Page Two STRIKERS IN HOMESTEAD ARE STANDING FIRM Trainmen Demand Reinstate* ment of Trainmaster Dis charged on Pretext CARNEGIE STEEL CO. INVOLVED IN DISPI TEj Operations in Two Plants Are Tied l'p—Both Sides Keep Counsel PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Nor 17.—Strik ing trainmen In the monster plants of the United States Steel Corporation in Homestead, Brad Jock and Franklin, following au executive meeting held In Pennsylvania hail, Braddock. de clared that they would not recede from the position taken in their state ment earlier In the day. Meanwhile the Carnegie Steel com pany officials refused to discuss the matter and freignt cars, guards and other precautions we;© being taken for what It is feared may develop into a strike involving the thousands of men iu the big industrial plants. While there haß not been any threat of a sympathy strike among other branches of employe* In the mills, the placing of a cordcn .of loaded freight cars around the plants and the stationing of guards by th© company today has oaused bad feeling among not only the striking trainmen but other of the employes who are still at work. Already some 20,000 men are seri ously hampered in their work and If the deadlock continues may join the trainmen on strike. Neither side, however, is anxious to fight to the fin ish. The Homestead strike of 1892 when Pinkerton detectives shot down the rioting striker* and much proper ty waa destroyed baa not been forgot ten by either the men or the com pan v and both sides are going slowly and carefully in their negotiations. How serioug the trouble is cannot! be accurately determined becauso both the company and the men are, keeping their own counsel, both sides fearing spies. Charges that a carload of strike breakers were taken into the plants of the big ateei works at Homestead and Braddock today were made by the striker* but officials of the company vehemently deny this. It was also •aid that the steel company was plac ing cots In the physical laboratories. Extra guards were posted today iu advantageous positions around the mills to as to be prepared for any emergency. This forms a formidable bulwark in case of trouble. In a lengthy statement Issued by the strik ing trainmen today their grievances are outlined. The men are in a de termined mood and declare they will not five in until the three men dis charged for circulating petitions ask ing for a readjustment of wages are reinstated. The company likewise is determined not to give In. The tie-up is complete In the big steel corporation plants. Only four engines out of 5 within the Home stead plant were moving today. The striking trainmen's statement as drawn up by a committee from the various mills concerned Is as follows- J. C. lotwler, of the Homestead flteel works, discharged Harry Alls house, an assistant train master, ap parently without cause. He was told that he was sleeping on duty, w hen, as a matter of fact, they could not give a date for this alleged infraction of the law's governing the work. The man had a petition circulated some time previous to this in which it was requested that a wage scale be given consideration, and several men from the transportation department were instrumental in having his petltlou circulated, among them Mr. Allshouse. His discharge followed as soon as the company officials learned that he was on« of the leaders. The men worked until 12 o’clock Friday midnight, in the meantime passing the word around that Alla hiHis* had been discharged, and at 12 •‘clock midnight they ran their en gines to the round house. One of the officials notified Mr. Ijiwler that the men wanted to see him. Mr. came to the mill, and. later A. R. Hunt. The men told the officials they wanted Mr. Allshouse reinstated. Mr Hunt said that he could not place him. out Just before Mr. Hunt was called Mr. Lawler stated that Mr. Hunt could grant the demands of the men. The workmen stayed on the premises for aome time until one of the officials aaid that if the wheels could not turn the man would hav© to leave the plant. 