Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TEN Telegraphic MARKET IS SURE OFJENCE Circumstances ('o m - bine To Strengthen Confidence MONEY MARKET IS PLETHORIC Advances For Day Range From One to Three Points CMTHckL ItlS, *»" T " rk r*wuMi*r NEW YORK; Juno 5 T‘'< 1 » r ror t ■Ad sctlxre market which devcl i 1 OB the stock eschange todm wa not tn ttself surprising Circum Stances have, on the whole, been Shaping ”17 definitely In the dlrcc Hob of that reviving financial r n •donee which a stoct maise*. ra fcocta. Today three or joir s’,+ r ■ Be reasons for the vlgornns r~c every Jr ere In vogue on Wall street. Count Yon BernsforfiTa efforts to pat the American point of view be fore hta governmeat mean? tha’ there would he nd war Even if fitptpmarir relations ahonld he s< bred thia eotintrys economic po tion waa impregnable. The at'*o Inte plethoric condtiion* on The money market aoggesteil that t* bnala for atork evehane* revva: arms tn hand Finally, and m r> particularly, the Steel trade wh • Movement. aa a rule. foreshadow that pf other Industries, riread' bo the road towards prosperous activity. Openine at an advance of a 4 'o • I-l potnt. the stock tr.arker a* or ~ - gdv.'need, with decidedly increase buatne**. By noon a further r.d ▼enee of I*2 to 1 point had be then activity slacke*- •nly to be aggressively resumed again In the two last hours Ad ranee* for the day. In actlTe stock* ranted from 1 to .1 points, with ar. exceptional gam of 4 points in Steel teams on Op«n. H'ch Cl ‘ Alaska Oold . . 3Si, 3- Amal *74 :o>, * ■ „ Ani a«t! \ Am. rtn 3'.\ \ Am Car A Kdy 33 4 5 , Am. A|ee| f< ly». 3 4 81 » Am. Cot CMt... 47*4 4* <■> Am. Hid* *| L 3\ 5H », no. prof : •. *94 3:4 :. . Am L<v-n |71 t {% \ t i Am AAR.. IK, 7is Am. Boot »oi .. 47 4 45 4 « • 1 Am. T. A T . IS* 171», l?l 4 Am Tohnor** :..**» SC* AA Woolen .. 3? 3*4 4 no. prof . . . *4 M A«ar«*nd., : . .: S3 4 33 4 imma Kx ... 53 .jin?. .:•• «* Raid. 1x»r0..... 454 s»'« Balt. A Oh*o.. :z\ 7 4 7 * Bath Htool .147 1«74 !»'. Butt* A Sup . 73 IT 4 T* ■Urn R T.... J9*i *»N M bl Rotro ;.. ISH ITS I'S Dill. Pacific 1334 IS’ !5<S Cant. L»*thfr . 37 t| CM» A 0hi0... i<>4 4 1 «' BW, Bt W;:. . 11'» 11 ‘4 7 I’* JWi prof • ..3*4 7»4 tIH. IK ff . 11l 13«4 1 Ci M. A 8t P . *1 Rnrthle Steel. *O4 31 •>, Chino Copper ; 4«S 49 N »* . fcof. Purl .3*4 *l*4 Con Oas ;. ..ljf t?* Cnrn Prod. fief. U 1 H 'v f**l. A Hut 144 144 t o |M»ttMer* See. 14«4 17 4 nil. fnit* 1 ... «n 9! ■tU **N *7U ST 4 B*n Kleetrte . i«« 144 o Bad. ilot.o’a .. ill <494 t !< . Dft prf . . M *'- P r. Oddrlt-h. . 