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THE ELECTRIC FARM IB HERE—ILLINOIS MAN } TI'RNS CURRENT LOOSE AMONG HIS VEGETABLES AND RAISES TWO FINE CROPS IN ONE SEASON II an electric current can stimulate and strengthen the vitality of the hu man body, aby should it not nourish and nurture plant life with equal sift;- cess? This Is the question William Stahl, an Evanston, HI., electrlclan-gardner. asked —and anaaered by electrifying his little farm, lie raised a series of crops of beaus, tomatoes, beets, pota toes, coru, melons other garden fruit, each and every one of which i-aiM to maturity several weeks ahead of those on his neighbors' farmß. Ho even planted a second crop late in the summer and brought It to a aiiocet harvest after the frost had killed ofT nearly everything else on the sur roiftdlng farms. Moreover, the vege tables grown on the Stahl farm were of s else and flavor that no neighbor ing farmer equalled. His electrical farm does not differ in appearance from other forms save In the poles set lu the fields which might b* mistaken for cllinblug poles for vines were It not for their un usual height and the wires connect ing them. „ . Thera Is also a network of wires running underground, these being plaoed at a depth of about a foot and a >^ lf beneath the surface, and from 10 to 10 feet apart, while the overhead wires ere strung about a foot apart, it Is along these wires that morning and evsnlng the electrical current is turned on from the main switch board, energising the soil and maklug It especially productive. The power Is supplied by the city eleotrto lighting plant at from 1- 6U to M pee acre for the crop season. Tha electrical treatment Is started lust when the plants begin to come out of the ground, and Is continued until the crops are about ready to be harvested. The original coat of the installation of tha electrical machinery is not excessive, and the cost of the current is more than offset by the saving on the cost of manual labor, for while the farm must be plowed and otbvr wise tended In the ordinary way, the gross amount of time expended on It Is considerably less than that given to the ordinary farm because of the speedier growth and harvesting ot the crops ART DEALERS TOO CLEVER FOR CHINKS * ~ Attempt to Mulct London Man of $2,500,000 for “Imperial Treasures” Not Successful LONDON. Deo. It.—The true reason for the • cessation of negotiations for an auction sale of 'wonderful treas ures from the Imperial palaces or China," which was loudly heralded In ths London papers a few days ago Is irfven by ■. dorer, an art dsaler of New Bond-St. At the beginning of the year some wily oriental diplomats approached Mr. Oorer and asked him to purchase a eo • alled Imperial collection from Muk den St a price of $2.j00,000 It was stated that there were more than 130,000 places. Including 22,500 dishes vnd platos, 21,000 cups. 20.000 bowls and 1.00 vases, the rest consisting of bronsas. Mr Oorer mads Inquiries and found the plates and bowls were made for domeatlo use, none of them older than the, reign of Klen Lung. 1756-170*. and most dating from lit onward. The vases were practically valueless, nearly all being copies of originals whlah hsd Ween looted at different times. The Wrontes are possibly of some value. Mr Oorer heard nothing about Jewelry or black pearls. When Mr. Oorer refused to buy. the orientals said It was never intended the collection ahuld be sld, but If he would lend the government 92.500.000 he ooujd have the ‘treasures" as eecur- Ity. with the ettpulatlon that If the I jan was not paid he cculd keep them. London art dealers know a few tricks themselves and th«y see In the fore going facts evldsncs that China really Is at last beginning to adopt modern atvllleatloa. Rap. Jefferson Levy, of New York, wears a fur oost valued at 930.000. /^TakeYourTline wJrnH ** v ® *° meone for Christ- >^#3Ssls?sofcV mas, just decide now that there is fenSyCV \rt!fv>V' no^n * Quite so acceptable aa something yft fr" y\ aiV * D n * °* Jewelry. We carry a vfcry AflVs^V £WBIAMONOS-wlf«-JEWELRrSI / CUT GLASS » SILVERWARE, TOILET SETS MILITARY \WrAjf SETS, .tc which we sell on our jwjjpbtwwJW ) |[* *Jf Easy Pa y ment Plan llvj I\&bil 8«« our iHrlal WatfkM