fa* Patron vmm umrmy jobs wn tho v. m. pomm fcifltlss tIW Food and Dairy Commissioner fill VlfUanc* Oommlttss of ths Association of Amerl m adrarosars in protecting tbs public from sdvsrtlsln* ■lda, Any raadsr having a grievance against an adver- Cfa these oolumns will confer a favor by promptly parting the same to the publisher mJVD HERE IS FOR A CLEANER r DETROIT THE YEAR AROUND i "An ounce of prevention ii worth a pound of cure.” If' With which fact in mind, the citizen* of Detroit should be found co* Etftontiilf with a will today in cleaning up Detroit, front and back, in the Hfcßgri, and bear in mind, UNDER THE PIANO, ALSO, bo to speak. P ll This CLEAN-UP DAY idea is a fine thing for any city in many more ■nyi than one. Jt iort of a kick in the shins to the careless propeitv ■Mtßcr wont to stop with cleaurfig up the front and neglecting the back. | Beauty in front is deep if the alley is full of garbage and pghhiili and a breeding/place for germs. | Clean-up days are not only beneficial for the cleaning that is done, M|t serve, also, to awaken the citizen to his responsibility and to point MVt for him that he has been selfish in the use he has made of his back ■ftrd and his alley. * A man’s own yard and a man's own alley are more than his own (fbneral. though he paid for them and possesses the abstract. L They may mean the funeral of a neighbor's baby, or of the neighbor a Germs bred on the premises are by no means domestic in their habits fhpd are no respectors of lot lines. P*' Clean-up days are once more a good thing because whether the ci*i- Nfcm be a property-owner or not; whether he has an alley to clean or not. >ha is impressed by what is taking place about him: impressed by contem- Sjplation which reveals to him that his own health is a consideration, and becomes convinced of the IMPORTANCE of his own health, both to %taaelf and society. In waiting until this late hour to take up the subject of clean-up day uth Africa and several other countries. The passion fruit, whose scientific name Is pas?l-f!ora. is a delicious fruit, which has a taste resembling that ot the grape, but which usually grows as large as an ordinary peach. At present It thrives in the open only in tropical countries. Mr. Fairchild has hopes that there can be developed i variety of the Xruit which will be hardy enough to withstand the climate o' the south* rn half ot the United States To fruit growers who are In terested In experiments Hlong tills line ho has suggested the crossing of the “.May pop.” a wild relative of the passion fruit, which grows in flic southern states, with the finer varie ties of fin* passi flora, which now grow only in the tropical countries If a new hardy variety ran be developed through the process of crossing, the pioductlon of pßsslon fruit on a com mercial scale, with Its sale 6n the markets of the United States, will he made possible, and perhaps the build ing up of anew fruit growing industry will result. • • • The passion fruit Is eaten as are i grapes, and Is also used considerably 'in many countries in the making of ices and fruit salads, in the VN est Indies, the eoimtiles of South Amer < lea. Sbuth Africa. FRUIT Australia and New USED FGR Z.-alund the fruit la SALADS now raised in the open and sold for table purposes. Experiments have shown that the South American va rieties can he grown In the open In • southern California. It Is Mr. Fair child's hope that through experiments which have been started both by gov ernment experts and by fruit grow ers It will be possible to grow- passion fruit throughout practically all the states south of*the Mason and Dixon line. j In some countries the growing of passion fruit in greenhouses has be come a profitable industry. A few years ago, when Mr. Fairchild was in Edinburgh. Scotland, he was sur prised to find that there the passion fruit Is grown profitably In green houses. Since that time the govern ment has distributed plants of the South American varieties to a number of men owning large private green houses and Interested In plant breed ing. The fruit can be grown In green houses only when It Is artificially pol linated. Pollination In the open, as Is generally known. Is brought about by Insects and bees traveling from one blossom to another. In greenhouses j this process has to be done with a camel's hair brush, which exports say . From Another Point of View Lots of people go out for pleasure on Sundays, while others ride motor cycles. • • • There’s reason in ail things, with the possible exception, perhaps, of a desire to spend a second summer in a tent. Os course, it’s different, when the person is a bug collector, but even then he ought to be able to get all the known varieties following any rain. 0 • • Screen not the fly by omitting screens. 0 0 0 Speaking of progress: A man in New York is reported to have solved perpetual motion and we, ourselves, discovered, down town, yesterday, a strawberry shortcake with strawberries in It. * • • A Texas paper says in its crop report: "The oat crop is and it isn’t." In connection with which may we be permitted to ask, w'hy so and w'hy not? • • • Old man Diaz may have decided not to return to Mexico, or may be indulging In target practice. • • • In Germany a tango dancer has been sentenced to six months in prison, and it strikes us that Germany has about the right idea of tango time. • • • France last year imported American coal, valued at $126,755. France must have the same make of furnace as ours. • • • British lineoleum exports to the United States last year amounted to $126,755. * • • Indicating with the rest of statistics that over here we are stepping around some. • • • Exchange: "Alex Marble, formerly of this place, now of Chicago, is spending a few days with us, viewing old scenes." Alex tips the scales at 300. ’ • • • In town, in other words, looking round. • • • Detroit, 2; Chicago, 1. • • 5 (Note to foreman: Please advise