Newspaper Page Text
Page Eight STRAUS IS TO BE AMBASSADOR j \ SUCCEEDS THOMAS J. O BRIEN. OF GRAND RAPIDS. IN TOKIO, JAPAN. WASHINGTON, March 6.—Oscar S. Firaufi, secretary of commerce and lab«> in President Roosevelt's cablner. THE HUDSON STORE !‘Buying Spring Clothes , Mr. Mans The Spring styles are here, in both the SUITS and OVERCOATS. The finest we have ever shown. The largest selec tion, the BEST clothes, for clothes-making im proves visibly each year, as ready-made Suits and Overcoats come in closer and closer competition with the custom tailor. You’re planning on something new this Spring, of course, and this announcement today is simply to invite you to step off at the fifth floor and see what has been prepared. Still Plenty of $lO and sls Suits The selling has been large, but the quantities were so great in the first place that selections are not nearly gone. The Suits at $lO were regular sls qualities. Winter Suits, of course, which we are clearing out. Black and blue and many fancies. S2O for a Pick of Any Alan's IVinter Overcoat These are Overcoats of the HIGHEST GRADE, that sell for S3O, $35 and S4O. The materials are the finest. The workmanship right down to the very last detail is the kind that goes in custom-made Overcoats. These are black, Oxford grays and handsome mixed colorings to suit the conservative taste as well as the man who likes a bit of dash to his clothes. S2O for the pick of the whole stock. Other OVERCOATS at $7.50 to $15 —worth double. FUR OVERCOATS at $18.50 and up—worth one third to one-half more. Did One of Those Derbies or Soft Hats Blow Your fVay? If it did, you arc a good bit ahead of the game, and right at the beginning of the Spring season, when anew Hat is most welcome. If it 'Didn't — There’ll be plenty left for Saturday. All are excel lent Hats. A greai many are the finest Jno. B. Stetson Derbies and Soft Hats. All good styles. 'And just look how prices are low ered : • $6 Derbies at $3.75. $5 Imported Hats $3.50. $5 Stetson Hats, $3.50. $4 Stetson Hats, $2.50. $3 Hats at $2. Shirts, and Other things for cMen N«ver before have we *hown such a largo line of Meil'f Spring Wear no earlv In the season. The HUDSON (OAT SHIRT Is doubling our shirt .sal**.-,, fust because they are the best (’oat Shirts folk SI.OO. $1.50 and $> oh that ran be produced The Spring baseball season Is now coming on and there >s f l l be much demand for the SWEAT KR (’OAT. We are selling hue ones In men's for $2.00, $2 su. $3.50 and $5.00. Hovs', si.s«» and $2.00. The NKCKWKAR department Is BRIM OK NEW THINGS AT f.oc Visit the men's aisle at Hudson's. Ou' Prices for y/J />, Popular cMusic > wC < ° > Three Mr Sour 11 us Sour hi Temple In ‘ Joylund Froggie Would A-Wooing On TtodW-f D-, t I. M •u < Iran.l Old Tr - I \ 'TH I MKNUI.. "At Dawn. ii»v»rl<* « urnpo-o of "Meditation.'' "Tobin* o." ragtime wait* I'ov poser of "Dill tm-kles. ' •‘lTnder lh< Tent ” «Jr«*i M Chan l*anbls "IcH**." rag lwp-m«p "Mai >,” H> \. II Mnrt't, ”<’l>r\wantli*»m urn. waltz-> "Shovel Flah." raattnu "Polo Kn a " On-iil, “Qrtvtl llag. * Blgne "Lmky 41m." March "floating Along ’ "Uvr Tree," waltzes "Flvangeiin*.'' Neil M.»r.