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Page Four *6urke Says . BW. SMSi w JxA \ v MISS BILLIE BURKE. L The Flrot Word —It lg not a mark of great Intelligence to neglect your body. • • • Among the many letters I receive every day I am sure to get some from two different types of women. One takes the ultra-intellectual pose unw teiU me that, she thinks the cultiva tion of brains* is of miicli more ini-., purtame than the cultivation of ones* physique. The other seems to ba<¥ no brains at all and insists that! send her adrice right away on how ah* can be made beautiful, over night, without any thought. 1 am afraid neither of these will ever be noted for great beauty. -/ -. tp the first plare, we should remem ber that Dame Nature tikes into no account a woman’s mentality or her spiritual side. If she lives properly in the material .sense and in time re produces her kind it la ail that Nature asks of her. * ' ~ Man. however, has asked. more of woman as ctvl Illation baa advanced. Consequently the thing bfi ealfc "beau ty mutt cotnprtse a healthful, sym metrical ptay*tmie t a anced mind asA a-AympitUeflc emo tional power which will* add to his hodra of ea|e And pleasurt*; He has rot quits reached the plane where he will have woman his comrade in his struggle for existence. Most men love beauty more than brains. Beauty docs not -tire- them, and brainy womeifaFe alWkya~hsking qudstiong which It bores them at tttnes. to answer. I doubt if even in the ex ceptional caaan of. who ad mire brainy women wtti they seek them out if thev do not care for them selves physically, I know no woman who habitually neglects her* body and yet has a happy disposition, particularly If she has an active brain. And such a woman always is ready to say unkind things about the woman who. by doing toe very things the leaves undone, make themselves c joy forever to those with whom they come In con tact. There is no reason why a brilliant mind should not add expression to the eye, and we all know that Joyous thoughts brldg a velvety softness to iVI [ y ■ c j^v Headquarters for Handkerchiefs £? Fancy Linens :.:|. Toyland | • Thin nrW. un-to-dnt* Toyland la now In full Mart The following extra special f.ippPy values are for Faturda\ Morning only 1 111 I I * l ft ° ° ak Ko,k l > *• ™«’ 111 U Ink Clair — Dnlln of all ill n strong and kinds—dress• \\ AAII fli wall mads— sd. Jointed or \ Hsinrdar A. kid body. C XZ\T fnl **• Saturday Vv *I,OO 39c - e » - - m > «• > ■ ■ HEAL BRAINY WOMEN DO NOT NEGLECT THEIR BODIES the skin The woman who is inter ested iu life and its Joys and sorrows usually walks with an elastic step and line carriage. Every one of the blemhises that are allowed to come through neglect of,your beeuty is a reflection of a cor responding bias in your brain. The myst beautiful women 1 have known have been women who not only had Drains,' but knew bow to use them properly, who.realised the foolishness of Stow mnp*-on-good- grooming and ~*1!d that beauty was al ways anew appeiu which would usual ly be answered when the hard facts of the most brilliantly cut mind would make their claim in vain. Wake up, bh, yotr women, w ho have prided yourselves upon your Intel lectuality and declared that a beauty regime was too trivial for those of your caliber to endure. Look fnto your Overzealousness While journeying along through life I often call to mind Zeo Wiggins, who was always In a fret; He really wai at heart most conscien tious of mankind. Assuming all the burdens he could get Zeb took a steamboat once. He needed travel and repose. The doctor said, “Give all your cares the slip." But he somehow got a notion, why or how nobody knows. That he ought to help the captain • . run the ship, He sat up all the night to watch for Icebergs on the bow, Though mm ill ng where the latitude was warm. f He thought the porpoises were whales who infant to raise a row. And every cloud loomed up with threats of stortn. He broke into the pilot housa They had to throw him out. A nervous wreck, he finished up the trip And said the fact that all were safe was due beyond a doubt To the way he helped the captain run the ship. —Washington Star. This establishment from its vsry Inception has been known The Linen Store of Detroit The superior quality of our Handkerchiefs and Fancy Linens Is recognized by every housewife in Detroit and vicinity, and he.exceptional values always afforded has made this house lam out. BIGGER AND BETTER SELECTIONS AND SAVINGS await you this season than ever before Handkerchiefs Fine Linens I'or M»-n, Wonovn and ... Children. Lsk«e Center Places and Every one Pure Unan. Clotha— to $25 SI.OO to $3.00 100 Un * n Lunch «on Sets, 54-inch Colored Da mask (loth, 6 hemstitched napkins— see mm <7,50 Values . . $5.00 58wm tfSiftfaVa 230-232-234 WOODWARD AVE Santa Claus ‘Specials’ Ready for You Here Suturday This Store will be the Mecca for many Santa Claus shoppers Saturday. Special Santa Claus merchandise, distinctive and new—Special Santa Clau* selections, exclusive and novel—Special Santa Claus values, unob tainable elsewhere, will await you