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Page Six EPORTING NEWS OF THE DAY, GATHERED FOR THE DETROIT TIMES RECOND COBBS ARE IfHERE. DEMANDING I RECOGNITION j i • r Kspeaktr and Hooper, Noisy Pair. I Are Challenging lor Georgian s 1 OutAelding Sov J ereignty. I Boston Series Gets Additional Fea i i ture of Interest Through Duel 1 Which Is Accordingly On. By PAUL H. BRUSrtE. Is lyrus Cobb going to nil supinely >' while some newcomer from th*» ush leagues w altzes a wav with his tie as champion outfielder of the [ universe, along with those additional fuallfkations and titles which he has accumulated during hW meteopic Aaseball career? % Will he be content to follow in the ’ footsteps of the — technically-speak ing— late Mr. Lajoie and s-e the title apt ‘ex" prefixed to his name? m. Is he going to hand over to Mr. [ Bpeaker*. Mr. Hooper or some of the ! Whe self-appointed successors that crown which he has won on so many haiti-fought fields, and at so great an expense of exertion and cuticle? Pardon us If, after a considerable acquaintance with the athlete la ques tion, we express the opinion that Mr. Cobb will uot. If anybody swipes that crown it will 1 be over Mr. Cobb's dead l osy. The Georgian has been challenged ( for the title and the series with Bos ton which will open today, will be the ! •esne of a neat three-cornered duel that is likely to prove everv bit as in terMting as the main one between the ‘Detroit and Boston teams, holders re-. •pectlvely of first and secoud positions j tr the American league race and that la going some, too. Open Season for Second Cobbs. Os course, this is the ti ne of year When Second Cobbs rise, flourish ami* decay. From out of the miners cornea* F;ja annual grist of outfielders who bat j left-handed and can sprint. These two 1 particulars are essential lor Second- Cobbing. if the reader w*U pardon auch excruciating assassination of our medium of speech. Quite often they get away with a couple of fool hardy stunts. They are accordingly ballet a r. having arrived. Fourlcolumn cuts appear in the home papers. The reg ular outfielders of the teams on w hich they play, are benched and start bid H log their time, muttering, the mean while, shocking words between their aet teeth. l Then usually develops an astonish - .log slump with the slap-stick. The pitchers’ union ascertains a certain i weakness and passes the word along. The Becond Cobbs begin to waver, thn populace calls for the veterans who have been biting their fingernails in unwelcome Idleness, the manager final ly throws a spasm and waivers are asked and received. Back to the minors along in June *o‘ four or five Second Cobbs and the game proceeds with the only original ttaderaarked article, of which all - -others are base imitations, still In hi a position at the firont of thep rocession. Boston Partial To ’Em. Boaton has of late been the most , prominent chaperone of the Second | * Cobbs. Last season It wis Thonev. “Bullet Jack” was the name by which he Is known In order to deferential him from the Second Cobbs of New York. Philadelphia, Cleveland and j other clubs. But Bullet Jack began tc : miss fire after a while. Ha Is still on the Boston payroll— or was, at last j Minister of Gospel Boxes Six Rounds With McFarland Tke gospel has many expounders, Out of the ordinary, but surely the ifndat tuilque Is Rev. "Kid ’ Wedge, of ■Mnuton. Neb., who, before he turn- I# to theosophy was western welter weight champion. W Rev. "Kid'’ Wedge dropped into Chi ftago a few days ago. .Preaching had | Straw n him a trifle flne. He needed m change to prevent him going stale xnentally. so he sought that doughty young athlete. Mr. Packey McFarland, >jpabitat the stock yards, who has de- ( Situs upon the crown of Mr. Battling Nelson, fighter and author. £ "Ccme on. Packey. put on the .gloves, and I'll demonstrate that mus cular Christianity Is a sweet consol er," suggested the parson-pugilist ; I’ackev was willing. Being willing Is tills long suit and he saw where he jpras to have some fun. f Packey had fun all right, out no Jpnors than Rev. * Kid” Wedge Witn out preliminaries the two mixed It. I * Hammer and tongs, lead and counter