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TERSE —CLEAR Baves your time and your eyes FIFTEENTH YEAH. NO . 20*). RUSSIANS RALLY, TAKE 4,000 PRISONERS NEAR PRZEMYSL NEW NOTE TO GERMANY READY; REAFFIRMS FIRST AMERICAN POSITION Freedom of Seas for Americans Only Vital Issue BERNSTORFF TO PRESS BERLIN -a - - - May Send Envoy to Present True State of U. S. Opinion BY JOHN LOWI V KEVIN. * Staff Corretpondenl United Pren ) WASHINGTON. June 4 Presi dent Wilson has practically eomplet *d the rejoinder to Germany It before the cablrier today for an offi cial approval The White House • stated It aa* "expected" the note aouid go forward In the very near future. Exact derail* a* to the time or when the note will !>c made pub lie here, were withheld. It l* certain that the note ask- Germany to recognize the freedom of the ***» ho tar a* American citi zena are concerned In replying to Germany a latent communication and the point* It raiaea. the admlni*tr» • tlon take* the poet lion. *u<’h qu**s * lion* are subordinate. The thin* the i nited States must find out from Germany la whether or not *he r*-*- otntzes the provision* of Interna tional law an-l la prepared to accept , the presidents stAt* nn-nt in 1 * n«c< that American citizen* are entitled to travel where they will, necuro In the protection of their flag and the knowledge th*t their government will leave nothing undone to enforce It. Thla wa* the poaltlon assumed hy the president in hi* flr*t (note, out lining America'* attitude toward Germany'* *ubmarlne blockade. It . wa* exactly the same position that wa* assumed In the Lusitania note, although couched In differ-nt lan guste It I* the present American poaltlon. Count Von Flernstorff, the Ger man ambassador, ha* sent a strong communication to hi* government, urging, that It make every conces sion possible to satisfy the t'nited Stat*a. He will follow his note by , other communication*, and, when I>r Dernbnrg sails for home via Norway a week from next Saturday. * It In expected that he will he ac companied by one or two Influential American citizen* of German anoc* try who will endeavor to make clearer to Germany the actual feel* Ing In the United States and the ' fad that the United State* 1* en deavoring to maintain the strictest neutrality. It Is admitted that If th' German nmha*sador here wore In direct per sonal touch with Merlin, hi* Influ ence would he very beneficial to the present negotiations, lie has be*n unable to Imprea* upon his home government. It Is stated, the Ameri can viewpoint toward submarine warfare a* a general thing, with the result that th're has been growing up a most distinct belief In Germany that thl* government ha* been try % Ing to deprive Germany of the use of her moat available weapon This belief has been fost *red by the writ ings of Count Von Reventlow and other leading German militarist*. It I* now the German ambassador’* de sire to explain that thl* belief Is a mistaken one He will he aid* to assure hi* government, through these representatives who are go Ing hack to Germany, that the • American position I* a* follows; The rules of International Ihw. as recognlxed by the various Interns ♦tlonal conferences, apply to the pr*s ent conflict. All the belligerents are entitled to such reprisal* on their enemies g* are sanctioned hy the** rule* Submarine* are In the same class i. (CwtlasH oa Pag* Tw*i TODAY’S GAMES American. Detroit at New York, clear. Chicago at Itostnn, cl -ar. St Louis at Philadelphia, clear. Cleveland at Wnahington. clear. National, Mrooklyn at Pittsburgh, clear. Cincinnati at St. l.ouia, clear. Only Nations I ghtnes today. WILL HOLD SUSPECT Nepr o Nabbed for Windsor Police, Also Wanted Here After pawning Jew* rv valued at about |*>oo ill (in last few days. George FI. John -on alias Charles Johnson, a Negro, wa* arrested by Detective* Hayc and liolono, Thurs- I day, for the police of Windsor, who wanted him In connection with some burglar!