Newspaper Page Text
Tie Loaisiaaiaa. jar» T erms or S ubscbiption: -ttä$ O NE Y eab $2 60 Bxz M ouths 1 60 T bbee M onths 75 Sraous C opy. 6 BATES OP ADVERTISING. Squares One Two Three Four Five Six 1 Column 1 mo 2 mos $7 9 *12 26 35 42 80 3 mos $9 12 20 35 45 60 120 6 mos $12 20. 35 50 60 70 175 Transient advertisements, $150 pel square finit insertion; each subsequent insertion, 75 peats. 1 7 s $20 35 50 70 84 10« 25? ^ ^Tran^r notices of advertisements to be charged twenty cents per line each j insertion. J ob P rinting executed with neatness I and dispatch. Wedding Cards executed in accordance with prevaling fashions. Funeral Notices printed on shortest no-1 tice and with quickest dispatch. Circulars, Programmes, Genera Business Cards, Posters, etc., etc., guar-1 aiiteed to give general satisfaction to all who may wish to secure our services. PROSPECTUS In the endeavor to establish another OF THE Republican journal in New Orleans, the proprietors of the L ouisœanian propose to fill a necessity which has been long, and «omfttimpa painfully— felt to exist. In the transition state of our people, in their struggling efforts to attain that position in the. Body Politic, which we conceive to be their due, it is regarded that much infor mation, guidance, encouragement, counsel and reproof have been lost, in consequence of the lack of a medium, through which these deficiencies might be supplied. We shall strive to make the Louisiaîîian a desideratum in these respects. POLICY. As our motto indicates, the KUxiAN shall be " Republican at all tithes and under all circumstances " We shall advocate the security and enjoy ment of broad civil liberty, the abso lute equality of all men before the law, and an impartial distribution of hon or and patronage to all ,who them. m -r|i went Desirous of allaying animosities, of obliterating the memory of the bitter nasi of »mmntimr harmnnv and union past,of promoting UMrmony and union among all classes and between all in terests, we shall advocate the removal of all political disabilities, foster kind ness and forbearance, ^ere malignity and resentment reigned, and seek for fairness and justice where wrong and! oppression prevailed. Thus united in our aims and objects, we shall conserve our best interests, elevate our noble State, to an enviable position among ter Bister States, by the development °f her ÜHmitoble sources, and secure the full benefits of the mighty changes in the history and condition of the people and the Country. ; that therecon be no true BeUevingthattherecaa be notrue liberty without the supremacy of law, we shall urge a strict and undiscrimi-1 na tin g administration of justice. TAXATION. We shall support the doctrine of an equitable division of taxation among all classes, a faithful collection of the nu VUUCK», U UUVUJ.UX n „ £ revenues, economy in the expencu-1 tnres, conformably with the engen cies of the State or Country aud the dtaoMseol «eij bgitimM. oWig tion. EDUCATION. We shall sustain the carrying out of I -e fivQ „y.f «h.hl»hini> the provisions of the act establishing our common school system, and urge as a paramount duty the education of I our youth, as vitally connected with their own enlightenment, Mid the seen Jty atld stadility of a Republican J Government. I <* FINAL. - - a generous, manly, independoit, i and judicious conduct, we shall strive f to rescue our paper, from an ephem eral, and temporary existence, and astablish it upon a basis, that if we sannot "command," we shall at all events "deserve" success. SPECIAL NOTICE, ON MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNO MEN from the efiects of Errora and Abuses in early life. Manhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment New and remarkables remedies. Books and Circulars sent free^ in sealed envelopes. ADDRESS, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. —an Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. aug. 17 3mo. G.U. 0. 