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"AT HOME WITH THE GRIP.” * - This is mu general that in many ofllces and mercantile houses business la almost suspended. The epidemic may yet break the record of that of 1889, the worst in history. If you are drowsy, languid or low-spirited, if you have headache, backache, or are feverish, don't delay, take a dose of Hood’s Pills to move your bowels and begin treatment with Hood's Sarsa parilla, the foe to the grip germ in the blood, and the best appetizer, stomach tonic and strength-giver. A Bad Attack —"I had a bad attack of the grip. I got a bottle of Hood s Sarsaparilla and it suved me a big doctor’s bill. Did me more good than any other medicine.” Mrs. Alice Barr, Smyrna, Pa. A Good Medicine. —‘ I was down with the grip and a bottlo of Hood’s Sar saparilla brought me up and made me feel like anew woman. I recommend Hood’s to all who want a good medi cine.” Durell Nurford. Clsmont. Va. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is sold every where. In the usual liquid, or in tab let form called Sarsataba. One hun dred doses one dollar. IN SOCIETY Mrs. Lawrence Depcw entertained at dinner Friday evening. Mrs. James lnglls will entertain a few friends at dinner Saturday even ing at the Country club. ■ - —- The local society of the Knights or Columbus will give a dancing party In K. C. hull. Tuesday evening. Feb. 26. Miss Beatrice Hawkins, of Pitts burg, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dexter M. Ferry, was the guest of honor at a luncheon given Friday by Mrs. B. A. Sumner. Mrs. Ross Wilkins entertained at tea Friday afternoon in honor of the Countess Von Zeppelin, of Hamburg, Germany, who is the guest of her mo iher, Mrs. William Wilkins. Invitations have been issued for the second Assembly Ball, which will be held, in the Century building. Friday evening. Feb. 7. A number of dinners have been planned to precede the ball. Arrangements ure being made for the third annual reunion of the Cass school alumni in Strasburg's academy. - Friday eveulng,—Feb.— liiL The mem bers of the executive committee an working hard to have this affatr eclipse any former reunion. Some 20 ladles met at the home of Mrs. William B. Thompson Tuesday evening and organized a society to be known as the “Providence Circle,” having for its object the securing of donations for the House of Providence. The officers chosen are: President. Mrs. Jerome Fitzpatrick; secretary, Mrs. George B. Greening; treasurer. Mrs. James Sullivan. Members of the faculty of the Me- Graw school tendered a dinner at The lx>raine. Monday evening, to Miss Ethel Munro. a popular teacher, who is to be married in March. The table was prettily decorated in pink roses and phimosis, the flowers later being distributed among the guests as souv pulrs. Those present were: Misses Miller, Buchanan. Tivy, Egeler, Rob ertson, Parrish. Cunningham, Rud duck, Murray. Enright, Munro, Sheri dan and Chapin. A little surprise was sprung on Wm, J. Bristow by intimate friends in the Detroit Wheelmen in their club house Friday evening in the way of a com plimentary dinner, to show their ap preciation for the interest he hag tak en In the club, having served five years as chairman of the house com mittee. During the evening he was presented with a gold watch fob. A number of speeches were made by his fellow members. One of the interesting social affairs of the week was the luncheon given Tuesday by Mrs. John 8. Newberry for about 60 guests. The table was decorated with orchids and ferns. A musical program was rendered by Miss Florence Wight, an accomplished planiste, and Miss Gladys Newberry, granddaughter of Mrs. Newberry. Miss Newberry has a beautiful voice. Miss Stiidlron played her accompaniments. The programs were unique affairs with a -bar of music at the top. Over 250 people attended the forty third annual ball of the Detroit High Bchool Alumni association in Stras hurg’s academy Friday night, despite the storm. Jared Finney, the oldest living member of the association and a member of the class of 1861. follow ed the custom of many yearß by lead ing the grand march with the youngest girl graduate, who was Miss Pauline Curtis. 