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PAGE FOUR Coming to the Local Playhouses j| PBmI lilKl < . .<• Krl»«l far!un n th. ■ill* bill »<* !>♦• I ! In f ■*B theater n.vt work Th-- ■era Will be Vr oil, Tim.- ■* en 111, ■fig John S l-el' k mill V.ihel ■•lid Frank Hu-h ■ "Yr » title- 1 im. 11 ,i!! ■• w >' ■tn « U-a. IMI i ■>m BUnael to ?n .Ili'tM h H1.,1 KL*.... {> . \ H| • Vi B I I CLAKIM4 HOIK j la MMtral ahlf Ib Orpkeut* ■ •Ranks 'first gain* the displeasure of & and a forfeit of hwvinic ■K plar Ilia witches horn 1* demand- W'al. la • prologue. Ml» Keith rela-ee *’sls# lt|MM an<l there follow* * merry ■ aarty #f muel'-iana at a lodge gate Lgßg a MM In th* parlor of a colon mansion where the nl<>t ta worked t B*s«CsrS«leal end Mr D#u k and ■ ■ms Keith, well-known cornet «<>|o- UMJmL will he (tsalated by Violet Wun- BsJlrllch and Marjorie Moore cornet MKr Pow*ll and Joe Ranger, trom rEM, aad K B Merrill* base trom- aad arUrhea' horn Frank Bu*h L'-h UUer of humoroa* atnrlea will mmtißm • lot of new atorie* and. »•«*- BBpMl Me Ml»n»h* repertoire, hi. VJBmML'wUI Im marled from dav t* m Sw. H4la Clark ae*'*t.-d h riart*** r- Kaa at th# piano and cello. »111 pro- E- ytaelk gartaa of character etudle. UMim Mia include tha Younger. P BKrSey end Pecan Hoy and Arthu-. I' Jgjgglara la "Tun in a Dining Car ’ Orpbeograph There a-111 b* C SeggSE program, both before and gwafler all matinee and erenlnic per fv MRUMWCee nnd Friday eremna May I X tIM fikkl dancing conte*t. for local Pntlam comprising winner* of pre jKpvmTeuwteata. will he held. i. S‘'Pb*Xl York Winter ' "Maid in America ' will & MN Bloeeom Seeley romedienr.e. to L Buttlße the reudevttle bill tn the Tem- i I; Hint week Mia. Seelev a**-.«te<l E Morrta at the piano. ha* to vaudeville and t« winning mpw fhror with her aong. and clever |r’ ■Egjgg and famou* *Todoln ' num- Sgr. frt private life Mia. See'ey I* B? Ka wlfa of “Rube" Marquard. the big 5e Sgthpaw ginger of the New York £' Wttim Will Oakland note-l rr.ln»t-e) |'-v Mhaw, and four associate*, r Ifcngr rr Walter White. Mar'ln jfe.:,,tllk»P nnd Edgar Allyn, wgil appear || ' ■Lj || ■ ■ I RE., HraStk* aeeond feaßir* of the bill, of wIUKS a melodlofe alngtng noreltr liSVtSd Club." n#l Sera will he Iff 4mm popular vaoderllliara Lulu HBOtneir and Orant Blmp*on, In Biteir naw comedy. "At Home ** wrl»- iiariir them by Herbert Hall win»- Kffli. Another later eating number will IIIW-'M* Mt of Tameo KaJlyame. the SfJHmaneee writing marvel, who ar te* HffSPnrard. upside down, with both ll&u id tha gam# time, different BIUiM with anch hand at the •*me ■ nnd In many other Inronretv- wnyg Other number, on the gMlsir tnalude Robert Emmett Keane lirifii Muriel Window formerly with »(■* Passing Show ” Nick * Roller KdtMF' Otrlß. a .ertet of pretty ■ I WMa from the Berlin Winder gar brother* In “The Kollle* ml Korett V and Ar.toin MM th* weekly new* picture* E DMTKOVT OPRRA HOI HR. M ■Mhll and perlmutter win par H HMt • aeeond viatt next week In I'll' Qtrolt opera hou«» lernrln* m ■pday avenlng. the **m. comparr KiMfl ' appeared here tn February m fenmi by Jullua T»nn»n and Julian IgS MM. 11l the .erne part*. pre*entlng w■> popular comedy Following the ■ffMgnmg p*rforman<e on the previou# of olay and plavera The Time* Hg 4§M: “Tha Tntaah an-1 Perlmutter’ ■ IPfIM of Montagu* Hi*.* whl- h .