Newspaper Page Text
I „■ ■■, , - WANTED: MAN TO HEAD ORGANIZED PLAY MOVEMENT Ftw Capable of FlUtac Place in Large City Like Detroit. flaya R. C. Haynes > EXPERT DISCUSSES PROBLEMS OF PLAN Says Ideal System to Where the . Forms of Recreation Are . Merely Suffested **Th« organ Usd play movement le •o young, the problem he* been eo recently studied, that there are few men capable of heading a recreation eyetam In a city aa large aa Detroit," •aid. Rowland C. May nee, field aecre* tary of the Playground and Recrea tion association of America, discuss ing the Detroit situation for The Times. Mr. Haynes made the recreation survey for a committee of the Board of Commerce, the results of which have recently been published. Be cause of his work* the committee recommended the creation of a play ground commission, to co-operate with the park.' school and police depart ments of the city In an endeavor to provide healthful, safe amusements for the children of Detroit who have I Uttle chance do play because of con nected housing conditions and many other handicaps. A man of deceptive appearance Is Mr. Haynes. He looks very young, at first glance, but a closer study would Indicate that he Is probably In the late thirties His voice is quiet and hls eyes are tired: but when he gets Into his subject he flashes s quick smile that shows a keen sense of humor, and his eyes have s mo mentary dance and flicker of merri ment. His conversation Is that of a man to familiar with the presentation of his thoughts that he takes the shortest, simplest means of telling them. It shows s well-organised: mind; and one la not surprised to learn that Mr. Haynes has taught psychology in the University of Min nesota. and that he Introduced a [course In character-atudy there that [was so popular that they want him jto return. But Mr. Haynes found In [settlement work In the lower east Islde of New York, and later In the playground problem, the employment [which gives him the greatest satis [f action. Continuing to speak of play |ground supervision, he said: I "It's a great mistake to plan a re rreatlon system and then try to fit Rhe children to It. Such s course never succeeds. T have In mind a Icily where the recreation heads made la vary careful plan along such lines. Ut s certain hour of the day, there Iras to be marching; at another hour. Indoor baseball. Now marching ap peals to the youngster, but not to the bidet' boy. The result was that the plder ones stayed away during, the Inarching hour —stayed In the streets. Irhere they were subject to all the evil Influences v/hich It Is the object of Ihe playground movement to take them from; but they flocked In during ■he hour of Indoor baseball. I *'A typical example of a successful recreation system is found In Rich luond. Vi. A minister named Olllett became Interested in the playground movement there. He' made It his buslnhaa to And out what the children brantad, and to supply them with It. ►or Instance, he discovered that many bf them liked to ‘play house* but had bo facilities for silch play. Bo he lurronnded his playground with boxes bnd packing cases, without s word to Ihe children as to what they were for; bnd It didn't take the chlldirsn more ■ban a few minutes to discover that bare were the ‘houses’ which they beeied. Some houses were demol ished to make room for a playground, lien wexp employed te fill In the cel lars. but Mr. Olllett stopped them. ■Leave the holes.’ he said; and now ■hat playground la used for piracy Expeditions and all sorts of Imaglns live plays, detlsed by the children ■heMpetves. He saw that the boys bnd girls tried to Improvise teeters; bnd he had a sort of curved-bottom boat constructed, which would hold b number of children and would rock Kantly under their weight. He has been tremendously successful. This p the sort of supervision that Is need id—on# that wilt suggest play to the Ihlldren. giving them freedom to Im provise according to their needs and Imaginations. | "It’s a mistake to suppose that all bhildren want the same kind of bmusement. In New York, for ex ■mpfo, we found that the Jewish boys Ranted debating clubs; but do you lupposs the German and Irish chll ■ren weald stand for them? They Rant athletic amusements, and will Rave nothing to do with debates. ■ "Detroit's recreation problem le very Rmloub, due largely to the vast growth If the city In recent yeers. After Ky speech to the Boerd of Commerce, | man came to me and eald: "It's m pity that we weren’t warned of this Problem IS years ago. when property Raa cheap, so that we could have Rada proper provision.