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CAUCUS ORDERS REPORT ON TWO STRIKE PROBES ' /' Tells Rules Committee to Place Resolutions Before House Ah a Whole CORPORATIONS SAY THEY WILL WELCOME Ql IZZ NOW Declare Investigation Will Only Serve to Disprove Depart ment Charges WASHINGTON, n C. lan 23 (Special.)-—The house rules commit tee w’hb ordered to report out reso lutions falling fur < untrwH«ionul In vestigations of strikes in the Color ado coal fields and the Mlcblgau cop per district, at a Democratic house caucus here, last night. The vote stood H 9 to 17 In favor of this ac tion. If after being reported out the leaolution* are passjd by the house the quiz will he conducted h> the hoiiie committee on mines and min Ing of which Rep. Foster, of Illinois, U chairman To meet questions as to the con stitutlonality of the probes, the rei-o lutlons aa Introduced by Heps Keat !ng of Colorado, and MacDonald, of Michigan, were modified to conform to the term* of the resolutions under which the senate committee investi gated the West Virginia strike The unusually large 'majority in fjrnr of the order to report out the resolutions, is believed to Indicate a 'urge Democratic majority when the resolutions come up for consideration before the house as a whole Rep. MacDonald said this morning that he was certain that the resolu • ons would he adopted, and that hear Ings» would be under way within a fortnight. rAI.rMBT, Mich . .lan 23 I Spe cial! The mining corporations will make no fight against proposed <on gresalonal investigation of the strike in the copper district, prominent man acers announced tortnv On the con trarv the managers say. they will welcome sm h a probe, declaring that It will serve to disprove the charges brought In 'he reports of department of !al>or representative* here The companies declare that the de part ment men misrepresented their ••vise They are particularly hitter against Walter M. Palmer, vh > they allege gave a true aecoun* on!v In matters of record, and obtained all his other Information from the West ern Federation of Miners The managers sa.v they will throw .»vem-rhlng open to the congressional investigators, nnd will make their work as easy an possible The grand Jury will not meet until !’ o'clock this a f ternoon. Judge O Rrlen being nimble to reach Houghton from Facie River, where he has been hold ng court, befw-e that time Indict ments are expected in the Moyer and ether ra*es The fifth nnd in°t of the indictments brought in by the grand Jnry on Thurs day of last week In which felonies are • harped was made known shortly be fore noon with the arrest of Hmirv Koski, Tnaticl tl secret try of the Sotith Range union of the Western Federa tion o' Miners. and now every inau uot 0111 *ide of Michigan who has been indicted by the grand Jury Is under nr rc‘jtt the exrrpMops being the seven of ficers and organisers for the federa tion who are outside the state, Koskl. who va 1 also Indicted on the conspiracy charge with 37 other fed • ration members. In hiding President Moyer nnd Vice President Mahoney, «nd who evaded arrest until todnv. mrie to Houghton and cave himself nr kite thh» morning He Is also en ter Indictment on a felonv charge for the alleged shooting of Deputy Tim Driscoll, on Dec 11. at South Range during the raid made there by the ''itirens’ aUlanc * Koskl sometime ago was bound over tr. the circuit court ,>n the charge of assault with intended murder for the nMeged shooting of Tmlsroll nnd Is h*ld in $7.h00 bonds *o appear tin* Monday for trial. It Is nrobable arrnu<’< menfs will be made to make his hail good for the Indict ment charge TWO V R RESTED FOR ATTACKING (HAM BERM AID As the result of a sensational at tack on a chambermaid In the Hotel pontchartraln. Friday morning. Frank Gornaey, a ■seml-profossiona i ball player. 26 vears old. giving his ad ores* as No. 117 \lexandrlne-ave west, and Thomas .! Carpenter. 