«**« «*
MMtf nr Ths Detroit Ttmoo lB-lf J«k> *
' i mMMMfnWJN PTSSldttllt.
g^a^;.aßPrV*■ JmßEQtprltSNeboftr. Vlcs-Prooldont
i 's, imXMaßrt: SainMBMORM, Ti«*«ur«.
; «r RIAPINO. B*cr«tarr .
Tbs FT M josiffloui AMOncy. Now
■>■ .*gelHPro
;. -- f : Motr®poll tin* Bonk Building.
s ; sgjfX- -w- « ‘ = "»Tod a yaar. By mail.
’ *■ adreaos.
IMBBiiSy E -*— ~1 Qlro Times* oporotor
WMUad. Subscription ordara w complaint* al
t rati 1" 11 bp phono up to •:*« p- m
«» Potrolt aa Bocond-cl*o» mail mat tar.
- thmrtul *-*~~~i*~* ahronicler
Wgms>m§tim # tut dag's Motor* M 4 offer an opinio* or * *
• prepaydnrUrf il will bate a ttron? and genuine
INNM mi, whe to too often the forgotten man in our
4* : . SfiSrlif n—fMimfr • • • As toe paper is the product of
markers, ill sympathy Mil* t*o bread-winning maim
rrn 3wfj6f fcmtifff XU Mfim aspiration ii to deserve and eeeure
UEBSSfMm Os MN| the fUfU’i paper* —Pram ToL 1, No. 1. Oct 1. 1900.
* ■ >**■ • b,b ***
BMBt avm MB If a* eto to look iota tUtffcnu oonditton*
Hmi <mr a nul aat ha* **part*4 that aattnd MniM (nto
*nl< 4* th* toiok *ad wool! •**• tt* oomjuf
«a|| tmm dm bent to another until il to finally
■BhMilm liiaimj to thto dty u*d an* of th* tovioo*
it 4mmH MW to m» that th* (apart ha* feud th*
-ptoiflb tt* Ball aaaqaap, too** whioh ooaotn w* bar* narot
tow baaa tatty to th* n*pwt tt toilv* to get a somber
PI fin*
aalto* it wnf* to, booaoM it to* Mttotod itoelf, « data*
mmMSietlttmtt, that tha p*«r wrrie* to th* malt of too maoh talk
Wmmtwm. * iMflltlß* vhtoh th* aalaatov vaald aot nmtij.
wmminatmt rnttfuj agma to twttj parttoalar with th* (tat* rail-
W&mSieim, ** tt* tmbk with th* amto* to f«ar>paxtr Bm mb
tt* ymUta that th* ra*Mna«at«»ioa of tt* eity'i
M hwatariil pathapa, aka, toaaaapataat
Hl itolt «* hao* mtit BO nOSXXH.
* ir^T ~- to 700 “ • XXLEPHOHX BOBBCBIBBB.
7*a batea, hat w* will toll pea agato tt* *bj**t tt*
-&MV hto to tt* attract it to aow aaktog to oompd pea to
sms—aikor souuk what you abb
to Batodt an ahaapar than ttap aw to Pittaborgh,
to a part, aaroat all of tt*** atol**, «nd aalaa*
MMWWm. m* SS In bm mb! bin to to* local offloen—tho
W9m n aattm nto all am tha ooimtry, aid tha
silitoflww ttairjgd^
af tiUs iwtulni, aakad at tha raoent haartof
tha ikhMi toat ha haa in hi* powcarion, from
paaaa that tha Ball aoapany doan*t aaad to
tha satfeai awloa it to gtoiaf at tha pnaart tiaa.
xhni paa tan a dght to tan tor all tha pratoetfaa
that thara is a pdaa tor tha nUaf
apaSnaK "fTytt and pnmflaal ptaa.
.to data wa tan aat toaad year aldam iatataatodf
lto OOCTOTL haa jh >»
*"** * VrTITr
to aay illiwiaa to Batnit who waald Hha to da
totoStad Ip tha aavstty nspoufhtator^vMrflai^
■WiHUW wwwtn
- -•-■''■•■ r r
hdrfAbigSH|KltoMa; tha nafaij taivi) tha oanpasj'i anati knaw*
HHpas Usual, Shows Rare Gratitude
Ei i in ara?gis'gr?l iHS _-— ■. _ II H»«.«ii
•• • wummk
w «ryßas*
But ws ksjw th*
aoM Ima to COibm
Thaaa who hara Ml paM tosAr to
oomo tax art aow Uahta to a yoaoßr*
Wo ahoold worry.