111* petition in question was a short ou# and did not demand artWthlng from the company, only making a re quest that the corporation take up tbo wagu scale for consideration; that la. that they consider the advisability of paying the men the same wages given the union railroad employes Asa matter of fact the transportatton men handle the same material an those on the union railroad. After the men left the plant u meet- In* was called for 10 o'clock that morning, which wan Saturday, Nov. r*. and at this meeting, Brad dock work* wai represented by a large delegation. In addition to the tneu from the Homestead plant. At the meeting It was decided by the Brad dock men to cal) the employes front the Bessemer plant, the men front the latter works haring the •ame kind of a grievance as their brothers front Homestead, in that Thomas McMunn and Michael , Mulkearn were discharged apparently Without cause, because they hsd been leaders In circulating the petition among the men Thomas <'o*grov«. of transportation, discharging the two ■ men. Mulkearn was discharged for ' being en agitator, while McMunn (ft* 'given no reason why be should be Idlacuarge l One of the leaders in clr ,'culatlug the petition at the Bessemer -7IGH7 LACING A CRIME AGAINST INBORN MILLIONS ' denvek. Colo., Nov. 27 Corsets . rirlruTEfi afttma tgitn nnm tyatat aaborg mMUoaa ewd asatoet (k* Mffe destiny «f woman as mother of the race. , Tht* ultimatum went forth from the closing aemtya of th" < loraao met hers iongre*s 4 “Tight lgrtMß should be tabooed for all thinking women,*’ tie* la red \l.« K i •*«! Mali, one of the loaders \ snify and all fleeting de-ire for rar lYtw waists and r.pider like dimensions should be «tirbed for th*' snk** <*t un »>n Idt.s !f J* a crime against the in** 1 hm«i ;igaiu« \ U>» «MM foi gi vosnsu about to become a mother to la*e her «oreet fight!. Tuc 1•; I dwarfs 'tie mental. and plivshal de»elouni'Mit oi the uahoi n child who comes ip to the world souietiu*«» with little kWiriiivJ hjiU '.v *»k of j motlici s acuselcs* pi de EH *. ;'$ plant had a conference with t os grove and the former said a threaten ling strike could be avoided by word I from him that the two men b« placid I back at work The same condition oi affuirs existed at the Homestead plant, the committee asking tor the rein statement oi Allshouse. The Homestead committee visited I Mr. Hunt, at Homestead, yesterday. I and asked him for a reason for the I discharge of Mr. Allshouse, but he ! refused to answer the men They stated to Mr. Hunt that if lie could give a truthful cause for his discharge, the men woutd go tn work, 'llie *aaio thin* happen*,] in Hraddock, A Com inittee visited Mr Cosgrove, when lie refused to sta’e his reasons for b discharge of Me Mann and Mulkearn. The men headed by their commit tees are determined to stand thet ground, come what will, and so mat ters stand at present. SMELTER TRUST TO GET GOVT 1 PROBE Stifling of Competition Alleged by Freezing Out of Lit tle Fellows WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 —A sweep ing investigation of the alleged •’sm.eiter trust,” including the Gug genheim and Green interests, will be demanded this winter, Cbairmau Henry, of the house rules committee, was advised today. Representative Martin t Democrat», Colorado, is the author of the inquiry. He has request ed that a special rule be authorized by the rules committee making the smelters probe privileged and seek ing'appointment of a special commr* tee to' take tpatlmony. Chairungi Henry would not state today wbetner Martin s demands for a special rule would be acceded to, but said Martin would be accorded an eaily and com plete hearing upon his resolution. A mass of evidence has been ac cumulated by Martin, letters, copies of alleged agreements aud other docu ment*. Representative Henry charges that the ‘ trust” has stifled competition in various states, closing up both large and small smelters. Martin cites on« instance, at Pueblo. Col., where, lie alleges a large plant was dismantled, throwing 1,500 men out of employ ment. On the Pacific coast and in Montana also, Martin asserts, small plants have closed. LOCAL STOCK FIGURES SHOW FEW CHANGES There were few significant chauge3 on the Detroit Stock exchange. Wed nesday, the holiday contributing to the dullness. Scotten-DiUon was a point higher to 87 bid, and the supply is wanting. Acme White Lead pre ferred was a fraction better at 25 asked. Detroit ft Cleveland Naviga tion eased off a quarter to 105 Asked Detroit Iron and Steel common drop ped a half to 9Vs asked, and there la no demand for it. United States Radiator common was also off a hal* to 10 asked, though the bid held at nine. General Motors preferred was strong, the bid going up a point to 78. with stock at B. VICTIMS IN STARCH FACTORY NCMBER NINE WAUKEGAN, 111. Nov. 2}.