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[editorial f P*AGE OF as., Jfyf Scbnil Sint< PAPBR Wlkltokcd emry ivraiDK uc«p( lusdAy ky Tk# Detroit Tm»*>s Cos.. 11 ik Jobs R j aMCS BCHKKMERHOKN, President EDWARD PRKNSDORF. Vice Preside** CHAIILEB T. KCUBRMKRHOHN. Tr*MUrtf. • RICHARD W„ K LADING. SwritATf Subscription FUl*» —By ctrrt«i, tft cents a month; sl.o# e year. Rl nmU- W.M pec jrttr, peyabls In mlvtno* T«l«r MM-lUln 4120. connecting all departments Olrt •iim of >lepertoi«>iu at poroon wanton, Mubecrlptlon ordora or oompla Irregular delivery will bo rocolvod by phono np to •:»# p. «* Bntorod at tho Pootoffloo at Detroit an second-class mall iff* HE TIMMS dots not accept liquor and cigarette advertising or false or Ep fraudulent advertising or other advei Using ol an objectionable t* atu^ # ’ .-Every advertisement in its columns is printed with full confidence in Oharactee and reltauility of the advertiser and the truth of the representations made. Headers of The Times wJI confer a favor if they will promptly report Wap failure on the part of an advertiser to make good any representation OentvUned in a Times advertisement. NOBODY’S BUSINESS WHOM FERRIS NAMES BANKING COMMISSIONER I A Lenawee county business man write* to The Time* as follows: K W# are wondering If organizations In Mlohignn whose sup posed purpose is to protset ths intsrssta of ths people ars to re main mute and permit thousands of our citizens and millions of dollars deposited In our state banka to bo jeopardized by tho ap pointment of some member of the Democratic machine gang to tho position of state banking commissioner? Among ths active oandl dates for ths “Job” are to be found man whose sols claim for recog nition is having delivered votes at caucuses or conventions In ac •) oord with deals with ths bosses. I Ws would think boards of commerce, boards of trade and all tho banking associations in tho state would stir at once, before It la *| too lata, to make an off active protest agalnet prostituting a most sacred trust to ths demand for spoils from unscrupulous polltU 4 elans. | This Lenawee county business man is quite properly oonccrned over the appointment of state banking commissioner, for there is no office in the state of more importance to all of the people—particularly to bank Jbporiton. The appointment should by no means be traded for votes delivered, or lor the strengthening of any party machine. The concern of this Lenawee county business man over the appoint* (heat of the state banking commissioner has been expressed by others to {The Times, and we have to tell him as we have told others, that it is a little late in the day for filing protests with any hope that they will be Affective. EXACTLY TWO WEEXS AGO YESTERDAY, THE TDCE-LDOT FOE nuare protests expired. Gov. Ferris has declared that men will be chosen for the important jftaoes without regard to party, and that the aim of his administration fearing his second term will he for efficiency. This ought to satisfy the people of Michigan, and particularly the jfeoople of Lenawee county who rolled np n nice big majority for the gov It doesn’t satisfy The Times, because we do not believe that the work* MB who helped the Democratic gang are going to be punished for their ac- HHffH as We do not believe the gang would stand for it, because the gang isn’t prilt that way and cannot build up the machine that way. K Just possibly some of the trusting business men of Lenawee county mo forgot about election day being a pretty good time to give this mat ter of their banking commissioner careful consideration, do not exactly Hka the looks of what has happened to Secretary Drake, of the industrial jjpoeftdent hoard. Drake is a Republican and has been decapitated for pernicious politi cal activity against Gov. Ferris. His plaoe has been given to a Democrat whose pernicious politioal festivity was directed against Gov. Ferris’ opponent Drake investigated state conditions and helped to prepare the em- Jloyer’s liability and workmen's compensation not which created the ao jjiitat hoard, and was placed in the secretaryship because he knows oon liitisns and the law from a to s. B The governor seems to have concluded, however, that the ends of Sffktaaoy will be best served on the board by an IHEXFERIEHCED DEM- VvUis , Wa appreciate the fears of the Lenawee county business man. Undoubtedly as he contemplates the possibilities of a mistake being Bade in this appointment, his thoughts go back to Warnerism and the fewndal of those days for whioh incompetence in the hanking commisaion srakip was responsible. I Bit aa we have said, it is too late now. It