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Page Eight ■mrrrrr w finance ••• ji'* 2s^ Hsreii; % MLgfev As «* HB»^^ ;: “»* iu» sreto iSSSTc. »j* ?<* i»H i|2 ■Ek’S’S* ’OB KIEMr&i Hi |i BBtfifire»-‘ ,& .3?; "■RJHSSE: *#” ‘»# IWtSVa— >gg >BS ftHflirev.v.v.v. if** >“ an i| % lEJsSTte?":- ;; HbFssl fiSHUv: :::: » IBcrJ!3t»:::::::::: »«% »«»* IW’tVW* m If* ■Hfi.T~ ik M ByJraß .vA’.v.v.*.... -*|H »t * WMt *{* m% m* gßpp- i;»s |J§HHwle Gu* *• y»»a-*«*»- i*** m* ifi&tfe ? :; I* US *7TTT.”...-. uih if!& WSmm» frssi * iroa i!V EE«Srti M ‘ ii% 14? ! kmße 1} 4 attpii Ag -- lij; baM'JMMP* « *»«• »x WK JJ 1 * : ' ; SyQtf • ij* •** |ES-:::::: & jb *y‘« •••• 91 gg. ■Hgsflftfe::' fi |L pgiiti ijwi.WM •••• •• «ZI3 *•* jj| j jya.i j? *• • • •• • • - JJj BBWfc* JWftgjE jviiii lilt wflis >»• ••• • j ** 4 2 »•«■»• •»*•* pinwn gTOaMgCHAUOB ' tf* gapjpMW^y3* S Iliißgi tfwrfiifc*<i* jiii tt lj»Qe». • • •••• **t BWBMWMiiwg ii*« 5? «BBffK **:•* H •>» t|k tis mKmßtm’ac {L •*» HnbQMMfy Oo.• •• Mil «is** - flMkMi Oo« ••j • •• # **• 4# ■B9B* : ~ 8• 8 BE&L fJESBS-.' tfirt.* u w** PH iaEWfeir* •*■••• Uu imu #**•*##• JJTI *;i 2* 2* ; w9§* '**+*£*• ••• • J •§•• 8 PJKflMggrCfc. «iaL h it* n% • •• • • JJ *jj£ s* ||* ||« mmB: :« jk ateya «" S • ••#• •• • •• •• Wl Ofc • • • • «•• p ffig m£9mZo*» —.... «* «#•** SjN|« Hf *•«• gfgy JMj. «... ’* •••••• •••• ••« T 9 •• • • 9WgT'IPjWBL« *» * * ”♦« *•• .. •••..... IJf •••• Z «*»:: ! 197* STir»;.:::::: J«! 8 fWM tt4* 144 -99 Nm Trii* 007 919 sit is# it# Im toUowlu* flraM art prlr. PEpWrtiitvsr * °* produce Krnt. 22.—Flour: Dull Steady; men, Eaay; middle weat Bu»ar: Raw. firm; ifllff£iM®k* M iSf l, J* ® 1 ; muscovado. fttdSE fE.llj, reflned. .julet. rut loaf. . I *Y Mc I>reaaed lilfU; : i. n^b v "™ i * »*V feyKMStsfc'R^, '■• ■ v :"-'" irie«a \*v« MBBMMMILA. ,rt* active ■'v&*V£y : v * Sf ~ MWtOta . activity Is K4Rj6*4toi- c*too PJ| , ti? t -Or GRAIN AND PROVISIONS ZMOTROIT, Nor. I*.—Wheat: The ZJrerpool market hae failed to reepond to oar foverament report, 'and own* a half penny lower this morning on re port* of rain* In Argentina. The now* from South America 1* a till very unsat isfactory, however, and the general opinion is that the Argentine pros pect* are likely to he a bullish factor right up to the end of the season. The nears from India is worse than *wr. It is aow stated that a severe' drouth has developed In the Funjaub, from which district the drouth-stricken territory has been drawing a large part of its supply. It looks now as though India would be a buyer of wheat Instead of an exporter. Prom Germany also there was bullish newa The crop in the south has proved of such poor duality that foreign wheat Is already being freely bought. The newa at home is not especially Important either way. Stocks of wheat at primary points are large and Increasing, but holders seem uonhdent that It will all be wanted somewhere before another crop is available. The market at Chicago opened *o*c lower: drifted oft to a loss of about %c and closed at a de cline of *ft*c for the day. The Detroit market opened *c lower, eased oft to a maximum losa of *o. and cloood *c lower for the day. Wheat: No. X red. 94c; December opened at 94*c, eased off to 940 aad cloood at 94*0: May opened nt 91.00*, touched 91 an the low point, aad closed at 91-OP*: No. 1 white, 94c per bu. Corn: ilo. 9 mixed. TKc; No. 9 yel low. 1 ear at 74c; No. 9 yellow, 7S*o *V£ Standard, 9 cars at 49*c: No. 9 white. 4Sc;.|fo. 4 white, 410 per on. Rye: Cash No. t, 47c por bu. Bo*as: Immediate and November, 11.94; January, 99-90 per bu, country points. Clovsrsoed: Spot. 99.40; December. 99-40: March. 99.44; bv sample. 94 bags at 49, 94 at 9140 and 14at |Y Prime alslae, 910.40; by sampl* 9 bags at 99 par bu. Timotbysood: Prims, 99.90 per bu. Alfalfa seed: Prime, |7.9i bu. Receipts of grain at Detroit included 9 cars of wheat. 4 of corn, 4 of oats aad 7 of hay, comparing with 9 oars af earn aad 11 of oats a year ago* Shipments consisted of 1,000 Mh of 9*jur and *o*o bu of earn. Ckmh No. 9 rod wheat closed In this nmnmt n year ago at 91.07*; No. 9 at Chicago wore 99 cere of wheat, 14 cars of corn and 147 ears of °*Sirthw«t receipts wers 799 earn against* 99ft cars last Wednesday and 099 ears a year ago. rrlaMmr receipts were 097.040 bu. compared with 1,144,400 boa year ago. Receipts at winter wheat markets were 144.004 bu. egaiast 999,44# bu a l&BMwellt stocks increase 944,44# bu for four dnya The world's visible supply of wheat In crossed 9,944.440 bu last week, against an increase of Ii.SS9.OOt bu last year. Wheat: December down *e; May down *e. Corn: December down *o; May down *c. Oats: December down *e; May down lift Provisions: Kasler. Noon —Wheat; December down *s; May down*a Corn: Docombor steady. <Ho#e—Wheat: December dowa ike; May steady. Cora: Docombor up %); May up *c. Oats: December up *e; Provisions: Pina, shad D0c..,. 