Page Four
•ttf AgrfeN'
Wilk fa.
/./If you haven’t thought about the piano question—yon ought
t<* for this sale, coupled to our well known, always lowest
priced easy payment plan, means a marvelous opportunity to secure
the oldest, finest and best makes of pianos at prices and terms
better than any other music house in Michigan can or will offer.
—Ws will sell
Our $550 Pianos at...., #l*s*
Our $450 Pianos at #:n»7
Our S4OO Pianos at #.*t 45*
Our $350 Pianos at #-Gf*
Our S3OO Pianos at #-H*
Our $250 Pianos at s2ol*
tJaed Pianos |IIB, #IU7. #l5O
Square Pianos #IO up
on all
* WOULD ADO $250,000,000 IN
K; '
WASHINGTON. Jan. 9 —The Aid
. rich emergency currency bill, remark
ably simple in its provisions, yet rep
resenting days and weeks of careful
Study, was introduced in the senet?.
The measure bears the modest, but
t liar-reaching title of “A bill to amend
the national banking laws.'* It came
' with the advance approval of a ma
jority of the Republican members o£
the committee on finance, with that
of Secretary of the Treasury Coriol
' you, and of Speaker Cannon, of the
house of representatives.
Ip tabloid form, the bill provides
for the following. In addition to the
regular bank-note currency secured by
' government bonds:
Circulating notes to be secured by
* approved state and municipal bonds
* and approved first mortgage railroad
2 bonds.
The comptroller of the currency to
* judge whether business conditions war- ;
fant addltonal circulation and approve ;
applications of banking associations. ,
i Bonds deposited to secure clrcula
»; lion to be approved by the secretaty
, of the treasury and Tnlted States
Outstanding circulation under the
v act at no time to exceed 1250.000.000;
k tHrculation to be taxvd at the rate of
onc-b*]f of 1 per cent per month.
Notes may be withdrawn at any time
by the deposit of lawful money or
I bank-notes with the United States
treasurer, which also will release a
proportional share Os the deposited se-
II cur Hies. . „ ,
l Notes to be redeemable in lawful
* money upon presentation to the treas
ury. . , „
Banks outside reserve centers In fu
ture must hold at least two-thirds of
their reserve in lawful money. Gov
ernment deposits are to be exempted
from the provisions of the reserve reg
LANCASTER. 0., Jan. 9 —That the
country is in the midst of a panic.
Sue to unwise Republican legislation.
Iras the declaration of Melville E. In-
Etlls, of Cincinnati, during his speech
at night at the "Jackson day” ban
quet. He advocated taxation of fran
chises, tariff reform, control of cor- j
porattons. - reform in banking laws
and a higher grade of ctsenshp.
Mr. Ingalls asserted that hysterical
effoits had been made by the Repub- 1
llcens to stop the stath of things they
themselves had created and which
they had attempted to cure without
attacking tho foundations of the evil,
and that they had shaken confidence
In nil corporate management.
Denies Embezzlement Charge.
Edward E. Taylor, accused by his
former employer, Thomas W. Day,
with embezzling $25. was brought back
j to Detroit Wednesday from Bay City
by Detective Stelnbebel. Taylor was
rmi loyed selling Day’s year book, and
later went into business on his own
account. He denies the embezzlement,
and says Day trumped up the charge
to keep him frem doing business since
he has branched out for himself. Tay
lor Lvqa at No. 302 Jofferson-ave.,
Bay City.
James B. Eddie, convicted a year ago
of Immorality, by an ecclesiastical
roust, has teen formally deposed from
the ministry of the Episcopal church,
sentence being publicly imposed by
Bishop Spalding. The chief witnesses
• gainst him were caolr boys of SI.
chui ch.