*- in the border city, but pawn tickets found in Johnson's pos | session, and Identification of some ; "f the article* pawned by him In turloiis shop* here. Anti-fled the po lie** that they want the Negro far 1 worse than Canada want him. The detective* are practically cer -1 tain that John-on is the bold Negro ■burglar who has plundered at bast a dozen Ia t roll homes and apart ments. Me gave his age a , t* vears. and , hi- address as No ,'tnx s; Antolnest, Johnson formerly lived In Detroit, j hut several years ago he became a race follower the police jjllcgc and i from that drifted Into the realm of 1 ■‘dips” and sneak thieves ID* was arrested a vrar ago. in i Windsor, as a pickpocket, the detec- I fives allege. Jewelry recently stolen from some | Windsor home*, was found in De troit pawnshops, and It wa- learned i that a Negro had pawned the stuff. Detroit police were a*ked to nab the man for the Windsor Authorities. Wednesday, Johnson pawned sil verware and Jewelry valued at and made his getaway before the police weie notified. Thursday, he pawned a gold n«* kla* e, suit of clothes nnd a watch, valued at about 1100, and was raptured. Some of the Jewel ) which John son had pawned has he -n Identified as stolen from Iw-frolt homes the dele* fives a’l -r U'«>y now de clare that they will not tur over to the Can H i a thorlties tin ill they have completed a thoroi. Investigation here. FSSFY COUNTY PL\NS HOME FOR HURT SOLDIERS Essex county. Ont . is already mik Ing plsns to care for tts sons who come hack from the war maimed or In poor health. A public meeting wa* held In the Windsor armories, Thursday nleht. to discuss wny* and means of providing for them, nnd a committee was appointed to consid er the • stahllst inept of a home on the river front A two-weeks’ op tion has heen taken on the residence of the late Edwin 1. Thompson, pres ident of the Detroit I.umber Cn„ which faces Relic Me. The place can he purchased for tUS.ono. F'und* will he raised hv the sale of t.vrs on a designated daj. The member* of the committee nre- Colonel F H. I-alng and Major R. C. Roh|n*on; Major J C. Tolmie, member of par •lament In the provisional house; Oliver J Wllrot. tneml*er of par’ii ment In the federal house, and Wil liam C. Kennedy. DETROIT TIMES SUN SHINES FOR BLUE STAR DAY With Co-operation of Weather Man, Suc cess Is Sure SALE OF TAGS BEGINS EARLY Money to Be Devoted to Care of Tubercu lar Poor SSOO CHECK HEADS BLUE STAR DAY GIFTS An itn especial stimulus to ' those Interested 1n making the 11M5 Illue Star Tag day the moat successful In point of financial tiv> committee received a check for ir.ito, and nine checks for 11AO each, late Thursday. the money to head the Hat of re turns, Friday. Wit hthe arrival of blue skies and bright sunshine. Friday morning, the army of > nun a women and their chaperones who had volunteered, their services for Illue Star tag dny. ] postponed from Thursday, were on, hand early at the stations assigned, them, and at the hour when folk were get tin* to office and store, the' city was In the dainty grasp of fair' hands determined to sell as tnanv I tags as possible In the cause of | helping the tubercular poor. Pretty girls, h little ••shivery" to be sure j in the rather cool morning air. stood In twos and threes on all the] prominent down town street ctor-j iera. In front of the entrance to hopping centers and office build Ingrs. at the intersection of street car lines, and at other advantageous points for luring pennies and dol lars from the hurrying throngs. . Not the swiftest of "speed boys" | mid get away from the charming voung person who stepped out Intoi • rr |dd|n of the afreet In the path if the oncoming motor ears to hold | n a blue and white pennant and, be llt*|e round cardboad money [ >ox. Hcarcely an automobile, de livery wagon, or vehfrle of any kind . (('•Mllaard •• Tage live). 1 “MARCHING THKOCGH GEORGIA.” NEUTRAL VESSEL IS TORPEDOED Danirh Captain Told Nationality Makes No Difference GIVEN 5 MINUTES TO ENTER BOATS Crew Provided With Tobacco and Liquor LERWICK, Scotland. June 4 —Th> Danish thre*-ma*t* ii sailing ship Sal vador, hound from Copenhagen t>* ..ngland with u cargo ot timber, wa shelled and sunk by a Go; man *u-* marine in the North sea. the crew was picked up hy tne trawler Fermo and landed here today, after drUtlrig for 12 hours in un open boot. "The submarine came alon -side Thursday morning." said ("apt Sand, of the Salvador, "and her command or shouted tha» he would give ns Just five minutes to take to the boats. "I said: ‘This Is a neutral ship.' hut h« said that didn't make any dit ference; we couldn't take a cargo of any kind to England caked him whnt would become of our families if he sank IIS He -aid he would be sorry If anything hap;> n»d, but tha* war was war, and thnt w* and better get Into the boat. "After we rowed a wny. the sums rlne’s crew set flre to the Salvador and then rank her with a few shells. Thru they ran alongside our boat, gave us some tobacco, two bottb * of brandy and a couple of ru tier mat • and towed us a short distance Th* \ dropped us when another ship enm* In sight." .Inilsr Mnnilrtl urneliil n (llxorre Ar rree Thsr«il»i I -air*. MrleHn* M-> ttf'T. who i-harw.