Man AeennM of Wifa-Skayiag
PoworfnUy Affoctod by Road
log of Mafnun
V,;. vi
Lawyers Hope For Acquittal on
Ground of Temporary
CHICAGO. March 3.— William
I'heaey Kilts, former Cincinnati man*
ifaoturer. on trial here for the nlay*
AS cf hi# wife, was netted with an
epileptic fit while on the wltnenn
•toad today and fell over unconacioua.
HUlla collapced when his attorney,
leorfc Remua, put In the record a
•opy of a teles ram aeni by the mur
iercd woman to Fred Cauldwell,
Irontford.. Canada, asking Cauldwell
a meet her In Chicago a few daya
>efore the crime.
The telegram waa offered by the
iefanae to anpport Ellis' charge that
.•Is wife waa unfaithful to him.
Pill* sat motionless while tha tele
[lain waa being read and then fell
av In the chair. He wee hysterical
then he was revived and moaned
"1 knew, t knew. It was true. How
wild they do it? Oh. Eleanor, I’m
IghUng so my hables won't be father
ess. an wall as motherless.”
A physician attended Ellis and the
lefenae announced that it rested.
Robert Hoses and his .wife, aged
(greats of Eleanor Hosea Ellis, who
tame here, they said, to defend their
laughter’s name against accusations
»f faithfulness, started blankly at At
orney Remus as the telegram was
ead. Mrs. Hosea was weeping on
>er husband's shoulder when the
-ottple left the oourt room.
“I regard the Introduction of this
elegram at a great victory for us,"
aid Remus. "Powerful interests In
'incinnatl and men of Influence have
onsptred to send by client to the
allows In order to protect the name
>{ hit wife. I believe this jury will
icqutt him on the plea of transitory
(OmUmml frees Peg* Oh).
mrd H. Newberry, special deputy
iherlff. who employed Ivors, and who.
n tarn, was employed by former Aid.
tpeenthnl to secuie affidavits.
Ivors swore that when he visited
ha prosecutor, ai Mr. Shepherd’s re
meet, Mr. Shepherd patted him on tne
«aok. called hint by bis first name
«and told Mm that ha waa going to
tava soma work for him to do for
>is office, tha coming spring and sum
nar. ' * •• • • * • «a*'
Newberry swore that tha prosecu
or "used dirty, disgusting and oh
cans language, calling everybody
unseated with the defense, thieves,
racks, robbers and other low and
lagosting language, too dirty to be
et forth in these pages; that be
aasad and raged and hollered like
A Insane person, and could be heard
,lacks away, and that his whole sc
ions and language were the most
.isgusting that have aver come to the
otlce or the deponent”
He said that ha had sworn seal
ants of St. Clair Heights because
• was under the erroneous lmpres
i.on that recorder s court jurqrs were
.rewn from the entire county.
Tbe other agents, for the moat
art. swore tha. the conversations
hich the Burns detectives employed
» Mr. Shepherd said they bad with
asm never took place. Leo Kunert.
ne of tbe affiants, was present in
icurt to prove that he can speak Eng-,
iab, though Defective Carl B. Wood
iwore that be could not.
Ban Harris swore that the prose
cutor had used "bull-dosing and in*
!m(dating tactics” to gat him to
iwear to an affidavit Edward Hock,
vho made an affidavit saying that
he aldermen ought to be let off,
nore that- he whs "bull-dosed.'
Varies Boden swore that tbe proee
pitor began a tirade of abuse, say
ng; “Hell, we don’t want that bunch
if crooks, porch-climbers* and u.u<l!e
tornett’s brothers-in-law and relatives
«n the Jury.”
John Carara. one of the notaries ac
used by the prosecutor of having
nken fraudulent j»ffi
wo affidavits fiat be had really seen
md taken dei.oyltloos of men who.
Each “Pape's Diipepdn” digests 3,-
000 grains food, ending nil stom
ach misery in fire minutes.
