Page Six
__ : -
•»* plays may go
Me of the stock ac-
ISd stUl more verj
have smiled.
■mmVrm'* » playgoer in ali
■ftwhe has not wept or sneered
|MKmm af the various efforts.
hecome a test of abtl-
Wmk-JiMgL : thorofere, patrons or the
play ora have looked for-
eurtesity to this week's
ul have forecasted what
weald do. Some said
mmmmi la great, others that she
gHjltf *• weak. She was neither; but
MttAl WOO better —she was human.
vu written in the (lays of
IgHHfiHwMI before the Beiasco cam-
appeared, and. there-,
H|jw;#Sly the high sounding phrase*
yfiftjß the andlenoo the know ledge that
Hb'.Vll a sinning woman, a Mag-
IwHP# jowels and silks, of culture
and the average ac
gpit play* ap to these baubles rath
npNhah to the bleeding human heart
ShKlb dissected as the play pro*
Buiy mads Camille a worn
lore-in toxica ted creature
pa courtesan but little. U
staler to be sympathetic
tty woman than a plain
■a Barney's appearance In
phaelses her natural at
bettor than anything aha
I IVtroiL Starting with
be worked with her audl
a her personality, to pity
to woep as death brought
that Ufa could not give,
u given by Mias Barney,
K&. V
|MMe«fi laaatiTe” oan’t harm
tmim little stomach, liver
I Mi bowels.
• k fr •V *
jjßfc ■
if|pvo*r mother realises, after giving
Wm UilUfM “California Syrup of
mmmpmat this la their ideal laxative.
Wmgmtemr low Its pleasant usts
Mjft It thoroughly cleanses the tender
ggMfjfiemach, liver and bowels with
irritable, feverish or
BMbmm'jmk atmnach sour, look at
fKMfifML mother! If coated, give
yEtjSSiitUl of this harmless “fruit
HKSti a few hours all the
waste, sour bll« and
WSmi&* . l#o4 * MMI *** <* the
MWU>'”* l*»*»*» • *•». *taytal
When Its uttle system
HM throat sore, has .toT
dUHTThoea, Indigestion, colio
h good “Inside cleans-
Ollrays he the first treat
h««P "Callfor.
■ heady; they know
for babies,
Beware of
■gifßtfd here, so don’t he
MHBHMmJm gaaalne, made hr
trmp Company."—
mM &
co: fegf*;
y^-• _".. --- _v
m we bought out the J. A. Bums Cos, (230-
BpSfad 'WooduKtrd Avenue), about a month ago, we
KMllloiiiriciftf that the deal was made primarily for the
Mgfeti a store as large as our growing
mmismess demands.
eHave Sold Our
||ease to the B. Siegel
lib. Who Will Take
Kiossession of the
~ • ( (...
■tore May Ist
BK?£. ■*.. 'S'-, .
ter-The Henry BlackwellCo.£&
Is a human document that will well j
hear seeing and hearing. You may j
have seen Camille many time*, but
you can still afford to follow the for j
tunes of that tragic life in the uew
light given It by tW* Washington j
Thurston Hall gives creditable sup
port as Armond. and takes care to
give a natural characterisation rath-1
er than a dramatic one. His per
formance of the young lover is clean
cut and enjoyable. The Gaston Rieux
of Harry Huguenot is an excellent
ones, as is the Cound de Varvllle of
Charles Carver. The Madame Pru
dence of Miss Julie Hanchett In
creases the admiration engendered in
last week's performance of “Green
Stockings'* and marks her as a splen
did character actress. Other parts
were presented In an acceptable and
artistic manner by Miss Worthing
ton. Miss MacManany, Miss Anna
Taylor, Arthur Mathews, and Robert
There was presented in the Detroit
opera house, Monday evening, one of
the most marvelous and beautiful
playa ever given before an American
audience. Indeed, it can truthfully
he said that a more intense, grip
ping, appealing drama than “Joeeph
and His Brethren*’ has never been
staged. The play is the masterpiece
of Louis N. Parker and is most mag
nificently presented by the Liebler
The story of the play is simple yet
vivid, following in the main the
Biblical version of Joeeph and Jacob
and his eleven other sons. Indeed,
Louis N. Parker himself says that
wherever possible It is a “literal
transcript'* from the Bible story. It
begins with the eleven sons of Jacob
tending their herds. Ten of these
were green-eyed toward Joseph, and
sold him to Zulatka. tha wlfa of
Potiphftr, who makes him a slave.