4IN "S Ot. Nor prof .11*4 11* Os. Nor. Ore.. <1 *4 4 ’1 •. Oniraenhelm F>. <l4 *« Inaplrotton ('op ** Tl 4 * ; fat Mot 4 ho prof ;.. Jf S 734 fat. Harr. .. .; 1 it lUn <’Hr ?f>S t«s 3-* fahl«l> Yal His Ml I 1 Mir writ 4*4 (3 4 ’ Do. t«t ~ref M% *7H **', f*o »rt Dr*f M *•'» g»»4a A No«h It' I2*» I’’ , 0* Pet *« 4 \ l»ml C'T 1 5*4 4«nt Powr-r (<ji t ; f..Mi*. * mim ui n r v 1•* t* a u • r*» ~ 110. K A. Tor Ijs 1« ' . Pa. pnf. .... la Cat. fo*.( » ... «?»| 'l4 • t. C*r (•*•»)'*. .Mir 1« Cor A W*-t ..19’ j Cor PoHfto ..5 4.", i*r \ |« Cow Moron , 1 *»4 f’ii «' C T. 4 onl *} « f T tail A TV )«4 ;«4 tannaV. l‘»T •foploa Oa* . l"«\ L r*l». Cn J ~ « M tv». nrof ~ ■ fti J*r.*»nl Hm Cor 4* I*4 «*'; Pullmon 1.. ... Itl Bar Con MS ?4\ hr. At. nprln* *»>4 Mr T A A ~ 1 J* po. prof 1, ■“ 4 ■ CoadiP* IMS I*<4 1 ;*■ Inrk falanri •«. K l 1-', tmnler ... I 1 &nrr It- O'turh IV4 17“ -V. , •a* Ahas t •n. rrrin.- <■« t lo nr t*S ’<l4 V ItodoV akrr .. . . Ml* fi 4 t ■ rio. r*r*f ... 19* »T II A. Kroaro lit t? 1 fin prof ..... 11 Tarn Copnrr ti Carlnc .. 1•% 11N tThlo 1 Av# ~ . f-T '• ’l* * \ (A or*, rttl . , t"T 1"« t « IVlan CrrlAo .f*N I**", l ' S a rtu'.hor... nu f « r TV. taf prof IfAN 197 S ’ S I? A moo' ,f*V4 p. pr< f. ... . t <»? ' ■ <*. 1 V A Atool U..iam lal ’. !• C**o|i Cuppo* ... *"4 ' • '■> ••4- r.-itW, r IOS 114 41'. r* Snah 4 4 Tv-» po*f .... 4 s 4Pa«*»r#Hti«a*,, MU *(\ V *f'a (Vt ..... •'JS 14', \tA*oa» Md .... ?4\ 71*. **«■ 9P#»t Cnton *’N «'4 JAW’wprth J4tv % i.t», ion. UfMtyvrtmrrd H*V ■ W*il« Pars* .... 44 54 FINANCIAL AND MARKET NEWS WHEAT ON DECLINE Market Sharply I-ower On Weak Cables I CHICAGO June 3. Wheat »i« sharjdy lower on weak cable* earlv I todio. but quickly recovered on a J Alront buying tnorement that deveb j oped on the d• J Price* a: the Mart , showed overnight receaaiona of l 3-S an*l 1-* l'n the recovery pr >■ <* at on>. t:nn advauced 7 S to I*2 above opening. • ’orn vs? down 3 $ below Tester day * close a: t lay s opening I.ater « attered selling caused further «hg:t decl'.no in J .!y while Septim ■« r remained »tea. iy «.>a?B followed the ’rend In other grain*, being down at opening ar.d later et- idymg somewhat, i f»n red', e i r*ce:pts provision* w.-re higher at till* vs opening 1 l>'er wh n.• naiderable buying and - there were slight reces sions from the opening. 