& _ V/Whta • medicine haa stood the test for a period of more than two gen-
I Mid is then more popular than ever, there can he no donLt of its
ft mtfjt. This it the record of S. S. S. Its period of existence is marked by a
iujjJf line of cures of blood and skin diseases of every character, and its value
[, ip the treatment of such troubles has become so well known that it is today
n he most extensively used blood medicine on the market. For Rheumatism,
j Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases and all other troubles
5 Am to aa impure or poisoned condition of the blood, S. S. S. has no equal.
4counteracts and dnvea ont the poisons, humors and perms, cleanses the
HfiglßMupf all unhealthy matter, cures the disease permanently »nd restores
IK robust health. - Where the blood is weak or anaemic, and unable to
Ipmish the body with the nourishment and strength it needs, »S. S. S. sup-
Jfca It with the healthful properties nnd acts splendidly in toning up and
tlut system. Jt goes down to the very bottom of all blood
jHHKra, and in this way readies Inherited taints < n vhu li tlie ordinary
have no effect. Not only is S. S. S. certain in its results,
Vn at the Seme time an absolutely safe remedy. It is made * ntirdy of
f inrba and barks of known healing and curative value. It does not
xphtafa the slightest Uactrfcf ia siu y form to damage tbwddkat*
i niff nf thn ay 4 rr and may be used by children with the same pood results
Egd perfect safety as by older people. It is not an experiment tou.eS. S. S.;
• • remedy with ft record and one that haa proven its worth by its foTty
tJBMW of successful service. If you are in nerd of a blood pm;: :r f r any
eh# waawf &. it ft, mitt our pi* v »i*. uuu t.,,. - v ’ w>a
r trouble, and willgive without charge any special
ißw ’MI *. ~ ~' sr * '* *
Great Special Pre-Inventory
Michigan’s Oldest A Leading Music House
184-186 Woodward Ave.
Thlrly-»l» >ear»
fit l>«Mr«lt anil
nut one <! t *
Itflril euMtoinrr
f« proof of the
KrrHt value we
III* e.
Laziest hubby Pulls Up
Ladder on Retiring So
Wife Cannot WaKe Him
CLEVELAND, Jan. 9—Mrs.
Autou Sadwski. of Suinmit-ave..
testified in Judge Adams* court
against her husband in a suit
brought for alleged neglect of
his six small children. Mrs.
Sadwski thinks he Is the laziest
'man on record.
“Why, judge, he is so lazy,"
she walled, ‘‘that when he goes
to bed in the attic above our
rooms, he pulls up the ladder af
ter him. That’s the only stair
way, and when he has pulled it
up with him I can t waAe him
In the morning.
~My hnsbaTuT'wn* awfnt anx
ious for m*' to marry him. Hut
he left me on tlvo day wa were
married and didn't come back
f»r a week. Then he begged
on h : s knees and I took him in.
I’ve supported him ever since.”
i ff George Gaston stirred up a hor
net's nest by way of activity on the
part of a small army of members of
his party who would like to succeed
him as city clerk, by reason of de
claring hts ambition to become sheriff,
he has not landed In any bed of roses
himself, Insofar as point of numbers ;
is concerned as applied to the other
aspirants in his own field.
(Jp to the present time Klxifsk y,
Hollister, Parker. Newton and Gaston j
have had the field, but now it Is said
that Dever is going to come out again
for the place.
With Dever a candidate the race Is
going to be decidedly " interesting.
Burns heat Dever. who was, however,
easily successful in landing the nomi
nation for himself in his party. Dever
will no doubt have the support of
those followers of two years ago and
will be able to put up a fight that
will make the contest interesting aa
among at least three of those seeking
the shrievalty nomination.
NEW YORK, Jan. 9.—After a ceases
i less search of nearly two years, Jan
Jauoff Pouren, alleged to be a notor
ious Russian brigand, who Is wanted
In the province of Livonia. Russia, for
hiurder, arson and many robberies,
I was caught here He was arrested on
the complaint of Rustdnn Consul Gen
eral M. De Lodygensky and held for
. further examination and the arrival of
i extradition papers.
It is charged that with several fel
low-countrymen he terrorized the prov*
: lnco and defied arrest, purtlcuinrly dur
ing the summer of I9od.
DENVER, Jan 9. —Found guilty of
assault and battery on former United
States Senator Thomas M. Patterson,
owner of the Rocky Mountain News
and the Denver Times, Fred C. Bonfll*.
one of the proprietors of the I)env*r
Poet, was fined SSO and costs, by Jus
tice of the Peace Thomas Carlen. R
fils had attacked Patterson on the
j street, Dec. 2<5. knocking him down.
