Newspaper Page Text
Page Six MINERS BUILD UP UNION BEFORE SOULE EXPIRES / /. - PRESIDENT LEWIS CONFIDENT OF SATISFACTORY SOLUTION OF ANTHRACITE SITU A f ION MIN ERS WANT CHECK OFF SYSTEM. WILKESHARRE. Pa Man li R Leader* of the anthracite mill** work trs went Into coiuerence today with President Thomas L. la w is, t»f tin- Mine Workers’ union, to discus* the, demands to la made upon the op* r. tors It I* understood that Preside!* | Ijewi* hits already made an angemeni lor a i wifeivucp a ith th** operalois, and that the meeting here i- sot tit** i purpose of discussing the arguments which ate to be presented howing why the demands should be giatbeu Special emphasis ts to b< p!.< ***t w» the necessity of securing an agreement by w 111* h the operators shall adopt ill* check system of collet-ling union dues -hall agree to a yearly coufereuee t • i *Ljust wages and working conditions and to formal recognition ot the union. ! A meeting v% ith a store or tuor* i national and distri* t organize!* now in this region will b«* field. They w ( rejiort upon conditions In each *e* lion and a campaign for rapidly imrea.-in-. the membership of th** union will planned. It Is believed by th* offh tnat tie mine workers will tio< h iti: > the union autl that the membership <an lie doubled between tbi> date aim the end of the month when th* agr* *• in* ni now in force expires. President Lewis says that he tna make a atatement regarding tin* situa tion soon. He will then depart for In diauapolis and will no* return uut*. ihe time for th«* conferen* ■< witli tb operators, lie will,, not state when this is to lie. it is the poli* > of tb union not to ha\e any s ispeusion and mining even if an agreement is tm reached by April 1. but to have th** men continue at work while th*- n*g tiations with the operators ar. going on. Lewis has an air of eonfldem ** which has given the local leaders hope of gaining concessions without t strike. Roommate of Young Jay Gould Kills Se f In Room in St. Louis t>T. LOl'lS. Mo., March 5 - Atter be iug despondent more that) a week, be cause his father in Lima. Peru, cabled he was losing his fortune. Carlos Ks pinoza, 25 years old. a former college friend ot young Jay Gould, was found dead in a gas-filled room at 42t.l Wash Jngton boulevard this morning. Espinoza had been In North Ameri ca five years, four of which he spent at Columbia university, taking a course in civil engineering, lie was a roommate of young Gould and was graduated from Columbia about a year »Ro. __ BURROUGHS MACHINE EATS UP FIGURES The value and efficiency or the Bur roughs adding machine was again demonstrated in the recent primaries. With its aid. The rimes was able t » jet before its readers, promptly and accurately, the results of the various contests in city and county The adding machine, and parti' ular |y the Burroughs type, has come >i oe regarded by newspapers as indi-- ( pensable in tabulating election return*. It is no longer necessary to appro* Imate totals and depend on the old fashioned way of adding to arrive at results. The machine now does ad that and does it speedily and so ami rr.iel> that there is n<j comparison be tween the'old way and the. new 4 CONGREGATIONALISTS FORM BROTHERHOOD Nearly a hundred representatives of tb* eight Congregational churches ot Detroit and Highland Park organized the Congregational Brotherhood of De troit after a dinner in the new Y. M. a. building. Thursday night Frank i K. Bogan was elected president. S K. Clark vice president V. C s.iiprnan secretary. and W H Barron ii*-h ur er. Some stining ia!ks suggestive ot the social and civic uire< Dons in which th»* united Congregational infiuenre can count for the general good w<o, made by F. D. Taylor. Fred Chamhet Hu, John Davis, Malcolm Yerkes and the Kevs. (I. (I \tkins. Carl S. Jones and C J>. Jacobs. Janies Scherryer horn was toastmasiei In another part of tin- building 'h _ Episcopal church club was holding reception for Dr. S I) M< (’onti* 'I. of Easton Md.. speaker at the union noondav Lenten services at the l>e trolt opera house, and the Congrega .lonal brethren sent a cordial word o' greeting by F D. Taylot <► —♦ Wedding Ring Finger. The idea lhai the wedding ring should he worn on the ihird finger u the left hand because *a nerve ( ot. necis this finger with the heart' l- oi Homan origin, but, oddlv -nough it not continued on the continent a* in England, for in France. Belgium ,o tlermanv. and moat other Kump< ■ • nations, tu** "engagement rim gej- Is the third finger ~t • , hand, while the ‘ wedding rln. 4hlrd finger of the tight