'V 1 • 'iiy • Septem ber. « Com July it w n V Mapleni‘-r d-« r, v, 'tet*. July, u j ', . s- :>t-t- rr tl ■* r. S * •' • VV - • 1 p J Sey tem t• r ' \ r« iowr. « S. !t- • r—r U '» J V ■; V, r. l » Pr • .ha Higher r>‘ * V. a* +r \ Cos report The fO : w r. ; •I! >r. * , Hi(‘i Lew Clom W^wat— j .i>. t ♦ ■ t :*4 «f '»i» s. . TIN 15, I 1J » *1 I ■ O'.rn— J .!:• *i ’* T 4 'i% bTt l » ' > fl*i 7 S \ * ’ * '-i 1 *;»t»— r ' \ +»\ J*»pt ♦- « *'• » *: i u.’h P rk— J \t'\ i« ii; t « !; i * ‘ * : | 12 j* ;; S' <: 1? *t hr rd T. • -J :■ Vrt Sr; > »n Sapt •) ii 12 j j 7 JO IJ R!Va— JnSy T-v " J • *•> O ' f • at-' *0 sap:. . Jt> «> • • J. *J »1j a-> Grains anci Provisions D Pie foe ♦ •. • - A Ice hsiyar* t. • y a-v f-cTtipt in a»J- J-. «tira th- 1 ' «* " a, tn maat any i»- i1 : ’ .r Iv. jr. propMiri l.<y the J7f r wj< (Ne Hf 1 ' fa • • • ? th> a «-*? mvrka: and to ’ Ilf -a Aa • ad'lad t! a v'■ • « ti->»» awr-jai ai«.f«r- *: a in *hv n*vr»«- vt-in «f ■ aiua* Th» 'nly d*-m*nd wiia rrc*m - ~*•« who . ra wiutnir to * - t-|.l aid f* e»a ** .ally »"!•! lalf rt n *h i t toe I had no *■. in •i, powrei Profe#- *i<inAT» w-*‘r<* «a.i:irtr and *•> vtr* .t-viSer* «t • f*al « • > «l ■ r-p Tna » p, - , ter -Tha t <'•»*«. -r a • ■ ! f > hi .» a l.»rs<* - ,p y • f r«!d wiant »tiil r h.n an 'hfv anxioua t« a*t r 1 • it ' ' r -.*• f-.r the r.v» T> f spi* •• ’ » r.?er p*’>>m»«e !« !,• » a 1 * ,IT v K f'-r ■r'T'* wt av* in >.« tfc i* >a< e.f tia until an V* n'ltr ir.'! tra «;ri’ < wheat nut k-»» w-r« ».i P— x a laj.jna p’. »<r n > :p.a ur * i ah : r r,< *l*n t. tr r>i) ar-I Minn-apulu ad vi -A Th* *tr jther ’'st f*at ,ra • t r •‘iyrt lj'.>ir*r >ipipaar* t« be antiralv lan k r s "K an (1 - avp'.rta tu»» • ‘ »»n «rr.w!* f-.r -• .-rtl !i' « vrhiTa pnm.irv r«- - 1 ■ a * ri l n»»«:r j Tb * . »p. «• . * -».*•«•>' -r • ament M.STera ar*- * c aparfr.gty "' ' re port little ic.prove*?!ant !n demand lor four When? ra- iverf ! » '*-r v le.-.'.r.aof a ■ar * A* ! *a r -l T W .-«• 1c as-- a vSTaClead* •,••<•'»# »• ; • lither ilea a w»r» ri<-i vi i» ! c r 1* : * a.j »r » rye 1" H- •».*•- * *Sa f atr !t mirket Th • r** ;* * 7 f f f r I , r ■ f ► ■*••*.» . a*«. •* '*■ - *n ’ -' * t tt" 11- ir • a-n'.a w ar* * - • - « f wheat *4 w > v - ; * " ’* of 4'* ; *• i A trity ■ r.d : 2.4’' b j of rya Kira'S* cf wi-ea* U: | a r fv i ra il* V S’* I b'J I'rln .1 r W v a * ra•a Ip * * *»- a* a *7 J - rp.r, . |. y i *■•?»' c na , a ft*., r r>t« of w**k! Tr. jrarlav T"i !’-*h J» '• mil**' If > *r ,/ V . c V --'*• I' * - i* i ar-i 44 1 ap« ir■'Sr *' 42 V*' l .A'* , ,•»* -« Vo ? rad I * : i J \:'. pc i <-.* a r h a .Ira * u. ■ t • - !< ' * a ' a • a «a- *■ a r at 11 IV d*- i ■* * | • •4 kw ar. s *<l • *.( V » • Ita t‘ I? **oar‘» f*v*i i ■**»' r»• ' ">rn Vo I. '»'* Vo * >*!|nr t ear* at “* k ■ " v 4 Tallow I•• *»aa*ir<4 r ’ * ' r.v... i *»; «r *;v.