; The fight was the outcome of a Jealous
newspaper war.
}/ 0 j » |
LEXINGTON, Ky.. Jan. 9. —A squad
of soldiers with a Gatling gun are
in Lexington today, prepared to quell
; any disturbance which may arise as
a result of the tobacco war. It looks
as though the w hfte tobacco region.
Which has heretofore been law-abld
i ing. is on the eve of serious trouble.
Night riding outrages, equal to those
which have terrified Western Ken
tucky for muny months, are antici
pated. The soldiers. It is understood,
are under orders to deal quickly and
severely with any uprising of plant
j era.
Gov. Willson has sent squads of
soldiers to various parts of the to
bacco growing country, and will not
order the entire militia to any one
place. The governor believes that
by maintaining gimrd In various
.places more will be accomplished
i than would be with an entire regi
ment. The night riders travel In
| comparatively small groups and
squads will bo able to better cope
! with them.
Ten soldiers are guarding the ware
! house of the American Tobacco Cos.
at Frankfort today, and ten more uol
. tlh-ra. atxi -uuUiu-of the mayor of
the town.
There Is a general feeling of unrest.
The night riders •»t*n ♦/> [)f> (IPS* I
perate men. and the dispatch of sol
diers to the region has not frighten
ed them. Trouble Is anticipated for
I any time.
We \re
l ook IIW
up unit
lii-t our
prior «.
MANISTIQUE. Mich., Jan. 9 (Spe
cial >—far ferry Mauistique No. 1,
which was sunk In the river here
j Bandar night, is afloat and will leave
j for drydock In Milwaukee this aft<*r
i noon. A 14-inch pump broght from
Sault Ste. Marie and insalled, easily
emptied of water the compartment
; in which enginew and dynamos are 1>
ca r ed. One dyno was submerged, and
is out of commission.
Capt. Root, a diver and two men are
engaged in patching up a leak In a
plate with oakum and planking. The
break 1» about 18 Inches long and four
wide. The Mauistique. Marquette &
• Northern Railroad Cos., owning the
steamer, has leased an Ann Arbor
ferry to go on the run between this
| port and Northport.
CHELSEA, Mich.. Jan. 9—State
Treasurer Frank P. Glazier does not
yet know of the charges made against
him by Gov. Warner. Mr. Glazier's
attorney, Jam* s 8. Gorman, says that
the state treasurer Is still In a semi
comatose condition and is not In
shape to be asked any questions or
told of the charges.
I.ANRING, Mich., Jan. 9.—The fol
lowing assignments of medical exam
iners for the Michigan National Guard
have been made: Capt. J. A. Mead,
to Companies E. S. G and K. First in
fantry; Lieut. Ernest C. Lee, to Com
panies D. L and M, First infantry, and
R. Third Infantry; Lieut. George H. i
Pannerlee, Companies A, 11, C and H,
Firßt Infantry, and Troop A. cavalry; t
Maj. Wm. P. Dodge. Lompanics D. F.
I and M. Second Infantry; Capt. Ralph
C. Appted. Companies 11, G, H and K. t
Second infantry; Lieut, H. 8. Gnibe,
Companies A, C and L. Second Infan
try; Maj. S. E. Cruco. Company L.
I.ilrd Infantry; Capt. J. V. Frazier,
Companies A and C, Third Infantry;
Lieut. F. H. Randall. Companies B,
D. H. Sand K, Third Infantry; Lieut.
Harry A. Haze, Company E. Second
infantry, and Battery A of the Field
artillery. ' *"*
PLAINWKLL. Mich.. Jan. 9.—A ver
dict may be reached today by the cor
oner’s Jury, in the case of Mrs. David
Neelley, of Sacramento, Cal . mother
of the 2-year-old boy who died from <
pneumonia last week, after having I
been treated by a sect of "mental heal- j
era.” The woman Is now under ar*
! rest. On request oi the coroner’s Jury
Nhc Is held In $5,000 bonds.
