Newspaper Page Text
Rates for Linar Advertisements The Time. cannot Irl vhracy or assume responsibility tor er rors of any kind occurring in <«' phons advertisements. “HELP WANTED" AND ALL OTHER ADS. . On* coat a word aaoh laaarttoA. •!* words or fraction thoroof to tha nee, cash In advance, No advertisements of laaa than two llnaa taken; al* Hons made lor tha prlca of live wnao ' caah la paid. DETROIT TIMES •T “LINER AD M AGENCIES. Tha Timas has established branch agencies where classified advertlsa manta will ba received until 11 a. m. aarh day. Tha rataa charged at tha branch agencies are the same as at Tha Tlmaa oflloa. Cash ada. only will ha taken at branch agendas. Follow ing la tha Hat of agenolaa: EAST HDd Hough tea-Prva.h Coal Oa. 4St Blast Canfleld-ave. M«. Elliott Pharmacy, Mt Elliott and Gratiot-ave*. Camay's garniture Cos.. IST Oratlot- P. Rrowa. Itlt JsfTerson-sve. CHllllCll NOTICES. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN DETROIT —Rev. Gatu* Glenn At kins, and Rev. Irving W. Stuart, min isters. 10:30, morning service, aer rnon theme, "The Power of the Church to Heal the Sick;” 7:30. ser vice with address, theme, "Torch of the Spirit: Clalrlvaux; the con science of a Great Age." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— Rev. John H. Boyd. D. D.. pastor, will preach both morning and evening. Morning subject, "The Isiw of the Positive," a candid Inquiry Into men a attitude towards religion. Evening subject, "What la Religion?” an at tempt at simple definition. JEFFERSON-AVE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Cor. Rivard. Pastor. Rev. A. H. Burr. Public worship’ with ser mon. II a. m. and ?:S0 p. m. Morn ing. 1 Withheld Worship.” Evening, new bourse of stcreoptlcon lectuie sermons, "The Journeys of Jesus.” Introductory sermon,“The Man Christ Jesus.” Organ recital. 7:10 to 7:80 ny Prof, ilonwick. All are cordially Invited. 22 MADISON-AVE. —"He Cometh in the Clouds and Every Eye Shall See Him.” subject of Mr. Frank Draper, of Watch Tower Bible and Tract so ciety. Allegheny. Pa., Sunday, 2:10 and 7:30 p. m. All welcome. No col lection. Undenominational. Teach ers and blble students are urgently requested to attend. UNI VERBALIST—CHURCH OF OUR FATHER—Lee S. McCollester. 10:*c. "Voice* of Faith.” 7:30, Illustrated lecture, "Mary Queen of Scots." All welcome. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Bam let building, Grlsw'old and Grand River, Sunday, 3 p. in.. Pastor Will iam ltusch will give an Illustrated prophetic sermon on the seventh of Daniel. All are welcome. CIIHINTIAN SCIENCE. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE—First Church of Christ, Scientist. Alexandrlne-ave. wert, near Woodward. Morning, 10:30; evening, 7:30; subject, "Dove.” Wednesday evening meeting, 7:45. Reading room, 20 Wltherell-st. Open from 10 to 5. Marriage Licenses Raymond F. Baxter, 21. Corning, N. Y.; Theresa Jenssln, 19, Detroit. John Martin.. 27, Ida M. Shaw, 20. Stefan Moll, 2&. Katherine. Grasel. 22. Joseph Wlttershelm, 21. Nankin township; Dora Hawkins, 18, Bedford township. Cecil M. Sigler. 22, Ann Arbor; Mabel JublO, 22, Detrojt. William J. Burrow, 30, Rockwood; I,eonu Navarre, 19, same. Frank Durbin, 30, Jehnle Perchocka, 20 Anthony MlchalskL, Lillie Koskle wloz, 19. , Konatentl—Oetemkowski.—£4r—Helena Hkonieexka. 22. Conrad J. Laßuschawsky. 24, Min nie Gridxlnaky, 23. BIRTHS BOYS. F.lmer Smith, 92 Elm. Alexander Jankowska, 207 Tillman. Otto Natxke, 280 Hendricks. l,ouls Koruock, 716 Concord. Martin Berger, 706 Meldrum. William >. Soper, 622 Holcomb. Einmett storinley, 167 Heidelberg. Samuel K It. 864 Adelaide. GIRLS. Fred J. Lampsbn, 816 Sheridan. Clarence Pings ton, 867 Ash. J. Ulrich. 191 Sixth Rufus Somers, 69 Forsythe. 'William Ward. 568 Ragg. WllUajn Camttair. 277 Sherman. Arthur Geuroe, 300 Clinton. Emil Seeloff. 251 St. Joseph. V fa a— V-. 1 4 m 8* am * 1 and a W A mmm I# Daily Death List Roy Trudell, 4 years, 600 John R.; pcarlet fever. Margaiet Zlttel. 82 years, 301 Ora tlot; übdoinina! tumor. Jane Stevens, 72 years, 246 Fort W.; la grippe. Stephen ScelangowskL 3 years. 924 Kirby; labor pneumonia. Frank Bonoxkowski, 1 month, 634 Warren; bronchial pneumonia. Baby Plelke, 27 Warren-ct.; prema ture birth. Joseph Zimmerman. 51 years, 354 Moran; pernicious anemia. Fred Ruth. ::7 years. 856 Trombley; rarbollc acid poisoning. Earl Wagner, 6 months, ror. Farns worth and Antoine; maraamm. Carolla Junga, 75 years, 1083 Mt. El liot; pneumonia. Marea Rea. 93 years, 361 Twenty fifth; senile pneumonia. Julia Garland. 