34 years old. of No. 171 Wabash-ave.. were arrested by Hotel Detective Fin nucan and Detectives Horrlgan and Dibble, and locked up In the Central station Carpenter says lie has no domination 1 The two men rented a room in the fcontchartrain. Friday morning, and within a few minutc-s a boll hoy heard cries for hein fr m a chamber maid. and took the house detc to the rescue. The polite allege that Gornaev knocked the girl down, and ne and Carpenter were struggling with her when aid reached her. N. J. CORKY TO SPEAK IN MUSEUM OF ART Newton J. Corev will be the speak er In the Detroit Musejim of Art, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock He will give a lecture on "Samson and Delilah’’ and "Ij» Gfoconda." two of the operas which will he sung in the Washington theater by the National Opera Cos., of Canada. The lecture will be Illustrated with Victor rec ord* pl*yed upon the auxetophone. The greatest star* who have appear ed in these operas will be heard Oervllle-Resche. I/iulse Homer and Zerolla will be heard in "Ramson and Delilah," while the arias from ■f*a Oloconda” will be sung by TiMa Russo, Caruso and Homer. H. W. Allan’* Father Dead. Local police received a telegram from Seattle, Friday, asking them to notify Henry W. Allan, of thl* city, ♦hat hfa father died. Wednesday, in Beattto. RADIUM “FAKED,” SAYS CHEMIST American Public Victimized by Foreigners Who Adulterate Metal WASHINGTON. Jan 23.—Colo rado congressmen bitterly fought the reservation o* radium-bearing ore lands when tfte house mines committee’s hearing was resumed today. Rep. Taylor took the por tion that withdrawal of such lend3 was a blow at future development. Experts employed by J. M. Flau nery were to testify again K t the plan, but committeemen were open In announcing f heir approval of the measure. WASHINGTON. D. < . Jan 23.-- i Radium ’Making’' was hared to tin* house mines committee today. Dr. Charles H. Viol, director «»f the Standard Cftemical <’ > of Pit's mrg declared that foreigners have persist ently "bunked’’ the American public by charging SIOO,OOO to $120,000 per gram for inferior radium element, the real atticle mixed with other mate rial. Tons of this valuable element lor treatment *<f the "red plague'' are in the oceans of the world. Dr Viol as sorted, but so finely divided that Ir-t separation i* almost impossible. Three thousand dollars worth r 's radium salt—containing about 2f» milligrams of pure radium lav lieforo the committee today. The tube con tainers resembled two pencil leads nor over an inch in length. Dr Viol held out the asYuirnnoe that radium will stimulate plant growth urn! cure* cancer and other diseases. He admitted that his company this year will sell only half of.its product in this country, while Kuropeans will get the remainder. Viol startled the committee with tiie fiat statement 1 hat if the radium land withdrawal measure passes the provident will be able to take from entr> every inch of raining land in the I’nited States inasmuch as practical ly ever} ore may contain traces of the precious radium 32 ESCAPE WHEN TROLLEYCAR BURNS Lake Shore Electric Car C atches Fire From Broken Wire MONROE. Mich. Jan 23. (Spe cial.) —Lake Shore electric cht No. 146. southbound, camrh' fire from a broken frollev wire hit wen Michigan < entral and \nn Arbor tunnels on its triii to Toledo at 7 o’clock Thursday night. Motorrnan Law. Conductor Gregg and 22 passengers escaped saM\ The car was destroyed Tlrffic was held up for two hours by the accident. The loss is ed at SB,OOO. TAXI AND WAGON CRASH; MAN KILLED Barney Sadowski is Victim of a Fatal Accident at Forest and Jos. Uampau Barney S&dowcki, 20 years old. of No. 469 Wlllls-Rkp. east, was killed, and Alexander 9tleber, 21 years old, of No. 911 Chene-st . was Injured when a taxicab driven by George Groves, aged 22. of No 76 Hazel-st., crashed into a wagon in which the. two young men wore riding, at Forest and Joseph Cainpau-a\es.. at 6 o'clock Thursday e\ ening. Groves was arrested. pending a thor ough In vestlga. ion by Coroner Roth m< her and the |>v>llre, but be was re leased on SI,OOO ball, with John K. Murphy as surety, on orders of Judge C’onnollv, Thursday night He is a urtver for the Yellow Bonnet Taxhah Cos., and says the accident was una voidable. as he did not see the wagon a»- it started across Joseph Dampen ave . at Forest-ava. Stieln r says that the taxicab was traveling at a high rate of speed, pnd that he had Just remarked to Sadowski. "Look how that fellow’s going," when the auto ( rashed into their waeon. Stleber said that they expected him to turn out for them, but the auto rame straight hi the wagon, demolishing It Sadouik! was unconscious when picked un bv ’>r. 11. D Williams, ot No. 368 Mitchell axe . who started to take him to the Samaritan hospital, but the voting teen died on the wa>. Stieber Is a eon of August J Stie ber. proprietor of a grocery and sa Icon at No 911 Chenest.. and had asked Cvfowskl. a carppnter. to ac company him white he made some late deliveries. Dr. Williams declared that the street light was not burning when he reach ed the scene of the accident, and l* \as probable fust the