hook and Jab, swing and uppercut, they (ought Ihiuugh six furlouj rounds. . McFarland started w ith some fancy work, but was forced to cut it out and settle down to business to hold his own with the fighting parson ff ha hadn't been mighty careful, the pride of the south side would have taken the count. Those fortunate enough to witness those six rounds are congratulating themselves upon having seen tome of the classiest •ghthroiogy on record. When the alx rounds were conclud-1 •4 Rev. "Kid” Wedge Indulged In a breather and then took on Harry Forbes, bantam champion, for another J half doten periods. The account of the go was not kept by rounds, but all preeent agreed it was lightning faet Forbes la one of the cleverest little fellows In the business, but the grower of triows rained on him by his opponent forced him on the defensive from Mart to finish. —-Wwi It was all over McFarland and i Forbes were convinced that the par-; ton was some scrapper "If you hand tit gospel to them like you handed me your Beta, I guess they'll believe yon ell right." said Packey. And Forbes assented -*l always advise people who criticise Pavers to set out and get acquainted COBB FACES IMITATORS IN THE BOSTON SERIES ..... .... TV RI M CURB. S|M-nlirr and Hooper of Ike lloatou club that open* liere today, are after liia 1 rruu uaa oullleldlng king. accounts —but he is not p:*-sent now iin Detroit. ! Succeeding to the position left v»- 1 cant by Bullet Jack came Mr Speaker who hit something like .'>s<» in the Southern league and came round tic* circuit last fall Many enthusiast!.' advance eulogies were' spoken of Mr I Speaker. The American league bat 'ting lecords heartlessly chronicled 1 1 him at ."20. however. Speeches and Whoops. This spring, though Join l Tavlor, , still professed his trust tn Speaker, 1 ne also went out and hired something j still louder in Mr. Hooper. Whoops were promptly set off at Boston re garding the terrific batriug average* Mr. Hooper had acquired In some ‘ (league or other, out on *ne Pacific Coast. Both he and Speak*! have !>ee’> In a sort of hey day tip to and -te. against i thep itching offerings of V eastern [clubs and Cleveland. ! Frlm wHar Detroit has seen of the [ afoiesaid heavers, however, averages complied in this way do not lok extremely formidable. Still, there may be as great outfielders ns Ty Cobb in the making and -Boston may hav fjund two In fne year. At any rate they arep robablv the most loeicrl challengeis up to date and the eyes of Boston as well as Detroit ire focussed on their performances, when pitted or the same field, against those of the blown-in-the-bottle article which the league knows so well. Bush Deserves Consideration. Recurring for a women* ’»> the Sec ond Cobb question In generals it migh* not be out of the way to remark that lr the humble judgment of ‘he write' - , the nearest that anybody has come to developing a real companion to the i git at Georgian has been trie feat ac- j complished by I>etruit when It gave the coming-out party at which wee "Dcnle" Bush, t-rstwhlle of Indian-j spoils, was Introduced in high society : It’s an Injustice to ca:l "Donie a Second Cobb, however. He has never aspired tu anything of th * sort and he's an inflelder as brilliant in hWT way as Cobb is in his. when It comes to the defensive game play ed by eu< h | On the sacks, however, little '‘Donie” Is one of the sort that n< .er mlsseJ a signal, seldom makes an error of judgment and yet can beat out the In field hits with the best »f them and Wg it dow to first base at a clip fit to give anv inflelder called oil to handle | the'ball a fit of dgets. And that is Second-Cobbing beyond question. up*... "-IT *rf ! y REV. WEDGE. WHO WAS ”KID ,? * WEDGE. \ with the men they criticise.” said Wedge, ‘it would be well for minis ters and would-be reformers to know these so-called ‘human brutes. 1 an a little Information on the subject would probably .change their minds I use Strong words, but strong words are needed to awaken some ministers to the fact that instead of preaching against these men they should leave their pulpits and become acquainted gwilb them.” THE DETROIT TIMES: SATURDAY, MAY 15. 