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Page Two mm BOARD ACCEPTED BitCOMPANY’S STORY, ftHEN FRAMED US REPORT —AI.P. LODOB. ■ pv y r - Mfotrait Soto* Not SotUM With Explanation of Poor Service Given In State Body’s Statement • NOT IMPRESSED WITH -TOO MUCH TALK” THEORY ' Points to Many Complaints Re ceived From Users of Single Party Lines £ Aid. John C. Lodge, chairman of the council committee on public u+Ak ties, to not satisfied with the report of IAS Stats railway commission on its I Investigation Q f the local telephone The telephone probe was begun ty thd council committee, but the matter wae turned over to the railway board When the aldermen discovered that the would be powerleee to force the •sksphoue company to make any de atrsd changes for the bettermeut cl the asrvioe. v The council committee held two « p«hl!e~ hearings and received a num /'.her of protests from tslephons sub Ihilihsrs. The report of the railway SOdMntoeioa. made public, Tuesday, jflgfiaa as the chief reason of the poor : mtophone service that the people *<f Mrott do too much talking over the rttltfh —r The apparatus used by tbs phtpppnjr to modern and adequate, ar- I'lSSfdtag to the report, and the system %f operation to above criticism. | *l* seams to ms thet the railway |MiMhaton has accepted all the tea pipsny given by the telephone ofC- Nstols, without qaeotloq, _aad then Kited Its report on this alleged In* AfocVaation,” mid Aid. Lodge' “What pwh'wanfhd to find out. if poqslhle, was f >te : caase of the-poor service. -I doubt « the railway qprimfsstou his done •The eteUmenf thet Detroit has X>\ Bi|bL->>tty lines, and- Jhat the ser -to poor on these lines because teap are need tn frri —deee eat laover the ettnetipo entirely in view wm dpi' number of serious complaints Igrgi iteelve# -from • -euheertbers and mm ofsis** wn ...... i#wtoa T ilssasns ohairipan-of the teamlseton. %tat*dr Wednesday mora le*, that the. commission do fji dWtog Tinlliri ~ trr rnirprl the eon* gHar *5 reihlSte Its **ier«ce oh 'pfcrfr phite ec that a smaHer number of calls handled with greater ntpigi y Pttd- 'ateracy unless* aa. individual jjimudslpl Is mads the commission pgr a subscriber. Then the comml.v gHiftiwiH <ettosavpr to prevent the com Ste. gsotn'ovw-loading Its plant by 1 Biteg It conform to resgnlations, he HKTHe declared that the service SteJtod because the telephone com- 1 m*9 JMMU oversold its product to SOURt DECLARES pint: Jacob coin fcV.. " * ■W*- ’ r* ) pte of* Correction Hoad Con i' virtad of Obstructing State Food Inspectors liltoltoa Justice Gainey ruled. Tues ,4ay afternoon, that the stats dairy npl food department had authority *<» inspect the Detroit house of correc njim: gadethor state institutions, and ppsid Dr. Bernhardt Jacob, head or Nte workhouse, guilty of the charge F AM, ehOtructing Inspector Burr B. Lin a, by refusing to allow the latter fig inspect the prison’s kitchen. Oct. ' He expressed the Intention of im l posing a nominal fine of |25, but t urban Corporation Counsel Lswrou hgatad (hat sentence be suspended, as r}.ga appeal would Immediately be tak voa* and Commissioner James W. Jfe|me concurred In* the recommenda blMA .-this Ite done, . t Roberts, of No.. 152 High est- best* a former matron, who was , didOUseed in July, after some trouble .' with Mias Stapleton the head matron, Kiraa the Star witness of the session, i doctoring that she had seen unwhole " Sonic food served In the institution. >'> She said that probably the chef was to Mams. “He Is careless.” she says, “He ; eompUmes pours a pall of water into when he hasn’t enough to go |«r*^»Bd. , * r Commissioner Helms conducted jjjJUQSt #f the exsmluatiou, with Assist. ||Mto Prosecutor Philip Robinson help pag him | Corporation Counsel Lawson and *teitotbfct Counsel Tarbney defended lints' Senator James Hanley was HflWtd on the staud. ami said that he fj|[ v nr u “ l Information that urv- food was being served in ‘ KiOcs Gainey backed httn In his lllfKjml to give the source of tho lu ?,L-';','/.pßtlnn. Which he reported to In Collins and Lincoln ■MaSS SIOB FROM T^JP* 1 IN CANDY STORE MHBBit’lrwtg. employed by the r conuMuiy, No ;,u jpe.. wee -preparing her ,: ."i">‘'“’>RAhs bank, Wednesday non!.. mmmm* • turh » revolver under . ; i ; ' ,: (IQI, and ran out him as ne pH «>■. *■ t . mWmmm* - - EQUALITY TO BE KEYNOTE OF TRUSTPOUCY Wilson Has No Objection to Large Aggregations of Capital But Will Insist on Square Deal j i WILL NOT BE BOUND BY RIGID RULES President Outlines Proposed Method of Dealing With the Great Combine* BY JOHN EDWIN NEVIN. (Staff Correspondent of the United Press.