autolst «!i <l not upp the wagon. In the darkness Coroner Roth.icher has ordered a 1 ost-niort«m examination of Sadow ski’s body to learn the exact cause of death. TRIES TO BET PROPERTY OF FORMER PRISONER John Myers, who says he is from Pa.. strolled Into the cen tral station Friday morning, present ed an order for a purse. s2l nnd a watch, and save his name as Walter ' Weatpbil. who had been In the cell block of that -same order for properly taken from him when h* was a nested Myers was locked un for Investiga tion. as Lieut, Schnabel found that Westphal hud already received his property Myers finally admitted that •two hums*’ had given film the order, in a downtown saloon, and asked him to ’to to the station, as a favor, and get the' things AWARDS $44,000 IN STREET OPENING CASE Awards totaling, nearly s44.non were made in Judge Phelan * court. Thurs day. In the opening of Maxwell »ve from Kerrheval to Harper-ares IKE ii EiK OI T TIM ES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 , 191 I . BEAKES PLEASED BY VILLAGE DELIVERY UongreHsman Hopes to See Re*?- ular Mail Carriers In Ever) Hamlet /Ml I/O YD IV PI LI.MAX. 7 init'n M uvhiHjtun Un cur. ,V». 7• • * Metropolitan Hunt.'- Huildlnp. WASHINGTON. |i c., Jan. 23. R. p ! Sttuiu*»l \\ l!dake- wu niucli pleased ,>* st' d.i, wlm u tin |)oiim> passed tu<? | iippropmulon o s2<h»,oPo for free de • a\ery of mail in \i',lag*>, a provision lor which he nad (ought m the po t office committee, and which was op posed yesterday l»\ some oi ih»* aolest member, of the house, inclu 11 n1 <* i Fitzgerald, of Ne;* York. |r ,»dvocat- I ing the tree delivery of mail In vil lages, Congr* s, lleakea said I “The citizen- of lit villages In the Cnlied States, including the village ot Moreiud, in my district, art* —mr r proud of having their mail delivered and to take away frmn them Mils ac commodation would he a dls'iurf step backward. Th« v nave had this deliv ery lonn enough to look upon it as a right, and there Is no reason why the continuance of It shonld he denied : them | “l hope that a plan will be worked out to give all villages free delivery iof mall. The cities have It. the farui !i rs have It. why -bould the villages, alone of our population, be discrimi nated against. \tan> of M i» S f> villages are practically one-street vll’ages, and It is certainly an anomaly that a vll : lage resident a mile from the office cannot hive his mail delivered. ! while a farmer, a peartm' of a mile from tlie ma> have his mail delivered ” TAKES OWN LIFE TO ESCAPE ARREST HilUdnle Man Shoots Himself When Informed of Larceny Warrant i HILLSDALE, Mich . Jan 23. - i Special) Rather than return to la< kson to face trial on a larceny • barge preferred against him there, .George Hanning, 2H years old. shot ! himself through the heart Fnder Sheriff Phillips appeared at the home of Hanning s father this i mornine, informed the young man that he had h warrant for him which had been sworn out in Jackson, where he was formerly employed. Young Hanning replied that he would go to the barn, hitch up a team and rotJi<" Into town with his wife Growing tired of waiting Phillips went to the barn to look for him lie found the body In a granary. TOO MUCH HOSPITALITY GETS THREE IN TROUBLE j The spectacle of a saloonkeeper, his bartender and his brother-in-law forc ing free drinks on a customer, and trying to force h $lO bill on the more or less groggy gentleman at the bar proved too grcai a shock for Patrol man Otto Monberg’s sense of what fs right, Thursday night, and he walk ed Into the saloon of Joseph Kara®, at No 400 Wcsson-ave , and Investi gated i Karas \nthonv Kusrhba, his har i render and .T tfbolach. ills brother In law, were doing their best to fill Al ' b» rt .Terr, with liquor, and were trying to make him accept a $lO bill ) ‘‘Why all the hospitality," asked Pa trolman Monberg and then he learned the story Terz said that on Jan S. when he was drunk in the saloon, the same tiio had ’Tolled” him for S4O. evident jlv thinking that he was dead to the | world, but when Jerz sobered up. bat ed. he had made a few remarks that came to the ears of the saloonmen. They Invited him over, and were trv- Hng to "square” things with him. Fc raid, Monberg took the parties before the prosecutor. Friday. «nd a warrant wa® recommended INSANE PATIENT IS BENEFICIARY OF WILL A patient in the state insan* asylum In F.loise \n made the bene ficiary of half of the fortune of Wil liam W. Lasher, affording to the will filed in the probate court. Frl dav Mill's Lesher. a son of