* I replied: ’lf Re grewth continues, as it undoubt- Idly will, what will the situation be ■l years hencst Wbat are you going K do about If aodr T y3? f ■ *T was pleased to set that my De- Jolt observations regarding Idleness ■f children back up observations Rken la other cities. It ts/a gjreaf Rnprise to mopepeople that over 50 Bar oaat Os tho children supposedly at Rf art Idle —yet that Is the caee BfciWr studies have been made. Bto gW problem lea peculiar one. ■Pita they haven't housework end RtHng io do, there || little play for a Brt Apparently about the only thing Rio. can do || to take a walk. I*™ Board of Commerce commlt- W 0 k— aoocoeded In Introducing a Bader provision for s recreation do- Mart; hot evon If tho charter ■lh tho movement will continue, for ■9’oompllftoo le prepared with a Bdfoak pregvaes that It will try to mgf dttt regardless of tho charter's HJRi picture hones sltua- B toart had at all. The wldwawake m&FL ttomt only SO per live up to any regulations that may be imposed on thorn. It seem* to mo that aa arrangement may be made with them for special children’s pro grams. to bo advertised for certain days—Saturday's for instance. There's I money In It, If the program Is prop erly advertised and well-conducted. I The theater situation la tnuch better than it was when I waa a toy. when the only cheap amusements yere va riety shows of a very low typo. "The Detroit survey differed from those of other cities in that we did not aim at 'human Interest’ material, but wont after plain facts. In other towns, the papers were able to print 'human Interest' stories that aroused a great deal of comment; but here the survey was strictly a matter of business." ■uluses Pristtas. No fuss sad no feathers. Tho plain, noat kind that looks right. Ttsuee Printing Oa, If John R.-st. Phono Main 141s. Classified! Cent Rates.... I & Word Ossa with ordor. II sharged. sea “Hi transient advertising inserted tor less than Ho with cash; lie If Meeting Notices--Minimum ohargs. tlo for II words or loss. Over if words on# snd one-third cents fer each extra word. t .. „ Personals—Minimum oharge. Its; No per line. (Count six words to the line.) sum ARNDT—Nov. 10, Otu». boloved son of Mrs. Bertha and tbs late Kwald Arndt, brother of Bmll. Max and Mre. Bertha Basel, aged 30 years. Funeral from residence, #7l Chene-at., Thurs day at 4:30. and at 2 o'clock from Hafent church. Chens and Mack. QKUBE'K —Oeorge. beloved husband of Abble Ciruber and father of Eva. George. Stella, Charles. Edward and Marie. Funeral from residence, luv. Van Dyke-ave. Time later. WETMOKK —Nov. 11, Catherine Doro thy, youngest daughter of Oscar and Kmma Wetmore. Funeral from par ents’ residence. 344 Twelfth-st.. on Thursday morning at T:4i and at. Vincent's church at I. GUI EBB —Nov. 10, I*l3, Mary, beloved wife of Karl Grlebe. mother of Aug ust and Fred Gutxkl. Mrs. Ida Wehr mdster, Mre. Anna >Velnholts and Mary Grtebe aged 68 years,. Funsrsl from residence. 30 Clayton-ave., on Thursday at 1:30 p. m. MAHHLKY-Nov. 10. 1913. Bertha, be loved wife of John F. Mabrley. aged 3 4 years. Funeral from residence. 244 Allendale-ave. Notice hereafter. MESSENGER—Nov. 11, 1913, Jessie M., beloved wife of Walter J. Messen ger. at residence. 876 Brooklyn-ave. Funeral notice later. RE IF—Nov. >O. 1813, Mary, beloved wife of Fred J. Relf, Sr. Funeral from residence, 740 Sheridan-av*., Thursday. Nov. 13, at 3 p. m. r u neral private. MBA US—Nov. 11. suddenly, at »il* home. 20 Oreenwood-ave., Thomas beloved husband of Mary <nee Wolf) Mears. and father of Mre. George McNamara and Thomas A. Mear*. and brother of Mre. Michael Lynch. Mre. David EUler and Stephen Mears. Notice of funeral later. WANTED—MALE BELP. SALES MEN —HU installment. new proposition; 330 to S3O weekly. 41J Gratiot-avo. ‘ 9HINQLINQ JOB to let. Grand IQilf-M. THE MICHIGAN FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU la located at 40-44 West Larned Main 4»«t. TWO clean-cut young men as takers Apply betwqrn 2 and 4 p. m. • 376 Woodward-ave. > TEN MEN for distributing. 