Time It! Pape’s Dtapepsln will <U>
; est anything you eat and overcome
i soar, gassy or out-of-order stomach
•erely within five minutes.
|| your meals don’t lit comfortably,
g What you eat lies like a lump ,of
Hi in your stomach, or If you have
northern, that Is a sign of lndiges*
Oet from your pharmacist a fifty
mot ease of Pape’s Dlapepstn and
Ighe a dose just as soon as you can.
There will he no sour risings, no
Pflffriig of undigested food mixed
with acid, no stomach gas or heart*
turn, fullness or heavy feeling la the
stomach, anuses, debilitating head*
aehea, dlmlnesa or intestinal griping,
phti ertlt all go. and. besides, there
•rig n mo sour food left over in tha
stomach to poison your breath with
matseui odors.
Pape’s Dlapepsln Is a certain curs
fOr out-of-door stomachs, because It
lakes hold of your food and digests
It feet the asms is If your stomach
wami*t there.
HrHef la five mlautea from all
rtsmacfc misery le welting for you at
drag store.
Trfii large ifty-ceat cases coauia
mntt Rape’s Dtapepsln” to keep
the entire family Dee from stoauma
Hmdara and Ipdlgesfon for many
Sum. It kahmga la your heme—
aocordlgg to tbs prosecitor. 414 not
Prosecutor Shepherd listened to Mr.
McNamara with a sardonic smlls, and
did not submit any argument whan
ha Iliad his affidavits.
Mr. McNamara'S nrgnmant was
vary brief. Ha cited tha famous
Pnhrmann case, In which ha naiad
as prosecuting attorney In Pranqua
tala county, and In which ha waa
I granted n change of venue by the aw
! prams court only after ha had exam
ined 7ts out of 1400 eligible for
Jury servloe la tho entire county. Ho
held that Mr. Shephard haa not made
sufficient effort to secure a Jury in
Detroit. s
Judge Phelan said that ha hoped to
arrive at a decision by Saturday, but
would not guarantee that ha would
Issue an order on that day.
lOlWtasil Warn N» Oae>
to obtain full reparation for tha death
of William S. Benton, a British sub
ject In Mexico at the hands of Gen.
Francisco yills, the rebel lesder.
Sir Edward Grey, secretary of state
for foreign affairs, made that sa
nouncement this afternoon In tbe
house of commons, answering an in
terrogation as u> the status of the
Mexican situation and the Benton in
"Sir Edward tears up Monroe Doc
trine." was the "Scare head" appear
ing this after over the Globe's ac
count of tbe foreign secretary’s Mex
ican speech.
England, said Sir tdward, haa no In
tention to sand an armed force into
Mexico and for the present Is content
to leave tha Benton affair In the hands
of the Washington government until
tha stats department haa had reaoen
able opportunity to act, but tha BrtttoH
government does net Intend, under
any elroumotanceo, to allow tha Ban
ton killing to drop.
Mexico, added the foreign secretary,
gives every Indication of a desire to
conceal the truth.
Whan it became known that Sir Ed
ward Grey would again speak on Mex
ico, tha house ot commons' galleries
quickly filled witL an eager crowd and
the secretary's words were listened
to with grave attention.
"So far,” said Sir Edward, "tne
United States has shown as much in
terest in the death in Mexico of a
British subject as It has in the cases
of outrages on American citizens. The
United States has shown every de
sire to secure protection for British
subjects In the Mexican territory con
trolled by the constitutionalists.
“All efforts made up to now have
failed to obtain an inquiry into tbe
facts regarding the death of William
9. Benton. • The persistent difficulties
interposed in the way of such an In
vestigation create the presumption of
a desire or inteutlon to conceal the
truth, on the part of those In Mexico
who are responsible for what has hap
pened. Comma r .cations with tbs gov
ernment of the United States are still
proceeding, but 1 repeat what I aaid
here last week, tuat these communica
tions do not imply that the govern
ment of the United States has any re
sponsibility for what has taken place,
the death of Benton.