68 years, SUB Locust; pneumonia. William Moore, 87 years, 3U Goyeau; heart disease. Maria Schram, 70 years, 43ft Monroe; nephritis. Lena Bradshaw McGlenn. 25 years; gfti Twenty-third; pneumonia. James Cotter. 77 years, li*7l Jeffer son; heart disease Marah Langley. 60 years. Harper hos pital; cerebral apoplexy. Mary SwArtxenburg. 33 years, 91 Oulllos; shock. . OLIVER FT LAtT. M. D.. GEORGE O. GORDON. •M. D. DAILY CLINIC Jhsr alcohol and other drug dtsaaaes. Consultation by appointment. Tola phone M. 1700, or <V> 1880. a 444-L DIED UARTZIO—<)«n. JO. entered into / a peaceful rest, William E.. In H«a asv enty-ei*hth year. Funeral Monday, 1 p. m., local time, from reatftinee at Omrttr- Mna 1 lid gt. rmura church at Warroo. / LCCRXER—Jan. JO, Dr. Frank P„ a*«<l 48 years. beloved huafband of 0»cells —?• -LecKncr. Funeraft Monday. Fab. 3. from residence. %48 McDowell . at J.JO tO St Ell«ali<*td ' )ajt .1 u 1,, m " n t,rn »- IntarmeMl at Mt. 0IlV«l. Please yumlt flowtri. [ - - DUMirffl. Dr V Hr* \\ V’VHPV Dally H -i m Michigan's 9 p m. two largest, Sundays most elegantly furnished and and best equipped Holidays Dental offices. 9 to 4 TWO LADY ATTENDANTS. You’re to Blame If you pay another dentist raoto than we ask for dental work. It’s your own fault. You know that we do strictly high grade dental work at out rate prices and you know that our reputation Is an assurance of satisfaction; 10 years' written guarantee given. sl6 Sets of R3 White Teeth. <£q guaranteed best made *pO Regular $lO Sets of Teeth, d*C guaranteed to fit. only »P«J $8 Gold and Porcelain Crowns. d*^ very best workmanship «Pt" $6 Gold and Porcelain djo Brldgework. cholro $4 and qiO Solid Gold Fillings, <f*-| special prices from Up Silver and other r/\_ Fillings at from. OUC UP Free Painless Extracting with other work. ALL, LANGUAGES SPOKEN. We will aoeept part down OiCUII an< j balance fn payments. OUT-OF-TOWN PATIENTS' Car fare paid. Write for appoint ment. Work done name" day you come In. Free examination. DR ADAMS’ CUT RATE DENTISTS Main Office. 24-28-28 Mlchlgan-Ave.. Cor. Grlswold-st. Main 538. East Ride Office. 64-66 Gratlot-ave., Cor. Broadway. Main J5914-J. DIED. SMlTH—Charles N.. at Dallas, Tea., Sunday, Jan. 26. beloved husband of Lyndia (nee Barclay) Smith. Ex member D. T. U„ No. 18. Funeral Monday, 2 p. in., from 164 Fort-st. west. SPENCER—At Belleville, Mich., Jan. 21, 1908, Misa Caroline C. Spencer, formerly of Detroit, aged 86 years. Burial at Belleville Sunday. Feb 2. STAND FI ELD —Jan, 30. at St. Mary's hospital, John Herbert Standfleld. be loved eon of Alice M. Austin. Inter ment at London, Ont. London papeis copy. BTEINHAUER—Frederick Ftelnhaucr, Sr., at Inkster, Mich., 76 years old. father of Frederick Jr.. Henry, Frank, Mrs. J. P. Prehin, of Dear born; Mrs. Conrad Muth, Mrs. Sam uel Trowbridge, and Mrs. Charles Pitts, of Inkster. Funeral from Ink ster church. Inkster, Mich., Sunday, at 2 p. m. SHAW—Jan. 81, at his late residence. 91 Calvert-ave., Alfred W Shaw, be loved husband of Lottte L, aged 66 years. Funeral from residence Mon day afternoon. Burial private. WEST—Jan. 80. 1908. Mary West, be loved mother of Mrs. Mary Hogg, Mrs. Emilia Batch, Mrs. Octavla Vcr schave and Mrs. Ida Krata, aged 88 years. Funeral from residence, 937 Rylvester-ave., Monday at 9 a. m.. and from Istdy of Sorrows church at 10 o'clock. Chicago papers please copy. WETZEL—Jan. 31. 1908. at her resi dence, 901 Jefferson-ave., Harriet A, widow of the late Henry A. Wetxel. FuneiAl services from house Monday at 10:80 a. m. Burial private. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DICK & FINDLATER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 10 EAST HIGH-ST. EDW. V. HOLTON. Mgr. TEL M. 139A L W. BURCH, funeral director, 1472 Fort W.. cor. Campbell. Phone 8. 610. HELP WANTED—MALE, ANY YOUNG PERSON destring a good position can get one after completing one of our courses. Day and Night classes all the year. Our facllltloa are positively unequaled In Michigan. Detroit Buelnea# Vnl varsity, 11-31 Wilcox -at AT ONCE—Men for auto factory, also helper; best of wagss; helpers with no expertsnoe, $1.76 day to start Apply 174 Jefferson. ANY person desiring a good position and not afraid to work, can seoure sarrr by applying 174 Jefferson: sl.ts to $1.36 day; country boys prsferrsiL MEN to learn barber trade In 4 weeks. We furnish positions; catalogue free. Detroit Barber College, 877 Jefferson. MEN WANTED—Before looking else where, apply or write to Navy Re cruiting Station. 