here. Come as early in the day as possible ’ If you are seeking useful gifts this season, a visit to this Store will well repay you—save you time, trouble and money. ,JE DETROIT TIMES: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1912. mirror*. I am sure you w,ill b»* ashamed of the straggly hair, the uu brushed eyebrow - *, the mothy and muddy complexions which you s/3w Every one of these blemishes can be removed by sane and health-giving beauty culture, it surely cannot be the mark of a simpleton to brush ones hair until it glow* and blooma. io : clean one’u skin until tho odious i blackhead* are removed, to brush i one a eyebrows until they -oma over ; one's • s in a distinct halt-circle, to rub one's «hut ks until the blood glow* underneath the skin and to irtat one's cracked and neglected lips with a.healing saiva until they look kissable. If you should n&k me. I think ail these little attentions to one’s physi cal self are the nm is of a tfruiny and very scumble ' on.a i. • • • Just One Word—When you know you are tookiug vour best you are not pampering your vanity, but adding to your sell-respect. WIDOW OF JOHN T. BRUSH WILL NOT SEEK TO BE FEMININE BASEBALL MAGNATE wjjy * I;^ e f • " s . v wwrf B jfl AfS ■!*,.* 1 v .<iP%H?WtU&A\ I l Mrs. John T. Brush, widow of the late president of the New York Na tional league club, la the third woman club Awuer in baseball —the others be ing Mrs. Heleue Hathaway Robieon Britton, owner of the St. Louis Na tional league club, and Mm. Charles Havenor, owner of the Milwaukee American association club. Unlike them, however, Mrs, Brugh will not attempt to manage tho Oiant*. She has appointed her eon-ln- MRS. JOHN T. BRUBH. Dinnerware. Etc. CHINA—>NKW, I P-TO-DATK— ULARft. Spp our pargaln Tablet of Fancy tllaa, Fancy Rrt«-a-Acac, Etc. 25c 50c SI.OO Special Valaca far Satarday. EXTRA—Fins, thin Osrmsn ill. aa < hnrolatc »ct»—choice of *, . _ 12 value $ 1 .00 HOW TO CUT THE MEAT BILL IN TWO (At Least, So Miss McKay Says!) Miss Catherine McKay, d«*au of the department of home economics of '.be lowa Stale Agricultural college, who demonstrates a model kitchen at the show, told 2.000 Chicago women how to save half on the meat bill. Her 1 ading moue) saving recipe waa Swiss 1 beefsteak Her recipe for thla dish follow*; “Rub seasonings Into a slice of 1 round steak, lower cut, which le cheap; pound flour into ateak with edge of saucer, using as much flour the meat will take up. I’lace in ■ saucepan with a small amount of hot fat; brown slightly, add water *o cover. Cover closely and simmer til* tender OLLIE JAMES’TOWN ELECTS ITS POSTMASTER HOPKINSVILLE, Ky„ Dec I*.—Mar. ion, ths county seat of Crittenden count v and bouiv of United States Sen i ator-el**«-t Olllt* James, la perhaps th* J ftrat town to arrange to sleet a post masu r. Senator-elect James announces that he will indorse the man receiving the majority. Consequently there le al ready a hot race and many candidates, limited, of course to Democrats are 1 campaigning The election will be I held Saturday. Jan. 18. Candidates will I draw lota for position on the ballot. law, Charles Hempstead, head of the club, and John McGraw will continue as manager. The property bequeathed Mr*. Brush is estimated at $£.000,000 by baseball men. It is the most valuable franchise and baseball grounds in the world. • Mrs. Brush was the second wife of the baseball magnate. She was Elsie Lombard, of the Baltimore I»mbard3, and vts a noted beauty of the t>ld Frohman stock company. XT l* It took but one announcement in last Friday’* papers to brln* the crowd*. . ll )lICC*” _ Trust the shrewd buyers of Detroit to know a bona tide sale when they see It. HlMSmSiif'v °ur fi\atesß//»S'3 New llfWß^ir Home whib * siHlflfipi^] in,h * Whitney |}| (Garrick) *§ fc|f|f |||<| Theatre MlfH!f||l B,d »- Sfellillllli ■ open Saturday Night l^||jjfl ÜBt " fflfffl 10 VV* v ’A O’clock »vVV.\ •:«•!:;• VV**V |§o|£| HOWLAND & UHLIK 153 Woodward—2d Floor Walkover Shoe Store. Dittrich Furs zX 1 ■ ■ Satisfaction EA ST GRAND CIRCUS One Door from PA RK. Woe. duiard The Times Advertisers Are Preferred Advertisers They are not compelled to competo with questionable copy for the attention of the render. All undesirable advertisers are denied the use of these columns. Diamonds Unusual Single Stones of Rare Brilliancy Are a Feature of Our Present Christmas Showing Our present prices on diamonds are much lower than those of other metro!>\itan ©vores. This is possible because we bought heavily in the diamond market, a! a time when prices were twenty per cent lower .h.’r we would pay to duplicate these same stones today, Charles W. Warren & Cos. Jewelers and Silversmiths In The Washington Arcide 255-9 Woodward Ave. 104-6 Washington Boulevard CONTINUANCE OF THE REMOVAL SALE _ of Kuppenheimer Suits and Overcoats Everything (Blacks and Blues included) now on sale At 20 to 331% OFF No need of waiting until February or March—this business necessity makes it possible to get the Big Discount from regular prices right NOW, when you can use a Suit or Ps Overcoat to the best advantage. Xo