Newspaper Page Text
1UTËS OF ADVERTISING. Squares OlM Two Three Four FiTe Six 1 Column 1 loo/i uob |3 mp; »7 9 13 25 33 42 80 «9 12 s 20 35 45 50 120 6 m oh 35 50 60 70 175 1 yf 92(i 35 50 7P 8i 10( , 2St Transient advertisements, $150 pel square fi»t insertion; each subsequent insertion, 75 cents. AU business «otices of advertisement» to be charged twenty cents per line eacL in sertir ii. Jon Pwrnxa exocuted with neatneo and dispatch. Wedding Geräts aaecutad iu accordance with pwvùtmg fashions. Foasnl Notioes printed on shortest no ice and with quickest dispatch. [CONTINUED FROM yiRST PAGE.] nnd answering for myself, I know • thai I sever became a Democrat, or lapsed under Democratic control. -I do not doubt that Horace Greeley will be equally consistent. The charge to the contary, so vehement ly 'repeated, seems to reflect the character of those who make it, ex cept that many repeat it by rote. There is a common saying, P1UXCIPLFB NOT MEN, and on this ground an appeal made for president Grant, feeling that in any personal comparison with Horace Greeley must fail. But the better saying is principles, not men. I am iu favor of the prin ciples of the Republican party in contradiction to Grantism, and am for the man who truly repre sents ÜMBU. By. these principles shall stand, for them I shall labor, and in their triumph I shall always rejoice. If any valued friend sepa rates from me now, it will be be cause he places ■éy above pritfcii*£b3. Early in public life I declared my little heed for party and my indif ference to the name by which I am called; and now I confess say want . of sympahty with those who would cling to the form after its spirit has fled. fled. Allow mo to call your attention to another and controlling consid eration/which can not be neglected by good citizens watching the re* 'ark able movement which has end - the doublé nomination of Hor It is ^apy to see it -oceed from politicians, vrheth«r at Cxi ldnn * li » Evidently it waJ th ® yeopJe, sorely rung y the war and fee eonfroversies it- eD £T© n dered, whichtfo und expression. Sir Philip Sydney said of the «priais in the Ne&o elands, "it is the spirit of the Jjcbx } and it is irresistible," and «ac'u'a spirit fc manifest now, not withstanding the counteracting in fluence of politicians. The Repub licans and Democrats, in the face of persistent ridicule, and against the extravagant unscrupulous op position to the nomination at Cin cinnati, triumphantly adopted it at Baltimore. Such an h.. ed in ace Gre«. did not px T7NPKECEDEXTED VICTORY, without concert or propulsion of any kind, can be explained only by supposing it is in harmony with the popular lw gifig that Democrat?, and especially those of the South, should adopt a lifetime Abolitionist for President—is an assurance of willingness to respect the rights of their colored fellow-citizens. With that reconciliation, which to Greeley was the early re presentative in standing by Jeffer «on Davis at his- trial and signing bis bail bond, he showed the same ge ntiment of humanity he constant ly displayed in standing by the col ored née tlggughout their pro longed trial, so that the discordant races find a kindred hospitality in the Union. His nomination has been adopted by the Democrats in convention assembled. Thiswasan event which the supporters of Pre sident Grant declared impossible I do not see how it can be regarded otherwise than as a peace offering. Anroch it is of infinit» nine. B is * revolution* à&à its success in par cifytag the eountry will be in pro port«» to Hs acceptance by the Vtok&Wte*. I dare not neglect the »BEAT OPPOBTDKITT, nor can I stead aloof. . It is har mony .with my, Ijfo wjtfçh places peace above alObing? except the rights of men. Thus fer in con stant efforts for the colored race, I have sineerely sought the good of all, which I was sure would be best obtained in fulfilling the promises of the Déclaration of Independence, making all equal iu right. The Spirit in which