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Page Fourteen Before i YEAR Slaughter of ousts New Ud Bureau IDEAS STATISTICS <%it Generation Will Be Much Richer aa Result of the Educa tion This Age la Receiving* WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.—Miss Julia Latbrop, the newly appointed bead of the United State* Child bu reau, la carrying ou a nation-wide cam palfu to put an end to uaeleaa child Statistics show that one child in •very three born in the United States dies before It reaches the age of 10 ; -The money value of a baby.njfhy b« a mater of widely varying opinion,” •aid Mias aLthrop. "j have paver •topped to figure up lh dollars and centa Just how much the work amounts y to. but there can be ao question it all that every child saved from death ' and raised to the age of productivity iSMAf a distinct gain to the country * “Likewise it is equally true thgt •very tingle 'thing that is done to bet ter the conditio* of the child, to Strengthen its changes for n long life, ■ to improve oondliiohn. foe both child and adult, means increased productiv ity of the lndlvldUME/~ “it la needless to say taat-there arc many means to leesenttrhi frightful ninftallty. First sis ‘ alE3owever, we must get at the veey- root and find out what are the —conditions under which they are hflttT. .Only a .rigid system of birth roetetroUei - wttl -do this. ‘'flight states In tHn unXiun, notably, the New England states, have a regis tration system. Until Xfce Olhcf states are willing to follow suit, **4 tin* out Just how many babies are bom within their borders and under what coudl tkma, remedies we m*y apply for in fant mortality nor*be dwp-seated enough to he thoroughly efflcaoloua. "In teUlgence in meehsrs Is another thing we must foster as perhaps a seoond step whereby we can save the babies’ Nm isf bring them to the age of productivity. “My observations lead me to bo libve that in a large number of cases this la not at ass unwise, since It makes for a combined iaaaily Income that * Spells greater comforts and eonse ‘ quently better clvsncee for the ebH4 When it la born. "The standard of in these mills, however, moat be advanced to ihe point where the benefits of an in- ODD CUTAWAY COAT FROM PARIS, WITH SKIRT FABH IONBD TO ACCENTUATE IT—A HINT OF THE FUTURE ■$ x & * ** M *• *• v-. wa^** " 4 s***"J l ' *'s» 4>•vv' l .dMhAw l ■**» » -jJp. I M' ‘ a / JL“ ■* ■ a I mk w mV>' v ,tB Pi f / JR 39HR Vsal | HI R - I I Hvl B fS I I us AwHI WK- m f; jH /, m urn sw?7* //// J^m v / Iff I HU // '^ □ JH)» J' ' aUn > / Hit / jn , I 391 Kj $S| \ - '- 4 .-. 15. IM iIU | ■ & HH, v . II > \k. ®T vVI /// * r .L , yMa '// - |pj •' Hb[ - l ' IMiiKf f - *^' f ' Jr Wsre is something for the womat who llks* t>4> at the head of the This taDoriSCcostums Is one of th« very latest faaulss of the designer. The shift is Os drab altesss an far as the* front breadth Is ooacemed, but the back ts-of Otiontßß* silk, made with u In,dp plMit * There is a 4aaJc of the Ottoman bilk wHl> a fftleJ piece of the" drab hfteese sroutf Jh# bottom. This fa eat Star In Rent to match the cut •way la lbs frtat of the cost These 1 and , m*f aatead —fQw- jhtjraofc wt she ■< BETWEEN THESE TWO GIRLS. THEATER MAGNATE HAS A HEAP O’ TROUBLE Pw J jP A. L. ERLANQER, ELPHYE SNOWDON (ON LEFT) AND EDITH ST. CLAIR. Abraham L. Erlanger. head of the “theatrical trust 'of America" will have to pay $22,500 to Edith St. Clair, a young and pTetty actress, if the ver dict of a New York Jury Is not over ruled. The trial haa been very Inter esting for New York and very em- Jmcrassing for Mr. Erlanger. . Mias St. Clair testified that Erl auger had agreed to pay her $75 a week "for her entire lifetime," and that later he rescinded this contract, but gave her another calling for tbe payment ‘creased family income are not offset by debilitating working houre and conditions. We mugt make It safe for the mothers to work. "Already tj|roughout the country .the problem* of uvenlle delinquency has received attention, and is receiv ing It Increasingly. This is but one of the signs of the times, another of the moves that are being made to turn the child