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 12.—With a certainty that currency legislation will soon be before him for his signa ture, President Wilson, today, turned to the trust policy. This will be the all-overshadowing issue of the regu lar aeeeion of Congress. The presi dent will devote the major portion of his annual message to this problem. He has told a score of congressional visitors during the last few days that the anti-trust nated for ell time. The big corpora tions of the country, he believes, are ready to go ahead, and do business Under the he’ wtaflff law, but they want.and (hey have, the president think a the right to expect that they will have defined for them how they can operate aad whether they are to he limited by a series of new laws. To every single one of his vial tors the president has insisted that tne feet that a corporation has a capital stock of a billion dollars is no reason Vhy anyone should fear It To on# visitor he said: ”1 am not objecting to the else of .enterprises. Nothing Is big enough to scare me. I am not objecting to the of business, and, lea*( ot all. 1 am-not objecting to people get-, ting itoh from conducting business with prudence. What I am going to object tjg to-that the government shall give them exceptional advantages, Which jmables them to succeed and Hoes Ml put them upon the seme other people.” ■ - Thal'nißr be |hl keynote of ail anti trust |eg||ption—equality for every one under -the law. tor the small as well aa (M <wil producer. The president kM told the men who will handle - ht* i legislation—Senator Ne w tonds and Representative Clayton— that he wants the Republicans takes Into their confidence. He Insists that while the Democracy, by reason of be ing in control of Congrees, must as sume responsibility for initiating the legislation, it must make the legisla tion so broad that it can bid for the opposition support io enacting it RETRACTION ENDS BIG DAMAGE SUIT Rep. Weidenfeller Issue* State ment Clearing Up Lewis Controversy PAW PAW. Mich., Nov. 12.—(Spe cial) —The suit for 925,000 damages brought against Rep. Charles Weldan felisr, of Van Burea county, by Charles Lewis, of Beagor, defeated Republican candidate for that nomi nation at the primaries, was ended£ yesterday,. when Rep. Weidenfeller made a complete retraction of the •tory attributed to him, of Lewie* withdrawal from the race for the nomination. The case was on trial here when attorneys for both aidee endeavored to reach some grounds of settlement outside of court. In his retraction Rep. Weidenfeller insisted that he made charges against !>ewls In good faith, but that subsequent events have proven him to be in the wrong. Weideufeller’s charges grew out or a report that I>ewis had promised to withdraw from the race, but had lat er refused to keep faith. Lewis de nied that he had considered with drawal at any time. suspendlncrease i IN FREIGHT RATES Commission Refuses to Allow Michigan Roads to Add to Tariffs LANDING, Mich., Nov. 12. (Hpe dal) —Michigan, shippers will not have to pay Increased freight rates ■until March 12. 1214. The state rail road coanmtoaloa decided, yesterday, to suspend ail Increases in rates on Mlbhlgim railroads which were filed with thb commission, and which were to■■nmrrtaimr effect No*, u The SommleSton’s formal order will be Is teed. Friday The interstate commerce comm*- slon has suspended increases In Inter etate rates and the railroads will make- n»- move to take exceptions to O**JCJ'olninl4elo«i’a ruling* pend jegtne settlement of the case now ■•we the interstate commission, it *T ■ I the DETROIT TIMES. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. I*l3. FEDERAL JUDGE ORDERS COURTS PROBE STOPPED t Michigan Buggy Cos. Hearing ia Halted Upon Command of s Federal Tribunal MAY BE CHANCE TO SELL BIG FACTORY AT ONCE Outside Corporation Believed to be Attempting to Obtain the Equipment KALAMAZOO. Mich, Nov. 12. ! (Special)—The bearing into the af fairs of the Michigan buggy company previous to its failure, and into the personal affairs of Y’ictor L baimer, . secretary and financial head of that I concern before its failure, was not ! resumed, this morning, as expected. ! The hearing will not be resumed for many weeks, possibly not until some time next year, t'pon an order from Judge Clarence Sessions, of the federal court at Grand Rapids, the in vestigation has been delayed, much to the surprise of Kalatnaxoo people. No explanation accompanies the ad journment. Referee in Bankruptcy John Banyoo will, this afternoon, re turn to his home lu Benton Harbor. Just what brought about the ad journment la not stated, but U l® understood that there la a chance to sell the plant at once, and poesibly the hearing might Interfere to a cer tain extent with negotiatings which are now on. It is known that there is an out •tde company which plana to buy the entire property If arrangements can be made and that already stepk have been taken to close the deal, so It is generally believed that the long adjournment baa been taken to pro vide a chance for the sale of the plant first i Michigan News Notes j JACKSON—frank York. Michigan Ceatcal hmksman, slipped and tell from a oar in the yards here. He has concussion of ths brain. MSLNOMINES —The body of Har old Bnderby, who was accidentally killed white hunting, was found. Tues day. The .tod's body had lain In Us j woods for three days. SAGINAW —Bhner E. Stranaban, 12, claim agent tor a wholesale gro cery firm here, stepped Into an open elevator shaft and fell 21 feet to bis death. lONlA—After John Gardner, an Or : leans fanner, had been adjudged 1»* * sane and an order issued for bis com [mltment, the esse was reopened and he was discharged. MONROE—Paulina, widow of Dr. Gustave Liedtke, a former German physician of this city, died at her home on Third-st., Wednesday morn ing, aged 22 years. She to survived by one daughter. BENTON HARBOR—Bids were opened, today, by county road com missioners for the construction of water-boutYTl macadam highways, 12 feet in width, In Ue southern part of the ceunty. The work will be done in the spring. PONTIAC—Louis Barringer, con victed of having broken his probation when released by the court on a charge of burglary, was given his freedom on condition thet he leave ths United States, never to fstura. A Dominion official at Windsor inter ceded for ths lad. LANSING—A motion was entered in supreme court asking that an or> ( der be issued commanding the Mlctti gsn state railroad commission to put In force the lower log rate on Ue l>. A M. The Churchill Lumber company received sn order from Ue commie sion, but Ue railroad company ap* pealed to the Wayne circuit court, where the order was confirmed The company has not, however, put the lower dates into effect. MARRIAGE LICENSES Jamti Richards, S4; Clara Bichopins. XI. Leo Trueddell. 32, Edith Maxwell. 33. Phillip HtaUe, 2s; Margaret McNeil 30. John Masty, 3s; Juste WaUnsky. 22. Thomas Wlll'ama. 2N, ttosle Baldwin, M. Silas Moore, 20 Essex; Noottt 1 Chiys ler. 30 Detroit Edward Hawthorne, 2#. Detroit; t>«r trude Perkins. 25. Chf-salng. * James Kator, 54. NorthvlTle; Kstuer- Ine Smttberman. 53, Bedford Fred Shahlovlch. 2s. Helena Kowai 'ska, to. Harry Crane, 22, Louisville. Ky.; j Katherine Went*. 20. I>etrolt. j Waiter Keeae, 24, Florence Breen. 22 Adolph H Esau. 37. Ida Van Slpe, 37. Michael Szulinaiiowskl. 27. Valeria Davit. 23. Alexander Hovln, 35; Gertrude Sher man. 35. Fred B**tel. 2b. Fair Haven; Jennie Thompson. 25. Detroit i Arthur Colburn. 24, Detroit; Julia ' Pate. 20, Owossu. I Alois J. Slhlcr. 29. Grace Hubert. 21 I Nikola K utile, 17. Lyuba Paijc, It Anthony Kolfole. 60, Pittsburgh. Pa ; Helen Pyle. SO, Philadelphia, i Joseph Koxynski. 27, Anthony Korn- In ski, 27 Fred Jarvis. 23. Clara Keneaan. 31 Jamea Creagan. 31, Colßary, Conn ; i Adele Forbes. 24 Anthony Kleaesowska. 2); Slants lawa Plkoraka, Is.. I William Rudnw-k. 25' Chicago, 111.. Mafavrel Koseler, Is. Detroit. I Wilfred Braze,-. 23: Ethefi lllbbe. 20 ’ William C« Alher, 26, Bell Danlela. 57 Walter Norwood, 22. Ex*ie .Millar, 15*. Samuel Ledl**r, it: Berths Nt hnltaer, | 3 »- 1 Walla* e Grabsrn. 20 Frieda Soullere. ! 14 John It Topitn. 23, Harbor Beach; Sarah Mrlntyra. 21. Detroit I William Hairtsoii. Elizabeth Na varre, 21 Francis Saabn. 2s. Detroit; Mae Slav, in. 3*. Orange. N J I t*ra Mulhvrt. 