09* *Of 09* *4O Mur... to* 74 •. xt9* S7O Si Sf* "3 xS!* Jan... 90 If 94 99 10 07 M 0 99 JSA.ltfO Tt xIS 77 14 79 Übl4 77 KLli to 10 04 xio 14 *lO 04 Jan... 14 09 xio 70 10 00 blf 70 May.. 10 79 10 09 xlO 70 10 99 Usb gpMt. s-Bol<L b>Bid. xAskod. mtgg°B£ x >i?VS? t o 'i£& a ssaay«: tsrduy*s olooing prices, suffered furth er dfeline of *c for Docombor end *e for M*y In the forenoon asaoloa. L4v srpeol had reports of llirht rains over th# Argentina pampas, where crop con ditionshave boon regarded as unfavor able, and this nows caused some ligul- Cosh was down *c at the start, but sulfsrsi no further loos In the form noon, gplondld weather for marketing was th* principal bear factor. Oats followed corn cloooly today, and after starting down a fraction, hold wore easier at th* start hscauas of easier hog prlcee. but firm ed later la the day with speculative support. # . asßirisiwr'iu changed. CHICAGO VmODUCB. CHICAGO, Nov. 14.—Butter: Extras 91 *o; firsts, 94g940; dairy extras, Bgrogigheap-rißar Wlsoonsln, 70079 c; Minnesota. 09#T9c. Idvo poultry: Fowls 11019 c; ducks IITTKR A>H fMA »Rtts> PTooh reoolpts extra cream ■ss* —current receipts oases Includ ed, 91c por doa Rocolpts. 11l cases ELGIN. was ooted at 91 cents today, the same prioa that prevailed last week. 0. S. GOVERNMENT BONDS Now 9s registered 97 >9 Do, coupon. 07 09 New 9s registered 109* 109 m Do. coupon lot* KM Now 4s registered 110 111 Do, coupon. 110 114 N. V. COTTON EXCHANGE _ Open Noon January 12.97 IX OX March IXOt ix.ll May ix.oo 1X.07 July 1X47 IX. 44 December is.xo IX.S7 NEW YORK METAL. NEW YORK. Nov. 12.—Metal cX* Jhana* closed weak. Spot copper, 18.18 offered; lead, $4.2004.40. PRODUCE The big feature of th* produce mar ket yesterday was a Jump of two cents In sgg prices, due to supply and de mand conditions. Th* poultry market la alee very Arm. and la creeping higher. Stocks In hand have been fully disposed of and with both dress era and retailers Lidding. *a# moderate receipt* will hardly go around Dressed to®#* arsfirm and th* gen oral fist steady. rApelee —75c0|i per" bu.; 9X.XBOt.;i ir bbl.; western box apples, 91X50 «• P#r box. • hlppln « • tock - 11 * f"W Dried Lima. To7*e per lb CaHtorsla Fruit Pears, tx.7101; To •2KSJ*-«Tm slags. 91.7602 per M|» NpttranHw. IX. 44 per ease. UouMßewurs—9l.44ol.76 per doa. BSS:j«e»!M ” r do ’ v«j: ; imhH I l9Hol4djd#tn##tie W tfwTaa ®u*je9awew—lßolN; Spanish. 9014 e THE DETEOIT TIMES, THUESDAY. NOVEMBER IS, IRIS. UMM— P.1.1.H, n.«. r«TM«; r*x4>. 000*e por lb.; Dromedary. sl.lO par Deaooed Calvee Paacy. lltUVl common 10011 c por lb- PMssid Home Medium 10011 c par lb POan’ Imported. 14010 c par lb.; California, lto por boa. / POnuaa Haddfoo—He per IS Proah VopoCabieo ■■■ Green peppers 91.18; red peppere. 9101.98 per bu.: cu cumbers, hot house. 9101.78 p«* doa* lettuce, hot hnuee, 8010 c par lb.; beets 8101.18 par bu; parsley. 18090 c par doa.; tomatoes hot houae, 94099 c por lb. Grope PruM—4l 08.80 per bos. dragee Concords I lbs., XXc: 4 lbs, 900 He; Catawbas 90099 c basket. Hooey—Fancy whits now, 18010 c; amber. 10011 c por lb.; eatractod. 708 c por lb. Hay—Detroit shippers are paying the following prices for baled hay In car lota f. o. b. Detroit; No. 1 timothy. 9100 10.80; standard. $18018.80; No. 9 timothy, 914 014 10; No. 1 mixed. 919 80 014; light mixed. 918018.10; rye straw, 9000; wheat and oat straw. 97 07.80 per ton. Hlekory Nu 4- 41.8001.78 per bu. Ridee—No. 1 cured, 18 *o; No. I green hides, lie; No. 1 cured bulla 19*e; No. 1 green bulla 10*c; No. 1 cured veal kip, 14e; No. 1 green veal kip, 14c; No. 1 cured murrain, lie; No I green murrain 10c; No. 1 cured calf. lt*c; No. 1 green calf, lto; No 1 horse. 04: No. 9 horse. |B. No. 1 tallow. <*c; No. 9 tallow, l*c; No. 9 hide* 1c off; No. I kip and calf. l*e off: ohoopakla (so to amount wool), too Moooinaa 98 8009.90 boa Limes—9lol BX per doa Oranges California, valenctag 98 79 09.79 par box. Oniema Tallow, 9LXB per bu; 9L94 por sack; Spanish. $1.40 par crata Pa am Klefora 01078 c por bu. PnSnsnao—Car lota track Detroit, In sacks, 70 0 78c; In bulk. 48075 e per oa PeuWay— tfprlnga 18019*c; hens. 19019*c; roostera 0018 c; ducks, 180 10c; geese. 