1909. RUSH 0F PAPKE j COIN A SURPRISE One-Time Thunderbolt Is Now Fa # , vorite ui His Match With Kelly, to be Pulled Otf Tonight S.W FRANCISCO. May 1;’ Hugo Kc’.'.y and Billy Papke, both claiming to bt in the best coudttim of tbeir ,<*<!« era today await the ht.triu.g bell wiinh this afternoon wili t,end them off on their 45-round batt'• at Coluia a: era. The ihlils which have b *n at even money for several weeks took a sud den freakish turn early inlay when a lush of Papke money male ihe Illinois Thunderbolt" the favorite. It is im possible so forecast at this ;lme which man will t>e the favorite i.i iho betting at the ringside. On* featute of the fight which has ari used as much Interest tere as any thing else is the practical certainty that the winner will claim the middle v right championship alleging that Stanley Ketchel the present title hold er. it too heavy to defend It. Both men predicted this morning that the right would not go the forty five round limit. Papke thinks he will score a knockout in less Hum fifteen | rounds, while Kelly is more modest ill his claims. FERGUSON-JEANNETTE GO IN PARIS POSTPONED Will Net Take Place Till Next Saturn day Niqht. It Is Now Announced. PARIS. May 15.—The right between Sandy Ferguson and Joe Jeannette, which was to have been pulled off to night, has been postponed until next Saturday night. Jim Barry, another one of the col ony of American heavyweights, has ar rived In Pails to challenge either (Jeannette or Sam McVay Harry has near 1 of the "easy money" to be pick ed up here and the adulation showerd i on "pugs" by the Paris sports and he 'is anxious to share in the good things. ITS rz,m BDUXX TO «M4.X J"***- x aw n* MMt Ur W T IA» a«i w\\\\ rax Sjter is Wrestling C^arrp. CLEVELAND. Ohio. May 14— The welterweight wrestling champion of America today is Otto Suter, ths stor kv Cleveland boy. He won the title here last night by defeating Charles Conkle of Hamilton. Ontario, in (-traight falls of forty-six and minutes, respectively. Con sea friend* ray he weakened himaerf in making the required weight. 142 oounds Thi Canadian really belongs in the middle weight class. t A MERIC AN LEAGUE. STtMIIMi. W L Pet. W. L Pet. Detroit Irt H .7X7 Chicago 11 11 Boston. 13 *i .619 develd. 9 11 4o9 w N York 12 9 .571 St Loul*. T 1* 33J Athl tlcs 10 9 .526 Wash ton 6 11 300 Yesterday's Results. St Louis 5 Washington 4. Bain elsewhere. Toddy’s t>dnie«, Boston at Detroit N»-w York at Cleveland Athletics at Chicago. Washington at at. I.ouls NATIONAL LEAGUE. STANDING. w; L. Pet. W. L. Pet. Ptsh'irg If 9 6:5 Brklvrv 11 11 .500 Phillies 12 9 .671 »'lnnatl 13 14 4>*l Chicago. i4 1 2 .SS» N York.. 9 1 2 429 Boston. 11 11 .100 St Louis 10 17 .3*o 3 r.ierdwC. Keaalfa. Cincinnati 7, Boston 4 Brooklyn 10 St Louis 4. Pi.lilies 2. Pittsburg 0. Chicago ♦>. New York 0. Tiwlny’* t.nmea. St Louis at Boston Pittsburg at Brooklyn Cincinnati at N-w York. Chicago at Philadelphia. - Sporting Notes ♦ ('olSnstfr Hick, £; < ralral of Ilrtrult, • v •» - J ♦ Julr Huatua la being hall»*l la Mrooklyn a* a riacund Cobb! —♦ — t.rorge V\ tnlvr mob it 1 lu 0 game for Montreal yesterday. —• — FI rat mnlluer of Iho aenaon SI Ite • r*-atlon park today If the course dries out. Ilia data «•» »h«- tlrfrolt > ai-hl club this war will he May 31. June 24, and July 31. Hut one American lenaue game tana played yesterday. Waddell beating Washington j to I. though for».»-d to < nil on Jack I'oweil in the final Inning. If |« generally conceited that fodu.f'a M A C. meet will lie between Cen tral and I* t\ r* The sprinting dual between VVidrnan and the Kjteigels will be ly watched. - ♦ * V in mill t due for the l> I». tour ists t* 1-xnslng and buk yesterday »ind another t<> J''>rt Huron today The tars start'-d with three Chalmers, tn.i ytoddirda a Franklin, arid two Maxwells still possessor* of perfect s> ore*. Smashes All Records. As an allround laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills can com -1 pare with Hr. King’s New Life Pills. They tone and regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, streug-! then the nerves; cure Constipation, 1 Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jaundice, i Headache. Chills and Malaria. •‘Try them. At E C. Klnsel, Central Diug Cos., Gray A Worcester. •fob Printing done right. Times Print -4 lag tv. IS John R.