Newspaper Page Text
Page Fourteen Enth ward. McCann * Aiei Rivari Jerome Conway Chm. Edward Schaefer John Banolt Will lam Schulte 3rd Dial. toapaatara. William *. Hergenreoder August Lt-nth fiblar Edwin Brodal 4th Dial. laapaalara. i. otto Pfarman ■ Conrad Kraea Joseph Sptndlsr HMph lMlarskl. Oh Walter Klin Bank Adamasaak Ban ■fina Ewald Walkuasewskl | W’llllam i Hobkowtak HsAatrara. Ml Dial. laapaalars. Hhnaph Bahorskl cb Anthony Slaffart IKanan KulwU-ki Joseph Ronowskl ■rank Polanaky John Ronowskl KggtgllSln Tib Dial. laapeetora. ■rank Hall, Chm. Freeman Baals firry Vanitlper H Fltsgerald RLFltagerald John PUen ■BMrsra. Mb Dial. Inepee*era. Ksslua Fred Darts Ebackelford. Chm Louis Bagnaud ■art Gift Henry Johnson Kaais Cavanaugh EIGHTH WARD. M—<st~srs let Dial. Ima pee teem. it, J. Flannery, ch. Gordon Flannery ■kit Boat wick Alex. J. Forbes ■wiaa McCarthy Geo. W. Buck ■pate!rare. Sad Diet. Isapetera bralter Buhl. Cbm. Jamas Allston mm C. Uias Chas. Paul Mhamas Moor# J. J Schulte, Jr. IlChtrtra. Sr d Dial. laapeeler*. ElloDonnall. Chm *John Wilson Khnlal Shea *Caspsr Sehwenk ■bkn Feeney E. T. Burns James Hantfan Bmgrd T. Daniel Crotty NKMllng. Chm. Thomas gain Kerwie McLaughlin farlu Doran Jaa. Karanaugh figggalrmra. Mb Dial. tnapaeiera. AW. Henrich. Chm George J. Hunter ■flbur E. Taylor A. P. Morgan ■ J. Murphy Timothy Bridgman Hfbtftra Mb Dial. Inapeatora. Hbggag Karr, Chm. C. J. Simons BSgrga Barbour E. M. Wataon nf, j>. Mldgley Robert Joynt Kgtotrsra. Tib Dial. laapeetar*. eras. Cbm. E. W Henderson EK B. Parent Clarence J. Maaon Hobart HLslop J. J Ouyatta Mkdltnn. Mb Dial. Inspectors. IfkrtM c. Roland Brandt Ft Stewart, Chm. Fred M. Moora jSgrtram Porter W. C. Vlnaant Bhaa. H. Slocum HplMtnin. Mb Dial. laapeelara. Mlgiry W. Spencer L. Ig Crouman, Chm. Houghton Iwni C. Davidson W. B. Todd J. Hergidan Donald C. Carr A. Nealy HgMlfan. tatb DIM. Inspector*. IHlarge Cotney, ch. Henry R. Beck Stewart Chas. R- Talbot Hfehgal J. Walsh Fred Oahles Kglrtrsra. 11th Dial. 1 nape el era. I.®F- Howe. Chm. George 8. Brown ■hrard N. Munroe Charles Locker ■Egaph E. Gltre Charles A Kinney I NINTH WARD. Bghtrsn. la* Dial. laapeelara. BHjheitar A. Thayer. M. Payson KClalrman Hutchins Hlsitsr Irvin Frank Llnto inptehael O’Dwyer. David McQueen ■hgMnm 2nd Dtat. laapeetar*. ■karlei A. Gadd. ch Frank M Maaon OEhrard B. Codda John F. Jakal ;jNNMph Jarlvcra Abraham Prevost Hplstnir*. Srd Dial. laapeelara. RfclWrt Weber. Chm William J. ms J- Henris Rsynolds ETHaller C. G. Mueller K, Walter Henris Hfalstran. 4th Dbl. Inspectors. IHhhn F. Qerke. ch. Frederick A. KPhll Mogk Becker Miter Bodan Anthony F. Nagel ft Herman Wortman Ellglstrani. Rib Dial. Inspectors. Bkugust Maas. Chm. J. McGraw Ks. Bray H. Stange Ha Moeller L. Stainer dtb Dial. I*apeelers. Mkrholee Massing. Gustave MSalrman Mahlmelster Wtllilam Behm John O. Foss ■hi. Kramer John Grubba 7th Dlot. Huglony Rathnaw. William Oast. Jr. age, Chairman Ferdinand Baas ■MIB A. Faaa August Clnowa Kryaa HaAMrsn. Mth Diet. IssftHsra Kithony Koss. Chra Jos. Daraa |Bl Bohlen Frank Malszickl KpgTJP, •trayaewskl Frank Kohornack B||||Mnn. Oth Diet. Inspect era. Hha Boaynskl, ch. Stanley ■Mimg —* 8flk« Landyczkowski Mhpli Flemming Paul A. Herto l#th Diet. laapcetors. HjfeebMl Nowlckl, John Sulla IK Chairman Frank Nowlckl min J. Sochowics Joseph Deinbek lEati O. |T~fihrecholski niglatfan. ttth Diet. Ime pewters. Hhank Drowskl. John BrotskJ I HBCinnan Ed Lukaazewskt |Lo Dytan J. F. Malkowskl HR Lu kaaae wsk l I TENTH WARD. ■kghtrtn- let Diet. Inepee tore. Ijttorg* Burke, Cbm Thos. J. Lee HBohael McQough C B Borer Vlgneau Lou la White Htglatrara. Ist Diet. Inepeetere. Howard J. Markey. Peter M. Hartnell Kb Chairman William Melael ■bus. L. Markey William Davis Kl Markey BHpigistrarv. Br 4 Diet. Inepeetere. «. Kelley. Ckm. . J. Fltsa^yald Ms. Sweet C. O’Connor |n!. Rouen C. H. Allen Mpbflkrtra 4th Diet. Inepeetere. HR Bel hart, Chm. Ed. O'Brien I Hnred Hhlndler Harry Dunn Hit Moran Fella O'Connor hth Diet. Inepeetere. Mjalb. SchlyansK' Otto Lang [»Z Ctmlr;nan Ben Brown HnllDkm Dinner Alex. Knapp BE. T. Calls n Begktrara. 