hand men s Life. Hussla Is rich In asbestos Him . , By Is Increasing th* prodn* tloi, »»♦ t l’ral Mountains DOES YOUR HEAD FEEL HEAVY OR DL'I.I / If your head trouble* y m| , to lake l*lll« Sick . i.t.,, nervous heml*i*he, ••s«k,u t It* usual!) indt<-tie nmu sfutiKo n ,\ »ir«t**r. snd I * tin « *|| i ir ,, prompt relief \n who value 11, pov el to I'llnk ilearlv ehuulil keep jt lie#U /re,- froiti ncluti All Die hu’usti nim'lilnm run* flHOOtlil) without ian ii, irrllHtlnti ~ wfilHMv whert Heecfnuu * Dills ,n e tiftf-d <e#i«;#rl>. The> are a noble ur. («,, hemiache and brain fag The business fiuiu. the society a-,»in .ar» the girl who woiks f**r her , will a.l find a reliable medicine in i Nu " -mi l Pill# SINGLE BALLOT “ —• v ■—. COUNTING ONE VOTE FOR * MRS. OR Miss! ~ w» ADDRESS DISTRICT in The Detroit Times’ Great Prize Voting Contest, subject o conditions governing contest. P>al!ols to Lie counted must he carefully trimmed around rder ami deposited unt >Med. i SPIRIT Os LENT DEAD AND BURIED IN LOND.N ——- ISACKCLOTH and ashes things 1 OF PAST-BALLS THE PRESENT RULE. AND AMERICANS ARE IN THE LEAD ■■■—- LONDON. .March a Th - departure of t:l. King tut Kta’ .it/ at. t ~n t ilitf it tr Lent , w ill make little differ ence stu-ial y ii< Loudon. be* aus*,* • par liament is in. >* >sion, and there are always balls dinners*, lunch* on.- and on lit* Formerly Loii'!*>ii really *lonn*'d sackcloth ami ashes when Lent cam* , but sine** the a cession of King Kd vvard soi i* t.v ignores Lent. Matiy I.*ni* u wedding.-* a:** s* hedul* >i. the chief of which is that of Lord Duoro t< Mi--a C".it> h* ir**" < and th*- njiimm air.- thr«“ad manufaeturer. Many Lenten all? arc air* ady ar ranged. The Americnn I'towager I'onn* teas of St raff-ini. formerly Mrs Col gate. of Brooklyn. is giving a ball in honor of her niece, Lady .Jan Bynz, at Chandos lions** Latei I .a*ly North brook will give a ilaii<‘*-. The higgeat lenten reception will be that of the Count* ss of tjranar 1 The < ountes* i> already is-uing h* r invitations for h* r first function. which is set tor Mar* h i:«. D will t>** eminently politi cal and tb* prime minister will be 'in- chief guest. The Liberal parly is glad the new countess ■>•••'; 11s so eager to fulfill the political obligations of her new posi tion Mrs Lewi Harcourj another Am erican whose husband is an official in the government intends to give a re ception every Thursday afternoon throughout March Mr- Harcourt’s receptions have a political atmos phere. because she i- one of the chief of tin Liberal part>'. does not t(#ifine h» r invitations to pol iticians, however, for one meet- peers, artists, scientists, actors and actress es at her receptions She Invariably has London's newest lion laeiy New borough, another Ameri can hostess has he.n entertaining lav ishly recently and has arranged many March function* She entertained the Anieiican amba-sado: at dirmei this week, gathering many of her com patriots to meet tlie ambassador, in cluding Lady Deerhurst. a Californian. Lady Bateman, a New Yorker Lady Listerkuye. a Louisianan, and Mia l Carr, a Kentuckian j One of the most expensive an I elab orate dinner- of the year was given on Thursday tngli' at the Ritz hotel by Ixtd and Lady Bateman, the latter formerly Mr* Knapp of New York. The table was arranged in the form of a' gigantic rose tree, with rarest English Splint roses, the first of the I season's product The hostess and I her women guests improved the oe cashm hy an endeavoi to outshine each other- in per-otial adornment. I with tile result that no bravei display jof beautit',) costumes and splendid j jewels ha been > •••n at any restaii ■ rant thi* season The/ Batemans guesis numbered I thirteen.. including the Duke and * Dtp•ne*»s -f Devonshire. Lady New ! borough. Mi and Mrs Grosv. nor. ! Lady Tw. edaie, Mr and Mrs Glas gow . Majoi I’oynie: Mis* Muri n'. Cob •Balfour and \rthur Sampson. Follow ing the dinner 'he pi.-ty monopolized tip- services of the Rit/. orchestra in the Balm court Mi* Maitwind D’ inimond formerly Henry W. Tail, Brother Oi Pres ; dent, Is lawyer ULA MM 11| H 1 i Jk rjm Ilrm » i hi, »if (lit* jirr«l> *!**■•• »' :•* n |trninlni'nt figure In tlir Inn tiKiirni lon ceremony. Mr. Tnfi l« n I ttntrr nn<t on* nl hU Inn narilrrit, 'lr. \\ Ickcratinm, rnlrrrd lltr iMtilnri i »» ailttrarj-ijriifral. Mi- \l rs!ihli Field, upon arriving iron l Riviera great lv dlsap i p.’