LANSING, Mich., Jan. 9.—Bids for
the state printing contract for tho
(two years beginning June l next, will
be opened by the board of-state audi-:
tors next week. It Is now planned to '
divide the state printing among sev
eral bidders. Printers In any part
of the state ma” bid on portions of]
the work. • j
LANSING. Mich., Jan. 9.—The Na
t; nal Wood Dish Cos., of Tnotnpson
\llle, capital $150,000, filed articles of
n( operation with the secretary of
:nte. The YpaHafitl Hay Press rv.
increased Its capital stork from J 2 VI
OOQ to $&0,Q00.
LANSING. Mich., Jqn. »,-the su-]
prerae court henrd the following
< !**«•*: People vs. Detroit l T nit**d |
Hallway; In re Cdrby estate; But tars
vs Dinars: Richard! vs. village of
Ilclfnlre. No additional rases were
uddctd.ttt the call for .Thursday,
Th> tffnth WS-~d Pjl itlcn.
Thlnren'h ward Democrats are perk-1
ing up since ■ th ret*-cornered fight for
the Republican aldermanlc nomlnh j
ttons have developed Aid. j
Qoe-uhel and Broz<*.and Ixmls Lempke. ]
TW+e Is ffiTfTnf lirffiglhg LofOtft TTfh- *
he user, a, brewer, into thu field, and,
ex-A Id. Joseph Ddderich mav also be]
TfiTlucvd so niu Sfifii.
Around the State
in a Hurry
Ruth Bryan Leavitt’s
House Wrecked Inside
By Malicious Persons
DENVER. Jan. 9 —Mrs. Ruth Bryan
lieavitt. Win, Bryan’s daughter, is
!in Europe with her husband. The ton
! ants she left in her house moved out
! a week ago. Today a neighbor heard
a dog howling in the house, found a
j door open and liberated the animal.
He also found a scene of wreckage and
‘ called others to investigate.
Every drawer had been emptied on
| the floor, the private letters and pa
pers of the Leavitts were scattered
over the house, furniture and dishes
were broken and every electric bulb
in the house had been shattered. The
floor was strewn with draperies, brok
|eu glass and china. Apparently noth
ing had been stolen, but the maraud
ers had gone in for creating a scene
of wreckage ami disorder.
No one was seen about the house by j
neighbors. *
ENGLEWOOD, S. D., Jan. 9.—Al
bert Jackson and Minine Burton dis-J
covered just before the day set for j
their marriage, that they were broth-'
er and sister, and they have gone to
northern Minnesota to make a search
for their mother, whom they have not
seep since they were little children
Jackson is a miner and has been In
the Black Hills for several years.
Miss Burton came to the hills six or
seven months ago as a book agent.
The*young woman sold the young mi
ner some books. Jackson fell In love
with her and a few weeks ago asked
her to marry him. She consented,
and they set a day for the nuptials.
It came to light just before the dale
set for the wedding that Mias Burtt’n's
real name was Worthington and Jack
son's name waa also Worthington.
They had been adopted when children,
taken the names of their foster-par
ents and lost trace of each other, neith
er. even knowing the names of the
othor until the developments which In
terrupted their wedding plans.
Not for Mr. Solvers.
School inspecto” rihiv«»* Is giving
the cold shoulder to the politicians
wh i are trying ivtd niri Into the
aldermante face In the Sixteenth ward, j
Tells How She Got There
! L»ear Editor:—
The Idea at me climbing stairs car
!r> in* a lot at dead weight. calling
1 about u load at (Itih that was taxing
i my strength and giving »ne nothin* In
return except a clumsy, uitwtuferwolw
’ at>p«*ararh e! No one can have a con
ception of how badly l was han.ll
' /IF '
halt as w.-ll ,IH any well-propoiTTW»- l
: person I had to breathe twice as much
and as hard I fairly waddipd and was
wobbly and neter dared to attempt
■ what*ordinary girls do with t»ut
all this has,been changed *1 nee I too*
toe advl< < of Margaret Kindly. Os
course, now that the secret I* out and
eveiyonf will soon know It, I might
IMS well he .undid with you. I lIHNOj
I lost 37 pounds In 40 days. M.v waist/
lifu! Is now . town to 24 inches and my
j measures JO Islches. so tiiat 1 can
claim to l»e weU proportioned, hut
what lx belt r than having « • form
or tig urt Is the feeling of comfort. I I
can get around amt do anything with
out tlie slightest effort why I can but
ton m> sho**e and' button my Wills!