4th Diet. Inepeetere. Koch, Chairman A. Hunter H O. Lusty J. Koenig Humans F. Schneider nsghtrsra. 7th Diet. Inepeetere. HE. RadlofT. Chm. E Hendvlan IHnatave Tahert L. H Bouseln MRf|lllt<n H. 0111 Charles Unau Hhglatrtr*. Mth Diet. las pert ere. vB. JE. Westcott. ch. Frank Morgan HIl. Chldeey W. H. HB. Creadon Wood man see E. T. J. Dweyer BHlpletra r». tMh Diet. Inspectors. Farmer, Chm David McKenzlV Mrnlter H. Itaynor Hay Wadley ■Bill O’Donnell Ernst Springer Hpghtrir». lOth Diet. Inspectors. Kk. Sweet, Chm. Thos. Movnea fK ft Ferris Lyman lllgK* |pkP Durr Roht Wilgnt llth Diet. Inspectors. Ko. L. Smith, Jr., ft W. H Hostile PT Oialrmtuf '* JT T. Bllllngnly ’ Hoy Mai Bv W Doran II ELEVENTH WARD. HUghtraif let Diet. leapertere. JUert Dumont ch. John Cahill K C Seed man , William Oourlsy Bgf Vincent Tlernaa William T Lane lat Diet. laaprrtora. ■Rfippdore Roberts. William C IgJDhslrmaa Ducketts ii Hchnsglnpr Walter W HUI Schuaecht I»en»t*e«it MgHPF*!. hr 4 Diet. Inspectors. =vTv:;.«*e MS blew, ch Oust Kni»«*r HW Bender H. Crooka ’jRVROb * Frank Htebert * Joseph O Trarey Hgfc IHnf ■ a ■Fr, r NMhta Jon Marfa Isstotrsn. Mb Dial. laapeelara. Charles Neuman Paul Muir Anthony Hoatger C. Lapu Gao. Elsey Mas let rare. * Mb Dial. laapeelara. Alex. Roosen, Chm. John P. Ipottak Fiank 8 John Hildebrand! Konlecsny Caspar Schulte Frank A. Maus Registrar*. Tib Dial. laapeelara. John J. Schulte, ch. Castmer Ervtn Storkal Jantaxewski John Bohler J. M Storkel Ben Wroach WARD. Registrar*. let Dial. I ■#***»#**. Bert Collins. Chm. Johnston Collins James (Rockwell D. J. Vock Gregory LaLonde James M Leddy Kegtatrar*. X*d dial. laapeelor*. ••Frank T. Bates George H. ' ock ••Harry W. Ersklns Henry Meek J. H. Jones Henry Companey Registrars. *rd Dial. laapeetora. Frank L Scheffer, Frank Haddow Chairman A. C Atwrll Harry Daleckr Frederick Ebel Anthony lime Registrar*. 4th Dial. laapeelara. Harry S Ranapach. Arch Taylor I Chairman Paul Ranspach Samuel J. Bennett Harry Weber Pom Brown Registrars. Sib Dial. laapectsrs. George Elleman. ch W'llford Kearne Richard Rieen Joseph Mack James Boyle Charles Simon Registrars. Sth Dial. laapeetar*. Frank 8. Deja, ch. Frad Hanning John ilsyxa Walter Bednarek William Flynn J. Sarnowskl Leonard L Registrars. Tib Dial. las pee tar*. Leonard L. Lttdwlk W Sxymanskt. Chm. Hsymanakl Anthony Budnik John R Machllk Andrew Andryslak Frank Jaworski Registrars. sth Dial. laapeelara. Paul W. Data, Chm Otto Schlpansky Ferdinand Fluegge Anthony Cal «s key John Celesksy W. D. Turner Registrar*. Mb Dial. laapeelara. Frederick C. John Dahmer Bertram. Chm. C. F. Brandt Edwin E. Dunbar J. W. Staler Ernest A. Potts Racial rare. IMb Dtst. laapeetora. Gaorg# Gullloa. ch. Bdward M. Jama* Whetlir Wetton Eugene P. Berry H. Mosa George Block Registrar* 11th Dial. laapeelara. Frank E. Phelps, ch George Raney Joseph Kntaht Frank Huettman Lawrence McCall James McKenna Registrar*. 12th Dill. laapeelara. E. L Hamilton, ch. C L. Cross John Alford *C. Rolts Jeasa Quail Oliver A. BFbaway •W. Barrla THIRTEENTH WARD. Registrar*. let Dtst laapeelara. Jaa. J. Dunn, Chm. Wm. Dendasedt Barton Reddick Thcs Doody Thos J. Nichols William O Reagan Registrars 2ad Dlat. laaaealars. Peter B. Blain. Chm Frank A. Martin Ed. E. Chartier Nelson Lamb John McDonald J. Burns Registrars. Srd Dial. laapeelara. Ed. Aibus. Chm Peter Faute Emil Schllchttng J. C. Weir Alfred \yeg«rt Max. Malo Reglatrar*. 4th Dl*t. laapeelara. John Zink Chm. Charles Weiss Henry A. Schmoock Ed. Wlrth Geo. Bpteles Jacob Spleles Reglatrar*. Mb Dial. laapeelara. Joseph George W. Mlddlewood. Chm Wellman James A. Malone William Fenohr Joseph Llmbacher Fred Bchoenrook Bads tears. Sth Dial. leaps star*. George Galatar, Jr. E. Krueger Chairman Joseph A. Spay William Schmischke John M. Ross Theo. Ochenfeld Reglatrar*. 