Into a good and pro ductive citizen. - “For many yearn recreation was .looked upon as a fad. I venture to say that, 20 years ago, such things as Ilgygrounds did not exist in all the mgtn and breadth of the city of Chi cago. Yet today the tendency Is more and to recoßtßie that recreation is not au indulgence but only a par* of the discipline of Hfe. \‘*'More ahd more the' government has come to recognize that the ad vance of the nation lies la the child and Us preservation. . “Os the very greatest Importance I regard s longer course of schooling uSa trunX'foo. that I think i« bound te_«orae. Fy n now we. are hearing bsae of child labor and more of the schools which enrich both the child and its family." .(coat, which is of the silk, making • j distinct double' flounce when a orn ■ over tunic. * The collar and cuffs are of vslvst and the big buttons are of the silk. This gowa is an illustration of bow Mid the big dressmaking houses arc trying to change the lines of the femi nine figure. Bverything points to more distinct cufV9|, smaller tfhlata and fuller sklrte; not in tha immediate future, however, as fashion, like every other conventional thing, changes slowly. 4iut from now on look out for the ■WtdMr fit;.» arr| >bv narrow fhOUldsra J of $25,000 In 10 annual Installments. After one payment, he failed to keep the agreement* The jury agreed with her. Miss St Clair further ‘ explained that all her trouble with Mr. Erlanger was due to another actress, Elpßye Snowdon, who was "Jealous of her," gnd of whom Mr. Erlanger became very fond. Erlanger Insists that he was blackmailed, and says he signed tbe contract to save annoyance to his wife who was 111 at the time, and who afterwards divorced him. ALLEGED ELOPERS FROM BELGIUM NABBED A letter from August DeMol, of Bruges, Zelglum, caused the arrest, Thursday night, of Ignats Van Mlddel and Alice De Mol, wife of August, who was living with Van Mlddel at No. 44 4 Seyburn-ave. The alleged elopers took De Mol s nlne-yearold daughter, Elvira, with them when they left Belgium last April and also took 1000 francs of De Mole money, its charged. Neither of the prisoners can t-%lk ■bAII Cart Tfcisttr to Elliatt-Tcylir-Wooihodin Cos C Tradi m Stamps On Ctih P*rcl»w» JjMßeg ewp«rlor Osf• jhrvio*. MUTUALITY Those who havo always found shopping it I 4 TANARUS, W. A Co/s economical havo found It highly convonlent also. Tho economical exehango of your money Is a psrmsnsnt satisfaction to yourself and ourseivsa. The Silk Hosiery Event of the City Annual Christmas sals of ICcCallum's celebrated Silk Hoelery—entire stock divided into four lota —all Erst quality —all fully guaranteed. Our regular tI.M € I flfl { Our regular PH •IRQ quality at • IfUU quality at Our regular fI.TI #1 fiC Our regular |U« |9 Qf) quality v • I eAfP I»......•. •. ▼•alHI When in Doubt Give a Book No one need be perplexed about the choice of a book here, as our entire department le new. Everything Is choice and the best in title, makeup and price. Soys’ and Olrls* Books, Latest Copyrights, Fiction, Art Books of Travel and Gift Books, Poets and Classics, Holiday Edi- * tlona. also a splendid assortment of Oiblss. Five Hundred Aprons 25c to $5.25 Latest models, newest materials and trimmings. Im mense assortments to cover every need from the Smart looking Princess or Bungalows Gingham Aprons to the Sumptuous Bretelle and Princess models, with embroidery or hemstitched bibs. Tea and band Aprons, Parlor Maids’. Nurses', Waitress' and organdie aprons—ln all, one of the most extensive and cleverely assorted coll sc tlona In tha city— at our usual moderate prices. Holiday Slippers of Merit Restful indoor Footwear for tho Entire Family. For Mon Kid Cavalier Beat- #9 AA tft, rad and U«... wiUv XalllSers la tan and (O AA black kid OA..WF Fee rest Slipper* la SO AA tan and blaak »A*vW opera Mlippara la tan and black, rad or Os CA chamois lined ~,.,wi»uv Fait Caatfra In tba new real .•St? $2.00 Bay* Mains era, l to fl r A IH, tan kid sltfW Little OaatW Nall!Sara In tan TiV." SUS CklUran's and Infante Rad Fait Roman*, plush trlmmad. Oaabla KlderSooa Slamber Sllppera. or gray, pink and blua. pair ...a. *}»!