the de ceased. was given $1,600 in pay ment of money advanced his father, and the property that remained was divided between him and another son. Arthur. Jr, who Is confined in Floise. raisf norm - that SCHMIDT WAS SI.AYER NR" YOHK, Jan 2 fht ,i• * | ! surprise was occasioned during the • trial of Father Hans Schmidt tor the killing of Anna AumueHer here today wh*n Terrence J. McManus, of coun sel for Mie defense, indicated that he i might seek to that the priest did ! not actually kill the young domestic, jas he confessed. McManus did no' Indicate that the insanlt\ plea would i be abandoned, bip showed clearly that be expected to raise a doubt as to the truth of Schmidt’s statements that he j cut Miss Aunrieiler a throat as she i slept arid then 'ismemhered tier body MINE WORKERS VOTE AGAINST WALKOUT INDIANAPOI Jan 23 . There will be no Hvm|i:ithetic W ilk out dr 1 nlted Mine Workers on account .if the Colorado strike. The miners' *on vrntlon today adopted a resolution j not to abrogatt cot.tracts In unionized districts when a strike is on In *nv • ■ther district / Mr#. Albert K. Munton Dead Mrs Mlhert K. Hunton. died. Tii w> day. In the family home No. 3.3 Dav jenport-*f. "Mrs. Hu* ,, .n was 67 >ears 'old. and Is survived only bC her hus (band, senior member of the firm ol • Hunton A- Week*, lumber dealers. (Funeral services will be held in the home, Saturday afternoon. JnS Prlntlnn Hone Nlekl. Tlm»» rfTMITSft r*., TT T.MITI »» st LIVINGSTONE AGAIN i HEADS CARRIERS Detroiter is Honored by Yensel j Owners for Fourteenth Ton seeutive 'Lime 1 William Livingstone was re-elected president of the taikc Carriers’ asso elation for tin- fourteenth eonseeutD •» year, in the annual meeting, In the Until Cadillac, Thursday afternoon J. D Sheadle was i•e-elected vice president, ami Get»r<*> a Marr. s*-cre tary-ti t uvitircr Tin* larrleih de .d*-d to appeal to the f-eretarv of aat and to the con greKslonnl committees on waterways, to have the entrance to HufTalo liar hor Increased in w filth from I!*'' to ion f.-iu. The’carriers protested that although boats have increased vastly In size, the Buffalo harbor entrance Is J util a* narrow as it was when tha Jiarhoi wa- created, nearly h century ago. AntUher resolutiot wa- asking that the v\ulili of the Living stone channel <e jncrt'ased from 300 to L'O feet It wnresolved that the garrison m l’t. Brady 1 essential and ought not to be withdrawn, as it acts , ars potential protection to the canal ! at the S«»o A weather bureau for the great jlakes, with authority to give Informa tion Independent of Washington, was appro#* and At the annual banquet, in the even ing. there were several distinguished gueste. Ineluding Gen. William If. Hix by, retired, former chief of engineers of the war department’. Lleut.-Col. William P \nderson. of Ottawa, chief (engineer of the department of marine |and fisheries of the Canadian govern . ment: Mayor Marx. Chief Justiee Moore, of iwuising; II C Sadler, pro fessor of marine engineering in the ,1 nlvertdty of Michigan: Caps G C j Carmine, commander of the revenue j cutter Morrill, and 1 tilted Son ;ator Charles F. Townsend, who gave j the principal address, speaking !n i favor of a water highway, navigable | for ocean, vessels, from Duluth to ( Montreal. STOCK EXCHANGE IS IN HANDS OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON. Jan 23 Should the Democratie majority in congress decide that it wants to father legist latlon regulating stock exchanges • and the like. President Wilson will a< quiesce in that derision. How ever. he will take no hand in the • framing of laws along this line i The president made this plain to dav to members of the cabinet who discussed with him his statement iof yesterday that he stood only for the legislation advocated in the Hal j ttniore platform lie asserted tills statement did not mean that he would oppose such measures Ss the stock exchange legislation. Should any member introduce and secure the passage of hills designed to rag ulate stock exchanges, the president himself will consider stn h legisla tion when It teach* : him. BAR OF SOAI* BASIS OF SUICIDE THREAT "I heard her say. Til get you first, land then go myself,’ and vour honor knows how a mother would feul under I them circumstances [ The mother of Willie Barnett, j Thursday, was testifying in the court of domestic relations during the hoar ing of her son s suit for divorci “I rushed upstairs.’’ she continued, "and when I got Into the room she was on the bed with something clasped to her heart and Willie was trying to take it away and lie was crying She got something at the drug store, mamma,’ he said. ‘1 can t get It away from her. Your honor. I smelled carbolic add. and 1 just reached down and yanked it n\vu> and hurled It against the wall." ’ What was It?" asked Judge lACy, and a horrified stillness reigned in the court room The answer canto with a snort A bar of soap " Mrs. Barnett. Jr. nee ’’Gaby" Deslys, Is only 2b. and was married at is. Her husband, who brought the suit, is the same ag*-. Judge Lacy ordered the Barnetts to go home and make up. The decree was denied. CARDINAL FLAYS WOMAN OF TODAY IN SERMON ! BOSTON Jan. 23 Tendencies of modern soiietv were deplored by • Cardinal O’Connell in a sermon rp ! cently ’’The play, the magazine, the hall i room." he said all give evidence of •an ever increasl?>g disregard of e\en tue rudiments of common decency of dres- n depQrtment, of onvermtion land of conduct. ‘We need he nellher prude nor Puritan to see nnd to realize that {something is passing In the heart ami ! the mind of the women of today j which is leaving them hard nnd tin womanlv. and that year by vear thi transformstion goes on until If It Continues there will he neither home nor family nor normal womanly na I tore left. 'lf Mm Is the new woman, then 'God spare sis from any further (b-vel iopments of an abnormal creature! WINGS ON FEET LATEST NOVELTY OF TANGO BOSTON. Jan. 23.- Boston -ooipO has discovered a brand-new one - on the fe»>t. They are u.-»-d in loandng the tango. Tin* wings or I pluntcs are attached to the fr*mt of the slipper and spread out on either [side. Diamond buckles nr exquisite ■ bowknots of flowers furnish the or natie nt« from which tiie wmt •'sprout ” AN OBLIGING HEN PAYS HER MASTER S CARFARE N’KVV YORK. Jan. 23. —The thought (film>s of a hen in laving an egg a' J lie opportune time waved West Wood jof larrytown a fl\e-niile walk yes- I terdii* With the hen In a basket It boarded a trolley car at White plains Searching his pockets vainly for a nickel lie had lost he heard the ben cackle, and raising the <-n\er >*w a newlv laidy egg. The • ondut tot .aect-ptiU it as car fare I’rlniln*. ii no seats e r « Th« r>l>%l• V. p t*i t Ilo'.'ki* r.|ht. Tlmra l*rlnt|n« < <>., 1i John R -st. /Phene Main 14M DAVY (ROCKETT (' \\> IS NEW (.NT TO PRESIDENT WAHJIINCiTON, Jan. 2,1 IMv.ud K. C»/>ff r;i nuiUmiil i Rtnnilttopninii frrtin MiKsouri, ua\»- \\’lls«*n to* <iiiy a rtOTM'in '■kin raji nf Dav*»v <'io( ki tt Ht\U- aiif 1 *h* iir* siil*-n; * Mr. Uoltra rwcnll,' wroi** Sw iv tary Tumulty, asking what size hut •ill* m* siiK nt won*. Tli« Koorotary wkmo l»ark: 'Tho »am»* m/i* hk usual ' Classified 1 Cent Kates., . la Word Cash »nb niilrr If <hutg*d, ’ c ,k tine Xo transient advert lainK Inserte.i 'or 1> *m than iftr with cash; lit l if chargee per insertion. * The <tbove ruu m ;ii>p 1 y to all ola»*i •lcatiQriM rx< opt Uirlhl. Hard* of Thunki, Obituaries, Meeting Notices nt>• t all Aits prO-cdl ng M ile Help. Births, Deaths, Folds of Thank and it♦ <*fink Notices Minimum charge, 35c j for 25 word** or !*■--*. Over 2»» word* , i mmaiiil OU« lllird cents tor each extra I ward. Personals 11 nlmiin chuue Soe.2oc: ( per line (Fount six words t» 'he I fine) | MAhKIAGL tAi I John Pilot. 22. Helen CtiAinUa. 1 John Uutask-vv .-hi. 21 Ann * 1 •ti > k, 1 19. \' o.sici h K iikw, _’<• St.u. -law a 1 Wulcsvk, 22 Joseph UiAVOWSKi, -s Ml.l.Sta>il j VVo/.lnak, J Frank Daniel*, xyk, If*. Julia MerFt, j lk. Joseph V.'nii ili, 23; .tnarrmn Kupii 1 I 20. Wladyslaw Hnnchero. 20. Detroit. 1 I Victoria Trytho, 19, Wyandotte. UiKU. CONKhIN Jar. 21. Howard I. aged , I I*2 yea re. beloved «on of Mr und .Mis Fred Got kiln and near lnoth.r, j ol Ida, Walt. and Unvmonu t'ottk ' lln Funeral troin resld* nee, 110 i Fit*' rldan-ave . vwturdn:* tip. tu PKNOH R lan 21, Augusta, beloved mother of Paul N and W io. J. !**»*r * - ohr. and sister »*t Frank Xileike. ag* and 7S years. Fuierul fiom residence. U: j IT* ston-st. Tittle later iFLAHItHTY lan. 22, 1914 John Ford j beloved hush.itid of Itaoda N. ami father ** f Hen to-n .) Fish* tv. oitrd i til years Funeral from ,osiden<. , :;?6 Townsend • nve.. Saturday at 2 I- m. interment at W uodmeri c* ni **tet y l>> futn rul <a r. UKADo WS K I Mary. died Jan 11 «• - 1 191*. mother of William. Ste\«n and Birthu Burial Saturday mom iny. Ml. Olivet <»rm t« r . P( »ST Jan 21, 191* at hist* - denee ;*7H Hurlbut -avc . Levi W husband i of Fannie It. Post and 'nth*: of Simeon .