She tempts Joseph, sad when he
scorns her love because of hie true
love for Asenath, Zulelka accuses
him, and has bar husband throw him
into prison.
After two years of agony in the
dungeon, Joseph is brought forth to
translate the dream of Pharaoh. Be
cause he rightly translates this
dream he is made ruler of the king
dom. second to Pharaoh only. Joseph
aids the people through a seven
years' famine and plague, after hav
ing married Asenath.
Joseph’s brothers came to him for
food, when their crops failed; and
Joseph made himself known to them
all. for they did not recognize In the
over-lord of Egypt their young
brother, whom they had sold into
slavery many years before. Jacob
and Benjamin, Joseph and the rest
of tha brothers are united again at
the close of the play.
Tha scenery and st&ge-settings are
beautiful, and to pick tha most en
thralling is a difficult performance
In Itself. But perhaps tha one that
appealed most strongly to the audi
ence, was the scene in act 11., in the
Garden of Potlphar, when Joeeph
makes known his love for Asenath,
and aka says that aha loves but him.
Another scene that vies with this
one. la that of tha pyramids at night,
with the mars shining above, and
tha moon peeping over the tops of
tha pyramids. Tha former is a love
•cans, with' Joseph and Asenath
strolling among the grape arbors in
the moonlight; the latter a scene of
denunciation, where Potlphar finds
out Zulelka cares not for him. aud
for her falthlesaness puts out her
The audience, overwhelmed by the
truth and sincerity of the play, awed
by lls magni flee nee, inspired by its
action and beauty, left the theater
with a higher regard for things holy
and spiritual. The whole attitude
and opinion of all might be summed
up In the closing line of the drama:
“Happv is the man that trusteth in
Brandon Tynan has the title role
of Joseph, and well did he merit the
applause and cordial receptiou given
him Monday night. He swayed the
audience from laughter to tears,
from Joy to sorrow. He made them
love with him as he w’alked with
Asenath; mourn with him as ha
heard her pan* by the prison walls,
singing, sorrow with him for bis
brothers; and rejoice with him at
the great reunion. He was a won
derful success.
Avery close second to Brandon
Tynan, in demonstrated approval,
was Janies O’Neill, who played most
excellently the part of Jacob, the
father, and of Pharaoh, the King.
He received uumerous calls before
the curtain, and his acting came
quite up to his historionlc renown.
Ruth Rose, us Asenath, lover of
Joseph, and Pauline Freiderlok, as
Zulelka. the wife of Potlphar, de
serve especial credit for the way they
played their role*. The sweet, win
some way of Mias Rose completely
captivated the audience, while
Miss Frederick, though playing a
less likeable part, was undoubtedly
one of the best actresses In the cast.
The play, as a whole—scenery,
stage-settings, actors, actresses, etc.,
forms with its four historically faith
ful acts, and 12 beautiful scenes the
beet combination of power, attrac
tion, beauty, and interest of any play
seen here in some time. It Is well
worth attending—not for the mere
entertainment It gives, not even for
the beauty aud grandeur of its stage
settings—but for the moral inspira
tion and ralnforcement it gives all
who see It.
“Joseph and Hit Brethren” will be
given all this week, with matinees
Wednesday and Saturday.
Elfin, quick of tongue, ready of wit.
lovable “Peg O’ My Heart.” In the per
•on of Elsa Ryan, Is in the Garrick
theater this week for a return engage
ment So is Michael, the “dawg."
Both won tha hearts and the plaudits
of the audience Monday eveamg, whan
the week's stay began.
This delightful J. Hartley Manners
comedy has been one of tha real hits
of the stage In the last two years, and
its freshness and charm era likely to
remain undimmed for an indefinite
life. Its wholesome story and senti
ment bright lines, clever character
drawing and it* laughtar-ckaaing
tears little heroine make it a play to
be desired, because It la such a wel
come change from the putrid dramas
for which the current season has been
regretably noticeable.
The story of “Peg O’ My Heart" la
ao well known to playgoers that It
needs no repetition here. Mias Ryan
la chaftatng as Peg O'Connell, the
Iriah-Amerfcan colleen who la forced
all too unwillingly to laavo bar adored,
it improvident, “dad” in New Tort
and go to live with aristocratic and
unfeeling English relatives. In the
hope that aha may I asm “to be a
lady.” Pag la just a natural, fun-iov
The Ctoatog Oat Sale of tha J. A. Bum Cos. atock wffl con
tinue i few wceka huger mad thee the ctort ie to be doeed up
white exteaeive altersttoM ere being autoe. Our epeaing. Which
will be announced totor. will dtocteee to the ahappeia es Detroit
««h vicinity a retail eatobltehmeat of which the city any wed be
proud. We wid have a etore fully twice ae large ae oar old caar
Preparations for oar removal art now being made. The mew
•tore will open with all NEW merchandise; the Borne Cos. otock
will bo doeed oat completely and yeeterday we began a Removal
Sate of everything to thte atom.
