OCR Interpretation

The Detroit times. [volume] (Detroit, Mich.) 1903-1920, March 03, 1914, SIX O'CLOCK, Image 4

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016689/1914-03-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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IJttßelmfc har hull dsep Into to*
HMr ; lTher ulstsr, mod looked
f&llfolafo thi youi nun's tyn.
BjgnpiiHr slii anld. “yau’rs tfca
HTaartpis aun Imr know. Too
fflmUUhs Jlaar Stuart and nobody
Kilpil nndoroUnd you at all."
mm* Itdilir*! back against tho
mm dbook bli bead, and amilod at
Sjfc ka aald. “I'm really not curl*
fißJjfo. itiaariniHr normal —that’s
K-f '4aaTt HW to bo serious. I was
mL; frdie' jjjfoSrWii dtni* for la*
mi l tnt know yon I was quits
§EZ£drfo|rfoaieatt7 70a wars U
■kllys tho Snoot woman I had
Hr mat; sad hr all odds tho most
mms lIIHA whan you had your
■TSaSyMr shims with you—but
■Wbfwswty. Wnow! You know
KSla&r whan I think of
WmMm #4,0*1 youroolf up tor
SHI. ISikaoa you moot mo hara in
h|Ms pot ts gad two splan*
nJWim-tt tho moot inoonapiouous
SMlWMS'Sloart aaldom last har
111*®**** Mfty food waathar.
muck, aad forgot much,
SgSNMIg dpi at aaa. They walked
KmmMmt/Om lor miles, morning.
and aat for houra in
WfwSmil*: chair*. aide by side, and
mlmig atorias and thrilling da*
■PIPfe aach other. They
Mm dhadHa board by themaalvas,
Hh maghad and I * l ** together
but never of the past
fi W MiU! And. gradually,
HWhi color coma back to
and the old light Into
Hip tt maa on tho.night of the
§|ilp Oof, and they ware sitting
IIHEII** they always oat together
... SWh #ltck nfmr dinner, that
feat tt was not only wise
iaSimry to apeak of the future.
Wniv* ha anld, -we ahaU
admitted cheerfully, “but
£bSM' as the flrat stopping place of
HfiMi'.af the reaculag party, aad
iMmdl wa*ra put our fast oa
s£§*& Start# an our little Jowuaay
%fe«S!He glad to bare been a
mam.: aart»." uhe asked, “aad
■ sealant?**
more, ob! a
■PoUr moments they aat la
to the steady beat
looking out on the
*** **• pur,l#
Of that H she aald at last.
HnStasth an awful lot"
§s3#Wro too/’ be admitted.
It's a pity 1 about
but I suppose
aC fhailah passengers oa
tjSSS§#WSIt to gat to work, or
.fowthas, or aomothlng.
#• malls—it’s fanny bow
WtmHK9Wmm to got letters. It
the work of the res
oter—at least, in s
8111 - nU, M a h# —u* "it
mpSffg/tmottm as a rescuing
;:.Ymmiil |MPd the out who was
INiplkif safely mto port,
ffif ip your troubles aren’t
jjpAOajll.. MtfDk J.—Wasted—
BbSeti ara Jolaiag hands in a
awiwt to adu
mmmm to the point whore it
BfifcjK* if lew, woman'! uulver
ballot -
lit Ow women to la
»M sursrarw “
WmSvM'W* hlgbeet governing
UWtod Stelae that they.
HM|I a MHifTomlnnal oommit-
American Woman'a
this important
gMlydtag women la Mra. Medlil
MPgjttjO daochUr of tho grant
haadqaartara in this
Wgmj* Wbahtagtoa and la dlvid
fcttwtttJ>> two plaoaa.
■Site iNn* no the right to vote
oatiUed to
which in now (airly
11m W be oanrtod on in a buai
mmm- Wo are not mlUtaat.