compositor correct as written.) What the Government is Doing is quite easy w hen the process Is un derstood. • • • Luclt Sam is now prepared to fur nish Information on the construction of modern, sanitary buildings for the housing of all kinds of live stock and poultry, but up to the present time Congress has not WANTS provided any bu- BETTER re.iu with money to BUILDINGS collect and dissem inate information on the construction of modern .and safe buildings to be used for human habitation or for commercial or in dustrial purposes. This fact was brought out during the past week by Richard l*. Hum phrey of Phllade , phltn / who has been in conference wi % .'lUviais ot various bureaus of the interior department, In which he was formerly enrolled as a structural engineer in the technologic branch of the g»*ological survey. Mr. Humphrey was in charge of the struc tural materials investigation of the technologic branch under the direc tion of Dr. Joseph A. Holmes, now chief of the bureau of mines, at the time of the San Francisco fire, when tie was sent to the Pacific const to in vestigate for the government the be havlor of \ minus structures and struc tural materials under the conditions of earthquake ami tire. The waste of structural material Is one of the worst wastes of natural re sources, according to Mr. Humphrey. In his opinion, the great need of today Is the encouragement of the construc tion of buildings which are proof against fire, earthquake jtomado aJid flood. A building which Is fireproof and well constructed. Mr. Humphrey "points out, is likely to be strong enough so as not to be afTected by* tlood, earthquake or tornado. Speak ing of the need of disseminating In formation on methods and materials which will bring about better build ing. Mr. Humphrey said: * • • The government should take a leading part In the better building movement, and direct the people how to construct safer buildings In which to live and work. An excessive loss of structural mu- LOSSES DUE terlal today Is due to fire. Govern- TO FIRE. ment Investigations show that /the present loss through fire waste Is more than $1,000,000 a day. Fire loss per capita In the United States is higher than In any other country In the world, running from $2.50 to $3 50 a year. In Europe It is approximately one-eighth as much. This means that when the fire loss in this country amounts to $300,000,000 a year, and most years It Is much more, seven eighths. or $262,500,000. of this amount can be saved annually if our build ings are as nearly fireproof as those tn Europe are. “Since 1904 congress has appro printed money for restricted investi gations of structural materials for the use of the government. This work was first carried on In the geological survey, and Is now done by the bureau of standards. I hope that the time will come when these Investigations can be broadened out so that they will cover both structural materials and method* of construction of pri vate building to be used for all pur poses, lucludlng residences, factories and office building* What is needed i* something in the way of a standard method of constructing which will bring about more substantial building and will make oui cities sate from the danger of lire and tornado. • • • “tactically all the buildings de stroyed in the recent* tornado In Otnalirt would have been unscathed If the> had been substantially con structed. The loss In tire In *San Francisco was NOTABLE $160,000,000, and almost any city of INSTANCES, the* Tnited States is subject to suffer similar loss from tire at almost any time. W hat we need is proper en couragement of better building from the government, better building codes from cities, and thorough enforcement of building codes. The trouble is to day that if one citv enacts a good strong code some business Interests will go to another city and construct factories and buildings where* the laws are loose. The saving of life and the protection o;’ property, how ever. should be the important tonsid eration always, und 1 should be in favor of a federal law governing gen eral construction, bo that the putting up of inflammable buildings could be put at an end. 1 believe that after a few more such catastrophes as those which occurred at San Francisco aud Omaha there will be general recog nition of the need of some federal law to govern building construction." t . Politics and the- Japanese Question ♦ . —♦ The more the anti-Japanese agita tion is studied, the more clearly It appears that Mr Wilsons cautlefts, moderate, diplomatic gpurse was ad mirably. adapted to the situation. The president most circumspectly refrain ed from seeming to coerce the sovereign state of California or to. in terfere in her domestic afTalrs. He appealed to the Californians selves, asking them to suspend judg ment until It could be determined exactly what they, uoi only as Cali fornians but as Americans, ought In exact Justice to do or to refrain from doing In order to conserve a treaty of the Untted States—their own treaty —with a friendly nation. Asa result of this moderate tone, combined with the delay and second thought that has come with more ac curate knowledge of conditions in California. It seems likely that the cause of sanity will prevail and that some reckless politicians will be dis credited. Partisan politics, It has been assura*stopß at the water's : **dge, but the ;jv»!I T les represented by Governor Johnson stops at nothing. A sensationalist and a demagogue of ruthless tendencies he revealed him self to be In the late campaign, and now It appears that he and the coterie assoeikted with him have had I the hardihood to use the anti-Japanese agitation as a popular issue In outer to attract a following. This Js to drag the flag Into the mire of politics When the people of California and of the nation begin to appreciate tha enormity of this sort of conduct, the verdict that they will render will cause Johnson and his. luckless demagogues to pause. California has rights with respect to her lands, and the dividing line where her rights be gin and where the treaty guarantees end may b« difficult to determine. That is a problem for serious deliber ation and sober Judgment, and Cali fornia will undoubtedly he protected. At the same time the nation has clf ar rights and Californians, especially those In authority, also have responsi bilities. Nothing could be so con temptuous a disavowal of those re sponsibilities as a wanton and un patriotic efTort deliberately to em broil the country with a friendly na tion or to seek to embitter the peo ple of a friendly power.