22. Detroit; Mae Wells. JO. Lapeer Cold* Cause Headache and Grip j LAXATIVE BHOMO QUININE tab , lets remove Cause There |g u nlv 1 One '■BHOMO QUININE ’ It tine { elgouturc of K. W. GROVE on box. |3sc. —yr. LONDON ACCOUNTS BOOM STOCK SALES Rumor Monger* Get Stung In Their Little Bull Movement On AccouqJFof Mexico (CeyyrlcMto. ltia. ky The Mew Twt BvMtaf Pee« Cseipasr i NEW YORK, Nov.. 12—Buying orders for lxmdon account to a con* siderable aggregate, at the opening, started the market of today on frac tional ov«»rnlght advancea ranging from H to IS points in the leading shares Whether these purchases were actually of foreign origin, or merely presented continued covering by Monday's local ' bear sellers,” they had the effect of causing more cheerful sentiment. As was to to be expected, the rumor mongers took their cue from the changed direction of the market, and eveu the Mexican situation was surrounded on - v V ~'?S\ - >K?3?i-tf.-S?;l ||i\ \ :•• *‘aU\ V ‘"■ wB'I fll V^\ RTfe;.: Jf /If 1 [m l, .iiiilittMMMr/ • vHESmh^ /jjppgzv j V**/« • \ F# • •• \ • . ; • / - The best of all V “Breakfast Foods” is BREAD Bread is higher in nutritive material than any of the so-called “breakfast foods” and it is much cheaper. Besides —bread may be served in just as many tempting ways. Nothing is better or easier to digest than milk and bread or bread toasted to a golden brown and spread with butter —or bread fried in egg batter. # I Wall stiwwt with kgrwkgbto (and, ap* parvnily, quia* unauthanlc) intlma* tlous and conjacturaa. A alight funs thor liuprovumaut waa made, after these opening advancea, and than tilt stock axchanga ralapkad into IU usual apathy. The Interpretation ot the present weak movement ot pricea, up U> data, would aeem to ho that some alert professional specu lators thought the time had coma, on Monday, for frightened liquidation because of the Mexican Imbroglio; that they sold on their own account, to anticipate such a general move ment; that they found themselves mistaken. that “Mexico*' really frightened nobody, and that, there fore. the antlcipatlve sellers had to buy their stocks. No Qentla Joke. Hemmendhaw—When BoanbrougU got married, one of his friends threw an old shoe through the carriage at him and hit him on the head. Bhlmmerpate—Couldn’t ha find out who owned the shoe? Hemtnandhaw —No; it belonged to a horse. —Judge. J«h Prtßttu Pm« HUrkt. TtaMO Prtattan C*»- 1* John R,-«t DEMOCRATS CONFER ON CURRENCY PraUMi Makaa It Char That Ha WIU Not Be Satisflad Un less Given Results WABHINOTON, Nor. It—The eee ate Democrats want into s currency “conference” today (with all dooss closed and newspaper reporters barred), everybody protesting that It was not a “caucus," and that ths cur rency Is not a partisan question. Chairman Owen, of tho sonata bank ing committee, said he believed some definite broad principles of currency legislation would be agreed upon. The “administration Democrats" were dlspoeed to etand for the general plan of the Glass bill, with reduction of tho number of regional banks from f , , In fact, there's noth ing that can take the place of bread at any meal— and there are many things that bread can well take the place of. More of it and less Qf other things will increase the family's health and decrease living expense. Os course, you should be care ful to get the best bread—bread that is light, fine-grained, thor oughly digestible bread raised with Fleischmann’s Yeast Ask your baker: •“Do You Use FLEISCHMANN’S YEAST?” IS to ft, tU ehMm to Mk* • toe if ownership of the reserve buki by tbo mombor books sod not through pubMc subscription. Thrusts of several Domoorsts to "bolt" say sttsmpt to bind tbo party by s caucus pledge to any particular bill was the most ticklish situation before the < "conference** today. A compromise plan was suggested by passage of a resolution declaring It “the sense of Democratic senators" that certain prime features of cur rency legislation bo supported. Despite bis declaration that thorn was to be M eraektag of tbo potty whip,*' to fordo immediate currency action, President Wilson made It cm* phatlcally clear to party associates today that he will not bo satisfied un less given results. For hours bilsro the calling of the senate confer sacs, the president was busily conferring with leaders Wasting Away. “I notice that our cook/* said he. “Is thinner than she used to be.** “Yes,” she replied; "from day to to day She seems Inclined to waste away." —Judge. m '- a