14014*e; turkeys. 11090 c per lb. Plueugples 94.7809 per emta Bwee« Potatoes Virginia. Tl-9901.79 gar bu; Jersey. 99-91 per bbl; 91.98 per T*How—No. 1. 4c: No. a B*c per lb JOBBING PRICE!. Cauaog Goods—Apples, gala. 95.X40 9.94; baked beana 1-lb.. 80044 c: Dima beena 9101.94. Corn; Fancy Maine, •1.10; stendartL 00a Table beeta 91.94# I. Pegs: Pansy early June, 41.90; standard. 91: soaked. 40 070a Salmon: S?-rkssJ%Sai.Vii& A r^ toea 91.10. Marrowfat peas, fi; early Juna 91.90; sifted early Juaa 91.40 per doa Pood Jobbing prices In 100-1* sacks, bran, S9B: coarse mlddllga 997; flap middlings, 991; ooarse, com moaL 991; cracked com. $99; corn aad cat oh op. 999 per ton. Pie ns Jobbing prices: Boat Michi gan patent. 91.95; second patent. 94.09; ssgsafara w Issiwie Italia 91.09 ease; plain annealed wire, |1.98 cwt.: galvanised s^a r biU o %js.l*g.ira: KIP V&l hit axlea brenaed 80.7* per cwt; pol ished. 914 Mr doa; black shoota 99- fauga 99.44; t7-gauga 9194; 99-gauga 19.88 per cwt; carriage boltg small. 78 and 19 per cent off; largo, 74 and 14 per coat oS list; machine bolts, small, 74 aad 10 per cent off; larga ft and 10 per cent off. Oim—Haw linseed. 90c; boiled lin seed, 91c; Diamond headlight kero sene, 10*c; perfection, llo; Palactna II *c; Crown gasoline, lfc per gal. Provtsis——Hess pork. |XS; ramlly. 994; dear backs $19041; bama 190 17c: briskets. 19014*c; picnic hams. bacon. l«017*e; lard in ffIUTTr *£ h. XXIX powdered. 48.14; standard pow afen'iSfniAsrs^iKt cottoaa 44.45; crystal domino gras. 9-lb. and 9-1* cartons, la cssoa 9*10; crystal domino ma HP casea 94.90; diamond A. eonfectSoiiorsr A. 94.71; No. 4. |i7o; Na T Jtf4;No. 0. it 00; No. 7. I til: Na * 94.44; No. 9. 84.48; No. 14. 94.44; Na 11. 94.94: Na 11. 94.94: Na 19, 94.947 Na It $4.18: No. 11, 44.98; non-caklgg mixtura 99; best granulated. ItTT por 140 lba; household powdered, l’a 49 to case, 49.94 por oasa LIVESTOCK BAST BUFFALO. ts SuffiSS, Rocelpta 94 oars; market, slow; ohalce to prime heavy native cattle, 19.8009.78; anything strictly prim* and oom-fed would bring 9c or more; host sS-sss s^*®#: plain weighty steers 4707.1 ft: choice to sane/ yoarllnga 48.4400; good year- Mags |7.7BOLbT beet handywelght batcher cattla 97.7904.94; heavy fancy fat cows 44.90 04.78; choice .to prime fat cows 4000,18; good butcher sows 84.9808.44; common to good cutters 1404/80; cannera 88.80 0 8.00; prime to fancy heifers, $7.0009; best helfera 14.78 07; medium to good hoi fora 190 8.40: boot feeders 94.4407; fair to good feeders 990*84; boot etockera 9t!840 4.74; good stockors 98.7804. M; com mon stockors 94.7409; best butcher bulla 48.740 *94; stock balls 9404.40: stock bulls 0108.40; best milkers and springers 9740140; mediums to good, •beep sad lambs: Rocelpta 14 cars; Calves: 94019. Hoga: Receipts 90 cars; market. k ~ Tr “* rw,w '* UNION STOCK TAJUM. UNION STOCK TARJDd. CHICAGO, Nov. 11.—Hogs: Receipts 4.944; mar ket. strong; mixed end butchers 97.99 CxuU: R«o,lptA ifoU, market, slow, 10d lower; beeves 4*-7i 09.A; cows and holfera. 91.100*14; stockors and feeders $4.000 Tex an.* $4.0007.70; calves f7*UJ* Sheep:' Receipts 99.000; market, weak; native, 14. 9408.80; western. 94.M0f.85i lambs $4.9409.18; western. 98.94 09.14. BOOK AGENTS TO BE BABREP FROM SCHOOLS Agent and rsprssentdtlvgg of text book concerns will herdhftgf be re quired to keep away from the schools of Detroit, acccordlag to a decision of the committee on textbooks and course of ntudy of the-board of edu cation, Wednesday afternoon. Signs reading “Book agents keep out” were ordered placed on the different build ings. The board already had a rule In force against agents ticking the schools for lobbying purposes. Mem bers of th# committee aseert that it will be enforced henceforth. A contract for 800 work benchoe to be used in 10 new schools into which manual training work la soon to be in* traduced will come up for confirma tion by the full board, Thursday atta int. The lowest bidder for the con tract waa E. H. Sheldon, of Detroit Tools for use In connection with the manual training courses will be fur nished by the Chsrlee A. Strellnger Cos. at s cost of about SB,OOO. DOWNEY ANNOUNCES POLICE PROMOTIONS Sergt Harry Kinney was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and Patrol* men Fred Raymond, William Fisher, Charles Wiggle, John McLennan and N. Schuknecht were made sergeants. In a general order leaned, Wednesday afternoon, by Supt. Downey. Lieut. Kinney has been on duty in central station, as sergeant; Fisher and Raymond have been on the mo torcycle squad, and McLennan and Schuknecht have been on the traflto squad. Wlggla was on duty in the Michigan Central station. Lieut. Kinney will All the vacancy left- by the retirement of Lieut, Jo seph Pritchard, Nov. 1. All of the promotions are effectlre Nov. 15. java** IN DETROIT Th* dstnl W. C. T. V. will m—t l* the I'Mlnl UHM4IM *au*vh Friday aftsrnoon at X o’clock. MlsaAlsra T. Livsrraor*. probation ofitcvr of ins JuveniU court, will talk on "Juvsnlls work.