—Philadelphia Public Ledger. A Better Crop. “Why don’t you raise something on that vacant iot—potatoes, for in stance, or beans?’’ “I am raising good cltiiens,” said the owner. “Don’t you see those boys playing ball?’’—Kansas City Journal. Conversation. “I had a poet on one side and a mil lionaire on the other” “What did you talk about?’’ “I talked to the poet about money and to the millionaire about the in tellectual life.’’ —Life. A Trifling Error. The typesetter “raised" the contri bution made by the Woman's club to the new hospital a little too muen in our last Issue. Instead of $250,00U it should have been $25. —Harrods- burg, Ky., Leader. nnilorii-llkr rrrlntln*. So fuss and no feathers Th*» plain, neat kind that look' riant. Tlmea Printing Cos., 1$ John R.-st. Ph. Main 143S or City 13*5 He’re All A-fish In ’ UY IJRANK R. 1 BET < Pop sez that this world we live in Is one big flshin’ pond An’ we’ve all been flshin’ fer somethin’ Since th - time the first day dawned. He sez some are flshin’ fer trouble, An’ others are flshin’ fer fame, An - the banks of life are alive with girls A-flsbin’ to change their names. He sez the grafters are flshin’ fer sukers, Newly weds are flshin’ fer bliss, Ministers are flshin’ fer souls to save. The lover to hook a kiss. He sez the vain ones are flshin’ for compliments. The bums are flshin’ fer booze, The nabobs are flshin’ fer diamonds and things, The poor for food and ahues. He sez that we re at It all of the time, A-flshln’ fer what we wish, So, wen I’m not really a-flshin’ fer fish. I’m flshin’ to flsh fer fish. "'Let There Be Light” EXTRACT FROM PRESIDENT WILSON’S ARTICLE <•** IN THE WORLD S WORK The prosperity of this country de pends upon the Interests of all of us aud cannot be brought about by ar rangement between any groups of persons. Take any question you like out to the country—let it be threshed out in public debate—and you will have made these methods impossible. This is what sometimes happens: They promise you a particular piece of legislation. As soon as the legis lature meets, a bill embodying that legislation Is Introduced. It Is re ferred to a committee. You never hear of It again. What happened? Nobody knows what happened. I am not Intimating that corrup tion creeps In: I do not know what creeps In. The point is that we not only do not know, but It Is inti mated, if we get inquisitive, that It is none of our business. My reply is that it is our business, and it Is the business of every man In the State: we have a right to know all the particulars of that bill s his tory. There Is not any legitimate privacy about matters of govern ment. Government must. If It is to be pure and correct In Its process, be absolutely public In everything that affects it. I cannot imagine a public man with a conscience, hav ing a secret that he would keep from the people about their own affairs. I know how some of these gentlemen reason. They say that the influences to which they are yielding are per fectly legitimate Influences, but that If they were disclosed they would not be understood. Well, I am very sorry, but nothing Is legitimate that cannot be understood. If you cannot explain It properly, then there Is something about it that cannot be explained at all. 1 know* from the circumstances of the case, not what Is happening, hut that something private Is happening, and that every time one of these bills gets Into com mittee, something private stops it, and It never comes out again unless forced out by the agitation of the Monday, May 5, 1913 press or the courage and revolt of brave men in the legislature. 1 have known brave men of that sort. 1 could name some splendid ex amples of men who, as representa tives of the people, demanded to be told by the chairman of the commit tee why the bill was not reported, and who, when they could not And out from him, investigated and found out for themselves and brought the bill out by threatening to tell the reason on the floor of the House. Those are private prosesses. Those are processes which stand between the people and the things that are promised them, and I say that until you drive all of those things into the open, you are not couneetedwith oyur Government; you are not represent ed: you are not participants in your Government. Such a scheme of gov ernment by private understanding deprives you of representation, de prives the people of representative Institutions. It has got to be put Into the heads of legislators that public business Is public business. I hold the opinion that there can be no confidences as against the people with respect to their government, and that It Is the duty of every pub lic officer to explain to his fellow citizens whenever he gets a chance— explain exactly what is going on in side of his own office. There is no air so wholesome as the air of utter publicity. Indignantly Denied. I see by your paper that you have published in the Duncan news depart ment what you called a dance at my house, and the statements made are entirely false. True, we had a few ol our neighbors to spend the evening, and some pups from Duncan came en tirely without any invitation ever, and when they camftfclbey were given to understand that they were not wanted. —Thornbury (Ont.), Her* ald-Reflector.