I Ain B Sugar 64%. .Araal Cuptl%.
In Can 2»%. Am C A F To%. Am Cat
lii 44%. Am Loo 14%, Am klMit 41 A.
|m f|T 1I«%, Am TaO 24**, Am
Rml prof 71W.1 Anaconda 3*%; Atch
lift, Bait * O 11%. Bath Steel 11%.
m K T 44, Can Pac Stfl%, Cant Leather
[l%. do pf 101, Chaa AO 4S%~hino
le* 41%. Chi A N 124*. Col P * Iron
It, Con bda 164, Qorfc Prod 11%, pie
lit Car 10%, Brie 30, Oan Elec 147.
Btt Motor com 71. do pf 04%. Ut Nor
Kef 127%. Ct N Or* ctr 41. Int-Met of
||%. Knn C So 24%, Lett Vnl 140%. M,
iATlldo pi 64. Mo Pnc 24. N Y C
■ C Net* Mnvau 46%, Nor A W 102%.
■orth Pnc 112. Penn R R 111%, Ray
■ana JO. Road 106. Rep 1 A Steel 26.
■took lal 6%, do pf 1%, South Pacific
P%. South Ry 26%, Tenn Cop 26%.
fossa Oil 142%. Union Pac 141%. US
stub com 60%. U 8 Steel 04%. do |>f
80%. U S Ronds 102%. Utah Cop 64%,
W abash 2%, West L’n Tel 63%, Man
Petroleum 04%. Krasga com 101, do pf
I NSW YORK, March 3. —A fair vol*
■me of activity marked the opening
■ the stock market, but the tone was
|HVy. Opening prices showed small
pelipes, the Mexican situation again
lilng used as a bear argument.
|U a. m.—The market developed
|>me Increased strength toward the
lid of the first hour. .jut the buying
I)peered .to represent covering of
ftorta. Trading waa entirely profes
It p. m.—During the early after
■k>o the market was practically at a
■and mill and little interest was
Roms. New Haven hold down to
■ s•s, equaling last year’s low record.
Iqioee— The stock market doled
■ Alaska Gold Wine*. 21%; Arlx. <’oml,
K; Areadlan, 4%: Altoues, 41; Anter.
Inc, 10; Butt# A Superior. 35%; Cul.
■ Arts.. 47%; Centennial, 17; Chino,
I" ran kirn, 4; Keweenaw. 4%; La
e, 6%: Mass, 3%; Miami Copper.
■%; Nov. Cons., 14; Niplasins, 6%;
■orth Butte, 28%; Old Colony. 4: Old
■nnhtnlon. 53%; Osceola, 81; Pond
Break. 18%; 0 ulncv, 44; Ray Com*.,
B;- Shannon. 6%: Shat. A Aria.. 28%;
B>per. Copper. 29%; Super. A Boston.
Bi: Tamarack. 43. Trinity, 4; United
Kilt com.. 147**. Utah Copper. 34%;
B A Smelting, 41; do pfd.. 43%; Vlo-
Jrla. 1%; Winona. 4%
■ Colton price* reported by Hayden,
Bohe K Cos.. March 3;
IS Open. Close.
Bpreh, 12.23 12.14
Bay ■. n.86 n.75
Ely 11.80 11.70
■Mt: 11.45 1141
B-lober ~,M i 11.42 11.37
■ Bond odotaHonn reported by Ilaydtn,
■oim a Cos March 3:
■« 2s registered 08% 90%
■IV. coupons 98% 09%
|rw X< registered . 102 10S
■ Hn, ceufirits . 1021>
K4s rcaistered 111% 112%
. coupons... t ll2b
■King George of fSnglnnd Is the only
BiHßjtean sovereign who smokes a
Bpe. All the others are ardent de-
Etpch of the cigar or the cigarette.
.It!! *Ti. . •; , , ao-r
B i Capital...... $1,000,000
fl > Surplus and Undivided Profits over sl,fiofcQoo
I Business and Financial Agent
11' in looking after controlling
or large interests in corpora-
I- tions or business concerns.
Seeking afanohite aecurity and a fair rata of interest on.
their money, will deposit in
The People’s State Bank
Cor. Fort and Shelby Sta.
Cer. Mack aad Baldwta
Ctr, Baker aad Tweatr-TMrA
Cer. Weed ward aad rfquette
Cer. Rweeell sad Lymaa
let Waehiugteo Ave*
Reaonroea over Forty-two Million Doßari.
5% Income
( Exempt from State,
County and Loca|L
Taxes. Exempt
. from Normal In
come Tax of 1%
dstsoit stock axcMANfls!
These quotations subject to commit*!
alon charge. '
I siigi
Bid. Asked.
Acms Whits Ld. A Color l*
‘Mbs*; C
Amor pue. Utilities Co.* M * H .
I Do. prof erred t 4 ?• !
Amor. Shipbuilding Cos./. •§/ JJ j
Do, preferred 4. is ov
Amor. ToL A Tel. C 0... 140
Burroughs Ad Mach. Cos. 426 464
Chalmers Motor Cos 46 ••
Do, (.referred 92% 64%
Cltlws dor vice Cos 04% 96%
Do, preferred 94% 96%
Commop w'tb PAL. Cos. 66% 6:>%.
