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Page Two Kl r 0 wa«t th 6 E»*? „« ***>• L* V -■ - * rPantan Bread ffc - tl'-HAT ALL DEALERS ’* | r * • ~ —Newberry Baking Cos. Iff(|| Bring This Ad E"jßf ||l| To our Saturdav or Monday and we will ||| ip $1 1" Klve you f 1 25 AMUSEMENT or 30 GREEN TRADING 888 ' STAMPS with every 60c purchase. 11. Double Stamps in Our BUTTER DEPT. 1 tlvenr thrifty housekeeper is collecting stamps, why not you? You HfS entitled lo them. Degin right now. On top of it vou can alwavs de- P»Bd on getting FRESHER and BETTER GOODS than elsewhere for your ■NMrsrthe popular - Library tea co. 51-53-55 bratiot aye. (Creamery BUTTER t Strictly Pure . t Churned Daily * Phone*—-Main SOT, City 30*. iTOWAR’S WAYNE GO. CREAMERY .* -71 €*RAND RIVER AVE. K. . lIAFER BROS, j 0/0 DROP IN OUR i BUTTER |ORR 25c PRICE HOW 230 LOUR 22c PRICE Z . ROW 20c §ORR 20c PRICE No#^4fc M>UR 18c PRICE NOW 17c JORR 5-18. ROLLS At 5 NOW $1.15 M>RR 5-LB. ROLLS AT $l"lO NOW SI.OO |ORR 5-LB. CROCKS AT SI.OO NOW 90c |ORR 5-LB. CROCKS AT 90c NOW 850 ■ BEST CREAMERY BUTTER MADE 29c f CHOICE FRESH BUTTERHfE 12VaC, 14c, 16c LB. \ SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY: 6 lbs. Best Gran. Sugar 25c 9 Bars QUEEN ANNE SOAp7 25c Your choice with orders of SI.OO or more. ton ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ This Moans Money ior You ORR 25c TEA SELLS FOR 35c ELSEWHERE * OUR 35c TEA SELLS FOR 50c ELSEWHERE. * OUR 40c TEA SELLS FOR 60c ELSEWHERE. I TEA DUST, 15c; 2 LBS. FOR 25c. : Unexcelled Coffee Values: l Simko 22c lb. (2i/a lb*. 50c) Sells for 30c Elsewhere * Lakeside 25c (Mocho & Java) Sells for 35c Elsewhere Refolar 25c Coffee, Our Price 18c (3 lbs. 50c) * Good Coffee, 12Vkc and 15c lb. |.i {Canned Goods and Dried Fruits: Ec«rfl. Pm and Tomato... Our Price 3 Cans 25c * All kinds of Canned-Goods, Dried Fruits. Cereals, Etc., £*old at cut price. Give ns a trial. We can save you money. t TELEPHONE MAIN 1886-4599, CITY 1886 ~~ | Laser Bros. i|VHOLEBALE AND RETAIL oaaiLiao square lUftigiritors lo Ordar a Specialty J. A. HANNA Dtrect Representative of The Alaska Refrigerator Cos. ALASKA REFRIGERATORS . KITCHEN SPECIALTIES . Zluc. White Enamel, Porcelain, Opal Glass , - Linings. 48 CADILLAC 8Q UARE, DETROIT, MICH. THfc DETROIT TIMES: SATURDAY, JUNE j. tgog. DECLARES COUNT ' STOLE WIFE'S LOVE Moritz Shapiro Sues for $50,000 Damages—Love, War, Cossacks, Turks. Heroism, Elopement, Some Elements. NEW YORK. June 4. —You can hear the explosion of bombs, the clatter of dishes in a Grand-st. restaurant and the plaudits of the people in the Third* at temple of vaudeville all through the story of a love that began in far off Bukharest and was shattered eight years later In Forsyth-st. And the golden undertone Is the merry chink of the $50,000 that Mor itjc Shapiro, an actor, of No. 116 East One Hundred and Eighth at., hopes to get from Heytnan Klatiko, proprietor of the restaurant at No. 25*4 Grand •t. in a suit tor the alienation of the affections of Lizzie Shapiro. Although called Klattko in the legal papers served yesterday, the proprietor of that restaurant is, Shapiro believes. Count Michael Michaelovltch Barrtn* off. colouel of the czar's guard of hon or, commander of a thousand Cossack troopers at Tifll# and the head of the Russian secret agents in this country, and that the restaurant is only a blind. Lizzie says she has heard something of the slrt and Klatzko admits that he is Count Barzinoff. He has medals and a diploma from the Louis and Clark exposition to prove It. But be yond that he serves no secrets with his meals. In 1890 the count saved the life of the Grand Duke Sergius by cutting down a bomb thrower with hts sabre. The bomb fell from the assassin's hands and killed two lesser noblemen, but tne doom of Sergius was postpon ed. Shapiro was a matinee idol in Buk harest. Lizzie was the daughter of a free lance of the Balkans, wno spent so much time in leading his