7th Dial. leaps * tars. Joseph Pfaff, Chm. Gua Ehlka August Boike Carl Kostsr Albert R. Berels Frank Wtlkoff Registrars. Nth Dial. laapeelara. John L. Bond. Chm. Thos. L. Chase Ray L. List Joseph Yob# Anthony J. Michael Joaeflak Owcxarcgck Registrar*. Mb Dial. laapeetar*. Charles John Radbr Chairman John Schoenherr D. Dunlap Charles Abraham Kasmer Wolf FOURTEENTH WARD. " Registrars. Ist Dial. laapeetar*. Frank G. Schilling. Georg# T. Scott Chairman Chaa. Evans Lewis J. Alexander Chas. Oopolly James A. Madlgan Registrar*. 2*4 Dial. laapeetar*. Henry W. Jacobs, Frank Husen Chairman John Wesch R. 8. McDonald Mell Lampton Thomas Cassidy Registrars. Srd Diet. laapeelara. Henry B. Bromley, Henry Holtorf Chairman Chaa. H. Patrosky Adolph Dtttmer E. Colby Thomas L. Nolan Regiatrara. 4th Dlat. laapeetar*. Thomas Martin, ch. Herman A. Kraus# C. M. Carpenter Edward A. Horn Wm. Hetman Charles Creusere Reglatrar*. Sth Diet. laapeetar*. Otto Tank, Chm. Otto Brendas Wm. J. Lambrecht Chaa. Gorman Chaa. Gormai\ G. L. W’aber Registrars. Mb Dlat. MageetSV*. William J. Oust. ch. Fred Jankowski Richard Zander John Kowalski Registrar*. 7th Dlat. laapeetar*. Walter C. Curtis. Louis F. Hutton Chairman Aug. Gamrath Albert Adams J. H. Dillon Dalphls Droulllard Regiatrara. M|b Diet. laapeetar*. Hiram F. Ball. Chm Chas. Moore* Fred A. Lankin Wm. Bouchard Chas. C. Conklin R. O. Skerran FIFTEENTH WARD. Registrar*. Ist Dlat. laapeetar*. Frank Fields, Chm. Harry Tanner Tim Coyn* Otto Kramtr Edward Kennedy John G. Woods Registrar* Sad Dlat. laapaatare. R. Henning. Chm. Frad Kent T. Cad well Thos. Clan ay John J. Sloan W. F. Sloan Regiatrara. Srd Dlat. laapeetar*. Gao A. Perry, Chm. Wm. F. Jordan William Y. Buses Otto C. Buchblnder Goo. J. Hobastlan Regiatrara. 44b Dlat. laapeelara. C F. Kllnganenmfc, Edward Rows Chairman William Bowman Ed Flnkblndar Art Ortweln Leonard Roohrtg Realatrara. 9tb Dlat, laapeetar*. Chester J. Shork ch WUllam Krlegdr Hugo F. Kaeaollts 0. D. Osborn John Black Regiatrara. «tb Diet. laapaatare. Fred w. Bancroft. Alexander P. Chairman Marshall Frank Raich James A. Marshall •T Blebert William J. Lao •Edward Placoplnk SIXTEENTH WARD. Reglatrare. Ist Diet. leapertere. Arthur Chflds, Chm Frank A. Cooks Fred Van Nostrand Charles Howson Thos. G. Carroll Bondle •Joseph Whlta Hegtetrare. 2nd Diet. leepeetere. Walter C. Curtiss, J. A. Duerant Chairman William Kasenow James E Barnes Thomas J. Egan Patrick J. Lynch Registrars Srd Diet. leapeeters. Wm. D, Redmond, Roy P. Redmond Jr., Chairman Chas. Oeatrelch C. 8. Gilbert * Robt. Habestrelt Jaa Hayes Reglatrare. 4th Diet. leapertere. Chas. Allen. Chm. Qeorge A. Guest Joseph J. Glee James P. Peter J. Schneider O'Donnell •John Nolan •Chae. r. Burke Registrars. nth (Mat. laaprrtora. William Stone, Chin A. Black William Hart C. Q. Wollenberg William Krhoe D. McArthur Registrars. fltk Diet. laspertere. W If Westendort. Fred L. {lunt Chairman \ Jacob James H. Bond Kapanowskl 8. K. Litchfield Frank La fa re Registrars. 7th Diet. Inspeetom. Jacob Cohn. Chm.' August Mertsch J. Hchsrr W. AI pel Anthony Kudron John J. Janickl Registrars. Mth Diet. leepeetere. Frederick Lewald, Gust Neuman Chairman Herman Wllkowlta John W. Hohamp Otto Kuscheskl Frank Dybalakl Registrars. Mb Diet. leepeetere. Ja< ob Miller. Chm. Peter Mendah T. C. Guerney Stanley Dasa Stanley Deja Joseph Ostrowskl Registrars. 10th Diet. leepeetere. Frank W. Wood, ch Wensel V. Hayek George H Rosburv A. M. HcheKel Martin J. Hamerntk John Tobaczka SEVENTEENTH WARD. Registrars, . let Diet. leepeetere. Edward Von Esoen Andrew Hchroeder Chairman Wm. A. Beckman Walter Beckman Bert M. Kastllck ( F. 1. McO ~n THE DETROIT TIMEB, \W EDNEBD AY. NOVEMBER 18. 1114. Regiatrara. Sad Dlat. laapaatare. J. "F. O'Hara, Chm. Chaa Drasdr H. Booth Jamas Mlsfik W. M Butler William \Mlkis • Registrars. Srd Dlat. lRgPPFfJ***; Charles A. Parker. Thomas BIRMM Chairman Walter Hacker JtaiHi Cummings Charles Raymond Schumacher Shumacher ~ Reglatrar*. 