0. F« ~~ Regular Meetings of Amos Lodge 1487 on the first & third Thursday of over} Month at the corner of St Peter St Claud streets. WM. THOMPSON. P. N. G. L REITAS, N. G. a T .V .Y JOHNSON, V. G. JAMES LEVTNGSTON, Treas. WM. A. BARON, Secty. ST. PHILIP STORE, 230 ROYAL STREET. 230 CORNER OF ST. PHILIP STREET, New Orleans. S. A. CHIAPELIA, CASH DEALER IN - Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, TEMMINGS AND HATS. AT AUCTION TRICES. CLUB DIRECTORY. FIRST WARD—Thomas Isabelle, Pre sident; A. Frilot, Secretary. St Charles, between Felicity arid Polymnia streets meets W ednesdai evenings at 7J SECOND WARD—C. F. Glandin, Pre sident; P. E. Bechtel, Secretary; Oeddes' Hall, Erato between Barronne and Carön deletstreets; meets T uesday evening at 7}. THIRD WARD—E. P. Chase, Presi I dent; W. W. Johnson, Sec'y; meets Ma» day evening at 7$. FOURTH WARD—R. C. Howard, Pre sident; A. Pluche, Secretary; Treme cor ner Conti; meets M ondat evening at 7J FIFTH WARD—Joseph Follin, Presi dent; J. E. Matihieu, Secretary; Toulouse between Marais and Yillere; meets T ubs bat evening at 7$. SIXTH WARD—F. P. Benedict, Presi dent; A. Capla, (Secretary; Ursulines near I Debigny; W kmœbdat evening at 7J. SEVENTH WARD.—J. B. Jourdain, President; Wm. Moore, Secretory ; Union I near Claiborne; meets M ondat evening 7J DAT evening at 7J, EIGHTH WARD— E. V. Leclerc, Sec ret ary; Morales near Marigny; meets Mon - NINTH WARD—Samuel Carter, Presi den t ; John Blandin, Secretary; meets W ed nesday evening at 7^. TENTH WARD.—-E. P. Duclaslonge, President; F. JL Hyde, Secretary; meets corner Camp and Jackson streets, T ues day evening at 7}, ELEVENTH WARD— S. M. Simms, President; Louis Carter, Secretary; corner First and Dryades streets; meets M ondat evening 7$ o'cleck. TWELFTH WARD—D. 0. Woodruff, President; J. B. Winters, Secretary; meets Saturday evening, 7J, at City Hall, Jeffer THIRTEENTH WARD—J. B. Gaudet, President; Wm Bauduit, Secretary; cor aer Camp and Cadiz; meets M ondat even "HJ FOURTEENTH WARD — Madison Brown, President; H. Powell, Secretary; meets Louisa st. between Chestnut and Broadway T uesday evening at 7}. FIFTEENTH WARD—B. Buchanan, President; H. W. Farrow, Secretary; car* ner Pacific and Jackson; meets Monday evening at 7J. __. TOTT \ BOOKS WHICH ÄßE BOOKS Good Books for All. Works that should be found in every Libra ry—within the reach of all reader»—Works to entertain, instruct and improve. Copie* will be sent by return poet, on receipt of price. New P hisioonomy , or Signs of Character, as manifested through Teflipennent and Ex ternal Forms, and especially in the "Human f;!' 06 , 0 '!? 110 '" with more than One Thousand Mastratums. By 8. R. Wells. Pnce $5.00. T he F amily Physxoian.- A Beady Pro acriber and Hygenic Adviser. With Befer ence to the Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Diseases, Accidents and Cau ^Ändexf^Ä ÄräTTff trated with nearly300 Engravings. One large volume intended for use in' the Family. 14.00. How to B ead C habacteb . A New Illus trated Hand-book of Phrenology and Physi ognomy, for Students and Examiners, with a Chart for recording the sizes of the organs of the Brain, in the Delineation of Character, IjÄ'SSjS 1 «JP Enß»*"« 8 . ^t and | HE Ss- G uide ; or Human Develop ment through Inherited Tendencies. By constitution of M ax. C c lation to External Objects. Mrs. H esteb P endleton . Second edition revised and enlarged. One vol. 12mo. Price $1.50. C onstitution of M ax . Considered in re By Geoboe C ombe . The only authorized American Ed ition. With Twenty Engravings, $1.75. T he H