we rail our leaders, |C y/yLT Hi I I u ■of AUI ottbor Elfin. Waltham. Illinois or Hampden movo- I ffJMJmg If A I 1U *, Wl\ 1 monta In 20-roar gold-filled rasoo at 011.70 and ft /Iw C/ I 111 **** Bl * B " Dlawodt, eepeolaHr la atanoa %/ r] Wq |\— SUOO A WEEK /M?J /yHgSSbX Og-» rr * a,an * -.ECTOR M. C., L. S. ami RajeMlehrd fmT . CARL IC \LM-W 168 GRISWOLD STREET. - - * ■— - _ ————, f i m iiiliii In * v Above, overhead wires and pole* on the “eledtrlc farm.” Below, Will iam Stahl, the electrical farmer, and two hothouse plants given an equal start, the ona on tha left stimulated by electricity. Xmas Initial Stationery 30c a Box ~~~ ■ll|iW I ' Holiday boxes of paper, correspondence cards in every size and style. Open evenings commencing Saturday. Geo. A. Drake & Cos. 103 WOODWARD AVE. THE DETROIT TIMES: FRIDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1912. Wc were lucky Indeed to secure these fine boxes of writ ing paper to sell for such a low price. Each box contains twen ty-five sheets and twenty-five envelopes with initial embossed in gold on each sheet. You ordinarily would pay more for this paper. Buying It in large quantities enables us to sell it for 30c a box. Look at this paper, you will quickly see its big value. LADY MAIDSTONE HAS COTTAGECRAZE Former Miss Drexel Seeking Place Near London Where She Can Pass Week-Ends LONDON, Deo. 19.—Vlaoounteea Mald •ton« has bean smitten by- the society erase for a week-end cottage l n the country and Is locking for one within 10 miles of London. Bh# was In dsll cato health last season, but Is now as pretty as svsr. Lady Maldstons is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Drsxel, of Phllsdelphla, and married Viscount Maidstone, eldtat son of the Earl of Wlnchllsea, in June, 1910. Their son wax born In August of the following year. She is oousln of ths Duchess de The Years Greatest Furniture Offerings REPEATED! The 9Uticles listed in this advertisement were offered indi vidually during the year 191a by Weil & Cos. and were acknewl edged the greatest furniture attractions that ever appeared in a Detroit paper. The announcement of the various sales created sales records that have never been equaled. From 300 to 400 pieces were sold in one day, entire stocks being sold before the day was over. a uar-ri>ji bed Outfit Colonial Four-Post Brass Bed, 45 lb. 50 Genuine Hair Mattress, All-Metal Spring at TERMS $2.75 CASH, $2.75 MONTHLY We haven't the space to describe ibis outfit In detail and it hardl/ needs It at the price. /-W* know positively that this Is the first time that a Genuine Hair Mattrees has ever been included In an outfit at anywhere near this price The price that we are offering the entire outfit for. The Illustrations Efverr illustration appearing In this advertisement is an exact reprodun tlon of the article advertised, faith fully drawn from the photographic blue prints. Thus you ran tell exact ly without leaving anything to the Imagination, Just bow the different pieces will look. Vlaan. or Princess Miguel, of Bragan ss, nee Anita Htawart. In 1947 there -was a persistent ru mor that Mias l>rexel had detSrmlned to anter a convant, but the story origin ated In a Joking remark made by het to a friend. She was a recognised beauty of the London season that year, attended several royal funotlons and was Introduced to the late King Ed ward on her father's yacht, Margarita, at the Cowes regatta. The pubilo Jumped to the conclusion st the time of her marriage that Lady Maidstone was a fabulously rlob Am erlcan htlress, but as a matter of sac her allowance la only 95.000 a year and were It not for the continual help given her by Uri. Drexel the young couple would be very badly off. Wolves Are Killing Cow*. STEAMBOAT SPRINOS, Col., Deo. 13 Heavy inawi and extreme cold have driven packs of gray wolvea out of the timber, and many cattle are falling vie time to their attacks. Cattlemen have offered bounties for wolf acalps. In ad dition to those offered by the county and state. A number of the antmalk have been killed. It was 29 degrese below sero here last night. Your Choice of These Rockers, Chairs, Dressers or Chiffoniers EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED. >12.50 TERMS: *I.OO