41$ Four teenth. TINNER wanted: good mechanic. 14SI Gratiot, near Concord. .TAILOR to help on coats and do bush ellng. 2410 Woodward. TAILOR wanted. lsot Mack. Hickory lfl-R. L WANTED —An Ideal Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Pro— tect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for “Needed Inven tions" and “How to Get Your Patent and Your Money.” Randolph A Cos , Patent Attorneys. Washington, D. C. VIOLIN LESSONS. 60o! Evening* If desired. Phone Cadillac 7011 -M. WANTED—BaIIad singer on commis sion. Apply 111 Trombly*avs. WANTED—Good moat cutter. Inquire E. Helm, •$• St. Aubln. WANTED—Tinner who understands furnace work. Apply 172 Kirby W. WANTED—tinner at SOM Woodward. WANTED—Boys, 14 and 15 years old, to carry routes; sal ary and commission. Apply Circulation Dept. The Detroit Times. WANTED—FEMALE HELP. A MAID for general work. 11l B. * Grand-blvd. East sss. A UIOX GIRL to Assist with house work. 362 Harrison. A REFINED YOUNG GIRL to wind child afternoons only. Absl, Stl Lin coln-ave. APPRENTICE for dressmaking! siiT Breitmsysr-bldg. A HOUSEMAID wanted 70 Ferry oast. GERMAN WOMAN for washing, tron- Ing, cleaning 81 Edmunds. 4—--- * - - - GIRL for general housework, plain oooklng. Ridge 1871-J. > GIRL for general housework; small flat; family of two. Grand 1311-R 67$ Brush. GIRL to assist with housework; no cooking. sßs Antoine, near Forest. 4- GIRL for general housework In flatr small family. 110 Oqrfleld. GIRL to assist with housework. Ilia Merrick-avo. ISJSgSPIJtSBI and make appointments for treat ment. Special—Scalp Electro- _Mag petlc Massage and Medicated TurK fsh Beths; also Msnleurlag. Pedicure ~. and Chiropody, latest up-to-date h Methods; wish to show,you the ad- vantage of our advanced eu peri or treatment Hours 10 to, If—t to I. LADIES, we are experts at fur clsan lsf* Ha wring'*, Cherry 671. Ridge Ladies* hats cleaned and bioeked —Panama* onr specialty. Exclusive Hat Frame Shop. 11 qratlst-svs. "♦ FrtTDY BUSINESS. SHORTHAND and typewriting at The Business Insti tute Csss-avs.. Just north or Mlchl- Rn. “The largest, best equipped slnsss training school Is a. 'bi gs n.“ Phone Main 0684. WANTED . TELEPHONE OPERATORS Ws psy while learning. _ Fins spportsnlty for advanoontsnt • Rest rooms provided for oF-dxty hours Good Inducement Is fright girls. The Michifftn Stite Telephone Compehy. WASHINGTON JjfP CUFTOIUX • > APPLY FOURTH ll|W,lfl| THI DITBOIT TIMES, ' ’ NOVEMBER . 1918, WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED— A maid for general house- 1 work; no washing. 227 Edison-ave | 1 Hemlock 4fß-M. WANTED—A young girl for general housework; no washing; all eooklng Stop it the Franklin House On East Larned-stu Just s step from woodward and Jeff arson-avso. Bx ai fins rooms Me, 71c. sl, $1.60 per y; $1 to |1 per week. Popular primed dining-room. H. H. JAMES A CO.. PROPR v EXPRESSING, Cadillac 380. •TORE trunks at Isß Michigan. ROOMS—Furniture for rooms oomtflcta samsmnnlwinwmeßnnmmntonmHnamßmnim TV RENT—MOUSES. HANNAN RENTAL AGENCY ONE McGRAW BLDG. H,, » TO RENT—FLATS. WREPORD-AVE., 211—6-room bath, hot water host, $27.60. Hart Bros, 1006 Chamber of Commerce. TO MENT—FLAT*. LOOKING FOR FLAT TO RENT Four or flve rooms; steam or hot water; on west side around Grand River or North Grand Boulevard preferred. Call cherry 1718 at once FOE SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. A.A.A.A.—CUT PRICES NEW LUMBER—UBKD LUMBER. Timbers, lath, shingle*, doors, sash, frames, stairs, etc. LET Ut) HAVE YOU MONEY ON ’ THAT LUMBER BILL. PREPARED ROOFING. LOWEST PRICES. PAINT $1 PER GAL PLASTERGON WALL BOARD Better and cheaper than plaster. ASBEBTOS SHINGLES Cheaper than wood; last a lifetime. Iron pipe, 2.000 ft., 2Vi in. long, straight lengths. Crsting stock and short 3 In. lum ber cheap. Union House Wrecking Cos., FORT NEAR 1 ITH. WEST 104$ A—s6so KNABE piano; large fancy style, -like new, $l9O. Bay ley. 10 East Grand Cirrus park. - —, ART baseburner, range, round Oak. boys' and girls’ wheel*, two laundry stoves, one with water jacket. 1039 Twelfth-*t. ART OAKLAND baseburner, largest else, 1914 model, new, sacrifice 831. Jewel range, beauty, cheap. 244 Michigan. ART GARLANP baseburner, email else, like n'tw. sl4. 264 Michigan. BASEBURNER. large and medium else; also oak stove cheap. 