With the exception of a very few root rioted linee which no
•tore to permitted to adverttoe at cat prime, every dodai'e worth
of goode in thin establishment has been marked down for the Re
moval Sale.
Many of the depart menu are now showing new Spring stocks
for which we contracted months ago and all es thin merchandise
to included to the ante.
A sale of this kind could not come at a more opportune time
for shoppers. March to the great Spring baying month—the time
when women are moot interested in new wearing apparel, sites,
drees goods, wash goods, hooaekeepiag Unena, covtotes, etc. Vow
ad of these things can be bought at meney-mvtog prices.
lug, sweet-nntured, red-haired, peppery,
sympathetic Utile lass who loves her
dog Michael “better's anything in this
wurrld except me father.’’ and is as
fresh and pure as the *ir of a spring
morning in the country.
The company surrounding Miss
Ryan it tha asm* as visited the Gar
rick a few weeks ago Mrs. Fanny
Addison Pitt, one of the accomplished
veterans of tha stage, plays the Bug
Hah aunt of Pep. Mrs. Chichester, in
a manner Umroughly in keeping with
the playwright’s intent with regard to
the character, which is that of a gen
tlewoman. selfish, lacking in the ele
ments of sympathy, kind ness and af
fection, but none the less to “the man
ner born.’’ (iiilert Douglas* gives a
capital Impersonation of Alarlc Chi
chester, a youth who has been well
brought up aa “good family” standards
go. aelfltk and self-centered like hi*
mother and his Mtter Ethel, not over
ly endowed with intelligence, but a
gentleman in manner and dres* and
with unexpected Hash?* of shrewd
ness. Mr. Douglass acted the part so
well that he was constantly applauded.
Henry Stanford wsb decidedly pleas
lug aa Jerry, to whom Peg's little
heart is given lrom the momeut she
first set eyes on him. Dorothy Ham
mond was excellent in the role of the
unpleasant Ethel Chichester, and
Broughton admirably handled
the equally unpleasant character of
Christian Brent. Prank Burbeck. an
other accomplished stage veteran, was
happily cast a* Montgomery Hawkes.
the solicitor who brings Peg to her
. English cousins; Roy Cochrane made
an “Admiral Crichton” of the foot
man, and Wllda Marl Moore was the
pert parlor maid.
The incident* of the story of “Peg
O' My Heart” take place in the living
room of the Chichester country home
in Scarboro, aud the setting is a
charming and livable room.
If vaudeville managers were force#
to choose headliners on their merits,
any one of thGm confronted with a
bill similar to that in the Temple this
w eek would lose considerable hair in
the process, for every act on the bill
is of real headline caliber. i
Gale upon gale of laughter swept
through the theater and. If merriment
Is really an aid to the development of
adipose tissue, there are several hun
dred Detroiters whose clothing is
tight today.
Probably first in point of laughs is
the skit put on by Bert Clark and Ma
bel Hamilton, London musical comedy
•tars, now on their first American
tonr. “A Wayward Conceit’* is the
title of the act, and it is certainly
wayward enough. From England to
Japan is a long step, hut the actors
were equally at home In both scenes,
although the opener, a scene laid In a
London restaurant and dealing with
the trouble# of an impecunious scion
of near-nobility, received the biggest
Mr. and Mrs. James Barry s skit
entitled “The Rube," in which Hank
Wilkins, from Hcnsfoot Corners, “puts
one over” on Miss Dssle Dasxleman.
a smart actress, was a scream from
start to finish. James Barry, as the
rube, furnished the real fun of this
Marie and Billy Hart, In “The Cir
cus GW,’’ gave a splendid representa
tion of the “ballyhoo’’ before a circus
sideshow. Their mind-reading stunt
Is pure burlesque and is provocative
of considerable laughter.
Francis McGinn, the original “Offi
cer 6t>6,”. appears in “The Cop,” a
story of New York police life. He in
1 '
Os Our $150,000 Stock, Before We Move to
230-234 Woodward Ave.-Formerly the J. A.