—Dissat isfied with the progress being made by the Corn Products Refining Cos., in the search for bodies in the ruins ot their starch plant w hich waa destroyed by a fire and explosion, Monday. Mayor J. F. Blddlnger today took charge of the work, and put a large force of city firemen and street clean er* on the job Nine dead have been identified, it was believed today that two ajid pos sibly more bodies, were in the ruins of the starch plant. Seven of the in jured In the hospital were expected to die. One of the most seriously burned i men whose eyes were burned out, waa not expected to live many hear* FIREMAN MEETING TEST , FIREI) BY SUFFRAGETTE PORTLAND. Or*., Nov. 27—Frits Vedder, wanted to be a fireman He was directed to pick out a nice, hign porch to climb as hls fimt lesson. ll* relumed later with a V shaved ■•ct'.oc cut out of his lip wher* a militant suffragette. Into whose tooru fie bad climbed, bit him wlib a bootjack. WIFE’S GLASS EYE ON HIM BRINGS DIVORCE CHrTTAMO Wis. Nov 27.—John Scbueier ha* started suit for divorce because, be sa>s, hi* wife, when «>u retiring, places her glass Aye on the floor, where John will step on it it hurt* hit, bare feet. Howell Wanta Mail Delivery. HOWELL. Mich, Nov. 27.-(Spe cial.) —Although Howell'* population 1* not large enough for free mall de livery. the secretary of the Howell Commercial club will correspond with the po*tma»»er-general to that end it la learned there will be some towns tried out, although not up to the stand ard iu population. Accident Victim Dead. Joseph Hetherington. 6o years old. who was twice Injured within a month in building accidents, died. Tuesday. In the home of his daughter. Mrs John A. Donahy. No. 1458 Twelfth-at Mrs Hetherington recently brought suit againat the D. IT. R . for injuries •Ofttalned by herself and »wo grand children. In a street car accident. The family raine to Detroit from Ixmdou. Ont., wbout a year ago. THE DETROIT TIMES; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1912. PLANNED TO VOTE MORE CASH FOR LIBRARY SITE Estimators Me?t Frida) Night io Consider Request for SIIO,OOO Bond Issue TO ESTABLISH ART CENTER ON WOODWARD Project, Including N>\% Museum. Will Represent Outlay of $3,000,000 r ihe board of estimates will hold a special meeting, Friday njfi. u> act ou the council'll request t«>r a bond issue of SIIO,OOO, wttb waicti the li brary board can buy more land on Woodward-ave., between Kirby and Putnam-avea. Thia will be anotner step toward the creation at this point ou Woodward-ave.. of one of the greatest art centers In the country. A conservative estimate of the cost of the art project when completed is 50.000.000. The immensity and im portance of the project are just be ginning to dawn on many of the city officials. For some time the trustee* of the Art Museum and tne library conitnis sioners have oeen working To con junction on the project. The plans call for a haudsome new museum on the east side of Woodward-ave., be tween Kirby-ave. and Karas wort h-at. The new Carnegie library will Z\ dl rectly opposite the art museum, on the wejft aide of Woodward-ave.. and there will be a plaza between the two buildings The land to be used tn the project, nearly ell of which has been acquired, will have twice the acreage of Grand Circus park. The trustees of the Art Museum now ow n the two blot ks bounded by Wood ward-ave . on the west, Kirby ave. on the north, John R.-st on the east, and Farnsworth-st.. on the south. The council and the board of estl* 1 mates last spring appropriated SJUU.- 000 for the main auditoifiuni of the new Art Museum which will occupy the center of the two blocks. Fred eriek-st.. between Woodward-ave and John K.-st., to be closed. It was represented to the council at that time that the museum when completed would cost fully f1.000.000 and plans have already been prepared Ly John M. Donaldson, architect, for the completed building The plan is to be worked out systematically, ad dition* being made to tbe main audi torium as future appropriations be come available. It was a?nted by a city official who is In close touch with the project.'' Wednesday, that the building proposed by the trustees win eventually cost 51.5U0.000. He al6o stated that large private donations are expected from Detroit's public spirited citizens, providing for mem orial wings to the main building. Contracts will be let and ground will be broken'for the buildings early next spring. On the west