*’ ▲ Jury 4s 0m dremit Mart awards* a jasuial af Sort damages. Hsda**- day. In favor of Orvllla aßrger. as*d sight, against KUward A. Bimssll. by whose automoblls aka was struck. Caparatl** C*aaa*l Uwaaa will at las* tbs validity at th* a#w slats auto tax law as soon a* It becomra cilrcttva, Jan. 1, on ths contention that It doas not provide a uniform tax. Tha law provldsa a number or dlffaront rataa of taxation, although it Is supposad to lavy a straight 80-ccnt tax on aach horsapowar. A dispels svmr th* ad*»tal*ir*U*a *f lba aatata *f -Al" McGragar. propria tor of tha S*v*n-Mlla roadhouse out Woodward-ave.. who was killed there July X, arose In probate court Wed nesday, between tha widow and the father of thd deceased. Judge Han ley decided In favor of Mrs McGreg or, who wishes her brother to run the roadhouse, which Is the chief as. set of the estate. Under the present law It may be conducted until the current license year la out. May 1. After Maytag a cottage la hi* era i-nt aad paying far M fta part with inoney furnish*? by his father. John Penchok drove his parent and step mother from ths premises He waa ordered by Judge Mandell, Wednes day, to transfer th* property to Mi chael Psncsak, hi* father. In th* hearing of ths suit which th* older man had brought to recover hi* home. It developed that the eon had changed the spelling of his name. N*|ts* *f aa Increase af Ik* capital at**k pf th* Packard H*t*r Car C*. from $19,040,040 to f1i.000.000 waa filed In the oounty clerk'a office on Wednesday, In accordance with the action of th* stockholders, Oct. 14, when ths change was authorised. Tbs new stock Is evenly divided be tween preferred and common. The preferred stock bears dividends of seven per cent, payable quarterly, and cumtflatlvs The Tgitvfl Improvement Ca, the dl raeSere *f which are A. Klela. J. aad Freiberg and F. C. Collins have obtalred from th* United Ctgax more* Cos., of New Jersey, a »0-year Isaac on the live-story business block at Campus Marti us and Monroe-av*. The lease waa taken aa an invest want The building will be remodel ed. th* lower floor being divided Into stores toeing on Monroe-av*. and the Campus The deal was made by Frederic C. Collins, manager of the Merchants’ Realty Cos. Howard S. Murphy, city paaaeager agent af the Gaeea 0 Creeeeal reels has been appointed traveling passen ger. agent, with headquarters In Chattanoogs beginning Nov. 15. He will be succeeded In Detroit by Bari G. Kirby, formerly with the passen ger department of the Michigan Central. Mr. Murphy R associate editor of Detroit Traffic, the official organ of the Transportation club, lie is also a member or tho publicity and entertainment committee of ths club. He was formerly secretary of th* Pssponger club. The school beard will elect a member *f the library rsmmleelen la Its Urot meeting In December, to succeed Hinton E. Spalding, whose term ex pires with the year. Two candidates are already In the field—Charles R Robertson, former president of the school board, and Edward S. Ptggtns, stone contractor. It Is said that Mr. frpaldlng’ff friends On ths board will try to re-slect hlm. C. P. Fraser. Jr„ es North Detroit, risked hie Ilf* «• re**** ggdd from his burning heme Wednesday after noon. but was overqome with smoke before reaching th* place where the money was hidden, and narrowly es caped with hie life. The origin of the fire, which almost totally des troyed the house, Js not known. Mlebesl o**l *» a laborer, 44 year* eld ead llvflag at No. Tt* Pr*aklta-*t placed a figure one In front of the figure nine on a check for 10.40, and John Gonea, saloonkeeper at No. M? Wlght-st.. readily cashed the check for 919.10. though the whiting was Kt changed. Goulo was srrostsd by itectlves Smith and Ellenateln on a charge of false pretenses Hoary fW4 aGHleaetr* site manufac turer, will pay fee the beet asodloal car* for Paul Palonus, who was shot