is too Into for boards of oommeroe, boards of trade or associations |f hankers to remedy matters. The milk has been spilt. L Asa matter of fact, it is a little hit presumptive, if not altogether fepwper, for them to butt in. The power to appoint a banking commissioner has been voted to : fftf. Ferris by the people of the state of Michigan, and by the boards Os commerce, boards of trade and associations of bankers, When |he new commissioner is appointed, if he proves to be not aD that he should be or utterly unfit, the fact will remain that he is the pOXINa COMMISSIONER FOR THE PEOPLE VOTED FOR when they jf fled the Democratic bosses into power. Osgar and Adolf—At Their Merry Pranks I* ■ X— .. —r, 1 '“I-If : —T II 7* l SMieo AT A 7i\ i hmr\ /” tiP'tTC / A CLOUD OP DUST o*o \ I WIIWn» 4 \ / VOT CAUSED 1 ' —» ■" / see OCR txxi THUD ope ) ( UfUAA** J /DER RUNAWAY / < THE DETROIT TIMES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J )/ \ From Another Point ot View ' England has increased the tax on beer, which is another blow for the German*. • • • Doesn't it seem too bad that the %2r 600,000,000 England will spend on war cannot be diverted to the Belgian re lief fund? • • • Official advices from London stats tbst the government has agreed to send to the front 1,000,000 mors men and 90,000 cigarettes. • • • We presume as soon ass man In Mexico is mentioned fur president, ue consults the geography to pick out his future country. e a s r-rz, la ears eff rer* la Ikwitrtesl lave . . . The kna weal* kt “Sark” et a al*M| Bat aaw at days. la tkt aart* ahaw phwnme. Wkaa aatktae la Sminm It’s “ll*St." a a a The kid with his stocking ready is thinking right now that Christmas will never come, while for ths fond papa, who is behind in the rent, whose coal bill isn't paid and who owes ths grocer, it is approaching by leaps and bound* a a a BART MIX* My little girlie Is six years old. witfc eyes of velvet brown. And she thinks her daddy a won drous roan—a king without re- But knows well his countless ■cars, and the alns hie thought* confine; Oh, ahe makes a nervous man o me when her brown eyes seek mine. This sweetheart fair, with sunny hair, dreams day-dreams full of Joy; Qod grant that she may never be a mere man’s golden toy! For toys will break. and baby hearts are found In women line; Let no rude band e’er tear that heart which sends such Joy through > __ mine. In after years when she hss grown to glorious womanhood. And learned the many, many things that every woman should. My baby fair with silken hair, will learn her daddy tine Was but a man —How nervous I. when her soft eyes seek mine. Methiuks It Is a plan divine to send such patterns rare; . gweet children with their hearts of gold to occupy our care. No man full, blown from natures Held could spur us on to shine Like on* pure look from little eyes that beam on yours and mine. Let her llnd out, as soon she must, her daddy-king Is clay— Her little leesons must be leamea. they hurt but for a day— With all my elns and all my scar* I drink to 'Baby Mine. For I’m e purer man. you see. when h.r brown ... John Kartwrtght, aged &7. Missouri resident, has never used tobacco, but we will bet be has tackled dried corn silk. e e • Maybe it is because of the frequen cy with which a man In an aisle seat has to get up that they are called the movies. Commandments of the Road The National Council of Industrial Safety has presented these rules for auiomobillsts. They should be re spected by everyone wuo unves an automobile and everyone who be strides a motorcycle. First —Be considerate. Second —Go slow; first, passing children: second, passing vehicles; third, approaching crossings; fourth, turning corners. Third —Stop first at railroad cross ings; second, behind standing street cars. Fourth —Use chain on slippery pavement* Fisth —When in doubt go slow or stop. And the council further requests all automobilists to obey to the letter these nine comamndments of the road: Don't run fast into or across main highways. Don’t take blind curves too sass. Don’t run on tbs wrong side of the road. Don't pass street cars when pas sengers are boarding or leaving. Don’t fall to sound your horn be fore passing other vehicles. Don't forget that a car or a per son may be Just around the turn Don't forget that the other fellow may be dull, reckless or drunk. Don't fall to look out for pedes trians. Don't forget that children dask in the way unexpectedly. Don’t take chances. That’s the simple embracing rule. A woman seldom makes s fool of s man. She mereW nnlnta the way and he does the rest himself. . Hess Haskins “Elm Corneraltes will sleep late