22 Lafayette-ave., Detroit. A splendid offer to men anx ious for permanent employment. JANITOR and wife, sober and Indus trious; one who understands steam furnace. Call at 120 Randolph-st. SIX WEEKS' INSTRUCTION In Sales manship, position as traveling sales man with responsible firm guaran teed. Address Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. RELIABLE MAN—Earn |5 dally In spare time as District Manager largest Adv. Cos. and learn business wherein oompetenls make SIO,OOO yearly. No canvassing. Bodkin, Dept. 66, Chicago. WANTED —Men to learn barber trade, few weeks completes. 60 chairs con stantly busy, licensed Instructors, tools given, diplomas granted, wages Saturdays, positions wa'tlng, won derful demand for graduates, cata logue free. Moler Barber College, Chicago, 111. WANTED—Young men to prepare for better positions in mechanical and electrical engineering, mathematics, bookkeeping, shorthand, slectrlclty and steam engineering; day 1 and evening school. For particulars, ad dress Detroit T. M. C A. WANTED —Young men to learn Brick laying, plastering, plumbing, sign writing and machine shop practice. For particulars address Detroit Trad# School, car# Y. M. CJ. A., De troit, Michigan. WANTED—-Smart boy. willing to work. German preferred; can have board and room at some place; bring refer ences. 168 McKlnstry-ave. WANTED Electrician to wire an eight-apartment dwelling Inquire corner Ash and ylnewood, WANTED—MAN—Must be willing to learn and capable of acting aa our local representative. No canvassing or soliciting. Good Income assured. Address National Co-Operative Real ty Cos.. Dept. 744 C, Washington, D. C. WANTED—Detectives; shrewd, relia ble men for profitable secret servlet, to' act under orders; no experience necessary: Writ* H. C. Webster, Indianapolis, Ind. YOUNG MAN, stranger In Dettoft. can get good Job by calling at 44 Wood ward-ave., upstairs. BBtf WANTED—nCMAH. ANY YUUNO GIRL who la out of sere I rill And a good Job by applying at 0 woodward-eve., upstaira THE DETROIT TIMES: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY i, igoß. ME 1.4* VV A VTICK VKMAIA BUSINESS SHORTHAND AND ENG LISH taught under most favorable conditions, day and night school. Ths Bustoses Institute. Breltmeyer Bldg. OUMPEPTENT girl for general house work; farplly of two. 428 Second. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; faintly of three. 180 Seyburn ave. DINING ROOM girl at once. 74 Adams uve. west. GOOD girl for general housework; German preferred. 1204 Woodwurd ave. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply 91 Pulford-ave. GIRL or woman for general house work; must understand cooking. 226 Twentleth-st. OIRL wanted for housework. 161 Lu t*yrtte-av#.; small family. LADlEB—Make sanitary belts, material cut ready to sew, $1.44 psr dosen; particulars stamped envelops. Hygi enic Novelty Cos.. Dept. 708. Chicago. LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time; good pay; cash weekly’ reli able; send stamp. Zeck Cos., Morris town. N. Y. LADIES make money selling guaran teed silks, direct from looms; cut any length; one-third saved; express pre paid; write for Information. LENOX BILK WORKS, Brunswick Offices, N. Y. THOROUGHLY experienced girl for general housework; small family; small new house, good wages. 194 Palmer-ave. east. • WANTED—Woman to wash and Iron; must be good. 960 Cass. WOMAN for general work In rooming house. 49 Wilcox. WANTED—Good plain cook. Young Woman s Home, 74 Adatns-ave. west. YOUNG girl to assist taking care of child; good home. 866 Catherlne-st. SITUATION! WANTED— MALE. POSITION In a rest cure home or pri vate sanitarium by an experienced scientific masseuse In or near Detroit. Masseuse, box 771. Mt. Clemens. Mich. YOUNG man wants position at butter or cheese making; can furnish first class references. Address F. McNeil. 718 E. Mllwaukee-ave., Detroit, Mich. guru AVION S WA .MTLE W ALK. WANTED—By middle-aged woman, po sition as housekeeper In widower's family; capable of taking full charge; can give references If required. Ad dress 459 Ferndale-ave. YOUNG lady wants Job of housework. Apply 290 Twenty-second-st. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST prices paid furniture, stovea, carpets. Lapham, 283 Grat. Lark 348-J. OLD FEATHER BEDS wanted. ” Jewel Feather Mattress Cos., 859 Michigan. WANTED—FAHMS. WANTED—Farms from 10 to 80 acres, tn vicinity of Detroit on or near ear line. HUBBARD, 409 TOLBMA BLDG, Detroit. AGENTS—WANTED. AGENTS for kerosene, Incandescent mantle lamp; 12 times cheaper than gas. 7 times cheaper than ordinary kerosene lamp. Continental Cos., 385 Broadway, New York. AGENTS—lndies and men, to sell Soi sette Silk Swiss embroidered wuist Imtterus. costs sl, sells quick for 12 50; outfit free; one week to try business. M. M. Drake, Findlay, O. SALESMEN—Side line, brand new, ten minutes' selling, exclusive, one firm each town nets |2O commission; sam ples small; specify territory and ex perience. E. F. R. Cos., Newton, lowa. WK PAY 880 a month salary and fur nish rig and all expenses to Intro duce poultry and stock powders in packages and bulk; new plan; steady work: reliable manufacturer. Bigler Cos.. X. 898. Springfield, 111. FOR KALB——MISCELLANEOUS. PIANOLA, like new. $l6O. At Ling's. A BIG LOAD wood Tor Kindling. bak- Ing or heating. 82.60. Phone Ridge 9«3 Houghten-French Coal Cos.. 493 Canfield east. SQUARE PIANOS given free to needy missions. Applies to Wayne county only. For particulars, see Ling. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES—New and remodeled, for cash or easy pay ments; supplies and repairs for any make of table. THE SCHULKNBURO MKO. CO.. 100 Randolph. WANTED, cor. Mich, and 4th, to furntsta rooms complete, fl week. Sumner oo NEWBY A EVANS PIANO, great tone, seven years* old. a bargain, SB6O. At Ling’s. SODA FOUNTAINS—New and second hand, cash or time. Detroit Soda Fountain Works. 889 Brush-st. HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICE DESKS. FITZSTMONS * CO.. MlehltM ■!¥«. (H WEBER PIANO, great tone, like new, $276. At Llnge. CUTTER AND PHAETON. In fine con dttlon; as good as new. Inquire No. 149 Commonwealth-ave Phone Orand 8469-J. PERSONAL!. HAIR REMOVED by electrolysis, with out pain or scar: eloctrlo faca and scalp massage. Miss R. L Hubbard 408 Washington Arcade. Main 1887. NOTICE—If any poor girl Is In trouble needing advice, friendship or help, write or call on Snalgn Mogeneen, 981 Fort-et. west. Salvation Army. TOUNO women tn need of aaelatanoe es any kind. BAN ASSOCIATION. Washington and Clifford. ARTISTIC HAIR DRESSING. Shampooing, scalp treat ments for railing hair and dandruff, manicuring and facial massage; doll wire, switches, turban puffs, coronation braids, pom nadouro, and transforma tions at lowest prices. MADAME LORAIN KEN NEDY. seoond floor, Pard ridge A Blackwell store. Phone Park 1. Wetherbee Building 121-122-130 FARMBR IT. Keister’s Ladies’ Tailoring College Enroll now and take advantage of our ■pedal offer. We teaoh the famouii K •-later ayatem (drat prlae at State fair). We glva a thorough courae in dresainaktnif and ladlea' tailoring. Oraduatea placed In paying poattlona. we have aome good poattlona wait ing for competent people. Cali or wilta Kelater’a. Wetherbee bldg.. De troit, Mich. Smith's-—Dress Plaiting and Buttona Covered to Order. Weth erbee bldg.. 110 third door from John K.-It.. Detroit. Mich Phone II lIM J, "IPBaiIULFIT' drop akirta, any color, (It Third <Uor. Watheebee IMf, i.a itire* acwooi. or taikomwo. DRESS CUTTING Fitting, dealgntng, ladle# tailoring and draaamaklng taught at *r.® fa mow* da Damurtou Cutting Su-hooi. U Ml-h L MMWWh * • TO UJfrftT—HOl SB*. TENANTS WAITING ' If you h*vs a house to rent, T. K. BROWN Rental Dept. 404 Chamber of Commerce M 2896-L MERKiCK-AVE.. 346—7-room modem, fine condition. $27.60. Lambrecht, Kelly & Cos., PHONE M 812.' 90 GRItiWOLD-ST. TO HIOT-HOOMa. FRONT and back parlor, unfurnlahed, for rent. Apply 409 Concord av*., Wedneeday, Ip. m. ROOMS—furniture for rootne completo. II week Sumner 00.. Mich, and 4th. WOODWARD-AVB, 491 Lovely front room, elegant neighborhood; good table board; only one left. Call at onoa. TO KE.tT—KI.ATfI. CONCORD-AVB., 649—ti-rooni flat, bald and gas: 915. GRAND RIVER-AVE. 459- Genther apartments, 6-room flat; $lB. Lambrecht, Kellv & Cos., PHONE M. 816. 90 GRISWOLD-ST. TO RENT—S-room flat!, 336 388 Hcn dricka-st.. gaa and cellar, on three cent car line, 112.60. Phone North 2114-W. 118—128 BALTIMORE WEST—6 room flat; cellar, laundry, bath and gaa etove. Bsssenger A Moore, 106 Tele graph bldg. M. 4894. FOR lALU—Jr .\H MS. FARMS. 40 acren. near Rocheeter 11.600 40 acres, near Brighton $1,600 81 acres, near Ypallantt, atone house |3,000 40 acre*, one-half mile from car. 14 tuilen out .....$4,000 94 acres. 20 mllce from the city hull, good houae, two barna. . . . $3,600 110 acres, near Washington; good buildings, fine orchard $4,800 The above are a small sample of the many good farme we have for immediate sale. PATRICK & ALDRICH, M. 8239. 