> « ' wh'i'*. ' Pv* C'««Vi V- * I'll U- :• - « »• a *"d r * a- * J . T.* • • I ’ • .*',,* • *■*..i pr r* * t f " * T r -cf * * » l ’• rr •• • v -!«a. |* T *r. t r pr' ff a 11 Ti*t ki»4* «.it vi\ un rHnvi«mM T d*.T> f * •/ ».a ' -TV*-—l* • C »: J-. ’ »l - % -a 'a «’ 17 v. r • : 4 » • i 7iS Mrpta— a- * *.* • * > *«h. 'H' ' i-. ** • '»:'*• '-'f •» - It V * I ’ 1 » a « < » ' , « » V ■ * r ,*h » * ‘ r • •* * * • III ' *• r Hr k ra-.-,. * r» "V • ,b rreamery I’lr-ra F*-#«*-. *r fed. ;s t« .. t.’t,. r.angaA \ I**l I 1, Vi llrlmil r.rmj.n»T < * . t . r* . fi>. B w 1 19 . - !*.. - te) • !•* T !f rnv-frr Jr . * . II - • . , r :: - , Mg’, f. V* a 1? 4 ’ • f 11 ka<» !,- Kr M. I t -. > J M .rear .Tr 4 ra lx- n*<rd lU* i i*. |y r ' la H l»r 1: • M 11 h * r* K n«r • ' ■ u •». ■ »r<. TANARUS« if « 1 1 ’ T • ’vr Kr r. 04 • - file hi Aipr-na 113 a ri (' w-1 a Hit I.l' FC * I‘Vay. ?(. If and *f > 1; ».-i |i if, n a »: r Tth- '• « \\ .:*> i Sot ...» If .n |i) So % f the % TK». P AI f LT PTK M l I \f t V# Kp latmian •• «. eat i-'ri! Ai« *ia Tll'rni « " H «.f lan. *r 1 < • .» Mir-.KI A 1 |i>wt M' ‘1 'l M jail » I -rt r.tu • mi •• "*'r . .iom rlpnaa. Ni« >vt 4 11 . Tx.pu« N..r‘l Uikc r,,,.) T W ir. T"jr » 1 "• 0. I|»aijr 1*• t■ 1 •. » »..‘n. Tt-aMlrj 2 t ti ' l.r i II i !.*•* • J 10 Man. >i 7 Pontiac. Kart I; dramnior • ia "Clrcat nngcr, that ” ’ ’Very accoii)|jii»h«-d, | und*T fa*and ** j “Yea; she b»« a rcpiTtoir*' of it U'leraa and :*<m ( go*n»."~-1-oulaVlilc Courier Journal. Produce Market Ha eipt* cf r-*’. 'Try " *< fa'* llhc-al on ar.J while her . w *rr cteanlna o: av aiwadv pr e* I <» c*!Tcrirj» of bf.'ilrra a*c <a»*- . * rival* «-f r*"* "a: e un **.<» . 4 ‘ r* «a TS er e wor »• v f• ; r ** « • f •trawherrie* i. and K , •*« *f * m *t 'y fr.• t. the n«i .-t ’ '-"'■cl rri'e*. the mirk*: r <t rtn ' till * >-:ilh.r A- . • ■ c f". * h .r Irad \* « rr - • * * ; r ee. hut Un»a,-d w. ».> . I *• * ier lr * toainw * 1* 4 * J f:** •m. |.(f*4o fSfre! » re-L *175 04 M l t>. x ai-r'***. *’• s°**l ■'* Hihim Ocoo er. i pin; atoefc. I .'’.if? -e* hunch. Peas* -CVIeC Uin»» pee lb I lliktir-Nt* I 2 •) per crat* » elee* Vineid*. • 'e t Warrla* * i *■ "» ♦ i r 4 llilllli>nrr I I srr*a W* ,<«.>*>» I-*' a* 14 *S|. #*r I***. I4jii Nr* » rk, tew '*> 1 ’ 4 V- ' - ' m-•»';<* ?» «i I' .rl'. lFnp.>*te<l 2»*y -. 1 J.g hi-. 14 da *.«•• U: par I h CaillemU rrwita rverr ea II P’B t 7i per boa. I>r*-**ad « alia* K.lf , i • it 1 l j r i . Kreall V r**« t ' ra<{i«h«-M. J-’ -i .-c ii** e < rTv p«*r lb xpiua .ij * 04. **r >a* ; *r».»v t*r *- « : •*’ t-i * I: ■ **r Floruia *. i' e.* 1. I•: 7%*ket rr.'