down the hack, and now of course you
want to know what Margaret Knolly s
secret if,
. it Is known si the Marntnla Pre
■ srrlDthm and confgtn* Just three slm
: pie Ingredient* that, are mixed togeth
i —in v~ot- —«vf> sH>t tial but -a~i
trifle The formula Is a* follows: 4%
I ofTWes Marmnta. h mines Ptuid Extract
1 fascara Aromatic,, anil .IS
H\rup Hlmfiieg. t took n tekspoonful :
; r»f this rtHxVor** after meals and before
. bcJ-iitfif and I was fold . 1 could eat :
t uud - ...k \ f. AiiiJ ttfulu ilia. I
["eon ITh vie trie violent eiercTse and the
| tong, tiresome walks. u I must say that
Iltfar mala la a arrm-dsyfot euwirert re fat -
girl*, * Your formerly fat.
now comfortable friend.
Two great sales in one. ,\ll articles on the harpain tables are practical!) pi veil nv, as thc> are
ill marked way below cost.
Visit the Bargain Tables
Hundreds of Novelties,
Sterling Silver Articles,
Clooks, Glassware, Lamps,
Leather Goods, Toilet Goods,
Bronzes, Men's Smoking Sets,
and Novelties, Umbrellas,
Canes , Desk Qoods, etc., Jill Former Regular Marked Price.
All other discounts, including Diamonds, as previously announced, continue until every article in
stock is "01(1. We are absolutely £oing out of business.
W. A. Sturgeon & Cos.
nnvßAi PTinTP hip
IJ kif Ii *ll L ilu L [J |L
CHICAGO. Jan. 9.—Standpoint.* -
from which the aristocrat and the (
Democrat vtew&soclety and Its activ
ities formed the theme of a speech
delivered last ulght by William
Bryan, chief guest of the Jackson Day :
banquet of the Jefferson club, a Demo* I
cratle organization.
Prominent party men from several
western states were present, the oc
casion being generally regarded as the
Illinois opening of Mr. Bryan's cam
paign for the Democratic nomination
for the presidency at the Denver con
vention next July.
Other speakers were Adlal E. Stev- ;
prison, formerly vice president of the
Pnlted States, Bloomington, 111.; l\ H.
Senator W. J. Stone, Missouri; John
W. Kern, Indiana, and Edgar Lee .
, Masters, of Chicago.
Plc-as for party harmony were fre- ;
Bryan told of the rich and poor,
rehearsing his old-time arguments. In I
closing he said:
If the Republican leaders had spent
hair as mu-h time In trying to make |
dvp'-sttors secure, as they have spent
In trying to Increase the profits of the ,
banker, we would not have had any ,
panic at all.
The country Is ripe for the appliea- j
tlon of U.emoeratlc principles t<> gov- j
ernment and all that Is necessary la
for Dm Democratic party to convince
the people that It will be truly Demo
cratic If entrusted with power.
Will the Denude ratio party be dem
ocratic? Let it convince the public .
that -t will be and we shall have n
victory which tvllt be fruitful in bless
ings to evert part of the country ands
to every element of our population. |
John J. Scannell, of the Boot nml
Shoe Workers, and Charles Gelhaar,
now vice president, were nominated
for the presidency of the Detroit fed
eration of Labor in the regular meet
ing Wednesday evening. The contest
will he a lively one, as both men are
well known nnd popular In labor clr
rtes. Both have been active workers
in the federation. With the exception
of the race for the office of president
and a contest for trusteeships, the com
ing election will be something of a
love feast, for all the other officers
wore renominated without, opposition.
Henry Kummerfleld Is the candidate
for vice president. Those renominat
ed are: Recording secretary. Aifred J.
Ex ton; financial secretary. Otto Zim
merman; treasurer, Louis Manxel
munn; sergeant nt-arms. David Miller;
librarian, Rose Mcßreariy; assistant,
Mrs. Jenny Cleveland.
There are three trustees to be cdect
ed and four candidates, as follows:
A. A. Boole, Gilbert W. Dickson. John
Hancock and >V. J Emory. Candidates
for places on she executive board are:
David B Jones. John Clarkln, Michael
B Brady and Stanley Kline.