4tb Dlat. . laapaatar*. E. A. Ilakenjos. oh J A Becker frank Capelin J. A. Hwlnk red Elkle John J Corcoran Kaglatrar*. Mb Dlat. , laapaatar#. Jaa Broadway, Chm Ed* F. Stannard H. L. Hall John C. Fox A. R. Thompson Albert M Straub Ragtatfcsre. sth Dial. _ laspaetara. John C. rile boar, ch John F. Mohr Stephen R. Walter Dehn Henderson Albert Taache Jos. C. Weber Regiatrara. Ttb Dlat. laapeetar*. John F. Roehl. ch Fred K. Reutar Walter A. Parrish II P. Hangs Frank Michaels W. Wller Registrars. Mb Dbl. laapeetar*. Peter J. William Bayor Youngblood. Chm William Basel Hugo E. t'oellus Matthew Ryan Frank Miller Regiatrara. Ptb Diet. laapeetar*. E. g. Vincent. Jr.. A. E. Vincent Chairman D. J. Convery Edwin Taylor Fred Keyhl William Jacque Reglatrar*. totb Diet. l*apeet#r*. Richard Clarkan. James Houston Chairman Chaa. Frelbargar Herman L. Koehler J. M. Malloy J. C. Maloney Registrar*. IMb Dial. Henry Huaenian. cb Charles Mahran 4 Charles A. Mahren William Grulk# J. O. Bogan Jos Renaud Registrar*. 12tb DUt. laapeetar*. Sd. Hock, Chm. William C . J. Zimmerman Schneider James Thill Harry E Mtldga John H. Beckar Registrar*. 13th Dlat laapeetar*. Wm. E. Richard, ch Julius W. Schafer John W. Davis Ed. E Euptngar Nelson Lemay Walter Karrer Registrar*. 14th Dlat. laapeetar*. Louis McKenna, ch Chas. Harper Milton C. L. Otto Leeland . Teagan Otto Zlemann Regiatrara. IStb Dlat. laapaetera. ••X F. P.ecp Frank L. R. ••Harry Flemming Sprague Jamea Heusch A. Pot*. Jr. Regiatrara. ldth Plot. laapeelara. Richard O. Starkey Duffleld T. Storm Chairman D. A. B. Strom Robart Ca»lger Martin Labring R. Bcutlrc Pater Factaau Registrar*. 17th Dlat. laspaetara. Kobt. Galen, Chm. Wm. R. Downey Arthur P. Storm Frad Rosa Alfred Oarska Wm. McKinnon EIGHTEENTH WARD. Regiatrara. Ist Diet. laspaetara. Louis Waterman ch William O Herman Slebert Horner James Hourlgan Paul Kirstep Jambs O. Dyer Registrars. 3ad Diet. laapeelara. William E. Francis Orundel Bridgaman, Chm. W. N Fludder Timothy J. Dwyer Edwin Rose Jno. D. Butdeno Oecar Cllmer Registrar*. Srd Dlat. laspaetara. CharUs A. Kurth. Fred Kurth Chairman Alfred H. Diedrich Alfred C. Hay Maurloa John M. O’Betrne Bresnahan Registrars. 4th Dlat. laapeelara. Jamea F. Whipple. Peter R Oraden Chairman Charlea F. Emil F. Handloser Wheeler John A. Bellsle W. N. Fludder Registrar*. Atb Dial. laapeetora. Walter W. Prouty. Herman C. Chairman Kreltsch Archie J. Quandt Walter J. Lavallt Wm. Lemmer Richard A. Beaublen Registrars. Sth Dlat. laapeetar*. W'llllam A Piggott Ertman Kessler Chairman William Bassett W'llllam Baldwin Eugene Burns Edward E. Burns Registrars. Ttb Dial. lee pee ter*. Robert Saul. Chm Chas Fisher Alex. Doyle John Macaulay* C. Bleske Christ. Marker •Tl# for election. ••Tie for chairman. SCATTERING VOTES. For Eatlasater-at-Large. *— S—H. B. Bohints * I— I—P. Conger • For Aldenaaa. 3 I—Bill Donovan 1 3 I—Ray Kelly ‘1 4 3—Joa Masacek 1 4 I—Harry Page 1 I— 3—Verry Smith 1 9 3—G. Sanderson 1 14— 3—D. P. Cassidy 1 14— S—D. P. Cassidy 1 14— 4—L. W. W’ojctk 1 15— 3—John Cowan 2 ll 3 —Jno Garvsy 1 ll 4—Qeo. Milligan 1 ll 4 —Arthur Bohl 1 14— 4—Charles Burghardt 1 lt — 4—Timothy Burns 1 11— 4—O. 1.. Chapman 1 Far Ksttaaatar. 3—l4—T. J. Rsardon 1 3 I—L. J. Carsy 1 3 I—Austin Ryan 1 4*™* I■■■ W. H. Mcßryan •##••••••••• 1 4 9 —M. A. Gardner 1 4 I —H. A. Curren 1 13— 13—Eugene Barry 1 For « «»*#table. 3 I—Bill Murray 1 14— l —Fred Zwlck 1 On W’edneaday. Nov. 11, I*l4. Charles M. Carson, candidate for Registrar of Election In the Ninth District of the Fourth Ward, Iliad a petition for a re count of the votes cast In that district, claiming that there was error tn the count or the Inspectors and that there was error In the refusal of the Inspect ors to count certain votes cast for him. which he claims had his name written in but which the inspectors refused to count because no cross was placed In the square In front of such names. The Board decided to arant the peti tion for recount and fixed Thursday, Nov. lt. as ths date for holding such recount. A recount on the above petition was held Thursday. Nov. 12, without chang ing the result as to th* persons el act ed. The statement of votes In ths can vass of ths several districts for the candidates of ths several polities! par ties and the charter amendments hav ing been found to he complete