68 Home Bank bldg 60-ACRE farm with buildings, on car line, 8 miles from city; excellent for chickens or fruit; 15 minutes* ride from city hall. Office open Tuesday evening. 7 to 9. WILLMARTH. HITCHMAN A CO. 18 McOraw bldg. EYSTER, THE FARM MAN. 608 Ma jestic. 80 or 60 acres, near Detroit, and car line, for cash customers. FARM in Oakland county, 86 miles from Detroit, 2 miles from railroad and market; good buildings; every foot tillable, $4,400, part cash. Ad dress A. M. Bennett, 1993 JetTeraon ave. east, Detroit. CHICKEN FARMS 2 to 10 acres on and near car lines; good soil and buildings; plenty of fruit; prices $BOO upwards. EBERT, 309 MAJESTIC BLDG, FOR SALE—A good farm of 104 acres,) niiw—buildings. —LL-raamad . house, basement barn. 36x60. tool house, etc., 114 miles east of Leslie, on rural' route and telephone line. Call on or address M. Humphrey, Leslie, Mich. 50 Acres on Mich. Ave. 16 miles from Detroit, black loam, good house, new barn, well fenced, run ning stream; will trade for Detroit improved If desired; ulso 40 acres m same location, 92.600, or both. Detroit Business Exchange, 6lO-511 MAJESTIC BLDp. 40 ACRES —Two miles south of Fow lervllle, 6-room house, good barn, hen house, and other outbuildings; small orchard; price $2,600 If sold at once, or will exchange for Detroit prop erty. W. W. BENNETT, 1209 Majestic, 91 ACRES—Nesr I’-jwrl City. aU cleared, all conveniences, as phone and creamery route. R.* F. D.. 3 good markets; new 10-room house, good ham, gravel loam soli; price $3,800. This Is a big bargain. Patrick & Aldrich, 68 HOME BANK. Detrolt. lOASY TEfLMH—BO acres, Monnoe coun ty. near Whittaker, new G-roora house, good barns and other build ings; 15 acres timber; 700 fruit tree*; $4,000; easy terms. 160 ACRES, between Dexter ar,d Pinckney, 11-room house, large base, ment barn, tool house, corn crib, granary, hen houae. pig pen; 80,acres timber, $6,000; easy terms. What can you pay? Let me know. EYSTER, The Farm Man, 608 MAJESTIC BLDG. 20" ACRES 40 ACRES—Black loam and gravel, all Improved; house new, has 9 roosias with basement; frame barn, horga stable 28x50, new granary, rhlcknn coop, 8 acres good second growtti timber, fair fences. This farm Is 2Vi mites from New Boston. . $3,200* 140 ACRES —5 miles from Romeo, four miles from electric line; gravel loam and clay subsoil; 10 acros wood lot; 2 orchards; good fences; 8-room houses and large summer kitchen, cellar un der houss;barns 19x72 and 38x40. hog pen, all outbuildings In good, condition. Price 860 an acre. 296 ACRES—Black loam. 30 acres tim ber (have been offered $2,600 for tim ber), 2 houses In good condition; dairy barn 16x72, bsrn 16x64. sheep barn, horse barn 36x48, tool shed 84x 80; wind-mill, water In all barns; hog pen. ice house, corn crib, good wlte fences dividing farm In 20-acre lots; flne stream running through pasture; 190 acres plow land. This farm Is 2 miles from electric car and will bear the closest Inspection. Is situated in flne gravel road. Price $20,000 Farm Headquarters CHAS. D. KISKE, 713-14 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. FOR BALB—VACANT LOTS. COLLING WOOD-AVR„ first block, will sell cheap; also furnish money to build. W. W. BENNETT, 1209 MAJESTIC BLDG 10 TXDTS and story and half at Orend ana Orchard Park-ave., mile from .city limits. $1,676; easy terms. OfllA* open Tuesday evening, 7 to 9. WILLMARTH, HITCHMAN A CO., 18 McOraw Bldg. LOT ON FAIRVIEW AVE. BEST BARGAIN TODAY. LOT ON ENGLEWOOD. CANT BE BEAT FOR PRICE. CORNELL. 46 fITATE-ST COMMONWEALTH-AVE.. 40 ft.. .$1,250 LINWOODf near Milwaukee 626 KIRBY-AVH. K.'wlth new barn, With little expense could be \ .made Into a dwe11ing.......... 760 COPELAND, near Jefferson. Fair view 450 W7IEFORD-AVE., corner lot .... 460 CALVERT-AVE.. 86x124 600 <*X>nWIN-AVE. 80x100 .175 Good building lots, any part of*elty, all prfees. ALEXANDER WATSON. 102 HAMMOND BLDG ... .. -i ,i AUCTION 96LM. AUCTION SALB —Household furniture, alt nice goods, Tuesday. 9:80. 62 Montcalm-at. west ■CII3BU CARDS. and rows removed promptly , r hone Millsnbach Brow West 101-995., FOR SALK—HKSIUBXt R PHOPKjRTY. WILL sacrifice on a 8500 equity In a new two-family Hat. situated in a good location close to a three-cent car line; shows a good Investment, t A. W. ZUG. Phone M. 1271. 1013 Majestic bldg. ~BUY A HOME? I New cottage on Oak-st., near Clark- | aw , for $1,700; small payment down j and balance on contract. This la u > snap at this price, Homer Warren & Cos. 202 Chamber of Commerce. M. 6ti*4. 