-.t that h*>r hu<b*n<l "Dr" C K Pogei ib-vntrU mn.-t n* hl« ttm** to etiarsi t>-r re*>llng snd fslteit tr* support h*-r. linger tur prised the court )>■ • roll i t>> let be hiid prepared. n« his »n>'> cr to Mrs complaint Th» t>ook told Imwr to r. ad « hare;u>n And Judge shol-.-r to AXfred rr< do l*eeree« wrrr '*l»n u’-nnli' l In ’b» cases of Peter v*. Pauline ournsr ski, »'hrlstlne vs Howard W •-elcy and George vs. Jennie Uelmore. I K IDAY, J l N E I , 19 1 r>. TO SEARCH OUT CASES OF PHTHISIS State Health Board Will Make War On Tuberculosis SI 00,000 VOTED FOR CAMPAIGN Disease Will be Fought By Preventing Its Spread To hunt down every case of tu berculosis in Michigan, and to try to prevent it from breeding other cases- that Is the plan for using the SIOO,OOO appropriated by the state legislature for a tuberculosis war. as announced by the state board of health, in a conference in the Wayne County Medical soel< ty's building. Thursday afternoon The board plan* to hire an expert to Lake charge of the work, to dis trict the stale, and to send visiting nurses Into every district, to In vestigate the cue's now record cd in Lansing, nnd to try to discover he 0,000 other cases that are b*' lieved to exist With tills work will be coupled nn educational cam palgn which will Lake In every civic organization, fraternal body, school newspaj>.T. ami any other mean* of spreading knowledge of how to combat the white plague. The slate hoard had its plans well | formulated when it called the D< j trolt meeting to receive *ugg slion . and the remarks of those who at i tended the conference w ere more an Indorsement of the hoard's plan than suggestions of value. I>r. Victor (V Vaughan, of Ann Arbor, president of the board •pened the discussion, explaining ttottt the legislature had allowed $."*0,000 a year for two years, and ♦list result* must be obtained 1o In dure the next leglslatur • to appro prite further funds. "Dr. Wilbur, chief statistician for . vllhl statistics of the census bureau has said that the great lake* region, and especially Michigan, should be 1 (('satlsaeM «■ r*|« Tw»i. CANTBUST’ : 0. S. STEEL, SAYSCOURT Government Loses Famous Suit Against Corporation SIZE NO PROOF OF WRONGDOING Methods of Doing Bus iness Not Illegal, Is Ruling TRENTON. N J . June 4—The United State* district court for New Jersey list night hand'd down a unanimous decision refusing the petition of the federal goverhment to dissolve the United States Steel corporation. As agains f the governm ‘nf, the court refused to dissolve the cor i pornflon, holding that in acquiring Its foreign and home trade the con rent did not violate the Sherman antitrust act and refused all the injunctions prayed for by the d*- piirtnmnt of Justice. A* against the steel corporation, the court held that the committee ' no* tings participated in by us, per cent of the steel trade of the coun try, including the steM corporation, subsequent to the famous Gary din In- rs of eight or nine years ago. were unlawful combinations to con trol prices; but ns these meetings had stffpped before the gov rnment filed Its complaint in October, lull, •be Judges held that there was no occasion for nn InJuncGon The opinion of the court oiegi «• i that such practices He within Ike province of the new f'deral trade commission, but adds that if their u peti'ion is n ;Iprelien>|ed the , -t will on motion of the government retain Jurisdiction of the i,im- for tliat particular purpose. A synopsis of the decision of the senior Judge. Joseph J. IlufTlngfon. prepared by direction of the rourt, states that the keynote of the en tire opinion Is that "*hls case, a H nnllnnril nn I'ngf TtoM. PrlntJni. flu- noil klrnt—lhnl la right—Tlaiva J«h Urpf.—Mala ISZO. AFTERNOON EDITION AHSTRO-GERMANS BEGIN DRIVE ON LEMBERG, j HARASS SUV RETREAT THE WEATHER ~ Or trolt nml vtrtnltvi Friday night nnd Sntardav, folri iwodrratr went to m«>Mt runlrrl.v ninda. I.untr Mirhlaant Fair Friday and Saiurdag. BOOZE LIKE A BURGLAR, SAYS BRYAN We Let Him In Then Have to Watch Him All Night DON’T WANT DRY VOTE IN 1916 Thinks Matter Should Be Settled By States • More than half the population of ttu United Stales will he living under prohibition before the end of next p'lir, mill inor- than I hree-fourtlm of the area of the t’nited State* will he Urv territory state-wide prohibition will he in i ITec-t In 1* state* July 1. Alabama, the first of