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The Detroit times. [volume] (Detroit, Mich.) 1903-1920, January 09, 1908, LAST EDITION, Image 6

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Page Six
» GAVE bracelet disappears
KKKW YORK, Jan. 9.—With the ai I
Uni kere of Mrs. Canale McKay, of
and the arreat In Boston of '
Ipred W. Elliott, both of whom admit |
jfPkftVlng been with Theodoro Whitmore
■fee day Whitmore’s wife's murdered
a bod v was found In Lump Black
Hiramp. near Harrison. N I , together
|«rHh Whitmore’s statement wherein
IffiTadwiiis everything with wliieh the ,
'police charge him, except the actual
Bhurder of his wife, the officials say i
nodlij the crime has been brought to,
«RrbJtnoro’s very door.
■PißeorKia Dickenson, the woman who
-&r«« visited by Whitmore at her home
«ui Thirty-fourth-at., a few hours after
Swr« Whitmore’s body was hurled into
®S|lo swamp, and whose Christmas pres*
Hpt from Whitmore was a bracelet
Ifwbtch belonged to the murdered wo
■fnau. is believed to have fled to Can
, along with Harry* Dickenson, a
Kjjjan who posed as h<*r husband, and
Bjfht) was arrested on Wednesday by
Kfee police, but who was promptly dia-.
Charged by Magistrate Butts. Hardly
thv jail jp«>r u opened before Dick
atigaon made for Boston, where, it is
■learned, he Joined the woman. The
ifiwc*' left Boston and are supposed to
•ham crossed the Canadian border by
■this time.
||4nd rev. anna H. SHAW
L _____
I * 4 From a Special Correspondent.)
1 |; LANSING, Mich., Jan. 9.—The worn-
I OH of Michigan had complete right ot
pway before the con-con delegatee, last
tavenfng at the public hearing on the
jKjqprestton of woman suffrage. All th®
It Speakers were women and equaled the
fljijlßen in oratorical efforts. They made
f^n- Strong showing for the rights of
I women.
s j|»Tbe following representative worn*
f,;eo were on the program: Clara 15.
■aMftlmrrpTeßlflent orttie Rqual Sut
ifwtfe association; Mrs. E. L. Calkins.
|if the C. T. U., Mis. C. Osstdyk of
■PMlh'oU, president of the Women's In
iMMßdMt Voters’ association: Mrs.
f Kaugle of Detroit, president of the Gar
* meat Workers' union; Mrs. E. L. Har
■ gjr, president of the Michigan Worn-
K Press association; I>r Gertrude
I sankt>, president of the State Assoeia
I tion of Farmers clubs* Rev. Olivia .1
m.C. Woodman of the state grange; Mrs.
WJI. A. Bailey, past great commander of
Efthe World Maccabees; Dr. Blanch M.
W; Haines, commander of the World Mac
jt dabees; Mrs. Mary b Doe, of the Mich-
I igan Federation of Mrs. Cath-
P#rtne Waugh McCullough, who is a
■[practicing lawyer and justice of the
»»#ace of Evanston. 111., proved her abil
mity in a masterly plea for the equal
■rights of her sex.
if' Kev. Anna H. Sfaaw. president of the
* National Woman Suffrage association,
■and hers was a magnificent address,
■carrying conviction with the logic of
Bfcor arguments, held that men had
■formed a great “male” trust and that
■p class of citizens ever enfranchised
™jwre as intelligent as the women of
flPoday who are ready to receive this
might of equality.
> Judge Rohnert s decision in the ■. a-a
w nf William H. Bowen against the city
| &f Detroit, tried before a Jury in the
Wayne circuit court several months
'* tgo, was reversed by the supreme
•|i rourt In Lansing. Wednesday.
JBowen commenced action against j
'I the City for damages alleged to have
Jv boon sustained when he fell on a >
defective sidewalk near the Wayn >
* hotol in 1905. The case was in prog
® re«s When Judge Rohnert took it from
I the jury and,, directed a verdict for
w ill® city. The supreme court orders j
p anew trial.
r i.
? jrWashington. Jan. 9.— j. pterpont
f Morgan, of New York, paid a visit to
| Washington Wednesday on an mi
FKiiown mission.
Morgan called on Secretary of the
Bnasary Cortelyou while here, but the
L jiuattire of his conference with the sec- j
K'Rrtary could not be learned. Morgan
it is said, by Senator
■Aldrich. left for the east in the afier
{i v
®; j. Mjt*
~ jg: ; '. v / -V-. f
It-'WOraon fating ifiurdtrsd in tier room
| ' Cowgryas st. •«•(, Tuesday after
Seth Low Principal
Speaker at Hughes
“'Dollar Dinner "
—NisVL—YORK l.m 9 —Kx-Mayor
Seth Low will be the principal speak
er at ihe Hughes dollar dinner to be
held at Terrace garden,' /his evening
;Thc dinner arrangements are in charge
of the Plata Central Park Republican
| club, of which S. B. Livingston is pres
jlden’t: tne Yorkvlllo Republican club
I of which Dr. Delanrey Carter is presi
dent, and prominent members of the
district committee
The purpose of the dinner is to give
expression to the strong sentiment in
the district which favors the nomina
tion of Gov. Hughes for president.
Judge Swan has taken notice of the
request of the city council that be
hasten consideration of the injunc
tion proceedings restraining the coun
cil from passing the Hally -ordinance.
There Is no Immediate prospect, how
ever, that the United States court will
band down ail early decision.
“1 have a heavy admiralty docket
on trial now.” said Judge Swan,
Thursday. “There are also the tax
cases in which the state of Michigan
and three express companies are
parties. I shall decide the case the
council refers to as soon us I am able
to give it adequate consideration."
The express companies cases takes
precedence, in a way, because they
Effect the entire commonwealth of
; Michigan and municipal matters will
have to take second place.
WASHINGTON, -fun. 9.— Gen. J.