and badly wounded by the Negro. George Hawkins now under a llfo sentenc* for the shooting. Th* suto , mobile magnate will pay for Palo nua’ ear* and will then pay his ex penses back to kls home in Pennsyl vania. la her will, filed for probate Wedaee day, Mrs. Aaale Smith, formerly of No. 494 Dix-ave., who died Nov. 8. named as Its executor Tom G. Joe son. of No. 4X9 Bt. Jean-a vo. Mrs. Smith wss a grandmother and Jsoson Is no longer young. Nevertheless they wore soon to have boon mar ked Jesson Is loft $640 by the will, half the sum that Mrs’Smith had In a bank. Her household furniture and tho rest of th* estate are left to two daughters. Mrs. Ray Brlebols and Mrs. George Flynn. Hl* wife's ffeadaeo* for ereme do aseatho, her psrstefeat smektag of cigarettes In public, and her fond ness for a gay life, which finally led bar to leave him to go on the bur lesque stage. were among* the , charges brought by Fred C. Lambert, * by which he received a decree of di vorce from Maud Lambert, Wednes day. Bffile Compton, who asserted that she was supporting herself by keeping 17 boarders and earing for a baby, was given a divorce from her husband. Ora, whom ah# accused of having threatened her Ilfs with a revolver. Baited States 9—pester 4 dome *•*- deasaed ala eattle la advaaeed efages | of tuberculosis. In Parker. Webb 4 Ca’s packing house. Michigan-ave. I and Twontlefh-ot., Wednesday. The cattle had been killed and dressed. —Two of them atata-hrought-Xlom stlantl and four were bought In the Detroit stock yards. Robert Shlells, secretary-treasurer of Parker, »«*bb A Cos., says that the federal inspec tion kae proven very valuable to the company, as about on* por cent of the cattle and two per cent pf th# bogs butchered are found to be af flicted with disease, and the company Is thus protected from placing dis eased meat on tho market. THOUSANDS EXPECTED ' FOR MISSIONARY FEAST Enthusiasm over tho prospects of g mammoth meeting In tho Detroit armory, to start tha united mission ary campaign in this stats. Doc 6» marked tho session of the general nf«i»psi|a committee, Wed neoday droning, in the Young Mon’s Chris tian association building. At that time Detroit people will see and sear for the first time Dan Crawford, the moat talked of missionary in the for eign field today. His recently pub lished book, “Thinking blapk,” which describes his experiences of more than 80 years in Africa, has created more comment than the average “best teller.” The famous nfliiloaary is now touring America and comes to Detroit from a three-day session in Cleveland. The dinner at which Mr. Crawford will make the principal address, will Include laymen from every church denomination in this city and the state- Blocks of tickets were allotted to the different churches, yesterday, and It is expected that one thousand men will 1 alt down to the tables in tho armory. Ladies will be admitted to the galleries. Appearing at the same time with Mr. Crawford will be Dr. J. fi Mc- Afee, secretary of the board of home missions of the Presbyterian church, and J. Campbell White, general tee rotary of the laymen’s missionary ! movement, who for ten years waa engaged In Y. M. C. A. work In In dia. Mr. White will speak before the ministers of Detroit, at a complimen tary luncheon, on Dec. 5, concerning the general phases of the missionary movement. \ The chairman of the general /oom* mtttee in charge of the Michigan onmfnlgn is J. B. Ho worth, of Detroit, and L. J. Darios |g tho Mints#, SUBURBAN NEWS YMILANTI. The coliegtste eoroaia of Univer sity of Mlohigsfi will give aa “at home,” to moot Mine Havilaad, Tued ddy, Nov. 14, from 4 to 4 o’clock. Miss Vivian Gilpin has gone to Now York city to taka a course ta voice culture, under Oscar Saanger. Miss Mary Bilbie, of Dsxtar, la the guest of Mrs L. L. Jametk Lynn Crosby was arraigned la Jn» tlce StadmlUer’s court, Tueeday, on a drunk and disorderly charge, and sent to Jail for 30 days. Mrs. Cynthia Malcolm, of Jackson, is visiting her mother, Mrs. William Rowe. Mrs Elate Swart* will be the next hoatees to the Club of Tea. Mrs. L. M. James will entertain the Hamilton Whist club, next Tue*-’ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Roes and son, Donald, left Tuesday night, for Chicago, where they will spend sev eral days shopping and sightseeing. Miss Irens Miller it on th# tick list. Mrs Peecock will appear In a song recital, Wednesday of next* week, at Normal hall. On Friday afternoon, from 8 to 5, the primary