and correct, with th# exception of the •light changes In the ninth precinct of the Fourth Ward, which were ordered corrected. In accordance with the re count, the Board of Canvassers ad journed. RICHARD LINDSAY. MAX C. KOCH. EDWARD J. JEFFRIES, * Board of City Canvasser*. NOTICE-ALLEY PAVING ASSESSMENT BOARD OF ASSESSORS' OFFICE Detroit, Noe 18, 1814. Paving Notice No. 1676. To Louis Ross, F. J. Armstrong, Mar tin Hansen. Louis Thou. August (juandt. H. Hopdyke. Wesson Estate, A. M. Keyes, G. H. Fenkell, John Smith, W. L. McEvalley, J. L. Buell. G. W. Porter. F. L. Fraser, J. aad E B. Nall, W. F Fendler. George Bt. Amour. Em ily Brlnkert, H. D. nteen. Aug. Helser, J 4. Kennedy, K. Kchuable, Neal C. Fenkell. H Y. Key burn. M. Butler. C. Uoderlss, Frank H. Flierl, J. J. Ger weus.. and to all other persona own ing. occupying or otherwise Interested in an> of the lots and parcels of rsal estate In the local assessment district established by the Common Council to i defray the expenses of grading and paving the alley within the boundaries herein set forth The assessment roll has been com pleted for defraying the expense of paving the alley No 4<>§. being the al ley In block between Baldwin and Key burn avenues, from the north line of Agnes avenue to the south line of fit. Paul avenue, and Is now open to In spection at this office, and will remain In this offl. e for five dsvs from the drat publication of this notice, for the Inspection of all concerned. All lots or paicels of land abutting on or ad joining the alley so described, have been assessed for such Improvement. The Board of Assessors will meet on Tuesday, the 24th day of Novem ber, 1914. at » o’clock a. m. at their office In the City Hall, and will remain In session for s period of six hours to hear any person or persons desiring to object to any assessment so made. HOARD Or AftHfOSHOfUt, By Daniel L Dllworth. A -102 4 y President. •HMfaeM-llke Printing. No fun and no faathera. The plain, nest Rind that looks right. Times Mattas Cs„ II , John R -at Phone Main 1491 The Czar and His War Chiefs at the Front W 2 V it 1? w* Li V ' fIMK* . It *./ * lijH JUKiTMH '2^| ■ ‘jt iUff THI Ak(• Th. Cm? of Rumlo (arrow point, to him), with tho Ruooion Grand Oukrt »n and member# o» tho gen.ral otoff (crooo morkt Grand Duka Nicholas, chief of the Central Staff.) NOTICE—ALLEY PAVING ASSESSMENT BOARD OF ABt*EBSORB’ OFFICE Detroit. Nov. IS, 1414. Paving Notice No. 1577. To Mrs. F. Conant, Julia Fansky. John 8. Affeld, D. R. Resume, M. Dug gan. Elisabeth Stonehouse, Charles Kunae, and to all other persons own ing. occupying, or otherwise Interested in any ox the lots and parcels of real estate In the local assessment district established by the Common Council to defray the expenses of grading and paving the alley within the boundar ies hsrsln set forth. The assessment roll has been’ com pleted for defraying the expense of paving the alley No 377. hieing the alley first west of Twentieth street, and alley flrat east of Twenty-first street; also east and west alley con necting same first south of Baksr street, and la now open to Inspection at this office, and will remain in this offlcs for five days from the first pub lication of this notice for the Inspec tion of all concerned. All lots or par cels of land abutting on or adjoining the alley so described, have been aa seaned for such Improvement. The Board of Assessors will meet on, Tuesday, the 24th day of November. 1414. at 4 o’clock a. m.. at their office In the City Hail, and will remain In session for a period of six hours to hear any person or persons desiring to objsct to any assessment so made. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. By Daniel L. DUworth. A-1025 President. NOTICE-ALLEY PAVING . ASSESSMENT BOARD OF ABBEBBORB' OFFICE Detroit. Nov. lt. 1414. PBYinf Notice No. 1575. To C. A. Wilson, Mrs. Crapo Orrell. J. M Jamieson, Gustave Kahn. Aleso Immerman. Bertha V'. O’Brien, Peter Erhard. J. H. Erlich. Carrie C. H.. George F. Webber, Leopole Wineman, A. E. Brush, Adelaide H. McHenry. Theodore R. Butterlck, George B. Yarkea 8. L Marrlam. William O’Leary. H. H. Everhard, and to all other per sons owning, occupying or otherwise Interested In any of the lots and par cels of real estate In the local assess ment district established by the Com mon Council to defray the expenses *of grading and paving the alley within the boundaries herein set forth. The assessment roll has been com pleted for defraying the expense of Laving the alley No. 39*\ being the al ley In block between Frederick and Kirby avenues, from the eaat curb line of John R. street to the west line of Brush street, and la now open to in spection at this office, and will remain In this office for five days from the first publication of this notice for the Inspection of all concerned. All lots or parcels of land abutting on, or ad joining the alley so described, have been assessed for such Improvement. The Board of Assessors will meet on Tuesday, the 24th day of November, 1414, at 4 o'clock a. m., at their office In the City Hall, and will remain In session for a period of six hours to hear any person or persons desiring to object to any assessment so made. BOARD OF ABBEBBORB. By Daniel L. Dllworth. A-1023 President NOTICE-ALLEY PAVING - ASSESSMENT BOARD OF ASSESSORS* OFFICE Detroit. Nov. 18, 1914. Paving Notice No. 1573. To P. L Frits. Ross Hollaway, Helen Newberry. Carroll S. Brown, W. H. Penny et al., Chas. Owens, Daniel Url mar. Jaa. H Brown. K. T. Flannlgan, E. K. Hartwlck. Mary Parson% Mary Hatlall. Jos. Wash, m ay Flake Beatty. William King. Detroit Real Estate A Inv. Cos., Robert Hchulenberg, Dr. K. E. Patterson. Bosnia Kmart, Albion OrJfn dy, Robert Downey, Ed Jacques, Cora A. Schokey, BenJ. C. Altenbrahdt. Jas. J. Wlllvard, K O. Kelts. Mary K Brown, and to all other persona own ing. occupying, or otherwise Interested In anp or the lots and parcels of real estate In the local aeeessment district established by the Common Council to defray the expenses ol grading and paving the alley within the boundaries herein set forth. The assessment roll has been com pleted for defraying the expense of paving the alley No. 389, being the al ley in block between Atkinson and Edison avenues, fr'om the west line of Third avenue to the east line of Ham ilton Boulevard, and la now open to In spection at this office, and will re main In this office for five days from the first publication of this notice, for the inspection of all concerned. All lota or parcels of land abutting on or adjoining the alley so described, have been aaaesxed for such Improvement. The Bosrd of Assessors wll meet on Tuesday, the 24th day of November, 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. at their office In the City Hall, and will remain in session for a period of six hours to hear any person or persons desiring to object to any assessment so made. BOARD OF AHKESSORH. By I>anlel L. Dllworth. A-1021 President. NOTICE-ALLEY PAVINC ASSESSMENT BOARD OF ASSESSOR** OFFICE Detroit, Nov. 11. 1914. Paving Notice No. 1674. To Franklin D. Dletaer. Loulae L Johnson. Edwin Handers. Mary L. Dwyer. Jessie E. Miller, A. W. Fair. O. A. Ducharme, C. *. Vaughn Cos., A. C. Armstrong. Otis A. Llnsel. C. W. and Alice Grlawnld, H. C. Hoyt, Chas. A Dutton. KVa M. Co*. John ft. Lucock. Chas. Raymond and to all Oliver persona owning, occupying or otherwise Inter ested Tn any of the lota and parcela of real eatate In the local assessment dis trict established by the Common Court- r* j ■ —i x XfcV > i§r% - # ISpi agar MS German aoldiara captured by the French on their way to a camp in which priaonera of war ara kept. cil to defray the expenses of grading and paving the alley within the boun daries herein set forth. The aasessment roll has been com pleted for defraying the expense of paving the alley No. 342. being the east end west alley In block between .Second. Woodward. Burlingame and Webb avenues, and la now open to In spection at this office, and will remain In this office for five days from the first publication of this notica. for tho Inspection of all concerned. All lots or parcels of land abutting on or ad joining the alley so described, have been assessed for such improvement. The Board of Assessors will meet on Tuesday, th* 24th November. 