- , Herbert W nml W illiam 1* Post Noth - * of funeral later. lIAMSTKA Jan 23rd, at ills i * sldem e. 332 t trl* ans-st , Nicholas. beloved son of Mm John Hamatrrr —F-ttne r*n 4-from his lat** residence. Monday 9:50 a. m and tl:e !•* it Ht Indiana Kel'oitnod Chur, h at 10 u. in. ; BCMIBOWSkI .lan 22. Ilcnty, helm ed husband of Johanna Scdiihoweki, and inti:*:' of Mrs Had wig KJeln Mis Selma Sehroedei., uni and into Sclithow »ki. aged *>H years Funeral freon residence, 93 t’harlevolx hi . *t>m!% at p m W I.P.tJ Jan 21, at her home. -11 l MU htt-tt. Mary Klim, aß**d l;S yiar*. widow of th* late William S W’eho. daughter of Mi and M»** Peter <J. .Vnilrrimii Funeral Vitturday. 1.3a p m from residence WAi.KK.K John F. Jr. belov* and Infant son of Mr anil Mrs John F Walker, a<ed 7 inot.t tis Funeral Saturd’nv Jan 2 1 from residence *’>7l velt-av* . at 8 a. m I t'Ol ITS At the home of *. r pniumle. 1 >7 Komoyn-Bt Jan 22. 193 i. I'lcni *i Ijn« ilarcourt Poults, auod 21 , years, wife of <2coti*i' W Poutt-- b - lovi-d *I a Ught*-r of Matthew and Ma rlrt Ilarcourt. Notice *• f funeral , later. III’NTON Jan 2> 1914 *P h»t rest* deni *■ 3.3 I*a venpm k-)*t \l »i\ .lai • ! wife of Albert K Ituntoii, a««'*.! •»7 years Funeral servi e- at h<»use Hnturday at 2 p m jPA MPt Jnn 22, at *7:» Sixth st . \r«bella Parry, aged !* I ears, wid A ow of til** late lli'iir. Pin/ . i mother of Henry V. a id H* lie Parry j Notice of funeral later I Kflll'l,/, Jan. 21. Martha, at parents' residence. .'t*>9 <»ramly. aged .32 year*. ■ beloved daughter of Mr. ami Mrs Herman Schulr, d-a • sister of Will iam. Walter. Herman. Ititde, Mm Ftnrna Lagadna. Mrs Feme Jluemll ler. Mrs Phatles Fa god mi aivl India, f'tmueral Monday, 13", from teei (U : o*rlock f otn*Sa I«m church, corner Mack and Phene ft.N* *M Neil Worthingi oiv. «11•-•) Jan 22. , H|pvl 34 years, beloved hunhand of Florence I* gram I'meral from !. t’hrist’s chunh. 2 ;fl p m. Saturday Burial prlvat* SPHt'FZ Jan. 22. Minnie. a*t<'d t> • I years, beloved wife of Ponrad Schulz and mother of ,\p* A Terry, Mrs. \niin Flnchsman. CJ«*orKe 1... William 1, and l.'iuis >1 Schulz. I'tinc? *1 Monday at I 1.0 f* ni from house. 2.*• t Mt Vernrn-t* ve . and St. .lolm’s • hurch. Pussell-st. **» 2 p. m. I STUOHKPKHI: Jan. 22. at tns i »s|. | deuce, 20tl WTsrren av** east, Pharlc** beloved husband of Fonlsa .atnl fath «.| of William, Mary. l’oto». \l. \and*r end Julia Funeral Monday morn ing fr<*m residence at 8 .30, and fr*on SS Pet* r ami Paul s latbedral at 9 n tn Butial prlvat*' tin iiv.v j TFt:s*l >A V, ‘2 -o P m. Frid.t', X p. tn*. Flower readings Sumla ‘‘ p to, I*nilv feJafi Hoop* r mdont’fle ie search. 19 Hrooklyii*m e. ivANTt: it—mi Li iTufi J IH I I I ANI> H'*T Hoorn 11 Si* F <rt t vi csf jFI ItST-PF\SS. e\ r• * ivtu id solic tors and salesmen Ft Free press bldg jpOP.TKMT SAFKSYI V.N to |e,v. . * v ,lt on i e expei. -. s •d\.ll •■e • I Pall af ter 2 o’clock, *T 3 < Ira t lot nv»* i T’l, VSTKIiKHS Wittil* and, and one tendei 323 <»rl*ans st NOTH E! !Strike is still on in I ppor Pen insula Popper Country. Stay j away from this district. WESTERN FEDERATION OF MINERS I— vi ( . . tr , |t| . x4l M i HKtVKIt liAßcttKllS \ Ppl* K'tldhV J ami SchmlMdett* I S y FI.SMFN M sell mmlnos*. . hance7 l.ihcral < **n n ission lOA »un bldg. J W \NTKI' T* n * .inv:i- *rs at once • all In ihe moi .me 7 1.. n *(>B K r | *b*• Vo I | 'flpllt I.M'i' 'l l - st-r-: nrr fio-u Minn* «»p*du* Si nk* | ! Tlll*7 MIt"IIIt lAN l r I'.jururfyment , Hure’ii is >P tf'-H W. «t I,arced st I 9 ’ w y\ 11 l» 1 1 M\ii hi li* i. F.XT’FHIFNi F.T» nyilTlneri r<r*f*ar*rs. g*io*l , iv *t—*) —t I*.,lies | \. tu slv* Hit F’ .im P i Main PI *j »:l flrat l*»f ! LA DIFS It PI'S ' 1 .FAN 17ft rut t —Pirnnm- «mr s(*e' in'*y Frclu* v*» *f»t Pr Ime «hop 21 P.tagjot-ave , «IIK1<(* «anted to w**tk i** [/ *■ ximtUsticc not n*.. **M*ary \pfd Ma >st o''-r'. ef>* if Mm fvti bblg OitHl* for g**ti«*ral hmiMwork is n m fairily. 188 lien* *»* k went. 1 Ol HL w anted for gencal houMtwork 58 ffladetohe. k \ \ 111*—11 >i \ 1 » mmut. IIIKI. for genaral homework. Apply 1.0 Fafavette sftei 8 p. m. vyunted \>t work In bakery. 981 Mi hignn-Hi e till'll. Kbit Kit It ANI iS. dressmaking, 1 l : WoodW .1 rd ft \ e IIOI'SKWt ttlK. ho rorrktng. hieadv n* at tiiiiHK ladv * ould go home night**. 241 Smith Pl.VN'n PI*.A YKH. 34 ' Hratlot Theater W< *M \N. about .15. to work for hus band's board amt room. The drink ing class need not nppl.Y, 7.10 Pas** W \ NTKI> P.irl for housework. Apply 1.,.'