department of the Pres byterian church, of which Mrs. Har low D. Wells is superintendent, will entertain the mothers with a spread and| program. A chicken pie supper will be serv ed in the Baptist church dining room. Friday evening, by the ladles of the church. Mrs. De Forrest Rose will go to thef Sunday school convention at Benton Harbor. Thursday. Miss Grace Lawrence la home from Cedar Rapids, la., where she was a guest of Mrs. Elmer Allen. Florence and Bertha Marsh, chil dren of John Marsh, are quarantined with scarlet fever. A band of gypsies camped on the outskirts of ths town are attracting a good deal so attention with their fine array of hones and a maAmoth brown bear, wh oseems as tame as a kitten. Mrs. Eugene Koch and father, Frank Bush, of Dtxboro, left, Wed nesday. for a week's visit in Ovid. James Caplin is hunting deer in the upper peninsula. Mrs. Cora Knight is entertaining Mis# Grace Phillips, of Utica. WYANpOTT*. Boat house owners who are occnpj ing parts of street# on the river frort trill have to pay the annual rental of 44 per year at once or get off the city property. A large number who are Included in this rental proposition have failed to liquidate, and unless the notices are heeded the city will move the boat houses Itself. Perry and Warm beer trill give a dancing assembly at Arbeiter hail, Friday evening. The National Ualon gave a pedro party for all Us members last night. The funeral of Mrs. Hetty Weather wax was held from the residence of her daughter Mrs. Sarah Trite*. 61 Orange-st. at 1:30 o’clock, standard time, this afternoon. Interment at Woodlawo. The Wvandotte high school football team will play Monroe high at Mon roc tomorrow afternoon. ECORSE. F. A. Buhl poet, G. A. R.. will hold a meeting Saturday afternoon. The Fellowship club will elect oiS cers at a meeting to be held Sunday. FORD. Alger Gee has returned from a trip to Fair Hr.vcn. The authorities have been unable to get any definite information as to the address of relatives of Charles D. Peck, who was smothered by smoke in a Ford hotel early Tuesday morn ing. It wqs learned that Pack had formerly worked in an automobile factory in Pontiac. An unconfirmed report has it that he man's parent* live in Wisconsin. BIRMINGHAM. Mrs. Percy Parmenter will enter tain the Ijulles’ aid of the Baptist church, at her home this (Thursday) evening. Mrs. Elmer Cowins la visltlnff friends at Ovid. Mich. Mrs; Walter Mcßride la quite ill at Harper hospital, Detroit Miss Emm# Vokes has gone to Spokane, Wash., to spend the winter. A gold medal contest will be held at th* Southfield church this (Thurs- Aay) evening.— Born, to Mr. end Mrs. J. Metenger, a girl. Mrs. Olds will entertain the For eign Missionary society at her home on Woodward-ave., Thursday, Nov. 20. The W. C. T. U. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Turn bell, Wednesday afternoon. Glen Blngle, of Wayne, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Carter. A chicken-pie social an dbaxaar will be held at the Maccabee hall, at Big Beaver, Friday night, Nov. 14, in stead of Thursday, aa stated. Mr. Rosenborg has sold his prop erty on Daines-st. to L. A. Jones, of Detroit. The Gleaners’ society of the Meth odist church of Southfield, met at the home of Mrs. L. M. Dunbar. Wednes day afternoon. Mr*. Dave Roy. hae been a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Dudley, at Pontiac. , The Pythian Sisters will give a ha tsar, Saturday evening, Nov. 21. •Mrs. Telefaro has started suit against the unknown heirs of Samuel Dime Savings Bank , „••• ,vr ,r, MHftT */ 'on fOH ■ ' __iiigg!£t* i**4 , Capital, Surplus and Profit* over - - $1,800,000.00 DID YOU EVER STOP-TO THINK how si«y bi,»Ml of water if they fill to the collar. The Safety Deposit Vault of this bank affords perfect Protection. Superior Service and Reasonable Rentals. DIME SAVINGS BANK BLDG. ■'/'Ltf-'J OriiwM and Pott-Str—W. 1 "*■ 7 '• . \ii Algsr to clow o Utlft to It ftcrfta of land. Mr. ftftd Mra. Hovsy aro mortals to Poattie. Naw* has boon roeotrod ofi tho •oriouo .Uinooo of Btaward Loonord, ftt Spokane, Wash. Mias Ruth Do4|§ to Quito til. Cftrl Simons is rtsltlns frlonds ftt PromoftU Mtch. John Wtlklnson roturnod today from Carlotoa, Florid*, whoro ho has boon for oomo time. Samuel llasters continues' to bo rorjr tU. ; . —. Iron Dodge is spondlns ft days •t Warren. Mra. Bruce Stool, who has boon very 111. was operated on yesterday. The firemen of Birmingham will giro a ball In tho Johnston ft Shaw hall. Thursday oronlng. Nor. 17. The Juniors of tho Birmingham high school will giro a Thanksgiving party, Friday evening, Nor.