.o i>pi - - ’ * ' ft 15* pel t-.>\ w* \ f. •■ - s'. 75 p«-r - ll I Braf* Frail f 4 er Haway fc«r. if an:te. rt» !4f*lSc; *s 'ar lJ IJ- .b . -x’rated. 7<? ' ' t» 14 xy TV fott *h .p,ar» *rs pav’rj *he r-Ulr'» Hi pto'- k f. .* ’ *ic«l nay In i-ar Mv f o t tv** r. ,! N * 1 timo’.h* M 0 11 . •: * * sl"<y 17 ») S' , t t re tfty *.»i. I* i.i 1 mtaci 4 . I «014i9 rve *traw. $Ti.» 0 » iff..: iii t>*t at aw. t O’- i p i«i, Hl4c v : y.* n '*■ Vo 1 sr-- ♦*. I N « isc V : s-e-r i . * 11 Ni cur..! .o! kp. J 7.■ N 1 gr-r f v-.%! k p ' * S. I ■ v.r- r ri » N 1 .* c r i.- . \ ' : • and c.i • : s l t * c t :7: S' 1 h >ree h de« |t .* N : h 1».« *2 ' - S 1 { * w **.7 N u: •* i« -s . 2 * •" v I kip and « ' 7 - f* ; i\ u aa to t w •;. 1 4J I1 i J Pe*«* -i t.t.j'nia i-arJ.T* per Doa Naalr x««ae New r :*# *xr «.v> !a 15*-’ '• ;-er lF »iruii II > 1 ’’ er ik. Hf|..». > *e i in.a* * e*l2S t *r bo* RUfkf'MIMI . ' -i- * .er 'h Hriairt <'a..t r: • N«v.-1» |" 25® * * 5 jr- *.- x. uwi»w* -*». j.f Bar- ■« yellow. I • i•. -a i • -r IM nan pole* 1' "Cf Hofat nee * »ack* 4*t 42 per hu r> » Fi r 'la*. IT •’ n- $- l’-.»l|F» Bj * •-» c. ’ok*. i r re: 7: 3 c: **•*.-* i)c. turkey*. Il>. «trnit kerrie* r' »- % ''■ .1 7* par ■ .v.*tf, ‘ :.*h* I i Tallew —Sfx J. So 2. 4•* *. jnnniMi I'HliKß rmif.l . -- 12.25 V * ga: L,.4iu w»n.i. .lb. Ty Lia jl ■ l . Maine, till rj<* ta. IMitl. 4 ' s‘« - • 1 . > • ir. jr J ,n» $1 - »r . J. i .. -j *>• 9aliuon Bj Ji»v» t.t 12 21. '*ut 1. I » i . ilaaki pir.ja ll T-. <: •- »:.l 2«larr-jw fat 11. e»riy i tuv |. Pi. l*>l eur.y J ;tic I; i- per <j -a Kre * -J C'.l!.(k p . •«> IB J^C-lb aa- aa nr*:; »-’v it ■ r,.J*tl u. Jdlir.*a. 4- n ... IB,*, 4-»-. .a ae't coin |4l. '.rr. *a* a; coop, 112 a too. i loo• . „r F -< kill til •an patent. |7 . *e r r,<l patent. 17 JO atraijh*. t c. pure rya, I<l 70. » v r.i,a p4*4«R(. •' »- p«t L , ,u paper a .cur Utrl'uir Nj s. II • :*«« an ii*» « J wire. I. - J an,l,e. 'Awluted bar ,ad wur*. 2 /.i.,t. f. . :t.«*0,4«4 • .- tl 24 t, ,Up*. |4 2» « -*• l > ll; 17 jaawc |J Jj 2* a* ,#*. t. 41, J* §* .4* |. 72 aio*,* Pit or jc »a<i »,•*. 14 per J,* , a iutn * re 22 ..1 24 •«-* - l-'Ji -* au iac I- ’O. 27 ja ;fr. y. 45. it |tr,i. •. *j emt r>a*« bote »nai i«c and a per t,eti. vd li*t. 10. *e 7'«. .» ai<-i I off mi r, too 14* wl 1 nil • p»r cant ff u t u > i • ufT *1 at lletrwtt 4MI K v T'«»-;r<i Sin*»r-! at. in arr.-1 Ks ro#enr fan k• « an r • r 1 to *r - re;* 1> a •! :.« idl .h* » 7 p« r- I (U'.iiia. l‘i*» pc.- ~ —>» »* ... a fam ily. I. -l 42 . •>r k*. I’ •to 23. , ■ moiteil t.ama. 14 a 1 ;, i-ri-'ir *. 15 »i| . . .»