yoie 3 Nc H and- B ook : a Practical Guide for the Sick-Boom. Alphabeticallv arranged with Appendix. By Ë. T. T pall. One vol. 12mo,30u pp. Muslin. $2.00. "g 0 * TO " H o w to B ehave ," and "How to Do Buemf ss," a Hand-B<Kikiiicli8p e n8abl e for Homu Improve ment, in one voL $2.25. W edlock ; or, the Bight Belation of the [X,, may not marry. A guide for both Sexes. $150. O uatory—Sacked and S ecular ; or, the Extemporaneous Speaker. Including Chairman's Guido for conducting Public Meeti ., g8 according to Parliamentary forms, $i 50. M axaoemeut of I sfaxct , Physiological ^ d T Mo "jJ Treatment By Andrew Combe, medicS, E lectbicitt. ,A Manual tor students, showing the most scientific and rational application to all forms of Acnte and Chronic Disease by the different combinations 'ofElectricity,Galvi " — ■ ji a g ne t 0 .Eiëi»tricity, and Human Magnetism, 120Ù. H istory of S alem Witchcraft ; "The Planchette Mystery," and "Modern Spiritual ism," with Dr Doddridge's Dream, in one voL Price, $100. iEsor's F ables . The People's Pictorial Edition. Beautifully illustrated with nearl; Sixty- Engravings. Cloth, gilt boards. Only $100. P ope's E ssay on M ax . With Notes. Beautifully Illustrated. Cloth, Gilt, beveled boards, $100. T he Kioht W ord cî the B ight P lace. New Pocket Dictionary and Beference Book, Embracing Synonyms, Technical Terms, Ab breviations, Foreign Phrases, Writing for the Press, Punctuation, Proof-Beading, andothe valuable information. 75 cento. P hrenological B ust . Showing the latest classification, and exact location of all the Organs of the Brain. It is divided so as to show each Organ on one side ; and all the a the other. Sent by express. $200. Inclose amount in a Begistered Letter, or a P. O. Order for one or tor all the above, and address S. B. W ells , publisher, No. Broadway, New York. Agents Wanted. &: Iceland University. The Academic and Theological Depart ments of Leeland University, will be op ened, Providence permitting, in Common street near Claiborne street New Orleans, on Wednesday, Oct 30, 1872. The Rev. & B. G bbooby , A. M of New York, has been secured as Principal, and Professor of Theology. Such Assistant Teachers will be em ployed as the welfare of the /ifchool shall demand. . Students for the ministry will be admit ted free of charge, and for such, a special course of Instruction will be immediately provided. For all other pitpils of either sex, a mo derate tuition fee will be required. Until the day of opening, all enquiries may be addressed to Rev. Wm. Bollinson, (late principal,) New Orleans, La., or to the Rev. J. B. Simmons, D. D., ISO Nassau street New York City. After Oct. 30th, 1872, address, REV. S. B. GREGORY, A. M, New Orleans, La. Leeland University is the building 1 process of erection on the corner of St Charles and Chestnut streets,—out to wards Carrollton, ■ STEAMBOATS. M EBCHAOTS ' S OUTHBBN P ACKET fjAtrp'tuv F OB S t .'"L ouis , C aibo, . M emphis and the Bends— The steamers of this line will leave as follows, at 5 P. M. Giving through bills of lading over the Illinois Central Railroad to «1 points on Arkansas, White and Cumb erland rivers. Through bills of lading and passenger tickets issued to all points on the Upper Mississippi, as high as St PanL plans of cabin may be see and state rooms secured on application to STEVENSON & VERLANDER. 135 Gravier street JOHN F. BAKER, President Bills of lading over the Illinois Cent-, ral Railroad signed onlyattheoffice of JAS. T. TUCKER. 26 Caxondelet street. NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO AND THE WEST. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD AND Blue Line, Via Cairo, WILL TAKE FREIGHT From New Orleans on fint 'class steamers, LEAVING DAILY, AT 5 P. M., FOB CAIRO, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, WEST AND EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. All rates and all through bills of lading from New Orleans by above route given, signed and recognized only at the General Office of the Com pany, No. 26 Carondelet Street Snippers by this route save all dray age and transfer charges at Cairo, and their goods are always nnder cover, and no charges are made for iorwaiding. JAMES T. TUCKER, General Agent CAIRO. r , T _ _ QT. Louis AND N ew O rleans P acket COMPANT. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Illinois Central Railroad Packets FOR MEMHPIS, CAIRO and the Bends—The fine passenger steamers of this line will leave as lollows: all _ 1 ion . iailroad, Nashville and Northwestern Railroad, and Memphis and Ohio Rail , road—also to St Louis. Through Tickets furnished at lowest rates to all pointa East West and North, by all the varions routes via Memphis, Cairo and St Louis. Staterooms se cured A. A. WOODS, General Agent, 101 Common Street C. G. WAYNE, Freight Aent, 37 Natchez Street, JOHN N. BOFDTGEK, President, Bills of lading for all freights over the Illinois Central Railroad; signed at the office of TAMES T. TUCKER, apl. 6-tf _ at General Office, 104 Common | ^ 26 ^Carondelet Street I ^ aronüelet ° treet 1 ° BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS A- - Simon's, COSMOPOLITAN NEWS DEPOT, STATIOKEHr. BOOKS, ETC. No. 94, Exchange Alley, between Bienville and Conti Streets, New Or leans. AU the large Northern and Western dai lies. More than one hundred and sixty diff erent publications received and sold. Subscriptions received to all periodical publications. ' Subscribers will be accountable for the subscription as long as they do not send back the paper, or notify otherwise. G. CASENAVB. UNDERTAKER 88 BOURBON STREET..... NEW ORLEANS. CARRIAGES FOR HIRE 88 DYEING AND SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT. 7. OZiHDSI, Steam Dyer and Scourer, 28... ..CANAL STREET... .228 BETWEEN HA M PART AND BASIN, jal8-6m. NEW ORLEANS, REMOVAL TO 167... .CANAL STREET 167 FEOM No. 9 CAMP STREET. • GrJLaYTSTXV eb WZNTZ. Manufacturers and Dealers IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Tranks, Valises and Bags, We repectfully give notice that they have removed to the large and centrally located No. 167 CANAL STREET, Near Dauphine. LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COM1 AY OFFICE, No. 120 COMMON STREIT. INSURES FIRE, ARINE * AND RIVER RISKS AHO PAIS LOSSSSS » New Orleans, New York, Liverpool London, Havre, Pans, or » Bremen, at the option of the - insured. CHARLE8 Pr esident A. CARRIERE, Vioe-Pzesident J. P. Roux. Secretary. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. |THE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS I —a*«— TRUST COMPANY, Chartered by the United States Government, March, 1865. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. a D. L, EATON.... .Actuary, BRANCH AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. il4 Carondelet Street C, D. STURTEVANT, Cashier. [ Bank Hours 9 a. if . to 3 p . m Saturday Nights 6 to 8 o'clock THE LOUlSIANIAN iWnJ.1.* -ii*\ Carondelet Street BOOK AND JOB Printing Establishment, 114 N ew O bueaks. We are now prepared to execute every nccrioiBTirt ai DESCRIPTIO N —OF— HINT ZNO, SCCH AS Mammoth Posters, Fancy Show Cards, Railroad Work, Lawyers' Briefs. Book Work. Steamboat Work, Business Cards, Programmes, Handbills, And all kinds of MERCANTILE WORK. RULINQ AND BOOK-BINDINQ EVERT DESCRIPTION Executed with Dispatch. Steamboat Printing. . Steamboat Officers will find it to their interest o call at our Office and LEAV22 THEIR ORDERS. I I Posters and Handbills IN AND COLORED INKS, AND or EVEBT size. , BLACK BILL HEADS On