I acted appears in an early speech, when I aaid noth ing in hate, nothing in vengeance, nor have I asked' for punishment. Most anxiously have I looked for the time, which'now seems at hand, when there shall be. .reconciliation, not only between the North and South, but between the two races; so that the two sections and two races may be lifted from the rut« and grooves in which tl ev arc now fastened, and instead of irritating antagonism, there shall bo sympa thetic co-operation. Tho existing differences ought to be ended. There is a time for all things, and they are admonished by wide-spread popular uprising, bursting the bonds of party, that the time hes come for the esrrangement to cease be tween the people, who by the holy ordinance of God, must live to gether. Gladly do I welcome the happy signs, Nor can I observe, without regret, that the colored people, in OItG- .IZED MASSES*, are resisting the friendly overtures even to the extent of intimidating those who are the other way. It is for them to consider carefully whether they should not take ad vantage of the unexpected openinp, and recognize the bail bond given at Baltimore as an assurance of peace, holding parties to the full performance of its conditions; pro vided, always, that the rights an fixed. I am sure it can not be best for the colored people to band to gether in a hostile camp, provoking antagonism and keeping alive a se paration of the races. Above alî there must be no intimidation, but every voter must act freely together, without constraint, from league or lodge, and much better will it be when the two political parties com pete for your votes, each anxious for your support. Only then will that citizenship by which you are entitled have its full fruits. Only then will there be harmony, which is essential to true civilization. The present position of £qE COLOBED CITIZEN IS IN PERIL. He ÎS exposed to injurious pressure where ho needs support, bat there is no early extrication except in this way, nor do they propose to let him cast adrift from thè manager who wield him a» political jorc® with little regard for his own goO*^« an( ^ bravely stand by the candidate >7* 10 sttÀ?d for him. If the Democracy must Fork them, so much the better; tho association- once begun must naturally*' ripen in common Mondsihp and trust. I am for peace in reality as in name; from the bottom of my heart I am for pcace, and welcome all the work ers for peace with deep felt satisfac tion, and remember that no citizen that drew his sword against us has suffered by our handas executioner. In this just association with this hu manity will be the triumph of equal rights when our promises and dec larations are all fulfilled and our people are united as never before in enduring fellowship of common citizenship. To this end there must be reconciliation, nor can I with hold my hand freely. I accept the hand that is offered, and reach forth my own* in friendly grasp. I am against policy, bate and fanning an cient flames into oontinned life. I am against raking in the ashes of tho past coals for the fire that is yet burning. Pile up the ashes, extin guish the flames, abolish hate. Such is my creed: and now,turning to the Democratic party, I hold it to all that the covenant solemnly given in the adoption of the Re publican platform; with Horace Greeley as the candidate, there can be no backward strides, with no common sympathy. I have observed that Mr. Hen dricks» a leading Democrat, known «md esteemed in the Senate* has re cently announced his acceptance of the constitutional amendments, with their logical résulta He pro poses, as the proper keynote to the extraordinary movement now swell ing, to assure the triumph of jfist laws and public virtues. Iss is a worthy aspiration, entirely fit on this ocoasfor My Kentucky note is the unity of the Republic and the equal rights of all, with recon ciliation. As such is my c*y, and wherever my voice can reach, there do I insist