Bums Cos. Store. New Spring Goods Included
troduce# some rdhl touches of true
Irish wit aud the act Is probably the
osly one on the MU whieb has some
other object besides provoking merri
ment. McGinn is abqr supported by
Joseph Allen as Oenarro Batro. and
Joseph Green as Inspector Turner.
Constance and Irene Barber offer
some splendid little bits of vaudeville.
The little bloude miss, witb her
‘ rough stuff,” is the life of the act.
Nate Lclpslfer, of Detroit, billed as
“Leipzig, king of conjurers,” does
Momi- really mystifying tricks with tne
card* aud coins. Lslpslg is s new
type of magician, dependiug solely
upon the deftness of his hands, rather
tuau presenting u series of tricks de
pendent upon cumbersome outside
ls*ou Sprague and Nellie McNeese
do some really, difficult tricks on roller
skate* and offer probably the most
graceful act of this sort now In exis
aud O'Dounell. tumbler*, offer
some new and startling stunts.
The Mooreoaccpc picture close an
exceptionally good bill.
There's another good bill In the
Milea theater, thi* week. Us big at
traction is Svengall and Miss Elsie
Terry. Svengall “hypnotises” Miss
Terry, and theu goes amoug the aud
ience to' learn what each person wants
Mis* Terry to play. No sooner has
somtoue whispered to Svengall the
j name of a song than Miss Terry be
gins to play It on the piano and alng
It, sometimes In German, sometimes In
French, sometimes In English. How
Svengall conveys directions to Mist
Terry I* a mystery, but he doe* a deal
of forehead wiping, lapel-clutching and
The Riding Davenports were once
with the Barnum A Bailey circus, and
they do their circus act just as well
on a small atage as In the big tent
Three big homes go around the ring,
while a man and two women gym
nasts perform stunts on their backs,
and a clown furnishes the necessary
funny feature.
While the atage hands are clearing
away the ring, or.o of the craziest mov.
iug pictures ever produced la seen. Tho
Monday picture is so lunette that it
>lll probably be kept all week, to
drive people Inti hysterica.
Bill Chase aud Charlotte LaTour
have an act full of nonsense. Bill's
stuff is so rapid that the audience
gasps as it tries to keep him la sight
around the corner of the next story.
They make a corking team.
Dorothy Rogers and company or
three, augmented by several plek-ups
in the last few momenta, give a farce
called “Babies ala Carte” that is
funny from start to finish. Sally Gu
ard, Frank B. Vernoy and William Ma»
son keep the comedy going.
Meredith and Correli, two young
men. have several songs and a lot of
funny coo vernation. The Royal Tokto
Jape have aa acrobatic act very muen
after the fashion of other Jap acts,
and quite interesting. There are mo
tion pictures before and after tbe
Abdul’s Arabians, with whirlwind
dancing and acrobatic work such as
these sons of the desert alone know
how to do, is the chief feature of tne
daytime bill in tie Palace theater this
week. The work of the troupe Is of
the sensational order.
The Goyt trio—a man and two dogs
—have as unique s vaudeville act aa
the patrons of this form of entertain
ment have had occasion to ap
plaud In many a moon. The dogs
Lace Curtains
Children*! Shoes
Coats and Suits
Dress Goods
Bed Spreads
Sheets and Cases
Veils and Ribbons
Toilet Articles
Leather Goods
Mens Furnishings
Ym knv oar ropatatiaa for gtrlag bargaJaa, hoaitato about eon*
lag to tho rtaoTol oak oxpocttag to M extraordinary opportaaities for baylag >
wanted good* ’way below vah*.
Wo bare oxtra aorrico te tvery (bftrkoit, bat o aaccoant of tho treaicn
dona crowds that art costing to tho oak wt ooggoot tho advtaObiUty of shopping la
tho moraiag If psaaftbk.
hsve been trained. io do clever beiane
log foots.
w. J. Dr or and oompeay tava aa
latorootlng little sketch eoaooratmg
graft la municipal politico whicn
plooted the audloaeo bocauao the earn
•eloacoleat “graficr" lease Urn gamo
Baitac aad Baker kora a mvaiea!
act that pleases, aad Archer aad la
gorooll protent a dancing act. A thrill
ing “movlo.*' which mahaa a hit with
tho audience, la called “lultl# Jim."