the new dry *1 a test joins, the growing area of arid ity. Uorre*poodent l’ayne in Wash ington asked the most distinguished antagonist of alcohol in thl* country to comment on thl* amazing sw**-p of prohibition over th" United States. Tin- fallowing article wtritt**u hy William Jennings i’ryan especially fttr the Times, is tlo- Irst -tait no-tit the secretary of state ha* made to stnv newspaper explaining hi* at titude on the subject of actual pro- tituile < hlbitton By William Jennings Bryan WASHINGTON, D. C\. June 4 It may be assumed thnt all who advo cate legislation tor the restriction ol the sale of intoxicating liquor re gard its use a* an evil. The unanim ity of the sentiment against liquor traffic is shown by the tact that In every state in the union there are laws prescribing condition* under which it can he sold sale to drunk ards and minors being cvivywhere prohibited. Where liquor L sold at all the ten dency of public opinion is every where toward greater strictness In the regulations. Sale Is now gen erally prohi itnl i'ii Sunday*, and the hour* a l * crud ally lessened. In Nebraska the saloon open* at > In the morning and close* at o’clock In the evening. In some state* the hour of closing Is even earlier If the liquor interest* had left Do people fre* to decide these uuo* tion* for th* rn*elvesth© sentiment In favor t>l piohlbltlon would not have grown as rapidly a* It has, but during recent years the liquor in ter* "t • half organized th* ir forces if •ntlMiied on I’azr Toni, APPEAL FOR EMBARGO ON ARMS, VOICED NEW YORK. J'ine I Millboard* all over \ew oi k today announced in glaring black letters an appeal to \ripTiean citizens “uphold the hands of the pr> ud* nt in lit* noble • tTo;t to pip-erve peJice i>v urttinz that eongr***s »mj»ower him to stop the exportation of aims and ammuni tion from the United State* to K«»- rnp* '* .The appeal was signed “The Organization of American Women for Strict Neutrality," and a Haltl mon address given which would forward blank petitions. Cards were slso put in elevated trains and sub way stations voicing the appeal. ONB CENT. Heavy Artillery Is Blamed for Loss of Fortress ——— $ GUNS REMOVED TO NEW TRENCHES Czar’s Troops to Make New Stand On Pre pared Line ROME. June 4.—By artillery and infantry attacks, the Aus trians are making a determined effort to dislodge the Italians from Monte Croce pace. The fighting here and around Monte Nero ridge is of the most violent character, but General Cadoma reported today that all Austrian attacks have been repulsed. “On the whole frontier, pr*> aratory encounters continue favorable to us,“ wired the Itat* ian commander-in-chief. “Our progress on the left bank of the Isonzo is satisfactory, though slow.'* Reports of the progress of the Italians in the Adige valley and around Storo have reached Rome In the last 24 hours. PETROfSRAn. June 4 —Official an nouncrmrril today that three Aua i than regiment.* were (Slaughtered i end 4.000 prisoners taken In a fierce ! battle 50 miles northwest of Prze mysl partly offset the admission from the war office that the ('.ullrian fort ress was surrendered to the enemy early yesterday. The war office al«o rennrted that (Conil mini on I’lgr Two) EATON IS CONVICTED Responsible for Death of Little Daughter, Jury Says Arthur H Eaton was found guilty of manslaughter in causing the death ot his 12-year-old daughter, Ethel, by a jury in Judge ('onnolly’s court, Thursday evening, after one hour wild 50 minutes’ deliberation. Three ballots were taken, the first 'landing niti • to three for convic tion and the second, 10 to two. The verdict was based on the second count In the information, neglect to provide proper medical attention Eaton received the verdict with the Miff ' Indifference he has mani fested throughout the trial, and would make no comment, lie squirmed n bit when Court Officer o.oorgo Devercaux started to put the handcuffs on him. “I'm not going to run away be tween li re and the Jail." he said. Judge Connolly granted toe usual stay of s« ntence. to permit Eaton'* counsel to file exceptions and pre pare for an appeal. Mrs Lotto C Eaton, wife of thr j convicted mat' and t p mother ol th» dead girl, who was arrested ' along wilh her husband, will go tc trial on »he manslaughter charge within s few days. Assistant Prosecutor Keldan bit terlv arraigned Eaton In his closing argument to the Jury. rharmcterlJ Ing him as a marble-h *srted fiend who had shewn lets coosldsraMor for his child than any of tho lew« animals for their young.