upon. all. these, humbly invoking the bWsg of Divine ■Providence, which I belie« *M»t rest npon such a cause. Aeoâptmy beÄ wishes for yourselves, person ally* and for the people you repre nant , and believe me, gentlemen, to be your faithful friend. OHAREES SUMNER. To Pi. August», Dr. H. Womlcy and ©therm STEAMBOATS. M bbchahts ' S octheh P AÇ5£T .F ob S t . L ouis, Ç aibo, M emphis and the Bends— The steamers of this line will leave as follows, at 5 P. M. Giving through bills of lading over tho Illinois Outrai Railroad to ivl points on Arkansas, White and Cumb urland rivers. Through bills of lading and passenger tickets issued to all points on the Upper Mississippi, as high as St. Paul. Plans of cabin may be see and state rooms secured on application to STEVENSON & VEBLANDEK. Agents, 185 Gravier street. JOHN F. BAKER, President. Bill? of lading over the Illinois Cent ral Railroad signed only at the office of JAS. T. TUCKER. 26 Carondelet street. NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO AND THE WEST. TBE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD AND Blue Line. Via Cairo, WILL TA KE FREIG HT From New Orleans on ärst ■class steamers, LEAVING DAILT, AT 5 P. M., FOB CAIRO, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, WEST AND EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. All rates and all through bills of lading from New Orleans by aljove route given, signed and recognized only at the Genend Office of the Com pany, No. 26 Carondelet Street. Shippers by this route save all dray age and transfer charges at Cairo, and their goods are always under cover, and no charges are made for forwarding. JAMES T. TUCKER, General Agent. BATON ROUGE. lloui ger packet « a eus, Cca to Rail. ® T pussen mi-wcekly ST. JOHN. W. R. G béateocse , Master; J ames M c E lboy , Clerk, Leaves every WEDNESDAY, at 5 P. 21., ond SUNDAY, at 10 A. M. Returning, leaves Baton Rouge every Monday and Thursday evenings. For freight or passage apply on board, r to E. O. M elancon , 11 Conti street. CAIRO. S t . L ouis and N ew O rleans P acket C oupant. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Hanois Central Railroad Packets FOR MEMHPIS, CAIRO a im in© Deutln — a ne duo passenger steamers of this line wiU k™" t ,, G '^(m Äfem and Charleston SSÄ .4 SÄ' Railroad, and <uid 01uo Ral1 " road—also U* St Iioui^. j t i . Throneh l5«?ket<i rates to all point* n „iJ by all the various #pnt«8 m, Cairo and St Lo»:a, Stotawspm. cured at General Vtèco, 104 fiwmpn « treet A. A. WOODS, General A«eoi, 104 Coruraon Str ««L C . O. WAYNE, Freigiit Aent , 37 Natchez Street, JOHN N. BOFINOER. Président, Bill* of lading lot ail freights over the Illinois Central Railroad; signed at the ofBce of m , _ JAMES T. TUCKER, apL 6-tf 26 Carondelet Street GREENVILLE, VIC^SBURG AND THE BEND$. Leaves on THURSDAY, at 5 P. M. FOR VICKSBURG, DAVIS* Bend GBEEimu>B ABGYLE Bunny Side, Egg's Point Barnard, Grand Lake, Leo ta, Maryland, Carolina, Pileher's Point Skipwith, Lake Providence, Transylvania» Goodrich's, MüljkenB Bend, Dnckport, Vicksbnrg, Grand €hdf, Sfc iomvh Rod ney, Waterproof Natchez, Bayou Sara. Baton Rouge, Plaquemine, Donaldaonville, and all intermediate and Coast landings. The newand magnificent steamer KATIE. Will leave as above, and, will land all >ast passengers with their freight Connects at Vioksburg with packets for all points on the Yazoo and Tallahatchie rivers. . For freight or passage apply onboard to j£ 0| jan NEY , Agent, 150 Common Street G. CASENAYE. U N D E R T A EE B mm ' NEW ÖRLBA2TS. CARRIAGE» tOR HIRE DYEING AND SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT. . v Ü cr 128. .. ..CANAL, STREET.. . .2S BKIW££K zuxpàrt AMD BASIN. jal8-6m. ~ NEW ORLEANS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T hé I ndu R ubbe: IrtpT w *■ * Nos. 9,11 & 13 Meree r Streel, *ôi . < > OMb L'O. •• * N&W ratifié Sole manufnrtureis, ander Goody tar's sod Meyer's Patent«, —OF— INDIA RUBBER COMBS, Dressing Combs. Long Combs. Twist Combs. Fine Tooth Combs, [A variety of Elegant Fancy Patterns.] Pocket Combs. Ridding Combs. Hair Pins. ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS —or— COMBINATION SIDE COMBS [M ade undeb F ault's P atent.] The sale of any Combination Side Combs, no matter of what material made, unless sold under a license from us, is prohibited bylaw. m X>,M! COABU3 A. SANA, tutor. A N«mpapcr«l tho Pi«—I TIbm. Intoaded lor Pcayto Mm* r m Earth. IseTndlns Farmers. Uoctwatw, MeroiMiit«, Pro feMlonal Sien, Warfecra,Thlaktn, and all Dor of Honest Foiss, aii4 tlM Wlvei, 8oiu. aad DAUtfbtcuoX aUauctk . WW OSB DOUiAm A YEAR t OKG UCNDttEJD COPIES FOB 830. Or lw* tban Ona Cont a Copy. Let then ba a 630 Club at every Port Ofllce. SEMI-WEEKLY SÜH, 93 A TEA BT, of the same sise and gonortl cliaraeter Li THE WEEKLr, but wMH a greater variât; of miRcelinncons readms, and f«?nH!ilo; t:ie n^*-i to itä güMcribeisTvlth croitcr frntmu««. beeaata it cornce twice a veek iastc*] ofonco oaly. the dailt stn, 86 a veab. A preSnilnonMy readaWo newspaper, witb V.o tar :a»i circulation in tlie voriil. Free, tnde Denilent, and fearless la politic«. All tho news from cvorywbere. Two cents a copy ; by null. 60 «outs a month, or 88 aytur. tehms " to clubs . THE DOLLAE WEEKLY SFlf. Tiro copies, one jear, «eparatelr addreMcd, Pour Dollar*. Ten male«, ona rMr, Mmrately aOdreMed (and aa extra oopy jj Twenty copie«, one yaar. MMraMir iMimn (aud an axcraaopy 8a Ma m Éjg Fifty copig a^onn t y w .>par«w^ «^ a r«a w^(^ a One hnndred eonl««, mm year, to one adilren (and ttia Ifaily for ona year w the setter n^oi cmu>. Fifty Dollarg. One bnndred coolca. one year, Mparately ad' dfMMd /anill'iit Dan* t'Mnna wa* a«« *ha imKüi dre»eil BP of dab). rtoUio #?elt ci Dollars« IMI THE BEMf»WEKJKIiT BUN* Five coplcs, ooe yesr, tepuately addrei>fe4. Bi(ht Dollar«. Ten eorim, ona rmt. Mpantelv addratcd (and an extra copy to setter up or club), - Blase«» Helton* SEND TOOK HONEY gjPo«t Ofllce order«, checka, or draft» oaKew Tork» Wherever conrealent. If not, tMea rasiKei tha letter» oontelnlag uioaey. Addraea t W. BVOtAND. Pnbtbher. Baa oOoa, Haw Xori c Oj, ^TTTT.rN ERY ESTABLIISHMENT. fÂLL AND WINTER stock of of evojy description, j &v. received at r.R.BC AROBS'I V\>.. .CHAETRES STREET. .29 - #tween Canal and Customhouse Nxw O bleans. 500. 509» 500. 500. HOME WASHËJÏ& HOME WASHERS, HOME WAÉÎHERS, Sold within the Fart Two Months under » Full Guarantee, Not one returned— Not one complaint Speaks for itselt In Operation Daily at tliB Depot, No. 176 Canal street* PRICE |la New Orleans Home Manufaefegriaf Company. P. B. ETHELL, MERCHAIIftl8E, M0ÜR «vï ;• aiöx 10^ POÏDRÂS ÂÏSEÏ^iîÔS • •• ' •• . . ; - ; Sä i W. J. TAYLOR.... JNO. U. BURK -i -ru va .. Saleanao. .. Mrs. G.,£. Crnig> »ö üurfif NO. 283 Nsw Q buaks . al '72-ly. 1 ! é WAZTJTÂM WÀWèHm 1 THE BALANCE WHEEL W of a C If M s. 1 ■' BKA**- ;-'' * 4 time« a aecwHil, 210 times a minute, 14,400 timea an hour, 345,COO tiinea a day, 292,08 time« a week,. 11,368,000 tiinea ft month, - 1 .126,144,000 4iwea a' year. MORE IS EXPECTED OF A WATCH WAX ANY OTHER KIND OF MAC'JIEllY. It must not only ran uU day, butall night ; not only m umkday*, but on Sundays and Holidays. It must run hanging up or lying down—upside doum or right side tip. It must keep running when tit* uxurtr sits doitn or .stand up, When he xcalks or rides. In fad, it is expected to do Us duty at all times, in every place and in s very position. A Gtenuiiw Waltham Watch will fulfil all these requirements. I wound once a day, it will faithfully tick for you a handred und twenty-six million time« in a year, without even requiring fresh oil all that time. A Genuine Waltham Watch . OMTAmt 5 Spring, 9 wheels, SI Screws, and 98 other parts making alUogether 136 separate pieces, ALL GENUINE WALTHAM 7ewola. thk EKTKA mwkujo UTK Bum» JEW1L TBK Fl'LL J«W£LLKD BATE FIFTEEN JEWELS. Every part of a Waltham Watch is made by machinery, The machinery used in making the