Franklin Bell, chief of staff, in a spe
cial report, made at the request of the
I president and published today, says:
"Married men in the army are un
i questionably a burden. So also are
rmarried officers. Nevertheless, mar
; riage is the normal condition of iuan
! kind. To hold a man in service for
: 30 years and deny him the privilege of
Ia normal life is impossible. To por
i mlt all to marry Is equally impossible.
I The married private, as a rule. Is more
than a burden; he is a nuisance. ’*
Gen. Bell proposes, however, to en
courage marriage among non-commis
sioned officers, because of their im
portance in the service.
Judge Phelan has ordered his court
officers to bring in Theodore Gerasi
mo, a Greek, as a result of allegations i
made by George Pefeas, another,
Greek, who was convicted, Thursday 1
morning, of carrying concealed weap
ons and fined $lO5 with the alternative
of 90 days in the house of correction. !
The case wa* an appeal from the po
lice court, hut Pefeas claimed he knew 1
nothing of the appeal until he was re
arrested a day or two ago. following
the setting aside of his Hail bond by
Judge Phelan, in Hie police court Pe* I
seas was fined $25 with the alterna
tive of 60 days, by Justice Stein. He
told Judge Phelan ihat. he gave Gera*
simp S6O for the purpose, as he sup
posed. of paying the fine and getting
him released. Instead. Pefeas was
merely released on a bond furnished
by Dr. M. Hllver, and an appeal was
The bond was not satisiactory to
Judge Phelan and he promptly set It
aside. The rearrest of Pefeas follow
ed, much to the latter’s surprise. The
officers are now looking far Gerasimo.
City contract bids which came in
Thursday morning at the office of the
department of public, works are slight-1
ly higher in most itcjjts than the bids
of a year ago. Cement walks will boa
trifle cheaper this year, however.
The lowest bid for east side walks
is that of the Detroit Artificial Stone
Cos., w'hich bids 10 cents per square
foot for walk and 11 cents for inter
sections. while tlie figures of Archer
A l.anyon on the west side are I0 l 2
and 114 cents. R. D. Baker, Garner
Bros, and John A. Merrier also bid.
John Archer bid sll per ton for
paving tar or sl2 per ton when de
livered from tank wagons. William
C. Currie bid $10.92 for No. 1 cedar
and $7.50 per cord for No. 57 Figures
on lumber w r erc about the same as
last season, some Items being slight
ly higher.
/- - -
WASHINGTON. Jan. 9.—The presi
dent today sent the foUowlag nomina
tions to the senate: Member of Che
Philippine commission and secretary
of finance -and James K.
Tracy, of New York.- associate jnstU.*
pf the supreme c.;urt of the Philip
pine islands, Grogorie Aranetn. of the
Philippine islands; second lieutenant
Ito lw* h first lieutenant, Harry H.
Adams, Twenty-third Infantry; collec
tor of customs for the .(istrict of
Tffhe, La., John A. Thornton; com
missioner of the general land ofTiC>j.
Frederick Dennett, of Nnrttr batnn
* Question Mr*. Eddy’s Sanity.
CHICAGO. Jan 9—The Record Her
ald today says: "A sensation has been
eamted in lA*ad. H. D.. by the filing of
»■ petition tn rtm ittwtrtrr conn by oeo,
[Baker CnoYer. aiii.int that his mother.
II Mra. Mary Baker <». Mddy, head of tho
Christian Rclentlsta be examined as to
Markets <inl Finance *
vhm it \t 1 i.okk.
1 Ain. I*. AT . 32; «io pf«l. sc. Ain. Lee .
I l?; ile t'fil. s7: Am. mu-ir. 10S'*; Am.
I Tub.. 77L. Am. Smelt.. 7 *'• N: Antal. Cup.
J»S: Aim Cop.. >l\. A T. A S »;
1 70»,; It. <v »>, S•*, .R. It- Tr.. 1 - »•
l Cent. I,«»nth . IS. Ch A- Ohio, HI ’*’• * •*•*-
|*a<\, I *»7 ; C. .V Gt W.. 5L i * «■" *
: & 1.. -1; coin. Oaf. loj«,; Distil.. e. *1
1 p. « . 32»„; I*, f* H >'«n • f 57 ; D. *s
I Uin i ii. JO v, ; ErH*. 17. <l<> Ist?. •• I *•
| no 2ud*. 26 k , (Sell, file* . tl®> LI- * ' Ut..
| M.. K A Tex. 25V «!*• pfd. I.IV Mo.
Pn.\, 44 ( « . Nnt. Hi-. *4. Nat. Loai.
j 4l* t ; N .v \V.. Hi; North Am.. >»V N
Wot. HL North. Pmc., 13. V,. N. y L
A- It. s*4>», tint. <v W„ 35*4; Pat*. Mall.
28 V Penn.. 113*4. I’“* Gas. 85 V Hj-
A- Head.. l*>s. Hep. St.. 1 . V. RocK 1* .
I HL, «io pfd. 2-V St Paul. i‘".j . £»•
; steel. 38 V South Pac . 7.** . sou. H> ..
13 Tex Ac Ph*'., JO 1 * Twin City. >**.
I’ll l*a«.. 123 t*. I H. S Bond*. S'* ,
r S iluh. :1S; if’. 1* Steel. 2.5. do
pfd, 5*17,. \V r Tele. 6v
NEW YORK, Jan. 9. —The stock
market opened dull wilK Irregular and
narrow fluctuations, the majority of
shares, however, showing alight im
provement. Northern Pacific was up
1 1-2. Great Northern and Pennsylvania
' l L and Reading and Southern Pack
j fle 1-8. About the only noteworthy de
cline in the railroad list was 1-2
j Atchison Stool prelurred rose 7 8
: while common receded 1-4. By the end
jof ten minutes’ trailing, the market
showed a hardening tendency.