side of Woodward-ave , the library commission has purchased frontage from Kirby-ave. to Krederick st On Kirby-ave., the land owned by tlie commission extends us far back as Cass-;»ve. The plans'for the .tri center require that the library be built directly opposite tbe Art Mu seum and it is to acquire the neces sary laud that the board of estimates will be asked to allow a bond issue for $1 lO.OOu. It is proposed to buy the land owned by Clarence A. Black, and said to be worth $40.000 aud the land owned by William V. Moore, member of the fire commission, and estimated to be worth $70,000. Even tually the city may seek to Buy the remaining frontage on Woodw ard ave., at the corner of Woodward and Putnam-avea. The comer is owned by William H. Murphy. The sum of $750,000 is available to tbe library commission as a donation from Andrew Carnegie. It is pro posed to use $400,000 of this for the main library on Woodward ave , and the balance is to be spent in brfS' h libraries In other sections of tbe city. The piaus for the main library have been completed and contracts will be le r »o that work will lie started in the spring The comprehensive sonem* for ‘he art center calls lor converting *!’. Oh land .’f ound the bui'dlufi* ir*c a ;ar.< Two rnsJwi.H will t’he-ce *rorc Woodward sve . »nd tom a circle, with its pacta' / :n frert of the library and art museum. It 1* understood that trie Gee. Al phi ua William? Memo:la’, association is planning erect »he -nonom«nt Gen. Williams In Gx pa> «i. an.i It has h* »n sufcg-itued that the jpret. memorial to the late Jen. U.-.GI A .Alger also be erected ip tin* park. HANDSOME J ACK” STILL ELUDES C HICAGO POLICE CHICAGO, Nov. 27. — After «4 days, the police admitted today they were no nearer the capture of Handsome Jack ’ Koetters than they were on the day after Mr*. Emma Kraft, of Cin <-itinatl was foun 1 dead in the Sar atoga hotel hero, murdered *itb a hammer and robbeu c.f nearly $5,000 In money and Jewelry Almost the potlce have been giving our state ment* that the capture oi Koeft»rs w** only a matter of a few hours, but all their clue* nave Tailed, al though tlie search has been extended to every Atlantic port tn thl* coun try, and wlreles* message* describing Koetterw, have been »eut lo outgoing vessels. 90 DAYS FOR SHOOTING BIRD ON NELLIE’S HAT PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 27 —Otto Gruchlinan. 18, wu* given a sentence of f*n days on the rock pile tor trying to »>kmh a bird oft lUe hat ot Mies Nel lie hells | didn’t like that birtl on Nellie's list. to- rvinarkeil to JQj honor MORE HEAD CROPPING EY ASSESSORS RUMORED Repul Mean clerks in the city asses* ora' ojt'ee fear the Democrats will make one last raid on th© office to re puy political d< hti before they lose cMit v ol of the hoard, June 30. 1814. t.ply *ev» ji of the 28 employe* in the office, excepting board member* and assistant*, »r© Republicans. The board will continue to he Demo cratic in polities until the expiration o* Assessor Nagel's term. June 30. 1914. and, in the meantime the Demo tb** can dominate affairs in the office. With the Republicans filling a score oi more of fine city Jobs, the Demo crats say it would not he amiss if their party grabbed off all the patron age in the office left to their control. \iau> of the Democratic i>olitlciani would welcome appointment to clerk ships in the office for a year and a naif. \ report has got abroad among the K* publican elerk* that they w ill he let out by the first of the year, bu: tlie Democratic assessors deny all knowledge rt such intention of their part. BUSINESS BLOCK IN COLMA BURNS — t Panic and Destruction Follow Explosion in Moving Picture Show BENTON HARBOR, Mich . Nov. 27. (Special*—A whole block of build lugs was destroyed, entailing a loss of $15,000, several persons were hur r . one seriously, and tbe village of Col ma, 10 miles north, waa threatened with complete destruction by fire las* night, following an explosion in Ber gen's moving picture show. Following the explosion s fire broke out Id tbe theater and panld ensued among the 260 patrons. Four women are reported to have sustained injuries in a mad rusli to reach tho exits. Jacob L’mphrey. the operator, wa* quite seriously burned Driven by a northwest, blizzard, th* fire spread rapidly to adjoining struc tures and soon three other building*, aud two residences, were in ashes. Assistance was asked irom this chy and the fire department sent