16 years old. The music w*as furnished by Finney’s orchestra. The proceeds of the ball are to go towards a fund for the establishment of schol arships in the University of Michi gan. City Mutt Return Fees Collected. The city of Detroit will have to pay hack to Hammond, Standlsh ft Cos. $2,200 collected in the form of a $4O license on e&eh wagon used by the firm for deliveries. There is an old ordinance by which a license was necessary for all wagons used in sell ing meat from door to door, but it de velops that this does not apply to de livery wagons. A WIFE’S MESSAGE Cured Her Husband of Drinking. Writ* Mir T«day mi Sh» Will Gladly Tall You Km Sk* DM H. My bnabwnd wee a bard drinker for orer SO years and bad tried Id every way to atop, but could not do so. lat last cured bins by a simple borne remedy wbleb any one can give eeeretly. I waat everyone who baa drunkenness to their homes to know of this an<l If they are sincere la tbeir 'Metre to cure this disease end will write to me.l will tell them Just wtmt tbs remedy la My address is Mrs Maryarst Anderson, no Bovs Are.. Bill bum. W T. I am slnsere la ibis i > filar, f have seat tWt valuable Inforatstion to ■U— . tbeeeaiia and will Madly Mail Id to you If yeaa will but write me to-der As I bare not bio* whatever to eeli I wbat ae money. cMusk Eflle Hemenway Stile sang several songs at the Shipmasters’ ball Wed □esday night In the Light Guard arm , ory, and scored a success. Miss Virginia Fetters, piano pupil of Mibs Hattie Groneman, played last Wednesday evening at a concert given in SL John’s Evangelical church. Miss Maud Powell, vloliniste, and Miss May Mukle, 'celllste, with Vlc ton Benharn, pianist, will give a con cert lu the Church of Our Father, Mon day evening. Mrs. Clara Koehler Heberlein has opened & private class in harmony in Grosse Pointe, the members being Mrs. Frank Baldwin, Mrs. George T. Hendrle, Miss Dyar and Miss Florence Avery. Mrs. N. J. Corey will give an illus trated talk on "The beginning of music,” in the Young Women’s Chris tian association rooms Tuesday even ing, Feb. 4. Admission is by mem bership or guest ticket. The following pupils of the Detroit j Conservatory of Music gavo the las' Wednesday concert: Miss Lillian El liott, Miss Catherine Waldo, Ml** j Myrel Fox, Miss Estelle Schantz. Miss ; Minnie Galster and Miss Felicltm? Heine. The Rev. W. U Riley, of the Ferry ave. Baptist church, will speak es pecially to fathers Sunday morning In the evening he will give a second discourse on “The Holy Spirit and the Unbeliever.” Baptism will be admin istered and the hand of fellowship given to new members. The second concert of the season of the Detroit Symphony orchestra will he given in the Light Guard armory Tuesday evening, February 4. The soloists will be Zoe Pearl Park, con tralto, and Hugo *Kalsbw, violin. The box office will open at Grinnell Bros, music store Monday morning. The faculty concert of the Michigan Conservatory of Music took place Thursday evening in the Church of Our Father, a small audience being present. The program was given by Victor Benham, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic L*. Abel, Signor Gulseppe Bartolotta, Miss Lillian Gove and Mrs. Lillian Lachman Sliver. The following pupils of the Detroit Conservatory of Music gave a concert Saturday afternoon: Mamie Ball. Ruth Moe, Kathleen Dunlap, Eva Weber, Mercedes Goenago, Georglne Mattson, Mabel McGraw, Irene Lorlmer, Gladys Bosworth, Charlotte Smith, Ulah Pln ney, Genevieve Hutton, Edith Gonne and Marguerite Lang. In the Ganapol music studios, Thurs day evening, Miss Elizabeth Rohns, pupil of Mrs. Ganapol, gave a piano re cital, assisted by Saul Simons, bari tone, pupil of Mr. Ganapol. Miss Rohns’ numbers included the entire C major concerto by Beethoven, and compositions by Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann. MacDowell, Rubinstein, Greig and Sehuett, all played from memory and in a musicianly manner. Mrs. Ganapol and Miss Gordon accom panied. Lewis Richards, pianist, who re cently came to Detroit to become iden tified with the Ganapol music studios, will give his first public recital Tues day evening, Feb. 11, in the Church of Our Father. A program consisting of selections from Bach, Beethoven, Rrtnimann, Liszt and other -compos ers will be presented by Mr. Richards. »The foreign press has been unanimous in its praise of his playing, Le Guide Musical, of Brussels, saying that he is “A true and splendid virtuoso." The third meeting of the orchestral program class