-at. l'hons 1491. i GIRL PITCHER, TOURS COUNTRY TO PROVE SHE CAN REALLY RIVAL MEN ALTA VvXKS D V. S CALLS BLUFF OF MICH SCHOOLMASTERS Will Send Team to M. A. C’s l/<teT* scholastic and has Formal In vitation. 1 The fart that Detroit University school will hare a team oh the*field at M A C. to take part in the big i\nun Interscholastic annually pulled oft t>> 'the state Institution is evidence o ithe intention of the private school t thoroughly test the sincerity of h> j Michigan schoulmasers who recently i passed a series of rules prescribing what constitutes athletic eligibility and enumerating se\eral counts which would certainly tar I>. U. S. from in terscholastlc competition. The schoolmasters, after passing these rules, placed themselves on rec ord as accepting them for their own schools, as well as pledging . them selves not to allow their own athletes to compete against rivals not eligible according to the code which, among other items, prescribes that every student shall carry 12 hours of work, and shall not be rewarded by a sweat er or other Insignia, for his athletic competition. Coach Knickerbocker, of the I). U. , S . is making the trip on the invitation of Coach Brewer, of the M A. C. team who is the manager of the meet and j who asked D. U. S to bring along any athletes they might pick, exclusive of 1 I those over Hi and scholastically in eligible. , The men who represent D..U. S. in 'the meet are the Spiegels in the dashes and hurdles, Clarke and New | ton In the jumps. Sch U-e in the half mile, Noble in the mile. Barton in the pole vault. Mount in the two-mile. Kesterson in the hurdles and quar ter, and Candler and Tuomey In the 220 and the relay. O'BRIEN - STILL CUTE. Philadelphia Jack Manages to Get Long End of Purse in B g Bout* PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. May 15 Jack MetJutgan and Jack O'Brien have • ••,: o.ex on the £-I champi u ja> k Johnson, according to the spot 's heie. When the pair were matched for their fight, which takts place here next Wednesday night, Johnson in sisted that be would have no part of a percentage division. ‘ Name your fig ure." demanded McGuigan and the r.egro said " $5.000 ’’ That was satl-v , factory to McGulgan and he tendered a somewhat smaller amount to the Philadelphian. The latter balked on 'this. -Me for the percentage” he sail. ' I am game enough to take a chance and I believe 1 am a big enough draw ing card in my home town to draw 1 box office receipts that will break a record.” McGuigap gave in promptly and If is now believed that O'Brien will receive more than S7,O<W us his share of the gate receipts. Manufacturers’ League Games. The following games will be played in the manutacturers' league schedule Saturday afternoons Gray Motor Cos. vs. Ke mi weld Can Cos. Hammel grounds, Ulx and Llv einols. umpire John Koach, scorer Leo 1 Callaghan. j American I*ady Corset Cos. vs. De ! trolt Lubricating Cos, Spnx-ke* grounds, umpire Emil Brighter, score' Harrv Redmond. E -M.-F. Cos, vs. Burnham Sfoepel Cos. E.-M.-F. grounds, u npire Jim Brandon, scorer Ed Henderson. Burroughs (Adding Machine Cos. vs. Hayes Mfg Cos.. Kemllweld Can grounds, umpire Maurice Myers, scorer Wm Sayers. The league’s dance Thursday even ing -at the "RMrott' V/fceeime* was -ex-. ; tr* mely well attended ind scored a big success YESTERDAYS~D A. D A RUN WAS TO LANSING AND BACK The Rhmr U roßlrlhwlek lij n rurnlHe realdln« ueiir * hrlaea iinil repreaeuta hi* ree«»llrrtlou us the w»r the enra looked, na It ape.l pnat. maklim op aome of the tlwie loal In the nee. eaanrlly lelaorelv pno»*e Ihroimli hoatlle Ano Arbor. rtualneae-l the I‘rlNlUt Xo ruis *ni no feather*. The plain, nest kind that ! looks right. Tlmea Printing Cn, No IIS John It-sL Phono 14»«. § jj -f VERMILION. O . May 14 —Have you ever seen Alta Weiss, the girl pitch *r? Well, she’s the candy kid. ull ight, when it comes to playiug ball. .