Do. preferred fd fl
Dot A Clove/ Nav. C 0... 94% 94%;
Detroit Creamery C 0.,.. 22% 23%
Detroit Edison C 0.!.... 114% 116
Detroit Ir. A St. Cos 8 •%
Do, profei rod 19 }}
Oenerel Motore Cos 73% <6
Do, preferred 92 95
Holland-St L Sugar Cos. 1% 2%
Iron SUvbr Mining Cos.. 96 106
S. & Kroage Cos 100% 103%
Do, preferred l<*4 106
Lozier Motor Cos 10 14
Do, preferred 46
Maxwell Motor Cos 5 5%
Do, Ist pfd 27 2k
Do. 2d pfd 4 10
Mexican Crude,, Hub. Cos. 7% 1%
Ml©h. Htato Tel. Cos., pfd. 90 04
Michigan Sugar Cos 23 24%
Do, preferred 76
MUes-Dot roll Theater Cos 11 11%
Minn. Sugar Cos. 24.
l)o, preferred 53
Natlpnal rOrurer Cos 43% 14%
Do. preferred 86 88
Pacific Qas A Elec. Cos. 46% 44
Do, preferred 64 44
Packard Motor Cos 101 114
Do, preferred Vi »•%
Parke, Davis A Cos 128 140
Reo Motor Car Cos It 19
Mao Motor Truck C 0.... 8 8%
Repub. Ry. A Light Cos. 18% 10%
Do, preferred 74 76
Nr»tten-Dillon Cos 126
touth. Calif. Edison Cos.. 11% 69%
”r. Concrete Steel C 0... 26 ....
Do, preferred 10
White Btar Line, 49% 61%
Wolv. Portland Com. Cos. 6% < 4%
Del. Valve A Fitting Cos. 7% 9
Towar’a W. Cos. Or. Cos. *9 16
Basil wed Trust Companies.
American State 146
Central Savings 230 660
Detroit Savings 241 ....
Dime Ravings 244 646
First National 196 ....
German-American 200 ....
• Ituhint'd park State... 175 ....
Metropolitan State 120 ....
Mtchgian Savings 240 ....
Natl. Bank of Commerce 199 208
Old Detroit National... 176 166
Peninsular Btate 214 ....
People's State 375
Unituct Savinas 1inn1:.... 146 »...
Wayne County Home.... 666 ....
Detroit Trust Cos 240 460
Security Trust Cos 241
Union Trust Cos 166 ....
The following Arms are prlvi
leged to execute orders on the
Exchange: Carlyle A Povah. W. A.
Hamlin A Cos.. if. W. Noble A Cos..
W. IC. Moes A Cos., Lewis G. Gorton.
W. E Reilly A Cos.. Geo. M. West
A Cos.. H. ri. Warren A t'a, Wm. H.
Hoke & Cos., 45. H. Clarke A Cos.,
Wm. A Near A Cos.
NEW YORK, Mar. 2.—Money on call:
1% per cent. Time money: 3% 493%
p.-r cent tor kiz months. Mercantile
paper: 4 'll 4 % per cent. aßr silver:
London, 36 11-14lh pence; New York,
{,7 %o. Demand sterling: 64.86.90 0
NEW YORK, Mar. 4.—Thf metal ex
change closed oull. Spot copper of
fered at 613.60014.50. Lead: $3,969
4.06. _ .
Job Prlktip; Dkse Right. TUeee
Prtatloo Cos. T 6 John R.«et
Cer. Cheap and EM«va«k*e
Cor. Mlehfgasr and Jsstlia
Coe. GkrCU ood Eossell
Coe. Grptlot aad RAepelto
o«M g ■Booeeß a If v
wenFmoß a$R w#
DfBTROIT. Mar. I.—Clots The mar
ket had a quiet aad steady opening In
tkf absence of ta« usual Uverpoot
dope whtek was bold bee* oy eastern
wire troubles. Liverpool prices were
a Utile higher, out tn«re was ue newa
The treue le wailing for eonhrma-
Ilea of the crop uauiage reportg that
made tilvir appearance go Monday,
biverybouy espeeved the reports to fel
low the com wave and dealers call
them theoretical. Th« actual damage*
If eny, will oe known iat«r. m the
meamime nulls ere looking for some
thing eiee on which to oase an ad
tanoe. it will take a lot of damage
new* to lltt wntat out of the rut, out
au increase in lureign demand le ex
pected to follow the present tie-up of
the eastern markets, and bulls figure
that a fine result might come from a
combination of crop damage and ac
tive export buying. Liverpool held lie
advance at the ctose for wheat, but
the corn market was about a stand-off.
at length In Liverpool came from
firmer on ere of Mamtooa and Plate
wheat The visible supply tnorease
was small aad spot demand Inoreased.
Millers were active buyers.