conducted by Mrs. Clara Koehler Heberlein was held Mon day evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, No. 116 Parker-ave. The numbers presented by the Boston Symphony orchestra were analyzed by Mrs. Heberlein, being preceded by a short talk on the evolution of pro gram mus's In two centuries. Tues day morning Mt% Heberlein lectured on the same p 'Ogutm before the stu dents in tfi* a&tttorftun of the Central High school. J. Truman wVfla?, organist and choirmaster of th« First Congrega tional church, will give a short organ recital at the evening service Sunday, beginning at 7:15 o’clock. The follow lng program-will be given: Grand chorus in D (Spence); Night song (Vogt); berceuse (Kinder); romanza (Zittenbarth); anthem, baritone solo and chorus, “Trust in the Lord” (Vin cent); quartet, “In Heavenly I>ove” (Brown); contralto solo, “Guard While I 81eep” (Warrington); Tann hauser march (Wagner). The following pupils of Miss Eliza beth Johnson, of the Detroit Conserva tory of Music, assisted by Miss Sadie Jacobson and Master Erwin Rubin stein, violinists, and the Conservatory orchestra, gave a concert Friday even ing: Miss Gladys Bosworth, Mias Jon nette Pringle, Miss Irene Lorlmer, Mias Gladys Mendelssohn, Miss Kath erine Breltmeyer, Master J. Bertram Bell. Miss Grace Pickert, Miss Ger trude Koppln, Miss Lillian Bresser, Miss Fay Floody, Miss Frances Aley aud Miss Dora Stocker. Arrangements have bean completed for the annual May festival at Ann Arbor which takes place thla year May IS. 14. 15 and 16. The Choral union of SOO voices and the Thomas orchestra will be beard, an well as the following aoloists: Mrs. Corlnne Hid et-Kelsey, soprano; Mme. Sehumann- Heink, contralto; Janet Spencer, con tralto; Edward Johnaon, tenor; Claude Cunningham, baritone; Earl O. Kil leen. baritone; Herbert Witherspoon, basa; L. De Mare, French born, and 1.. L. Ren wick, organist. The coming of Myron W. Whitney, the New York baas, to Detroit next week, promises to be of unuaual mo ment, both from a musical and social standpoint. Mr. and Mra. Whitney will arrive In the city Tuesday morn ing and during thalr stay will be the guests of Miss Alice l.ydeeker. Friday ufternoon at 4 o’clock, Mr. Whitney will give a recital In the Hotel Font chartraln under the auspices of the Tuesday Maslcale, and because of h!« prominence both as an artist rfnd so cially. the affair will undoubtedly be, a suer eaa. Naibaa Fryer, the Mew . York pianist, will give a recital in the De troit *Ootw»efvef©rv of Music hell. Tue*- ( day evening. Feb. 11. The following THE DETROIT TIMES: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY i, 1908. Lady Juliet Duff Thinks Women have Right to Smoke X. ** j 9 ta ***4C’ Jr '^ Sill r^mH^HJL^^9 \* **** *1 I„a<ly Juliet Duff, Hkow picture here appear*, la a titled F.ugllah womar n too haa Juat arrived In thla country. Lady Muff defend* the practice of wo mra amoklng and ahowa her faith In her work* by puffing away at a cigarette whenever a notion ao strike* her. program will be given: Harmonious Blacksmith (Handel); Sonata, G ma jor, Opus 78 (Schubert); Two Inter mezzl (A flat, B flat). Opus 76 (Brahma); Canzonnetta Toskaue (Lescheltzky); En Automme, Opus 26, No. 4 (Moszkowski); Two Chants PolonalH (Chopin Liszt); Nocturne,' Opus 16. No. 1 (Chopin); Etude, Opus 26, No. 2 (Chopin); Impromptu. Opus 36 (Chopin); Scherzo, Opus 26 (Cho pin); Sarnaval Mignon. Opus 48 (Schutt). Frank Parker, baritone soloist of St. | John’s Episcopal church, will sing Buck s “Judge Me, O God,” for the of- j fertory Sunday night. The date for the Paderewski concert in Detroit has been Bet for Monday evening, April 13, in the Eight Guard armory, and while that time Is far dis tant. relatively speaking, much Inter eat Is already being evinced In the coming of the great pianist. The death of the gifted American compos- j er, Edward A. MacDowell, brings to mind the advice once given by Pader ewskl to a wealthy American. It w*» when MacDowell was In the faculty of Columbia university, where for u variety of reasons he was most unhap py. This American came to Pader ewski for advice. Baying that he want ed to Invest a sum of money where It would do the most good to the causo of music. Paderewski answered: “Give an annuity to MacDowell so that he will not have to teach and may devote his whole time to composition. This is the greatest gift you can make to the cause.” Unfortunately the ad vice was not followed. LONGESTTBIP BF THEjpme NEW YORK, Feb. 1.