593 BOULEVARD WEST. If you want a homo on the best street | in the city, look at this one; one , block from Baker-st car: owner • says sell It. Apply THOMAS WAlu;, 37 Buhl. Mock. C , - . JONEF-ftT.. half-mile circle. 7-roo.n house, lot 40 feet, rented SB2 per month; $3,000 for quick sale. Orleans, near Fort. 6-room cottage, rent $lB2 pet- year; bargain for ll.SaO. MoBKEARTY. 501 Majestic bldg. Exchange for Terrace, Elegant 21$ -story. brick dwelling and if acres of land In village of North vllle, free and clear; nne country home; will exchange for terrace In Detroit and assume. THOR. W. WARD. 37 Buhl block. sio Military Ave. SIOO down, buys 9-room. 3-story; large cellar; between Ranspach and 1/eavltt-aves., balance monthly; price }3,500; now vacant. THUS. WARD. 1 Buhl block. ~WHY PAYMENT? When you can buy a home on May* bury-av*., just north of Warren-ave. for SI,BOO, on contract; small first payment, and balance on contraot. Homer Warren & Cos. 303 Chamber of Commerce. M. 6406. TWO-FAMILY brick veneer flat, North Woodward, new. modern, decorated; price $6,000, on easy terms. Double house, brick veneer, North Woodward; $6,800. 9-room modern residence new, North Woodward; $3,600; easy terniM. Two-family flat on west side; rent, $386; price. $2,900. EBERT, 909 MAJESTIC BLDG. New 6-Room Cottage Bay window, large attic, cement side walk, on Herbert-ave., near Lovett; only $1,760; small payment down, balance as rent. FRANCIS HYDE. 804 UNION TRUST BUM. $2,500 — HOLDEN AVeT Corner Holden and Llncoln-aves., new 7-room house with bath, cellar, gas flxtiires. cement walks, etc.; small payment down, balance monthly. C. S. VAUGHN, 22 BUHL BIJv. S2O0 —252 Carter Ave. Will sell 9-room 2-story on eusy term*; largo lot; price $2,300; two blocks south of Dlx-ave. Apply THOfe. WARD, 37 Buhl block. • ~ BROOKLYN AVE 2-famtly flat, 6 rooms, gas and cellar rarh: —well rented-; frrre —condition; must be sold «t once to settle estate; less than $3,500 will diuy It. W. W. BENNETT, 1209 MAJESTIC. r ■■■■■'■■■ ■ ■■ " ■■■-■■ Leland Street Sacrifice. 12 cottages on corner lot for $1,860; ren tals $204. This is a sacrifice price and must be sold at ones. Homer Warren & Cos. ,M. 6406. 202 Chamber of Comroaroa. EXCHANGES fCANKIELD-A VK. Ten-room house; will take good lot near N. Ruasell st., for equity. 3BRICK STORE—Rents for $76; will take small farm, balance easy. |N. WOODWARD HOME—Very tine; 1 will pay cash difference for flat or business property up to SBO,OOO. 300 ACRES on Woodward .this aide of Birmingham; can use good brick house or store ns part, AO ACRES, two tuilea from Pontiac, on Woodward; take some exchange. |BIX-FAMILY TERRACE, west side; f rents $100; can use east side prop erty. IGLENPALE-AVE —Two lots on corner; j. u i t \ jv ffl Ui $» first pity phio t or . side home. FIFTY-FOOT LOT, flne location for 4- flat, take cheaper lot or sell easy. •♦TWO-FLAT on east side, $250 per year; trade It on farm. TWO-FLAT on west side, near Fo:t st.; take vacant as flint payment. LARUE LIST OF FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. AMERICAN REALTY CO., *lOlB-1? CHAMBER COMMERCE. M. 140 - • Dm SALIC OB KXCHAXUB. STORE and dwelling on Townsend, price $2,800; will exchange $1,200 equity for vacant lot: two-family brick veneer flat, Fourth, $4,760; will exchange. EBERT, 809 MAJESTIC BLDG. ~ Real Estate to Exchange. Good Detroit income property to ex change for stock of merchandise. W ood & Phister, 611 HODGES BLDG. TO EXCHANGE 'Equity In flne brick bouse, for farm not over $4,000. CORNELL, 45 STATE-BT. BUSINESS OFFOBTUNITIICg. fHAVE a billiard parlor outfit which 1 will sell cheap to someone on easy terms; answer quick. Don t answer unless you mean business. Addrass B. box 41, Detroit Times. and pool tables, soda foun ts Ins. bought, sold and repalsad. Geo. Marsh it Cos.. 9 Farrner-st. •♦CAPITAL AND EMPLOYMENT —Want- ed. capable man to take charge of, large manufacturing business; must he able to Invest $60,000. Fun pat tlculars and Information. Address Z, box 3. Detroit Times. [FOR SALE—General store in Sanilac county, doing flne business. Isst year's gross sales amount*'! to $16,- 00O; sickness reason for selling; building worth 88,000; will Inventory stork: sell 90c on the dollar. Ad dress A. box 92. Detroit Times. —ll4 TERRITORIAL rights, and patent of vending machine business, value $600; no oppitaltlon. In Toledo, Ohio and adjoining countflea; to exchange for real estate er merchandise. Ad dress D. box 87. Detkolt