movement of h single watch coast over a Hundred Tnousand Dollars, yet we sell thèse Watches, in a solid Silver Hunting Case, for $18. The 6ame watch could not be made by hand and finished» as perfectly for T en T imes as much. A Genuine waltham Watch Is ihterchiingoable, like a Springfield rifle that is, any part of one Watch is exactly like tiic same part in another ; and if ten Watches ol one grade were taken apart, and the strews, \vhc<?n, springs, Ac., were mixed together, ten watchcx could be made by putting those parts together again, withrtot any reference to their former combination. This is a O RE A T AD VA NT A OR ; For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is iiijuxod we canal way s replace it'at a TYifling Expense. A UNÜNE WALTHAM WATCH I« made with special reference to DURABILITY Other Watches fill ran for a year or two, an require constant repaint ; but Waltham W»toli WILL RUN FAITHFULLY FOR MANY YEARS We veil these Watehe«, IN SOLID SILVER HUNTING CASES «8 IN SOLID GOLD HUNTING CASES, $70 We have prepared an mUSTRATCB PMCE LUT, which describee the various grades of Watches in detail, gives tha weight and quality of th« Csaes, and all other inform ation necessary for an intelligent select!«,. We wfeh every one would send for it before ordering a Watch. Write far it as follows : Messrs. Bowiin St Ca, Jfa. 785 Broadway, Mm York: Please und nu your JOustrated Price LUt <é Wöllkam Watchu, as per adver tisement in T bb l «®ii»»WA*. (Btgnname and^ddress id foil) WITHOUT EXPENSE. m in m Sfc« » » m 1 H ict ICarifly, We have «enioat over Ko* l%omand of these Ifatehes«pon «Mis iiuaM Il — s , and havaonly been sAedto eefond the money in three eases, and not ona o^these was an w«* of dissatisfacton with tha WtU^SSHtêêî^^^Êmâ needed U m aioney mm?******»/' Wa bavs m Aoma, am ooanacss aas . t » sucs to ui. A aastwa* or Oaayii aaxaxAs cjui aur a Waxes nan va amd it tnu ooR ax waon sw « » » Tmt ■ Tu . - pffiCtAL Npt ICS. WalÜuun Wateher. in any ImitaÉiaÉt Çflt, a« 4amm.4sm not propose to a^Dit in any other, .asm, taMfgms# um — ii TO i hicilte 4^Usis»"Of^rSUff i JeqeSers end tüovsmMsi No. ?8ö BaoASWAT, Nisw Yea*. , 1>EA1.EB IN* — GOLD ASfp SIL Visit WAT CHE S y And Fiiie Gold Jewcliy. Keep always ou hand all cllwwes find patterns of Gold, Silver and Stuel Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Glasses changed and seut to any part of the country. Watch repairs done promptly and warranted. Address orders to PAUL GRANZDî, 5 Ä 113 Carondelet Street, Feb. 10 ly N ew O kleaxb. ; GOOD W A TCHE 8 AT M mWESI AS THE SOLE AGENTS in the United States for the LIVERPOOL WATCH CO., we are authorized by them to close out a large line of European Watches, Chains, etc., now in stock, for Cash, at prices never before known. All beautiful in finish, artistic in design, reliable or accurate time, durable, and of the lutes style. Every Watch will be retailed at less than eost of importation, and fozwarded securely packed, prepaid, to any part of the country on receipt of priee. Money can be sent to us by Express, with or ders lor Express Co.. to return Goods ör Cash, wliieh will sevure promptness and safety to purchaser. Among our list will be found. A BEATIFUL ENGLISH SILVER, SOLID DOUBLE CASE WATCH, genuine English foil plate jeweled movement«, adjusted regulator, iteel cut hands, engine turn nerl, correct ind serviceable article, large or small size in complete running order, wiih an elegant Gsat's Vest Chain, Locket au<l key, all complete, mailed frse for FIVE DOLLARS. A VERY HANDSOME WATCH in fine 18 karat Gold plated Double Casses imitation of $100 Gold Watch—engrave«! or plain, genuine English, full plate jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, correct, and in complete running or der with elegent Gent's Vest Chain, withLocketand Key, mailed pre-paid for only EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. The Oride Gold Watch, IN MASSIVE ORIDE GOLD Double Hunting Magic Spring Cases, elegautly engraved, or engine turned, Genuine Patent Lever movements, full jeweled, regulated and warranted to keep correct time, aud wear equal to Gold, preci sely like iu appearance, make, fiuish, brilliancy of color. $'200 Gold Watch. One of these splendid Watches will be forwarded by mail free to any address, in handsome morocco case, lined with velvet and satin, (Ladies' or Gent's size Wtch, )for only TWELVE DOLLARS. Watches for Holiday Presents manufac tured to order. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES of all grades, in Gold and Silver Cases, from $18 up to $200. Other Geod Watches equally low. With every Club of six Watches, of any kind, we send one extra of same kind free, as a premium to getter up of the Club. A superior stock of Ge nuine Oride (Sold Chains, $3 to $G each, warranted folly equal to Gold in brilliancy of color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 col lected on delivery, if desired. All Bills of $12, and- less, must becash in P. O. Money Orden, or Registered Letters, at our risk Goods carefully selected, packed and forwarded pre-paid by mail, or by Express, or receipt of price. Safe delivery of all goods guaranteed. Watches forward ed to be examined to parties known exptess charges both ways are paid. jrlien express anasgaa poui ways are jwiu. lfeao«fi forwarded west of the Missistdppi Blver, - with bill to 'collect on delivery. Purchasers must pay all express charges on goods sent Cr O. D.: alwforretnrn of money. All Cash ordiM forwaided free ef charges to destihattfe Catalogues Free. Adraress all otdeite CHA& p. nobtoh SCO., Importers M Watches, etc. Established 1857« 86 Nassau St, N. Y. No. 3*-tf. No. 3*-tf. 0E0R9E HI TE, Lock-ShnithJbJBeH'Manger IRON BAILINGS FITTED UP, rcp»fo«l 806, COMMON STREET, NEW OBLEANS. ßSf Presses repaired, Bdkand Goag I mmsl « and Stsrfsabaatslltted u COLORED SEAMENS* HOME. OEOffQE TAYLOR. NO. 91 EBÔHT LBVEÊ, TMIMD DÎSTRICT, Boarding an& LodjlnQ , — fP B ■ oao. apuc. ALT. vmmu. ! W.#**" ALWAYS ON HANBf ' Mi jBTOtde» pioinptlj attended te. MY QOMS ! 'own n, »75 j j j löii . ..CANAL JäHPoiin-s, stijekt. FIRST FLOOR: dry goods , GENTS it© goods. SECOND FLOOR. LADIES BOOMFORSHAWL.S AND WltAPS. , THIRD FLOOR: CARPETS, MATHXG AND Br A visit to the store «in persous-wishing to buy cL«,p !B j' goods. 110... .CANAL STREET... Near bt Claries, NEW ORLEANS, U MEN'S AND Hot slums. VOF -HIS OWN HAU) BOYS AND CHILDKE CLOTHING. )!E.\"S IND BOYS' Sl'RITS 3Ï.1DE TO 0 Every Article Marked Plain Figures. Goods sold on "one price" system, any article purchased which thiis !o satisfaction lie returned and the ey will be rciunded. "ST"Moderate Prices and F Stock to selvct from are the inducements offered at B. T. WALSHES FRE.1I10I SHIRT A.WL0T1IIM El 110 Canal St., near St. ( STo-w Orleans. N. B.—Letter Orders receiw i attention and filled C. O. D. il d $79 Bvory *w made easy , & Wo want Snmrt aud Eueretlic A«' utroduce our popular and justly ode ted inventions, in every Hlta/«, and City in tit* World. Indispensable to Ev« Household; They are highly approved ft. eB and uuopted by Ladies, I'hpi'* m Divines, aud how a GllEAl lAVI ITE with them. I Every Familywill Purchased of more of them. Something that « merits are apparent at a GLANCE DBUGGI3 JHLLINL'KS, DRESSMAKERS, And all who keep FANCÏ STO will find our excellent articles VERY RAPIDLY, gives perfect sa tion and netting yortu^es to all Dealers and Agents. Country lli0M g F to all who desire engaging ln* n Res pectable and PntftiaMe Business, a> same time doitg good to their c nions in life Sample $2,00, « nl mail .«» receipt of price. SEND WHOLESALE CIRCULAR ADD Victoria MamtfttcUirM 17 PARK PLACE. NEW Ï0BK 17 CO MP A Iff' Mtti ftfiwtnrers, imp® 11 ® rind Jobbers, —or— , OF Bflttf CLOÄfifG, BOOTS AND-SHOES, BELTING, PACKING * E NAMELED CLOTH "!• pttJOOOVEBS. , BALL TOYS. &■ s63 baoavw^r, cot. fusa** &•' gjJ jäfÄi^Cioaao^^^ 607 M abset fitsEar, F. It SHEPFABl'^ J. Jk. Mwoi*, Sectôt'ftry ,