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’■ 9 \ #ry trua progressive of whatever type mu»t few lead Hpi toll fore* to too fulfillment of the people • hope, the PStohllehmeat of the people's right, that JueUce aud FKqgi t*t BO hood to head. —WOODROW WILSON. t AND, AGAIN, THERE IS A KIND OF 3 ADVERTISING THA T DOESN % T PA Y 0g T Hiram Johnton, of California, is roasted by the eastern press, potably the hightoaed literary organs of Massachusetts, because, to his r thanksgiving proclamation, he merely specified the date and made no men tion of the owing to God for His blessings. Johnson is denounced as being irreligious and sour, since he didn’t follow the custom of officially urging the people to be thankful. But it is likely that he was just sensible instead. \ Johnson may have thought that thanks which have to be forced out by a chief executive don’t reach very far. It will take somebody stronger than a Boston editor to demonstrate that is not a sensible view. But why should governors proclaim Thanksgiving day at all? It is really a national occasion, an ocoasion on which the nation should return as a nation. to individuals, every day should be thanksgiving day. i c As to states, there are often days outside November when states are Justified in giving special thanks to God. as states. If Thanksgiving day means anything of importance at all, it means, tire repeat, an oocasion when the nation shows its gratitude, and the Button*] head, who fixes the date, is the person to present the other par iculara. Maybe Gov. Johnson, since he had to say something, was irreligious ia that he did not specify that the thanks were to be offered to God, beside ipeeifytog the date. He might have shown some religious sentiment by advising Cali* foraians not to spend ten minutes thanking God and ten hours stuffing turkeys and themselves, or by suggesting that football, baseball, bridge whist and prize-fights are not the most regular and pious forms of thanks •tarings. He might have been downright religious by announcing to those good folk who had decided to gorge the poor on Thanksgiving day that they ware to have the poor with them at least 364 other days in the year. Tea, to a whole lot of words, Hiram might have made publio display of the religion that’s in him, if any. He, perhaps, flgnred it out that thanks which do not spring spon taneously from the heart are not worth while to either God or man and mere hypocritical official gush is not worth while to the governor of California. Hiram is religious, if his thank* to God are sincere, no more, no less. It is so with all of us. Mo one gains much by advertising his or her religion on a particular date exclusively. WILL FAMINE FOLLOW WHEN TUBERCULOSIS IS NO MORE ? A strange but important question arises to connection with the re ported discovery of a cure for consumption by a Berlin scientist. AS WE MASTER DISEASE, WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH ALL THE POPULATION? War, pestilence and famine make the question of taking care of the people very simple. The *]*«* Plague to England centuries ago made population so scarce that wages rose so that laws were passed by the landed gentry and nobility establishing a MAXIMUM wage, instead of a MINIMUM The best times to China are found to those provinces where pestilence or or flood have reduoed the numbers of the people. Is it not oertain that as we refrain from war and kill off pestilence, we mutt be careful or famine will oome on to do the work of both ? With a population as sparse as ours this problem seems afar off. But with natural opportunities for self-employment monopolised, it may mot be so remote after all. Monopoly brings poverty on long before the oountry is fully peopled It does this by charging high tolls for the use of the earth, in city, oountry, forest and mining region. The cure of one disease after another and the increase to population should td™nni«h us that the time is coming when the only title to the possession of any sort of land shall be the use of it, and when nobody shall be allowed to exercise the power of taking from the stream of produced wealth exoept by helping to its production. GOES TO PRISON FOR 27 TEARS TO SHIELD WOMAN || (CNttom twm fmm* «»•> bidding her good morning:, “Theriw Jittls girl That’* 27 * years for mo. ' And bn smiled at her ns he said It. Then to the astounded detectives: i*Thia girt U all right. What’s wrong about her, 1 am responsible for. She thought too much of me. I think a heap of her. You won’t need to hold her for a witness m any white slave case against me now. You won't need her as a witness