-r.«. ; 2c. picnic hama IJ&12 ban 1 *1 • .ar J In tiercee. ,‘>'j . atvt.* rmuered. .;1 it. i*iin • -rre. •ed F.'l*,r ■* - - * *'r > rta • * 4- , t ♦ • Ml I XXXX i",» !»r*T I *tar.'lar-1 * - . 1 gr - - extra ar*e. I* < fin .ia:<*d • r,e :n rKk •* grar.-ilat- i • r»t --t /C». In ’>' rve* • <’■•:: n- i< 1- 7- 1:- a r 1 '-In *r ’ ■ • 1 n > ■ • I- • 0 crystal d--rntno 1<:»• II 4, <ai«e*. 1 >0 IK. • A. I 7 • e*« A I* 4'. V 1 I 4-> .S I No * I’ t" N 7 I- J .* - I, .: No. ». |« 12 N.» I N it.! 14 o*. N-> 12 1 s : » n ;«. I 1 r* I' toeet gra j 19<> J * . hojae .oi'l [•.,»■; ' *. 24 tn t ) iff rase Hi TTF.H 4Mi Better r*i ra 2 •-• . ".-a*a. 2*' da ry. 2; p* at /k. lie per lb. !'.((• r* r '» -i : l il pl. frw- ; 4 pat ..* i'■ eipta. l.:<2> a*ea. vi « vohix r*«<»r>i 4 r.. ni-;w j.> ; rtour r»jti an* Ir. o- 1 1 > ■». fi « ii . ' ’■ t I -I,' pi ' wc»: »p«t. t • i ■j* ii: ti, , ;i* • ■ cn tr fuy <• •*. •• - $4 mu*- evade. «-• t#Mt, t 4 ' « *..ft: F ' UF »- •f2 e ■: Jt w-as, I F .F1 %• , ad. Fed. |4. 40, cranulai «• N . * OF. -4 *’ 7 '« a t -w- City, 4 -il ' - ‘ ■ ' r 4 f'l Ii Hi.) E -r- i»r m* I: :*' a \ . i'; V-. : 4 ■' - Ii r. - .e.l :••* .. . * * t . „.■ > - ,4 21c. r Kn .2 - * T 1 • • * and u k * 11 •! L:v» ; - .I* r >■ Tn - **! * e-1 *.' * 1 i k J! 4| 2-0 , '*■».* ' . * 2 ■ . r • ,* * - e 1 * • 1 i", *. -■*- > »ra. .4 u 24c. t• u t> *t ,- - - -if -iFon , * < or* on • o ape■ .lia 4J: 4r ——♦ - t IIK 4M) Ml 1I I It W % lIK ET. > Hi- s<» i ii r y. rm, 4 j r-; * . • extra*. ordinary, l< 1 * ; 7 hiata. lie. TANARUS» r.. ; and 1 . * >'fU!lM Af . if .* I. ' r poultry I■. wla . -■ 4. a-e •S» • .n. 22 - !• . t urn- >». 11c Jy-a*«.F.a M ‘..lf, a ' i l, I j 111 »• -1 ;*> < 1 ■ ••■«.> • • •• • >j *-■ . ■ f ;.|F, in. Klui i-l.t 11 5- ,J •, per MU 4 f til h Ml II M \MI I M.«. N K’V V'iljtK Jurt. 7 11-j'ef I ’'ri. f’ee |. • • ,| 7 f,.. ,« it. *• a* •> : t r to- . ! . * ’ 1 : f .1 * -F,n F , r»irr.e'> -If.* . 2. » 1.-u* Ir r< a dl*’ f 'if.:* -24 vmi w hklo fan'> 31 to 22' »e • y f- ».<4 f.irx y. J-S -/22 fre-h fir-t* 2'<Hi3!c N. Y. Cotton exchange O’l'.t;. on -by I >•' ’ * A f 'o , .Tune 1 Hid ,\»k Noon Jar tiory I<< A 11 »7 I*■ 1 j Mart n 1 1" l 1-v .71 May . in r.n i *i |a SI July • 14 9 4* •• 4‘* O mter . » 7 * *7l ' * 1/*. ember II DJ 1994 l" ll DETROIT TIMES $ Your Money $ Lending and Sailin'! in South Vincrica BY JOHN M OSKISON » t. otij Argentine loan tthl* jj; uvi 1, , ) ww* offered l > \ ", jn lnvoator* on the morn n»; la written Treasury a >.d «’ .1* 1;e in five veara from \la> ] puvimt r"> per cent, are offered b> 1 »::di ate oft» nos the oiggcat ..nk* in the country at “99 and lu • s» rt at “ Buyer* of the** abort term bond* •w ill recftve * re rn of about »i j per cent on the r tnveatment—lf japplv in time Here » a concrete Illustration of >v 1 at flnanna aid 'rad* evp*rt« tve been «a' nf con ernlng our n,'« ■» of ' u Id'nj a profitable ■tr a h Sou:. 