“I would sum up the situation by
saying that if ths Unlttd States thinks
It proper to take further steps on be
half of its own citizens or British sub
jects, ws will gladly await ths rssult.
"But, If, for reasons of Its own, ths
United States dees net think it de
sirable te take such stops, we must,
of course, reserve te ourselves the
right to secure reparation whenever
It is in our power to do so.
"Assuming that the United States
desires not itself to take any respon
sibility for intervention, it haa been
urged upon me that we should take
Immediate action, without, however,
giving any suggestion of what action
w# can take.
"I must repeat what I sold hare last
week, that there is nothing we can
do under present conditions. The gov
ernment In Mexico City has no con
trol over the territory where the death
of Benton occurred nor over those re
sponsible for his death. Ws have no
intention of engaging in such a fan
tastic attempt as ths sending of s
fores, whioh to be effective would have
to be a very large force, Into any part
es Mexico,
we do not intend to let the
matter rest and as soon as by any
change of circumstances It is in our
power to carry the matter further we
shall take whatever steps may be prac
CHIHUAHUA. Mex., March S.—"lf
my chief, Don Venuatiano Carranza,
teM me to atop the sun and 1 could
do so, 1 would do nothing else until
that was accomplished."
This was the reply made today by
Gen. Francisco Villa, when asked
whether he would obey orders receiv
ed from Gen. Venuatiano Carranza,
first chief of the Mexican rebel cause,
to leave all International matters to
be settled by Carranza himself in
mg ruiure.-'TTifrg Tigg uwu rupuiu
that Villa was chafing under the new
restraint placed on him and that a
breach was lmmlnsnt Hs denied
this however, and said he welcomed
an order which removed unaccustom
ed worries from his mind and left
him free to pursue his military
It is clear that Villa proposes here
after to maintain silence regarding
such matters as the Benton case. Hs
told correspondents today ho would
refuse to discuss (ho Bauch or simi
lar esses In future, as these were
matters of an International nature
Villa today
and said he Is only awaking n car
load of powder and another car cal'
rylng recently-purchased five-inch
guns and shrapnel to fit them, before
ordering tbe advance on Torroon.
The city will pay H. Van Ler
berghe, county undertaker, *9143 for
burying Fred Holwedel, the proba
tionary police officer, who was shot
and killed on the night of Aug. 22,
1912. The widow draws a pension of
Its s month from the city, hat does
not come under the police Insurance
fund. She petitioned the oouncil to
give her belief. The oouaty under
taker has called on the aldermen sev
eral times regarding the payment of
the hill. The widow offered to pay
him two dollars a month out of pen
sion money and Van Lerbergho urged
the aldermen, to pay the biU. Instat
ing, that he was seating charity for
the widow. He eharged (MS for n
casket, as his*bill dhows. The coun
cil committee on wtys /nßd Means
assured him. Tuesday morning, that
tbe bill would he bottled by the dty
and that he could Rat n cheok as
non na tho ooffiMlft Iffiffifil Mi 818.
Effort of Fomor New Haven
Hoad to Ehcapo Rypudbllity
For Wreck Goto Setback
Motion For Diacharffe Overruled
by Justice Tuttle of Supe
rior Tribunal
BRIDGEPORT. Conn., March 3.
Charles 8. Msllsn, former president
of the New York, New Haven 4 Hart*
ford railroad, lost his first skirmish
here today to escape trial on nee
slaughter charges growing out of ths
wreck on his railroad at Westport,
Conn., Oct 3. 1912. when eight per
sons were killed. •
Mellen's setback cams when Jus
tice Tuttle In the superior court, de
nied a motion to vacate tho bench
warrant on whioh Mellon waa up
rested and for the discharge of the
It la now believed that Mellen's at
torneys will fight ths matter through
to n higher court on n demurrer to
Justice Tuttle's Judgment.