-n ■i MnalaM reader, of the Saturday K<. iNalll Poet for *•• many month*. ■ M an th# stag# of the Detroit o p>r* ■■gba this week, and an audler,, e that H Mnerded that theater In e\ er' corner M ■Ktty hlnht. shrieked end rh, rtled m ■wttailanoiii apaam of l« Mgbt.r jH djiM tba una and down* of the famou. ■rTBBy jtum tajhikm MM Nrlaatter.” !• Deirdt firm of *aulta aad clothing.* Abe Pi-taah. In the person of Julian i:.-*-. and Juliu. Tannen aa 'Mawruaa' Perl mutter, are very successful la making theae charavtera .md The play has been accepted by thousand, -of pnnat In other cltlea a. being atl wool and a yard wide, and In rlew <*f the fact that anitou. customer, not only crowded th* Ntrolt opera ho'».e Monday evening, hut hat e been ***g-*r buyer, for every prformanc* during th week. Potaeh and Perlmutter’ will he aa sncceaeful In aelllng their go-Mte In Detroit aa they hat* been else where ’ Cyril Maude, the eminent British actor and hi* l»nd<>n company will begin a week# engagement In the Detroit opera houec In the »uc«e*»ful comedy dranta. "Orumpy. Monday evening. May Id In xirump. which la the work of Horae# Hodges and T Wlgnev PercyvaL Mr Maude appears as a crabbed old criminal lawyer, who ha. been living in retirement for mant years, and who la forced to turn detective by the theft of a Jewel In hi* houae Mr Maude has been one of the leading character actor, of Lstndon atage for years, and last sea son he scored a great hit In New York with *Orump " Hts associates Include El«l# Mackey. John Harwood. Rowland Buck.tone. Julten D'Alblw Alexander Onslow. James Dale. C Prohyn-Dlghton. Murray KlnnelL I* Trollop*. Mable Hlcke and Maud An drew. MILKS. Tha Hendrlx-Belle Isle corapapy In "The School Master." e merry trat - eetjr on tha old-time country school, and the Royal Neapolitan band, are the feature* announced by the Mile* for neat week. “The School Master” la considered by many vaudeville managers the best act of Its kind ever produced In vaudeville. It af fords a half hour of good wholesome fun. Marvin O Belle lale as Patsy, a lean. lank, freckled-faced lad. keep* tha audience tn hysterics with the prank* he plays on hla teacher and his seat mates, while the ecboolmas ter of Tom Hendrix 1# said to be an ascellent bit of character work Sev eral aong number* are Introduced aa pert of the regular school aaerclae* th# company Including some excellent singers. The Royal Neapolitan ban-1 com prises six men and a woman, and their offering la high class tn everv particular. The repertoire include, popular and ?laaalc .elections, artis tically rendered The band scored a tremendous hit on It* last visit to the Mile* a few months ago. Daisy Cam eren. eccentric comedienne, will be heard In a budget of exclusive char i DAISY C.tIEBSH Pww.lhg sketch *a Mica. Mil •cter songs, sung In her own way. York and King, hailed aa a clever pair of entertainer#, will feature Ba personatloaa of "colored aristocracy.' Seymour and Dupree. In a comic novelty. th# American Klo/en-e troupe, sensational acrobats, and tha phnto-comadiea will complete the bilk. Preceding the vaudeville b|U each afternoon feature photoplay* will be Shown without extra charge to patrons. _ * LYncrK “What Happened to Mary,** anew play la four acta by Owen Davis, sug gested by the “Mary” stories In “The tmdles' World" produced last season In the Fulton theater. New York, where It enjoyed a prosperous run. and was equally successful tn tha Majestic theater. Boston, will he pre sented In th* L>yceum next week, starting ffunday night, by Vaughan