.in* t«> learn that her new house. No Carlton House Terrace, owing * slowness of ’be English decor *' -i v w*>ui . not I*- r* , adj tor oc* u * for sonn* time she will there to-*- ;i- obliged t•» d* lay her proposed en? rtalnmetits until later in tin* s**a- I will *j* n*i m. st of iet time w•• ii hei count r; plae* a» Panes at iii*l Kitz hotel. PARIS FEARS NEW YORK WILL SET THE FASHION PARIS March !* NeV York to ** Hi* fashions tm tin* wurbi in-read iof Paris'.’ It would seem so judging from t o amount of admiration be > owe i upon Ymerican gowned wont •• ti ti is- s* .fson at all the resorts ol fashion from Pan to Paris The latest : adherent to th** league known as Yo'u '•it. b.*at Amenta is. Mrs T.y iet Morse, of Boston H**r gowns for this season, which she ha? displayed on i th- Riviera and in Paris, have won imversa approbation and more envy I for their taste, severe elegance and 1 general chit. Fite correspondent questioned one of i til* greatest dressmakers of Paris ou th** subjo.-i and tie was frank enough t" admit there whs every indication •ha’ another great French Industry be eventually gathered in by •he ankees. He said We liave noticed for several years past that American women art* becom ing more and more exuctiug- iu their requirements, more refined in taste. We cannot seH to Americans the 4> wris which ttud ready sale among European aristocracy and even royal , ladies. The Ymerican taste is fur su perior to that of any other nationality, and as a matter of fact we are already .picking up every New York Idea we call." Similar indications are t*> p** fouud in th** fact that the French shaped shoe is a’most a thing of the past. I even in France among the smart peo- I Pic Bess Recipe for Catarrh The logi ul treatment of catarrh is through the blood, and the following sure: To one-half pint good whiskey, eh one ounce -syrup sarsaparilla and ■ tie ounce Toris compound, which can be procured oi :to\ druggist Take in ’ tenspoonful dose-! before each meal and . foie retiring. Result* qul< kiy follow I AMUSEMENTS. nPTRHIT ruMi.HT \t t. Ilenr) M. Hiirrl* I’r^n^nt* ROBERT EDESON Ir. ilia Greatest Sucre** “The Call of the North” Nett 'untld) tint, at .'«—i;»r. at N Russian Symphony Orchestra BEN GREET PLATERS l”" I‘. ~p| >' upt niluo i. Prodaction "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" tlrti(lrl«*iihn’« complete mualcal ariilag f” ' ~v U I! 7.". J*j> -S* ~f- selting NKXT.WKKK -SKATS NOW SKLI-JN*". MONTGOMERY THE and STONE in RED MILL « baric* llllliatthitin'a Orlaliial I’rotlur littu. Price* .%Oe, 11, f|.Ao, uu.l fy.oo Mori) I'fitplf, Mat*. HrD. and 'at. TEMPLE lle*t 'cat* ul Mai lace, 2.V CLARA nELLE JEROME And Nu • F’co|>Ic In M al T. !fl* “JO» I. % N II." Kllnnrc .'.'terr. ' Galnaboro Girl," <'lail«’ t n«1 P trmle I’aher Jloey arid I/..- Sinama t 'olleensi, Da mm Bin* Sam W llt.i >■, Moor.'oaiope \c*t wc« w—\ t r m. wii i ', •• rin lUI’IA rHtHP." LYCEUM 1',','.,,, MAT. JAT, I hr |‘u«'c-Muhina I •►mrtllaa* YORKE PLAYING aad t\ THE ADAMS | PONIES A Spit r k. in* M <ti ,ii < '<>rn«dy from thf '' r< T M'«>r New S’ork N•• v i Week K.ttoeryn <mt errmWn. A VFNIIF ,h - H»n.r 1 Mat M » LIIUK. of Barle*.,.ie I i«“* lum Miner’* llolicmlaa Hurle«ciuer* ii ;i Sjiet i t ! '•-»* t 'ir •• Till* Week SHAD LINK *• Kaltvpoir Tiler win cel n . b <*l ar >l pay 11.0 • ' i* ’ ii " ell»vir* on t. I< »S 11 : M ! Si 1 !,i r k \ * F. ”i ! K■ i • .• 7 r t v >.. I' ile '• ’ W ' ; i.idwav Gaiety Otrl» • i I '• t. \ < . •in WHITNEY 7v, "T,."': "DELLA CLAPKE N THE NIC < OF TiME vi • \r • . • it. N. ■•• * \ Inilllec I) I* : I » I icc|il W etlncatliM . ■ I W .% « ,1 hy T .rec * *IALTO ROUNDERS 'v 'I HOW K A t• allt Itintietl t.lil« Wrc'llliiK I rl. ti lull i. I.iullr* free I'rl Mat.— \< \i Week—« \'lM* f.lHI*. Motor Boat Show Light Guard Armory, Mnrch t lu ? Inrltialt.- BOATS. ENGINES, ACCESSORIES I rl«fa » l\*l|*emere and «oHn> < lul,»' Nli; lit. lii nln » I uleilit nail Monree t Ri'hOnifß'ii M|hi. 'u ii iln ) —|■; %ar % . hml\ W elewmt. o|tca Hull* lit a. in ••> lll:.*t«l p **, UHItWIIH jr, t INI '. \. t.rcea'' Orc|ie«tri—.Ml** Je*«le , Moran. '»lol*l. THE DETROIT TIMES: FRIDAY. MARCH 5. i9og. • >*pli it«*d tn< 1 *». 1 |s t .* ui’ i'liiKn novv 1 >• .: k i in'll- by i <■ \ iim onr riunt<t I 1 »♦* I*l * .ifiol < and l> > r 1•( ! 1 Oil i Tin;* » In Uj. Ureal I’n*:-- \»t im t’ou tt« st. li i» the o•i -1 of •* *t > ■ "iitestgnt iti* MirpatH her opp. ; .>n|h n numbu ioi v ot.*«* se-un-d from day i • iluy. ami la* i-•• •« ompllahmei.t .it th a purpose its !.t;g ,\ a matti i of er.> • g etic efifoit tin out* Giants aie devoting i'u*i) en ergy • tlit- ampthgti for the prize,• Tr- e If a • ioii* one ami an ev-itmg otic iji neatly all too district* the gap w l l it f'paraias the t-nng contest mill, is a very narn w op*- Seldom a il.i now passe* hi w -.; li leadership ai*• not >*fft t« «i in a nullifies of tt.. districts ami one result of tills flu t for the honor I .s!ti"n* has be-u t-> - lorteri the sci p 0 tu-.