The coal stocks were the features of
j the stock market Trftrttny the first hour
and the strength developed in them as
a group extended through the rest of
the list causing general improvement
in prices. The crowd of brokers in
Reading was very large all through the
hour aud included every active trader
on the floor. These traders noting
.that there was a scarcity of stock at
near previously prevailing prices start
ed bidding for large lots and hurried
along a covering movement that has
t been in progress for sometime. Read
ing advanced to 1.03 7-8. the highest
j point touched since last August.
There was no new development in
(connection with this movement, but
I many of the brokers committed to bull
side joined in making predictions that
the stock is on the way to 120. I uion
I Pacific followed Reading, but without
[ making as great a gain. Nearly every
thing traded in showed some gain, but
outside of coalers the advances were
generally limited to about one point.
Ixmdon did very little in this market,
selling a few stocks on advances here.
, Governments unchanged; other
bonds steady.
Reported for The Time* hv Cameron
’CurrTP « T*o. TTS-11V Griawoid ■ at.;
open. Noon.
Amer. Car A Foundry... nt 3i%
Amer, Smelting 74'* 7C'' 3
Amalgamated 44
Amer. Locomotive 37
Do. preferred« S7 *G
Amer. " 7 :4 IHJ'v
i Anaconda Copper :;0 Si '«
, At* h.. Top. At Santa Fe. . •>**•*% *• ' *
l Baltimore A< Ohio S3H K » I
I Brooklyn Rapid Tran... Hi
Canadian Pacific 1>»»
Chesapeake a.- Ohio SO *4 -° l 4
Colorado Fuel & 1r0n... 20« 4 2*l *•»
Conaolidated (Jar 101 102
Chicago. <4t Western .. 4 «* »
•Distillers ;
I>ela. Air Hudson Canal.. lt>.'- 18 •
Erie ... ' K
Do, firsts 33 L fly
Do. second* •• 24 '* -j l *
General filectrlc JD> r b 1I * .
Illinois Central 128 u. 124- a
Louisville .4 Nashville. .. 9.} J, i*f
Missouri, Kansas A Te\. 25V*
Tio, preferred 7"x 67 "h
Missouri Pacific IJk ■*; j
Mexican Central 17 1 •»4
Northern Pacific .. 121 4 « J-’l ** •
National Bis* nit 7t ••4' J ,
National l,eail 40u. 1
New York «*entml ..... •*\
Northwestern 143. ,I*4 ,
Ontario Western .... 3 4's ■’* ♦’•
People's (Jup s 4
Pacifli Mall -* 2!* j
PennsyHanla 111 1 -,. I’2'«
RAadln* 1 rt1 » D'l’j
Rack island 14’i .2’ 4 ,
Southern Pacific . 7.(**. 71 •* <
Southern Railway 11’v IIS I
St. Pmil 1"7 L l°3*i J
Twin City ,
Texas Pacific 20 20
I>o. proferied •• '*' * '•»
T'nion Pacific 11 ** and 122'* l
W<-stern I'nlon Tele. .. 67 S * 1 * ,
• Kx-dividend. '* per rent
Rond sale*. furnished Jt*y Cameiton
Currie A Cos : New 2a reg , 104
105'*. do, roup . KM 4<& 105; new :ia
,-»•* , 1004 #101'« ; do. < oup.. 101 4tf
,; ii< vv "l - rrg.. 1 1 'J '. do,
roup. i?OV»<H23; PMI. 4*. HO*.* of
DETROIT Jan. o.—Close: Wheat
turned in favor <»f the bulls on Thur«*.
ilay ami got hack some of the loss of
the prevoua few days, sontt dealers
rail in* It a natural tenet lon after sev
eral <la y* of decline, but there were
■jonir tiull!rTi londltions thai .u enuut> <1
for the improvement. Uverpool was
higher because of *he return of severe
weather m Hungary, and Minneapolis
was bullish. Supplies of wln-.it theie
decreased andnyllera ware so anxious
to seeure wheel that" they were bid
din* for It in Miuahu. Foreigners w*n:
not buying to any extent in this ctmn
tiv and speeulatlon was alow.
Wheat quotations; Cash No. - red.
$1.02*.*, Mnv open'd '*«’ higher at
$: advanced ~ r. amide« lined to
fl a*'-/-. July opened at II o<'4- ad
vanced to sl.Ol *«. ind dei lined to $1 01y_
No .! red, 9*\c: No. 1 white. 1 ear at
Coarse grain quotations: Corn —Cast
No. ;.»«•, No. 3 yellow. 1 cars at 62c,
:t at «»1 4c: No. I yellow, 1 car at 60 4C.
tints---Cash No 7 white. 1 car at 53e,
I've—Cush No 2. Hr nominal
Dean*—Cash. $2: February and May,
$2 hid
Clover .seed —l’ri,nie spot, $lO 41;
\|i,rib (1(1.90: sample. Vt hugs ar $lO.
.It $0.75. It at $0.50. 12 at $* f>o, 6 .it
$7.50; prime alslk<, $0.7.5; sample al-'
sike. to bags at $5.75, 5 at $$ 25. 4 at
Timothy ij l'rlme spot. s2.l»'.
jurlerJ-By sample, i car at $1 02 per
cWt. '
(( riots In t*’e Detroit market on
Thursday iru 1 tided 1,200 bbls of tloui*.
i \> f wy*e:tt, 11 of illrft. \\ itb
drawdls iivt f in*t bhls of flour, Stocks
are «20,§7i7 bn of whea< l£n,7*f> mi of
corn. 21.8J!* bn of oats. 4,7/40 btt of bai
! In, and 23.D6 bn of rye
Northwestern wheat receipts Tbuili
ilhv. .<•! tars; year ago. 202 cats.
Who it In T*tver*XMtl. closed **4i '«d,
and corn 4d higher.
KAportl from India show some Int
j prnVemnt :h whe«t 'conditions.
When! receipts at primary points.
| 507.000 hu; year nen, flS9.onft bti.
tun tun lifts in,
I, t Reported (or The Tlmim I broach
\ Fred %. Oshofne A ('a- bankers and
hookers. IVnobsent bntMltigl.