Borne demage reports drlftsd In snd
had a strengthening effect on the July
option, gnow's report was very bear
ish, but It was baaed on observations
made before the oomlag of the latest
cold wavs. He makes tne condition of
winter wheat 09. against 97 In Decem
ber. The lowest Is 92. for Nebraska,
and highest 102, for Oregon. Receipts
of wheat are holding very well, the
total primary movement was about
190.569 bu lees than a year ag* The
general tone In Europe was easy. Lo
cal millers are not active buyers of
wheat and demand for flour shows lit
tle Improvement.
May wheat declined %v and the eth
er deals were unchanged. Corn was
steady, bats gained V*c and cloversesd
advanced 6c.
Wheat Quotation*: Cash No. 2 red.
96%c; May opened without change at
61.02 and declined to fl-Olix; July
opened at 01 %c. toueneo 98c and de
clined to 9i%c; too. 1 white, 96c, Coarse
grain Quotations: corn, cash No. 6,46 c;
No. 4 yellow, 45c; No. 4 yellow, i car
at 66c. Oats; Standard, 1 car at4l%c.
8 at 420; No. 3 whits, t cars at 41 kc,
closing at 41 %c; No. 4 white, 4lo;
sample, 1 car at 89c. Rye: Cash No.
8,47 c. , Beans: immediate and prompt
shipment. 81.88; March, |1.66. Clever
seed: Prime spot and March. 16.46:
April, 66.20; sample red, 16 bags at
|L24, 80 at |6, 24 at $7.60; prime at
elks. 610.44: sample alslke, 90 bags at
66.64, 7at 89.60. Timothy; Prime spot,
86 bags at $1.40. Alfalfa. Prims spot.
Receipts In the Detroit market Tues
day Included 1,049 bbls of flour, 8 cars
of wheat, 10 of corn, 6 of oats and t
of hay. Withdrawals were 1,009 bbls
of flour and 4.000 bu of corn. Stocks
art 148,300 bu of wheat, 899,200 bu of
corn, 91.400 bu of oats and 13,960 bu
of rye.
Liverpool wheat closed %<9%d high
er and corn %and lower to %and higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 714,004
bu, against 116,000 bu a year ago.
Snow makes the wheat condition
Mar. 1, .99. against .97 In December.
The European wheat visible supply
Is 62.? 00,090 bu. against 62,220.000 bu
a year ago.
The American visible supply of
wheat decreased 786,000 bu. of corn In
creased 137,000 bu. and of oats de
creased 669,040 bu last week.
Wheat receipts Tuesday: Duluth. 66
cars, against 116 a year ago; Minne
apolis. 366 cars, against 384; Winni
peg, 327 cars, against 362; Chicago, 44
cars, against 71; southwest, 94,444 bu.
agslnst 120,044 bu.
F.xrorts of wheat and flour Tuesday,
444.000 bu.
The world’s visible supply of wheat
decreased 2.100,000 bu last week,
asxlnst an increase of 10,000,400 bu a
year sgo.
O" " ■
CHICAOO. Mar. * —Opntng—^Wheat:
May up %c; July up %c. Corn: May
steady; July steady. Oats: May
steady; July up %c. Provisions: Firm
and higher.
Nooitr—Whest: May down %c; July
down %c. Corn: May steady; July
down %c. Oats; May steady; July
down %c.
Close—Wheat: May down lc: July
down %e Corn: May down %c; July
down %c. Oats. May down %c; July
down %c. Provisions: Shading easier.
May... 94% *O4 % x 92% xhOSK
July... 40% *BO% xfl% siß%
May... 47% x 46 47% x!7%
July... 47% x 87% x 44% *46%
May... 40% 41 40% xs4o%
July... 40% X40% 40% 840%
May.. 21 46 21 50 21 29 bll 26
Lard— .
May.. 10 40 xlO 42 10 57 bl 467
May.. 11 42 xll 46 11 37 bll 27
CHICAOO, Mar. 3.—Whost waa Ann
and a trifle higher at the start teAsy
ou account of strength at Liverpool,
but buying was light sarly In the day
and prices eased off to last night’s
i-loelnr figures.
Bulls In tbs corn pit had a lower
cable to meet, hut pit leaders were
mostly on ths buying side today and
aftsr opening steady, prices moved tip
a fraction for July and %c for May.
Oats futurss wsre helped by the ac-
Art you getting from
your invefttmente the
greatest Ifturn conrittcnt
with safety?
gage corporate bonde offer
yon the opportunity of
doing this.
Thte Company, because
of Its oxperknea and or
ganisation, le in position
to judge ae to the valne of
bonde more accurately
than the average indi
viduaL StturHlff dffntd
for tak by It mo bought
only alter the moot tbor
ough investlcdfcm.
FuO pavticttlm upon ap*
ra,l,, .I »■ a*. 1 • -
uecroit, micmgan
•tockholdere Mevuua of Ike "Delray
Connecting R, R Co?\9totioo Is barsby
s?. ,i si and &• hssSmasssi
es the company »n the Cltyof Detroit
Michigan, or Wednasday/Tmiwh 18th.
1914. at 1 p. m By order of the dlrevl
ers of tbs cempany. (Signed) J. D
panders, fierretery.
eult Court for the County es Wayne
In Chaneery. Bill for Divorce poop
Inf. Vera Lillian Smith. eouM)*ai»taaL
vs Leon Ray Smith, defendant. Ho.