-n the lea-i --- In many *f the d-Jlrhts the vot<* given w it., tut o- •» I- (mi suhsenp ttor.s would he sutAi.ent to erT»-< t a • piete IHeUa 111 positions of t:.-- leaders. While the present gap between the leaders is e\. eptiof.n lly narrow t at between the Ingle- and lower •-*n testants iii t.he lists is py n-* no-ai » Wide The votes g.ven wltti t*ut i small numbei of subscription* woud be suffi-i. in to plm < a » onleatunt n--vv it* In trie lists in i .»■ honor position : It is known that some of these mil testantf now n the lower positions | have he.-n active In securing subscrlp j tiuns ind votes, and it is not unlikely ' t wit the votes m ,-essary to pla-•«• tin 'ii n the leading posit ons will be • ■on trig ,v '.thin t'-'n.vt -»«*v ral da . - The fa> t tout many of these contest ants do r. n n. ,p\ higher positions in ' the lists is and i»\ not to anv la. k of friends but to t! e fart that th-\ were lc«s .*ari' In starting flian their bett*r s Ipported opponents. Some of these I ontestants will no doubt be no les formidable a* contenders for the priz- - iat the finis than those- contestant* who are now maintaining their lead, r i ship in so admirable a manner. A* a r* suit of yesterday s balloting , Miss Alice Fltapatrh k igatn assumes the leadership In district No S as does I ui-... M:-- Agm s P-r.-ok* in district N>- 3 v good cot** was * altered among all t e -ontestants Narrow Gap Separates District Leaders But Small Number of Votes Necessary To Effect Complete Reversal In Positions. Indications of Early Advances by Contestants Now Lower in Lists—Leadership Changes Ef fected in Several Districts. TODAY’S DISTRICT LEADfcRS Ml*.. 111..* I'll, pairl.'k. lllai. ft IM.tKIi 'll** \miu *.ulfr. |)l*l. It) HI *"5 '•!** *lrlla lint), 1)1*1. 4 15.7*1 '••** I Milan 1 « li. lt, 1)1*1. T 10.513 Ml** l\ 111 In-rl itr- Itf.iioltl*. IM«l III.D-7 'll** Hi-lilt MtirlfU. 111*1, 1 H.*»4l 'lr*. 1.. \fifuulr. 1)1*1. a D.045 'll** Vll nlf Itriiok *. 1)1*1. I* 0.040 'll** limn Miiai-utllt, l)l«l. H 'lr». t.crlriitlr Qumuli., I)l*i * 0,015 DISTRICT ONE. t nmytrlsing nil territory hounded on the ea*t »*t Mtmflnarit-iivr.. on the north by the •’**> limit*, on Ibr it rii by Ihr oily limit*. I* hit and. nml *1 m treat b-»t., t»nd *>■ thr •nutb l " W nrrf#-:\t e. M..« K'.itl r 1 r * Ri»VnnM* 170 Rlalnt. ••• ’i' ** J M -« Flossie Sams, •! |ii'ia\var» * '■« Mt s i 'la ra G Fra!*. 4 *7 Merrick ! ” \li«* Babbitt. 1" rt " Seeor.d •• .1 -* Miiti' H'.-vvn 1 12»> Trumbull >!r* Elmo 121" Sixteenth M«« A tin.i Broom fit* 111 390 Marnu*tt« •• .MU* Adel! S* oUlrh k. 710 Ltn.-oln » ' 0 \t I*||oa Wlncklnr 20 Heel* •• • ■•*• ‘ Mi«* Mr ir.xl Martin. 499 Commonwralin. ; Mias An nit FvlUr. 77 1 Lincoln " vi- Ml*- Huti. Pierson. 112 Atkinson - ■ M -* II -Inn Wade, 70 Atkinson Mis, 2s. It..- Olncx. 24" ho.igf-4"W Jr;!, \li>< i M. Kanzie. 1163 Wood'vard 7 Mi •* Win, r. M >or«*. I.lo* Tblr.l " ,Mlss !•' May Goopc. 411 Lincoln... Mis* Mario Prh e. 717 I.ln* oln •• M «* v.-ra W‘!l* 1240 Brooklyn ... Mis* Vu»'< i' .1 os«op, 50 o Pit nii m...... • - Ms- M.iv.Kav. 725 Lincoln... Mis* Minna Mover 41" Milwaukee W. ■ • M-s M mo'So rids 713 1.1m01n... \fi-“ Wlnnjene .Foopc, 4C.3 Lineoln.i. Mbs B Vi. •• Brown 100. IS Hobart - Ml*. Murv Gilchrist. I<* 1 7 Fourth . I .' Miss Ghidv* sponsor. 74 1 Lincoln JjJ M Is* Art v St t ni» b. 71 Ku«lld M Mi -s M.hi.l \V McßibJe 3"' Merrick... M o Manon Morton. 1.4 Stanl")’ M s- Mabol ' ’ook. Bond T*lace Miss \|,il"l Reynolds. 1 Brooklyn . \ M• « \>itl#» - W \f r* ,‘,-na Taylor 154 Lincoln.... • Miss Kft|o Fisher. 2033 Woodward ... . " i|l«- Maud.* L. < libson. 2"1 Putnam Miss Jeanette Fitch. 153 Seward *• • Mis* Adeline Grelltn*. 3®*. Brand Blvd. RJ) V '-"’jLrtl n SawyVi 716 Common wealth . j>® Mis- Vera ow-n, 7211 Lincoln M < Wni Trapp, l-.0.i Third district two. i o.nprUlng all terrllory boon.led on Ike en-t Im sixteenth-**., n» «br north h> the city B*" 11 "' on the ttrsl by Ihe city limits, aatl on the soulli lit Mlclilann-a»r. Miss Helen Marten. 221 Mavb-iry Miss li-lo Tcettel. liH. Boos.velt ... Mr- W K Milligan. 1111 IT ldsou ... / XL-- Flo,en.c I Adame HI" Brand Hlver • • L* M- - M,.r\ Stinson. 132' Grind Bl;ei.. . - ‘ Ml-s pearl HavlUnd. ll'.l Klrb* 1- Ms t 'I. hunderaon I®H Marten V\ . . . 3,Hi Mrs Loils.. Fraae. 133 .Jackson •• ■■ • !■* !l m I. . He Vouterat. *oi M:-« M i rKuret ror.rtrll >2 . W-sson. 1 ' M s- / \ Wh k. 1".