CASH; *I.OO MONTHLY ’he Rockers and Chairs The Actual Values There is not a chair or rock er in the entire lot that is worth less than $20.00. Some of them are worth $30.00. That explains in part why on one day nearly 300 of them were sold. The Styles They are exact reproduc tions of the famous English pieces that heretofore have never been seen except in furniture selling for three and four times what they will be sold for tomorrow. The Upholstering These chairs and rockers are upholstered in brown Spanish Chase Leather. This fabric has every appearance of genuine leather and is guaranteed to wear to your entire satisfaction. Year to Pay for Them Upon payment of one dollar any chair or rocker that you select will he delivered to your home, and you need not make another payment for a whole month. GIRLS! GIRLS I SURELY TRY THIS I ' DOUBLES BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR AH You Need U a 25-Cent Bottle of “Dandarina”—Hair Oats Lu»* troua, Fluffy and Abundant at Once Immediate?—Yml Cartoin?—that's the Joy ot it. Your hair booomos light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap pears aa soft, lustrous and baautlrul no a young girl’s attar a Dan da ring hair olouuia. Just try thl«—molatan a cloth with a llttla Den*«?rlne and carafully draw it through your hair, taking ona small strand at a tims. This will cleanse tha hair ot dust, dirt or oxcssalvs oil and ln Just a taw momenta you hava doubled tha beau ty of jour hair. A delightful surprise awaits, partic ularly those who have been caralaaa, whose hair baa bean neglected or la We prevailed upon the manufacturer* to grant the mim price concession* given to us before that we might repeat the of ferings at the Holiday Season, and they granted our request. Today we repeat in one advertisement four furniture offer ings that were of sufficient importance to* devote an entire adver tisement to. Instead of hundreds attending this sale tomorrow, there will be thousands, for it is self-evident that any one of these articles would make splendid Christmas gifts. The TessersS Chiffoniers 1 Material and Construction Each piece of lumber that entered into the construc tion of these dressers and chiffoniers was of the finest selected oak, kiln dried, and the fact that they are the product of the Spiegel Fur , niture Factory, of Shelby ville, Ind., is an assurance, of the finest of workman ship. The Real Value We wish to state emphati cally that you can go into any furniture store where these dressers and chiffon ieres are on display, and you will find them priced at from $16.00 to saa.oo. The Finish These dressers and chiffon ieres are finished in Ameri can quartered oak, beauti fully grained to give them the appearance of the finest selected quartered oak; each piece is fitted with a large genuine French plate mirror. ± , ijjr JBk'I This Complete Dining $o ru V fC Room Suite . . . . TERMS $3.00 CASH. $3.00 MONTHLY The Buffet la of genuine quarter ed oak. golden finish, 44 Inches wide, S2xS French plate mirror, colonial design; regu lar prlca ISO ■crur. fadsd. dry. brittle er tMa. Besides beautifying tbs hair, Deader In# dissolves every particle of dan druff; cl sen see, purifies and tariffs* stes the scalp, forever stopping (tak ing and falling hair, bat what will plsase yon most will be after a few weeks’ use of Daaderlna. when yea will actually see aew b all fiao and downy gt first —yss—bet real ly new hair growing all over the scalp. If yon care for pretty, soft hair, and lota of It, sarsly get a fit rsut bottle of Knowlton' >anderlme from any drug store or t »t counter *nd just try It. i jbßr fll & w !BBi 111 Wl/irik lIQHi 1* ISIS jTSSafi mvmm r-«S»' mmSm i " (ggH Vyfnwir BH The Chairs T* *y are of genuine oak, golden finish, up holstered In genuine leather, bos seats, five diners and one arm i hair Included. Regular value 122.19. The Terms Id each case the tanas ars stated plainly to that you know exactly Juat how much you ara required to pay each month. We do not encourage you to pay more for 1C It la oar alia to rraot you the utmost lealeary la the liquldatlea of year aoeoaat. Page Seven The Table Has 41-inch genuine oak tap. sstends to sti fast, large ranter pedestal, colonial Isgs, regular value 911.