I CHICXIM), Jan. ♦.—‘-Wheat opened *4
W S»' higher on the nlret.gth In IJvei
pwni and Hods pest. (avert um w~*»
. . . .
L «mT further support. Northwest eatst
I Weir .61 against 2t»* last year. Hart*
! Tetl-F Miff anti I<ogAh were good buy
> igns, *« 1_
t c*j»' nffijr prices Wheat —May $^ 0 , :«
(ii l i'h', i 'urn May. «»141G0%c [
Mav ;.i%, Fork Mu y. $13.5;'...
i laud May. I'- I*% HI bn M ay, $7 J3.
u in'ut *, v 11,, higher; «orir. mi V* o-!
■ll •• i ; o.iiu, %i loner, provliloii*. 2 *.% j
7 > ; higher ■ —H
CloMlng l>t Wheat MA > . $1 o_*i%.
Coin Mav, rtlity 61 %«■. i'mg May. 64%
>i 5l /,i iWk Mas Laid--*
M.<\. .?>l7 %. lill"'- Muv. $7 37 %, l
o'ioiatioim 14 y Pmi»*'i'«»ir </urrle <% (*»».:)
Op»tl lllyli. v l*»«. Cl «■»*». |
Wheat* - /
Mil < ■ t It:.", 1 tlti'i 1 O'. % ul <U. %
July :is\ 9* — »8 - -aftU
Sfpt ft . fc >fi* 4 fti % ir«o ; ,
M.i\ . 1.1 '« HI % nf»o% nn*il
July . . . 3ft % 3ft '
So pi r.o ’.os »sh\ *5»% j
|Mav oid 31 % .34% n.34% n54 S 1
July olil *»4 H 48% 45% 4* \ 1
Kept... 4<»% 'III, 4<»% i«»%
! i’ork
M.iy. . . 1C 57 13 63 12 55 13 «j i
; Jan .. «7 ; ? 8; . 7 si
, Mav. . . y 12 HIT 313 *8 17
■ Rib*
Jaii . h? o.’
May... ‘7 35“ n7 37 n? 30 #7
I (b'Hirl is (Split. iniN'mnlnul
Toledo i.iim.
TOIiKDO. (i. Jan. ft llloic: Wheat
I -Ca«h, 91.02%; May. $1.06%; July.
91.1 it; Kept., 97%c. Corn- i’hkli. H<>%i ;
I May, Hi ye. July. HI %o; Sept. non*.
Oat* —C.uli, 33« , May. 34%c; July. s<b :
Sept., nonr. Clovur need—Cash Mini
Jan. 910.50; March. 910.40; April. $lO * »;
prim** aldke. 910. prim** timothy. $2 20.
Hyp—No. 1. SJI; No. 2. ft2<
DETfH *IT. Jan ft Cattle— All
-grade* killing cattle. dull. 1" to lie
lower, HttShkern dull and alow Prjots !
ranged aa'follows Choice steer*, aver
aging from 1,100 t<* 1,300 16s, ut 9140
Cu, choice handy killer*. 94ft 4.30;
j light to good butcher*' steers and heif
ers, $2,750 3 75; common killer™ and fat
j I'own. 92 Cos il r. 'yo. < aimers' cow*. 91 25
'■•12.25; common to prime shipping hull*.
93ft 4; light butcher*’ and heavy *un
• arjfe Knit**,9? -at.,. kwra , and
j feeder*. 92.5041 » per wt. Milch Cows
Active at 925055 Veal Calve* Active
ut 94'y VSO per *wt
Sheep and lutmb*—Active and steady,
quality fair, hole* lumba, $7 0 7.35;
, light to Lil.. 15 2i H-75 < ojjjipon t<> prime j
sheep. UiiCt.oO; mixed sheep and lamb*.
94 'ft 5, common killers, $2 75 0 3.25; cull*
| 12 ft 2.50 pet cwt.
Hogs—Dull and 10c lower, quality
j coninton; p’-lrne mediums and fat york
! er*. 9 4.35 0 4.50; light yorker* and pig*.
94 330 4.50. rough*, $404.10 per cwt.
Receipts uri'.!l noon: Cattle. 073;
j calves, 313: sheep. 2.279; hogs, I.lftj.
rmrir.o live stock.
CHICAGO, Jan. 9.—Hogs Receipt*
43.000. slow, steady: right. $t Tofri
mixed, 94 lift 4.55; heavy, 94.15 0 4 52 4 :
- rough*. $4,150 4 25; pigs. 93-9004 2*;
(yorker*. $ 1.400 4.45. Gallic —Receipts
8.50 u. steady to stronger; beeves. $9.60
0 0 25; row* and heifer*. 913004.50;
Texans, 13.10 0 3.‘*o; calves. 15.250 7.23:
westerners. 13.70 0 4.50; Stocker* and
feeders. 92.250 1.15. Sheep—Receipts
15.000. market strong to 10c higher*
natives. 93.6003 HO, westerns. 93/50 a
j ' x 5, yearlings. $1.900 5.90; lambs, na
| tives, 93.2341 7.40; western*. $5.23 0 7.43.
K VST HI FF V 1.0.
JJrtßtwrk ll'pvrt bjr Sadler, Hortek A
f** . 4'ninnitsalon Mrrehast*.
UFFFAIaI. Jan 9.—(Special )—Cat
tle— K» triple lignt and stead>. Hogs
R< • ipts 6 ten, aTI grades $« 750 l <«
Sheep—Receipt* 900; iambs. $7.75
W7>r»; sheep, strong: top calves, 99,50
y 9. t's.