appar atus and men via the -interurban rail way LITTLE CHANGE IN PRICES OF FOWL rhunksgiving Dinners Will Cost About Same as Last Year Tlie average prices for turkey, duck gee*e aud thicken for Thanksgiving thl* year, are about the same a9 pre vailed last year, according to quota tions furnished Tn© Times. Wednes day noon. The price* of turkey range from 2a to 28 cent* a i»ouna, the same as last year. Good turkey tor Thanksgiving day can be bought for 26 and 27 cents a pound. The turkeys selling for 26 cents a |>ound are acknowledged by the deaiet to be a little thin,’ while those selling at 28 cents are pro nounced the 'finest ever.' Duck is selling for 23 cent* a pquud, lor the oest offered, latst year the prevailing price was 20 cents a pound. Geese are selling at 20 cents a pound. This price 1* actually two cent a lower than last year and is ac counted for. the dealers say. by the fact, that there is a large supply on hand. The price of chicken ranges from 16 to 18 cents, the same as last year. Veal for roasting and steaks, which Is popular with many families tor Thanksgiving day, in lieu of turkey or chicken, has gone up considerably In price, veal for roasting costiug 15 cents a pound, and veal chops costing 15 lo 18 cents a pound. There Is u scarcity of turkey fresh from tlie farms, most of the turkeys being sold having been in cold stor age. TO REVOKE KIDDIES’ WORKING PAPERS Capt. ( Tiarles Braeult. of tho truant squats. snnounced. Wednesday, that some Lme during the day h© would file con.plaints In the Juvenile court against 60 hoys between the age* of 14 xud 13 yiars, .vao have failed to live up to the requirement* of the law, relative tn their employment. ‘‘Working papers” havo been for zrttoeu to alt of the** ooys, who have failed to -'port each month to tho Rotated of Education, ns required by ‘he Aii of the boy* will *or- Tel: their working oapers and will ha- * *o go hack to school. Sus* Father-m-Law Again. Mrs. Casanova Walter, who recently received a verdict of $1,500 against her father-in-law. William Walter, and Hi* wife, on the charge of alienating her husband's affection*, Is now suing (he futner-in law for $25,000, claiming taat lie caused the death of her un ion* baby She say* that her father- In-law came to her home and started to fak«- away* the furniture, causing her to go into hysterics and become II! North Dakota Bandits aptured. FSHGO, N. IV. Nov. 27. All three of the bandit* who held up the first National Bank of Noonan, N. IV, Tne* day are under arrest today. Two oi the men entered the bank from the street, covered ashler with their revolvers, grabbed $l,lOO iu bills and «scaped The money was recovered. Hear Dr. Kiefer Talk. FORT HURON, Mich, Nov. 27 (Special.)—Dr. Oujr L. Kiefer, health officer of Detroit, gave an interesting and Instructive talk on “Modern hy giene' befoi♦» the Annex Tuesday club here. A large number of professional men heard bis talk, besides the wom en member* of the club. Friday From 9 to 12 583 Skirts Reduced Odd Lots and Broken Lines in Three Great Groups $3.00 $4.00 $6.75 $5.00 Values * $7.50 Values $lO Values No finer collection of skirts were ever shown, and the bona fide values offered border tne sensational, hundreds of the smartest walking and dress models in all the favored styles and effects and every one man tailored and- absolutely perfect. Fashioned in fancy whipcords, ribbed serges, storm serges, Panamas, fancy worsteds and novelty weaves in the newest side pleated, gored and simulated pannier effects. Three groups offered for three hours only AT PRICES NEVER BEFORF. EQUALED. First Floor. FLANNELETTE DRESSING SACQUES. satin and rjb bou trimmed; high or ‘V” neck; very latest colors ami designs; regular $2.50 values; cr 1 H to 12 Friday a* LONG FLANNELETTE KIMONOS, satin and ribbon trimmed; conventional or oriental designs. Regular $5.00 kimonos ior three hours fO Friday at •xskJ FOODSUPPLY UNDER GRAND JURY PROBE Commission Merchant and Fruit Company Official Latest to Give Testimony The grand Jury began its investiga tion luto tile rood supply business Wednesday morning Klbridge O. Newhall. of Newhall Sc ('o ., commission merchants. No. 22 Woodbrldge-st. west, and Guy P. Turnbull, secretary and manager of the United States Auction company, gave testimony. Sheriff Gaston is said to have been summoned before the grand jury, and will probably appear Wednesday after noon. What line Mr. Gaston's testi mony will take is not known CALIFORNIA VOTE IN COLLEGE WILL RE SPLIT HACRAMENTt » ( a! Nov 27- Final figures from all counties, thret of which have not yet been checked over by the secretary of state, today made it certain that the electoral vote of California will be divided between Colonel Roosevelt and Governor Wll son. Lieut.