* Fourteenth-iive WOMAN to do looking In restaurant. Apply 1 8 1 Maker-st. W \NT HD A young girl for house work and help care for child. Phone • •rand 42n7. ____________ i*i ill \ I—HtitiMv Stop at the Hotel Franklin fin Fast 1 arned-st.. Just a step from Woodward and *JcfTerson-aves F3x tra fine rooms 50c, 75*', 11, $1 50 per day, $3 to $7 per week Popular p'Jced dining room. H 11. JAMES A SON. PROPS 1 M- Furniture for rooms romplflie. • 1 weekty -umr.-r Cos. Yflct* and *th TO lit \ r—HOI MU. HANNAN” RENTAL AGENCY ONli M.fIFAW ni.r>o KOH HAI-li—VACANT LOTS. M' 'ST h« aut'ful location f*»r r» I sldencc • r "ox2on. Boulevard, opposite Ferry field. !*r Thuner. M ?l?8 \T UIJU’OFM) ,'.4 feet, reaitv *0 sub divide 52 50 per foot Inn'iire of owner 448 Ore goon-me. li* «i.\;—KLATsi \toMKRN two family flats to rent “01-211 Blaine-ave 8 rooms up and f* down. Mode'n in sverv respect. • ad. 8«34 At C TIO.N S \|.K» Big Auction Saturday, Jan. ‘24, 10 A. M. | 200-Horses-200 We will have hp extra good run of all classes of horses for this sale A large number of high-class draft horses, suited to heavy teaming: also i> large number of second-class horses and pavement-sore city horses and Farm Mares \FF NORSKS OFA HANTKKD AS SOPH W* * vi II also have a rtttnibee — ond-hand vehicles ami lianu-ss. Special: Two Complete Team- Outfits ! Consisting <>f horses, wagons arid har- I ness, will also he sold Kolb-Gotfredson Co s, 105 ’' ’ : < lr«t lot \v • . Detroit Two Carloads Horses ■ J ist arrived at our stables A fine lot of .ill classes of horses. Auction Every Saturday ritrVATF SAFES KVKUY DAY. ALL IH RISKS tll'A K\NTFKD AS S< il.r>. Kolb-(iotfredson Horse Cos., No* ilia Qr*tlot a • Petioil Pint - \> > —KttSlbf '• PltiilM.ltl » $2,200 GASH V\' it *llll mile circle, buys double house and barn, on lot *9xll 5. KINP.DON It KA 1, ESTATE <7O. I WHITNEY BLDG MAIN \v %\IKD—REAL KSTATfe. BFNGALOW wanted in Woodward or Grand Hiv**r av*- sei'tlun: about 4 1.- *■ 00 .lust owner* need apply. Box F-88, Detroit Time* I OK » V It, - I*l \VO ; Steinway piano, very firm parlot grand in e-.ellent condition, suitable for -i i*lic. or iiiumc room i>ur sale price - I ,'.o on terms. Detroit Mu sic »*o . 2xß Wood ward* ave. : $• > Kim ** upright piano, tine mahog nny case, liil*. used. Onr price 1* roi s j ci**ra !*1 y Ic.-s thin half Detroit Mush* <o, 288 W ootivva* <l-av e Ilai'lman Ft a nos V < l.n.e two Hard n id pianos, one m ebony and one In mahoganv liav* been use.) a j mimhcr *if vein* but in tine condi tion I'rlccM *l7.'*. $2 37*. r»etroit Mu sic Ho*, 38x U imilw ard-av e W KI.IJMITON FPRIGHT IMA NO, in handsome on k cm-o of srtistlc de sign This Instrument is only shop worn; to close out at once, w> nfler if for on I v $197.; Sin cash atul s■*• monthly THE CABI.E IMANO CO. I 218 \Vno«.l vv nrd s37*o WKGMNN I'piluht I'inno, all in fin* < *n*lltion. for only $170: $3 casti aml $7. monthly Till t'.XHI.E IM ANO co., 218 Woodward. : $325 W KFI.INGTON t prlght t'tnno in still size case of rich mahoga’ty. splendid t<»ne and action This piai v has ti*.«n exchanged toward one of our t'.ib|. Player Pianos tnd t<> go '.fl - our * ovvded floors, offer it f<>' o 1* 4180 s.'* * asfi and $” monfh'v THE C \ HLK PIANO CO. 218 Wool t vv a r *1 FTANOH I j * • mikes Itr;,»t*.»( ascirt merit, year's rent allowed op >ur «h:iS" GHIVNFF' HH< *g 2*B vV jo*l wur.t. RENTAL i IV N• 1 *;i.r.(* one* u■ '■ ■ * or grand Price and service satls factory. Year's n-ntal applied on purchase J 1. Hudson F'iano l»* pt.. I" 2 Woodwnrrl-a've OOC'D PIANOS tor anv te!ijc*h_*>f fin'* and rental paid ftip to o* *• ent i. ap plied on purchase Satisfactory prices nrd cnoil service J Hud son Pie no Dept. t“« Wood ward-a ve f'Kf >«»\ v , . N’OTIf'E poor girl is In trouble needing advice, friendship or help, I write or * alt on SEC MARGARET DI'FFY. 99 H l>'*irt-sf west Si Da Mon I Armv *T‘>|C «<ii V Vl* • «14 • Vltß Rurnott’s Storage House Rooms o $1 7>ft per month up trunks i amt Stove stoi * and fi HXon ihle; .* two autos stoicd 508 W abash Grand 1 2<>3 ACME STORAGE, mammoth warehouse Storage, n M* • II G EAR RAND Storage .V- Cartage Go Mov ing at or Iti g parking *h pplng Phono North I*ol, nD I t phon» North IHB RIVERSIDE Stoma- Se Cartage Cos - Fireproof and non-fir* prr»of Phone M B f ß Moving an«l packing City B**7 WA 1 N E CrtFNTY \t< »VING At ~ SfDTT AGE CO -Furniture stored tn com partments; large van* Main 2883 'l l 't 1 - St rag* Oartage ’and Pm btrtg jOfflf .* >Bo v:'r«d l|lldye 828 iMtll.lllV \\l» PUT vTOCK. |'o| I Hit 4>D PUT STOCK, i ’ - 1 , “ ~ v T~ T' ~ T •« Edwards’-- Edwards’-- Edwards’ Not tin* Oldest or the UiffKrst Littleat, BUT THE BIRD STORE yy (.ere *on • , urt t! e finest Osnarv . ust a nr « lot In. (Sold on • !