44184. Satlifactory proof by affidavit
appearing that the defendant is not a
resident of the fitato of MtebtfSn, hut
that he now reildne In tbs ItatO of
Missouri. In the City of fit Louis, and
County of fit. Louie, on motion of Ears
p. Boochier. counsel for eom»lalnaat.
it la ordered that hs appear had an
swer the hill of complaint filed ia this
cause within four mouths from tb#
date of this order, or said bill Will bo
taken ea confessed, and that thto order
be published as Is reaylred by law la
the Detroit Timas. Dated this 84th
Deputy Register. Sara P. Roocnler.
Uon In corn and after a firm opening
advanced fractionally.
A light run es hogs at the stock
yards and higher ho* prices Inspired
in the day tne market had recovered
the loss caused by the decline Just be-1
foie the market Tinned yesterday.
TOLEDO, a. March 3.— Close-
Wheat: Cash. 93%c; Ala>. tl.01%; July.
9!%c. Corn: Cash, 46%c; May. |B%e;
July, 43%c. Oats: Cu»h. 42c: May,
43%c; July, 42 %c. Rye: Caen, 41 %c.
Cloversesd: Cash, |V6O ; April, 8k.13;f
October, 84 11. Alslke: Cash, 810.50.
Timothy: Cash. 82.42%. Rutter. e*gt
and hay: Unchanged.
Except that the egg market wue put
up a half cent yesterday there were
no price changes to report this morn
ing. The butter market did not move,
as had been expected it would. The
cold weather has cut down the move
ment of eggs very materially. Poul
try was in very light supply, and ruled
Arm. The season for shipplns rabbits
Is ovsr, and most dealers have only
small stocks to clean up. The potato
market here le very dull, but at ship
ping points throughout the state con
siderable activity is being shown.
Apples— No. 1. |6«M: No. 2. 9494.60
per obi ; western bqx apples. 62.260 2.76
Ua* —Good shipping stook. 81.69
■2.26 per bunclL
Reams—Dried Limas, 707%c per lb.
Cnnlißewer —61.60 per crate.
Pelety California, 94.2604.60 per
crate; «40640 per doe.
Cabbage 1302.26 per bbl.
Cheese ■■ Wholesale Prices: Michigan
Bats. 15%016c; New York. lTHtflto;
llmburger, 1401&o; domestic awtsa.
19 016 c. Imported Swiss, 24 014%©;
tong borne, 19018%d; daisies, 180
18%a per lb
Dales—Persian, new. 74M%c; yards,
909%c per lb.; Dromedary. 12.60 can.
Itoeoaed Baas—Eight, 110 lie; heavy,
1001 lo per loT
Pressed Calves Fancy. 1#015%v;
common, 16014 c lb.
Figs—lmported, 140160 1%; Cali
fornia 35c lb. _
Fftaaaa Meddles—Holl%c lb.
Freeh Vegetables Green peppers,
92.7604 per emte, 500 per basket; cu
fiumbeva hothouse, 91*7602 par doa;
ettucr, hothouse. 11012 c; beets, 910
1.10 tor bu: taraley, i6(o<9c per do*.;
tomatoes, hothouse. 20 026 c pet lb.;
Hubbard squash, $0 per lb.; radisboa
brags FraM—B4 0 4.40 par doa
JBS. MfUc;
I nber. 10011 c lb.; extracted 708 c lb.
llar—Detralt shippers are paying the
fo.lowlng prices for bated bay In car
lota f, o. b. Detroit; No. 1 timothy,
91601i.60; standard. 614014.60: Nn. i
timothy, 819013: No. Imlxad. 911600
16; light mixed. 918.60014; rye straw.
8108.40; wheat and sat straw, 970
fe »
green hidoa |s%c; No. 1 cured bulla
16%o; No. 1 graen bulla. lOe; NoT7
cured veal kip, l7o: So. \ green vest
kip, 14c; No. 1 cured murrain, lie; No.
1 green murrain. 10c; No. 1 cared calf,
10c: No, T graen oalf. lio; No. 1 horse,
No. f bores, 88.40; No. 1 callow,
80: No. 9. 6c; No. f hldea lo off; No*
t kip and calf, 1%0 off; sheeps kin as
to amount of wool, iOcOSLIi.
Leakoae—Messlnaa BSJIt4; Califor
nia, 8404.60 nor boa*
Limes —9101-16 per boa
Graages—California navela 12.7608;
Florldaa 93.2601.60 par boa.
Oaloas —Tallow, fl-26 0160 par sack;
Spanish. 61.76 par erata
Fetatoea—Car lota, track Detroit. In
sacks, ifo46c; jn bulk. 660400 bv;
New Bermudas, 9160 bu. 97 bbl
Fanltry Live bene. 17010 c;
18c lb. Dreasod hens. 17% 011 c; springs
ifeiu>rgkir? ijli •' lf *
FOaeaapise . 88T*O04 par erata.
ttrawberrtea* -40 c par quart.