against me In that automobile deal. I guess my going back east for 27 fears in the pen will satisfy the demands of Justice.’' Then his smile, which had given Wray to a look ol mental agony as his sweetheart went through a mild form Adolf Snatches at Hindu Philosophy Like a Thirsty Man at a Straw V " """ uooc ICC |»« of the “third degree," came back and stayed with him. If from this you would gain the im pression that Doolsy Is a “sentimental crook.” like the hero of the popular song and play, "Jimmie Valentine,” you are gaining a vary wrong Impras sion. Me has an Ineffaceable smile like the one that made a certain brand of breakfast food famous, and he Is as pleasant and Interesting a talker as one would meet In a day's journey, but he Is a “gun”—a crook —first, last and mil the time, and without any di minution of the candle-power in his smile, he told Chief of Detectives Palmer, In a chatty sort of way, that he has always carried a revolver and a black-jack and never used either, but that If he ever caught In a house, he wouldn’t hesitate a minute Editorial Page of The Detroit Times NSW FEEDING TOOLS GUARANTEED TO STOP THE BREACHES OF TABLE ETIQUETTE „ You CAN'T EAT Pte- , "7\ 0 «a= 3*6 a A .4BW KtolFM. NAS r- S A GUARO TtNC Jf Vg /• END ANO WON'T <SO f * VOUR MOUTV ITSELF AUTOMATIC A LXV / /viltN DEV^) Ov/r OP THE COFFEE /I / Pvrs DE.M » py A WEIGHT FANGLED^^ ' .AT*.« t HO PREVENTION FcR, ONUVWAV VoU CAN UdU. nrUciONC MxAL NAPKJN n«mK-OUT OF 7NC SAW EDGED NAR.O im mbca. Finger bovJL, Work* News dispatches tsil us of Milton K. Pack, a Chicago man. who seeks patents on novel inventions to enforce table oUquette. Among them are these: A spoon that will uot stay in a cup; a napkin that e*nn be tucked between collar and Adam’s apple; a Anger bowl no ous can drink from; a knife you cant put in your mouth, and a chair no diner can twine his legs around. to use either or both, in assuring his getaway. Capt. Palmer and his sleuths held a little soiree with Dooley. That little business of tire gir* and the voluntary retirement for 27 years rather touched everybody connected with the police beat. And It Is safe to say that Doo ley, jall-olrd. experienced a mfld at tack of palpitation of the heart when the chlet of detectives handed him a cigar with a red and gold band while they chatted In Capt. Palmer's office. Praises Local Police. The opinions that Dooley expressed about the local police department — prior to his being the recipient of the cigar—formed a eulogy that any po lice department could be proud to have engrossed and hung on the wall It happened when Capt. palmer. In the line of duty, qulxsed Dooley about what he had been doing during bis eight months’ stay here, and whothet he had any other ’’guns” In his “mob.” To which Dooley replied that every good “gun” In the country gave De troit the go-by, sa a town where th*re was no chance. “Your people here don't know wuat good protection they are getting,” said this young-old crook. "Those flying squadrons of yours are peddled all over crookdom. Your minute-men are another danger to the ‘gun.’ And your police are up on their toes, and the crooks know it first The people may have a hazy idea that they are gdF ting pretty good protection, but the crooks know they are getting it The big ones don’t even oome here.’’ Dooley, a typical easterner has the New York Idea that the Alleghenies are the western boundary of all caste. The same Idea prevails in sport, and In far too many other things to men tion. Dooley admits that we have a few cheap crooks who ere natives here, but he Insists that we ought to be grateful that the eastern brand of expert crook Is “scared” of Detroit and its police department. Personally, Dooley said, he might hade done a few little things in De troit that he wouldn’t want to discuss, but hs hadn’t done any more than to Just “get by ” which Is underworld parlance for board, lodging and In cidentals, such ss the natty bins Nor folk suit that msde Dooley took not at all Uke a three-time convict Shot st, Quito Burglary. He says that he quit burglary when a householder In Riverside Drive, N. Y., shot at a shadow on his porch, nlnt yo&fi ago and put a bullet through Dooley’s hat Then he took up pick ing pockets, and served a term In Bing Bing, the “first tsrm” prison, another In Auburn, the “second term” prison, and was on his way to Dannemora, the third and last resort when he broke Jail. That was for stealing 9890 from his aunt His aunt is blind. Which again does away with the “sentimental crook” proposition as re ferring to Dooley. anj w ' makes his breakdown in tne local detective bureau all the mor« remarkable. Aloyelus Schulte, 10 years old, of No. 266 Brush-L, member of a respit ed Detroit family, and Oeorge Bailey, alias Patterson to whom Dooley re fers as a would-be crook without abil ity, figured In the odd case that brought about Dooley's downfall. They were secondary, however. Primarily, Olive Atkins, of No. 19 BproteL, was arrested as a street walker, Sunday ISNNCLOTtt£S~gc~] Ah got arrested ysstlddy, Mlstah Scahborough.’