Olaser aad hie company "What Hap pened to Marr** is described as an eld-fashtoned lov# story and It classed with such successes as "Tha OM Homestead.' "Way Down East” aad "fthor# Acres. '* Mary ltve* In an oyster shtppiog village oa Chesa peake bay with a mleerjjr uncle and a soporific aunt. Her one friend Is Capt. Jogifer. trusty eld sea dog who gave bur the rudiments of an educa tion City people visit the Island and ISABKLLK IHKHHAH Olaift »t*eh <•- In Lyeevaa. Mary bagloa ta long for a wider horl »«r and M at thla time Mary a life Is being mad* miserable by her uncle l who trie# to fore# her to marry Tuck Wlntergreen. a fl.herman. she rebel, and runs away to New York wiih Capt JoglfeFa help The rest of the story has to do with what raally hap. peaed to Mary In th* big city. Ml.a Fourteney will play Mary and Mr Olaaer, John Willie, whom ahe In Naff York and with whom ahe has a pretty roman s. The members of the company will ha happily cast. BROADWAY STRAND. Orac# Miller White, whose novel “Tees of the Storm Country" mad* one of the most popular of recent film*, has had another of her novels dramatised. From th# Valley of the Ml**lngwhich will he shown at the new Broadway Strand theater next week, beginning ftunday. Th# Fox Film corporation announce* It as hav ing aa all-star raat, prominent In which are Jane Miller. Arleen Mark et 1 and th* Tohtn Twin a, Oenevteva and Ororge, well known as Juvenile* ou the legitimate stage. Th* action takes place In the lake region of aaatern New York with th# principal character* about equallv divided ne tween the squatter and th# society elements Children born Into one «>f these environments are kidnapped and reared In the other and the resul tant complications farm an absorbing plot A one-reel comedy will supple ment the main feature. Count Per ron*. baritone, well kaown In De tunjew- y SHFcSt® JANE MILI.F.R la ■•flax plcteree Broadway »tW*A trolt. will be the soloist for th# week. Broadway Strand *h->wa run from 11 e. m to 11 p. m. W AS HI At. TOR. Ha.el Dawn th* a ell-known and dainty musical comedy star, whose prettv f*«■•#. harmirc voice and #u peruvr talent ** a violinist mad* her ■pr > w. /* «»a*4.«. *e.%a#Rr la aistlac picture, la W aehlaglo*. ■ Cooler Than Belle Isle g rke orpheua* bn* the #al> »rlratllr.llr «-«rreet xeetllatlag •y steal lastalted la say Detroit playheaee. Or the bnttest iar. th# tirpkraa la as r»»l mm a refrigerator. ORPHEUM If, A F.A lETTT. AND IHKLHT PHONE RnAKFR")' the I .ergret aad Reet Ctreatt *f Mala IBf iQL PUUnLU t eadrvtlle Theetrre la the W #rtd k kerry tCT. MU :: iz 4 big shows today :: nis B WEEK COMMEHCING MONDAY MATINEE, MAY 3 BM Vaudeville’s Musical Novelty H| YE OLDE TIME I HALLOWE'EN I JOHN S. LEICK AND MABEL KEITH 8 SPECTACULAR mm BRILLIANTLY < PICTURESQUE / BEAUTIFUL ** SCENES m MELODIES Positively the World’s Best Story Teller Frank Bushl 6-Other Summery Features-6 8 PRIZE WINNERS' FINAL OANCIN6 CONTEST FRIDAY NI6HT H Oaly xlnner, nf prevlnn. cewtaata will eeaapete fee the daeet HZIIL ..HrrrA In n *lw.llnr event *+ Shout# Matinees 1:00 to 5 JOP.M. I & Dally Night* (cofttlnuoua)7:oo to •: 1S; 9:15 to 11:00 P. M. Nothing Cheap Butth* Price I 10c 20c 30c I Best Service Best Mosle Best Service x ITKHAOOt * Wgp RTKAIAUA SHOW P—ll am„ * SHOWS —7 Id and * •*' * 4l - WRW YORK pnilL „ .. 