Page Eight CITY DANGER IS BARED IN PARKJDEATH Water Board’s Failure to Fasten Down Manhole Covers Respon sible for Drowning of Mar tha Massey SIMILAR SITUATION EXISTS ALL OVER CITY Fishermen Tilted Cover of Open ing Where Girl Lost File, Official's Explanation The drowning of Martha Massey, the little girl who fell through i man hole in Gladwin park. Wednesday, re veals a condition which might be re sponsible for many more accidents ot the same sort. The manhole through which the girl dropped was over i Junction of Intake pipes, and it was filled to a depth of twenty feet with water moving with a swift current The cover was not fastened do w u and someone had moved It partly from the hole. The cover is about three feet by j five, aud made in two sections. Hie sections, heuvy pieces of cast iron weighing over 100 pounds each, were fitted together and over the top or the hole with flanges The pieces art more than half an Inch thick and almost Indestructible. The flanges on the under side prevented them from . slipping in either direction. The danger came from the fact that the plates were not fastened down. . They were put in place about 13 years | ago, and there has never been any oc- j casion to move them because the pipes j below have always been in good order. “Such manhole covers are not fast ened because they are thought to be heavy enough so people will not move them without reason," said Chief En gineer Gonld, in charge of the pump ing station. “"When they are made by the construction department of the | water board they are turned over to {he operating department and we take t for granted that they are safe with out being watched. Thousands of peo ple have gone by that manhole every week for years and it has never been touched. ‘‘But in this case the only possible explanation tor the accident Is that someone must have moved the cover. It could not have been rusted, because we examined the other half and It Is in fine condition, and we know the piece that went, through the hole, dropping the child with it, w’as not broken because we have examined it at the bottom of the hole. “It does not seem likely that mis chievous boys could have moved it since it was so heavy, and that leaves the only possible explanation, that fishermen looking for fish In the strainers or some careless, curious men moved the cover and left it titled. When the child stepped on it half of it went through.” There are no other manholes of this sort in Gladwin park, but there are others about the city not over rushing streams of water but over bricked pas sageway’s. Very' few of them are fast ened down. THREE AUTOS BURN; WATCHMAN IS INJURED Louis Halper, No. 180 Alfred-st., a watchman for the Michigan Central railroad, was badly burned about the face, bands and body when an ex plosion occurred while he was investi gating a fire in a freight car near the Cadillac Motor Car Co.’s plant, which destroyed three automobiles, valued at $6,000. Thursday night. He was taken to Grace hospital, and is in a serious condition. The origin of the fire is not known. Lunch Prepared in a Jiffy Now for a rest while waiting for John. Post Toasties are always ready to eat right from the package -- weet, crisp and tempting. And what a relief from fussing around in a stuffy kitchen on hot days. The lunch is a good one—and John lik s to find the wife cool and comfortable. Pott Toasties are thin bits of white Indl n corn toasted to a golden brown. Eat with ib' y ®nd sugar and some fresh berries—T icy are delicious. ■&/*)• / , 1 y , , , i POLICE STAGE GUN BATTLEJN ROOF ■ Exchange of Over 100 Shots Arouse New Yorkers—Men and Loot Taken NEW YORK, Aug I.—ln a sensa tional gnu battle on the roof of a four story tenement and an adjoiuiug six story ion building ui No 340 \\»• ,-t Broadway, today, the police captured four men who, it Is charged, were just preparing to flee with fine feuth> rs valued at SIO,OOO, taken from the store of Bernstein brothers. More than 100 shots were fired dur* ! ing the battle, and the entire m*igh- I borhood wa> thrown into the wildcat! . excitement. No one was hit. as the j shots w» re exchanged in the darkness , aid thre* t :si nun were captured | jas soon .