any quality of paper Prices Accordingly. Insurance Policies and Blanks. Railroad Tickets, Time-Tables, kind s of «Toi» Printing _ can be executed at this Office—not only I with DISPATCH, but on ACCOMMO DATING TERMS. | W. Bille, OFFICE 0 CARONDEI^ET ST., HEAE CANAL. A graduate from the University of Co penhagen, Denmark, anö nonorary M. D trom toe University of Padova, Italy; for years assistant physician to the cele brated Prof. Ricord, Paris. DR. BILLE has acquired a high reputation as SPE ICIALIST for all kinds of Sexual diseases, male and female. Private diseases cured after a new, sure and quick method. Painful and Retained Menstruation quickly relieved. Perfect cure always warranted. Letters containing $5 and stamps will receive prompt attention. All consultations and communications strictly confidential. janl8-6m T he I ndia R ubber C omb C o. K os. 9 ,11 & 1 3 Merce r Street, NEW YORK, Sole manufacturas, under Goodycar'i and Meyer's Patents, —OF— INDIA RUBBER COMBS, Dressing Combs. Long Combs. . , ■ Twist Combs. Fine Tooth Combs, [A variety of Elegant Fancy Patterns.] Pocket Combs. Ridding Combs. Hair Pins. ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS —oir— COMBINATION SIDE COMBS I [ M ade unoeb F ault's P atent.] The sale of any Combination Side! Combs, no matter of what material made, unless sold nnder a license | from us, is prohibited by law. 600. 500. 300. HOME WASHERS, HOME WASHERS, HOME WASHERS, Sold within the Past Two Months under a Pull Guarantee, Kot one retained— Not one complaint Speaks for itsell In Operation Daily at the De pot,No. 17 Canal street, PRICE $18. New Orleans Home MMurftHanaj Company. C. C. NEALLY, 1 omnoun • , . ailroad awe L abor A gency, No. 217 PoydraS Street, N ew O bleaks. Contractors, Planten,-Housekeepem, etc., supplied promptly with most reliable Mat.« ana FIXAIS HOP. TERMS CASH, /9»A11 orders entrusted to this Agency, appertaining to labor, will receive prompt attention. Jan. 26, '72-ly j j WALTHAM WATCHES. 1 THE BALANCE WHEEL ( 0 , A WALTHAM WATCH 4 times a second, 210 times a minute, 14,400 times an hour, . 345,600 time« a day, - 292,00 times a week, 10,368,000 times a month, 126,144,000 times a yean MORE IS EXPECTED OF A WATCH, THAN ANY OTHER Elim OF M ACHERY. Emusinotonlyrymvaday.butaUnigU} not only on weekdays, but on Sundays and Holidays. It must run hanging up or lying down—upside down or right side up. It must keep running when the wearer sits down or stand ttp, When he walks or rides. In fad, Uis «3P«*«* to do its duty at all times, in place and in svery position. A Genuine Waltham Watch will fulfil all these requirements. I wound once a day, it will firithfully tick for you * hundred and twenty-six million times in a year, without even requiring fresh oil all that time. A Genuine Waltham Watch 8 Spring, 9 wheels, 51 Screws, and 98 other ALL GENUINE WALTHAM watolieM liavo sevei «Tewels, THÄ extra nmsLLED have eleven jewel THE full jewelled have rnrnoa, | Every part of a Waltham Wateh is made by machinery, The machinery used in making the movement of a single watch | I coast over a - " , , „ ^ Tn f nu,and y .^ ars ' yet we sell these Watches, in a sohd Süver Hunting Case, for $18. The same watch could not hfl mfidfl hr hand and finîoKa<1a ! could not be made by hand and finisheds as perfectly for T eh T istes as hoch. A Genuine waltham Watch Is ihterchangeàble, like a Springfield rifle | that is, any partof one Watch is exactly like the same part in another ; and if ten j again, withnot any reference former combination. This is a GREAT ADVANTAGE ; , . 