MmH trying to force the men to
fiPbHP ballot. It la a matter of
£9hs3»pß will tab# time. But we
take too much time.
iatanda to find out
of the house and
S/bS the question of auf
iS@lllS|htri are engmgsd In thin
MMMtet alao intends to or
*• Pnrt of the
eampelgn to aecure
la thla country for
-MMbfWi* letter* and lec
in atDlaed la tht* work."
who la strictly
being mannish
play a part In the
£Sj- .wfeiglat lobbyists at
be aelectod to do
»Siaat Os their attrmc
, win not
il®— y la a watch
t m bom sfcrted to
suite over yet. There’s tb»- further
debt for the expenses of n few days
at the hotel at Bremen, and than my
passage back to Broadway—Broadway
and tbs managers' offices. I fear
there’s a good deal, more than glory to
a reaculag party. It doesn't seem to
be a Tory cheap shortcut to fame.”
“Broadway," Stuart repeated dream
ily. "the Great White Way. I know a
place—ln fact I own it. It's a farm
left me by my revered ancestors on
the eastern shore of the good old state
of Maryland. It’s a regular farm, with
a whitewashed fence, and a truck
garden, and two automobile, and lots
of cows, and chickens, and pigs, aad
neighbors who live in knickerbockers
and hara polo ponies to sell, aad mar
velous appetites for mint Juleps. The
old hoube Itself is conspicuous for six
beautiful fat round pillars that hold
up the roof of the porch, and a few
of the original clapboards left me by
my anoestors. There Is also a won
detful path leading to the bouse, lined
with bo« all of which makes tho
outside look most ancient and res poet
able and beautiful. But Inside there
are many tiled bath tuba, which my
ancestors would probably hare
hated, and many deep leather
chairs, which the would hare
loved. In a word, it’s the sort
of place that appeals to a man like
myself, who wants to play farming
and lira his Ufa In peace and con ton t.
An added attraction that I forgot to
mention is a bubbling stream that
runs right through the dairy, but the
moat wonderful thing about the farm
is the circlo of hills that surrounds it.
Tho hills are all covered with birch
aad pine, and thbse trees shoot up so
high that with the exception of the
aun and moon and tho stars, they shat
out the light from every part of tho
world. The highest electric globe oa
the highest sign on Broadway could
never be seen from my farm."
“What do yon call your farm,” she
asked. "ParadUe?” , o
’No." he said, “it's csUed Rest
Farm." Fay, it occurred to me that
If you didn’t like the hotel at Bremen,
wa might hurry oa to Paris to join my
mother and slater. They’re stopping
there tor the winter. We could he
married at once.’’
Fay clasped her hands behiad her
head aad stared hard at the silver
stars, shining with a wonderful crystal
whiteness from the vast stretch of
purple sky.
"Jimmy,” she said, “you know that
I hara bean starred aad bruised In
body, aad soul, and mind; and whan
there terms to bo nothing left far mo
at aU yon come to me aad offer me all
this—your homo and pesos for the
rest of my days. Do you think you
are being quite fair to yourself? Yon
haven't known ns an very long or so
very well. How do yon know I earn
enough for sou, and not for Just tho
homo and the chance to start again?**
% ls you don’t care enough now,’’ ho
said, -all I ask is the chance to malm
you care. Fay, dear, won't you giro
mo the chance? I would try so hard
to make you care, always."
“If I only could,’* she whispered, “if
I only could. I could bare, oace—only
six months ago—but, Jimmy, I oaa*t
aay more. There’s this trip book of
me now, and a lot of foolish things 1
did whan 1 was crasy and didst earn
—aQ those parties, and the people 1
ran with. Yon know the old saying
about the 'name and the game.’ The
time has come when I’ve got to pay
the cost."
“The cost es what?” ho asked*
"You're been through the Are mad

k* v
bailee H will take time for women to
weak eel the Ideas they believe would
be beast dal to hnmanttg. N
UKAND KAPIDB, Mich.. March A —
No such molly-coddle trimmings as
socks ami shoes for Patrick Doherty.
He prefers health—and. after expert*
mentlng for a half century in sock
leseness, gives evidence that the
groat peril to civilisation arc sock*
I and shoes.
Kvory day for ne lias taken
a morning walk wound the block in
his hare feet. Two feet of snow and
a thermometer registering 10 below
tin 1' -
FeftrickDcfoeijy *
sero do not stop him—in fact, they
add to the pleasure of his matutinal
Doherty served in the Civil war in
the Ninth Massachusetts. He came
out a physical wreck. Ha hit upon
the shoeless cure and has kept it up.