■ - their ~ M ;were empty. -V | : fourth made a dash and Jumped f ram ■ the roof. It was believed he intended ito commit suicide, but he caught on a ,fire escape on th*- fourth floor and the police rescued him uninjured. WEST VIRGINIA STRIKE NEAR END Miners, Voting on Operators’ Concessions, Almost Certain to Accept Agreement CHARLESTON, W. Va. Aug. 1 Striking miners of the Cabin Creek and Coal River fields today voted. In their locals, on signed agreements be tween representatives of the United Mine Workers aud coal operators for a settlement of the long strike in those districts. The agreement was presented to the men yesterday in mass meeting at Dacota, but they preferred to vote on it in loca's at the various mine camps, holding that more men would be able tu vote that way. The indications early today were that the agreement would be ratified by an overwhelming majority. BARS HIS BROTHER FROM CANADA Immigration Inspector Forced to Choose Between Love and Duty PORT HURON, Mich., Aug. I. (Special.)—lmmigration Insi>ector 1 Col. Arneron. of Sarnia, was compelled to choose between love and duty this morning when his brother, a chrlppled old man from Detroit, was denied admittance into Canada. Ic addition to being an alien, the Detroit man was physically unfit to leave his i own country, and for this reason, was turned back by his brother. Kalamazoo Pioneer Dead. KALAMAZOO, Mich. Aug. I. (Special.)—Levi Harris, for 80 years a resident of this county, is dead, came to Kalamazoo with his parents when only three years old and never left the city after bis ar rival here. Would Erect Labor Temple. KALAMAZOO. Mich. Aug. I. (Special.)—This is booster day for Kalamazoo unions. An effort is be ing made to complete a fund for the j erection of a labor temple in this 1 city. A portion of the money having i already been subscribed. Fr. Joo»‘ Estate $7,315. MONROE, Mich, Aug. l. —(Speciali —Rev. Fr. Joseph Joos, late pastor ot St. Marys Gatholic church here, who died in Belgium and was burled ■ here, left an estate of $7,315. THE DETROIT TIMES SATURDAY. AUC.UST 2. 1918 CLEAR WAY FOR CURRENCY BILL With End of Discussion Leaders Fan Excusion of Interlocking Directorates W ASHINGTON. Aug l.—Democrat* of the house banking committee today proposed to complete the admlnlstr* I tton currency reform bill. Ibe *-n Os six weeks of discussion was iu sight. Today’s deliberation* hinged about various amendments to prevent inter locking directorates of bauk “’ man Glass and Reprekcntatl'* of Arkansas, had J a bank director a similar job in o*h* rmi wnul u n • Glass stated toda> that the am nd metit providing an ,ld ' of ’Vhe re -1“ bankers -one from eat* glonal reserve association* stand. This bankers board * l l with the federal reserve board, will be without active authority. The Democrats hope to « lean P all pending amendments tuda> M call in the Republicans for a nuuting of the full committee next week •A re-print of the amended bill w be* ordered to submit to the Demo cratic caucus Aug I. tke maj tty, minority anti r* i' or CHINK REBELLION ON LAST LEGS Fall of Rebel Forts Is Forerun ner of Disastrous End PEKING, Aug. I— The complete col lapse of the rebellion is confidently expected, according to semi-official statements here, today. The fall of the rebel forts on the Yang Ise rt\er is imminent, and this, it is hoped, will end the outbreak, except for outlawry, which will not be hard to put down The adherents of President V l *an Shi Kai are expressing the hope that he will found a dynasty, but this l* believed hardly to be a possibility. Advices from Shanghai say that the rebels are rapidly withdrawing from that vicinity. Dr. Sun Yat Sen is still there, but the other revolutionary heads have tied. CINCINNATI DOCTOR MAY HEAD HARDER HOSPITAL In connection with the proposed re organization of Harper hospital, which has been nrooh talked of re cently. It has been suggested that Dr. H. T. Summersgill. who until Thurs day, was superintendent of the city hospital of Cincinnati, be selected to act in similar capacity for the Detroit Institution. At present the control of the hos pital is divided among several com mittees, and it is rumored that Dr. I Summersgill will be asked to takp lover their duties and act as u general : administrative head. President Milton A. Mcßae, of the board of trustees, is out of the city, and other members refuse to discuss the question. The reason given for the resigna tion of Dr 3uinmersgill in Cincinnati, was the insufficiency of the appro priation tor the hospital for the en suing year. Cotton Condition Lower. WASHINGTON, Aug I—An agri cultural department crop report, to