>f course, she Isn't a finished player, but at that site has something on a lot of these semi-pros. Miss Weiss pitches well. She has splendid control, a g*M>d. fast breaking curve, more speed than you'd expect, and a bewildering change of pace, which is in itself an asset —if you won t believe It ask Clarke Griffith. In addition to doing a fine and fancy flinging act, Alta is. in the phraseol ogy of the pastime, "there with the noodle ” She fields well, handling bunts with ease and gets the ball away fast and to the proper place when she gets,hold of it. At bat she is not so much. Usualiy she pushes the bat toward the ball, ungracefully and without force, but her father, who travels with her. Ims been instructing her in the art of meeting the ball properly, and this spring she claims to have mastered the art of standing up to the plat* and whaling away with enough strength to make base hits occa sionally. This summer the girl pitcher will travel with her team the Weiss All Stars, a fast semi-professional outfit. , which is open for games with the best »teams In the country. Banners vs. Lilies. The Banner Cigar Manufacturing Company employes, will play th*< Lilies’ Cigar Manufacturing employes, on the Mack-uve. grounds. Saturday. May 15. Manage! Frank Uai tell of the Banners, would like to have Umpire 1 Mahoney report at same place at 2 00 p m. The Banners would also like to hear from the Hemmeter Cigar Com pany GRAFTER DIES SUDDENLY. John H Sanderson Had Been Convict ed In Capitol Scandal. NEW YORK. May 14—John H Sanderson, a contractor of Phlladel phla. who had been convicted on the charge of defrauding the state of Pennsylvania In the building of the $13,000,000 state capitol at Harrisburg, died suddenly of heart disease In Sherry's yesterday afternoon. He had Just returned from a drive through Central park. He left Sherry's in a victoria for a drive through the park, but after he had been out but a short time he told the driver to hurry back, as he felt HI. When he reached the hotel ; lie went at once to his apartments and told a maid to call a doctor. He i then went Into his bedroom to lie down, and when the doctor arrived he found the contractor dead. I The Pennsylvania contractor had ! been living at Sherry's ever since his i conviction on March 12, 1908, having , come here with his bride. All information concerning Mr. San derson's death was refused at Sherry s and the statement was at first given •out shat he was out of town It was known that he had been ill In his apartments for several months. Whether or not his wife was with him is not known, but it was said by Ia friend that his wife was in Phila delphia. > The fatg|that has followed the In vestigation of the Pennsylvania capitol graft scandal, claimed a fifth victim in "Sanders >n.‘'SK.cL r«AT. -vzz -z r?**!”- tary exile from Pennsylvania, under heavy bail awaiting sentence on a ! ' harge of defrauding the state of ' Pennsylvania out of amounts various ly estimated at from $1,000,000 to $5,- 000.000. Are You Going West? Drop a postal card to Robert C. Jones, Michigan Passenger Agent. Chi cago. Milwaukee ft St Paul Railway, 212 Majestic building. Detroit, and re ceive by return mail folder descrip tive of the Alaska-Ydkon-Patlflc Expo sition at Seattle, June 1 to October 16, 1909 BOARD OF EDUCATION BGHOOL SITES OFFICE, 50 BROAD , WAY. Detroit. Mich., May 14. I*oo. j Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o’clock noon, Tuos-j day. May 2. r >th next, for the following school sites: Site for a public school building In the vicinity of Livernols ave. Hnd Her bert st. Site for a public school hullfling In ♦he vicinity of <*har!evo!x-st. and t Burns ave. WILLIAM J. LKK. Secretary. J KLING NECESSARY IN CUBS’ LINEUP The manuei* in which the Pittsburg team has shown up the champion Cubs in their series, does not speak well for the hackstopping department of Chance's pennant thasers The Pittsburgers ran wild on the bases and Hans Wagner, In particular, had a large time. Just as predicted. It la voiced, that it won't be long before "Chubby Charlie ' Mur phy gets busy and agrees to meet the demands of Catcher John Kling within a few days. CAPONI BREAKS LOOSE. Quits Manager Harri* and Goes to Memphis to Fight Donovan. CHICAGO, May 15—Tony Caproni. local Italian middleweight who for | sometime