' FAST HI'FFAIX). X V . Jar 9. -Cat
tU—Receipts 260 head, market fairly
at'ti\ ♦* and Arm Veals—Receßits 200
head, active anti steady; cull to choice,
...93 'll 9.73- ami i Atuiliiit.lt/.,.; ■■ 11 »
7,000 head, active, lambs 3c higher,
••losing lambs, 95-254r7.A5» yeao!-
lingM, 960 9.75; wethers, 93.250 5.73;
i mlxoU jrln 1~. 9-74*3.3u Hogs Receipts
! 0.50'4 'ie.nl market active and strong;
i yorker*. pigs Arid heavy grades, $4 750
4.H0; tough*. 940 4.25; stag*. $3 25 <r
Cameron Currie & Co.'s copper letters
Opening topper cable: Spot, tHJ, up
ss; futures. t®2 12s od. up .s ®d.
The coppers were not eo active dur
ing the morning hours today. but
prbea were tirm and small advance*
were made in different quarters. Amal
gamated |gwse *•* between the opening
and tht rooti hour, and Ana. onda and
Copper (large a half ptdnt each. There
i 'tut no iifws. but a strong and rising
.NVw Yota market reflected firmness
tln the copp«r*. Early lamdoti cable*
were 5s higher for the m»»tal At mtd
-1 tlte market was quiet, but had a
; good tone.
Reported for The Times by Cameron
Currie & Cos. 119-118 Grlswold-st :
Open. High. I»w Noon.
' Arl*. Ct»m'l ... 13% Ifi 15% 19
Apex , 2% 2 t « 2 % 2%
15a mk la .... . . 2 % 2 % 2‘j
Boston Cons. .. 13% 14‘ 4 1:t 13%
Hutte Cln. . 15 \ ih 15% jrt
Copper C0n.... 58 sft tj 58», Snij
; Cain. A Hecla. H(»5 9"5 *’.os HOJ
I Cain .v Aria .103 105 105 10u
1 »avl* f»al> ... 4 4 4 l
Frinklin x ft s ft
IG. Cananea ... 7 % 7 % 7 % 7 %
lat Ma Tie ... 14 14% 11 11%
Mohawk . . .. 30% 50-x, 50% 50%
MajestU I 1 1 1
Mit hig»n 10 10 1 «>- 10
Isle Royal* ... 18%, 19 1«%. Ift
North Butte ... 45% 45% 4;.% 45%
Oil I>om ... . 3(Mj 30t, 3*H^
Osceola xx SX 88 *8
Canoti 11 II 11 11
Raven *B< BHe xftc BSc
Shannon ..II II 11 11
Sup.-fitls 12% 12% 12% 12%
Trinity c ( .p 1H % 19% 19 % t*
Troy 90. so. 90c 90c
fftah Cons ... 30 30 30 30
I* S R pfd... :’.x% :ixi a 38 1^
.Winona 5 33 3
t-'urnlslied bv Cameron Currie A Cos.: I
Ad\ . ..o Amal., 9.131; Ax.. 200. Arc. *0;
Arl*.. 120. All.. 100; Hal, 2.070; Bing.
Hn. I; C . 1 727. Rtl.. 713; C. A A 30;
c. A M . 1; Cent , $lO Range. 1.263: I>. !
'V . Ft k3; C.r 14; <l. C. C.. *5 900;
fin.in . 100; ltd.. 513; I>*f*al., ft4S; Mas*.
Me\ 44 5; Mleh. 3 Moh.. 105: Nev.,
200; N. B . :454 <* f>.. 227; Bar 25; (J
25; S Fe, 2'o; Shan., 3X2' Tain.. 20;
Trln 2.888: I*. 3 R pfd, 113. T*. C„
2ft. I lah. tio. Vlrt., *vO
* ♦
4 'OI , **EH HUIM'. r. I 1.0X41.
Arm. Com’l, 19; Apex. 2%. AH., 30}
Hal.. lb**. C..ns, 13 %. Butte Cln.,
IH; I'.ing. <’<*!.* . ♦% : Bn A le»n.. 7»»;
Cop. Con., 59%; (“on*. Mer. f 28; C. A
14. 905; C. A A. 109. Cent.. 29; l>avl«
!»., 4%; Frank, ft*-; Gran.. 82; Glr. ";
G Can ,'H; la»#4alle. 14%; Mass., 3%;
Molt.. 57 M.t 1. 1: Mich.. 10U; Mex.
CYo. . 7: Nip. 7%; I*!e Roy.. 19%; Nev.
Cons.. ')%; N**v t'tah. »; New I tom..
1% N Butte. 1.3*4: Old Dorn., 30%;
os. sx; Bar 10%; Quincy, 86: Rav. n.
Bft; Rhode I*l.. 9%; Rhan.. 11; flup.-
Bitt*., 11%; Tnm.. 97%; Trln. Cop.,
19%. Trqy. 80; I’tHh Cons., 31: I'. r*.
4»il. lo» 4 I’. S. 11. pfd. 18%, Win. 5%. |
NEW YORK. Jan. ft.—The cotton j
market Ihl* morning opened Arm* r |
than expected. Influenced by a bullish
census bureau report which made the
quantity ginned to Jan. l lasi. 9.935,000
hales or 100,000 hale* less than had
been generally estimated by trad* hep*.
Commission house* are and room
khorts were the chief buyer* and Wall**
At. Interest* ii.’gp Thought.
Cotton price*, furnished by Cameron
Currie A Cos. Opening ,
v , Bid, Ask 2 p m
January .. 10.11608* 10.85086
\fureh |O.SOMBI 10 80081
Mav 10*30184 10.830*4
July . 10.726 71 10.720 73
The following quotations furnished
by lewis (J Gorton. No. 1415 Mnjeslio
. tas9
- -- Bid. Ark'>«l.
Anr«/. ICvcfiange Notional. .. 113
Central Savings Bank... 150
I Citijscns Savings lift 120
1 Conunerdnl National .... 191
iMtue Vavtng* ... 155 180/
; Detroit Fulled ' 200
ihwne tjavuvg* .Z. rmoi -
- Renplo r * Stole --tt—t ■■. t i ——r-n ——IW|( ;
1 Michigan Having* !'.»• ...
I Nat. Rank of Commerce 121
Old Detroit Natrrmat . . .
