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Page Four | [boy S’ SPECIALS - - .jßfMviiiffilfetf - “" “" ■■■■■-' 'Tl* e» Meat In the World for Iho Monry- ■ Straw Hats FOR GIRLS AND CHILDREN. A NEW AND EXCLUSIVE AS SORTMENT. Spring Suits EXCELLENT QUALI TY, IN MED I U M PRICES. A NEW AND FRESH ASSORT MENT OF PATTERNS SPECIAL at $14.50 Misses’ and Juniors’ SUITS JOHN D. MABLEY 184 —WOODWARD AVE.—IB6 To Close Out All Our SUMMER Materials we will make Special Low Prices on Women’s Made ■ to - Measure Carments % ; We are positively going to close out all sum mer materials and will make special reductions on all our women’s made-to-order suits to move them quickly. We have sufficient goods for about seventy five suits and will make them at exceptionally low prices. All materials are this season’s newest pat terns and parts of the bolts of goods from which > / we have made those popular Doff Made Suits. As this offer is made solely to close out our summer lines to get ready for fall business, we sug gest that you leave your order early as it will re quire but a few days for us to dispose of the entire 7 lot. So please do not delay if you wish a suit under such favorable conditions. DOFF SUIT AND SKIRT CO., ' —— 4 Doors from Broadway. 37 John R. Street. OVERSTOCKED | -SPRING andSUMMER CLOTHING T/ie Cream of ffie 7/turmfdcfcarers outpuf. 5,000 SUITS AND TOP COATS I Hobby Styles tailored to look like thru weremule for you. Agreatdivision has been mode toghefiis I sate a forceful impetus. Wc bought theJtSuits arid Top Coats to sett at 3f. SO ”26. ' 20.18.75. | One half the stock wit/beptaced fa tt/e f/rsf d/ns/bn, the remainder in 2nd. ctwsion. enyVs.Vß.of2o. 26/30. or 35. I j o _ I (fr must hove at least o part of,the money we put into tb/s cnrefiit/jj selected sfoetc. | 5 very garment fs tattooed 1/7 the tr/tesf fas/uor/ for Spring and Summer /003. II s ;Ssl? : !lg2^||fe2*!: R , „„wv PANT ■■■ 3STORES J - liIVCIT IZO WOODWARD AVg, ‘MM I rII 41 MICHIGAN AVE: j ' a l IUB j B 49GRATIOT AVE Blouses AND SHIRTS. IN ALI. THE NEWEST PAT TERNS AND BEST QUALITY MATER IALS. Children’s Rompers BKdT QUALITY AND ALL COLORS. 50c and 75c THE DETROIT TIMES: SATURDAY, MAY 15. 1909.^ 'IVORY CITY IS I ALMOST READY All Building* But One of Alaska- Yukon Fair Are in Dre*s Suits— Exposition Opens June I. J —i j SEATTLE. Wash., May H The Ivory City.” as the Alaska-Yukon Pa cific exposition will be called, will Intark anew departure In the general j color tones usually found in import ant expositions. The all-embracing white will be nowhere wslblc. only a soft, mellow blend of old Ivory. Today the exposlton buildings are practically complete, the ground work vs all done, practically all of the dec-1 orating is finished, and the permanent; ivory predominating against the greensward and flowers, and ground! sculpture forms a soft and pretty pic* j lure. Chicago had its 1 White City” and every other exposition since the Co lumbian fair has made wntte its color until the A. Y. P. E. sought to find a more restful blend, with the resu.t that visitors to Seattle during the coining summer will see something entirely new in the line of exposition colors. Every building on the grounds has been given Us final coat of color, with the exception of the main government building, which will he the last oue to be finished and occupied previous to the opening day. June 1. aud tha exposition city now presents a beau tiful picture. . The old ivory blends perfectly with the natural background of fir forest and green waters of the lakes aud i bay. The wild game preserve of the cv ■ position, embracing 10 acres of woeds in its natural state, will house speci mens of the fauna of the entire Pa cific coast and Alaska The collection of the Alaska game alone has occu pied two years and embraces many rare and peculiar specimens The announcement that the post office department would issue a »ou » venir stamp for the exposition show ing a seal on a field of ice has beeu ! met with such a howl from Alaskans that the design will probably be drop ped for something else more appro priate with the true facts regarding conditions in the far north. “Exalt the turnip of the Tanana. preehUß the gentle spud of Lawson, or glorify the radish of Nome:” shout the northerners, "but for goodness ! sake