-»For what is asserted will be the longest trip ever made in open sea by submarine boats, a flotilla left the New York navy yard today provisioned and iu readiness for the exacting test It will be required to meet when It arrives iu water suf ficiently warm to permit of practice and drill. On leaving the New York yard, the flotilla headed immediately for the open sea and the Delaware break water. Lieutenant Courtney will be in command of the submarines, which will include the Adder, Tarantula and Cuttlefish, all of which have been In the New York yard for several days In preparation for the trip. No definite destination, or route has been chosen. Mr. Pierce a Westerner. Although a native of Vermont and the graduate of an eastern college, Frank Pierce, who recently began his labors at Washington as first assist ant secretary of the Interior, is a man of western opportunity and growth* Mr. Pierce was selected from the bar of Utah, where he had won the esteem of his profession and had built up a large practice. It was In this field that he acquired a knowledge espe cially minute of government land mat ters, coal, Iron and precious metal mining, and the Intentions which should actuate the bona-flde occupant of lands granted by a most liberal gov ernment. tn this particular, more than any other, perhaps. Mr. Pierce brings to the department an experience that may result In a complete abatement of abuses which have been attempted, if they have not succeeded, at Inter vals. The new asKletant secretary In cludes former President Pierce In his fsraily tree. Hair Loss Cormiti your doctor aloof owf fitting Kafr If ha tg/i, “Ayer '* Hair V lgor U lha Kut, n than htgkt today. Do at h< •ayj. LITTLE HOPE FOR WASEJECISION JOINT CONFERENCE OF COAL MINERS AND OPERATORS THUS FAR UNSATISFACTORY. _____ INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. I.—After a joint conference, lasting all day yes | t-erday and last night, it seems that there is little prospect of au agree ment between the coal miners and op erators upon a wage scale and other matters at Issue. The session will probably end today. John Mitchell indicated very clear |ly to the operators that if they did not come into the joint line the min ers would adopt a scale and formulate conditions under which the operators tn "Ttitnois ultimately would have <■*> operate. The operators asked for a meeting with the Illinois miners' executive board. , The result was not given out, though it is said the operators have not yet given in. UNDERWIT is STILLPUCED mw YORK, Feb. 1 .--Blackmailers lit agniH threatening tin- Ufa of John O. Underwood, the millionaire preel dent of the typewriter company that bears his name. He told the police today that he had received - many demimda In ttnv pant three weeks and the writers of the letters all swear In event of his re fusal to pay them large sums of mon ey they will blow up his beautiful home at 336 Washlngton-av*., Brook lyn; his salesroom at No. 241 Broad way and his two factories at Brooklyn and Hartford. It was six weeks ago that Mr. ITn derwood received the first of the blackmailing letters and detectives have been guarding his property since. SAYS HIGHLANDER STOLE WIFE’S LOVE A member of the ruinous Forty eighth Highlanders’ hand, which play ed at Electric park in 1906, la blamed by George F. Calloway for the break ing up of his happy home and the alienation of hig wife's affections. Calloway makes the charge In an af fidavit filed in circuit court Friday af ternoon. when he started suit for di vorce. t Wanted It Suppressed. "John,” aald Mrs. Lighthead to her husband as that gentleman settled down to his evening meal, *'l have been corresponding with authorities on the subject, and I find I am de scended from some of the oldest fam ilies in the country.’* "What good la that going to do us?” “Why, I think It la perfectly lovely to be well connected." “Maybe It 'la, but don’t tell the grocer. He Is charging us enough for everything as It Is." —Nashv|lle Amer ican. Unanswerable. Little Elvira —When the fire goes out. where does It go to? Mrs. Gaylord —I don’t know, dear. You might Just as well ask where your father goes when he goes out.