• • •
Mr. aad Mia. Thoodoio TaMto al
■poaak* 1 M—ij rtinlart thto thw
aovar had a taanol la all ttor w
joaia ci mM^dW^-Ogldjroo |^ t
haaaT aSstoDoad to aonala la Ilia
datohto tha root ad hsr Mto Is to toaar
•• • 1
A HMoaaatto to Masloo OMy topatoa
• • •
*. a a a
piS/SfhwM mb haJSawtog
aMSaatoa to 9 # t
SwiMtof R wga.
Mhaton had la ha toad.
day?* tSsh htoflgiistiS
Moot Sf
a a a
A Change of Plan
Ha'd raid all tha dopa on attandlag to work
And tolling to suit your smploysr;
Hs knew that to loaf or to las# or to shirk
Was quits an ambition dsstroysr;
Bo hs plungsd into worh with a asst and a via
And hs did mors than doubts his ahara of tt{
Ha naadad a ralsa, for his wagsa wtoa slim.
But hs knsw that tha boas would toko car# of Itl
For hadn't tbs boobs mads this simpls fact plain—
That psopls would rsoognlsa talsnt;
That if you would work with your mlgkt aad your mats
Tha boat, with a maansr most gallant.
Would giro you a ralsa, though you said aot a word.
To show you wars worthy of crsdtt;
80 h# tollad aad hs swsatod, but nothing sssurrsd
Aad Ufa didn't ga aa hs’d road Ml
Ths boss was awars of his marlt, all right*
But ha said, 44 Why tha dsucs should 1 ralss him
Bo long ss he's willing to work day and night
For what his position now pays him? 4 *
But weary with waiting, ths worker grew wise;
Hs said to himself, -Why, dod rot itt
These books on anriwss ars a bundle of lisa-
Be ha struck tar n Mlsa -aad ha got lil
—Barton Baaleg.
From Another Point of View
Tht Tlgar f* I ***! oamp haa produoad a pltchar who won a cigar throw
ing at tha rag baUaa at a county fair. This woold raaolt to pf*
Lotar an a twahaaa hit tolh tha dadd
y.Bapv 7rm*~r haa aagagad tha
Mrrioaa ala ohlropodiat Bagtoalng
almost at wbars va toft off last yaar
—at tha toat.
• • •
Oa tha other hand, thara are old
otooars to tha oantoa who aeknowl
adca a ahakanp to tha pallaa da*
partmant la tha vary thing that h
naadad. provided It gaaa tor aaongh.
Wa Jnat oaat possibly forgot too
foot that with tha wna lores otto
toetirss* Cosunlssioaor s i Polios
Grant got splamlfd rasnlto
• a a
M Havaa*t hoard tola, bora yooV*
ad detectlvee teams to bare bean that
they wouldn't wear on*
Hess Haskins
“TV tost toot W Kim Comoro dm
toAdAmd g^i
vMOUoS •••
lean sltnatfsa uatN FMdsy night of th*
surrsnt wash* may* or may aat* am
plain th* polity of
His Lawyer'd Bs Ttan
Got. MoQoran, mt Mh
Utli itoiy:
two iMahhooi la tha vast pt
Into a hoc fight awar a Uaa f—eo.
Thty it ai day qqfi riwfitlnai
"TO tow yo« through tha olraMt
° > **TD Vo^SCU/^NfSISMtooOV,
-T» law m imp tha roprowo
•op,* artoitho fine, ihahtag Mi
*TB ko te%* pilrtly ia>iatafi
tha ate.
•W ml, rn law yoa teogh
M/tetafi tha fifiL '
TfWjawfartl ho tea,* fad
Wo ataar."
tooth* t abate afi
a# _ ' " aaq ~ ~ • - - • ••
DMon mow whaapb
Mte gtfi agpis Jaanofi
aw a wot, how moot wMfi ha Mr
tfoaa, mao fitfa*
om aw. iMpai aav Ita
FM tel te"
Mow Ha OmMb
jl Mat tfewr
w v teteSsrssr t *
Iff M h OM M MT to*
haiwq jaho wvMMof
Mat teoily. tmMha M*a wrte
of ate at aw Imm taaf Htn
Let Us Not Lote Faith
In Mexican or Filipino
Author of -On Board the Seed
Ship garth,- -Whsa Slary
Csassd,- sta.