21s Benton. BASEBURNER for sale, cheap. *os High west BASEBURNER—FIrst-claas condition; used for short time. 196 Theodor*. BASEBURNER for sale. 697 av*. W 1 1 ■■ m m • m, . i- i.-i BED, mattr*M and sprlnrs; also aanl* tary couch. Phone Cadillac 6881. CHURCH FIELD electrics, coupes and roadsters, . fully equipped and well-finished cars which formerly sold for $2,806, we are disposing of at Si»SO(X Several used cars at bargain prices. See UNION TRUST COMPANY, GOOD White sewing machine with at tachments. $6. 7X7 Champlaln-st. Shot Guns L C. Smith, $16.60; Remington or Win chester automatic shotguns. $26; hunting coats, 60c up; heavy leather coate $4.10; waterproof hunting boots, $4-M. W andersee, 128 GRATIOT-AVE. FOR YOUR BARGAINS In show esses, counters, shslvlng, wall cases, floor cigar and display natures, ste.. go direct to mnfr. Goods and pries* gusrantsed. Detroit Store Fixture Cos.. $67-111 Qratlot-avs. Main 4022. Typewriter Smlth-PrsmTer, with case snd stand. 91$. 110 Grattot-av*. LADIES' full Isngth gsnulns Russian pony fur coat; first $26 takas It. Stl Park-st. , Ruge, Beds. Mattresses, Springs wu&iSSDTssffi. ivi ssr Motorcycle • Harley-Davidson Magneto model, In fine she pc, $99. WAXDRRBEfF. 129 Oratlot-av*. SINGER sewing machine, grand run ning order, $5. $9 Elmwood, near Champlain. Linger sewing machine, $lO.~ 7$ Al fred-st., apartment 13. SODA FOUNTAINS, billiard and pool tables, new and second-hand. Geo. March Cos.. 9 Farmer-st 1 Z terms Sweaters. Special prices this week on heavy sweaters, regular price 9K, for $2.75. Versey sweaters at 6tc. Wandersee, 12$ GRATIOT-AVE. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES New visibles, S4O to S6O: rsbutlts, s2l; othqrs $lO up; easy terms: catalog RENTED, 4 MOR. $4 UP; • MONTHS applied on pries; ribbons fro*. REPAIRING ALL MAKES. EXPERT factory work, guaranteed, obargee DETROIT TYPETR. CO 'MAIN 4101 I*9 JEFFERSON AVE.. jtEAft iYOOL' 1106-1113 GRATIOT'A Vk . DBTrtOn . Job PvtuMag pfke GtMft; tosasu PHutlsg Ca* 16 Jqhn R-iC Mlohlgan and Fourtlv 1 te fuming hpoms •complete; |l,s*ek n, Minuty.— . ~ ——-l— -fimllaoe and Part age. ' ACME STORAGE, mammoth warehouse. itorage, msvlng. Main Its. 41 Oilman. IfffcJBSSK y d ..?‘£!Mr RIVERSIDE Storage and Cartage Oo fireproof and Non-treproof storaga I M. 40A Moving and packing City 4lit WXfWjOTgRT ftfolf* AGE ca—Furniture storM in eom pnrtmenU: large vans Mala >sßl. Sssum FOE 111 M—■■iIPEWCE PEOPEETY. • BRAND NEW HOUSE 1070 CADILLAC-AVE. WILL SELL ON EASY* TERMS TWOrSTORY FRAME Large living room and dining room, finished in oak, fine kitchen and built-in cabinet, ♦ bre*' bedrooms and bath, basement, furnace, laundry, electricity and gas, cement walks, street paved. Be sure to see this house. We will sell it on terms to suit purchaser. HOMER WARREN & CO., 1227 Chamber of Commerce. L ■ ..—-..1- . . . ■ % Let Me Buy You a Home Statu your price and what rash and monthly Installments you can pay snd I will search for bargains In any locality. Owner will pay my .com mission. Let Me Sell Your Property If you can give my clients honest value for their money 1 can sell your property. Let Me Invest Your Money There la no safer or more sane In vestment then good, guaranteed Land Contracts or Mortgages. I havs • them in large or small denomlna 'ioo*- „ ~ . , Estates managed. Rents collect*!. WILBUR B. GILBERT 181S-I0 Majestic. M. 1430. Grand 2017. Two-Flat STEAM HEAT New brick, six rooms and bath; 1 bod rooms. separata heating plants, bast materials throughout, paved street. Choice renting and residence section. Best bargain In city for home or In vesgnont. Phone Hickory 1072-W, or MALONffiY-CAMPBELL REALTY CO„ INC.; 604 Free Pies* Bldg. CHICKEN FARMS On Grand Rlver-av*., Detroit, $1.76t. 1$ acres nr. Grand River electric, splen did soli, on easy terms: $1,700. 2$ acres nr. Fort, good buildings, 62,666. 49 seres nr. Blrmlng&am. good build ings. bast of soil; a bargain; $4,890. 1C acres on Gratiot In Detroit; terms. 120 acres nr. Grand River; will ex change for Detroit property. EBERT SO9 Majestic Bldg. Brick Two-Flat ONLY $6,000 East side, half block from car; six rooms and bath, attln up; flve extra large rooms and hath down; pressed brick front; full basement; separate furnaces and laundries; paved street. $1,600 or more down. A bargain. MALONKY-CAMPBELL REALTY CO.. INC., 604 FREE PRESS BLDG. - r 1 1 "■ 7 ROOMS, one-story house, built two years ago, bath, gas range; $2,000, $550 cash. 5 rooms, bath and barn; $250 cash, sls a month. 