* “Got arrested yestlddy, Mlstah Poindextah? Why Ah thought It wuz the day befoh yestlddy yo’ got arrested.” “So did Ah think so, but Ah found mah watch had stopped. Well, sah, Ah woke up dis mawnln in a cell wlf a sick headache and—” “Pawdon my Intrudin’ wlf an interruption, sah, but what kind of a cell could wake up wlf a sick headachsT Byah-eyah-eyah.” “Why, a brain cell. As Ah wus goto’ to remark when de progress ob my garruloslty wuz Impeded by your unpardonable obtruseuesa, dsy took me Into court and a police Judge he fined me |10.” “Dat wus a stiff fine.” “Dat’s what Ah thought, but It wus limber enough foh him to double it when Ah talked back. So Ah demanded a change ob venom.” “Did you get your change of veuueT” “No. All dey did wus to take me to anodder Jedga He asked ms what Ah meant by gettln’ full as a goat. Ah told him Ah wus full of animal spirits, but didn’t know Ah wus goto’ to be a goat until dey accused me ob It. ’Why, you were caught In a yard eating clothes off the line,’ hs says. Den Ah says: ’Ef Ah did dat, Jsdgs, Ah wus In mah wrong mind.’ ” “Well, what did the Jsdge say?” “He says. ‘No—you were to the wrong yard.' ” “The lights will now be turned low, but everybody will pleaso remain seated while Mr. Olbson plays dat sentimental success on the B-flat cornet: 'Those Happy Days Down by the Vine Embowered Jail.' ” night Olive was the sweetheart whose anguish caused Dooley to “cave,” later. She was released on an order ob tained by Dooley and Patterson, to appear In court later. The two men obtained sls from the landlady of the Sproat-st. house on pretense that it was necessary to get Olive out Then teh landlady learned of the deception, and “tipped off“ the fact that both young men and Olive had figured In the theft of an auto, owned by Arthur C. MoGraw, of No. 1769 Jefferson-ave., July 81. The machine had been sold In Erie, Pa., in August and the thieves had never been traced. Confesses When QlrPa Questioned. So “Mr. Irwin” alias Dooley, Patter son. and Bchults, the other Joy rider named, were given the "third degree ” The girl, Olive, was present. Patter son and Schnlte confessed. Irwin, sllas Dooley, smilingly refused to make any admissions. Then thay started on the girl. She tried to pro teot Dooley. Her relations with Dooley were revealed, she wa threat ened with imprisonment as a whits slave witness, and was on tha serfs of hysterics when Dooley spoke the piece that will send him up tor 97 1-1 years. > The girl will be released. Sohulte and Patterson will he proseouted tor the theft of the oar, and Doolgy will go baok to New York state as a Jail breaker. If they want to change the charge against him, there, to one that ha Is a oonflrmed criminal, ha could reoelve a Ufa sentence. He says In that ease ha would etrvy tha Becker gun-men, whom he knows personally. He says he would rather go to the chair than face a life term. Symbolic dance# arc tha fed On meny hundred stages; Wa saa tha dancers, thinly clad. All eorts and klnda and ages With filmy draperies that ollng And weird, unoanny motions. Thay symbolise suoh things as spring And passions end amotions. They danoe e poem writ by Poo With groat pootlo frenzy. • Their leok of garments goes to ehow They soorn tha tnfluensy; They'll dance a tragedy clear through with motions most symbolic. Although they may appear to you As suffering from eollo. In dances thsyMl portray tho past, Ths future end the present. And they'll present, with detail vast The poet and the peasant; They'll danoe a painting or a play. A novel, grim or merry. And In symbollo wise, some day. They'll danoe tha dictionary! Lindbergh Resolution For Publicity, Grand Idea BY GILSON GARDNER. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.