don’t hand us anything like a j seal on an Iceberg to represent Alaska!” The exposition management prom ises that exactly on the miuute w nen President Taft presses the golden key, 'on June 1, the gates of the fair will swing open to the world with every thing spick and span. MUCH MUSIC ON BOARD Yunck’s Orchestra and Orpheus Club for B. of C. Outing. Secretary Sawyer, of the Board of Commerce, announces that nearly all the reservations for the trip to Mil waukee on the City of Cleveland, have been engaged. Prof. William Yunck , ' has agreed to go on the trip and fur-! nish an orchestra of l*i pieces. The Orpheus club numbering IS voices, will also be on board. • •* , Columbus Man Dies Here. Chester Robinson, said to be the ; wandering son of wealthy parents lti 1 | Columbus, U., died in St. Marys hos pital early Friday morning from an , attack of epilepsy, with wneh he was 'streken n a roomng house at. No. 198 Congress-st . last Thursday. His body I is held in the county morgue, w hile j efforts are being made to communi cate with his relatives. ARTERY WRAPPED LIKE BASE BALL BAT WITH GOLD WIRE NEW YORK, Mu> 14.—Ja* Mulhare. who hail lived (or two atul u half >ears ■ with 75 feet of wire wouud about bis | right carotid artery. la dead hen Mill hare came to Rellevule he homeless. Iru-udless aiul sufteiing from alcoholism Au examination showed that his right carotid artNj was afh'Cted by an aneurism of advanced development,. lin an effort tii prevent the aitery nursling Mulhare was removed to the; rrgtt’Hl ward, where -WC.I.U>K . wrapped the weakened MouU vessel, with wire. Three operations were neceaaarjr. I Cocaine was administered to the pa- J tient and electricity was used to co agulate the blood during the opera- I lion-. The wire used was a very tine strand of gold. In all 75 feet of wire , I was used, and Mulhare s artery wus wrapped as a baseball bat is wound with tire tape The wire apparently had the desired effect, for the man lived for 30 months His death U thought to be due to »oruo trouble other than the arterial weakness. The operation aroused much Inter est among physicians. Formerly sil ver wire was used for similar opera tions. but the gold w ire has been fouud better. Electrodes w ere applied at the hack of the neck during the operation. RANGERS~FIRE OVER MOB Attempt is Made to Rescue Men Ar rested for Lynchiny Neyro. I IYLEK. Texas. May U A com pany of Texas Hangers rtred over the heads of a mob that attempted to take l ine meii from jail here ift.*r they had ; been locked up for alleged partlclpa- , tlon In the .lynching of Jim Hodge, a Negro on May 1 and as a result today 1 there is muih bitter feeling and the fcuutbreait of a race war Is ft ured. Niue men were held for tne .ynching innu their preliminary hearing was eon eluded late yesterday afternoon. They iwert ordered to Jail by the present grand jury. When this became known a unib of several bundled people , formed •and went to the Jail- A com i pany of Hangers was thrown about the jali When the tuob became tnreaten ; lug. the soldiers ordered them back und when they refused ?o disperse, a volley was fired. The bullets whistled over the heads of the mob and Its members scattered. There were threat* afterward that an attempt would be made to rescue the men being held and ihe situation today is worrying the officers Hod go was lynched for an alleged attack on Winnie Harmon a white girl. It was afterward deilared that the Negro had not been identified and that he was not the one who attempt ■ ed the attach. ==.—: Would Force Money on ’Em. To compel two persons to accept $5 ,» ach. which was willed to them, Mrs. Mary Fox started proceedings In the probate court, Friday. Mrs. Kox !s administratrix of the estate of her mother, Mary C. Otto, who left an es tate of $954. To Christian Otto, a son, and to Gertrude Keizer, u daughter, she left $5 each, and the balance went j to Mrs. Fox. Now Mrs. Fox claims I her brother and sister refuse to ac cept the money, aiul she wants the court to compel them to, or to give the money to her. / LIRE Sick HEADACHE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature CARTERS ■ iTTLE ■ IVER | PILLS. Use “Printing of Quality” Times Printing Company of T»ood Job Printing Main I I4H IS JOHN H SI CREAMERY BUTTER Ot It mv \ M IKK. I*l l(K, svv i:kt, AM* I’KttKKfT. HA Cts. O W Per Lb. TDWAR’S Pasteurized Milk Una no equal tor purity anil TOMB'S WAYNE COUNTY CREAMERY CO. 71 lilt VXD HIYKR-AVK. Phone*, Mmlu 305 i fit) 305. ELLIOTT-TAYLOR-WOOLFENDEN CO. GLOVE D^PT. — Long and short Kid Gloves, for street and evening wear. All colors and prices Ixirig and short Silk Gloves. All the best makes. Embroidered Silk Gloves. l.lsle Thread Gloves, In great variety. Ottp tot erf Biarr4t* Kid 14.U0- quality. Spe* cial for Saturday, 79c. WHITE GOODS DEPT.