*2 11 nrr- n 11 ■ Mis- M . v iMouUard. 116. K'rbt '' ••• 1 .Is A',. F. Mv-dl.ain .6. Humboldt .. Gene Tft.mphmv. 211 M;Or«a Ml - I .1. B r„H 111*4 Klrbv 11 . . •• -s , « s)|.. ai llnyeti. I« i 4 1 In* wood MS- M,ir«;ir-I M. Brow, -on. 4": 17t 1, district three. t ..mi.rt.lNC nil lrrrltor> boiia.led on the east t., Juni-iloi.-st e„ on the north h, >||,hlKnn ,oe .... the west b> the city limits, nnd on Ibe smith t»s the Itetrolt riser. M s t Vet.miclf. TR Sir# * ••• *■-** Miss I • Folev. 2«0 F#,i?r .. t.»4H ui.. Mu ell it .1 ill* I • -21 .LH e, son M v \ii ß s ||- le- |«ltv. 7«1 4 »v;-ti' * •. -{,■« < M Milh.n, 7B* Pis • • 3.00« - Mi,.. n»„nta>». 42 It- :k I fit# r .."»*> , , m Moran. -2"« Port W 4 S.M M| s' K.hvi.l .Uklimoi' 1•[ H"1 ' bone 4 M,*S I ttl K ibn. W i'V!^ i \ m i... a Karicaff. • > ,r *' • 3.1 **6 .i,*< klizabeth Keitnetly. 24"1 1 fferaon 11, %l s .Mina l;osa»nai». -21 • :i\alt' - - Hutberfor.l ««b Military. F-"" Si liultt A lU" 177 MlHtnr\ 4". \l'- B »’• l-o ’kev »It tt, M'S, .Mud- Merntt r»i\.. M - Ann.. WnPb. ' a'"ln . \ 'J - DISTRICT FOUR. t emprlslna till territory bounded on the rnsf \\ o«dwttrd-a«#.. on the north by Mlchlitfin ne on i tie o sit by .1 it net lon-n * *•., find on the *.ini'll IM the lief roll liter. M ~i |>al'! ;V ‘' llowatd. I<l - < tar.. <’r eniin Twenty-lift M s« I .-ail 2*.'' i ventlefli . . '>o ,1 X! .. i I,||. ker*rll e\. ’ r. I*sl S.oi ten ... ,4,'t :,, s Neil • Ir e, Nil t e.-rt l *4"" . -. M. 1.1 /. in*, t 11. Howard *■> - I , t « ,| ~s. r II wile "•*. Mo blaan . ... r.,2*0» , < iii.ii. 11 tiw. r. s V"" I .-if#rson 11 . ■ d|.. .Via be I • .mitie- :2 2 TANARUS" i4"7 di«s t K* -«i I Ml., 1 hit.) xi ■ y 1 x ItMTi.lell, :,4 . HI - ' 2.4*. 1 di*s'l> ILtii". J’>7 Tw entlclli, .. . I.'*"- xi ss Ida M .r. 2.15 Nineteenth . ..... It"" Mi, Sum IX t•> rllt tl.l, .64 At. Lott. .. . ;*"i> xttss |.n -a xx icirjtr. Sl7 Ttrent \ • flftlt ti.'.ij Mi-s It*, ii ha U'-rbcti*. k, 322 Vine w00d... stM> T Increased Schedule and Additional Special Ballots lor Third Period To Invite even greater inter* *1 In the contest on tits |n*tl of iltf i> ill* li< amt still fnrthei rll>'OurHitf ii., i.intestunt* in then efforts In tjis .sun pel i)t.»n T*tf l.ftroil Time* t-*ntr*l mamtgflTtetit i;««* tnaug urn tnl n special xot. offer w ill* It Went int i effect W. >tne»«lwv. Mutch 3. ;ti I w|U continue In eff.ct until tit. dose •» f i *• &iit4 ijot io«l. Monday M;t nit I.St It. Uvtwecn the ti.llf* mentioned .>it i>f r 'ft t more vote* will he given for rtption p.tvmenf* thHti wo.tin he given If the regular schedule of the pel ml were In . tY*« ■> t »ln t new '*• inontlia Miihset Iplioit. for luaianr*. which woiilil . ourtt for 4 Oho votes on the tegular m lletlule li.lit)© vote.* will hf given (luting t..e time of tin »pe« ial off. i The incrense w ill npp!) to all subscription*, from four month- to "»> months. VOTING SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DURING TIME OF SPECIAL OFFER Iti addition to this TI e Times ■ ontist management will give especial ballots for > '."'o v otes each for *- i -fu 1 competitive effort in each dis trict between specltted dates The time of the third period, beginning Wednesday. Alan h trd. w ill he subdivided itilo three minor periods. Th * first mlnoi period lo gins W- dni 1 * l-»y. March :ird. and will close at o'clock Saturday evening Mai • h »itli Th.- s. ,•.n. | minor period will b.-gin Mon day morning and close at •» o’cb*. k Wednesday evening. March lltn. The third minor period will begin Thursday morning March 12th. and close at 'j ..vlo. k Monday evening March l.'-th Th. spii-ial i'allots w'll h>- awarded ut the - in*,. of eucli minor period to tli.- contest ant in eai lt distil-t who litis reported lit** greatest volume of b islnes* foi her district foi that particular minor period Ten awards will be made at the close of each minor period, one award to each district The siwlsl offei affords the contestants the o|iportmiitv of building a large total vote with which to w! ji tln magniAe. nt prlz.-s at the finish \t no future time of the c.Hit. St will sUt>sct 1 pftotis ha\- ,ii great «l vot ing value us during the tlhie of t li«• \ot • ofTei k DETAILS OP CONTEST AND CONDITIONS OF AWARDS Tin* piizes will >t» awarded to the contestant* who receive the greatest number s os voles according to the con ditions of the contest. Any w omun resident of Detroit of good character between the ages of l»; and If. may compete The 1 >u' lot s to determine tie \v tii n *»i * or th ** prize* will be the non* ttm 11 on. »I ngl <* am! » r>e«- hi 1 bn 1 lot s Th e n orn Ino • tion ami single ballots will he ;h»> ballots .