The motion of Mellen's attorney*
to vacate today was taken on the
ground that tho Issuance of n bench
warrant on "Information and holier*
by the district attorney was an In
vasion of Mtllen’s constitutional
(CMtIBM4 frm Pas* Oat),
brought out a subject close to the
heart of the woman, who only a few
months ago found herself tbe target
of a political fire that shook ths en
tire civic official life of Chicago, and
the guns were trained In pari, and
answered in part, by members of ths
Chicago school board.
"A board of over 12 is a bad thing,"
she said. "Too many opinions, too
much pulling In different directions.
No harmony. Bmall boards are al
most as bad. Thsy become auto
cratic, there Is not enough material
or enough different views and re
search Into matters that will better
school conditions. It needs several
minds to bring tnto play all lights on
the great subject.
"Polities Is seething in Chicago,"
she said snent a question of woman
suffrage. "The schools are non-par
tisan, of course, but just before the
recent primaries every teacher talked
to the pupils and told them ot tbe
boon that had been given their moth
ers and the idea was spread among
the little ones that their mothers had
a gift whose power was great, and
that It should be used wisely and
well; that it was the duty and privi
lege of the children to aid their moth
ers in learning to use this new wea
pon. The children did the finest of
missionary, work, and many incidents
came to us of children that bad
brought into the home the desire to
use ths ballot on tbe part of the
mother, and I think enough of my sex
to believe that a woman’s vote will be
a good vote."
Over a, thousand club women, so
ciety women, educators, suffragists,
and just modern women formed the
bulk of an audience of 1,500 that
greeted Mrs. Young as she stepped
on the platform in the auditorium of
the Boarfr of Commerce at noon,
Tuesday. She was Introduced by
Charles E. Chadsey, superintendent,
of schools, and at once plunged Into
her subject of "The problems of edu
She declared that the men In com
mercial lines have no more difficult
problem to solve thsn has the mod
ern educator.
"The material with which we Work
!s so delicate, so uncertain and yst
so grand that our problem becomes
complex," she sgid. "The ancient
Egyptians were satisfied if they could
write, but the modern business man
not only wants his stenographer to
write faster thsn he can talk, but
also to be able to put In the words
that he forgets. This Is an example
of how complex our social needs have
"The modern life Is a complex and
an ever-growing problem and drain
on mankind. We do everything to
almpUfr modem business that win
tend toward efficiency, but sometimes
we neglect the school. Ths modern
newspaper columns are only two
inches wide, and ths reason is that
It enables the human eye to swing,
from side to side in the smallest pos
sible arc and with little strain, and
yst our text books, especially the
primers, have lines reaching all thg
way aeroas a long page ar \ the chil
dren's eyas grow weary following
them and their Interest Is lost.
"Ws cannot turn ths problem of
the home to the school and expect
Instant results. Ths child in the
horns toils to answsr a question and
the father says, It Is time that boy
was in school.’ He does not stop to
think that the school cannot take
the child and Improve Its mind at
ones. It must build up the knowl
edge slowly and the home can bd
Just as good a builder. What hs
meant was it was time for that child
to be taught, that the child’s mind
was ready for cultivation.
"The problem of education is a so
cial problem and one that haa mors
tor reaching effects thsn any prob
lem that faces the world today. It
reaches out Into every walk and con
dition of lift."
At the dose of Mrs. Youag'w ad
dress she was presented with sa enor
mous bouquet of jonquils by ths
•goal Suffrage league of Wavne
Benjamin Let 111.
" Benjamin Lee, second assistant In
the district attorney’s office. Is 111 In
Fort Wayne. Ind., where he went Sat
urday to attend the funeral of n rela
Ths government will monopolize
tho hueinooe of supplying coal sad
provisions and operating repair taclll
ttan In the Panama odaat mm.