tomorrow morning as ths annual Thanksgiving social Is tonight, and laat year It didn’t Ist out until after 9 o’clock.” “Tho Curly-Hal rod Hen." At slaat wo have a real story for real children and it is a little too bad that no on# in this country could manage it, but that it must come all the way from Prance. It is translat ed. but retains its French flavor by certain repetitions. exclamations, etc., which are all very attractive. We can think of nothing cosier or more satisfying to the ordinary grown-up than to get in a big arm chair before a fire, have a baby on each knee, two more nwee bit bigger on the chair arma and two “quite big” leaning over one’s shdulders looking at the pictures and breath ing hard with interest, while we read aloud about Mother Etienne and her farm. There la the big horse with a star on his forehead and a pink mark between his eyes, the three swiss cows “La Blonde.” ”Blauchette” and “Nera,” each one with a bronse bell of a different not* the batnr' ducks so carefully cared for by Moth er Etienne, the drive to market every week to sell the garden stuff, and at laat the Cochin China's grand achieve ment In hatching out the ducks eggs and her “rascally babies” msd rush for the water. This was the beginning of the tragedy and the story —Yolande the hen, tried to save her babies and was drowned herself. She was fished out of the pond and waa ordered bur led by Mme. Etienne. The thrifty soul of the litUe French maid bated to lose such good material and deter mined to eat her up. She plucked all th’e feathers but a ruff around her neck, wrapped Yolande in a sack and left her on the shelf. Can you think what happened? It is Just too exeti lng! Hurry up and tell us. Yolande came to and hopped down, feather less. and shivering greatly. The little maid thought she was a ghost as she came upon her in the twilight- After this adventures Just tumble over each other, but you’ll Just have to read It—it is too good to miss. “The Curly-Haired Hen.” by A. Vlm far, Desmond Fitxgerald, publisher, New York. Carnegie Psacs Endowment. There Is no doubt the first publi cation of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report would seem of more vital worth to us had It come out before the 28th of last July; however, this report is of ob servations made in China and Japan in 1912 by Charles W. Eliot, in a trip made for this especial purpose and “in pursuance of a definite plan adopted by the trustees of .that en dowment.” The plan would seem to be a good one and if China and Japan keep out of the present war, it may have had some direct influence, but one cannot but be skeptical under present conditions. Asa book of real information concerning these two countries (Information not generally published), the volume is most val uable. such subjects as “Industrial Changes” “Business Morality.” “Med ical 9cience,” “Art in Japan ” “The Desires and Ambitions of the Japan ese,’’ etc., are of enough Interest to us without any ulterior motive. Pub lished by the Endowment, Washing ton, D. C. “The Three Sister*” The deadliness of the life endured by the female portion of the vicar’s fftmlly In an English village has been the theme of many writers from Fannie Burnet down, but never has It been told more graphically and with clearer psychological insight than in “The Three Sisters.’’ by May Sinclair. The little round of calls and tea and prayers—prayers, calls and more tea with its consequent result upon red blooded youth with all its emotions and feelings throttled by a decorous code of behavior, particularly throt tling in England: added to this par ticularly unpleasant and hypocritical father, and the various paths into which th«e young women drift seem to be the only paths possible for their various temperaments. It is a sad, disheartening story which Is saying that it la of literary merit and not to be overlooked. Macmillan Cos., New York, $1.36. “Two Old Cronlss.” Ward Macauley has given us a droll little story of a village and two friends whose matrimonial adventures are the pivot upon which everything rests. Their love makings fluctuate from one woman to another with the almighty dollar always in view. There is some quiet humor to the book that will Induce forgetfulness of the cat aclysm over across. “Two Old Cro nies.*’ Ward Macauley. Duffleld A Cos., publishers, New York. 50 cent* “Wow, Wow, Wow.” A little boy sent into the world without his smile being pinned on by the fairies who were having * ball that night and were too busy to think about little mortals. *ls the story of “Wow, Wow. Wow.” The first is a book of “Little Stories for Little Peo ple” and quite the best. T>*e author Is not mentioned snd no doubt these simple little stories are collected from different sources. W. A. Wilde k Cos., publishers. Boston and Chicago. What the Authors Are Doing BY E. S. HITCHCOCK “Th# House of Toys.