day, estimated the condition of the cotton crop on July 25 as 79.6 per cent of a normal, as compared with 81.8 on June 2.", 7*l 5 per cent on July 25 last year, and SO. the 10-year aver age. BARBERS CAN’T GOUGE IGNORANT, JEFFRIES RULES Talks Turkey to Man \\ ho Ran l’p Bill on Russian Immi grant PAY BACK $2.25 OR BE ARRESTED, HE ORDERS Knight of Shears Defiant. At First, But Finally Wilts and Settles Police Justice Jeffries lias ♦•stubllsh *ni u flat rate for the barbering oi im migrants in transit through our fair city, aud the knight of the shears who next tries to hand a nuulettered Rus sian a check tor $J>, as ne arises from the hydraulic chair, will have to lace a criminal warrant. Justice Jeffries has not decided whether he will make the warrant charge larceny from the person, rob ber}. being armed, breaking aud en tering in the day time, or assault with latent to do great bodily harm, but it will be some sort of a warrant. Herman Gruberstein. 18-year-old im migrant en route from Russia to Chi cago, stopped in the Uulou depot bar ber shop. Friday morning He wa» unkempt and travel-stained. His com mand of the English language was a little limited, and ‘‘Yes’’ was the easiest thing he could say when the kind and helpful barber suggested things to be done to make a regular American citizen out of Herman. But when Herman arose from tne chair and received a check for $3, he almost collapsed. He couldn't buy anything to eat. and all he had lett was his railroad ticket. He told his troubles to a sympathetic stranger out side, and the stranger took him to Jus tice Jeffries, who sent for the barber. The barber brought Attorney Sellers with him. and was quite stubborn about Herman’s $.! check. He saffl he and be dog goned and jig-swizzled if ne hadn't earned the $3, because Herman was pretty dirty, and it was a $3 job to make him look like a citizen. Here’s Justice Jeffries' barber schedule for immigrants, propounded to the depot shaver: “One hair cut. 25 cente*; one shave, 15 cents; one shampoo, 25 cents. Tip to barber. 10 cents.” “I’ll allow you the tip," said Justice Jeffries. "That gives you a total of 73 cents, and you’ll giw this poor fel low back his $2.25 balance, or I'll is sue a warrant for you." The barber told him to go ahead with the warrant, as he would not give bark any $2.25. Justice Jeffries "took bis pen in hand,” and poised it over a warrant order. “I'll settle.” said the barber, and he handed Herman his $2.25. RUSSIA LATEST TO WITHDRAW EXHIBIT Germany and Austria-Hungary Undecided Regarding Fanama- Pacific Exposition ST. PETERSBURG, Aug 1— It was announced here today that the Rus sian government has decided not to take par* in the Panama-Pacific ex position at San Francisco in 1915. No official explanation of the refusal has neeii given. BERLIN’, Au*. i.—Germany has not finally decided not to participate in the San Francisco exposition, it was officially announced at the office of the minister of the interior today. It waH said that decision on the mut ter lias been postponed for one month. VIENNA. Aug. 1. —It was an nounced today that the decision as to Austria-Hungary's participation in the Panama-Pacific exposition will rest with a commission which is about to visit North America. The commis sion. composed of representatives of the government and the Vienna cham ber of commerce, is about to go to Toronto to visit an exposition there, and from Canada will go to Sail Fran* cisco They will report to the gov ernment on their report. WILLIAMS BROS. CO. SALESMEN GATHER Forty-four salesmen of the Wil liams Bros. Cos. are the guests of the company on the occasion of Its an nual salesmen's convention, Thurs day. Friday and Saturday of this week. In addition to numerous business meetings, the program has Included an automobile ride around the city. The entire party occupied the lower boxes in the Temple theater. Thurs day night. Today’s program includes a luncheon in the Williams' Bros ’ fac tory, and a banquet tonight. Srfafnr day will be devoted to business meet ings. DWYER PROMOTED; OTHER POLICEMEN TRANSFERRED William 1.. Dwyer, who has done ex cellent work in the detective bureau, though ranking as a patrolman, was formally promoted to the rank of pre cinct r|ct» ctlve, in a general order fa iled by Conimissiotner Gillespie, Thursday afternoon Lieut. O. H. Davis is transferred from Central to Hnnt-st station. Went. ( Theodore Wilde taking his place. The i latter has been filling the vacancy !