— We have just received a case of 40-lnch Liberty Hell Long Cloth, regular price JJ.tla u piece of 12 yards. We haw marked It $2.25. SLMncta White Repp, specially adapted for ladies* and children » suits, 30c a yard. Victoria Voile, In champagne, porcelain blue, pink and sky blue, 18c a yard. Shatung do Lyon, anew mercerized fabric, very handsome, all the latest shades, apricot, gray, white, black, sky. Copenhagen, pink, mulberry, wlateila. lobster, pongee and sliver, 39c a yard. Silk striped Filet, anew and beautiful fabric for a lady's summer dress. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR DEPT.— One lot of colored Heatherbloom Petticoats, plain anti striped materials, worth up to $4 uo. choice for $2 50 each One lot of Bathing Suits, to close, $1.50 each. One lot of Shirt Waist Slips, were 50c. reduced to 19c each. Elliott =Tay lor =Woolf enden Cos. Woodward aad Grand River. Iwonderful] M are the improvements going on in the North Woodward section of our city, the large H number of houses being built (over 250 in Highland Park alone since Jan. Ist), new stores, $500,000 worth of churches, $150,000 worth of schools, $1,000,000 worth of factories, coal and lumber yards, anew Highland Park bank. M. C. Ry. Belt Line, new street car line on Oakland. All this means more value to the surrounding lots. In one part of Highland Park what was farm land two years ago is now’ selling for $35 per foot frontage. Have you considered these things 5 Have you bought a lot in this grow ing part of the city? If not, you should do so at once. Our new’ ADDITION TO HIGHLAND PARK is close to the center of this activity. Prices of lots only s ßo, s 9o ds loo Each, and some at $l5O and S2OO. Terra* of Sale Very Easy. ONLY SI.OO Down, SI.OO Weekly NO INTEREST No payments to make if sick or out of work. Take Fourteenth Ave. “through** car up Oakland Ave.; get a transfer to the Victor Ave. line : take the Victor Ave. car to Davi snfi Ave. and walk one block east to the subdivision. Salesmen on the property all day I Sunday. H Bessenger Moore I 2nd Floor Telegraph Building. ■ 100 Griswold. Corner Congress St. Phone M. 407. H Saturday fjf|| Morning On Special Table. . On Special Table. Dress Goods Bargains CONSISTIN''; OF ALL WOOL / Choice Saturday, BiAOONAL SERGE. ALL l WOOL LIGHT IT.AIUS. I’ANA- ' ’ll I A MAS. ETC, •' W A variety of colors. J W All are genuine bargains specially. I reduced for this sale. \ Per Yard 7^uacimlr^^ico^(!ompa^ SATURDAY MORNINO Special Four-Hour Sale FROM 8 TO 12 O'CLOCK. Short Kimonas New lot iust opened up (all sizes up to 44 L I* ine Dimities, Figured Lawns, Muslins, etc., worth up to Si.oo, including a number odds and ends of various styles and kinds that have gotten mussed and soiled in handling —that have sold up to Sf.j;, at 50c NOTIONS—v 24-lnch net covered Hair Rolls, 21c each. Regular 15c Hair Nets, 10c each. Hair Padding, in light, medium and dark brown, 19c a yard. One lot of large size Pin Cubes, regular price 10c, for 6c each. Cling' l /Garment Fastener. all sizes, black and white, 10c a dozen. 60 inch Tape Measures, stitched, 4c each. Imported Hair Pins. 2c paper. :$ for sc. The form'reducer Hose Supporter, in white, black, pink and blue. 25c a pair. Large front pud Hose Supporter, regular price. 25c, for 17c a pair. TOILET DEPT.— One lot of regular 15c. 20c and 25c Tooth brushes, for 10c each., FLANNEL DEPT We are showing an elegant line of Embroidered White Shirting Flannels at 50c a yard. A full assortment of other grades from 75c to $2.00 a yard. Fancy Scotch Shirting Flannels. 25c a yard. Fancy lona Shirting Flannels, 40c a yard. Unshrinkable Vlyella Shirting Flannels, 75c a yard. White Saxony Flannels, all grades ami widths, 25c to SI.OO a yard. Printed Wool t’hallles, 25c, 50c and 60c.