-i Wh. A r. n fl l . n MniM. , «u„ S u n ‘r H ‘ l A,,H « • WurnKt WMt a <n* Mailer " III* M> K yea „'..c per copy, Mailed .xtta LARGEST RETAIL STORE IN MICHIGAN ha* been oeffred the ambassadorship jto .litpan by President Taft, and Mi*. Straus Ittt accepted it. He will su< • ,-eed Thomas J. O’Brien. Who liecame j ambassador at Toitio when Mr. fait j war on his way to the Philippine* to open the first Philippine assembly. ! Mr. Strati* was ambassador to Tor l key under Presidents Harrison and M» Klnley. I# ~ ♦ Rucgger-Richards Recital Shows Artistic Merit. j+ ♦ , Milt. Elsa Rueggor. vloloncnlllr 'and l.ewl* 1. Richard*, pianist. gave a The Suits at sls regular S2O and $22 qualities 51.50 Crush Hats, 95c. $2. 50 Caps at $1.50. $1.50 Caps at sl. $1 Caps at 79c. 50c Caps at 39c. Shears are Eusy in the cMen’s Tailor Shoo The wonder would be if they were not. With all these attractive Suitings and Overcoatings ready to be made into stylish Spring Suits and Coats. Ihe whole 1909 showing is ready—you lose by delay ing to order, because the choice patterns that are so hard to duplicate always go first. Suits at S2B. S3O. $32. $35 to SSO. Overcoats .at the same prices. Tailoring Shop inst floor r , *o%un. “* <Oll.l Nl«hi. 11 *a 11 hn V iad ■'l l’e«<l t.> H-- \f\.ld to IJu Home in l» rk " "Holden Arrow V. n Aluvn ‘>n r r.u the Jer side '' -*ng lilt in 'Follies ~f 1 »om . 'Shin.- mu llaiAent M«mn " Aina M Com*' All Ye' Hun/ > v I .and " v Hlanke. .luhi ,» Song at Twilight rip. •/.» I "Daisies Won't Tell,” I'ornpan u.n piece to "Sweet Hunch of Da In lea 1 'Hon. ” I>*ar " Fnmposer of Sweat Huiv h of Dalalen "I-uii," Southern eona. Van Alai vne. " When Yon f,o\<- a Summer Ulrl " Wall-/ Non a Virile f’carlle " Waltz Nona. "I'm Thinking Ahotif You " THE HUDSON STORE Great Remnant Market 7,000 Wash Goods Lengths Went on Sale Friday Morning at ONE-THIRD Less Than Regular As this paper goes to press there is an immense crowd on the second floor, and every indication points to the liveliest day's selling in Remnants that we have ever had. THE SALE CONTINUES SATURDAY -it i*. sufficient to know that ever) kind of wash goods fabric* will be found among these remnants, for. be it understood. THIS IS THE FIRST CLEARING *>l l o. shoit lengths that has occurred since the W ash Good* came m, on the tirst day of January Wherever you turn yoi* will find something Interesting Length* for waists, children* dresses end even whole dresses for yourself, for some of these piece* measure up as long a* ten yahJ*. If you didn't get here Friday—COME SATI Rl)A\ The woman, who keeps close to Fashion’s whims must have a Coa.t or Gown of Hough St Ik Fashion smiles upon Rough Silks more than ever this Spring. Indeed, no other silks are quite so strongly favored as these charming silks with their fascinating, uneven surfaces. Women are delighted, for of all silk fabrics none compares in service to the Rough Silks, and none are more practical to wear. Coats of Rajah, worn over a gown of Henrietta, are one of the latest ideas. Perfectly stunning. Come and see them together. WE HAVE PREPARED FOR THE GREATEST SILK SEASON OF THE STORES WHOLE HIS TORY. Here is a brief sketch of some of the various Rough Silks: First ar t i;• I'umhCf* with h sntlu face The** ari- destined t• • be one of the Sllft eases of the riannn; regular rough I’on gee back. and a far*- of the richest Matin. In the wonders il alludes of amethyst, itult old tose. woody grav. wood browns, gray-green and wisteria These are dyed in the yarn, which means cleat unchanging olur* -l itiehrs wide t 1.3.