•• k?.'!ST n TV r • tron «- »»ky material, quilted satin lining, black fur trimming, with a«>-sllp mw rubber eol««; pair dlt>.Uff mark Kid Aata Baata, lined with raal lamb * wool, alaboratalr fur trlmmad. rubber solas. Sold elsewhere at ee aa •••#. Sold hers at, pair. »r »*U*J < arrlage Meata for baby, warm and comfy. In whits and <? t blue satin, handaoraaly fur trlmmad. TBs aid ,11 Elliott-Taylor-Woofanden Cos, TIMES: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 19l*. Euglish. They are held lu police headquarters, and the lltle girl is also held in the matron's reocu. Immigra tion officials ha* e takes charge of tbs case. DR. WILEY LECTURES IN DETROIT, DEC. 19 Dr. Harvey W! Wiley, who as head of the government'e bureau of cnemle try made the country sit up mad take notice of what it ate, who inaugurated the effort to drive Impure and in jurious foods from the market, and who was too efficient for President Taft, will speak In Detroit, In Simp son church, Grand Rlver-ave. and Bagg-st., Thursday evening, Dec. 19, under the auspices of the Tull Bible class. Wheu Dr. Wiley resigned from the department of agriculture, be resolved to give the country the benefit of his experience, free from the checks which had hithrto restrained him as head of a government bureau. He chose the lyceum platform as tbe most effective way of reaching the people. He Is now going about tbe country, telling what he knows about foods, pure and Impure, but especial ly the Impure. The subject of Dr. Wiley’s address In Detroit le: “The public health our greatest national asset." ' M 2) SPECIAL PRICES ..ON .. MINK SETS PONY COATS BLACK FOX SETS M 2) SHOP ON A PURCHASE TICKET Tbe use of this method will save you much time end en able us o deliver ell your purchases In one p ickage. For Women Fell Rameaa In svary color, ribbon and fur trlmmad. S3 sl^s Fait laaafy Da Laa. ail tha new shades, with the new comfy fait solas—our now r.,* nd $1.75 Felt Cmmtr Slippery all the new shades, made of purs comfy felt; regular comfy construction, spring haqls, ribbon Ot PA trimmed gl,w Kid Boudoir Slippers, c*L~ SI.OO MlsseF Oomfy Slip- PI Os per*. 11 to S fflloA-J Children's Comfy PI AA Rllppera. I to lOtq . .fP l ' Store Open Saturday Evening the 14th instant Xmas Suggestions From Our Second Floor Beautiful Marabout and Ostrich Scarfs and Sets M A Happy ChriUraas Suggestion” We uave an excellent line of them in white black, natural, taupe, light gray and pink M “ { $5-00 $6.50 $7.50 SS ! $7.50 tlO 115.00 '“SHT { $lO $12.50 sls $19.50 T { sls $19.50 $22.50 $25 Also a few exquisite noveUie*—“our own importations' Marabout and Satin Combinations— -929.50 and $35.00 Per Set Lingerie Blouses Just About Two Months Ahead of Time And They are Unusualjy Good Values, Too—and Unsurpassed Asa Christmas Gift Prices SI.OO, $1.50, $1.98 and $2.50 FLAT COLLAR BLOUSES, REGULATION COLLAR, ROBESPIERRE COLLAR, DIRECTOIRE COLLAR And Scores of Other Lxquisitely Dainty Models. • ' New 1913 Models News From Our Children's Section WHY SHOULD THE MOTHER OF A BABY Waste time and energy shopping all over Detroit whin anything aud everything suitable for the child may be found in our Children's De* uartment in greater number and variety than elsewhere ? Saturday See Our Special Showing of Children's Bath Kobe* i.• * • 7fe(wm&-£*uiux>%Coinpanf Mac Diarmid’s Candies \ THE PERFECT CANDIES FOR CHRISTMASTIDE — Freshly Cooked and Boxed, Ready for You the Day You Wish to Call Please Leave Your Order Today Direct Importation! of Artistic and Original Novelty Boxes and Baskets DIRECT FROM PARIS AND MADE EXCLUSIVELY FOR MAC DIARMID » These novelty boxes and baskets filled with Mac Diarmid’s Candies teature the Christinas Gift list of every well-informed family. CANDIES ARE PACKED WITH PARTICULAR CARE FOR SHIPMENT TO ANY ADDRESS The Mac Diarmids SPECIALISTS AT CANDY CRAFT Three Stores in Detroit. '‘Chocolate House” “Candy House” “McMillan Branch" in the opposite Wright-Kay Bldg. 32 Broadway The Pontchartrain The Tines b Not • "Street Ffcpet” Its Sshcripties Ust Is la tie City Dlmtsq And Commencing Wednesday, 18th insU Every Evening Until Xmas