Basest Pets Cess—Jersey, kiln dried,
"xaitm—iKT l k 1o; No. «. ,4c Ik
wnno mm
0140. Peas: Fancy, early Juna 91.14;
standard, $1: baked, #OO7Oo. Salmon:
Buckeye, tall. 9L86: AaC 81.08: Alaska
Juno. 91*80; alftod early June. 91.40
per doa
Feed Jobbing prises ia 104-lb.
sacks, bran 817.60; coarav middlings,,
817.60; fine middling*, fit: coarse corn
meal, 989; cracked corn, 920; corn and
oat obop. 868 per ton.
Fleas Jobbing prloes: Beat Michi
gan patent, 86.60; second patent, ft;
straight. 14.76; pure rye, 6140; eprtnfl
patent ino per bbt In paper sacks.
Mardwate Walla, J 1.96 oaae: anneal
ed wire, 81.80 oaae; painted barbed
arira 2 point, 98.40; galvanised sheets,
single bit bronzed axes. 9L76 par des.;
black sheet steeL 22 and 24gauga
ra&"tttr. ch? like
76,10 and 6 per cent off list; large. 70
pad 10 off: machine bolts, small, M
off list; larga 70, 10 and I
Pnpvtsleaa—Mess pork. 918: family,
12%0 par lb.
flagare—Corrsctsd dally by W. H.
Edgar A Sons: Ciystal dominoes, d-lb.,
tti fejfrlaj; TuYi. “SVf
xxxto powdered, Iflf; standard pow
granulated, 16-lb. cottons, 84.46; cry
stal domino, gran., 2-lb. and i-lb. ear
[i:Ui arwarW'sSK*. 1
t&iPZ \l
I2.ll; So. 14. f1.86; No. 1L 9MB; non
caking mixture, 86*76; boot granulated.
14.90 per 100 lbs.; household powd., I’a
49 to oase. 84.10 per qaoo.
Eggs—Firsts, cases included, 87 %o
per doa Receipts 844 oaooa.
quoted at 90 centa today, the same
prioe that prevailed last weak.
NEW TORK. Mar. 9.—Flour: Dull
and unohanged. Pork: Qulqt; mess,
922022.60. Lard: Dull; middle west
spot, 910.40010.60. Sugar: Raw, eas
ier: centrifugal, 90 test, |8.04; musco
vado, •• test 92.64; refined, easy; out
loaf. 95.05; crushed, 94.96; powdered,
64.10; granulated, 9404.01. Coffee: Rio
too. 7 on spot. 94c. Tallow: Steady;
city, 9%c; country, o#9%c; special.
7%c. Hay: Dull; prime. 91.92%01.06:
No. t, 76096 c; clover, 60# Me. Dressed
poultry: Dull; turkeys, 14020 c; ohick
ens, 14027 c; fowls, 12019 c; duoks, IS
019 c. Live poultrv: null; aeeee. 14c.
ducks, 16c: fowls, llo; turkeys, 16c:
roosters, 12%c: chickens, 19c. Choose:
Firm; state milk, common to specials,
14%018%c; skims, common to special,
6#14%c; full sklma 1%06e. Rutter:
Firm: receipts, 6,921; creamery extra.
91% 012 c; state dairy tube, 20061 c;
Imitation creamery firsts, )1%0f1%c
Eggs: Steady; receipts, 9144; nearby
white fancy, SSc: nearby mixed fancy,
<4%052%c; fresh firsts, 61053%c
CHICAGO. March 6. —Butter: Extras.
40c: firsts. 27024 c; dairy extran 24c;
firsts, 24% G24%c. Eggs: Ordinary,
S4O 24%c; firsts. 24% 027 c. Cheese:
Twins 17%c; young Americas, IB%c
Potatoes; Michigan, 46044 c; wlecon
aln. 46049 c; Minnesota, 46046 c. Llv«
poultry:, s\>wle, 14014%c; ducks, 1|(
14c; jredee,\ 14c; chickens (springers).
16%01 Ts; turkeyj, 17c.
, , \ \\ - 1 11
Joseph J. Kreuslior, young brick ma
son who obtained more than 91<M
worth of goods from various Detroit
•tores by using ths names of various
well-known citizens, and having tbs
goods charged, waived to tbs record
er's court on two grand larceny
charges. Tuesday. Ths complaints
wore sworn out hy John F. Oerschow,
of the Newoomb-Endlcott Cos., charg
ing him with obtaining silk sttfekiags.
gloves and other finery for his sweet
heart, by using *Tobn J. Bariums
name; and John J. Fraser, of Tnttie
4 Clark, charging him/with the lar
osay es e S4O “fitted" grig.
Argues That Space of 15 Feet
la Rear of Teaements la
Too Much Waste
Building Inspector Dupont appeared
before tbe ordinance committee,
Tuesday morning, and urged the al
dermen to support the amendment to
the building code, adopted by the
council a week ago, reducing the air
space at the rear of tenement houses
from 15 to 10 feet. Two reconsider
ations have been filed on the amend
ment, and a hot fight Is promised,
this being about the eleventh time
section seven or the building code has
been brought before the aldermen.
Those who oppose the amendment In
dorsed by the building Inspector in
sist that it cafl 'be interpreted to re
duce the air space to six feet A
similar reduction of air space was
recently vetoed by the mayor on the
recommendation o t a New York build
ing expert. The circuit court recent
ly held that 15 feet wai a reason
able allowance for an air space at
tbe rear of a tenement boose.