Amalgamated Woodworkers' Coun
cil. No. 335 Gratiot ave.; Carpenters,
No. 10. Federation hall; Curbstone
Cutters, No. 8512, Beacon and St. An
udaVa**,; Kiwrtneer*. No. A, No,
257 Beaublent-st*i Hack and' Coupe
Drivers. No. 8, No. Gratiot-ave.; Lo
comotive Firemen. No. 532, • Sprlng
wells and FortiU.;. Marine Flremep.
frtters and Water TcmUra. No. 7 W«o*-
TrTdge-ftL casH - Retail TTulcfiers, No.TT
No. 222 Randolpli-st,; structural Build*
Ing Trades’ Alliance. No. 50 Gratiot
[am 1 ,. —~
(bout February lat. In our New Store. 2 TI-2 l»l-2 4K W oodward. We are cut
ituii the price* on our present sloe it to Huw It out. Take nittuniNHr at
tlie loirtiuin* we ore ofVcriuit.
tie I.Hn ok; Itcmot ill Sale %
Price . Ob
Si- Persluu t lull lie* I Hr- J I p
iiiuinl snlr Price '2"
So Dm* t.Jnglinm* and tprou
Check (diiKlinnik) He- C*
moral Sale Price Jb
Te aml Sc indigo Mine Prints and
Itlu-W unit White Prints. Turkey
Itril Prints, It otic Print * : 4 J p
lleinotnl Sale Price Hib,
lllji Printed Flauelctte*; 7 I p
Heiuosal Salt- Price 12b
l2Vie Perenles in liahl nnd dark
coloring*; Hriiintut 7 1 p
Sale Price f 2 b
15e \ aril \\ Ide Perenlea In light anil
dark colorings i Qlp
Krmmnl Sale I’rlee v 2«
l2V*c Dress Clngluini*, nets spring
atylesi Hamuval 7 3 p
Sale Prlcc —— —. I4b
15c ToiK* tin Noril tilnalmins. %. K.
C. I, lug lin ms, Hed Seal t, I tig hit him.
Hates Dinghiims; Qlp
Henioval 'Sale I’rlee w2b
20r twilntea Cloth In neat dots,
stripes anti figures nnd lu all the
net-v spring coloring*i I O I p
itemntal *>nle Price I 4 2b
3Dc Wool Chnlllea In plain hlack nnd
printed colorings; HOI n
Itniioval Sale I’rlce LL 2 b
50c nurl 50c I’lnld Milks and Crepe
ile Chine. In ttoral designs mid
plain colorings; Ile- QQp
mot nl Male Price OvJb
kT.c 27-Inch (Hack Penti de Sole; 11c
niotitl Male CQp
I’rlce UtJb
50c to 75c Fancy Suitings, In cheeks,
mixtures .ind plaids; OQp
Itcmot a I Male Price *vb
SI.ItO lllnck TafTcta Milk, 26 Inches
tt lile; llcmotiil CQp
Male Price U3b
91.25 Ilrondeloth In black and colors,
5o Inch--* ttlile; 7Qp
Kctnotnl sale I’rlce I wb
92.25 %st rnclinn, 51 Inches ttldc, In
gray only; Kentwvnl QQp
Sale Price 00b
211 c to 25c Scotch Plaids ami Checks
nnd Plaid Suitings; I7if*
llemosnl Smlc Price I I ?b
219 Woodward Ave.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 9—Secre
tary Root has replied to Hie Japanese
government through TsunoJlro Mlyao
ku. charge d'affaires of the Japanese
embassy, who Inquired, that the ap
pointment of Baron • Takahtra, former
minister to the United States and how
ambassador to Italy, is acceptable to
the United States as ambassador from
Japan, to succeed Viscount Slsuzo
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.—Michigan
patents were issued as follows: W. H.