$•/ c trial i Talking Parrot*. Globe Gobi h eh. Dog* and Pet Stock of all .*■ .IAPANKSU F ANT AILS. 15c: 2 FOR 25c w , -d , ~ yn /k «>f D *1 n ' n *t/el tr*u>. Well, ni he ti* I* happy, anyway. Reniember V THK BIRD STORK AT 121» MICHIGAN A\'E. PHONE klillT. oKvritmk Wm : JSOM ' I JLr, Roofless Plates The peer of them all, $5.00 _ and up—made in Gold, Alum inum and Rubber. Guaranteed Painless Dental VY'ork at Cut Rate Prices. OPEN EVENINGS. Dr. Patterson DENTIST C.RATIOT, Cor. RANDOLPH' FOK MALIC—Mist * : cJMjatl. ,a A.A.A.A—LUMBER " DC OHS, WINDOWS. BTAITt?-. BASF. CASINOS. LATH. POLISHED OAK FLOURING, STEAM RADIATOR*!, . PIPE T<>l LETS, BATH TI BS. !J>V. ATORIES H»tINALB. LIOHTINO FIX TURPS, BTC 200.000 GOOD BRICK CHEAP WHILE WRECKING CORNER Ft RT VND SHELBY. FULL STOCK NEW AND FSF3D LUM BER. WALL BOARD. PREPARBD* RttOl TNG. i'AINT AND OTHER MA TERIAL AT YARD Union Fousewreckinpr Cos. EDI T. NEAR 1 «Til. WEST loßt. K —— »g|at. Material . At «'ut Prices direct tn the enngumgr. Double copper mil heaters, $8 58. 3n gal. boilers and stands, $5. * 'lnset bowl*. $4.25. -part laundry tubs. $8 ft enameled tub*, sl2. Gloaet combination*. sll. Fiv atorie*. $3.75 lip. _f. White enameled sinks. $2.50 up. Radiators, 12’i,0 per foot. ._/{ 7--ft * It'D steam hollers, SB2. , Boil and lea<| pipe, brass goods, «tc. : All good* No. I quality. McCormick Wrecking Cos., 179-181 Baker-st. A.—Typewriters, All Makea New visible, SSO; flne rebuilts. $lO to |4B. Tiented, *4 Mos. $ 4 Up. 6 Mos.*, Applied on price DETROIT TYPE CO. 180 lefferson-ave , nr Wood. M. *l4>l A s7,.*>o FU GANTLY finished mahogT' anv upright gran*) pinko. u*od !«** than flv* month*. $135. Must haw*r ; ntonev it once Gan give free biU *•!<• Call 279 Twenty-flfth-st. RRAFT IFT *l, set of mink at a sacri fl< ** Gall Grand 359*. A sl:w iNG M ACM 11 XK. Singer” and Whls«, •»* Mi. higrt-i . \\ i.. ■. gain at s2<l 1357 Fischer, near Gratiot* AN improved drophead sewing mk cliine, $8 68 Bagg-st. j FOf: >.\I,F Large square <linlng-room tald*. *nd sideboard; cheat). Ridge | 169 M 1123 East Forest. i FIXE., mahogany upright piano. Jusl like new Rat gain fov ca«h. Phong Ridge 5297. ! ■ rM Ft >!: SALK -Parlor suite, three chair re. and set buffet and gas range Ridge 36 F> evenings. FOR '■'ALE The furniture of a slt rooni house, with the privilege of | renting sum* Inquire 339 Flfth-hf . for SALE Base burner and Jumbo • htafer 1562 Forest east 1 FFR NITER K for s«l<* cheap IC6 A*h IMNI - ! BL..\gj< <»ricnt;,i la,.<. shawl for sale *Micap ?81 H«len 1 * * 1 T TART4B si 1 perltet iftard "was; vrph the oolv get.nine Monkrr** cushions ne*v an*l rf*rncrt''led at mod er it*‘ pric- and #-**y terms; ale • • npf'.lies and repairing Rrunewlck Ba lke-GoI lendei Cos of Michigan 100 P.endolph-si V ICTOR virTROLAS We carry a complete stocK of Victor Vlctrolns. records and sunpiin* Prices sls to $ 00. sny style victor Vlctrola or Victor outfit on easy weekly or monthly payments. Come and hear them played, j Ten: CABI.E PIANO CO.. sl* Woodward _ _____ ______ ____ -■■ - I Rods. Mnttrf'ssefs Snrimr^ M 11 and factory samples. Half prick NEW ENGLAND SAMPLE RUG QO.. 739 Grand River-ave - * , | siiPA F< ts ’VTA I NS. iiUllard and pool Ii bl.« new nnd semnd-hard* , G*e M. rch Cos. 9 Farmer-st F. 7. term* WANTED Cor Michigan end Fmtrtig-< tn f irnt'-h rooms complete; fl week, Sumner 3 Sllf»WGAßl>’ for »nl*-, cheap These. n<*. '.an be tised on ton of **.* counter . l*o 2 .rn« arc lamp* fpV' sole P>* F• 167. Detroit Tlmea. f I'DVfl FOR ' Th i -son We i>ii|i,l there and self, direct from factory to buyer. F*r,' i pin- er pianos see TTI! * NPI t t" *VO GO •»)% WeoJwrVrW w\> 11 i»— misi,*, \m, Vi * ~ : i OLD feeth* r herla wanted. f.*we| Fektht er Matt res* Cos.. 359 Mich Cherry 60/ - J - - ... ■ ■ - .... ■ , lllG.tft Ml ,• c. s paid furniture, ttoveg^ • oT < VIIIM I »l VMM, CM RPI.VTi-miNO cabinet making .a.rid sti It'nrl* of repair work promptly attend* <1 to r '»etrott U’noilvvorlylt* Ci) 1t)f» Rrush-st Phone 2 n 40 rTSM ~ ■ .. . _ gr . f-- * I MIMHTAKUHS. - brohtr ,v \ukssnfr Funeral directors, sue. to Wm J Mxscfl.' *8 .; • • .... .’VI Tp.tce 171 '■' ■ e • s , i ~. its* CONSTII FCTION LOANS Liberal imi-ut t* F v • ■ » ■ * G-attet ilnllU I III'. I VIOI.nNGT7I.FIvT ~ Experienred' and references, want* engagements. Us*b * in o\i «»rr*»N mm rins. ON \XD AFTER ttTts «iate. Jan 21 ’’•11 I will not he responsible for ,i \ delu ■ contra- ted l.<> my wife, Millie Signed .1 stneg A (teen Page Fifteen