Ths people t am mentioning lirad
among mountains. Th# aiest promi
nent men among them owaad grant
tracts of land, and ruled the people
on their estates as with rode of Iron.
Many of these prominent moo
eould not road or write, although
some of the greatest educational to
stltutiona of las ruing to the world
wars within a hundred miles or an.
Very few of their tenants had nag
knowledge of the alphabet
They did aery little work. “Mam
ana* 4 was tha watchword. ▲ tow
little truck patches wove planted aad
tended by the women, and they bad
soma herds of miserable, scrawny,
long-homed cattle aad longhaired
These people were bold fighters la
•ingle combat, but the national rice
was assassination. Thy common men
know nothing of national questions,
ftin» generally followed the lead of
the man who owned the land oa which
he lirod. These big men in the ooun*
try were jealous of each ether, and
ware traqooatly in the field # wtth
their banditti, stealing cattle, levying
blackmail, burning towns, Tillages aad
oeuatiry homes, murdering, slaughter
lag, fighting one day aad running
awav the next.
Sometimes large armies of these
people were collected oa some na*
tiooal campaign but they could act
be told together. The prominent
landholders were Insanely proud, and
quarreled aad Sought aad stabbed
eaoh ether ever questions of -honor
aad preesdsnos. Nobody eould do
anything with them. They were
despised aad sneered at aad eon
tomacd tram one aad of tha world to
Probably the feeder thinks I aa
describing ths Mexicans or the Fill
ptoos. But, no, I am writing of the
lnetabmi of the Highlands. Bvsry*
thing I have said about their pover
ty, their turbulence, their mood
thliuttocee, aad their reputation for
treachery la tram Aad now, the
Highland Scot oh ars the most steady,
honest, todnstrleos, intelligent, brainy
psopls to bs found. They ars aow
everything which they were not then.
What haa mads the difference be
tween the Highlanders of that dsy
and thtsf A ehanoa Eds nation A
fairly good govern meat A modicum
of liberty, what Carvaaaa prornkm
to the Ifstlean; aad what the Amor
tons government premises the FUi
pteoa. Let os net lose faith to our
brown brethren. We may wall learn
the beat that kern tatty can tench
from the Highlander Whose ances
tors net long ago as history goes*
were lower to gowning ability than
either toe FlWptnes or (he If Orleans.
Editorials by the People
ast btt over SOS words la fsegtk
Draw the LI new
to the Matter of The Timm:
With your pleasure 1 wish to on*
prose my appreciation of the timely
article of Food Commhninnsr James
Halms, to The Times, to regard to
ton M. A. a ban. Wen* m wonder
ha was shocked at ton low program
carried out, and a wicked extrava
gance of that which coaM have ae
wonderfully helped the many suffer*
I do Mi knew, end he AM net aay,
who hnd to toot that MU, hut if Urn
taxpayers of Michigan have to, then
I think tt la high tons that wa prn
teet, and to ear indignation demand
that such dotegs he forever stopped.
But, to eeee the parents of those
young people have to toot toe MU,
than, 1 hope that cools tndosnee may
le brought to hair oe them, to cams
them to eee toe debaetog tofiaenee of
such an unholy program on the Itvae
and eharaetor of those yonag pseplm
and that they nay resolve never to
men as Witter Plena Tetiva, of Sloo
Otty* MU to tie tensity, we weuM
SeansA eg along tiST Km at gg
BRntingham, Fsb. ft, iRi
Uhe Thin,
1 den*t want no luhbtrh. ae fine
aantimsnto* ff yen please,- onto the
widow* when She was ashed what ktod
of an eptitoh ton toelraitor hsrjato
and jfmgto^asmytog^ye^ie:
Ten Bet Met
There to nothing ee tissuetoWag ee
a dent ears thing toot ruteeae to
seam to Ufa
Conservation Worked Out
By British Columbia
Timm Wtkingiom lunm. Ho. ffie
MttropoHtan Bn* BuilMnp.