-Gov. Wallace, the highest Progressive elector, .has a plurality of 128 over Griffin, the highest Wilson elector. The other Democratic elec tor* are undoubtedly higher than tne lowest Progressive electors. lark Gets Reappointment. WASHINGTON. D. C„ Nov. 27. K K. Clarkfl of lowa, was re-anpolnted a member of the Interstate commerce ro||nlsslon by President Taft todav. His term would have expired in De cember. Clark was formerly presi dent of the railroad conductors union The term for which he was reappoint ed in for seven years Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. On thU day, more, perhaps, than on any other, we turn away from our usual business cares. We make it a day of reflection. We look over the pages of history, most of us do this mentally. We recall the incident of the Pilgrim Fathers. We admire their courage. We praise their power of perseverance. We thank the Almighty for having instilled in them a spirit of initiative. We realize that through the mercy of God and the suffering of our forefathers a hitherto unknown ter ritory has become a land of opportunity. In a word we offer thanks. The D. J. Healy Shops have much to be thankful for. Through a period of twenty years of hard and persistent effort, guided always by a policy of honesty in its business dealings, it has reached its present status—a store in which one may deal with full confidence. We take this occasion, therefore, to thank the people of Detroit for their loyal support. We thank you for recognizing the Healy Shops as a store in which the right kind of mer jhandise may always be obtained at the right price. We thank you for your past patronage. We thank you in advance for your future pat ronage We thank our steady patrons. We thank those who visit us occasionally. We thank, in advance, those who have not, until this time, made themselves familiar with the Healy Shops—anticipating, of course, that they will do so during the course of the next month; the Healy Shops being primarily a store in which is collected the most exquisite merchandise produced by the master artists of the world—a store in which a suitable Christ mas gift may easily be found for man, woman and child. Again we say. we thank you. “STORE CLOSED TODAY Friday From 9 to 12 Sale of Dressing Sacques and Kimonos Thanksgiving r an investigation of the conspiracy in the prison, will be taken out of the hands of the po lice department and turned over to the state authorities. One of the cou victs, named Davidson, will Le taken buck to Jacksou prison, to face a charge of arson in connection \v|th the burning of the binder-twine plant. Two olliers will be sent to lonia umt one to Marquette. The other three will be held in the county Jail lor fur ther investigation. Detective William Hums Is expected in 1.2-troit, Thurs day. r• » mv 4 mill vji ot.»c| l i^\3MUF yClJKU t*f*iii» ■ *• B<^n»isaW v ii^^w« Work. The lima baa com* ;o duit Lb* sal* ol “1 be American Government,' 1* Detroit and ru order to accouiuiodai e ail person* wbo b*v« not bad op portunity to aav* coupons, a* well a* tbo** wbo dealr* additional cupiea. The Time* baa arranged with Mr. Ha akin (or a limited ttm* to require ONLY ONE COUPON, with 50 cents to cover the bare coat of manufacture, freight and handling, and a copy will be presented to you without addition al coat. Bear In mind that this book haa been moat carefully written: that every chapter In It Is vouched for by authority;: that It la Illustrated from photographs taken especially for It; that it ta printed tu large clear typa on fine hook paper and BOUND IN HKAVT durable manner A $2.00 Vatu* for 50 Cents. Act quickly If you want s copy, as this offer Is for a limited time only fciACh BOOK SENT BY MAIL 15c EXTRA FOR POSTAGE ft§IEGEL@ mmbsmonsu a FOG SIGNAL FOR PAIN IN STOMACH Lighthouse Keeper Thought He Was Dying—Several Tugs Respond SAN FRANCTSI'O, \ o v. 27—He cause he got pains ir the stomach, Au gust Nelson, keeper ot Mile Rock lighthouse, blew fog signals. When the pains imreaseu. he thought ho was dying, he began to shoot di ms* rockets. Seveial tugs res)Hinted. COUPON NOVE M BEK 28, “STORE CLOSED TODAY