band against the Turks that he didn't real ize how often his pretty daughter went to the theater. She fell in love with Moritz and he with her. They were married and fled to London, for the patriot father had Intended that his daughter should become a spy and de vote her life to the warfare against the Turks. In England the bride went on the stage. Six year* ago ahe came here to star In the theatera of the east aide. Her blue eye*, golden hair and beau* tifu! complexion would give her a place In the front row of any Broad* way ahow girl group, but her Engllah i still limp* too much for that. As It is she la a top liner for many a pop ular little play house that Broadway and its tribe never dreamed of. And she la the bright particular star in the after-the-show group at the Rec* ter’* of Grand-st. She is also the mother of a daughter. Rose, seven years old, for whom she keeps house at No. 107 Forsyth-st. In his complaint Shapiro alleges that during his absence In Colorado for hJs health his wife went too often to the headquarters of the Russian and that the count, with flattery. Jew els. rare woods inlaid with silver by Cossack craftsmen and other costly gifts, won the affections of the actress. The count admits that he has often lent Mr*. Shapiro money and has giv en her trinkets in acknowledgment of the pleasure she has given him by her art, but nothing more. The actress denies the charges but Intimates that she loves her husband 1 no more. To prove that her husband has not supported her all the time she , has given the count to use In his de fense office receipts for money she sent him while he was sick in Colorado. Both Barsinoff and Mrs. Shapiro say the actor tried to persuade his wife to Join in a conspiracy to get money from the count and then return to Rouma nln. FEUDIST STARTS OUT TO “SHOOT UP” JACKSON Wholesale Battle la Threatened When 100 Revolvers are Drawn In Kentucky Town. JACKSON, Ky., June 4. —More than 100 revolver* were drawn at one time on the streets here last night and a wholesale battle threatened as the re sult of A. S. Jonnson, notorious feud ist, starting out to shoot up the city Johnson two year* ago so tarroriied the court where lie was on trial that tmte troops were ordered out to pro tect the Judge. Thursday, losing an other suit before Judge Adams, he later attempted a personal encounter with the Judge, but was restrained. Angered at this, Johnson became in toxicated and after threatening to kill a prominent attorney If he carried out I his intention to run for circuit Judge, ; proceeded to shoot up the town. To jgether with Jake Noble, another well [ known feudist, fully 100 shot* had been flred before officers could over power him. Johnson was allowed to i»e taken home by friends, but w hlle the officers were escorting Noble to Jail, members of the Deatoh feud fac tion interfered anu In a moment 100 or more revolvers were drawn and serious shooting threatened. Officers, however, succeeded In disarming the leaders and getting tnelr man to Jail without bloodshed. BOY S LEGS BROKEN Tot Tsrribly Injured by Wagon; Driv er Hurries Away. Bol.imon Tahman, the 4-year-old son of H. Tahman, of No. 127 Benton-st., w*s run over and terribly Injured by a dirt wagon In front of his home. Thursduy afternoon, and though an angry mob of neighbors chased the wagon for some distance, the driver whipped up his horses and escaped. Witnesses declare that the ithu was driving very recklessly when one of the horses knocked the little fellow dowii, and his body went under the wheels of the heavy wagon, which broke both of his leg*. The excite ment Iftcldent to caring for the !