811 j Watches of one grade were taken apart and the screws, wheel?, springs, Ac., were mixed together, ten watches could be m»l. by prtttoe th«. p«H» For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is injured we can always replace it at a A GENUNE WALTHAM WATCH Is made with special reference to DURABILITY Other Watches will run for a year or two, an require constant repairs ; but A w altTiam Watobl WILL RUN FAITHFULLY FOR MANY YEARS We sell these Watches, IN SOLID SILVER HUNTING CASES.................. m . » » ». $18 IN SOLID GOLD HUNTING CASE3., TO We have prepared an ILLUSTRATED PRICE LEST, which describes the various grades oil Watches in detail, gives the weight and quality of the Cases, and all other inform ation necessary foran intelligent selection. w „ . . . , , y 0 eyer y one would sena for it before ordering a Watch. Write for it as follows : Messrs. H owakd & Ca, No. 785 Broadway, New York: Please send me your Illustrated Price] List of Waltham Watches, as per adver' tiaemmü in ' T hé L ouibiamian. (Sign name and address in frill) WITHOUT EXPENSE, iReflmd tlxe Money, We have sent out over Five Thousand of these Watches upon these conditions, and have only been asked to refund the money in three cases, and not one of these was Ion account of dissatisfiicton with the Watch, but because the parties needed the money more, W b have mo A oxmts, asd on noass IS TBS BAXB 10 AU, A BSSmSN T or bsson ob tuatcam but a W aich took US ADD IT WILL COST wm KO MOBB THAM IT HB ixnp » Nxw Y obb. A i > sn is BXTfiinnm w THB P BSCS T .« W SPECIAL NOTICE. WB DU MOT SEUj Waltham Watches in any Imitation, Gilt, Plated, Oride, Filled Cases whatever (these are all other names for Brass or German Silver). The Waltham Watch is worthy | a solid Gold or Silver Case, and we do not propose to sell it in any other. et bvbbt osb ssss bob a Puas L ut . ; Annucss m wvll , HOrfABDACo. JewtBers and Shunrnähs, No. 785 B scaowat, N ew Yonx. [ WATCHMAKERS, ETC. —deaxex nr GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, I And Fine Gold Jewelry. Keep always on hand all classes and patterns of Gold, Silver and Steel Glasses changed and seilt to I any part oif the country. Watch repairs done promptly and warranted. Address orders to PAUL GRANZIN, 112 Carondelet Street, Feb. 16.1y N ew O bleaxb. ' and Eye $5. GOOD W A T C H-JS S AT BID PRICES! AS THE SOLE AGENTS in the United States for the LIVERPOOL WATCH CO., we are authorized by them to cIobo out a large line of European Watches, Chains, etc., now in. steck, for Cash, at prices never before known. All beautiful finish; artistic in ac «urate time, durât reliable or time, durable, and of the lates style. Every Watch will be retailed at less than cost of importation, and forwarded securely packed, prepaid, to any part of the country on receipt of price. Money can be sent to us by Express, with or-1 ders for Express Co.. to return Goods or Cash, which will secure promptness and safety to purchaser. Among our list will be found. A BEATIFUL ENGLISH {SILVER, SOLID . DOUBLE CASE WATCH, genuine English ftdl. plate #welad movements, adjusted regulator, steel cut hands, engine turn nerl, correct and serviceable article^ large or small size in complete running order, wiih an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket andj ^7» &U complete, mailed free .for FIVE DOLLARS. AVERY HANDSOME WATCH in fine | 18 Gold plated Double Casses imitation of $100 Gold Watch-engraved plain, genuine English, ftdl plate I awa 1aJ «jî i.j « . I jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, f pre-paid for *••**■« correct, and in complete running or der with elegent Gent's Vest Chain, only EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. The Oride Gold Watch, IN MASSITE ORIDE GOLD Double Hunting Magie Spring Cases, elegantly engraved, or engine turned. Genuine Patent Lever movements, full jeweled, regulated and warranted to keep correct time, and wear equal to Gold, preci like in appearance, make, flnirfi, Œ ° f ® ol 1 or - , $20 ° °° ld Wat#h - of these splendid Watches will be forwarded by mail free to any address, In I handsome morocco case, lined with velvet j and'satin, (Ladies' or Gent's sise Wtch,)for I TWELVE DOLLARS. Watches for Holiday Präsents manufac tured to order. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES of all grades, in (Sold and Silver Ca« from $18 up to $200. Other Good Watches equally low. With every Club'of six Watches, of any kind, we send one extra of same kind free, as a p^mium to getter upoftheClub. A superior stock of Ge nuine Oride Gold Chains, $2 to $6 each, warranted fully equal to Gold in brilliancy of color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 col Money Orders, or Registered Letters, at our risk. Goods carefully selected, packed and forwarded pre-paid by mail, or by Express, or receipt of priced Safe delivery of all goods guaranteed. Watches forward ®d to be examined to parties known ol W 8 b ? th ,* ay ?,. ar ® P? i<L . No goods forsrarded west of the Mississippi River, with bill to collect ~ - — — on delivery. Purchasers must 'pay all express charges on goods sent C. O. D. : *SMO for return of money. All Cash ordnfe forwarded free of charges to destination, Ca talo gues Free. Address all ordors. CHAS. P. NORTON * CO., _ , Importers of Watches, etc. Established 1857. 86 N smsu St, N. Y. No. 34-tf. G EO R & E HITE, Lock-Smith <£ BeU-Hanger IRON RAILINGS FITTED UP, Iron Bsifeai repaired' 808, COMMON STREET, NEW ORLEANS. ß&~ Presses repaired, Bells and Gong Houses, 9 and Steamboats Fitted u COLORED SEAMENS' HOME. CEOROE TAYLOR. NO. 91 FBOVf LEVEE, THIRD DISTRICT, Boarding «*;<* Lodging obsbb Corn abb Y xllsbs, N o. Chslce, îtWMVM, Coffee^ Tit, IftTilfolU» OBa OIOBAO. SUr. WOBBADf. G1GNAC A JOURDAIN, Vim ut-Ltyitfi. ABB Plmn,t»tlcm flnpplle« /STOrâers promptly attended to. Mr OOODS.J lOTBK JOSEPH a ill 6181 ^PORluj! 163. ..CANAL STREET,. FIRST FLOOff. GOODS, GENTS p^ r . GOODS. AND WRAPS, THIRD FLOOft 'SÄ®8' COMPANY, Manufacturers, in-' and Jobbers, —01 Bibber ^£533?®», OF EVERY DESCMTTIOX BOOTS AND SHOES, PIANO COVEBSL BALL TOYS, fa 363 B boadwat, cob . Fusnnrfir., 82 L ake Stdeet, C hicago. 607 M abxet Stbeet, S UPEUT P. M. SHEFPARD, P: J. A. M inott | PASTIES WHO BUY FIRST CLASS D GOODS -fon CASH— Vill find their money spent monto satisfaction^st I TiTtAS'ET.MAN* AMU I M& OMjiélfi /i il (V ADAM, 1 CASH HOUSE THAX ELSEWHERE. A Glance through their immens« Silks, Satins, Beal Poplins, Plait Merinos, Cashmeres, Imp. Formosas, Arabs, Jackets, Shawli Sackings, Cloakings, Cloths, Flannels, Laces, Embroide ries, Gloves, Corsets, Vel vets, Ribbons, Parasols Fans, Etc., Etc., Etc. WILL CONVINCE. 586 and MILLINERY ESTABLUSHMEX FALL AND WIXTER STOCK Of Millinery of every description, jcstneaTedtf "" H..3EC aubbs' •/.it.. .CHARTRES STREET... etween Canal CastonhmiM Nxw Oaum Mrs. 6. £. Craig) NO. 283 PÖTDRÄS STBEß N ew O rleans. al'72-ly. LLBERT EYEICH, W<ell(f and Stati Ibb CANAL STREET, "lew Orfesm ionisi'ns. $78 JEhsrory Weels/ made easy. We want Sipartand Energetic Age»* ntroduceoarpopaflar and jusjjyeel j ted inventions, m every rmtgt and (My in tin World. Indispensable to Every Household; They are highly approved ci. and ituopted by Divines, and now a QBE* 1 ITE with them.. Every Family will Purchase more of them. SomeÜiing _ mérite are apparent at MILLINERS, DRESSMAKERS, And all who keep FANCÏ will find our excellent articJ» VERY RAPIDLY, gives perfect tion and netting Small Forto* 1 " all Dealers and Agents, Country an who demie engaging in sometime nions in life $2,00, m^il on receipt of pnce. WHOLESALE CIBCULAB. fictoria 17 PARK PLACE. p. B. BTHEÜ MEReHAHIfSE , H"' AMD PROVISION BROKER 105...FOYDRAS STREET W. J. TAYÄOE. . •