Those acts are oh the Palace hill
daily from 11 to 5 o'clock natli
Thursday, whoa they become the area*
lag entertainment. The svsalng MU.
which opened Monday at 5 o'clock, in*
cludoa the Great Wostlnn, la "Imper
sonations of great mea past aad pres
ent;" tho Ft-e Greens aad the Clta
toa and Norris slaters.
Censor aad Factory Inspector
Take Child of 12 From Pic
ture Playhouse
Police Censor Lester Potter and
Deputy Factory Inspector Ouster
Dihle forced the proprietor of a mov
ing picture theater at Watson and
Rlvard-sts., to stop employing a 12-
year-old actress In n dramatic skit
In the ahowhouao. Monday night.
Lena DeMors, who Ursa near the
theater, was the child In question
sad the officers told the Italian pro
prietor of the showhouss that If she
appeared again, complaint would be
made against him under the state
employment laws, which forbid tbs
employment of girls under Id years
in theaters.
Censor Potter also condemned a
four-reel film entitled "Hook and
Hand," Monday night, refusing to
allow the exhibition of any part of
the film in Detroit.
“It was one continuous exposition
of crime," said Potter. "It Is one of
the first really bad films that hare
corns here in some time, as I hare
not had to condemn a whole film In
n long time. We have been getting
n good class of pictures."
The film was a state right film,
put out by the Bache company.
The Wheeling, W. Va. Motorcycle
club Is planning an endurance run to
Pittsburgh, ns soon as the roads ars
In condition.
That Sneeze Means a Cold—That Cold Means a Cough—Tha
Cough May Develop Pneumonia
STOP IT ALL with Kasence Mentho-Laxene
Mentho-Laxene Is a remedy which will quickly check a cold In tho M
ginning—you know you've tried many remedies—but tho cold always "run
Its course." Bend to tho drug store for n bottle of Mentho-Laxene Ugh
away. Use as directed—aad you'll make a fine discovery—(or you gat you
money hack). You'll discover that there really Is a remedy that nuts aa oa
to a had cold, ahd instantly relieves the severest coughing. Coughing, Heart)
boss. Stopped-l?p-Head. Watering Eyas, "Leaking Nostrils." all are benlaae
quickly when Mentho-Laxene la used. Sold by all well-stocked druggists, hi
if you doubt this advertisement, send f cents iu stamps for a trial bottle I
The Blackburn Products Cos.. Dayton, Oh Ip.
Skirts and Waists
B ankets
Table Linens
Art Linens
Fields Art Dtddtdly Lighter
According to Rtporta of tha
Wssthar Bureau .
The reporta from tha regular am
display stations of the weather bu
reeu aad the meteorological scrvto<
of Canada indicate that ( the told evm
the extreme wool portion of Buportoi
extends out last than SO mllao. Bx
tensive fields are reported to tb<
north of Keweenaw Pelat, and eve
the eastern portion. At Whltofisl
Point tha field la heavily windrow*
and stationary.
la tha aerthem portion of Ovoai
Bay tha too lo solid. In Mtohlgan tb<
fields are reported along tho weaten
and soethem portions, and also eve
tho southeastern portion, hut are no
heavy. At the Straits tha toe Is solti
and not covered with enow. Opel
water Is reported to tha east of 80l
Blanc Island.
In Lake Huron the fields ars movtai
with tha winds over the northern poi
lion and are also reported over th<
central portion. Tha high winds o
March 1, moved the field from tb<
mouth of tha lake to tha seat abort.
St Clair river Is froaen from hi
low Port Huron to Lake 8t Clali
where tha lea averages If taohm
Detroit river Is opea from tho moutl
of tbs lake to about Third-eL, an
frosen from there to Lake Brie.
In Lake Erie, the western pertto
Is covered with ice to tho seat c
Kelley's Island, where open water 1
reported. Along the south shore an
over the eastern portion the fields ai
toad beyond vision, hut are net heavj
In Ontario the fields are not haav;
and but few reported. Most of th
harbors are closed east of Charlotte.
In comparison with same perto
last year, there appears to bo let
ice and It Is not as heavy. Most c
the Ice formed during the cold westt
er of February.
CLEVELAND, 0.. March
"Spiders" Cleveland's new America
association team—erstwhile Totod
mud hens —were congregating In Cii
clnnatl today sn route to Americui
Ga., for sprlag training. The last a
the local division left here early k
day. The entire ouflt will repart t
1 Manager Jimmy Sheckard tomorrow
Women's Shoes
Home Proses
Hair Goods
Wash Goods
Muslin Underwear
Laces & Embroidery
Gloves t Neckwear