* 11. Mrs. Dr. Graham, of Detroit, Is ris king her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cowin of this place. Perm Sherman, who has been very ill. Is slowly recovering. <-* The next meeting of the Barnum Literary society will be held at the high school, Thursday evening, Nor. 20. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Summit, a boy. Seven girls of the B. H. 8. Literary society, will give a play, Thursday evening, Nov. 25. - - - FIVE SHIPS ENGULFED BY LAKE HURON (CmS>—4 freai Fasti Om) hare also been sent to aid life-savers and tugs In pulling damaged boats from reefs. Pontiac Men May Have Perished in Blizzard PONTIAC, Mich. Nor. 13 --i Spe cial) —A. It. Welch, tnrentor and former auto manufacturer and Pres ton Strong who left hero to hunt lost Satui’dsy. are believed to have perished In tho storm which swept the waters Saturday night and Sun day. They eailed from Lakeside In a 20- foot canoe, last Saturday, Intending to land on Strawberry Island, nine miles out They expected to return Sunday. . A party of friends went to Lake side today to look for them. FORT WILAJAJI. Ont.. Nov. 12. (Special)—The steam barge Butters and her crew of 20 men are believed lost between here and a point on the south shore 150 miles from here. The Butters left Una port last Fri day, putting out in the face ~of the gale. She should have reported to her owners here not later than Mon day. The Butters le one of the old-timers of the upper lakes. She If of wooden construction, 200 feet long and has a capacity of 700,000 feet of lumber LUDINOTON, Mich., Nov. IS.— (Special)—Tom Mahon, a government diver reported haring picked up eight hatches evidently from large lake craft, between this point and King's Canon, five miles north. No marks of Identification were on them. Five of the large cribs of the north breakwater, in this harbor, were shifted several feet by the storm. The storm caused damage estimated at SIO,OOO to the docks here. SAVANT TO LECTURE ON FREER MANUSCRIPTS Prof. Henry M. Saunders, of the Latin department of the University of Michigan, will lecture before Oriental lodge in the Masonic auditorium. Fri day evening, Nov 21, on the Freer manuscript, bought by the- wealthy Detroit collector In Egypt several years ago. These ancient Greek parchments have been discovered to be of the greatest importance to B*bl cal scholars. Dr. Saunders undertook the taak of declperlng these manuscripts. The meat important, probably, of the four comprising 4he lot, la accorded the most attention, and many interesting details and conclusions are presented. The manuscript of the four gospels was written not later than 400 A. D. It hi in a small graceful band which finds Its parallels on the papyri of the second to the fourth centuries. A fragmentary manueccrtpt of the Book of Enoch from Akhmlm, and a single leaf of Sappho's poems, also from Egypt, are the only parallels on parch ment Some slight pecularitles m lan guage and spelling Indicate that fh*. gospel manuscript was written by a Coptic scribe and In lower Egypt. The ancient manuscript omit# jnany familiar texts appearng in both the King James and revised versions. Dr. Baunders' lecture will be illus trated with lantern elides. MISS MARIE JANES GETS COURT POSITION Judge Lacy, of thg domestic rela tions court, announced Wednesday af ternoon, the appointment of Miss Mn* rie Janes as one of the fire additional assistants allowed the court by the board of supervisors In its recent an nual meeting. The Judge asserted tha» the other three will be selected within ft Miss Janes Is a daughter of O. A. Janes, former pension agent for tne United States government In Detroit and a prominent O. A. R. man. She tai recommended to the court by many* social workers of the city. Her duties will begin Dec. 1. Prof. Albert ft. Cvtt9ea«es will leetepe :t lrisoSr~b.