All litre — And All Clean EIGHTH YEAR, NO. 109. ANOTHER CABINET FORMED IN PORTUGAL ONLY THREE MEMBERS OF THAT SELECTED MONDAY REMAIN ADMIRAL DO AMARAL STILL AT THE HEAD. LISBON. Feb. 4.—The new minis try chosen yesterday has undergone an almost complete change, only three of Its members being in the cabinet as announced today. These members are: Rear Admiral Francisco Joaquin Ferreira do Amaral, who becomes min ister of the interior/and will continue as premier; Jose Mathias Nunez, min ister of war, and Dr. Wenceslao de Pereira de Lima, minister of foreign affairs. Other cabinet positions are filled as fotlowa: Manuel Antonio Morelra. Jr., finance; Arthur Alberto de Campos HenHquez, justice and worship; Vice Admiral Augusto de Catlllo, marine and colonies; Count of Dertlando.-*, public works, Industry and commerce. King Manuel is rapidly recovering from the efTocts of wounds received when his father and brother were killed. The funerais of the late king and crown prince will take place at 10 a. m. Feb. 8 at the Royal Pantheon of St. Vincent de Lisbon. LONDON. Feb. 4.—lt is learned that King Carlos, of Portugal, carried a life Insurance policy for s£oo,ooo in one ot the old line British companies. MADRID, Feb. 4.—With his almost despotic power broken by the firm hand of Queen Amelie, who, through the new king of Portugal, Manuel 11., forced his retirement, former Dictator Franco Is today seeking to flee the country, where his policies of re pression cost the lives of its king and crown prince. Marked for death oard that met Monday night, Including two men who had signed the petition protesting against Sinks appointment. 1 was never opposed to a civil service ex amination, but it is all rot to talk about civil service when there Is no machinery to curry out an ex animation decently and honestly. At the last examination, all the com petitors were dissaatisfled except the man who got the appointment.” The iwo members of the board named as having been against Sink arc C. A. Ellis and H. Sparhmann. It is said that petitions are being circu lated among the Germans of the city asking the aldermen to confirm Sink's appointment. Members of the examining board were; F. S. Van Tuyle, mechanical engineer; C. A. Ellis and C. J. Rose, of the National Association of Stationary Engineers, and H* Spachmann, en glneer, Charles E. Davey. engineer of the federal building, ami Charles Gel haar, president Os the l)etroit Federa tion of Labor, and of Isical No. 5 of the International Union of Steam En gineers, refused n> act on th«* board. D. P. W. ASKS MANY SAIAJYJOOSTS PROPOSED THAT CLERKS . AND STENOGRAPHERS BE GIVEN INCREASES. Many increases in salary for the clerks of the department of public works are asked by Commissioner Haarer in his annual estimates. - He would ixjost ihe salaries of Chief Clerk Mur pit y T - —lioy—and Sups. Cathey, Bunnell and Aldrich to SI,BOO each, the increases running from S3OO to SOOO. An assistant bookkeeper at $1,500 is asked, and a second assistant at $1,200. there having been such in creases in the office work as to re quire new help. The stenographer and minor cierks are mostly iu fm small boosts. In the city engineer’s office anew engineer on grade separa tion at SI,BOO is asked for. , The street cleaning fund is $75,000 larger this year. For white wings, $54,000 is asked; for flushing pave ments, $26,000; for sweeping streets, $15,000. and for removing snow and ice, $5,000. The sum of $19,000 Is ask ed for new bridges in Fairview, and $14,000 for bridge repairs in the city. For sidewalks. $68,839 is asked. Ap propriations totaling $2,450 are asked for fitting up anew storage yard on the old reservoir site. Two more scrub women are asked lor In the city hall. For Ihe mainten ance of the new public bathhouse. $4,- 279 will be required. The total I). P. W. estimate Is $2,- 2W.566.50. THOS. CUMMINGS ' HEIDJOR TRIAL Tboinns G. Cummings, recently brought from Chicago to answer a charge of embezzling from the Mich igan Drug Cos., while a bookkeeper for the company, was held to the re corder’s court for trial by Justice Stein. Tuesday. Ball was fixed at Ji.OOO with one surety. Even If It is furnished, however, CummJLngs will bq held on an attachment by' the circuit court for the present, at least. The attachment grows out of Cummings' first wife’s divorce suit. Transvaal Boycotts Asiatica. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Feb. 4. —As the result of the anti- Asiatic agitation in the Transvaal, a movement was put on foot today at a well-attended meeting for the boycot ting of all employers of Asiatic labor ers and of Asiatic traders. The move ment will be extended throughout the colony. , Electrocute Negro Murderer. TRENTON. N. J., Feb. 4.—As the sequel to a murder due to a quarrel over s debt of 10 cents, Oer\,■r/7'^w ir 1 n \ / / f YT* 1 ™ nBHnHHHSmMnVHB- MmL —- Vi --C j hr FUNERAL MASS IS HALTED BY CRY | bTfire — FLAMES BREAK OUT IN HOME SOON AFTER BODY IS REMOV ED AND WORD IS HURRIED TO CHURCH NEAR BY. Lighted tapers that burned around the casket of John Wartowsky, ageu 16, are believed to have been the cause for the fire that practically do stroyed the home of his father J«vseoh ; Wartowsky, No. 34 Winter st„ Tues day morning, while the family were in St. Albertus’ church attending the 'funeral of the yonlh. The funeral of young Wartowsky, who died Friday, was held from ihc ! home at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning Lo ! the church, which Is just around the f carat 1 r from the house. —The—family lived upstairs and It is believed that when the lighted candies were being extinguished, the blaze caught on the woodwork and smoldered until after the remains had been taken out.' . Funeral services were about to be gin. when -a neighbor hurried into the 1 church and informed Wartowsky that his home was on fire. The man rushed from the church. He had sllO con cealed iu various places 'about the rooms and was anxious to save ihis, as well as bis household goods. Tin news cf the fire spread through the big congregation that had assembled, as well as to the priest, who was about to begin mass and all rushed to the fin*. Wartowsky tji t.. 1 i Tabular alftbl end Urilar«dar« »■<•«, turalua In mini narMrri n tndn l ‘*-~irlng a»«f tiraaterl y nnd larrrnalag In law. I.nwrr Nlrblgaai taew tralglit and Wr as. . I# Oat year as* tail t Wav I mean teaa peratare. I4j aatataanm. •» ana, tSf so pr«'»t»ltn«teni elen4y ahlf*. The ana nwt at S»4» a. Sa., aad aetg at 4d» i*. a. SksUMdka. tasraltsa. 9* M—nta V