6 to p m _ BRICKS— 10c. Uc and rßlf'Bc— 10p and lie ||>FA ** lie. Few Ij>ge S*ata glc * ’ F#w I»ge Seats, 10c Begining Sunday, May 2nd. v 1918 AN ALL-STAR CAST IN “From the Valley of the Missing" An Absorbing Drama of a Revenge That Tanglod Many Lives By Qrac# Millar White, Author of “Test of th* Storm Country." “William Tali’* Overture. Ona-Raal Comedy Count* Perron* IS-pi«c# 50-Btoo Baritone / OrchMtrg Organ DETROIT TIMES such a prominent figure in The I’lak Lady.** will be .ern next weelf In the >\ ashlngton theater tn th* name part of a comedy called “Nlobe." recently made Into a moving picture. The atory has to do etth the coming to life <>f * statue of th# tearful Nlobe of Oreek mythology, and the subse quent dilemma, tn which Nlobe and her owner, a re.pec table middle axed an.l very dignified insurance com pany pre.blent, find themaelvas aa a result of Nlobe a unfamlllartty with modern Ilf* and modes. A large cast of well-known placers surround Ml.«s iDawn In addition to "Nlobe" a splendid travelogue will complete the program. C ADIt.LAC. Billy Spencer, th* original Orogan. In ' Kroutrmtytr i Alloy, a burlesque ■kit which has long been popular, heads Watson's Orientals, to com* to th* Cadillac theater Sunday after noon. for a week s stay, Anew ver sion of the skit with Spencer in hi. original role, will be presented. The company Includes Jules Jacob*, as "Krousemeyer '* tlertrude Sommer*. ■'-JD* i.KHTHI ur. UINAKHI -U itwa's Oriestah." la < adtllar. Bettlna Sheldon. Tom Burnett. R-iy Leavitt. Bert Hilbert. Tun Sidney ! Margaret Sheridan and Sylvia Hro dle The first paxt of the show Is called ’The Joy Un*. ’ described x* a travesty on “I*ln*fore. * Klgßieen musical numbers, most of which were written and arranged especially for thl* production, will be Introduced bv the prtnctpkia and a chorus of So at tractive girl*. Olio acts will Is-*lud* 'Julck s comedy cartoonist#: Damon sister*, eccentric dancers, and Oer irod* Sommer*, comedienne. At the dose of each performance Zumara will offer a dancing specialty. ■ ■ 8 ■ ■ * - v > At.. K. HALL -BrsHsi) HlrW,” ta Hayety Souse I NEXT WEEK MAT. I xL^ I NEXT WEEK—MON., MAY 10 MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATUROAY Lust two performanc#* today. M»y Robson, “Martha By l»ay" The Raat P.palar aad «swrt*fal Staeh OrgaataatlM la AmeHea. 8 ||li| 0 ' ,IWEE v B r , " B I ■ ■ wtUlll is. to 75c E 25*5*«»«« Wfd Sa '- I mUBUHHOIHH A Mr. ■ VAUGHAN I GLASER '•■Sisidßrl.dlM FAY COURTENEY ill y?v flay I WHAT HAPPENED I Any An Into mating Story of Coyo- I IYI/VKV X try Lana* and City Pgvamanta I THE RCIKTt DF OF <1 IMLUL ClswH H B*l™* WHITE LIGHT* I 'amalltowi f VfRtCII onail II DCI or BRO ADWAY I A play wheroin you MO reflected th# incitfonta of ovary I day lifo, whether you bo city born or country brad. | TODAY— I.A#T TWO TIME*—'THE (»HO«T BRKtKF.R." I WASHINGTON ALL WEEK t^KNINOS 10-1S 25c JKQiIIHHHOk mats 10-15 c * tn i;« iilIJMjTyUjW Added Atlr.rtlo. Washington PinOODOt Troual/wma orchootr* invcio^e Oar Wanked Air System of Ventilation Makes This Detroit's Coolest Theater - ■ 1 1 ■■■ —* W—■ 1 11 ■■ 11 ■'■■■■' w——■ 11 ■■■■■»*.