** Henry Russell Miller seems to bo one of the few American novelist* who Is showing us the higher ami better side of Hie without In any way sacrificing truth. Toe conflicts which arise between his characters are due to the different spintual evolution ary stages (If one may so express It) to which they have attained, in “The Ambitions of Mark Truitt," the hero was able to rise within his own life time to great heights, hut In "The House of Toys" the tragedy is In the every day common two people, one selfish and the other aspiring to ideals and spiritual, trying to live tOK*rfner as husband and wife. live together and the author te*Ts that It is a con quest over selfishness that the hero wiUe It so. One cannot be sure. Ac cording to present-day social arrange jfients, perhaps. The character of the book which brings out all the love and affection of our hearts Is Jo nathan Radbourne, an ugly little man physically, but with a pure white, flaming soul. If the light which for ever bums before Catholic altars symbolises any such purity and con stancy, we can have no quarrel with it. As for the wife and her "House of Toys," with which she seeks to while away her life, one sees her too often to find her a rare type. Bhe Is simply asleep to the beauty and meaning of everything of value and seeks to escape from her own empti ness by seizing upon what diversions offer. The husband Is sacrificed, even though the author holds him trium phant. Mr. Miller will no doubt pre sent us with new books from time to time and may some day write the great American novel for which every one is waiting. "The House of Toys" by Henry Russell Miller; Bobbs-Merrill Cos., pub lishers. Indianapolis; $1.26. "Beth's Wonder Winter." Nowhere is one more Impressed by the difference in suggestive training imposed upon girls and boys than in the books which are written for them. If you shut each sort up In an iron safe of its own. they could not be more distinctly separate. Boys, pre sumably monopolize the outdoors, ad ventures and pretty much everything worth having, while girls are fed on a sort of pap made of sugary sweet dutifulness, fidelity and a most in natural and precocious charity to ward some other little girl. If girls are to grow up Into the self-reliant, capable womanhood which Is demand ed of them, and not the soft, cling ing type (which Is also demanded of them) it is time this sort of thing changed. Our little boys and girls are Just simple noisy little human be ings, and should enjoy anything and everything which Is natural, healthy and good. Why not cease this uncon scious work of segregating and em phasising sex so early in life. "Beth’s Wonder Winter," by Mar vin Ames Taggart, is about every thing a little girl is bupposed to like. W. A. Wilde Cos.. Chicago; $1.25. "Cinder*." A eerie* of books for boys is be ing written by Hugh C. Weir, in which he propose* to not only tell an in teresting story, but interest boys in some of the great enterprises of the day. By taking * boy as his hero and making him a real worker in these enterprise*. Mr. Weir accom plishes what he starts out for. “Cin ders’* is the third in the series and takes sot its subject the steel mills of Pennsylrania. The young hero. Eric, is an apprentice, and goes through the various phases of the life of the mills. One chapter gives the early life of Andrew Carnegie written in a way to fascinate youth end make It see a great future ahead. There is no doubt but on the whole these books are of educational valu* •‘Cinders.” by Hugh C. Weir. W. A. Wilde Company, publishers, Boston and Chicago; sl. "Amazing Grace." "Amazing Grace” mi*ht suggest a clerical tract and make many perfect ly good but unclerical people a little shy. If they overcome their shyness sufficiently to dip into it they will find a young woman of the modern type, afraid of nothing, who has been christ ened by the worst possible name by which she could be described. She is a little too self-assured to be at tractive, but w« feel a real sympathy and love for her when she throw* over her young man —walking stick, gardenia and all, and marries the rich young lord with socialistic tendencies. This Improbable tale Is by Kate Trumble Sharber. Bobbs-Merrill, publishers, Indianapolis, SI.OO. • \ "Honay Bwe«t.” “Honey Sweet,” by Edna H. L. Tur pin. Just another story for very little girl*. "Honey Sweet” is a doll, very real to her small mother who passes her over to a little sick girl with pangs of heartache no little girl should be expected to endure. Why such tragedies among babies? Mac- Millan Cos., publishers. New York, 60 cents. W ED NESDAY NOV. 18. 