%. In plain, guaranteed to remain an abso lutely j 1 tda< k. 27 inches wide, nt Ml..'V, a yard. Ti e jp»>rh haud-liMim sgnn tongs, woven In the he irt of « nina hv the <juer handlooms. on whi- h the natives turn out silks of -in li charming uneven weaves These Shantung* have prat tlcally no wearout to them In the natural tan. yard wide. A Fine New Showing of New Black Hats for Spring Charming street models, at small prices. Simple and dignified, yet in the latest fashions for Spring. The showing is large, and begins with Hats at $1.98. then $2.50, $2.98 to $5. and others at higher prices. Untnmmcd Hats in Shapes The woman who Is able to turn her own hats should see the assemblage of untrimmed models that w** are showing for spring. SIMPLY EVERYTHING—Large hats, small hats, every color, every shape, styles without ond, and the prices—you can pay just what you prefer, and bo sure of having a pleas ing selection. Prices begin at t»S*<\ sgc, $1 s<t, $t t*B. and run on up by easy degrees to each. Flowers, Too . Thousands of them. Roses. Popples. Daisies, Forgot-Me- Nots. Hyacinths and- Blossoms’ and Foliages of all kinds at 15c, L‘oc. -Rtc and upward. cA 44C BetVoeen Seasons" Union tuit for Women, Women, Worth sl, at 6 Q c Just the right weight to put on now and wear until the warm weather sets in. How do we have them at 69c? They are “Ypsilanti” Union Suits—the very beat dollar suits —of which we purchased more than 5,000 in one lump. White and ecru, sins Tnedium weight cotton. 69c each. All sizes. Other Interesting HOSIERY and VEST Items. 1 11.1" irt *••! Swl<**» Htibfil VVuts fin*- 11 «P.* t* -v-nu plum ribbon trlini»>*t or with •*!«borut** <-1»*-t > ok•-h tns«-t wun rn«*<|al ll<m» Worth Sot t,. «j. «nj|* i i> • I'btitl J.M- •V*-*t* •*li• • I Ml: I Jin*-, narrow shoulder *»11 ap«. «llk t f ■ I v* ortli .»u!‘ j*r 1 im-. I'm* Iruportnl Llsl*- Mo*k big-, with Ir* • boot*. in hla* k or t in. light w.-lghl. very at • ir .1 in** pattern- worth sa prt * ar.i*. # The IP all Paper Store Ovens the spring Season With a Sale of Tapers at /2*£c 9?o// Old Papers? Not a bit of it. EVERY ROLL IS AS FRESH AS THE SPRING BLOSSOMS. It’s sim ply our way of welcoming the new season to make an ohering that will start orders coming with a whirl. AND THIS OUGHT TO DO IT if Anything will. The papers are the finest 25c and 30c qualities— you’ll recognize THAT at a glance, if you know anything about Wall Papers. Full combinations in a hundred or more beautiful patterns, suitable for any room. Saturday These l avers Will Be 12 X c RpU Be sure and bring measurements. Fifth Floor House Piping and Gas Fixtures Save money by buying your Gas Fixtures and hav ing your house piped now. Piping and fixtures for a five-room house Saturday for $10.95. Extra rooms piped at sale prices. If not ready for fixtures at once, we will hold them purchased on this sale until ready. THE 1 L HUDSON COMPANT THE DETROIT TIMES: FRIDAY. MARCH 5. 1909. 'joint recital In Tentnle Beth El. Thur»-j da\ afternoon. 1m fore ait audience that was altogether too small for the high urtlstli merit of the performance. Tb*.* program was uu unusual one in Detroit being composed entirely of sonatas, but 1 Mile. Kuegger and Mr. Richard* have won success in Europe with this form of composition, and this city Is for lunate tp have them Interpreted by i sin h artist*. * H . fyst number presented was the ll..ridel sonata in V majot and th*» n.usie was exquisitely and elegantly' played Ihe finished style and tine, sonorous tone of Mile. Kuegger'* in sirument were noticeable in every pa* sage and on the same high artistic j I iar.e was the playing of Mr. Rich-1 THE HUDSON STORE Ml..m. In the yarn-dyed black 7 incites. M 1 .'ll Th. rcm 