, Hxu.insiilar Having* 1 ’ll—-
i People 9 Stats ,
lltMiks nuil f*>e«.
4 Ooz. for 2c
All Items Enclosed in Wavy Lines on Sale From Bto 12 O Clock Only.
Friday Bargains
\f F
J/m 1 1| r, Mi
'Hi. 1 \v»
m! :| \\\
”*‘>lll MWfci A- * It
I'Hihu liormiih to i3 T
O’t l Ot K —loc I V III: OF S
DO $ LIEN, I. \ I \DR % HVtik \
AMI i oi oiti:d n AIIION )
x|,||»g, articles that sell at lftc. i
25«- uoo 35c; a* long a* they i
last. Friday o, in.. )
choice 1 sPfIJ
HKA'ft MCtiLIGER klllßTk. in Hgl l
and dark colors, stripes and fig
ure*. corded madras and percale*.
altai-heil and < nffw; rca
ular sftc values. Q f nr -fl alfl
I’rlday .the each 0 IUI Is W
ON I.9— Men's Suspenders. 1
pair in •• box, light and dark
color*: regular 23< mi!..- - ;
Fi tdu> . 4 C c
Fnlted States Savings ... ... t2H
Detroit Trust Cos 250 264
Union Trust Cos 205
Security Trust 195 200
American Lumber Cos 2.H‘ 2.25
1). A C Navigation Cos 85%
D. Ali. Steamboat C 0.... 76 7ft
Detroit Edison 44 46
Detroit White Lead 2.*
Do. common 2 7
Iron Stiver Mining C 0.... 75 90 ’
. lola Cement, pref 24%
Do. common 2ft %
, Mich. State THe., com... 34 37
Olds Motor Work* 3%"
j Parke, Davis A Cos is 5"
! Wolverine Port. Cement . 10% J'>%
• American 35%
(Arizona Commercial .... 15 15%
'Black Mountain ......... 4 1%
t Butt* 6l London • 7 5 85
j Ualakala 2 % _2%
I Calumet Globe ....... 2-> 75
!' Comanche .... »'• 8
Davis-Daly 4 l )
Dentil-Arizona (% ■*%
Dominion Copper 2% 3%
l East Hutte - 4 % a
| G., G. A S 50 76
{Globe Consolidated 7 7%
Kewtenam 4 » 4%
National 45 55
Nevada l.*tah 3% 3%
N. If Ext 1 t %
! Raven K *s '»'»
l Shaftuck 19 1 i
I Superfot A I’lttsburg .... 11% 12%
: Superior A Boston r 3
Wolverine A Arizona 2 % 2%
Warren 6% ••
Greefte-Cananea 7% 7%
Ely Consolidated ft # %
Nlpissing . 7 7%
The market was well supplied with
poultry this morning, live stock being
especially plentiful. The market can
take only about *<• nun h. and two or
three days’ good receipt* seem* to
have filled the demand up. A fairly
good demand for dressed stork was re
ported. Tie* egg market I* showing a
little Mtiffrr f.-eling on th** colder
weather. Potatoes also are looking up
some. This market tit least, has v«rv
few potatoes in storage, and but few
are rolling this weather. Creamery
butter is firm, while dairy grade* ate
weak Calve* and hog* were Ijt large
supply, and fruits qnd Vegetable* wets
Apple* Fanry, $2 0 3.50; common.
$lO 1.75 pet bbl.
flutter—Extra creamery. 29% 49
farm separator. 27 %c; packing «toek.
15<d Die; renovated. 24c per lb. Official
prices: Extra creameries, 29%c; first*.
27%c; crocks, 21c; packing stock, 17%c
Cabbage—Homo-grown. $101.25 per
bb>; $•• per ton.
California Fruits— Pears, 14.26 per
box; grapes. Tokay. 92.50<£3 p«r case.
Craaberrleo— loite Howes, 92.75 per
bu; $7 0-7.25 p**r bbl.
Cauliflower— <’al Horn la. $3 per case.
Coffee— Package coffee, 91* 75015.96
per 100 lb*
t lieese—Michigan full cream. 140
19c per lb.
Dressed Calves—Fancy. 8 09c. com
mon, 70 Xc per lb
Dressed Hogs—Light, .5 % <o6c; heavy.
5%c per lb.
Eggs—Street pricer’ Fresh receipts,
230>24c; storage 17 0 18c. Official prices:
Extra*. 23c; first*. 23c, case* Included:
rest lgcrator extras. 19c; firsts, 18c per
Flour—M Ichlgan patent. In wood.
16.90; second patent. $4.50; atralgnt,
$5.30; clear. $5.15 per bbl.
Feed—Jobbing lots bran. $26.00;
cnars* corn meal. 928; corn and oat
chop, 128; coarso middling*. 927, fin*
middling*. 521 ton.
Fresb Vegetables—< Jreen oplon*. 15
020 c per do*; cucumbers, f1.30 per
d nr.; wax bean*. $4 00 per bu; let
tuce. ft if/ 10c per lb; spinach. 76c per
bu; parsley, 20c per do*, water cross,
35c per do*
Flunaa Raddle—loo 12c per Ih.
(A rnges—Catawba ponlca, 180 per
Green Peppers—4oc per basket.
Hay-Detroit shlpperu are paying th*
following price* for new baled hay in
car lots. f. o. b. Detroit: No 1 timothy,
$15015 50; No. 2. 1144114.60; clover,
mixed. sl4 4) 14.50, rye straw, |7; wheat
and oat straw. 58 ton. In car lot*.
Honey—Fancy whit*'. 17*/>!8c; amber,
14 0 15c, extracted 809 c per lb.
Hickory Nuts—l 2 per bu.
Hides—Gr< cn hide*. 7*o. 1 Be; No.