-lipped from the lssm-s •*f TI.-- Detroit Times Tt • special ballots will lie tile ballots issued for subscript ion'payments front either old »r row subscribers to The Detroit Tunes The nomination ballots will hunt fifty vote* each, but no contestant will be permitted t<> receive more than p .,00# vote-, on nomination ballots T,,.* single ballots will count only one vote ea< h. Th*- spe-dal ballot* will fur votes in proportion to the length of the sub- 'ilption. Twice ns mativ vot-s ire given for n*-w *.i 1»«- riptlons as for old. Nomination* may be made at ;tn\ time during the contest, each nomination up to ore hundred counting fifty voncs each Nominations nvi; t.e written •»ri an ordinary sh.--.-t of paper. The first g-and prize will be award, and to the contestant who receives the grestest number of votes, no matter In which district she rnav reside. The second gruud prize will tie award' and to the contestant who receives the second great. *t nun.her of votes, barr ing contestants In the d!«trh t* In witch th- fl l st gran-1 prize Is w•-n. i o matter 1 n which of the remaining dlstfl-'ts shs may reside The third grand prize will be awarded so tire contestant who rccelvp* tie third greatest number of votes, barring contestants in the distn- ts in whi- the first and second grand prizes ate won. no matter In which of the remaining districts she may reside. The district first pj lzr-s will be awarded to tbe contestant In each district who receives th.* greatest number ot votes for bet respective district. TI e district second prize*, will be award and to the content in each dl«trh t who receives t! <* second greatest nutn« • r of votes for her respective dl*trt* t. Ka 1 w inner of a grand pt iz- wall also be a winner of a district first pi Ize In the ev.nt of a t 'nr any of the prizes the prize will be sold and the procer-.1-: equally divided between those t Ip ; ng. No special ballot will be issued for a less payment than one dollar. • ’omblnntion between any contestants U prohibited. The Contest editor reserves th*- right to re.tert any contestant, to modlfv or chr.nge anv of the contest condition* at ary time during the contest, arid also to pass final Judgment upon .my question that tuny arise. V'.t.-s ••nc-* -i>st cannot be charged to count for another contestant, V contestant m not remo'v. ftorri one district to another an.] retain the vot sto her credit In the former district Th.- returns it the #-l >se nl the balloting will he canvass-d t-j a committee of well-known business and profes sional men "f standing In the community. No * mploye *.f The D.-troit Times not member of his or her immediate family may become o contestant. An "id sub*, r.ptlon Is one that was on th»- ll«ts of The Detroit Tlm<*s at the time <«f sterling the ■ ont- «t All others arc ru-vv A change in the delivery of a paper from one metn'-.-r of the family to .mot! <*t will c.-t • -cate a new’ subscription. No promises or agreements cither written or verbal, mad-- by ng. nts. ■olli-ltorn or canvassers, or etnployess. be* yond published In T 1 Detroit Tlmt-s. will he recognized. The contest began Monday. irv l*. 1 • Of*, it-l will dose Mon-lav. March 2!» IfAl*. •LIST OF CONTESTANTS AND STANDING DISTRICT FOUR—Continued. M ; ,s I'harlotfc Smith. 2'.*2 .T motion Mms Daisy Jackson, sr,.* Fort W . son i';"* Nellie HoWell, 3#3 Howard. 4 "" •M',-' Ktiie] Connor. 3>42 Fort W. " 1 •“ Wolf. 764 Baker 1 -* ~ '* F-ir -inn M’lntcrs 241 Howard .... I' l ® ' w» it, head. 761* Twenty-fifth... I n ® Miss Laura K- k >rf 310 Vermont S' l M;« Ayres <'am pi.*.-11, 155 Clark Me* Mabel Tflvlor. 11l I.alroaae 7.0 Mr- Writ F Vuivl* « s0 50 MH- Mi y f.iidu#, 126 r.afavittc-blvd . . ■ R® DISTRICT FIVE. f i.mortslnic all territory hounded on the enst by XN noil w aril-a \ e.. oa the north hy Warren nie„ on the \%esl hy S|ilrrnili-«l„ nml nu the south hy XiieliiKan-at «•. Mi«s X'.ee Fltrpatrh'k. 4u**, f'n.n ... 71r0?t Mrs. If.nrv Watt. 72'*' Woodward 10 4-1 Mr- Ml; t r.< be \flatus. *.<4o Fourteenth f*.H * 4 Miss Ri ttr.,e rtillon. ?‘>i Harrison ... 7 917 Mis- JvH c Smith. 12 Columbia IV.. .. . 7 411 Mr* France* Merritt. 11 Columbia H". C.Uoo Ml«s '*velyn (tonOKhue 201 Park 5 2 7.9 Miss Bina M Carey, Jf.ii Lincoln 5."20 M's* Laura Yniinic. 413 Fas* 4 oof XL-- 1.,, um» Jmlson. 13' Mvrtle ... 4*5? Mi** Fteann< Vnnng 1.15 Grand River.... 4.505 M r s K. I). Knnls. L»7 Hmrv 4 4"1 Ml*s Marshall 45 3 Wabash 2.131 Miss M Mule. 3,S Trumbull 950 M'-s Florence Morel ead I#4 Pine 9"0 Ml,.