The Mitchell A Ramellsberg FURNITURE CO., kakutactuoxbs axn deaxjbs in all KOOS or FÜENITÜSB, MATTKASSES, looking glassefj, &c., 103 and 105 Camp street, comer Poydras, oftcsque building, n ew O rleans. now o: A First Claas HOUSE, centrally and pleasantly located, for the " accommodation of the Tra veling and Visiting Community, BY 2KR8, JE. J. ADAMS, 26 GEORGE St, one door east of King, CHARLESTON, S. C. TERMS OF BOARD—Per Week 18 00 Per Day. 175 Ifel8—6m. Am Lm MOMUJjE, 164 ELYSIAN FIELDS STREET, inh p b ctoe of WEIGHTS AND MEASURES» FOB THE TNM8 MSÏII6T m KW «UMS. Seeps on band, all sorts of-SCALES, WEIGHTS, MEASURES, YARDS and BARKEL MEASURES—INSPECTED. RAILROADS. ^ew^m^aîftr^^h^rtexas RAILROAD. ch.owp. of SCHZDCLF. On and after MONDAY, April 1, 1872, Pas ma set Trains will leave and arrive as follows : 7:30 a . m. EXPRESS AND MAIL. Daily, for Mobil» «ad regular intcrmedinte Stations; arrives at Mobile at 2:00 T. M. 4:00 a. x. COAST ACCOMMODATION, Daily except Sunday», for Ocean Spriugs and intermediate rejrular and flag Stations; arrive* at Ocean Spring» at 8:10 v. sr. 5:20 r. :t. FAST EXl'BF-SS, Daily, for Mo bile—will stop only at Eigolets, Bay St. Louw, Paps Christian, Miu siw.ippi City. Biluxi. Ocean Springs Kant Pasrnzntiln and St. Elmo; and arrive at Mobile at 11:30 p. M. A fast Express Train will leave Mobile daily at 1:00 a . si., stopping only at stations named for Fast Express irom New Orleans; and ar rive at'Kew Orleans at 7:15 a . sr. The Coast. Acro:nmodati»n Train, return ing daily, except. Sunday*, will leave Ocean Springs at 5:40 a . k., and arrive at New Or leans at 10:00 a. M. The Express and Mail Train, Daily, will leave Mobde nt 11:20 a. si ., arriving at New Orleans at <i:10 r» it. JBTTickets sold at offices corner Magasine and Natchez and corner of Uamp and Com mon streets. Mileage Tickets—good for families and firms—5tt0 miles for Î20, and 1000 miles for $30—are sold at tho Ticket office. *S~Through Freight Trains run daily, ex cept Sundays, morning and evening, to and from Mobile. Freight received at foot of Girod street,- and through bills of lading signed. <i. W. It. RAYLF.Y, General Superintendent. CHAS. L. FITCH, General Freight and i'aasenger Agent. C. A. WHITNEY tc CO., General Agents. JUOÜISIANA DIVISION— —or— SEW ORLEANS, MOBILE AND TEXAS EAILEOAD. trains pon dosat-dsontili.t:. Leave New Orleans at S a . sr. Anive at Donaldsonvil^ at 12:15 noon Leave Wanaldnonville at 1 r. sf. Arrive at New Orle.ui;? at 4:50 p. M. 05* Freight received ar.J tickets sold at Station of Mobile Division. O. W. R. BAYLEY, (lenoral Superinteiulont. CH.VS. L. FITCH, General Freight and Passenger Agent. C. A. WHITNEY & CO., . General A軫ts. pirORTANT TO THE TRAVELING FUSLIC ! On and afier March ?3,1«72, ! FULLjTAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS will leave the depot, foot of Canal street, daily, at 5 p. k., running through via Mobile and Ohio Bailroad, - to Mendian, Miss., making close connection for Selnia and East, ern points. For further information and through tickets, apply at ticket office N. O. A T. It. R., corner l.'anipaud Common streets New Orleans. JNO. A. I'UNCII. Gen. Pass. Agent, M. & O. lt. R. JLLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THF. ONLY DIRECT ROUTE 1T.OM THE SOUTH TO CHICAGO, And all points North and East via Chicago. This RonJ6 is from 100 to 130 Miles Shorter ami from 1 2 to 24 hours-Quicker than any other to Chicago. No Change of Curs from Cairo to Chi* çago. Only one change to Niagara Falls, Nfew York und Roston. The Illinois Centrtl Railroad is tho only Direct Route from the South to St. Louis, and all points West via St tgàris. This route is 30 miles sMörter tijan any other,to St Louis. No changé ôf cars frôm Cairo to St. Louis. For through tickets and information, apply at the N. O. J. & G. N. lt. R. Ticket Oflier. comer Camp and Common streets nndt • Oily Hotel; and at the principal tickc throughout the South. R. P. LONGLEY, Genc:.û Southern Passenger Agent, New Orleans. §PECIAL NOTICE. ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN AND SOUTHERN RiULROAD. THE ONLT ALL RAIL ROUTE To St Louis, Chicago, Omaha, San Francisco, St Paul, Kansas City, Leav enworth, St Joseph, And nil Points Nertii, Eest and West. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS leave the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad Depet daily, at 7 A. M. and 5 P. M. AN EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the foot ol Canal street daily at 8 A. M., via the New Orleans, Mobile and Chattanooga Railroad, making close connections at Mobile with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to all points North, East and West For tickets apply to A. D. SHELDON. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northen Railroad, corner Camp and Common streets, under City Hotel ; or to w. redell. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Mobile and Chatanooga Railroad No. 150 Com mon street, under St Charles Hotel. J, H. WINGFIELD. General Superintending Agent St Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad jjew orleans, jackson and great northeen railroad, From Depot, foot of Calliope street, on and after SUNDAY, November 1,1872. Trains will Leave and Arrive as follows: « Express Passenger Train leaves daily, Boa days excepted at 7 o'clock a. sa. Night MaQ leaves daily at 5:30. Night Express arrives 12 mi'biight. Moil mâ Vmweegtx arrive daily, Sundays excepted at 12 noon. NIGHT EXPRESS WI5 step at all regular stations South of Jbffmdia, and at Flag sta tions Saturday nichts sud Monday mornings. rULLMAîf PALACE CABS otfe&odtoin Trains, through to Louisville wit&outehanf •ndbut one change to New fork, and principal cities North, East and West Tickets for sale at 27 Camp street, corner Common street, under City Hotel, and at De pot N. O. 3. and G. N. R. R. ED. FROST, General Sup't. S E. CAREY, Genend Ticket Agent. C. P. ATMOKE. . General i'agscager Agent, liOOKlSELLERS, STATJONI^ A. Sim-oil'«, cosmopolitan news depot, STATIONERY. BOOKS,^ETC^ Ko. 94, Erchang* Alley, bciactn Bienville and Conii Street:'-, Xeiv Or leans. All the largo Northemaud Weitem dai lien. More tlian one hundred and sixty diff erent publication r^ei«$ and told. Subscriptions received W oH periodical publications. • Subscribers will be accountable for the subscription as long as they do not send back the paper, or notify otherwise. MRS. A.M. P ARR1SII FIRST PREMIUM C& NO. 2 21 CANAL STREET, n c tj ï Orleans, La. Particnîar attentiou paid to the manufacture of Gents' Under clothing ; alsoBase Ball Clnb and Firemen's UniformMade to order. branch of the new torn Emporium of Fashion FOR LADIES. Represented by Mrs. A. Goodale and rs. K, E. Lincoln. furnishins 800bs OF ALL KINDS, FROM HEAD DRESS TO HOSIERY, SUITS IN GRFAT VARIETY. Wrappers Single or Double, Undercloth ing of every description, Night Dresses, Trail and Walking Skirts, Chemise, Drawers, Sacks, Over Skirts, Aprons, &c. Ord-ifB taken for wedding Outfits, Chil ilrous aiid Infiiuts' Wardrobes, »Suits and Dresses in the Latest Styles, and sUppliod at short notice. ^®"Tbe TRADE supplied at Nt w York prices. Sample Room, No. it Canal st., , / AT KRS. A. M. PARISH'S FIRST PREMIUM SHIRT MAMFACTORV. JS^OrdcTR respectfully solicited. Mis. A. GOODALE, Mrs. K. E. LINCOLN. g.u.o.o.f. Regular Meetings of Arnos Lodgç 1-187 on the first & third Thursday of «very Month at tho corner cf St. Peter St. Claud streets. WM. THOMPSON, P. N. G. I. REIVAi-', N. G. ALEX, .ton-, SON, V. G. JAMES LEVlNGS'fON, Trcas. WM. A. RARON, Secty. 1 *^-"'. PROFESSIONAL. JOHN B. HOWARD. law orncE, 26 St. Charles Street 26 New Orleans. Trompt attention given to civ business in the several courts of the State. J. E. Wallace Attorney at Hinte, 09 CANAL STEET, NEW ORLÉANS, LA. jal8-ly. Dr, W. Bille, office 63 CAXAXi st., keab rOMCTi'ZCL. A graduate from the University of Co« penhagen, Denmark, and honorary M. D, from the University of Fadova, Italy; for several years assistant physician to the cele brated Prof. Ricord, Paris. DR.- BILLE has acquirod a high réputation as SPE CIALIST for all kinds of Sexual diseases, male and female. Private flisc sm y cured after a new, sure and quick tuethod. Painful, and Retained Mchsiruation quickly relie veil. Perfect cure always warranted. Letters containing 9» ontl stamps will reeeivo prompt attention. Ail consultations anil communications akictly confidential. - .,/ . -lÂUISIAJÎA. a . MÜTtTAL iNSURAMjß ' CÖM1 WT ornc^ No. 110 oojotox bkut. INSURES FIRE. A1UNB AND RIVER RISKS AM» 'rues vobsk m n» ". New Orleans, N«* iork, Iiiverpooi ' London, Havre, Paiis, or Bremen^ at Ùieoption ; insured.. 'I a cawiffire, < s j 3p!^weiit- » -* J. iV Köv^ m-rttutJv