5. 4c. Baited hides. No. 1,6 c; No. 1,
sc; kip green. No. }. 7%c; No. 2. 6c;
■alteu No L 8c; No. 2. 6>4e calf
skin*, green No. 1, ft %c; No. 2. 8c; baß
ed No. 1. 10c; No. 2. 9%e; horae hide*.
No 1, 92 75. No. 2, $1 75. *heep skmx.
as to wool. 50cft91. ° .
Hsrdwrr ■ .\Vlre nslls. 52.4<>; base
painted barbed wire. 92.30; galvanised
barbed wire. $2.80. No. ft annealed wire,
$2 35; poultry netting before weaving,
40 and 6 per cent off. poultry netting,
after weaving HO per cent off; wiro
nioth. $l4O per 100 feet: lap and slip
*.otnt envetrough. 80 and lb per cent
off; round and corrukated conductor
pipe, 70 and i par cotit ofL
IJwts— 51 per 10^
f.ciuoas—California. $2 75 03.90 per
bo-. . .
Mn»br*n»me—4 sft/ oOc par lb.
Orisges—Flor'das. $3 5002.75 per
California navel*. 52.76ff3 per no*
Outsus—*.oo7 Jc per bu. b*p*nl*b.
$127 ernfe. ... .. .
OF*—Raw J inseed, luc; boiled lin
seed. 4*c gal. less l per cent tor cash
In 17 days; dlarrtond headlight keio
**na. 9%ci turpentine. In barra* iota.
47 %c per gal
Bluenpples— Florida. $2.5003 per
Bop t'uru—Kar*. 3c par lb. •' ' . ..
I'MnfwM. * ir lots. f. is. b. Detroit,
35 0/MM- (»« r bu; ru-w 9J.504»
2.7> per bu- ' ,
• »‘»ultry—Live . sprlnas 100 lO’.< .
hens, ft it ft %<■! /d/rcka. 12c; geese. Dm
tui kcvs. 14c; dressed hen*. 100 11c;
duuksi 12fiilA%._*ec*e 1
llr; lurUisttL 15*rl6<-otrr JO.
L »»roxUl«aa—Mess pork 913..5: fantjlv
pork. sl9 5"0 I 7 11 «tTi t. S*eai sl6-.h.
bra v v $ lx. sroiwlfrd ham*. 9%oilOc> dry
saite'd brisket*, ftc; shtßilner*, 'B%c;
r plcnie ba.'ftt. Ttir. b*i\m. 12%c; darth tn
Goldberg Bros.
Sensational Sale of
Wool Skirts
Four Hours Only,
8 to 12 O’Clock Friday
$2.60 fVOau
and Values at MOf*
r.no Women** Tailor-made Walking Skirts
in swell gore plaited styles, made of good
quality of Melton and Unfinished Worsteds,
In Blue, Brown, Gray and Green Mixtures —
ull length* and size*. These garments are
nicely tailored In the latest styles. Regu
lar $2.50 and sl>.oo values —while 500 Skirts
last. Friday morning, 98c.
LADIES’ *2.00 lag; shoe*, made
fur hurl wear, of Dungola kid.
paleut lips, heavy aule*. Fashion
toe. Military heels; guaranteed
4 00 quality, a y* o
Friday. ■ ■‘♦O
< MII.DKKV* *1.28 *4 11001, allot}*,
made of Dongola kid, patent tips,
xprlng h«el«, OQ»
Ft tdu v HOC
4 II4H 14* FKIDAI, * TILL 12
O'l'LtH'K—l’late*. odd cup*,
- Allies .Cream, Ftrr «%Jjo*. • )dd
Saucer*. Brown va*e*. TTuit
Saucers, wblt* Dinner Plata#,
♦•tc.; about 20 duzen''piece* in
th* lot; worth up t*» 16c cacti;
Friday morning. Q A
choice ft*®
XEWIM. *II.R, in black and Q n
color*; Frtilay. per .... SU
Cor. Fort and Shelby Sts.
Capital $i .500.000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profit* 1,800.000.00
A general Banking business.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposits
Russell A. Alger F. J. Hecker M. J. Murphy
George H. Barbour Gvo. E Lawson M. W. O'Brien
W T. Barbour H n * *, dvar( i H. q. Potter. Jr.
tV. K. Blxbr _• ,i < L^a > ara Louis Rothschild
H. M: Campbell p H McMtt!a»~ “ Geo. TI. Russel
C. A_ DuChaano R. S. Mason Henry Russel
Jeremiah Dwyer Fred T. Moran Hugo Scherer
Haley Flake Peter White F. A. Schulte
Capital 8400,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, .$350,000
SURPLUS SBOO,OOO Depoaits Over $11,000,000
Boxea to Rent in Fire and Burgle • Proof Base Deposit Vaults.
CIIA **. F. C 01.1.1 VS, l*rr«lile»t.
>\ M. S. UIIKKV. Vl«-e-|»rrnlde«t.
ALFRED K. KIKFKR, Sforpturr nml Trmaarrr.
i:i>A\ AIII) 11. COI.I.IV*. A««l»lau( Sm-rrinry nml Treasurer.
\\ >f. \. MOORE. Attorney.
tierce*, fte, kettle rendered. K*c IP.
Rabbit*—fl.4')ol.6o par doz
ftnwl Potatoes— Jerecya. 12.0 C per
sugar— f’ryxtal dominoes. 17. <0; eagle
tablet*, sr. 95: cut loaf. s«.*s. cubs*,
$5.70. XXXX powdered. $5.60; stand
ard powdered, $3.53; granulated. extiA*
coarse, 85 85; granulated in bulk. $5.15;
granulated In 10-lb cotton bug*. $6.30;
granulated in 25-lb cotton Lags. $6.10;
Michigan granulated. $4.96; No I. st>.ls;
No. 2. confectioners’ A. $5.60; No. 1,
96 15; No. 2. $6.45; No. 3 $810; No. 4.