1914. at 9 o’clock a. m., at their office In the City Hall, and will remain In session for a period of six hour* to hear any person or persons desiring to object to any assessment so made. BOARD OF ABHKBSOR9, By Daniel L. Dllworth. A-1023 President. DEPT, of public works Nov. 11. 1914. PROPOSALS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE Sealed proposal* will be received at the offloe of the Department of Public Works. Detroit. Mich., until Tuesday, Nov 24, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m.. stand, ard time, at which time and place they will be opened, for building REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE OVER CONNORS CREEK AT WATERLOO STREET. Specifications on file in this office. Bidders are required to Ole a certi fied check in the sum of I*oo with the Department of Public Works, before the proposals are opened, conditioned that should they be the lowest bidders they will, within five days after being awarded the contract by the depart ment, enter Into contract with surety company bond In the full estimated amount of contract. Check* and proposals to be placed in separate envelopes. The right to reject any or all pro posals Is expressly reserved. All proposals to be made in dupll- GKO. H. FBNKELU A-1010 Commissioner. NOTICE—ALLEY PAVINC ASSESSMENT BOARD OF ABBEBSORB’ OFFICE Detroit. Nov. 11. 1914. Paring Notice No. 1578. To Louis Goodman. Morris Rlkow sky. Abraham Falk. Bertha Marx. Fred T Moran. Louis Hlovlch, Ham Mints. H Llsberman. Harsh Augusha vlts. Ha rah It unatanntng. Michael Ryan, Morris Zack. Fred .lurney. William Rohda. W. K. Levy. Jacob Meier, Frank Burshardt. Kmll Pokorney. Frod Hchulxe. Henry Markrodt, R. Eelhl. M ary Funk*. Barbara llanaen, William Krefl. Philip HUderhrsndt Mary ner. Charlotte Ruetter, F. J. Knltt welsa. Mendel Roaentwelg, and to all other persons owning, occupying, or otherwise Interested In any of the lota and parcels of real estate In the local asaeaamant district established by the Common Council to defray the ex penses of grading and paving the al ley within the boundarlee herein aet fort ll The aaaessment roll has been com pleted for defraying the expense of paving the alley No. 391. being the allev In block between Ht. Antoine. Haatlnga. Brewster and Wilkins streets, and Is now open-to Inspection at this office, and will remain In thle office for five days from the first pub lication of this notice for the Inspec tion of nil concerned All lots or par cels of land abutting on. or adjoining the alley ao described, have been as sessed for such Improvement. The Board of Assessors will meet el Tuesday the 24th day of November. 1414, at 4 o'clock a. in., at their office In the City Hall, and will remain In session for a period of six hours to hear' any person or parsons desiring to object to any assessment so made. BOARD OF ABBESSOHS. By Daniel L. Dllworth, A-1024 President CITY OF DETROIT—OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER Detroit, Mich., Nov. 11. 1914. Notice is hereby given to ail persons interested that there have been tiled In this office the following named assess ment rolls: FOR PAVING STREETS AND . ALLEYS Roll No. 1489. For grading and pav ing Frontenac boulevard from the north line of East Grand boulevard to track In Harper avenue. Roll No. 1490. For grading and pav ing Hartford avenue from the north curb line of McGraw avenue to the south curb line of Tlreman avenue. Roll No. 1491. For grading and pav ing Pennsylvania avenue from the north line of Mack avenue to the south line of alley south of Gratiot avenue. Roll No. 1492. For grading anl pav ing Ht. Antoine street from the north line of Farnsworth street to the south line of Harper avenue. Roll No. 1493. For grading and pav ing King avenue from the east line of Beaubien street to the west line of Oakland avenue. Roll No. 1494. For grading and pav ing alley No. 310, being the alley In block between Second, Woodward, At kinson and Edison avenues. Roll fio. 1495. For gradlngand pav ing alley No. 322, \belng the T alley in block bounded by Ht. Antoine, Hast ings. Napoleon and Winder streets. 