1 HaJah silks, in til the most exquisite spring shades such as bots rose, Da - nlsn blue, Dresden blue, leather 1 ■ edar apricot. re«eda and nut ural -also black--ST inches wide, MI..T.V Domestic xhnniunK *llk*. ««I|ed the FhefU Silks -bellig a fat Simile of the. silk* produced lii th» province of I’lirfu, t’hina \C. guarantee It to be tubbed without the slightest discolora tion. '.’l III* v .es Wide Ht VVI the •j 7.1 n ■ h at Ml. Natural colors only Imlro Pongee la nnotio-r beau tif .1 rough silk 27 inches wide, woven of finest selected yarns, in all the correct spring shade* ami black. Ml. Silk l.lsl** St<•> king*. !>la<k ami t in.** An- 1 kihik •. fill fH-h --l«m*-d high iipikvil r.**cl. double so!*- .iiol to*-, ttortti rt T* ••; *«!*• I• r i- •J.’V*-. Itnp<*rt*-d l.a-e J.tsl. * bla«k < nlv full fashion*-*! la ** ar>kl»* *n<l iri*t*-p, foot |>att*-rris »plh>.l ),*-*-l» ami to*-* worth <al* prh *». »."«• u pair I’m*' t’otton V .■*?.<, plain or tvltu la* «• v..k*- Swiss rlhb*d. *•'■■• ll'nt valu** ul J9r. <*.*l** r>rl< * II! | aids. The Beethoven sonata In G ( minor, a beaut ifui selection, given wit a warmth of color, and the Grle- r ' sonata in V minor, concluded the program. i The recital was given under the am- I p<( es of the Detroit String quartet as social ion. and It is announced ‘hat the p« xt concert of the quartet will , take piece Wednesday afternoon. March 17. and Thursday evening. March U Mile. Kuegger will be tin* j , Liftruuiental soloist at these conceit* j Although the salt water used in New York* high pressure Are main* has proved an excellent extinguisher of blazes, it does more damage to kur- I ruunglng property than fresh water j THE HUDSON STORE THE HUDSON STORE A Vet’ Shipment of / at Laces at 5c yd Spring Laces, new and fresh and pretty, in patterns never shown before, because , they were only boro this year. A great, big rive cents worth—the biggest, we be lieve. in the whole city. Im ported direct in enormous quantities for the Hudson Store. There are Edges and Insertions in both the French and German weaves. Some as wide as \ l /% inches. ALL AT 5 c A YARD. Dainty Spring Jabots 25c & 50c The strongest showing we ever made—and that's going some. In these Jabots alone there’s novelty and variety enough to fill a whole col umn. % At 50c Are Jabots wrtth hand embroidered patterns* with lace Jabot* with colored •anbrold»*ry In 'VrMan design. Plain white Jabot*, with a touch of colored embroidery wot k Hand-made Irish Lace Jabots. N«» end to the different idea*. At 25c Are Jabot* In twenty or morf dis tinct styles, colored or all white. • r whit* with Just a touch of ■’olor: many lace *-dg~a New Bow Ties. 25c and 50c J .'i *, muli or silk. a profusion of cnsrii.iiigt styles Embroidered Collars. 25c l*«loiv •i>l* , >. with neat em broidered design* Tailored Stocks at 25c Wash Hto« ks, newest styles in four-f n-hands and ascot*. In plain colors or fancy pattern* New Ruchings. 10c and 15c A ne..k length-—all the moat de skrable effect*. in wnlte and colors Sidewalk Roller Skat ing Season is Open And we shall Btart It off with an offering of two hun dred pairs of excellent Roller Skates to sell at 35c a pair. Made with maple rollers, and adjustable to any child's feet. Strapped backs. Skates with steel rollers, which, of course, stand the hard usaae better Adjusta ble —98c a pair. Skates with Iron rollers. 