- R>•*j, I e Mis* Marl** Verplank.* »01 Cherry ROO Mis* Ada D«\ - i*. 11.3 f.lnroln 17>0 Miss Lillian Farpenter, 469 Butternut.... l"0 XL-s Mill.* I P.oluer 79 Frarik 1"0 Mis- KHy.ibetb Wallace 92 Fnmmnnwealth 50 Miss Millie Harris, fit Prentts 50 Miss I.Hli mi Foley, 755 Second . 50 DISTRICT SIX. Comprising nil territory hounded <m llte west hy Womlnnrtl-ax e„ on the north hy Warren-nve., on the east by rhenc-st.. nn<| on the south hy Gmtlul-nvr. Miss Arina Musenvltz, 343 High 4.792 AL h Bertha Siiilke Ro.icl 200 Forest K-. 7.067 Miss Vera A T.abe 17 IVtlkln* 9.090 Ml-s Ivv Roche. s!«4 St Antoine 5,f>12 Miss Kl-te Schmidt. 177 Pierce 5.200 .Miss Allie Haitsejj 'js7 llancock K 5 042 Mrs. Fl as. R*, and 553 Beaublcn 5.000 Miss Leonora Gilbert *• 4 Winder 4 '*oo Miss MhIIMu Brown I.ibrary Park hotel,. 4.000 Mr*. Qro Stu.'h. 159 Adams I*7 3.400 Ml**s Sadie fr< edriiMu. :!"!* Montcalm K. . . 2 .150 Mis* I.tin Breen, 14 7 Adams E 2.100 Miss f*ora l-kkliardt 190 Adelaide 2.002 Miss Frances Gerhart 773 Anfolne 1 900 M's- M.iiv Mattlsun H F r skln<* 1,500 VJ ss Hnt,|e Saiilord. 193 Winder 70" Allss Gertnnlc f''immlnit l" v John R.... 500 Miss Eunice Perkins 112 Winder 400 Miss Mari.* Strg- r, 9n| Ifu-tlngx 3"" M!*s Julia 17 Fish* r. 36 XVoodward Ter race 200 Miss Mabel P.not. 121 Alfred 200 Miss Vlnrlar Aimstior.g 579 John R., .. 1"0 M,*s Anna VfcFarty, 2"I Woodward 100 .Vis* llaerlet Brian 142 John R . 50 \li*« I.ulu B Koch. 1 .’0 Edmund pI f.O Ml«s Emma Porker 19 Alfred .50 Mi** Ila rt Sett B*ard. 3.‘1 John R 50 DISTRICT SEVEN. t *imprl*lnH nil territory hotimled on the west h. XV iMirtwiiril-sve.. on the north hy Lrnllnl nnd Muck-hi e*.. **n the enst t»* l-inst firnnil-hlt and.. unit on the south hy the Itetrolt riser. Mi** L ilian Lvncll, '69 Lar-0.l E 10,513 M's .1 .1. Wot sot *l6'* Mi Elliott ;» vt»' Mbs* Mnb* I Fnieii'U 2.3 Fon. or.l ... o.i', : VL-s Lillian B-ow 441 ATijile 5.91.1 Vl*- Lnsv F... m 1065 Jefferson 5 400 Mrs. Adolph Frl- ks 11f* Catherine r/2r»6 Mis* Muig.iret 9rord»n, 951 Macomb 5 220 Mis" Hldnre Mor'lneife 276 Bellevue... . f.,210 \H» Xurelia X Weti 4"l .LfTeraon B f.2'o Mi** Ida Si.lutan’' >'9 iVsrncl . r , nan Alls- Loe|>j>. *’S" Bellevue 3,200 Mi** Id . Howl- 6*i; F.intfi'** 2.55 ’ \ll*s M i'Jy. I" Helen 2 5:11 M Is* Rose* v Riirra hotel 2.500 Mls« Mn Hinder. H-ldelh rg '. J 900 X, 1 < Mabel i\ - *! 52 • ’.uig re** .. 1 711 ills* Owetiti Hcxi.-, ; •- cnntpau..... 1,60,1 Mi** B. rli u B. ||* 1| comb 1,501 'lt-s liens,* KBi- 6* I. ...!<■ »f Terrace 1.40" XI *- l.u; 11 -1 Pb kel! 5* » F n nplaL, 1.300 \|:s* X|. Ur .'"i •.'*• ' ''..vcf'nl ... ,*oii' Miss Tn* t *• >-i ’ "* p . 700 Allxs Mj*'"l Hunt! •"'! **>• . 450 Ml** || V.mngnh.otl il6 t... . imjii 301 Mi*« Addle ll* hit. :*9 H ’•*•. 4 r,,*o • Bps Etbel u«.*n. ♦. Mo* *..* .... ;*, M ) XL*. L< ' It Ttnnk ’'niOnr i*to Mis« t Ke- wll * Foncord 200 M •• . In r tl; r. < • fc-son 17,0 Alia* H'.fdtla Merlon* s’l «*raflof joo Allas Tatirs.i M lt**lder», 297 Fort E ,50 vile's Bertha Yurke 31* B*-lle\ ,•*> 5a AFlss Connna Kramer, •’ x Bi 11, vue 50 Subscription Rates 36 months $9 24 months 6 12 months 3 8 months 2 6 months 1.60 4 months 1 Number Votes Given 3.000 I.BCO 750 450 375 225 DISTRICT EIGHT. Comprising ull territory hoiimlnl on llie by Unit (.rnml-hlv4„ on the north hr Mni'k-mr and the e|l> limit*, un the rust hr the rlty limit*. «n«l na the iniilli hy the Detroit rl» er. Mrs Quantity. ‘.’l** l/mnv. . . e c.\’ Miss Olive ilojTir 37 ( # Van Dvk** 4.'3* Miss Fdlfh L. Mat IVi is, 4'd Fl*,-her Ml** Edith Craig I’.’2 I'l- mI r,.2nt Mr*, r. m ptehra. 2» Miner 3.37,3 Ml»s l.ury Fallot. 176 LlMlhrldgo 3.30# Mis* f} rtrude >ipe. k. 346 H»|,l 2 *• 1D Mrs* T.awrenrr Treadwell. 163 Baldwin... 1, Ml«i Anna OTtrlen, L’nst Jefferson '*oo M'ss'stell.i Mu sot), p*6 Fntrle #7O Miss Stella c r| * i _'37> Boulevard Sr.o Miss H r** I R.-ymer. 3*7, Ilurlhut Kurt Mis* Clara Mil. 3| l.'-.oh Roo Mis* tom O'WH :ji» Mevrltk *#'.o Mis* N‘- tt-ie Snvtler. 367 Sheridan "V‘,o Mr*. r’hai l&tte Smith. I*l7 ft arnnlaln 2 (t '' Mis* Susie |.i\ingston, ''*l4 t *nrf 111 i Mrs, A R >*i ~I } OH* Sherirfit n. . . . ..... f>o \tl*s F.IV Seibert, r><• 1 Townsend I<*o Mls.s I II Holmes. IIK Deo'lek.. . Mls's Catherine Partner .777 Field r.o Miss Maliei Turner, '.no Sheridan it* DISTRICT NINE. Comprising all terrltorr honirilefl on the Trent H.r f hene-st., on the north by the rlty limits, on the rust be the rlty limits, and on the smith hy tirntlot to Murk and Mark-area. Miss Annie Frank*. #ot Pennsylvania ... 3,0t0 Miss Merthn Pels*. 333 Rcllevne 7 4* t Mrs. Frank tdorn* 77 0 Hahns 7.17,0 fcMrs. I. A Hardy. 