Inspector Dupont argues that a 16-
foot air space is not necessary, and
that it Is a waste of ground.
Aid. Joseph Schemansky's proposed
ordinanoe to make the publication of
llQuor advertisements In newspapers
a punishable offense was scheduled to
come before the committee, Tuesday
morning, for a public hearing, but
the committee adjourned for lunch
before the measure was reached.
August Lambert, of No. 319 Third
st, who was held up and robbed of
$Bl, at Leverette-ei. and Trumbull
ave., recently and who picked Thomas
Breen, of No. Brocktyn-ave., as the
men who held a revolver to hit need
and robbed him, stood unsteadily la
the witness stand in Justice Stein's
court, Wednesday, looked over, un
der, past and straight at Breen, and
giggled, M Nope, don’t shoe that men
zls court room 'tali’*
August had waited long for the hear
ing to start and had sped the hours
by frequent trips to a nearby saloon.
When Assistant Prosecutor Robin
son asked him to point out the man
who robbed him. Lambert grinned
sleepily, and said, “Don’t have to point
him out. 'Puse to answer se ques
Justice B(ein turned angrily on the
witness, and said: “You are charg
ing this man with robbery being arm
ed, the offense second to homicide,
and punishable by life imprisonment
as the maximum. And you come in
here and joke about It Now you
point out that inau."
August tottered to his feet, scanned
the court room vacantly, and sat
down, remarking, “Nope. Don’t shoe
that man.**
The case was stopped abruptly, and
adjourned until next Friday, by which
time It is hoped that August will sober
“I wss estlng supper end didn't
went to leeve it.**
This was the excuse offered by
John Grabowski in the court of do
mestic relations, Tuesday, when asked
shout an attack on Deputy Sheriff
PlHarskt la which the entire family
The sheriff had a warrant which
declared Grabowski bad tailed to send
bis 14-yeer-old boy to school. Whan
tbs deputy attempted to serve tbs
warrant, the man resitted and bis
wife and the children helped things
along by kicking and striking the of
ficer. Uniformed police were called.
He was put under SIOO bell by Judge
Lacy end ordered to report next Tues
day for trial.
Italian tuspecta Released.
Pour Italians, Emanuel Blanco, Guls
ssppe Legro, Vito Titoae and Georgs
Papals, bald by the police as suspects
la connection with, two recent bomb
explosions in the local Italian quar
ter, wore releaeed by Capt Palmer.
Tuesday afternoon. Ho announced that
ho wds satisfied after the investiga
tion that the men had nothing to do
with the explosion.
Accused of Jumping Beard Bill.
Roy 8. Bradley, 80-yeer-old sales
man, who says be sells anything from
real estate to automobllee, but hae
■had n dull eeaeeti lately, was eseeeled
by Detective John Reid, Tueeday, on
the charge of defrauding the Hotel
Brunswick out of n $36 board hill. Ho
says he Is from Wyoming.
bast buffalo.
Onalac A IWt*u* Live Steek Hr pert.
EAST BUFFALO, N. Y.. March s7
Cattle: Receipt*. 400 head: market.
Slow; prime 1,350 to 1,460-tb. steer*,
$t.500 •■DO, bent 1,300 to I.SOO-lb.
•te*r*. 9.1.25 08.50; coar*e and plain
weighty «teer*, $7.4007.75; fancy
yearling*, baby beer, $4.2505.50; med
ium to sood. do, $7.600 7.76; choice
handy steers. »»0 to 1,100 lbs., $7,504#
$.25; fair to good, 1,000 to 1,100 lbs.,
$7.2507.50; extra good cow*. $4.5007;
best cows. $5.7504.26; butcher cows,
6501.50; cutters. $4.2504.45; trim
mer*. $404.55; old rims. $3 04.60; best
heifers. 97.3607.45: medium butcher
heifers, $4 04.45: light butcher heif
ers, $404.25; stock heifers. $6.7604.25;
best feeding strars, $7 0 7.25; fair to
Sood. $4.600 7; fancy stock steers, $4.76
|7; best stock steers. $6.25 04.50; com
mon light stock steers. $5.6004; evtra
good bulls, $7.26 0 7.60; bologna bulla.
$4.5007; stock bulls, common to good,
9501; mllksra and springers, s46«!*o.
Hogs: Receipts, 4.000 head; market,
steady: heavy and rorkers, $5.10.
Sheep: Receipts. 1.000 brail; market,
steady; lambe, ft IS; yearlings. $6,500
7.45; wethers, $6.2504 60. ewes. $5 50
Calves: $4.25 09.50.
liar. 2. —Hogs: Receipts, 11.000: mar
ket, strong and 6c higher: mixed and
butchers, $5.450 9.70; good heavy. 9$ 45
05.75; tough heavy, $9 5009.45; light.
$1.5001.72; plr*. $7 400 2.40. Cattle:
Receipts. 4,000; market, slow and
steady; beeves. 47.250!* 75; cows and
heifers. $3 660 $ 55, stockers and feed
ers, io 500 4, frxans. $7 1002.1$;
calves. s7ti 1«.T5. Sheep: Receipts.