&ir Archaeology society. In the Museum of Art, Friday evening. He is oh the faculty of the University of MldUt gan and a former member of tho American Sehpcl of Classical Studies In Homo. He has written several books. Including “Nxeavattras 4n the Homan Forum. Many elides will be uecd to llluetrate hie talk. | OFFICE OF THI DEPARTMENT OF FURLIO WORKS Detroit, Nor. IS, 1911. iLATEGAISEWER £ ASSESSMENT NOTICE To All Whom It May Concern: Take notioe that an asoeaament roll for defraying the coat and expense of constructing the vitrified crook lateral aowors hereinafter described has been completed and la open for Inspection st this office, and will be presented to the Common Council at a session thereof to be held Tuesday, the llth day of November, 1911, at 7 p. m.. standard time, for oonfirmatlqn. Tho lots and parcels of real estate abutting on or adjoining the alleys hereinafter described have been as sessed for the cost and expense of tho Improvement therein. Any person de siring to object to any assessment made may Ale with the City item a written protest at any time prior to the date larfl mentioned* and may bo heard before the Committee on fiewers. to whom ouch protest will be refer red. at a meeting .thereof, to be held on the Tuesday following such refer ence. at 10 a. m.. standard time, at the Committee Hoorn In the City Hall. Assessment RoU No. 7770. Lateral sewer No. alley In block bounded by Florida, Proctor, Panama and McGraw avenues Assessment Roll No. 7799. Lateral sower No. 1490 —In alloy la block bounded by Lenox, Drexel, Kerchevai and Waterloo avenues. Assessment Roll No. 7705. Lateral sewer No. 9492 —In alloy In block bounded by Twelfth street and Wilson avenue and Euclid and Montrose ave nun. Assessment roll No. 7799. Lateral sewer No. 9499—1n alley In block bounded by Wilson and Behmlttdlel, Euclid and Montrose- avenues Assessment Roll No. 7791. Lateral Sewer No. 9499—1n alley In Jftlock bounded by Grand River, D rax el Boule vard. Vlckhburji avenue and city Una Assessment Roll No. 7799. Lateral Sewer No. 9499—1n alloy In block bounded by Meadowbrook. Montclair, Marsh and Jeffersoil avenue*. Assessment P.oll No. 7901. Lateral Sewer No. 1491—1n alley in block bounybd by gprfeffl* Lenox, Water’oo and Charlevoix avenues (No. 4944) 0100. H fENKIIL J Ordinance IS-A. AN ORDINANCE to amend Section 2 of an ordinance entitled "An ordi nance prescribing oortaia ,lmlts within the City of Detroit whoro sa loons In which spirituous Intoxicat ing or malt liquors aro eoldro a beverage shall not hereafter bo es tablished and maintained, and spir ituous intoxicating or malt liquors sold therein, and to repeal all o.*dl nancee or parts of ordinances In consistent herewith. - approved Jan uary X 1909, aa amended. It la hereby ordained by the people of the City of Detroit! „ . „ Section!. That section lof aa ordi nance entitled “An ordinance prescrib ing certain limits within the City of • Detroit -whoro oalooaa In whlrh inlrilr uoua intoxicating or arnlt liauoro are eold aa a beverage shall “©t hereafter be established and maintained, and spirituous intoxicating or Nnalt uquoro sold therein, and to repeal all ordi nances or parte of ordinances Incon sistent herewith. - approved Jaaaary 9, 1901. as amended, be and tho same is hereby amended so aa to road aa fol lows: Sec. 9 No saloon where intoxicating or malt liquors are sold aa a beverage shall berea/tar be estab lished and maintained within the ter ritory within 4be City of Detroit -e --serlbed as follows: All that portion of the city bounded on the north by the northerly city limits on the east by the center line of Beaublen street, on the south by ths southerly city, limits and on the west by the center Une or Woodward avenue. t . , Sec. 9 This ordinance shall take Im mediate effect. Approved. Nov. 9th, 191*- , OSCAR B. MABX r AttMt HI GUARD LINDBAY^ Official papers please copy. < A-999) SHARD CIRCUS THEATER 77Z Showing to Capacity ftoaaoa Nightly. LES MISERABLE? No Advance la Prises, tar to fta Cleats how selling for this weak and next. Dally. 10 a. m, 1 p. m.. 9:90 p. m. and 9:15 p. m. Cherry ITSI. armory Tbirsday Ewing, Nov. 13 MELBA KUBELIK MO Stags Scats Nl Mb—f, Santa will he placed on aale at Ortatmll Bros. Tharoday at ft a. aa PROPOSAL EON GHEMI CAL TANK - Sealed proposals wHi be received at ths office of the Fire Commission until C p. m.. Monday. November 24, 1912, for furnishing ths Fire Commission of Detroit, with one 90-gallon stationary r hem leal tank, together with boss reel having a capacity of 200 foot %;{»ch chemical hose, together with fittings for sttsehlng. Reel to bare plain rim without handles. Bidders will, la sub mtttlng bids, state how soontheycHn make delivery. The successful bidders will be required to furnish bond In amount of contract to guarantee ful fillment of contract. The right to re ject any and all bids Is expressly re served. Bids will be a*?,* posal for Chemical Ta»k“ilhd dollv eoed to T. J. BOSQUBTT. Acting Secretary. tA-I7k)