—Chica go News. Suppose you send this advertisement to your baldest friend I Ererybody should know that Ayer’s Hair Visor promptly checks falling hair, destroys dandruff, keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Does not affect color of hair. Formula with each bottle. Half the nervousness. half the irri : lability that la so common In every -1 day life, la really alckneea, and In i moat caaea u condition that accom* panles kidney trouble. 1 It la the work of the kldneya to keep the blood free from uric add ] I and other poisons, but when the kid- ; neys are alck, aud not doing their duty, the uric acid poison permeate* the bo<ly. and attacka body, bralu aim nerves. The irritation causes ner vousness, Irritability, headache, dizzy ; spells; makea you languid, unlit for work, and Inclined to worry over trifles. Besides, there is nothing more unnoyiug than a bad back, and backache is the most common slgu of kidney trouble. You feel lame and tired in the morning, suffer day aul! night with a dull aching in the back, and it hurts to stoop or heud or lift. Keep your temper cool, and get the kidneys well. No person can feel cheerful and healthy If tho kidneys are the least bit affected. A few dosey of Doan’s Kidney Pills, taken in the beginning, will set the kidneys right. Continued treatment cures eases of long standing. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only, and contain no poison ous nor habit-forming drugs. They DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS SaMkrtlNsikN . li ill HpnaaMMwui Cos., hnfllri<^^Y^T>9»rifrtwi»i. BOOKS ’The Boys of the Old Glee Club," by James Whitcomb Riley.” The popu lar Hoosier poet in verse, with artist Vawter to Interpret as to illustration, make up a combination which the pub lic always finds irresistible. The lat est Riley book, illustrated by Vawter, is the popular poem. “The Boys of the Old Glee Club." This attractive edi tion Is printed in large clear type on superfine paper, and has thirteen full page Illustrations In color, besides mar glnal drawings in black and white on every page by Franklin Booth. The artist’s work is a marvel of skill In character study. The volume is dedi cated to Booth Tarklngton. Riley’s high filed place in American life and letters is ao well known that further comment on hla work Is unnecessary here. Every library In America should have a copy of "The Boys of the Old Glee club." ( Bobb*-M«rrlll Cos., Ma cauley Bros., Sheehan's, and Hudson’s. Detroit.) “The Continent of Opportunity,” by Francis E. Clark. The best literary product from the pen of the author has appeared under above title. In this volume Mr. Clark, who is at the head of the Christian Endeavor So ciety and author of many books, glvec a glowing account of the South Ameri can coast countries recently vlalted by him during a five months' trip. Mr. Clark has written dowm his observa Hops and experiences so happily that the book Is thoroughly entertaining. Ho aeos innumerable openings for in telligence, for capital and energy in the almost limitless undeveloped re sources of the South American states, and the field Is commended to young j men of ability who are looking for an opening In points of manufacture, the volume is first-class, and the many il lustrations are excellent. (Fleming H. Ftcvell Cos., New York; \ Macaulay Brow, Shecliana and Mud . *nn‘*. —Detroit f-t. 60 net ♦ J “Little Letters to Bovs Grown Tall:" A volume containing a collection of letters to young men of from IK to 25 on the secret of succeeding In life. The author is said to be a Chicago club man and life member of the Art Insti tute. It la a very useful hook for young men about to begin the business of life. The "talks" aie practical and well written. (The Abbey Press. Chicago. si.) “Aladdin of Ixmdon," by Max Pem berton. This new book of Max Pern her ton’s will be found as interesting and as novel as any of his former works of fiction. The hero i* Alban Ken nedy, an attractive lad of 20, and hla adventures In twentieth century l/)a don, are aa thrilling as were those of the Arabian Nighta hero, from whom “tire-story taken It* name. Not that “Aladdin of l/ondon" is a fairy tale or even a wonder-story In the ordin ary sense of the word. Its happenings are all possible. Alban’s hapa and mishaps are welded together in a fashion as convincing as extraordin ary, yet after reading them no one can fail to see