has been under the manage ment of Cal Harris has parted com pany with the latter and urranged a i match on his ow n book. He has gone to Memphis. Tenn . w here he will fight Mike Donovan of Rochester In a 10- round battle They will weight tn at 156 pounds at 3 o'clock on the day of the flßht. Tommy ilbane of Cleveland has arrived t o work with Johnny Cou pon In the latter a preparation for his fl*ht with Monte Attell. It is true, in every sense, that COLORADO as a SUMMER RESORT U stands high Ask or tend for our beautiful illustrated book, “Colorado” The Popular Route to Colorado it the UNION PACIFIC Every inch protected by Electric Block Signala The Safe Road to Travel Dining Car Meal* and Service “Best in the World** FOR RATES AND INFORMATION INQUIRE OF F. B. CHOATE. C. A., II Fort It, Dotrolt. Mloh. FISHERMAN’S SPECIAL $3.00 All Agate Steel Rods. at . . 53.53 Other Steel Rod* $1.33 to $3.30 40-rard Heels. Doc value, at 33c S-Julateil llhrdm ouil Hud* 10c BVKIIVTHIXti (iIARAUTKED. Mf* %lm iy vnZoSwmr* „ Avmnmm New Spring Shirts For Alert IVho Care At sl , $1.50 and $2 These Shirts are New—fresh from the makers within the past few days. The quality of the amterials is there, the work manship is there, and behind them is the Hudson guarantee. They are the finest Shirts at st, $1.56* and $2 that, we be lieve. are sold anywhere in Detroit. All with plaited bosoms, for plaited bosoms are the thing this spring among g*x>d dress ers. Smart New Neckwear at 50c A large collection unpacked yesterday—latest in shapes, latent in patterns and colorings. Men who appreciate really smart and refined Neckwear at fifty cents will like these. The J. L. Hudson Cos. LAKE THUS HIS TEAIUMS GREAT Manager of Boston Aggregation Has Selected a Team of Sprinters Who Can Simply Fljr. * There Is no luck ut confluence iu tlu Huston contingent which pulled off the Cleveland boat tills nunulng an 1 wended Its way to tile Cadillac. The Hoiton bunch has Just finished the conquest of the Cleveland Naps iu thiee consecutive games ulid expects to give the Tigers everything that is coming to them. The who»e regular team, with but out. or two exceptions is made up of ulleged second Cobbs, it was formed with a sole to have its per sonnel able to murch the iuo yards in t« n and this principle Uaj been fol lowed throughout. In some cases, it is alleged that running ability lets them uUi but Hu*, h Is now tiio opinion of Mr. Lake, the Huston manager. "1 think 1 have tiie best team of the eastern dubs this year. ’ said Lake. 'Cot so many good pitchers that I i at.not find work enough for them to do. Have been relying on Charley Chech, and he has won live out of sic and would Imve won the other game but for an error. Charley will be our mainstay us long as the weather sta>s cool. When it gets goo 1 and hot ho will take his w ife and Asn rod und go up Into Maine and rusticate. He can stay up there for a month and then ho will be right on edge for the autumn ugain. ' Morgan. Steele and Arellunes are going good, and Wolter and Burchell are ready to go against the teams that are long on southpaws Ja» k Ryan will be saved fur the warm weathe r . Should the temperature rife a littlj here | may get a chance to use him. We don’t look weak anywhere. In Speaker we have a man who Is going ito give Ty Cobb rtn awful battle for 1 the honor of being the best all aroun-l I outfielder iu the league. Tris is bat ting way ahead of Cobb now. He has a better throwing arm tflau Tv and 1 •think *.m field his posl'ion equal to any man living, even Hirmlnghatu. Hooper Is a comer and will Improve with experience.'* Liberty* vi. Imperials. The I.inertv A C. will play the Im perial Sunday at LieiuinJre and Frans worth Liberty would like to hear from Mgr. Hensett. Call It 11U4-L, be tween H 3m and H 00 p. m. Any IS year-old team wishing fames phons R 11041,. D, U. S. v«. Toledo. The lietroit I’nlversltv School base ball team will entertain the team from Toledo High S hool at Elmwood field. Saturday afternoon, play being called I at 2 : 30. 3 aad .t-jolnteri llamkeo Ito.l» 33c aad 45c • 1.33 uid SI.OO Hob. Trout Files. at 35c Dos. All sixes King Hooks at Sc TRI-I'AKT MKISIBLBAtTI ItICKLS. |S