ImaUU m Absolute Quiet Bud
/ Wou’t Receive Anyone in His
Private Car
Paderewski, ths great PolUh pian
ist, arrived In Detroit from Ann Ar
bor, Tuesday morning, for his post
poned recital, Tuesday evening, lu the
armory. Mr. Paderewski travels in a
special car which is now nlde-t racked
in the Michigan Central yards. With
the great artist Is his wire. Mine.
Paderewski, and his English secre
tary and representative, Cecil Sharpe.
Owing to the recurrent attacks of
Illness from which Mr. Paderewski
has suffered since he arrived In
America last toll, and which have
caused him to cancel many of hit
engagements, ho is averse to being
interviewed. He feels that he needs
all his Strength for his public appear
ances, and being ~of a highly-strung
and extremely nervous temiierameut*
undue demands upon his physical and
nervous energy must be avoided;
hencs, bis desire to remain secluded
In his car and refrain from meeting
Borne personal friends in Detroit,
as well as admirers of ths great pian
ist, filled his car with flowers, Tues
day, the boxes from tbe florists’ shop
arriving rapidly following tbe state
ment from tbe railroad officials of
the arrival of the car in the yards.
The concert in the armory, Tues
day evening, will begin precisely at.
8:15 o’clock, and there will be no
seating after the artist begins to
play. Paderewski’s aversion to noise
and confusLpn In the concert hall la
well-known and he invariably refusee
to proceed with his program unless
absolute quiet prevails.^
Mme. Anna Pavlowa, with her com
pany of Russian dancers and orches
tra, will give two performances, la
the Broadway theater, Saturday af
ternoon and evening, March 21.
(CmßlemA (VMM Pact Oa«)
destitute and I learn that Mrs.
West’s health is failing very fast
She la unable to work and is
confined to her bed the greater
part of the time. Sbe baa al
xolutely not one cent of Income
and no relative who la able to
contribute to her support Dur
ing the past year my family haa
been entliely dependent on the
charity of the church and stran
gers. their condition is wretched
and the children have reached an
age when they deserve a home *
with' proper cere and surround
ings. 1 merely want to quote
from Mrs. West’s letter to me in
order that you will see for your- .
self her real situation:
"1 am nearly crasy between be
ing so sick and money troubles.
1 hate to write these things, but
it Is tbe truth that 1 have not
had one cant even for postage.
Father Mackin haa sent me food
and leaves me a dollar now and
then. This 1| a terrible ordeal —
worse than you will ever know
aid you will never have any idea
what my life is. May you never
suffer as ws have. You think,
perhaps, that your Ilfs is hard;
but, believe ms, you are fixed
much better than we are, even
though confined, for brain worry
and hunger are the worst forms
of punishment."
I beg that my plea will receive
your careful consideration and 1
hope you will feel that the pun
ishment 1 have undergone has
been sufficient and that the ends
of justice will not be defeated by
allowing my early release. I lack
the skill to present my came In
such a manner that the true cir
cumstances can be realized and
my real feelings understood. I
recognise the lie and hypocrisy
of my old life, and I bate them
with * true moral abhorrence;
but I am fully determined that ail
the future years of my life shall
be useful years, if tits way to
usefulness is opened to me.
Judge Phelan Is considering the
matter. /
Joseph E. McLean, charged with
grand larceny, for collecting |4O frifm
Jacob Klein, while acting as a sales
man for the Detroit Safe Cos., three
year* ago, though he had no right to
collect money, and never turned tbe
amount Ira, waived to the recorder's
court, Tuesday morning.
MoLean recently oame back to
TTOTf trier t lung tbieiiLe, and said
that he had come to "settle up all of
his old debts. Incurred while he was
drinking." Hs rays hs has not had
a drink in n year.
Detective Tremontie learned tbat
McLean took a leny’s suit from Klein
ass payment on the safe, stating that
ths suit was for his wife. McLean
admitted, Tuesday, that it waa not for
his wife, but for another woman.