>oy Allowed the driver to make hts escape. Holothon was sent to the Children's Free hospital, where It Is reported that he will recover. Trouble Vaker* Ousted. When a sufferer from Htomarh trouble takes Dr. King's New Life Fills he's mighty glad to ae e his Dyspepsia and Indigestion fly, but more—ho’s tickled over h!s new, fine appetite, strong nerves, healthy vigor, , all because stomach, liver and kidnev* 1 now work right. C. E. Kinsel, Central j Drug Cos. and Gray A Worcester. j THREE HUNDRED COLLAPBIBLE LEATHERETTE Go-Carts I \\ Complete With Hoods at I \\ Less Than Half Price The E. C. Frady Mfg. Cos., of Chicago, 111., con lk\ eluded to go out of the go-cart business and stick to i %\\ th<? manufacture of toys exclusively. They closed | \\s r- l out to us at * css tlian P r ' ce 3°° °* t * lc ‘ r co^a P s *“ Dl' 1 yrviaa l . # yjj^' ble r *°" Carts which retailed regularly at $8.50. VVi. They go on sale today at .alk — _ _ <tn no termß: aJjgfiWPMi U.UU "*"•*» This * s ar l°west figure evcr on a guaranteed col- * " i —' 11 11 """T—" —^ IWE TRUST THE PEOPLE" j 'f I9Q-92-Q4-Q6-MICHIGAN AVEI MWM«mii«'.'.-i-':Ur .<"’ l|^,-;;.H-.1 1 ' " ' ■ - . " ' * 1 ■" ■' "V' , * p,M ‘"* p —' ■■■■——■■■ Saturday's Bulletin On Our Second Floor gL June Sale of Under Muslins A Big Saturday Special in Lingerie Waists $1.50 <(M fjf) Values for tP -L. \J One hundred dozen —a recent purchase—dainty Lingerie Waists —new collar and sleeve effects —all over em broidery, lace trimmed; newest, prettiest models; actual value 5 ( (T1 HO sale price tPI.v/U Novelties in Tub Skirts Satuiday we shall make an excellent showing of the new est in Tub Suits, in Linens, in Repps and Crashes; colors, white, blue and pink. Very latest tailored and embroider ed effects. Stylish new mod -57.50, SIO.OO $12.50 Princess Wash Dresses Pretty new ideas arc— attractively made and very daintily gotten up. We have them in Linen and in Repp, lace and embroidery trimmed. Very attractive. Prices— $7.50, $lO, sls DELRAY BRANCH: 2211-2217 JEFFERSON AVE. WEST Immense Selections, Finest Qualities, Lowest Prices Never in our history have we been so well prepared for our Great June Sale of Under Muslins. For months we have been preparing for it; for months our customers have been looking forward to this Great Sale. Note our magnificent stocks, our pretty designs and dainty effects. NIGHT GOWNS. Sale Prices.... 50<\ 75<S SI.OO, $1.50, $1.98 DRAWERS. Sale Prices. ... 19*, 25c 4 , 38*, 50c, 65C, 75* CHEMISE. Sale Prices 50C, 75C, $1.00,* $1.50, $1.98 LONG SKIRTS. Sale Prices 75C, SI.OO, $1.50, $1.98 SHORT SKIRTS. Sale Prices 500, 750. SI.OO the new combination garments. Sale Prices SI.OO, $1.50, $1.98 PRINCESS SLIPS. Sale Prices $1.98, $2.50, $2.98 Children’s Under Muslins DRAWERS, from IOC up Gi )WNS, from 50C U P SKIRTS, from SO<? up Make your selections now while stocks are large and complete. Tailored Skirts, vl^Vr 18 ' 80 . $6.75 \ * ■ L Again today, Saturday, we shall have on Sale anew line of very attractive Tailored Skirts, made to our own order from doth* purchased at a large discount from regular prices. New gored and pleated models, in White Sicilians and White Serges, in fine Silk Trimmed Black Voiles, Black and Navy Chiffon Panamas and in the new fancy stripe English Wor steds. Regular sio.oo and $12.50 Values for $6.75. Stylish models are shown in large sizes for stout Women, and also new models for Small Ladies. WE TRUST TMI PEOPLE Saturday's Bulletin On Our Second Floor Children’s Wash Dresses Another excellent line of Pretty Little Novelties for the Little Folks in Wash Dresses. New models—new designs— new colorings, in plain and fancy effects, in checks, in stripes and in plaids. Regular $2.98 Values—Saturday’s Sale Price— sl.9B In our Juniors’ and Misses’ Section, we are showing an exceedingly choice selection of very pretty Novelties in the New Wash Dresses—latest m ° de| »' Our New Wash Skirts Special attention is invited to our new line of pretty mod els in Wash Skirts. All the very latest ideas in newest materials, in Linens, Crashes and Imported Repps; in white and colors. Including the new “Hoqklttt” Skirt. Can be washed and ironed like a handkerchief. No hooks or eyes, no wrinkles. The very latest Out. Trices from— $1.50 UP.