22.000; market, steady: nntlve, $4,960
Ail; western. $4 $604.90; lambs. $6.1)
07.1&. western. $47507 90
CLEVELAND. Mar. 2— Hog* Re
eeiLts, 1.600- steady; mixed rorkers
and pigs. 9$ $0; mediums and heavies.
11.1001.15 Cattle: Receipts, * cars:
steady. Sheep and lambs: Receipts. 9
ears; 97.5$ top. Calves: ReeelptA I#s;
Up. 911.71.
Bmmssuai GtUaspy, fit yaars old.
arrested, Monday afternoon, la Mo
room at No. 14 Colomhla-oL wool, on
an Indianapolis grand jury Indict
ment charging Ulut with wife abandon
moat, told Dotiotlvo Dtbbio that tea
letter's arrival at the house woo a
most peculiar coincidence.
“I woo just getting randy to pack
up and go hack homo to my wlfo,'
•aid Gillespy.
Dotootlvo Thomas Dugan, of Indian
apolis, who is hero to take the fugi
tive hack, says that Ollloopy loft w
Ko six months ago. and In that tubo
had not sent her s oeat, or otherwise
mmunloated with hor.
Classified! Cent
Rates. ... 1 a Word
Gate with order. It oharged. f# a
“T. transient advertising w tefortefi
(er lees than lie with cash; lie it
•barged, per insertion.
_ The above rates apply U an olaam-
Acatloaa except Blrtns. Cards of
Thanks. Obituaries, Meeting Netless
one and oae-thlrd eents for end extra
BROUDY—March A Isl 4. at U. 0 lU
rlae hospital. CapL Morris Broudy.
dear father of John. Edward and
Ullian Broody ••«, Mm. Bert J*m-
Uck Remains atNeal A Sulllvaa’s
chapel. Notloe of funerej )*iw.
HONSINOER—Feb. $7. at Boston. Maas,
Peter. aged 60 years, brother or
Mary. Henry, Charles, Jphn and
Prod Honslnger. Funeral Wednes
day. * p. m.. from hla brother
Charles* residence. 70$ Cadillac-ava
Cleveland papers please oopy.
NEIMAN—Marsh 1. at hie home. Elver
Rouge, Silt Jeltereon-ava, Charles
Nelman. aged It years. FunerM
Wednesday 1:10 p. m. from residence
and S o’clock at Gorman Lutheran
Christ church.
MURPHY—Mary, Feb. It. 1514. Fun
erf) Wednesday. March 4. from hor
reeldenoe, 19$ Vermont, 9:90 a. in,
and Holy Trinity ohuroh nt $ o’clooh.
ROgKOPP— Ather late residence, lit
Market-st.. Mt Clemens., Mrs, Mar
garet. aged 7s, beloved wife of John.
Ir., and mother of John, Jr- Mary.
Kata Frank and. Charles. Funeral
Wednesday, March 4, Ia m.. at fit.
Peter’s church. Mt, Clemens.
BANDICK —At Lepeer, Mich., Joseph
Ruseell, aged 1$ year*, beloved eon
of John and Hattl# fiandlok. Fun
eral services at hie parent** reel
denca Paelftc-ave., Wednesday at
2:ls p. m.
WARDLB—March 2, at heir residence.
daughter of Philip and Mary White
and sister of Mra Frank Sterling
and Mra William Prua Notloe of
funeral later. •
TWO sober, reliable men. preferably
married, who are out of employment
can obtain earns U competent team
sters and able to produce satisfac
tory references, by applying to De
troit Time*’ Uner Dept, for Position
No. 1.
BARBER—Must *be ftirst-olaea; |l4
guaranteed. Call at 456 Sheridan,
cor. Kercheval.
BARBER SHOP for sale; fine oppor
tunity. 345 Maplo-st. near fit An
BARBER for evenings and Saturday*;
good guarantee, let Grand HWW_
A GOOD steady man to drive f&gle
truck; 9L76 per day. Meldrum
Stables, IQ$4 Meldrum-eve.
PORTER—Colored. wanted. barber
shop. 1400 West Fort-et .
COMPETENT MAID for general house
work, good cook, email family; ref
erences. Apt.. 3. 64 Cbendler-ava
North 5175.
»- ■' ' " ■ *■ 1
COMPETENT MAID, general. house
work; no laundry; email family? good
wages. 4 Shlpherd-et. Phone East
COMPETENT GIRL for general house
work; small family, lto Bast Pal
AMERICAN or German girl for gen
eral housework; no cooking. 172
Winder. .
SINGLE MAN wants work of any kind;
telephone worker by occupation. Can
furnish references. Number of de
lundentsI undents 4. Henry W. Attken, age
1. $1 Adame-ave. eaiL
SINGLE MAN wants work of any kind.
Screw machine worker by occupa
tion. Number of dependents 1. Lewie
Etoeit, age tS. 11$ Waterleo-et
•INGLE MAN wants work of any kind.
Lathe worker by oocupatlou. Num
ber of dependents 1. Philippe Pru
nes u, age 4s. 1741 Ruftaell-it TaL
North Ms-M.
single MAN wanta work of any kind.