—A shock ing proposal has been made by Rep. gu.»o> (iAKU\KU printed In tbe Congressional directory at the head ot the biography of each of these gentle* j men. It is a grand Idea. It would be | very illuminating in considering tlie i fall tat: of the Pujo Money Trust corn*; miitee make any real progress. • • • Coal lands sold by the government to private corporations during th* part five years have averaged $lB an ; acre. An examination of the sales of coal lands made by private individuals covering a similar period shows the average price for such sales to be SIBO an acre. The government’s price was one-tet ili of the private price. This is after eliminating from consideration in the private deals all sales of more than JOOoO acres, and also ellmina’/hg the higher priced sales in the center of tho rich mining districts; in other words, the estimate is made most con servatively. • Secretary of the Interior Fisher pre sents these facts to Rep. Mondell, cf Wyoming, in an interesting corns spondence which has been going on between them. Mq,nd|A, as is well know n, is opposed to government own ership and control of its coal lands and favors the old time system by which valuable public properties in coal, water-power, etc., were sold at a nominal sum to biff corporations to be held lqr speculative uurposes. • • 0 Ideas differ as to how Lincoln ought to be memorialised. A commis sion has Just decided that $2,000,000 ought to be spent in erecting a stone mausoleum in Potomac park. Prompt opposition to this plan has developed by some people who think a road to Qettysberg would be more befitting and useful as a memorial. Now comes Raymond Rlordan, with a plan for a National Lincoln Memorial school. Ittordan is an enthusiast on the sub- MR SKYGACK FROM MARS > HI TAKES WIRELESS OBSERVATIONS IN HIS NOT! BOOK * ON EARTH CUSTOMS / ( observed small edition of earth - < [ BEING FRANTICALLY RUNN/NO AMUCK —/ \ EMITTED SCREAM-SCREE HE B UNO WAVED FARCHMENT LEAVES ■ S WHEN HALTED BY OTHER. HUMANS HE REFUSED f 1 TO BE COMFORTED. BUT WILDLY DASHED PART] OF HIS BURDEN AT THEM AND SPED ON . ( Tuesday, December 10 ♦ \ 1912 C. A. Lindbergh, of Minnesota. He Is the author of a resolution • which would require mem bers of the money trust committee to Qle with the clerk of the house a statement of their banking -connec tions. If they are owners of stock in banks or if their families have any such stock or if they are attorneys for any trust com panies or banklug institutions, Lind bergh would have them set forth these facts and have the facts Ject of teaching chi id ran the crafts, and he sums up his suggestion as fol lows: ‘To gjcspltulste—a tract of land near Washing |n —say 180 acres, * boy from each stale in the union, a young man from each state In the union; 15 teachers, largely men and women capable ot doing with their hands, but necessarily none the lest skilled with their heads; free scoess to the government building; assurance of co-operation from government em ployees; tools for building and for farming; teuts for temporary shelter, and these borrowed from the %r#y; an allowance of 560.000 for salaries, maintenance of 100 persons, necessary buildings to start; SIO,OOO for field and extension work; an understanding that the school Is not an orphanags or a governmental Industrial homo, but a vast national attempt to recuif erate our lost manhood, our passing lesourcea, our waning integrity—and the results will abundantly repay the outlay. Lincoln will be honored.” • • » Using the wireless to cut off three month's salary is the sad tale of Presi dent Taft's Interference In the case of Postmaster Sloan Simpson, of Dal las, Texas. During the late political doings, Simpson Bull Moosed. The administration was preparing the axe for his head when he took time by the forelock and arranged for hlmaelf a three-month’s leave of absence, and sailed on the Adriatic. “Too late,” muttered Taft But hli stenographer replied: “In this day o i wireless it la never too late.” Then the message accepting Simp son’s resignation alxxled aboard the Adriatic. A physical valuation of the rmih roads would be authorized if the sen ate would just pass the bill recently passed by the houee of representa tives. Os course the house passed the bill in the serene confidence that the senate would bury it in committee. There is only a short time between now and March 4, and unleae the peo ple should happen to rise up and put political gunpowder under the seats of some senators, there Is no particu lar prospect that this bill will become law. A ph ft leal valuation of the rail roads Is the one thing most necessary in estimating proper freight and paa senger rates. • • • Lynn Haines has published anew book giving tbe story of the 1911-11 session of the Sixty-second Congress. It is entitled “Law MgklPS in Ameri ca.” Anybody who wishes to secure the record of any member of the house or senate can find it In this little book whlfeh Is sold by the author from hie home In Bethesda, Maryland. New York consumes the milk of over 1,000,000 cows. By Condo