At the age of 73 be tame a hand
spring every morning, 4pkes s cold
plunge and flnlshea op with his bare
foot jaunt He baa not had a cold
or been sick a day siace he adopted
this mode of life.
you've come out unscathed."
“NOt quite.” she said. “1 tell you
I’ve got to pay the cost —the cost of
mmought knowledge, the kind of
knowledge that is thrnst on every un
protected girl In a big city like New
Stuart stared at the rail moving
slowly up and down against the black
„“Of all the woman I know," be aald.
i would rather lead you by the hand
to my mother, and say to her: ‘Moth
er, I hare brought you a daughter. la
har I bare found an end to all my
troubles. The feverish uselem life I
hare led Is over.' ”
With a little sigh es content Fay let
her hand sink against the baek es the
chair. Through her doted eyelids tho
saw a great white light, and years of
paacs and calm content stretching bo*
fore her.
She put out her hand and deaad It
tightly over Stuart’s. Whan aha spoke
her voice scarcely rose above the whir
of the Mg ship as it cut through tho
hoge waves, annihilating space, aad
raghlag her on her way to the goal es
*""An right, Jimmy." she said, “If yon
asm aay that to your mother, aad be
sore you mean It, I*ll go with yon to
Re raised her hand to his lips and
kfcsei it, aad then leaned so does to
her that they could see clearly Into
each other's eyes.
“1 mean it so much," he said, “that
1 would like to make you a promise
a promise to do anything that you
wont me to do—l mean bow or at
aay time hereafter."
Fay continued to look into his eyes,
which for oace had turned serious,
aad laughed gaily, Just aa sba usad to
laugh when aha waa a girl at Pleas*
aat villa.
“No, Jimmy," aha aald, “you’ve
promised me enough for tonight" And
then, with a suddoa misgiving, hs saw
her wrinkle her forehead aad draw
har eyebrows close together.
“What la it dear?" he asked.
“I was thinking," she said, “that
there is one thing that you could do
for ma. aad I’d like to have you do
it right away. Bead a wireless to
Doris, and say that I am with you. aad
that wa are on our way to visit your
mother and your sister at Paris, aqd
that wa are going to be married."
"Bare I will/' hoc rled, and Jumped
to Me feet. “Isn’t there someone
else f cen send a message to for you?"
ray eat up straight in her chair and
stretched out her hand toward him
sad let it lay close hi his.
“No, thank you," she said. “Yon
won’t be long gone, will you? And
don’t forget to any that we are going
to be married.’*
Bhe took away her hand, and with a
little algh of content, one# more drop
ped beck Into her chair.
“That’s a wonderful word. Jimmy."
she murmured. “Did you ever stop to
think how wonderful It le, and all
that It can mean—that word, married?
I don’t believe I have ever thought
much about It myself before; but now
I know that it is the most beautiful
word In the whole wide world."
Get the Habit.
There ere bushels of diseases
That people all may yet.
To them we all are subject,
If we haven’t had them yet.
But there’s one that has a Welcome,
It may come whene’er it please.
We would all do well to catch It,
If smiltug's a disease.
P. B.—Smile and the world smiles
with you—sulk around and you’re a
dern grouch.
—Jim Manes.
There once wee a woman called Mrs..
Who eaid. “I don’t know whet a Krs ”
But a fellow la haate
Put his arm arotiad her waist.
And quietly aaawered, “Why, Thrs."
Thousand aad One Aids to Navi;
Ration Provided by United
Staten Government
PANAMA, March 3,—When the Pan
nma canal Is completed end the first
ship is piloted through from Cristobal
to Ralbo or the other way, It will b«
a* near “fool-proof” as it is possible
to make it. In every possible way
bus the safe navigation of the xreat
waterway been provided for by the
construction of almost countless aids
to navigation.
The first thing the pilot of an In
coming vessel sees ahead of him os he
reaches the entrance of the canal is
a huge light tower which, in conjunc
tion with another, points the way to
ward the first set of locks at either
end. On either side of him ss he pro
-1 reeds he finds Innumerable lighted
and unllghted buoys and beacons that
tndlcate the limits of the channel.