Dry Kiln Scorched.
Spontaneous combustion Is blamed
for s blase in a dry kiln at tbe W.
F. Hurd Co.’s sash factory, No. 200
Csmpbsll-sve., Tuesday morning. The
dnmags will amount to about |50«).
J*fc PrtaUu Don* Rifht. Tim**
PrtaSac C*„ If John
Sweeping Reductions on Books
Many hearta made glad by selecting from our immense stock a Good Book. Increase your
store of knowledge by taking advantage of this bargain removal sale.
One-Half to One-Third Discount
On the Largest Stock of Books in Michigan
New Location. 260-262 Woodward Avenue
Will Not Carry Any of Pmwt
Goods Into Now Quarters
in Burns Store
In order to make way for removal
from the present store at No. 156-157
Woodward-ave., to No. 230-234 Wood*
ward-ave., formerly the J. A. Burns
Cos. store, the Henry Blackwell Cos.,
has inaugurated a remarkable sale of
gooda, to continue until the end of
April. The lease on the present
Blnckweell atore hat been sold to the
B. Siegel Cos., which company will
take pcftesslon, May 1.
For a month past, ever since the
Blnckwell Go., purchased the stock of
the J. A. Burns Cos., a successful sale,
offering great bargains In all lines of
dry goods, has been going on ta the
Burns store, and now these bargains
will be supplemented by a similar
sacrifice sale in the Blackwell store.
With the exception of a few re
stricted lines of goods which no store
la permitted to advertise at reduced
prices, every dollar’s worth of goods
In the Blackwell establishment haa
been marked down for the sale. The
reduction in price on the majority of
articles offered will startle even the
most experienced bargain shopper.
Much of the goods Included In th«
vale are new spring offerings, con
tracted for months ago and were In
the Blackwell stock rooms before the
deal for the Burns’ store was accom
plished. A sale of this kind could
not come at a more opportune time
for shoppers, for Mferch la the spring
buying month, the time when the
housekeeper must replenish her
household necessities and the mother
must look after the needs of her own
and her /children's wardrobe sot
apring and summer.
The stock in the Burns atore la be
ing wold rapidly and ths sacrifice sale
in the Blackwell atore will move with
equal energy and determination on
the part of the firm to dispose of the
9150,000 stock in as abort a time as
When the Blackwell Cos. moves into
the Burns atore, the merchandise will
be entirely now, nothing being re
tained from either of the sales which
have been going on in the respective
Steps Toward Formation of Or
ganization To Be Taken
A number of business men have
been invited to meet in the conven
tlon hall of the Hotel Pontchartraln,
Wednesday noon, to take steps to
ward the establishment of a per
manent symphony orchestra in De
troit. This call haa been Issued, fol
lowing the performance of the has
tily-organised orchestra which gave
a concert last Thursday In the De
troit opera house, upder the direc
tion of Weston Osles.
The; committee issuing the call
consists of Frederick M. Alger, Louis
D. Bolton, Newton J. Corey, Charles
H. Hodges, Henry B. Joy, Abner E.
Larned, Sidney T. Miller, R. Adllng
ton Newman, Edwin S. Barbour,
William J. Chittenden, Jr., Ralph M.
Dyar, 8. Olln Johnson, Otto Kircb
ner, Alexander J. Lewis, William H.
Murphy and Alexander H. Sibley.
On Child’s Ear. Itched and Burned
Badly. Cross and Fretful. Could
Not lie or Etr at All. After Using
Cuticura Soap and Ointment No
Trace of Trouble Remained.
*. F. D. No. 17, Owsaavllls, lad.—
"Whan my UUlo girl wm about two years
old maall watory glmplm am on tar oar.