9 rooms, bath and barn, mile circle; $2,500, S3OO down. 8 rooms and bath North Woodward; $3,500, SSOO down. C. S. BEADLE & SON 4 McGraw Bldg. Cad. 1957. 1 STORE SITE OPPOSITE NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL SIZE 30x130 FEET PRICE $1,500 Will sell on very easy terms; this is a .big bargain; do not Jet it get away from you. HOMER WARREN & CO., 1227 Chamber of Commerce. — - ... ———•* Beautiful Home FINE CORNER Pressed brick on four sides, t rooms, Isrgs sttlc, hot water heat, modern In, every respect, room to build on rear, large garage. $8,609. Easy terms. Get details. PARKER, BCHUNK A FRY. M. 5930. 70$ Majestic Bldg. FIVE-HOUSE TERRACE WEST SIDE CORNER Solid brick, 6 rooms each. Price $9,500; rents $1,100; easy term*. HOMER WARREN & CO., 1227 Chamber of Commerce. ‘ $2,600—5500 DOWN Cottage. 7 rooms, bath and cellar; la* condition; near Grand River. Pretty 8-room, oak floors, bath, eellar; Tw«nty-eighth-st.. near Warren. EBERT, 309 Majestic Bldg. ■ ■ - ■ ■■ Bungalow, Near Oakland - $2,600 t rooms and bath; a pretty home, new. and on easy terms. • rooms and bath, near Oakland, new; easy t*rm% Or will take lot; $2,600. T rooms, near Gratiot; SSOO down; 92.800. 6 rooms and batji, near Mack; SIOO down; $2,300. EBERT, 309 Majestic Bldg. 10% NET on $38,090 —Block of stores on woodward corner which will rapidly Increase In value; SIB,OOO handles this bargain, no telephone Informa tion. Down-town comer 531,000 with $13,000 down, leased to one tenant and showing 10% net. 11-YEAR Lease—An attractive propo sition to a reliable party for apart ments or stores; fine corner. Wtnder-st.—Large solid brick house, large lot; price $13,000; 84,000 down. Hee Derry A Howard, 804 Whitney Bldg. Cherry 3369. DO YOU 7 WANT to sell that flat?. Then see us, we have purchasers for good four and six-family flats. HOMER WARREN & CO., 1227 Chamber of Commerce . Main 6406. 6-FAMILY APARTMENT ' Three-story solid brick building. Tiled vestibule, steam heat, 7 rooms each apartment. Lot 47x130. Within 2-mile circle. Price $22,000. Rental* $2,556. HOMER WARREN & CO., 1227 Chamber of Commerce, ' DUPLEX —Special Features ■olid brick, built on honor; largq porches; second covered; grand open fireplaces; flxtured bookcase In low er; special automatic gas heater for upper; large lot, etc.; inside 1%-mlle circle; close to Second-avs. Pries 110.009; rents ftf. OTHER OvtOD* THtNOfe. _ HENRY PLASH AOENUY. , Uherry 9911. SOI Moffat BldF. • BUNGALOW SSOO DOWN 9 rooms ajnd bath, furnacs. slsctrls , light; large lot; near Grand River - S»4 Boulevard. ‘ AMERICAN ESTATES CO., BMIBM Ini M| OBirry WS. ron pioFMinr. Fine Home NEAR FORD MOTOR CO. FIRST BLOCK. new l-room bout*, ready to move into, has den. beamed living room with bitch fireplace beamed dining room. 4 fine white en ameled bedrooms, mahogany doors with 'glass knobs, oak floors throughuuT, flits fixtures and decora tions; lot 40x117; garage, paved street. $6,000. PARK Kit. SCHUNK A FRY. M. 6030. 70S Majestic. I HAVE a lot on the Boulevard I will build on to suit buyer; SI,OOO first tayment, balance to suit Miller. 613 >lme Bank bldg. ’ HIGHLAND PARK HOME " Steam-heated, 7-room, modern, coxy home on a lot 46x150; vary Inrgi veranda, all screened; also screened sleeping porch; there are storm houses, storm d&ors, storm windows and screens for all doors and Win dows; there's a garage large enough for 3 cars; apace for S now rented for $lO per month; over 360 feet of California Privet hedge on (he grounds; it Is a real cosy home; the price Is $6,000; $1,600 down. J. w. KNAUPE & CO., • Redraw Bldg. Cherry 2195. YINEWOOD-AV E. PRICE $2,100 5-room cottage, 3 bedrooms, elec tric lights. Lot 30x100. This is a bargain. Can give quick possession. See us. HOMER WARREN & CO., 1227 Chamber of Commerce. ' EAST SIDE HALF BLOCK NORTH OF JEFFER SON ONLY $3,500 New, seven rooms and bath, hot air heat, full basement, laundry tubs, fruit cellar, linen closet, oak floors and modern In every particular. This la a beautiful little home and the location la fine. Let us show It to you. Terms rsasonabls. D. L. COLWELL, . Mala 4»57. $Ol Whitney Bldg. ' 6 NEW HOMES All different styles, 6, 6 and 7 rooms, oak finish, basement, furnace, tubs, decorated, lots 30x130, stc. Take Mack car to Garland-ave., walk block south to No. 714. Vie are there every afternoon, S to I. HAHN A KLUDT, Ridge 1746. Office, 940 Mack. cor. Townsend. RENTS, SI,OBO ■'-* FOUR-FAMILY APARTMENT. EAST SIDE; CLOBE TO PACKARD. WALTER HEAVENRICH. MM Hammond Bldg. Cadillac lsll. roll 11 " FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE >t acres ready to plat, clear, fOr Im proved property and assume. 