59c a pair. (Basement.) *Colonial Glass IVater Set, 75c The Illustration shows a true sketch of the set, Just as It stands The Pitcher In larße taukard shape and six glasses to match. The usual price Is Just about double. Saturday—7sc a set They come In a special pur chase, otherwise the price would be lm|M»KHlble, atid at\ the sane time we secured these other bar gains in glass. uraiiK'- <•> Fruit Bowls, font*/! Imitation of /ml. clear crystal aln hn good size, no lit regularly at sp»-«-i*i. niM*. 1 Vli-rv Tray*, extra Rood clear -r\sinl. colonial shape. i«gularlv _■ '.l :t t ir.r, Fliik- 1 Bowl, i-n nar 51. 76 dozen now ll*c rack. flits, imitation cut, with an nine cut glass stopper, regularly "f-s. now 1 He. I’l'klc Trays, special at lOe. f illve plshe*. Imitation cut glass, ill he. Nt*ppy. S Inch size, - upped Nliaf... -.old regularly at -*pe .l-1 tt 11»e. MRS. McGREGOR TO BUILD BOYS’ HOME • Mr*. Tra» y McGregor hat* given !'•' OWI tor the building and endow men. of a Ih»v* home at Hinckley, Mt> The tome will be built on rhe Goodwill*' Karin tor Boy*, where there are ten cottage*-. a church. Carnegie library. .» high school and grammar school. with accommodations for 175 boy* Tin* home given by Mr*. McGregor' will Ik* erected |p memory of'her fath er. In the hall will be a bronze tablet with the inscription: “This home has teen erected and endowed in memory , of David J. Whitney, by a daughtei 1009 " The building will be in colonial 1 style and will accommodate 20 l>n vs ' < KSKj fB » ' . ’Bilvl I• .1 | 1 J [ i 1 1 iLJ A Choice Group of Women's Sathple Skirts at $5 Each The maker had been taking orders, among the best stores, to retail at $7.50 and $8.50. These samples had performed their duty, and so we secured them at a much less price, because they had been shown a few times. All late models —cut in the new gore-flare effects, some with bands of silk, and some with bands of saute material as the skirt, and still others plain Made of Panamas, in plain black, blues, grays and some fanev mixtures. THEY OUGHT TO LAST THROUGH AIIOUT ONE PAY'S SELLING, AT $5. Help Us to Clean Out All Women's Coats Saturday f- Price -The story can be told in a few lines: ALL THE WOMEN S WINTER COATS will bear A HALF PRICE TAG. regardless of former prices. All sorts of Coats in all materials. ItVa great opportunity. Kiosfit ” *Petticoats The very name, “Kiosfit,” indicates why these Petti coats are so popular, especially now, when Fashion can hardly devise garments that are slender and close-fitting enough. The little darts of Jersey Cloth set in over the hips cause the Petticoat to cling like a glove without a wrinkle to mar the outline of the costume. You can buy them of Taffeta Silk In plain black at $5, or in Colored Taffeta at $5 50. And In the Mocras Taff**ta. imitating Silk, at $1.50, $2 and $3 If you don't know anything about Kloafit Petticoats you cer tainly ought to come and set* ttiem. Third Floor. The New “IV. £. ” Corsets So great has the demand become for W. B. Cor sets that we have been unable to get our orders at the factory filled fast enough. Now, for the first time in nearly a month, we have received a shipment of W. B.s that is large enough to speak about in the papers. They are in latest Spring styles—beauties—with the LONG. STRAIGHT IMPS. and SCARCELY ANY CURVE AT THE WAIST-LINE. The Corset shown in the illustration is one of the W. B. models we vhow at $1.50. Note its unusually graceful lines. No wonder women speak so favorably of W. B. Corsets. Other W. B. models from $1 to $5. Food for the Lenten Season f The ••Skipper” process of curing imparts a flavor not foundin other sardines. It s all in the curing. > Not until you have seen these “IVOOL TEX” SUITS can you fully realize how handsome and stylish $25 Suits can be They are Suits that have the air of quiet distinction which always hangs about high-class tailored garments. There are many different models, showing all the new, graceful lines of the present models. These are mostly of Serges. Panamas and Worsteds. There are also the more severe ly plain Suits, without any extreme ideas about them, but full of smartness, made up in the handsomest fancy suitings, as well as plain materials. We earnestly request every woman who has planned on spending $25 for her new spring suit to come and see these splendid Wooltex Suits. And scarcely less interesting are these Well Tailored Suits at sls To call them "good value" would be putting it mildly. We consider them the “best” in the city of Detroit. They ought to be, when you consider that we have chosen them from a dozen of the foremost manufacturers of the country’s smart styles. And greatly varied. Suits of plain weaves, as well as exceeding ly stylish fancy materials. Remarkable Suits at sls. Skipper MfSardines They’ll suit you Appetizing, nutritious. THE HUDSON STORE STORE OPEN SATURDAY EPEMNG UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Dressy Silk , Net and Lace Waists $5 We have yet to find Waists that equal in style and value these charming Five-Dollar Waists of ours. All the latest models, fairly alive with spring newness. Made of MKSSAUNK Silks Made of TAFFKTA Silks. Made of pretty NETS. Made of rich LACKS. You can match any cos tume with one of these dres sy Waists at $5. Suede Shoes ' On the Throne for This Spring Fashion is quite positive on the point that Suede is to be a heavy favorite for Spring. Therefore you will find us ' well prepared for such de mand as the ‘ fashionable ladies of Detroit may care to make upon us. 44 Earvin C. < Burt" Suede Oxfords, Pumps and High Shoes, in the Late Models. Brown Sued** Humps and Ox fords ut $4 and |5. Mlack Suede Humps and Ox fords at $4 and so. Black Sued** High Shoes, but- , ton style, at $5 and |t>. Switches , Puffs and Pompadours Our department la noted for its fine collection of high-grade Hair Hoods as well as of moat moderate prices. We present In this week's selling as tine a lot of Switches and Puffs as we have ever been able to ofTer — purchased at low prices and offered our patrons at small ad vance above cost. SWITCHES HMnoh all long hair Switches, vain*- 1 1 50, «»»•■. 20- nil long hair Switches, value $2. 21- natural wavy all long hair Bwit«'h«a. value $5, *XWH. Iti and 18-lnc’h natural gray Swltr he*, nil long hair, value $4, *3.50. PUFFS New Psyche f’luater, 10 and 12 puff* In sit. *l.o*. New Triangle Huffs, value 15, MTV special. *3.35. Marlow Puffs (4) In set, *1.40. MurloW Huffs (S> In aet, W*«\ Marlow Puffs (4 » In aet, 4t»o. POMPADOURS AND TRANSFORMATIONS Small size Pompadours, 4»e. Medium size pompadours. SIMM Martel Pompadours, *l.o*. Transformations for all around the head, value |7. special ss.l**. ROLLS & NETS 21 inch Snnltarv Polls, special. ttlle. 14 and HMnoh Sanitary Hulls. Stir, 24-lret. Sanitary Oray Polls. T 5-. ? Yvette Auto Xi'X* 2.e, 4 v*-tte ‘ Tourist Nets Iftrs two foi I.a Madeline tlalr live, restores gray and latied hair ro Its nat ural <olor. peifectl> harmless, *1 n bottle. Mall Orders Killed b» Ineloslna sample of tlalr and M.niev Order.