Thay got worm all tha
tlma. Thay Ifectad aad
buraad ao bodly aha
would acratch ttam aad
cauaa thorn to apraad
until tar wholo aar waa
ooa largo sore. Saudi
ptmplaa came all over
bar head. Thlo troubla
cauaad much Itching
•ad burning aad aba could not elssp aad waa
wavy croav aad fretful aad aba could not Ua
m tar ear at all. The rtarm tanks nut ail
through tha hair which cauaad It to fall out
by tha handful. Tha apota waro wary rod
aad tadaatad aad watary.
•'* I taut and got a aampla of Cuticura Soap
•ad OiatoMat aad daddad to trjr thaoa. As
tor oatng tha aampla tar oar aad acalp did
■otcauoaao much pain aad Itching aad did
not look ao Inflamed ao I bought tba full-eUed
cakaof Cuticura hoop aad tba Catlcura Oint
ment. la a abort tlaaa It hagaa to boal aad
thalaflaaMaUca waagoaa. tba could alaap
at alght aad la a week's tlaaa not a apot
or irlmflt m a Iran nf Ilia trmitila raaialaail
aadaotainoothaahaaltroturaad. , ‘ (Signad)
Mra. Lulu Road. March SO. I*l3.
Cuticura Soap Me. and Cuticura Ointment
fOc. am told everywhere. Liberal aampla of
aach mailed free, with 32-p. gldn Book. Ad
dram post-oard “Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston."
HTMen who above aad ahampoo with Co
s Soap will find It boat for akla aad acalp.
Committee To Bead ia Divided
Report Tonight, Following
Lively Seerioa
Has Support of Automobile Mea
—They’re Afraid of Expense,
Says Gillespie
The motor truck fender ordinance
will be tbe center of a fight on the
floor of tho council tonight. Strong
opposition to the ordinance developed
in a public hearing, before the com
mittee on ordinances, Tuesday morn
ing, and tho members of the commit
tee decided to send a divided report
to the council.
Aid. Vernor, who is asking ths re
peal of the ordinance on the ground
that it is unreasonable and imprac
tical, led the forces against the meas
ure, and was supported by s score of
truck operators. Aid. Barnett, father
of the ordinance, Police Commission
er Gillespie and two representatives
of the fender companies, undertook
to defend the ordinance.
Commissioner Gillespie, while ad
mitting that at tbe present time there
seemed to be no adequate fender on
the market. Insisted that the ordh*
nance was a reasonable one and that
a suitable fender could be con
"I am sorry to hear that the engi
neers of Detroit lack the ability to
perfect a good fender," he aald. "11
the automobile companies would stop
fighting tho ordinance and get their
engineers busy over a drafting board,
it would be better for everybody con
"At the present time the police do-
waitiht musaans THs wuats
nmxt lAtuNsi
Luslteafe Mirck 10. P *£
Mauretania is, 17, »
«..1 ******
MmntaiiitVk’ MiltHl* ft*”
'•"-SSV ....iMiantniii 1 ;: 2
•Cells at Queenstown East Bound.
‘ ‘ a’oui tTmia "
Tk. UMtam •« uT
Peeve* Qnalttfna * Me
«LP SIT ao4
Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, lionaco
or Qonoa, Naples. Patras, Alexandria,
Trieste. Flume. Sailings noon, floe
raaaqaia . .Mar. ISCerpatMa. ..Mar. m
Caroala Mar. lTUltoala.. ..Aar. if
Baaad the World Tripe, f4T4AB an* a*.
Special through ratos to Egypt, India!
China. Japan. Manila, Australia. Now
Zealand. South Africa and Booth Amor
lea. independent tours In Europe, etc.:
send for booklot Cunsrd Tours i *
.assra. gtartzsts. sat
1 itineraries now ready.
Piers foot Weet 14th St, M. K Os.
flees 14 »tate flt. NT., opposite Bet-
•tKatser Wilhelm gar
Oroeoa Mar. gt^Hß
•Belle at la. m. ICerrlee eaa
cabin (II) only—tCarrlee no <1) mmi
or <in cabin. Bremen direst, ■Sill
Baltlaaare- Bremen dtraal.