WASHINGTON. March I.— Hoary
S. Graves, chief of Um UaltH Btatm
, forest SOrtlCC, li
Ganadlaa vary much lnUrtiv*
Forests. ad la m report
which ha has juat
racalrad from H. R. MacMillan. la
charge of the fcraat kraack of the de
partment of lav da of British Colum
bia. Tkla Canadian provlaoe contains
oaa of tka saw grant bodlaa of com
■Mralal ttmbar last la tka world wkick
ara aot materially radocad by daatrua-
Uw lumbering, and Its foraat wealth
la aatlmatad to ka graatar tkaa that te
any oihar aaotloa of any country, with
tka axoaptloa of nortkwaatara United
States. Siberia aad BitriL Two yaara
aso tka Brltiak Colombia government
called Overton W. Price, former aaso
date foreeter of tka United Btatee, to
tke position of coaanlUag foreeter to
cadet la developing a policy for tke
oonaervatioa of tke timber resources-
Tka foraata of Brltiak Columbia pay
more to tka province la proportion to
expenses, perhaps. tkaa tke govern,
meat-owned timber laada of any otnar
oonntrr la tha wold. Th. r-w-a--
last year warn approximately ItJMW,-
000, for sale of timber and tka axpan
diturea ware only f MO,OOO, tka torcea
employed numbering between 800 aad
400 man. Tka whole budget for tke
province la only a boat fio.ooo.ovo or
|l*ote,ooo. ao tt may ka »ean tnat
timber peya far a large part of tka
government's axpeaaaa and helpe to
keep taxaa down to tka minimum.
William R. Boa* wko la mialatar cc
tka department of laada, which corree
poada with tka Interior department of
tkla country, la axossdtngly plmaed
with tke work of tke Brltiak Columbia
foraat kraack, which la a bureau ©or
reapoadlng with tka United States for
cat cardoa.
Brltiak Columbia la ana of tka coun
tries which hac not allowed Its foraat
raaoaroaa to paaa Into private hands
for exploitation. Possibly alne-tcatna
of the natural raaoaroaa of British Co
lumbia arc owned by tka government
of tka province. Tka method of pro
moting tbo aaa of timber la to allow
tka staking of a square mile of forest
which to leased at sl*o a year an long
aa ttmbar la aacat Whoa catting be
gins tka lasses la the past has paid
ftO cents pm tkonaaif fast ant as a
Tka government of Brtttok Columbia
to Jnat ah oat to start anew profit
sharing basis of payments which will
provide mere money for tka provin
cial government and at the same time
make tbo lumbar Industry more stable.
Up to tka present time tka lumber op
erators In the ptwvSaoa have been
uncertain about tka fatare advances
la tka royalty pnea of timber, and be
cause of tkla fact tke tadaetry has ad
programed aa fast as would have been
tka earn with aa ahaaiusaly ease toak
Mtatotm of T ends Book has arrived
at a policy wktoh to baaed aa laftr may
both to Ike gnvarwanmt aad to tka
lumbar operator, aad pravtdea for
gradual taaraaaae la tka amount at
royalty, to ka raadjuatad at tka and
of six-year parted* and also to be reg
ulated by tad market price of timber.
Tka royiKlm will ka ragutoTad an as
to-provide a fair return to capital and
at tka same tjua to flue the govern*
meat of tke piwvinoo a large share la
tho Inarm id inawmant. Tho foraata
ad tho provfnoe bow provide aa income
of 9t.odfi.doe, and thto to expected to
ko lurrmaad gradually to about f*-
ftcfdda tor lfifiA and ta glib-
Tbo prodtehartng policy, which km
been worked oat by Minister William
R. Bern, aad wktak will ko practiced
In handßag tke timber of the province
under the *" of Chief fur
color MioMlllan. wfU paakapa ko ex-
If tho seam tatasf raturaa can ko
an varum am reveme system
tt will ko abooiutalj unaccaaaary to
raise taxes from the people because
of tka rich returns receive J m royalty
from am cd the fimeat* watorpowero
and nUaaa.
British Oohimkla km two dladnot
typm of tercet* The coast forcei to
mack tike tkaa of tka Fkctflo north
waot la tkla country aad to compound
meetly af rad fir. hemlock aad oadar.
with vary heavy stead# of timber run
nine from to lOP.MO teat par
acre. Tka to lead foraata are composed
mostly of follow pins, roaming team
tIOO to VdN teat pm aura.