1214 Ornflot 6.211 Miss Fll/aheth N’ehl* 7f> Superior .. ,*'*7t Miss T.oulse Hauok. 113 Bellevue ft 700 Mrs. Martin Dniinrcinr, 17.0 Mitchell,... R.O A*. Miss There*.i Fast,order. 107.3 Plpuette... 4 woo Mis* M-rtnn tJll.n, 127.0 Onrflnld.. ... 4.4": Miss flora Mlldnhn. 727. Illinois 2.rtfto Mi** Catherine Tlikry 1027 Rildwln. ... 1.711 M!»s Madge Henning. RI f> \fef 1.-llan . . . 1.700 Ml*« #te* t... Kervdin. t 77.1* f'cnnsvlvnntg. I.ftoo Mrs. A. Rarnnwskv. If 7> Crand Mlvd R l.noo Ml*s M.idgr llenrv, *l7. McClellan 000 Ml** tiijda llanntrr Raid win f*o Mrs. Frnesi 137 Hale 300 Miss F.dlth Well 17.77 Helen *OO Miss A Keahn. F">2 M<T>ougatl 7f>o M r s Anna Mlelkr 130 Hale fif.O Miss N'ellie .1 Jackson. 1 7>',6 Bellevue... . *OO Miss Fdlth Marsh, 101*1 Crane 4SO Miss I.tx/le Heiier. I*>3 Orandy 40# Mre f. Maul 1700 Ornnd Blvd R 300 Mrs. Frank S Bliss. RR2 Plquette 100 Mis*!, Klnsler. *7.1 Mitchell 100 DISTRICT TEN. Comprising nil territory hounded on the west hr IVoodtt nrd-iMe., on the north by the rlty limits, on the east hy the elty limits and t'heae. st., anil on tin* sooth li> Unrren-ne. Mr.* Anna S« alfe, 27. Harper Hi 407, Mrs. Albert Tower. 132 Cameron 12.22*1 Mi* 1 tllinn McConnell, ?f, .darston . . 12.17*1 Miss Marie r;..nlt. 222 Alwer 7.366 Mis* »»ll|e f Mns|er. 140 palmer R **2l Miss P*-nrl \ in c l* e, 7.kC Milwaukee R .. f, *lO7 Miss Floren* e Real® 4<5 Ml. Vernon f> 400 Miss Male] I.ove, 17.60 Antoine R. 210 Miss ?7th* I Hevnohls. 137, Plnuefte,. . r >.200 Miss Oertrude Pe Forest. 2*t Klne 7. <i*lo Miss tlro.e 2R7f* <lran*l Mlvd. R.. ft. 046 'liss M:th*-1 Hollowri' s7 \fllwauk>-e K . 7, OF* Miss Mvrtle Pratt. 2*R Clay.... fi,o**«* .Miss Alma I.ovell. 27 Milwaukee K Miss Agios Lucas. 67,ft Harper 5.000 Miss llaxet l.loyd 117. M»lrot" 4,671 Miss Annabelle Rohlson. I*6# Woodwar*! 4.10# iflss LI 11 te Xrduslc. '33# AVnodward 3.300 Mr*. Ahhy Watkins Malor 117. Alg. r . 2,10., Miss Hattie puhlfe’ 2*'. W*stmln»t*r ... 1 7<»4 Mrs F, II Wicks, 111 Fur lid K 1 6RO Miss Maud Dean. 17.1 Medhitry I,lo# Miss flora I franc. 30*2 Orand Rlvd . . 11 no Miss Helen H* Ui 2'* l) Wurren 1-7 . . son Mint Ft he I Mrady. .‘521 King #r.d Miss Helen HJtrh. ock 216 Custer Jfto Miss Jessie lfet»l«.t. 47. Melrose 7.10 Miss Orn Wehl*. 103'* Oakland 6r.« Mis* Catherine Moll .I*"* Ftederlck f.oa Mia* M*V Wilson 101 Farnsworth.i Mis* Anna Bar the 11. 66 s Ha* per ROO Mrs. Fred IfntHikls*. 243 Melbourne sno Mis* Myra Rray 134 Mi Vernon 400 Ml*s Clmilottc Moran. 4t M.-dhury 4*lo Mis* M. L. I’honitiyon 223 Theodore ft'.n Miss lira**, t Iran I*. ‘243 Melbourne Fm Ml*s Kiln K Pierson. 34 Mcdhurjr 100 Mi*. R IV Rro* u, 12S Josephine ft# Nil** Mildred Htani»*n, I|o7- Rtisaell |V«i Mis* Dertha F. Joans. 27 Mllwauk»v K... ftO Special Vote Offer Meets Popu lar Approval of Various Com petitors for Prizes. Special Offer Presents Contest ants Opportunity To Build Large Vote With Which To Win Magnificent Prizes at Finish. I'll* M" > lul voi•' offer. announced far fju* first tun., in the lust edition .if Tin 1 1 1 1 11 •-m i>f Wrdnfadav, ami which w>ll I • onttnue In ♦ ffect iliiuiikluhii the ro -1 malnder of the third uvrlod has lint * Ith ready approval at the hands t>f ll*. var In Lie contestants who Intv. \ • pressed their detei mlfia t Inn to profit to i the utmost hv the opportunity present ed them in the spec hil offer | The spec ial offer will give an un> i osuallv a rest value to work done , the contestants and ttmir friends dur ing the time tli * xpe. nil offer Is In ef fect. It is the opportunity pf the con test and enuhles contestants to hulht a magnificent total vote with which to win the splendid awards at the finish. With so ..h. > i "i. work dons during; the tune of the special offer the contestants and their friends should now turn cveiy moment to account and i reap a golden harvest of subscriptions i The Importance and significance of Ilia | special offer should lit* properly lin pr. xxt and upon the campaign workers i.v the differ, nt contestants, and every effort, hent tij all to secure and report cverv possible subscription before the splendid opportunlt> has passed. Not only will subscriptions secured during the time of the special vote offm have • an exceptionally great value, but thev should he much more easily secured, i Kv. ryone will naturally he anxious to help his or her favorite contestant with a subscription at the time wh»— th- subs ioption will have the greatest voting, v.l o' At no futvire time of the conte-t will subscriptions have as a: cat a voting value as during the i tj<m- of tlie -pedal offer.