1914^ "Human Harmonies and the Art of Making Them." "Human Harmonies and tha Art of Making Them," is as an attractive a title for a book as can wall be con ceived and makes anyone who cares for books at all impatient to open tha covers and find out what it is all about The table of contents is very comprehensive and you may glance It over without going any farther if you wish, but you will want to find out "Why we do wrong;" "The thing oven looked by wthnators;" "We are un aware of our \oHMibilltles," etc. la fact you will wknt to read the en tire book before ypu put tt down. > According to the''sutUior, 8. F. Shorey, all our crimes, unhappiness and troubles generally ares the pro duct of ignorance. "Charity la made necessary by Injustice and Injustice is the product of ignorance." "The greater part of bad and stubborn tem pers, dishonesty, fear, laslness, pov erty, sickness and crime would dis appear from among us. if in soma way the grade .of human intelligence could be raised 20 per cent." On these premises) it is easy to see that what Mr. Shopey deems the most im portant thing in the world, is an "edu cational awakening," and that every man may /ecome a teacher rather than a reformer, reforms being "large ly a failure, for the reason that it is attempted with punishment and char ity ;Vboth of which-are degrading, in stead df, reformer." We cannot help feeling that Mr. Shorey has something to tell ua and that wa would do well to listen. We are foundering in a sea of restless doubts and about all we manage Is to throw out a precari ous life buoy now and then, in the shape of a philanthropy, that a few half drowned creatures may cling to It until exhausted. We have not found the cause of the deplorable state of society and until we do what aval! our puny efforts toward betterment. Desmond Fitzgerald, publisher. New York; 60 cents. "In Camp at Fort Brady." Boys will have all their woodsy, camping, outdoor Instincts set going by the very practical story, "In Camp at Fort Brady," which tells in simple practical language how to go about the whole camping expedition when you have little money and less experi ence. These boyß overcame the ob stacles and had good times and ad ventures enough (real adventures, uot wild Indians) to make the "movies" seem stupid unrealities; besides which they breathed real air with oxygen in it instead of its substitute which is found in those palaces of amuse ment Lewis E. Theiss, author. _W. A. Wilde Cos., publishers, Chicago. “The River." Another book of the west Is devoted to building a railroad this time, in stead of the usual mining proposi tion. There are the same orude west ern women and the usual college-bred eastern man. It Is not a pleasant story, but it redeems itself in Ihe end. "The River." by Eduah Aiken. Bobbs-Merrill Cos., publishers; Indian apolis, $1.36. In one of the rural school districts of a prosperous state a meeting of citizens was recently called to con sider raising the teacher’s pay. Teacher had been getting the muni ficent salary of $45 a month for a seven-months’ term. Some of the folks thought that It was worth more than this to have the 32 children of the neighborhood carefully and sym pathetically trained. The school di rectors agreed to obey the will of 'Jie majority. When the meeting came to order It soon appeared that the opposition to better paid teaching came from two well-to-do farmers, who argued that taxes were already high enough. Ordinarily such a plea would have gained a good deal of support among citizens hard pressed by the struggle to live. v This time it was met by a quick witted chap who figured to a decimal how much the proposed increase would raise the two wealthy fanners' tax bills—a matter of a very sow cents. "If these gentlemen are the only ones who feel that $35 a month is all they can afford to pay for a compe tent teacher, I will gladly be one of 25 persons.” he said, "to pay a penny extra and thus lift the awful burden from their embarrassed shoulders." A smile encircled the meeting; the two remonstrants looked foolish, the proposal of an increase was put to a vote —and carried unanimously. You can win a good cause before almost any honest jury If you take brains and pains to prepare your caae. Many a man lq under the impres sion that he is wiae merely because he has no children to aak him ques tions. —Atlanta Journal. music by Macdonald WORDS BY SCHAEFEB Prepare Your Case