Tka lumkm oparetara of tka prov-
Inm pin looklag ahead to a greatly ta
armaad basin am during the yuan tot
towteu tke ooenlac of panama m
aaL The canal trill bring mask new
timber trade to the Pacific coast, and
tt to expected tka* tka lumbering will
ka meetly el twisted all over .tka
northweat. teetadiag Oregon, Washing
ton and Brltiak Columbia, it to not
expected to amko meek abas— la tka
timber baataseo of Aleak* beseem of
MA R. 3, r 1 91 4
tka law which prehlMte tke ammfite
tten at thnber from thtotendtaw.
• a a
"Centrum km appraprtotad fMfij
ter tka aaadleation of keg shotted;
Why cannot «M
Maloria aad goveramant ospend
Typhoid. an mml amount*
for tka team
aad malaria, too dlaaaam wkldk are
lam to the
tka dangareea allmait whlsk.htaMte
tkajterk aapply of tka eaontoyr
Tkla qneattoa aawmii to Sanaam'
J. B. lenadall. af n flteri
days ago. aad tka Introdateta* ad n'
bill providing far tka aapmgrtetten to
IMO, OOO lor tka eaeowagaaMteod
ml aaaltattoa. with apodal reformer
to tka eradication ad malaria aad Uh
pkold. to tka rmalt of tka ooattmm
members inquiry. Whoa the lain dm
tloa of the bin waa kriady
many persons wondered how tka gam
erament would spend a half Hilda
dollars la work to eradicate typhoid
aad atelarl* Banater Raaadoivk MH
provides for tka work to ko dans ate
dm tho authority of tho united Bteted
Dubllo health omilin
this bureau, tka guTarimant la nlimdp
carrying on restricted investigations
having the aame object aa tkaSSlte
tloa wktak to new prop mad. Tka
" or * *• now being pushed no ted no
funds will allow, la a tew states; tea
saw legislation will permit it to bo in
tensified aad —into wi otate
where tho dteaaam are pravatout
Pm several years tho federal govern
ment has bean represented In anlarifil
investigations by Dr. R. H. von Rsdoag,
wbo baa keen detailed by jugate
General Rupert Blue to work te n
number of southern states In cooper
ation with manlalpal and state health'
authorities. Headquarters far teg
work ware sdtakftohsd In MohU* and
investigations have boon carried oa
la various sections of dlabtm* Ar
kansas, Florida, South Carolina, and
at tho present time n malaria saner
la bring mads la North Carolina.
The pahllo health carries has map
carried on various typhoid stadia* sad
It Is planned to ooottans them laves
tlgattoas ao long aa tho aaaonat of
money available will permit the work
to go on. The fOTarummre heatth
authorities are particularly estates to
lead aid aad cooperate with otate had
municipal health aathorttlm to all
parte of tke country la the weak Os
eradicating both malaria and typhoid,
Although thcee two 11~rrpTa are cate
ed by two entirely dUterent germs aad
have ao relation, tka work ter theto
eradleatioa to aimllar and aakoo far
the improvement af ptallo koaltk te
dltloaa generally.
To gaard agalaat materia It is tea*
eaaary to drain —nad oftaan'9#
other plasm where malar la nail ring
mosquitoes bread, aad to promnt tef
pkold tt to neommiy to parity the to*
ter. milk and food aappSmta white
tho typhoid koclUm may kg StefiM
aad to improve system ad a awe go dte
mas* keaplag cut meaqattem to gfitad
agateot moterte and tho gateMßißSi
Sss I
am. tt *ZrTmmmim*rmtm Map,
try did cvcrytktag poarimfi te jteNß
1U people agalaat tho two dteems*
materia and typhoid, the United Bfiteta
would have an almoot parteat aysemft
of maltationa and a greatly tmgtated
eendltloa of tke hoaldk
Wo think oor ttiiw wfß ho stad
to note that tho wry itroai idtapl
to Halt tko uthorltr of tho paMM*
or mom fto thoporool fOrtM*
Ttct vii MaM to tho ' Wftai
A* oaoodaMot to tho Mh ao W
pooood tho hoaaa, propoood fer thO
tarMth Thio %
50° pSSSST^iCojrSo^dff
hoht by 000 oohh tho MdMaß dho.‘
too a a st.
Juot rialniir.
*1 don't «alto too tho natal a flat
navt of yoora." told ifr.ihlaanr,
tho srooor. ao ho ttod ap tho pooh
~ HfC r—a«h woo thatr oohodaT
wotghod IL* m , *** *"*•
momm by soHABm
Pnraal Pogfs Victory