One cabin til) Wednesdays |H
turninJZSE&js, HI
1 aadad
rtrmt Cabin?AwallSK EBB
ta aad tlamg. la the MRU
I ssa‘:» iy.f—| M
rbreufb retea fren Egypt*
Tort te fib BAST aad
dlillltt vie r.areae- EBBS
laaeaeadeat Trtpa Argggl n*Mm
nrtt claee VfarM
|Q|.ei *
TraTtlm' Cheahe Oaai Amjamm
All Or.r tha World.
» B reed way. M. T.
Or laeal Agmaa
an 16 trseksi . '
M As a safety sftogjflj;-' •''
think that tho fiZ "•
“The mood of A
reeds 13 miles
er has tho vAlefe Mr- • ■“ ■
all times. Only
tomobile accidents ton*
jorlty of Utsso SMflfmT
avoidable, child*!*' iHh| l 9
rear wheels Os fftebßlS^
Aid. Bnraett stismftod to 'mmlm
amino Mr. Grogonr
hypothetical question* mjm .
the aldoraaa drow Wmt
crowd. . <> r ;W
’’Tain't gotog to' gtoitoß niHilS
snicker,” criod Bar»ett.faaßtof
gallery. "I'ai trying flotetlEral
Information hero SR -/-‘J
o*lt lon, and I
of the truck coEOflflßß
get results witß a wE. '■
on the frost of tteto mmSEp.'W
Others who spots
nance were L.
Central Storage Ca; AJX
Grinnell Bros.; 1. Jk
General Motors TANARUS&
Campbell, of tho
Cos.; E. T. Tovar,
cry; c. M. Canon,
Motor Car Ca; L II iBMEmi
Lee * Cady; C. 1.
Carpenter Track Cos., and A. »"WWI
way. -
' ®s2* rnm mshmll
limited trstas svi iKjKN
follows: ..'..J
I I sots
- T»4a A. M.
Arrive -mai jmslto '
i DoIRr ' TiWUm? ■ '"*tsi
luno p. m. i sttoTT mim
"Noon Train”
ter of tvoivo, gssffcljpCl
days. Correapondtaff
vice Grand Eh»9ii~li
■Mni w 1
*-avtPl' '
■ Ct a ’
■ EEL NERmo 7^''
mm • .r*Lj&oh '
m sum WRIT IMUEk
m, ■ rr rs
proposals mm
! .. |j
Sealed proposals will ha rdootvai U
this office until It o'slosii noon, aatffj
tral standard time, Monday. Matwh lia
1914. at which time thay will ho WfMdM
od. for the purchase of tho fsllwwtaM
bonds of tha City es Datroit: vfj
Public School, fI.9H.tM; FafcttK
Sower. $1,140,000; Publlo ÜbVBfM
9476.000, Public Health. fllMdjjl
Grade Separation. 91H.9H; fIBM
Building. 179.000. \
Said bonds will ba laswod la tha |m
nomination of 91,999 each. or M| MM
tiple thereof, to hoar Interest at IMO
rata of four per cant par aaawaa
able aaml-aanually, will ha dgflS
March 1. 1914. and will mature tft M
years. Principal and la tarsal pafRM
In lawful money of tba UaMM ANNIN
of America, at tha cunwag HM|I
bank of tha City of Detroit U» tttfl
city of Now York, or at tho HNt»:iß|
the city Treasurer, at ta# lH||«
the holoer. . . ...
These bond* are authorMdNiftfejH
(barter of. and tha laws tdjMplgli
the city of Detroit, and by tataMmi
of the Common Council a iJOjmJgtnM
Detroit, and the Board of fiatttaifM^ta
**ByAuthority of aa Jf
latiir# apDroTed Juna
K Kempt From Alt TaxaUoß m
form, hut will ba axahataMN
la expressly i II WWi