60 acres will take cottage as part payment. 64 acres, Wayne ceMnty, Improved farm, take city proparty up to sl.oo*. C. S. BEADLE A BON. 4 MoOraw Bldg. Cadillac Isl 7. t- ■■ 1 - ■ '« 40 ACRES, N*w Boston —7*ro. house, barn, I A. timber, orchard. $3,500. Will exchange for cottage. ISO A., Belleville—7-ro. house, 3sx«l bam. cement floor, good poultry house, orchard, 11 A. timber. lhrlng water. A bargain at ss* per acre. Will exchange. FRANK E. BJHOOS, •19 Dime Bank Bldg. Cherry lift. ’ oakland county 111 acres, sandy loMn soil, 30-acre lake on «farm, 10-roam house. new cement basement bams, all other ontbslid ing#, large stle and filler. Incubators and gas engines, 10 cows and 3 teams draft horses, all tools and Imple ments; terms or trade: price s>o,ooo. See J. D. BUTTERFIELD, 621 Ham mond bldg. FOR BALE —190 acres one mile from IX IT. R.: SI,OOO worth of buildings, fine orchard, good soil, r ><i wire fence, some timber, 37 n•« from Detroit. Would exchange for large flat See J. H. Logan, 617 Free Press building. •0 ACRES—4O acres clear, balance woods, 1 barn 39x30. cow stable and outbuildings; small house, good well, all newly fenced; price $1,500; S6OO down. Ed. De Orandohamp Cos.. IPOT Qratlot-ave. ■nalneas-llke Printing. No fusa and fto feathers. The plain, nsal kind that oeka right Times Printing C«., IS John R.-st. Phone Main 1411. rom ■ALB-YACAWT LOTI. rom ■AIB-YAPAWT LOTI. North Woodward Flats SI,OOO and $1,500 Down If you want to buy a flat, any part of the city* on small pay ment, call and see THE LOGAN CO. . 617 Free Press Bldg. Cherry 3071. """" piwTirre. pbwtiiti. Does the Cold Weather Affect Pa Those Bad Teeth? B Come In <Lnd let us examine them. We will do It free. We aleo rive an estimate of the cost of fixing them free. Hurely you do not with to suf- Bw fer when we do food dental work so reason* •idle. Conditions for decayed teeth are bad in cold weath er and any more delay means more pain. and. in the end. more exponas .Let ua show you our pain lens method Is all we assure you It Is. Come today or tonight. Genuine Painless Dentist Work a Specialty Gold, Enamel and Alloy, $1 up Silver and cement Alllngs. Me up. Our fillings are all of the beet material, and we guarantee them. Sets of Teeth Guaranteed at SS, $8 and $lO rainless extraction In our own offices, no patients Are sent outside—w« have specialists here that do nothing but extract teeth; of rourae, they must become experts doing ths business we do. Then, too. they have methods and materials to work with that have proven DR C W successful. We give free extraction when jou order ADAMS plates, the plates are then made by another specialist. • • *»» of the very best teeth and materials. Our Plates fit Lady attendants €Xa( , t to t he gums. CROWNS, Gold or Porcelain, - - $4 Teeth that are decayed can ha saved by having them crowned with a gold or porcelain crown Dr. Adapts* gold crowns are made **f heavy 22k solid gold and are guaranteed by ua to he the best regardless of cost. Dr. Adams’ porcelain teeth are A-No. 1 quality; they are matched with your teeth with the greatest care. BRIPGEWORK Gold or Porcelain,. s3-$4. OFFICE HOURS—DaIIy from •a. nf* *© • p. m. Sundays and Holt*- EXTRACTION GUARANTEED. We give Oas or Vitalised j Air. Two Jady attendants. OUT-OF-TOWN TATI ENTS should writs for appointment and have work done same day they come In. - jj, We will accept part down, i Come In BOONr—today If you wleh creail balance In permeate I —for FRKB examination and well- ~ whllo the work Is being doue. } mate. - • -> '*••• •» > Dr. Adams Dentist Cor. Michigan and Griawold. Entrance. l«J CHwgM St, Fourth Floor/aver KlnauFs Drug tture. ■■■ /■ « Elevator. rom SALS—VACANT LOTS. DO YOU WANT TO buy the best terrace site in Detroit? A* , corner Jot 50x125, one block from Wood ward-A ve. Space enough for five or six houses. I 20 minutes car ride from down town. Price for quick sale, $3,200. HOMER WARREN & CO., 12 27 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE—ACREAGE. 