Allen and W. J. Weaver, Detroit, sub
stance for removing varnish and
paint; F. Barber. Grand Rapids, butter
(Utter; H. F. Beechman, Battle Creek,
throw off mechanism for printing ma
chinery; H. J. Breeze, port Huron,
match box; G. C. Clover. Charlevoix,
railway spike; U. L. Conkey, Grand
Rapids, veterinary dental speculum;
P. Krlckaon, Whitehall, drawer at
tachment; G. s Fletcher, Houghton,
skate; E. A. Grundeen, Carney,
stump puller; W. 8. Hover. Three
Rivers, railway motor velocipede; J.
J. Jackson, Gregory, vehicle tire; F.
B. Moore, Detroit, knockdown sec
tional hook case; T.
ttolt, *car fender; C. H. Reynolds.
Alpena, hag filling and weighing ma
chine; K. E. RQuech, Detroit doll; ,
T Rowe, Dollar Bay. water econo-;
mixer for Jigs; J\. 8 Rumberg. Nor
nay. hat pln;‘B. K Saverv. Aan Ar
bor. metallic pheathing; M.
ley.. Northville, scowlng device; B.
Tanner, Sturgis, fence post mold; R
Watts, Detroit, safety scaffold bracket
It Does the Business.
Mr. E. K Chamberlain, of Clinton,
Maine, rayn of Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
“It does the business; I hare used It
for piles and It cured them. Used It
for ehsype t-Jmndir rwre*t them
Applied H to ah bTd s 'Te an<TTf Bea Ted
it without leaving a scar behind.' 25c i
at Orunow A Patterson, Ora? & Wor-1
Chiter and E. C. Klnm'd drng storey ]
JJ5c Henrietta* In black nml color*.
15*1 Inohii oldri He- |Qp
hi <>» a I ‘idle Price \ . . I
tie Hleuehed Twilled Tow el lira, j Hc
■ihmiil Sale 03 a
Price U4l#
11 Vi«* lilenciied l.luen I'owrllno llr*
mo* ai Knie , 7 3 o
I'rlee . I4b
Fruit of the I.oom tind l,t»n*dale
lllenehed Foltoaat the Kcnnlue;
I lent uuiUet >nril wldet Q.
He ohm HI *nlc I'rlee wu
.“lie Whit-* Wool I'litanel, aenrljr
>i*r»l wldet ISeuini ul 4 0a
Sule I'rlee 4Zu
40e White Wool Flannel; OQa
Heiiiiikul Kule I'rlee 4d U
7e I ulileiieheil t oltotij yard wide;
Iteioovnl Kale I3 n
The Heat Tnhle tHlelotli; I I) I »
iteimMoi Kale price ..1.1 ZTB
12 */je White India II non t T I .
lUiuoval Kale I’rlee I ju
13c White Inilln I.lnout Q | _
iteiuoial Kale I’rlee 32 C
20e W hile India l.lnons I Os
Heutoval Kale I'rlee I 01
100 lllenehed Molina Flanneli Fi
nal Itc hum a I Kate *7 In
I'rlee fjß
tie Cream Khnkrr Flunael; Final llr
ohm til Kale J I _
I'rlee 42U
l2'/be llleaeheil Oullnit Flauaelt Fi
nal lletotMiil Kale n I „
Price • 9)(S
35c Hleaelietl Table Onmank; lit
hum ul Kale I Oa
I'rlee ... IOC
• 1.25 lllenehed Tnhle llnniioh, 70
incite* wide; fteiuoial QQa
Knle I’rlee 03u
• 1.00 W hlte Honeycomb lied Kprrad*;
ItoouM a I Kale COn
I'rlee DOG
• 1.25 White Honeycomb lied Kprendnt
Hemotnl Kale QRa
Price 33U
• 1.50 W hltv Hone) comb lied Kprenda,
frliiKetl; llrmoml t| IQ
Kale Price and I » I 3
•2 00 W hite Honeycomb lied spread*!
It'HlHMt’l Sale 01 4 L
Price $ I *4O
Nc \ll Pure l.luen Towcllukl C3 a
IteoiiMiil Kale Price w4u
wyJii -‘/Ta i IMP f
SiLwir KKK
Room 213 MniMllo UlJ*
Jnfc ! Itir-r HL*nt_ TlMt
r i-Kiits ('•« ll John R -«t A'hont 14#>
r*« ■■ i*t
M «*%!* |H| •••MW