The locks themselves will be as
brilliantly lighted as the “Great White
Way” Itself and the passage of a Urge
ship, herself brilliantly lighted from
stem to stern with electricity, is ex
pected to become one of the most
spectacuUr features of an tnter-ooean
voyage. Then comes the passage
through the canal with Tts numerous
range light towers on either bank,
tts beacons and buoys all of them
showing either a white, red or green
There are along the canal 20 acety
lene lighted range towers, 12 electric
lighted ones. 45 electric lighted bea*
cons, three acetylene lighted bescona
and about 87 acetylene lighted buoys.
The range lights mark s line 126 feet
on either side of the middle channel,
You May Have a
Pretty Little
Princess Slip for
Some hAve frills of dainty
embroidery, some lace and in
sertion at the hem and tops
finished with a lace edfe,
some scalloped embroidery.
Every one of them is charm
ing ne can be! And only 79c!
These House Dresses
Are Pretty Enough
to Wear All
Most house dresses are worn
in the morning, but these will do
nicely for afternoon as well. The
styles and colors are the most
becoming we have seen in a long
At 91*98 are broken-bar black
and white ginghams with gath
ered skirt, short sleeves and V
neck. It is piped with blue and
embroidered. Others in gingham
and chambray, one style with
Dutch dusting cap to match.
At 91*90 and 91*50 the precale
and gingham dresaes are nearly
as pretty, at 92.98 they are very
fine indeed.
3300,000 R. & G. Corsets In
a Single Year!
And because the makers sell so many, the quality it
full-measure for the price yon pay.
They know so well from their years of experience in
mrnst denignfawhnw to *d*pt the lines of fashion to each
type of figure,that every It. ft G. cut set is the acme of
comfort and style, too.
Tall women, abort women, dim women and stout can
be fitted in the best model for each.
All have low tope, natural waist and long hips, with
light, strong boning. But ask our coreetieres to show
you the proper model in your size. You'll always be glad
you did! Only $5 for the highest-priced R. ft G. as low
as SI.OO.
Th* Hs*ns Ceeeet llwa Pevrth Psw Usla Nairn Star*.
298 High School
Girls May Have
a Pair of These
* Shoes for
The 298 pairs came from
a maker who had difficulty
in selling them for his orig
inal price. They are exact
ly like the sketch—-just the
shoes high school girli and
young women who are out
doors a great deal like best
of all.
There are all sizes, but
only 298 pairs to sell at this
And later in the spring
we shall have to ask more
for them if we have any
of them. Os fine tan calf
skin in a 1 rich shade, just
like the cut, $2.95.
I«m>4 riMf-UHs laSN Ms**
forming i line 250 fort wide. Flout*
ing on the water eloog the aide line#
of the channel are acetylene
buoy a and on the ahore marking the
varloue tangents of the channel are
the lighted beacone.
The approach of Colon harbor, on
the Atlantic aide, la lighted by the
main light on Toro point, which la
visible 18 mile* or more on a clear
night. Then there are the beacona
on the aeuward ends of the two and
oue-half mile breakwater that pro
tects the harbor from the high aeaa
that usually run in the Agnatic.
On the Pacific end of the canal
there are numerous buoys and be*
cone besides the range llghta that In*
dtcate the canal channel. By day the
channel is not only marked by can
buoy a, but also by shout 80 spar
buoys and the many concrete trlpoda,
painted a brilliant white. By day the
range light towers are eaaily aeen. due
to the brilliant white they are painted.
Nor la this all. Capt. Hugh Rod
man, U. S. N\, aui>erlntendent of open
ation, baa Just completed establish
ing the locations for a number of sig
nal towers along the canal route.
They are to be used In signaling from
station to station the coming and go
ing of steamers and to arrange meet
ing places. The signalmen will prac
tically functionate on the lines of the
railway train dispatcher.
Perugia, who stole the Moua I .Isa.
la not the first who for patriotic rea
sons has despoiled the Louvre —the
great picture gallery of Paris, which
acquired the majority of its treas
ures by “patriotic” plundering. In
1815, after the fall of Napoleon, the
allied powers of Europe gave orders
that the art treasures carried off by
the conqueror should be restored to
their original owners. Fifteen states
sent commissioners to Paris to claim
their property, and more than 2,000
pictures were taken from the Louvre,
together with almost innumerable
statues, ornaments, knlckknacks, and
so forth. The. gallery was left with
only 870 pictures and had to be closed
The Bustle Is Back With the Minaret
and Other Gown Styles at $25
* r V •*■• *t * ' *“ * * ' *' *
A Fashion Week of ■
Dress Goods
It Will Bea Splendid Time to See
What's New for Spring
During the week we shall unfold all the
new dress fabrics most in favor at the cen
ters of fashion for the world.