Bookkeeper by occupation. Number
of dependents t. Frank Dwyer, age
2s. 555 Palltter-ave.
SINGLE MAN wonts work of any kind.
SI. 1454 Conoord-ave.
•WNOlih MAN wants week of awyklcdr
Oenera* repair man by oocupatlea.
Number of dependents I. John Pas
tor, age 21. Isl Adame east. Tel-
Cherry 1446-W.
MAHKIED MAN wants work of any
kind; watchman or janitor by occu
pation. day or night; oan furnish
references: number of dependents 7.
James Nelson, ago It. 491 Parker
MARRIED MAN wants work of any
kind Inelde. Painter b r occupation.
Number of dependofits 1 C# R* Clerk,
age M. 2ti Jefrereon-ave.
SINGLE MAN wanta work of any klod.
Latorer by occupation. Number of
dependents 1. Julius Botwnske, age
$4. 645 Hancock-ave.
SINGLE MAN wants work of any kind.
Cabinet maker by occupation. Num
ber of dependents 1. Tony Botwnske,
age ft. sss Hancock-ave.
MARRIED MAN —Carpenter by occu
pation. Number of dependents 2;
age IS. Box C, No. 2.
SINGLE MAN wants work of any kind.
Drill pressman by occupation. Num
ber of dependents 1. Louis Oerne,
age 41 444 Mitchell-ave.
SINGLE MAN want* work of any kind.
Locksmith by occupation. Number
of dependents 1. Abe Burgen, age
32. 66 Dlvleton-st.
g'INOLE MAN wonts work of any kind.
Automobile repairer by occupation.
Number of dependents 1. Fred Kings
ton. age 36. 11 $4 John R.-*t. • \
SINGLE MAN wahts work of liny kind.
Wood worker by occupation. Num
ber of dependents 4. Sigmund Klein,
ate 17. 14$ Winder-st.
PINOLE MAN want# work of any kind.
High school grufunte. , Grant Mur
rev 144$ Grand River-eve.
MARRIED WOMAN wanta work of
any kind inelde; dish washer by oe
rupattna. Number of depewdonta 1.
Mrs, Thremley, ago 51. >1 Brooklyn.
mKgfx !
Per man *W* vV."g9»V ; . IV
Larggs ete>es^^^oteg^R
SJS? Uafi^syaj r ’hy kl oJ&|^^^^^H
Hair dressing, thm 1411
hair cutting. Meat
Smtea Wig* taTrSf
HJ^oSSr wMp
34 years he my s>ree>otlm»lMfe^S
to appeal to the puMIa~9I4BBWAR|
71 Grand Rlver-araJßp^hHßM
A.— Tvdo writer*. AO ■■•illBSBBll
NowvteiwafM; fine rontBIUBMI
Allied on prtoa
vttofauktn. Try - .ataM
fob lb—R.mjoiry, jit^B
Mill and factor/ jsS
Show Casos, Counters
Caeea Floor Cigar alte:>Jßl|BfiK.-|
Back Bars. Chaim , TOMBhiJiRM m
Etc. Detroit Store Fixture Oe, jHfRM
4i Oratlot-ave. Mate
WANTED—cor. Mlchlgaq
to fumteli roome oemslata;
$200.00 DOWN^^^I
4-room cottage, I bedroame. bath, ■'■tgmm
electric light, g°j4’' mMBu.
spring wells Une. PHca > ■im
Klrby-oorge-Felcke Cos., 1417-19 DmBRH
Bank Bldg. Main 177.
7-room home. $ bedroroma,,>fttsh
hardwood floors, price 9t,404; UK
Cc., 141 T-it..■
Bank Bldg, Mala 177. .
rooms and bath, gag, fott ImoiwlßhJfl
furnace In good order. VffilJlwMH
timber; climate. Those W. M4Attiw|
tsr, Buena Vista,.Ga. ,
terms or exohange for city MOMa
erty; divided into small
worse up. AddressiS. m
Belleville, Wayne Ca» Mleh, f
' >Oll PALM—
-9410 PI-AYER-PIANO for 9«H. -f
mao rsssnn: Wt build them and |M)
direct from factory to euyeiv fwr i
ti?e HTtSlepianoco., tn WoodwatNi'ji
' 1 %Airr*b— "'i
°g aseafte BWRik'sgjfift 9
HIGHEST prices paidl furniture, etevoa
Storaga moving. Main 990. Oltlft—MKjS
FarratidStoraffe j
'Trucking, Packing. SEhtpptaj>lj
Phono North 1401. Night Phono
RIVERSIDE storage 0 Cartage ~QgJ#l
garaja stsssA&m
AGE CO. —Fur».»ure Stored h* WjXHL'.-s
partanente; large vena Mate Mat. I
RQEHL BROS.. Storage. Cartage 0*0;.
Packing. Office 147 Aifred_Wjfe»SL^*l
NOTICE—If any poor girl |» to
needing advice. frJenJeblp 4W
n oTr.-^'MK
plain cats; has been used but. SgPS-g
month*, almost brand pew;jpdWg,*!