14 Acres Close to Woodward Adjoining fine subdivision, SIOO an acre. II lots, finest corner of subdi vision. Close to Ford City and Ecorse, handy to both West Jefferson and Monroe car lines; will sell In lots of five at $126, In lots of 10 at sll6. or all In one sale at s9s; suit able terms HENRY PLASH AGENCY. Cherry 3011. $Ol Moffat Bldg, ——tiifimFAKMs; LIST YOUR FARMS with me for faU and spring delivery. 1 can get you either a cash sals or good exohang*. Frank E. Briggs. Cherry 2319, 11$ Bldg. FOR SALE PIANOS. $760 PLAYER PIANO, IS-note. highest grade standard make, fine mahogany | case; has been uaed In our waroroomf for demonstrating since July. Our* price on this Is SSOO. Including bench ; and music Full guarantee goes with it. On sale Monday. Detroit Musie Cos., SSI Woodward-avs. i S4OO PEASE PIANO, beautiful French walnut case, highest grade action; uaed less than on* year. A snap at s3Bs, on easy terms. Guarantee goes with It. On sale Monday. Detroit Music Cos., 231 Woodward-ave. SOI'ARE GRAND PIANO for only |»5~ why be without a piano when now you can buy one of those for so flttleT The Cable Plano Cos.. >ls Woodward. SIOO PLAYER-PIANO In' dark oak case of artistic destga. All ImprovetnanU. This piano has been used only for demonstrating; Is almost new. To close out at once we offer It for only $415. Easy payments. The Cable Plano Cos.. 311 Woodtrard. sl99 —KELLER BROS.* upright piano In rich case of walnut; now In first class condition, and we offer It for only sllO. Certainly a good bar gain. $5 cash and> $6 monthly. The Onbts Piano Cos., ill Woodward. *- fc. ~~ " * •- fH in i SSI aRe $450 PURITAN UPRIGHT PIANO f» rich, plain case of- selected mahog any This piano is only shopworn; :'on this scoount will"be bold’* at'a big reduction. Easy payment*. The Cable Plano Cos., lit Woodward. BIIIINCM pWoRfWUfISg. * 7 r NOTICE *’ . ’ Parties Wanttnar any- work done on typewriter can have same dona at a very reasonable rate. Will furnish my own stationery; will translate and copy any work In Italian or w °°- ' Ifor’ RENT —Soda fountain arid Rinoh counter In Mg department ltofa down town. 'A bargain. Act 4uiek. C. Caster. 304 H Woodward-ave.,. MONEY FOR SALARIEt) people *' and others, upon (heir dwfr nem*#Y cheap rate: easy payment!; confided* tUU.g h UNId>N CREDIT, CO.. rqynTYT f Van Baalen's Loan Established 1960 tl Michlgan-ave. II Money advanced on DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. CONSTRUCTION LOANS Liberal amounts, j. F Weber, >O4 Gratiot, PRRSONAL. DANIEL CRYSLER, call for goods within three days or will be sold. ill Adame east. NOTICE^ —If any poer girl Is In trouble, needing advice. friendship or help. 88JW.' ,»* WAaFCSNSKiSE Army. VNDRRTAinDRS. BRODIE & KUESSNER Funeral directors, sue. to Wm. J. Masoh, sl2 Qratlot-ave. Call Rldgo 171 ■ Bo- « Monro# Amß&fJ-: ' >-■'?. hX*ii Sion, o. Rings; 41074. a v«n&Aft». wissißß mol, Htlcl Pin: 41M4 ft, Ring; 4093 J, DU. RtPSf; in. 40420. o. f. f watoET: Ring; 40911, Colt'S Kevalvor: MlmSmßmm r»«S. .wws&lS: tvawm 40460, Stick Pin; Ring. 40869. Stick Pin; ioiHS HmHH 40666. Gold Chain; 4011$, H. f. W»M— --41)646. 1 Ms. King; 40541. B. K 40613. 2 Ida Kings; oillS. ftllffll 406u7, Trombone; 40I0S, O. wZ&imßHm Watch; 40400, King Cornet; mlajiffli Ring. 40792. Dia. Rina; 4070 L 40766 .Stick Pin, Tie Hasp art Ml Cutter; 40766, Dla Ring; 4#% Ift—— Watch; 40777, Two Rlqas; 4577i era; 40766, I-adies' H. T. Watch: SOTOHI Micrometer and Revolver; tlTIr. Button*; 40732, Clarionet; if. K. Watch; 40719, Ladles 1 ’ ML ZJK&W Watch: 40715, O. F. F. Wateh:WljfHßH Dla. Ring; 407 Va, Dla. 40699. Revolver; 40995, H. At, 40697, H. F. Watch; 40995. Dt*. IB3ff9| Pin; 40490, O. K. F. Watch; IHH, ([l|l¥iliW 4o«7», Dia. Ring: 40495. Ring; ItMpil O. F. F. Watch; 40963, H. Gold 40643, Hlgnet Hina; 44935. Ring; Dia. Hina; 40619. Dla. Ring! bPK Oboe; 40911, Ladies' H. F. 'tvlfcK''rtflKfl| I Ring; 40609, Ladles’ A Gold WatSMB 40603. Dla. Pin; 40193, Slgnkt RMBjH ! 40553, Red Stone Hina; 49547. King; 40646. Pin; 40544, Cuff BetkWMW 40636, Wedding Rlni; iltlCMMlWj Bracelet; 40625, Wedding Ring: 4#5Mt«$SW O F. F. Watch. 