95 06; No 5. |5; No. 6. $4 »6: No. 7. §4.90.
No. 8. 14.X5; No. ft, $4.80. No. 10. $4.75,
No. 11, $4 20; No. 12. $4.65: No. Is.
$4 90; No. 14. S4.GO; No. 15, $4 per lOd
•I'allnw—No. 1. 4%c per lb.
Tomato**—Hothouse. $2 50 per 10-'b
basket ; Florida, 4 04:25 per 6-bo*ket
** Cotton Ginning Report.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.—'The cen
sus bureau Isßiictl a bulletin today
showing the total amount of cgtton
of 1907 growth In the United Stales
ginned up to Jan. I last was 9,9ui>.427
bales, as compared with 11.741,0'39
bales for the same period last year,
and 9,275,476 bales iwn years ago.
In this bulletin round bales are
counted as half bah*H.
The number of round hales Includ
ed I* 179.391 for this year; 255.566
for one year ago. und 263.581 for two
years ago.
Aerocar Cred tor* Get Dividend.
Harlow I*. Davock, referee In bank
ruptcy, has approved of the distribu
tion of the first dividend of 12 1-2 per
rent among the creditors of the Aero*
<ar corapanv.
Grocer Is Bankrupt.
Samuel Melsner, a. grocer, has flleil
his petition In bankrupted. His debts
an? $1.768.65*. while his stock is
at 1500. H« hfl* h >ok accounts
for *l3<» and shares of Marconi Wire
less Telegraph stock valued at s3o.'
Raps Rascally Bankers.
NEW YORK. Jan. 9.—"1 have nev**r
met. In a like p4*rlod. ho many tpen
whr. ('light to be in Jail as In my re
cent Investigation of the affairs of
banks that got Into difficulties In ‘h-'
panic. ’ said Attorney- Gemini
Jackson In addressing the annual illii
ijit of the Brownsville Board dr Trjhle
In Biooklyn last evening. ronu>Tot
-I*- Mots. Bird H. Uolcr and Senator
McUarren were among ihi* 200 Brook*

n«i«tnra*-tlhr Prt«*l**.- No fw **•!
no fea fliers. Th* plain. n*»*l kind, that
look* rig hi Time* PrfatlSg 4o„ 19
1 Jo tin H.r.h. —Pi'**** iltl.
I.ail lea' »*• ttaadtw*-
• blrf*. whit* lawn,
plain hemstitched,
nil ii iioi h«* FitOM h to ri
o*t i.oi K—::»o remnants of
amain* Onrli l.ltio|»uiiti
ho ltd natural rolor sain* all
me wa» Ihruunh; all "yard*
wide, an me an sell* at 75e aq.
pieces i-ontulniiiK up to
square yards; Friday morn
-1 iik per ORfi
square yurt.,
VI l«.-. WIiHK afte—lAdlea black
head Necklaces; alao *Hk Windsor
'l ira. «i Inches wide, a >ard lontf.
in atrip*** and ”1 Ofi
dots, Friday
iiosi:, ribbe<l. tbmbl* * nil
to.*; some with unnotlceabie im
perfections; t>» close out, 7n
Friday clearing pair
liras It»>*■ 1 uni tor*, stainless and
seamless. cashmere finish; apc^Mal
laiK«* *!**. hemstitched o»i all
aides; V %
50 no/,. \\ %TKK til.AStlK*, Jhill
sizes, regular Stc do*.; 9{>
Friday, special, each
,v> no*. wiiiTK roKtm.AOi ”' r ;
HK 11, DIHUKk. sold regular IV
*lo* dosen; special O '
Friday, each ***
for children** cum*. brown,
wine and black, *’>-l ln« he* wide,
Friday, * f)0
yarn *• •• • • 1 ,UU
1114 1 with four row* KrTsTL*.
just the thing for scrubbing the
I,and*. the sink and cleansing
vegetables; ae kind. Qa
! v a?d; Krldav . 1.00
OAIIVCD? MeuiUsrs ot
DAnM.nd Now York Stock Exchange
anrf Bouton Stock Exchange.
GIIU Chicago Stock Exchange.
QDnifCDQ New Tork Produce Exch’g.
DnUACno Chicago Board of Trade,
.wii' «irl«woM>al H Detroit, Mlafe.
Municipal civil service will be one of
the 11 rat thing* taken up by the com
mon council after the new committee
appointments are made by the incom
ing president. Hiram Rose. A request
has been made by the outgoing ordln
-1 since committee that the corporation
I counsel’s office draft an ordinance to
cover the sit nation as it exists.
The find question that has arisen Is
as to whether the departments and
I commissions, created by the legtsln
j ture. can be dictated to as to their em
j ployes. Some aldermen have pointed
lout, however, that if the city provided
In civil service commission, the heada
lof departments cannot disregard it
without awakening intense feeling. It
will probably take some weeks to whip
an ordinance Into shapes
MCHKKOON, Mich.. Jan.. 9 (Spe
cial.) —Fred O. Crosby, Jr., of Milwau
kee, has been (appointed of
the Crosby TratWportatlon Cd., tak
ing the place left vacant resig
. notion of C. F. titew, of Muskegon. v
Rank Foolishness.
“When attacked by a cough or a
I cold, or when your throat Is sore. It
1m rank foolishness to take ai\y other
medicine than Hr. King s New Discov
ery,” says C. Q. Eldridge, of Krnplre,
•CJs. "f hare used New Discovery sev
en years and 1 know It Is the best
r reffiddr cm earth for roughs arid colds,
j cro.i*p. and all throat and lung trou
bles. My children are subject to
| cfattp, but New e Discovery qulcklv
•cures every attack." Known the world
over as the King of throat and lung
.’ rnssiUtix. Solti muter cudmUm u
* dnitww 4 pm turnon, Gray * Worces
ter and K. C. Ktnsel nmg stores. iOc
iamL.fl 00. Trial bottle. 10c...

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