7’art 1 Is due and payable within 30 days from date of this notice. Parts 2, 3 and 4 become due and payable In one, two and three years, respectively. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent from the date when the work was accepted by the city. Either of said parts may be paid within 30 days from the date of this notice, without further Interest. If either of said parts one, two, three or four shall not be paid when they become due, 6 per cent penalty and In terest at the rate of 7 per cent from the date when the work was accepted by the city, will be added and the premises sssessed will be advertised and sold as provided by law. MAX C. KOCH, A-1039 City Treasurer. A SUGGESTION V yj First Artist —Have you any idea where I could aell this drawing? Second Artist (brightly)—Have you trlod a blind aaylum? MOTHER FINDS LOST SON IN STATES PRISON LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 11.—A little old woman lugging a large sack of cookies tottered into the Nebraska state prison, Arm in the belief that her Bon had died 12 years ago. This same little old woman Is now back In Indiana making ready to receive her son with open anus when he Is released from prison. It Is one of the tragedies with a sliver lining which make up a great part of the unwritten history of the prisons of America. The woman is Mrs. F. L. Haffey oi Washington, Ind. Twelve years ago her son John disappeared from home. During the long years of his ab sence the boy never had written his mother and she concluded that he must be dead. The youth had wandered over the greater part of the middle west dur ing these 12 years. He fell In with evil companions in Western Nebraska and led a life which culminated in his being sentenced to from one to ten years for burglary in Red Willow county. He was sentenced under the name of John O'Brien, but a brother, E. Julian Haffey, learned es his plight He tried to convince their mother that his brother was alive, but she re fused to believe It. Finally the broth er induced her to make the trip to Nebraska and learn the facta. Before leaving home the mother baked a big batch of cookies, “the kind that John always liked." she told the Warden, and it was a huge sack of these that she was lugging as she arrived at the penitentiary. The sorrowing mother told the war den that she would return to Ne braska for her son when he is releae» ed from prison, and will start him In business in his home town. KILLS LEGLESS PHEASANT HE MAIMED LAST JUNE SEATTLE. W»ih„ Not. 18. —'The story of Lord Franklin, who liberated a number of marked birds from his phessantry in Devonshire, and two years later took one of the birds while on a hunting trip in the north of France, has a counterpart in a story which comes from Cathcart, Snohom ish county, vouched for by Robert D. Jones, of that place. While mowing hay last June, Abe Bruger, a Cathcart rancher, surprised a mother pheasant and her brood in the tall grass. One of the flock was overtaken by the mower, which ampu tated both of its legs. It escaped to an alder thicket. While hunting recently Bruger winged a pheasant. When he recov ered the bird both of Its legs were missing, a fact whigfcl recalled the accident of the early summer. The bird had become full grown, was in perfect conditfon, plump, and in fact larger than the average of this year's birds taken in the locality. The wounds had completely healed and nature. In the process of heal ing. had developed s substitute for claws In the form of hard scales at the extremities. Pictorial' trade marks for cotton piece goods intended for sale among the Hindoos of India usually have as their subjects Incidents in Hindoo mvthnlogy, romantic drama, temples deities, nautch girls and European ac tresses.