Times. HAVE one-tenth Interest, value SI,OOO, In new cement brick and block com pany, equipped with, machinery and have manufactured brick; to ex change for real estate, offlre business or merchandise. Address D, box 86. Detroit Times. FARM —80 acres, 15 miles from Detroit, township of flterltrur, price $6,005; take house and lot valued 12,600. Ad dress D, v box 67, Detroit Times. —-111 HAVE 160 acres *of land In Wexfotd county, Michigan, 40 ayre* under cul tivation; will excharige for cigar store, stock of groceries or mall or der business. Address A, box 96. De troit Times —lll INCREASE Or CAPITAL—One of the old standard businesses of this city Is increasing Its capital by Issuing SIOO,OOO, 7 per cent preflbrred stock, redeemable in gold In six years; divi dends monthly; full information per sonally, Address Z, box 2. Detroit DO YOU need capital’to extend or start business* If so, wrtte me before ar ranging elsewhere; exceptional fa cilities placing slocks, bonds qutr.klT. EVERETT Dt FOt'R. Corporatfen At jeretey, Lds>rkß $W$ , ~wMsWflsE ad. 0. Mrs. George Gould Has Lost None of Her Brilliancy as an Actress 1 PHOTO SHOWS HER AS SHE APPEARED WITH KYRLE BELLEW IN A PLAY RECENTLY ENACTED FOR CHARITY. Mrs. ftcorgr Jay Gould übimi (bat her hlatrioulc talvat baa b*»« by aa nteaaa abated by ber loag abatar* froaa (be ataar. (tbe recently played In • aketeb at tbe Plaaa hotel, la New York, for ebarlty. and aborted all kor old brllllaaey aa an artreas. The ptetare abort a Ylra. Gould aad KyrU Uellerr aa they appeared la the aketeb. JANUARY WARMER THAN THE AVERAGE The mean temperature for January was 26 degrees, according to the rec ords of the local weather office. That is one and one-half degrees above the normal for the past 38 years. The highest temperature in any January was 66 degrees, and the lowest, 16 be low zero. This year, the highest was 45 degrees on the 21st, and the low est was 2 above on the 30th. The total precipitation was 2 and 84-100 Inches, 85-100 more than the average for the last 38 Januarys. Os that precipitation, 12 Inches felt in the form of snow and the greatest amouut In any 24 hours was 1 and 81-100 on The"TTtTi anil TZTTi Os Jauil ary. BAKER-CHURCHILL-LEE CO. NAMES OFFICERS The Baker-Churchill-Lee Cos., Nos. 907-909 Mlchlgan-ave., elected the fol lowing directors in the annual meet ing: E. M. Baker, M.'E. Churchill, B. 8. Colburn, E. 8. Sumner and W. O. The directors chose these of ficers: E. M. Baker, president and secretary; M. R. Churchill, vice pres ident; W. O. Lee, secretary. AND YET SZECHENYI SAID IT S “LOVE” BUDAPEST, Feb. I.—A credit of $5.- 000,000 was received from New York by the Hungarian Discount and Ex change bank for the account of the Count and Countess Laszlo Szeohenyi. Count Lasslo Szechenyl was mar ried hr Ncwr Yorfc Jatt. 2T to Gladys, daughter of Mrs. He said it was a “love War Lord s “1 believe the German empf or u a real man of peace," said Prof. Syi vcester Bcovel, former president of the University of Wooster, 0., who has just returned from a peace conference at Munich. He says he does not be lieve in “armed peace," because the man who carries a gun is bound to pull It out some time, no matter bow peace ful his Intentions may be. He thinks the Russian duma will In time become a body representative of tbe people, but he says the ultra-radical* -have hurt Its chances of progress for awhile. Arrested For Bay City Police. George Franklin Russell, wanted in Bay City, on a charge of abandoning his family, was arrested by Detectives Steinhebel and Sullivan, Saturday morning, and held in the central sta tion pending the arrival of officers from Bay City. Russell is a molder, but has been working as a teamster in this city. Will Be Prosecuted on Old Charge. John Meredith, arrested Friday on suspicion of having stolen |7O worth of Jewelry from a guest In the Hotel Pontchartrain, will be prosecuted on a warrant issued last December, charging him with the larceny of goods valued at SSO from Homer A. BAshford. No. 77 Washington boule vard. ■(mWKftM OPPORTUNITIES. WANTBD —Partner with capital, to de velop and patent flying machine; hav# modal %> prove tt a winner. Addreee Z, box S. Detroit Time* MOW ICY TO LOAN. Money Loaned to Working People on Plain !.*o»e. No mortgage, no Indoreer. no aaalgn ment. Rate* half loan companies' charge*. HA VINOS ACCOUNTS HO Li CITED. K PER CENT INTEREST PAID. BURKART, PRIVATE BANKER. 