the aptitude of the title. Imagine a youth snatched mysterious ly out of the lowest depths of pov erty and placed amid all the luxuries his soul can crave, without having the slightest knowledge of the cause for this sudden transportation. Then cornea a scries of equally mysterious but more startling adventures. The heroine la an equally helpless pawn In the game of mystery. Hhe is a brilliant, fascinating Polish girl, whose life course carries her Into ter rible scenes, but leaves her un smlrched by any of her many vicissi tudes. * (Cupplea & lion Cos., Now York; Ma rauioy Rioa, Sheehan’s. an<l Hudson’s, Detroit.) “Kedar Kross; A Tale of the North Country," by J. Van Der Veer Bburts. Aji exciting story, of which a large part of the scene is laid In the Adlron dacks, Kedar Kross being the ances tral home of the hero; the story be gins with a ride of 160 miles by the Canadian heroine to save her lover from a military execution; then It shifts to the Adtrondacks, where the son of the married lovers Is abduct ed; later there are several chapters describing battles of the civil war; the last scenes are about Kedaf Kross and have to do with the love affairs of the second generation. (Richard O. Badger. Boston; Macau- Icy Bros., Hudson’s, and Sheehan s.' De troit ) Keeping Open House. Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs arc working prop erly. Dr. King’s New Life pills regu late the action of stomach, liver and i bowels so perfectly one can’t help feei. . Ing good when h« uses these pills. 2Re [at E. C. Kinsel, Central Drug Cos., I Gray A Worcester, drug stores. Making of N*H*l.ata. | There are 17.000 000 children trr Rmr ! alsn between the ages of 6 and 14 re- Icelvlog absolutely no public education A CONSTANT ANNOYANCE m 1 JTm | i * VALENTINES The choicest and largest stock in the city. Hearts for decorations—* Valentine Cards Tor Dinners and Parties. John V. Sheehan & Cos. | Booksellers, 178 Woodward Ave. 50 C -Half a Rope-50 c By HAROLD McQRATH. Regular $1.60 edition. OTHER GREAT TITLES AT TiOr: ' Beverly of OrauHtark Haul of Taraun Fenwick’* Career 1 And Over 200 Other*. Macauley Bros., 172 Woodward Ave. Joseph Hart s *‘Th« Rain Dear*," with it* pretty girl*, its gorgeous •cenery ami its rainstorm, is coming back, to the Temple theater next week ami will be the strong feature of the bill. Eddie Leonard, spoken of as the counterpart of Billy Emerson, will lx» assisted by the Gordon Brothers, and the trio will present Leonard’s idyl of the sunny south, "The Land o’ Cot ton.” Charlotte Parry and company's drama. "The Comstock Mystery.” gives Miss Parry a great opportunity to show her versatility. She appears In seven different characters, and each change Is made with such alacrity that the audience Is astounded. The Four Lntmrs, athletes of the sawdust ring, Julius Tannen. the story-teller; Lil lian Shaw, late star In “The Soul Kiss." and lately featured in “The Rangers;” Keno, Walsh A Melrose; Black JT Jones, - anil the Klnetograph pictures complete the bill. THE DETROIT. Willium Kaversham, who returns to the Detroit opera house Monday night for an engagement of a week in “The Squaw Man,” Is admitted to be one of the most forceful and popular ac tors on the American stage. His In terpretatlon of the leading role In “The Squaw Man” kept him in Wal laces theater. New York, an entire season and has given him the greatest popular success of ids career. The play tells a story of thrilling In terest that does not fall to hold the attention of the audience from the rise of the curtain to Its fall. An Eng lish army officer for love of his cousin’s wife shoulders the respok sibllity of a crime to save her from disgrace ami disappears. He turns up again as a ranchman in a western state, where in his hopelessness and loneliness he has married an Indian girl whose devotion to him has won hit affection. In time the news comes that the “squaw man” haa inherited a title, and the suicide of the Indian wife In despair at the prospect of be ing parted from her child leaves him free to marry the woman he has al ways loved. THE LYCEUM George Ade’s comedy, “Just Out of College.” will be presented In the Ly ceum theater the coming week, be ginning with a matinee Sunday. Any comedy wUh the Ade brand on it ha* already the marks of success. Ills most pronounced successes are “The County Chairman" and “The College Widow ” “Jnst Out of College" relates principally Jo the troubles of the head of a pickle trust with a nervy yount college graduate. „ The college youth wants to marry the daughter of the “pickle king,” but is In financial straits. Our pickle friend is not Just what you might call hypnotised with the college boy. but his wife wants to marry their daughter to an Itinerant pedagogue, and that galls the old man. Bo he gives the college boy 120.000 and tells him to go and make a name for himself In the business, world. T*e young man knows a woman who ltaa a rertpe for pitting up * brand of pickles, and they go into business and finally fofte the trtiit, to buy theta VALENTINES The finest and most complete stock in the city. Hearts for decorations Valentine Cards for dinners and parties. • i THE J. L. HUDSON CO. SECOND FLOOR. , LN THE THEATERS relieve congestion and luflammafidlH of the kldueyn or bladder, heal mH cure the kidney. it-wmos, drive off d»»i| gerouH uric poisons, dissolve suit rmi move gravel, and rid the of watery waste. r *llgy|B Thousands of cures prove the merlggj of Doan's Kidney Pills. Here is S3 j(a*o at home: , ( *'f sg| DETROIT CASE. Aithpr !;* trolf, MUvfvv says: “it would be fm*| possible to fully express my optnUNKl •>t Doan's Kidney Pills, as they proved of Inestimable value to me. I had j kidney trouble for 25 years, during j , which time I used many remedies* without obtaining any benefit. The i passages of the kidney secretlowl w ere h I ways attended with pain, and l was constantly annoyed by a dull , pain through the small of my bncgcj Every quick movement I made aesti sharp twinges through my body and' at times I was in absolute miaerJVy When Doan's Kidney Pills wenM brought to my attention, I obtained a supply at Gray A Worcester’s drngfi store. The contents of the first beg,, helped me so much that 1 continued their use and in a short time wag freed from kidney trouble." out. The college youth does not l|h pear in the new Industry until the »«F" tlenient and then the old naan And* out who hl» competitor really waa. The boy wins the girl and everything endß satisfactorily. THE WHITNEY. “Utile Heroes of the Street/' Lea B. Parker's four-art melodrama, will be the offering for the coming week in the Whitney theater. The centra) figure In the play is Mildred Howard, who at her father’s deathbed promisee to marry Herman Valrez. She discovers Valrez to be the leader ol n gang, breaks the promise and mar* rles the man of her choice. through various means, succeeds Id separating the two. Then folldWf ■ series of hairbreadth escapes and] nick o' time rescues, one scene shows ing the girl and her husband croaslngJ linn I lniinl mi u]i i uln i lulls fltiß a burning building to safety. Anothe|| big scene Is the blowing up of a mya*, terious laboratory of the chemist. whijS makes a practice of evolving deadly, poisons and Infernal Matinees will be given daily except Wednesday. THE LAFAYETTE. The Players will present a revival of Dumas' “Camille," to thn patrons of the I,afayette theater the coming week, beginning Sunday after* noon. This web-known drama ha* held the attention of several genera* tions of theater goers and the interest is as intense today as when it was presented for the first time 50 years ago. It Is still In the repertoire of many stars. 1 THE AVENUE. • Anew musical comedy, “Newport," written by Dave Martov will be used by the “Dreamland Bur* lesquera" at the Avenue theater the coming week. The engagement begins Sunday afternoon. Mr. Marion la well known as a song writer. Including such popular favorites as “Just One Girt/* and It Is said be ha* provided “New port" with some of his best work In musical trimmings. He will play the leading comedy part In ‘‘Burlesque.** THE GAYETY. The New York Stars, managed by Jacobs and Jormon, will appear In the (layety theater Sunday afternoon and for the remainder of the week la a show said to have been entirely re built and with new talent. The open- 1 Ing auil cloeltrg imrlesques called, "U Happened in Moonland." and "A Day i for a Night." are said to have been i written outside the line* of the usual ! burlesque and to be bright and amua*, j Ing. In the nlto la found a large duv !bt r of well known people, who aj» expected to do some highly amußlnk turns. ROCCRB BROS. J THIN THE .LORAINE FOR LUNCH ■ Page Five