< ft by l.lent August Dornbrook's trip to New Westminster, B V., as a wit ness In fbe bank robbery case there. In accordance with the new stat® low. gi vin if policemen one day's y'aca- Bon out of every fourteen days, that system will he put info effect. An*. 1 * It is also announced that Lieut, of Detectives c'barle» Seymour will be plßcecron the retired list Sept. 1. He has been for £.** years a member of I 'he force, ami won an excellent repu- Utiou as a tracker of criminals. Your Baby’s Life It is more to you than your own. Then why try any other remedy than Fletcher’s Castoria Unless Your Physician prescribes it? Remember there is nothing injurious in CASTORIA if it bears the signature of Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk, or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, Prta't It’s a combination of events worth coming miles tfl share in—the Kern Re-Building Sale and Greatest August Linen & White QoodsSale Not only have the usual good \allies been prepared for tills August Sole, hut realizing that our patrons may be somewhat Inconvenienced by the alterations now under way here, we have redoubled our efforts, and tomorrow will bring a mass of "extra special” values that should crowd this section to capacity early iu the morning. But remember, the cream of the offerings go first; don't delay. —————■— Sheets&Slips lie Pillow Oo Crwk Ov I Si- II emat Itched 4 PllloW I IIMtM* I lA\.'ltl-luch Pillow I Hat'i, him..‘:! noh ...f 10c 1.1*3*. Inch Pillow l iUf*. of extra utrong 4 A a cotton. 20c value ■ Large «l«r llciuaf Itched I naea, with 1 1 n• It 4C n finish. 26c value . . •WU 25c Pillow i n»*•**, of extra fin** and heavy 4 Q n high gride cotton.. 50c Bleached sheet* 32a 72xtNi lllcii-hcil A Q#| llevt*i Vitim- tWw 72%int Bleached Ml ret a, ht-AVy . cotton to stand laundry wear. R Ka 68c value Double lied Nheeta, of heavy linen finish cotton for ho tel use, CQp ?9c value MxDO Bleached sheet a, valut ” .K»o Bleached Sheeting, 2'i SST 200 .‘IH-Inch Bleached Am lotion. 8c value. . • wV Wash Goods and Silks—Lowest Prices 25c Cotton Poplin*, in twenty-live desirable shades. full width; handsome mercerised 4 Bn fin la ™ $1.50 Hous2 Dresses These Home Dresses alone should create a »en*.'t nn here tomorrow. Made of fine percale* In neat atrip''** m ■ and plain colors, high waist style, perfect fl tFu»'. with Ho. pierre or MulKurian trimmed cg. 11. 5y values, frr.. I —^SCHEIWE^— \ STORAGE COMPANY ' 1718-1720 Gratiot Ave., DETROIT | i J m A or OIIr VaNS \ Our careful moving methods will please the most $ j particular people. For your next move call us. \ \ £~~Ridge 700 ss~~ I PHONE CADILLAC 1492 Table Linens HO-lneh IllrHrhrit Tahir Dninank, 4 Q A 15c valut ........ lOlf .■MS’ HfrofrUrd Tahir n*»_ Dnmuak Oil# «5p Hlraphfd Irlih Tahir Q 70-lnrh Bleached lrt«h Tahir l.lurn, “J O n vai •i • ■WW 72-Inch Blenched Tnltle l.lurn, QQm SI y. value 000 11 rm v > German l.lurn, Q7a $1 25 valut & m W 72-Inch Mercerised lliiinnak. A Qn UU At Less Than Makers’ Cost Tahir Napkina and Pattern Cloths, in hrautifut round draians —with imperfection.-* so slight they could be sold for perfect goods, ttie bargains of a lifetime, as follows: IP-Inch l.lurn Mipklua. 12.25 value, Hpklna. values (bQ fa A to 110, at choice. p*-r doz ■ wv 2*2Mi->ard l.'nrn Pattern t’lntha. C 1 OR 2-ril-i 2V%-J'd. and »->d. l.lurn Pntteru 1 gQ t lottos, values to Si. _ •_ _ Pattern t lotha, 2 t<> 4 yds long values CA Qg to SI S. at choice for »7, »H, Hid 15r nn«l l!»c Wusllus, fine and sheer, in beautiful floral pat tHrns on light grounds. 1 fin yard * vv Towels, Toweling Hr lllrarhrd Twill- OU rd ToMfllSK ®2™ Sr t.rrmnn liter C|% Toweling Blenched l.lnen lller Towrllna at.... Blenched l.lurn Toweling, 1 In value 1 1 u Blenched Irish l.lurn \ Ag\ 1 Towrllna. 18c value. ■“W lOe Hemmed liuek C & Towel, at vB Tahir n( Tn««rl«, assorted kinds. 12 'ac and Qa 15- value *» u Ifie Heavy I nlou Murk |f|A Towrln. s 4 linen . . 2 fir Hr in lord l.lnen tlurk "'"' u 18c 21s 111 Hematite lied llainnak Tow r la. QOa 35c value 12Mir llrnwn Turklah Until Towel, at l.nrne alsr llriuinrd Hlencb nl llntti Towels. 4 A|« 18c value ■ “2 ** 12* 12-lneh lllrnrhed \\Hah t lot ha, tine and soft. Ora 5c value iitUlnrh Pure *llk Pongee. :’i ;nch Silk Foulards. Satin Messalin.-s and Shirting Silks; good color assortment Values to AQ a J 1 per yar«l 3*U ICerm’s I GRATIOT