■■ ANYONE CAN TELL YOU WHY HE TAKES THE TIMES WITHOUT STOPPING TO THINK. IF YOU STOP TO THINK YOU’LL TAKE IT (1 A A ICTY. Musical comedy of a high dear** of m*rtt. It la aatd. will b* offered hy th* Uroadway Qlrla In th* Oayaty theater, next weak. Tho## who Ilka t • be entertained In a manner befit ting any environment, should find en joy mam In th# two farce*. “A Day ad “A Night.” Ilaaal Croaby has th* principal role among tha woman Sh* la wall-known to burlesque patrons for her good looks and fins singing volt'* Th* musical numbers com bine tuneful Jingles, with colorful an aamblas and plaaalnc dancaa which bav* been written nnd abranged asp*- < tally for thla production Thar# ara 40 people In th* company including a chorua of 10 pratty glrla who know how to alng and danc# Th# vaudavilla olio will offer Morris aad Cainpbcil tn tha akatch “Nearly a Soldier. Al K Hall, character #n tartalnar. Baker and O’Nall In ’Tha Census Takers.** Savo. th# Jumping Juggler. Ada l,um. "th# girl with th# amlla.'* and other clever folk AYHffrH. “Why Olrla Oo Wrong, ’’ a favortt# melodrama In th# day* gw ban th* type of play It r*pr*ssnta was in th* hay day of popularity, will b# revived next weak. In th* Avenue theater, tha Avanua Permanent Players givtng th* first performance Sunday after noon Leon* Stater will have th* role of Virginia Norton, a young fac tory girl, who finds hsrsslf at th* (Oasttasad M Pag* Year.) SEAT SALE THURSDAY Tha Eminent Engliob Actor MR. CYRIL MAUDE And Hie London Play houae Company Presenting th# Moat Morvolou* Dramatic Succooa of tho Century “GRUMPY” Tha Greatest and Moat Artistic Suc cess In tha History of th* Stag*. COOLEST THIATIR TEMPLETS ■ or* Daily Matin** <1P A | EVERY EVENING. Ri ZSC n>* Baat Saata 10C| 1»« to 78c (No Hi»h«f) 1 uaat ruoii nu uttn a. i. wnnu stud show A BLOSSOM t# OEELET TM» OMMIIAI TOPOLO OIIU. THE XOTCD MINVTUI. TIMUR WILL OAKLAND AMD MM OA JTWEyi.yX«aXO MOVILTT lulu McConnell & Grant Simpson 44 AT HOME,” »t muMT mau wiwrlow K A J I Y A M A ROBT. E. KEANE and ? MURIEL WINDOW ! NICK'S SKATING GIRLS MOSCONI BROS. Ha. lAn RMH UTrfM .W_Voo4r»lJlo Sorotty St Antoinette Heeft-Seliy Weakly N«wi NEXT—ALICE LLOYD onmorrs oriati»t ami mil t yali'l ——■ MILES SBs W rOMTIMVOI I TAPPITIH.B~UM«t lowtroA-TRot RR- IMS. I 9 1 «k*n. Dolly—MaO. !*>:» t- 4*o. iJIXHi II W r-rk MAY t H »M«ai>»-iYf«.TtDR —4 ».»a~ia.»>.—*.ll Com- 1 H MRUOMI MKTI RM IMRAOtNIMT OK I 2 The Hendrix-Belle Isle Cos. in ■ ! TL e School Master | Th# (imtMt u«b««l AM la Vaaeovllto. P««MI»»lr tw mm M| ■ IPKIAL ADDUCII nmiß I ■ 7—Royal Neapolitan Band—7 | ■ it rnpi t. am amp oreenATir hi.ktiwm» ■ ■I Daisy Cameron American Florence Troupe || S KrrrnlHr lamrAiaMM Sensational AoraMalo ■ ■ York A King Seymour A Dupree m _ Tho Slfty Don Moal A oaAovlllla— an ■ Feature Motion Pictures 12:30 to 2:30 I ™ Vaudeville Matinee 2:30 to 4:30 _ m ROTH row TMB oTC ADRIMIDR-II AMD » < KVTR ■ H Two Malta poo on latarAay «M Aaattojr ■ Ml rirlarro IliM to Ml| \ •■Artlllr at JtOO «*4 liM 111 TwoJhw>l»» «4»w» TiR» <Af>4 Rtlß | <~ Miles 2nd Miles ot Smiles at the MBes > | |,^ t ,Qpp Hotel Cadillac CADILLAC w BURLEBOUE W WEEK STARTING SUNDAY—MATINEE EVERY DAY WATSON’S ORIENTALS WITH BILLY SPENCER "The Origin*] Grogan” T*f*r—lnMr, Yrath aaf Pally, aad kart*. 11 3K TF jhbrb I MilH| nv. /ijil QUi CtYDAY MATIYEE AYD ALL HRBK rJ| nil I Broadway Girls I 111 WITH 111 1 HAZEL CROSBY, ALK. HALL HI AYD 1 30 DANCING DOLLS DON'T MISS IT! || B^——"SFcooLEßiNsiDE (avenue -Sri I A STORY IYTBRBSTI YU TO ALL £_ 1 WHY GIRLS i I GO WRONG I B tk# Trial* *M Trmp«a«l**a *f • W»rkla« Olrl Waft- IB H arr* *a*4ay. TNMar fafaroay. Prtw. lA-Wr —. ■ ■ r»w Mr. Wak-lli y Matter** I Or-Mr. WBRK or WAY ' “IOI.D IYTO ILAYBRY." /j B——'»wnEß WEa’hnrTKrY^—^jP SATURDAY, MAT 1. IBIS. EXTRA EXTRA ZUMARA THK DAYCIYO ORIENTAL AhmLV isomidy ylllCß S WARTOONIST* DAMON SISTERS RCCENTRH DkYCERS