1* McOrew Bldg "money to" loan to owners of Buflary, Furniture. Pianos, Fixture*, eta New Cos. New Rates. New Plans. DETROIT LOAN * TRUST CO., 41 MICHIOAN-AVE Look for electric sign Second floor. Hours. • to * dally Take staira. WtMUOB AAD CARTtQk ACME STORAGE CO., largest vaas. packing Main B*9 41 Oilman. SWO* RKPAIRIIM4. ije Shoes Repaired I"UP-TO-DATE' SHOE RN PAIR CO., 11l Farmer-at. Phone Main 4171-J. OLD HHOF.S made new while you watt, tl.e- madsrn way Fimoji ghat Re pairing Cos.. 44Btate«st. Park Iff-tt. noatw. *wio*«M»53C3BC-—< COLUMBIA BA* TWRIEfI. F**- eneH in barrel lote, * gueranteed new and ~~~ frtih. *Blecti<c -Whletlee, R *ben. [ TT. / MimrtgOs* RA ieUrws ate Page Seven THINKS BROTHER S YARN OF MURDER UNTRUE Joseph Kraut, of No. 66 Wilkins, at, does not take any stock in the story that comes from Wisconsin that his brother, Charles, no wdoing time in the Outagamie county Jail, for mali cious injury to property, has con fessed to murder. "If my brother has confessed to such a crime he ia insane," say* Kraut. "He has had spells of in sanity before." Charles Kraut left Detroit last October, after being released from Jackson prison on parole. He was sent up for maltciously destroying property, the same charge on which lie is now held. —Kraut also served three terms in the Detroit house of correction for minor offenses, accord ing to J. Morris Fißher, his parole of ficer. Kraut's father, John F. Kraut, lives in Wyandotte. , TRYING TO FORCE WM. KRUSE INTO BANKRUPTCY Creditors of William Kruse, former ly iu the wholesale liquor business here, have instituted bankruptcy pro ceedings against him. The claimants,, among whom the firm of Q. & R. Mc- Millan is the only Detroit one. aaaert that Kruse owes them $12,000, and that on Jan. 27 he unsigned to C- A. Raprecht $lO,OOO worth of book ac counts for the benefit of other creditors, intending to favor those creditors. They also allege that he gave to August Moldenhsuer a mort gage .for $2,400 on the residence at No. 700 Mt. Elilott-ave. —Among the creditors alleged to be favored by the assignment to Ruprecht t are two minor wards of Kruse. Holly B. Hay, who has been in the dry goods business here, has filed a voluntary petition giving liabilities of $1,809.23, and assets of $803.80, of which s,*.(>»> la claimed exempt. Crush at Hobo Banquet. A pie-eating contest and a dive into tubs of molasses and flour were two of the special features at tba annual "hobo banquet" given by Will Allen in his mission on Cadillac-eq. Friday evening. The mission was jammed and beside a feast in which veal was the principal dish, there were singing and dancing by the guests. Avery Joyous time was had by all who could bresfe Into the hall. Struck By Street Car. Blinded by the snow. Miss Blanch Bradford, aged 20, of ©corse, walked in front of a Woodward car at Wood ward and Haalewood-aves., about 10 o'clock Frida night, but escaped with bruises about the faceand head. She was taken to Grace hospital. UMmI. An lilsh coal minor who fell down a shaft had a curious experience. The shaft was anew one, about 70 feet deep, and when the Irishman tumbled in he did not go the whole distance immediately. He lodged about a third of the way down, and his fellow-work men struggled to save him, Pat direct ing the operations. Just as they thmight they had succeeded, he crash ed down another 25 feet, when an ob struction caught him, and the rescue campaign was begun anew and with greater difficulty. When they were a second time on the point of sucrose, jj to the dismay of the rescuing party, Pat went headlong into the lower deep. Now all was silent; no sound from the unfortunate Hibernian. leaning over the edge of the ahaft the foreman shouted as through a trumpet— “ Pat; I say, Patrick.** Froth the darkness ami mystery of the underworld came the solitary word— “Harmo!” “Are you much hnrted, Pat?” **l am not, begorra.” "Where are ye, Pat?” that ye’re fayin’?” “Where are ye. Pat? Where the | dltril are ye?” "Where ajp.ll Where am I? Glory 4 [be to u**rfen. I'm on the bottom at | U*ht/ , --Pick Ms«rp. ° His Second Wife. A collector called on a French-Can* i adlan to inquire about the financial i responsibility of a neighbor. Felix ; chose to give a favorable, and some- I what lengthy opinion, but he was la i termpted by bis wife who said . “Fell*. I what for yon lie lack dat for ’lsa?” ! Felix went on serenely, paying m attention to the Interrupt. >r hut when I hie wtf* refloated her qweeuen he sal* ♦ rho callerr - - “Pay no twoOon to her. She tag. [second wife. She don't ootart**— |Ly c e urn lie. .. ~ 7 ■ ' mwi ~