So you may come any time this week with
the full expectation of seeing such weaves
and shades and patterns as you would be
shown in any of the little shops of Paris or
Vienna or New York.
It is as good as a spring tonic to view the
new dress goods for springtime; don't you
want to see them ?
Spring Weight
No matter in what tone
your bedroom may be, there
surely is a matching com
fort here we’ve almost
every wanted color.
Spring-like floral designs
makes them more charm
Each one is fitted with
super-extra fine cotton in a
one-piece batt.
The coverings art of very dur
able silkoltne, madraa and silk,
with various dscorstlvs borders,
and there’s a splendid assort
ment all the, war from If JO te
ieeeoS Wiese Mein Ssisw State*
It DOES Make a Dif
ference Where You
Buy Your Pianol
The Hues— Flaw aiete.
Ira WsMiwsfSevw
fur a while until the vacant apsc<*«
could b«* filled by gift or purchase.
It is ballovad that previous to civ*
II list ion baldneee was, unknown among
American Indian*. The uncivilised In*
dlan apparently la yet free from pel-
A Savings Bank
» ' *»• ' /*
for Savings’Depositors
This Bank is strioUr n Savings Bank. Its assets
consist wholly of cash, municipal bonds and rani Mists
mortgage*. Makes no unsecured loan*. Dspml tors’
money is not subject to commercial Invastaant risk*.
Nettkar does It loan to its ofßcara or employes. Ne
bank can ba more conservatively conducted. Tour
money cannot ba better safeguarded.
. j ■
Pay* Interest 4% Per Annum.
The United Savings Bank
United States Depository for Postal Saving! Fundi.
The Only Btrictly Savings Bank in the Oity.
Open Saturday evenings from 6 to S o'clock.
Send for Booklet, “Banking By Mail”
204-206 Griswold-St
The new taffetas at this price show all the
departures for spring—the bustle and minaret
with their full hips and clinging foot lines,
spiral and tiered styles in profusion.
The crepe de chines with their soft folds and
bodice draperies and tunics are perhaps as
much admired.
It is easy to choose now!
You may have black, navy, several favored
shades of brown, Copenhagen, olive green and
a number of the new glaces, at $25.
Third PlMr—Mala Uadaaa Star*
«•*■ mm » »
Show Week for Spring Millinery
Is Going On In Earnest!
And in the advance showing of Detroit’s Greatest Mil
linery Store are all the worth-while ideaa of the whole world
of style. Paris creations in all their originality, and some
tempered to the tastes of refined, discriminating women of
America—the leaders of style in the important centers.
Bright llttls trimmod hats often bnva straw brims and crowns
of soft silk chiffon or mallna. Thera la n welcome variety of the liked
spring colorings, ores at tkeaa small prices—97.6o, $9.60, $19.60,
as well sa higher—to $26.
Tailored kata, hand-made In esQuisite fashion are usually in
close-fitting and medium aisea. There are plenty of black ones and
a wealth of colors at $9.99, $6.00, $9.00.
Untrimmed hata of flae' hemp braid are seen la tango turbans
and sal lorn; there*# such a variety that women are having a good
time selecting from
Milan hemp braid hats are very mneh liked—this la one of
the beat braids of Ota mason— ln black, purple, blues, brbwaa, tan
go. green and other shadings. H.M. 95.00, $7.60. $9.60.
Two Big Store* in One
sppr *
lagra and almost immune from Me
rer. \
In tko Ualtag Status lb are arc mors
than 800,000,000 appla tree* of boor
lag ago. about 10,000,000 poor Uwm
and mora tkaa 18.000,000 cborry traaa
From $3.95 Down to
51. 50 Girls’ Wash
Women who know the kind
of dresses we have been sell
ing for $3.95 will be the first
ones in for these!
They are pretty styles in
Anderson ginghams, checks
and plaids in light and dark
shades, and they will wear
well and tub perfectly. , The
trimmings are lace and em
At $1.50 they should be
gone by noon tomorrow!
Third Vlsar—Mala Hadaaa Star*

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