40611. I4tdl#a* k. OeSH; Watch; 40691, Pin: 40690. 6. Watch; 40483. O. F. fe’. Watch; 490 M«« Dia Stud; 40471, Drauabtlng T—l« tiM 40 4 72. o F. F. Watch; 40157, Piq; Ladies’ H. Filled Watch; 40«4l» ft, jK-WI F. Watch; 40439, O. F. N. Watch: O. F. F. Watch; 40343, O. F. F. WaieSfK: 40386. H F. Watch; 40177. Horn; 40876, Dla. Ring: 40971, Dla. hit:; Hag, 40357. O F F Watch; 40JU, LH-* »>R Ring: 40841. Two Rings; 40514. O. Watch: 40334, Ring; 40ISS, RUa; 40314, Camera; 40314. Ml 40301. Dla. Locket; 402»C O. F F.sSK Watch; 40390, a F. F. Wntoto oM&ifl| H. Oold Watch; 40173, M. F. irurtMl 40270, Dia Pin; 40363, frn; «•$••» Karl rtf Pin; 40161. Opal Ring; 40141, (X FiF.® Watch: 40241, Signet Rina: 40S>5. WeSeirt| dlna Ring; 40919. Mandolin: Ijllf, F. A. Watch; 40215, Ring: 40S1S, RUBw 40204. O. F. F. Watch; Will filjKlT; Watch; 40195; Dia Ring: 40119, Surveyor's -Transit and TnprtK^i MOl ft' Masonic Ringr OtITM ,F. ViA<?\t. 40172, ViollnNoifi, E|t(«rjrtH Xohreir, 4014F, H. F. Watch; *Ol9l, Ww*“ ' unr 40147, Watch Cans And Rings! 40119, Ring: 40110 - h(an4fMais|S 40113. Two Shot Gunn: itUt. Tdcwßp-: Cornet: 401ST, Indies' H. Gold 40105, G. F P; Watch; OSHti CUttennl; 40099, Revolver: 40016. Red Btonn RTngl2# j uatirFY. Watck; 11891, Coin: ItJIHL ftUk ▼tAfttf 3 V). F. F. Watch;. 31171. Dla MmMlJpfH inn sinis. Two. jjia. Mbd chAn; mu.o. .r^yryWk? •iwsaffht ® Mi: 4 volver; 19514. Black Leather Bag; n 39627. Dla Ring; 19511, IL F. WtetA 19510. O. F. F. Watch: lISIL 7 lt *** Watch; 11411. Ring: 114 TL Revolver; 11451, Ladles 1 H. F. Watch; 11445. Ladles' O. F. F. Watch; 1144? a -*7¥. g Watch; 11441, Dla Ring; IIOA Watch; >l4lO. Oold Chain;l»7ll, F. Watch; 11401. Q. F. F. Watch; MMHL ~ Ladles' O. F. F. Watch: 89399, RUur. ■*> ding Ring: 19813. Dla Ring. Bs|K tl O F. F. Watch; 11111, Signs! Rlnfff 39116, Dla Ring; 19171. Bahjl; IflU.•*. MUrsak m‘A. jfe & Watch; 11140, H. F. Watch; 801377 Cor* M net; 89119, Cornet;.HlSS, OulUrrtflll.' Shot Gun. Rod and Reel; 19099, Maade- M lln; iWdk, Pin; st#9l. H. F WgtohrM 19019. Leather Bnjr; $9002, Jfljng; mil, H. f. Watch; 11194, Wedding Ktng; M mil. Wedding Ring; 11117. StlnlTFS; *H 11914. H. F. Watch: lillf. G. fCjR Watch: 11977. Two Stick Pins; IMf4r«« O. F. I* Watch; 11971, Shot Oun;C|f4J,«f Ring; 38990, Opera Glassas; IM4I, Ladies’ H. WaAh: 19911, Sliver Dresser Set; 19919. H. F Wateh: 89917, Dla Ring; 14909. DU PlhJ fflft 7 O. F. F. Watch: 19191, Dla RlßgiiMit 3 H. F. Watch; 38111. Ring; >M9L MjnNt w.d ? m v h' nj: » x try net Kins; 34739, Dla Ring: 8M»§« DU. » Ring; H. F. Watch; 31717, Ring, 3 387A. O. F. N. \vatcb; 38714, Suit Case? • 38711. Nhot Gun; IlliLO. F F JfnjeKj Z 31695, Dla. Pin; 84494. Tools: $8499,.D1a Pin: 84479. Wedding Ring; 89454. 0. K F. S\'»t«h; 34456. Cameo Pin: lilU. Violin; 38414, Shot Gun; tlfli. Wed aSt,’*o M V H r. w."h t |'inli?Y<lciJplS ! :f lia}: IS’L?»! s I Dia. king; 38640. O. F. F. Watch: Mill. * OFF Watch; 31657. H. F. Wateh; K 38553. Chain: 88548. Wedding Rln*; K> .18547 Ladies’ O. F. F. W a tea; sss4*. "K Ring, 38525. Pin. 88515, Dia Pin; lffl4 J Dia king; 48508. O. F. F. Wgtehl IttM * Wedding King. 38491. H. FV’Watch; Cl 38492. Two Wedding Rings: 31414, DU b Ring; 18411. Stick Pin; J Dm*?; 38457. Two Dla R»nga 87451, M. F Watch; 38450. O. F. F watch; 18411. Ladles' H. F. Watch; 88434, Two Watches; 39416. O. I F. O F. F Watch; 38427. Two Rings; 38413, O. F. F. Watch; 31411, Ring; 38411 O. F. F. Watch: >9407, H. F Watch; 3 4 403, Ring; 31391. DU Stick Pin; 3*894. W. F Jatch: 31894, Metal Watch: 34194, O F F Wateh; 81390. DIB Ring; 18373 O. F. F. 383.1, H F Watch; 38167, H. F. \satch; 38291, O* F N Watch; 18068, Medal: Biwo. Ladles' 11. F Watch; t?7tS. Shot Ourrr 17671 O F. Gold Watch; 87421, Phono- ,J| grai'h 37401, Dla. Pin; 17018. O. F. f. and Watch; 37025, Dla Pin: 19017. O. F F . t Watch 30905. H. Gold Watch; 39791, * r Silverware; 36780 ' rwo tt 9A ,,> • and Lot of Jewelry; 31419, H. Gold • Watch 16269. O F. K. Watch; Mttf. -8 Ladles' II Gold Watch: 34494, Cornet «* i.ipii f>|.i Ring; 11686, i lain Ring. K B J'Flft 46 MONROE AVENUE ' Met tier A tyiSell - * - - Auctioneers J TO Wflllf-HAm [ ft> FT A NOS—Beit aaaheA gcoateet assort* j! ■sas «sswaf«wwa: word. • a&u j'&ssiftiSnjc PTI Woodward-aw. , 4I • ': = ■ motor wagon coMTakV