4 ', Vmerlcw. K.i-’ the expert* i»v. you mi«S ;■ r. I S•• A ■.♦ ri i the money mph >.;v t’e thing* you have to i’l t er vrvi mujt grant to South \r. • r in pur' haaera long credit* - 1 - fel mere’ant* six months to ; *1 in-tead of rbrrtv days. ’ 1 a re eni talk, the president of ,• ’ ii.’ee'. tr:*t «a'd: ■ V the ej’.nnlng of the Kum p- an air more • 4 >»n five billion dot .4-- f Brush »pital had bee n in v **tn lai’ n America. Invest , ments of French ' apitftl were varl Detroit Stock Ex. TS*. «e ’.i* aubje -t to com . mi*F‘: r\ . Vi-ilvc Mark*. Bid Asked \ U ,- e ’. < ’otor -’* I' i" fef e' r c.t 1 i ti 2* 4 A1 - m I. a T. C- 1 . Jl» J;i I* » [ rrferrc-t . . . 194 11<» \? • -r, . I * : . 1 ft . - ' 32 f> prc'-'FreJ . . *1 <ii V r:. cr 1 Tc, .v Tel 1!> J2l H'-.r- rf'-f 4id Mil 2 l Chn '?icr« M :>r Cos .SI ll terri C ' »* Service Cos .... St 5 4 l« re', rrr-l .>* Ri P At. 4'** 51 H ... -, r , f. -r-d '* »i 1 M f-r •*» 175 1* !>. pee'er-'d '* W . t -f v- ■ * N't' Cos ** l * io<; ,|f I'retmery Cos 21 t*’* • •' * K I- r < ’ ■ 11 J b 17 lte' Ir,m tk yfee! <"o. *ii pref.rre.’ I 1 ’ S 11 4* ’ •:r i Vi!-. • g Kit Cb V-, <; -er ,1 M,” -r* <*f . . 13* li' *A. . .-F>|»'f / 1 . *< T s Ka- 1-S L i, i»vr Cos 4 Mti tog 1 v 115 fl ' K . 15 . x preferred I®7 103’? 51 a 1 well M tor • 4»v* fv». ;•• preferred xa *» P-- Id prefer-ed M-x -an Crude Rubber. 5 M - • • Ta Ml ir.” S'i*»r r<> ... D p*eferr*d. 7? M If. T »•*■- Xr • . t Theater . 7'3 • M -re* U Surar «'0... IS Po . preferred . . Ne* mal Clroc*r C' *1 *2 I'»o, preferred 92H 34 4* Pa-lfl •».** Ar Klee. 4". 41 T *»>. oreferr»*l '1 - * Pa kard Motor Cos .... 19J I>4 IV p»..feere.| 4 l 4 .... Parke, Pavia Sc Cos .. 121 .... R. M tor Car I'o ... S \ T. - - Mos ■ r Tr ; to <' ’ • F:-r.ubtlc Rv A L. Cos. 1? Vi po. preferred <J SS ■cottati-Dillon Cos *7 <OS «■ at her n <’»i Pd is in.. * 2 r-*t :!e ,ker Corp fS * <4 '. ! js refer-«.,1 3d Towar • l 'rf»m*rjr Cos 23 S5 4 * Tr’.«*ed Concrete cte«l .... r*o . r refer-ed XTh Bt*r Line 51 S3 XV • er ne Porilxr.d i'o .4* x Hank* ami Trust 4 mmeaalee. B’d A «ked American Sfate. »*» ref t-al -avinir* 225 Detroit l=ar<n|* ; ■ • 1,5 f > n.> 4«! ir.** !74 Federal Htate l? fl rtr»- -* Old Det Natl. 115 (ierman-American .... I*3 2*4 »t «►,;*- and park <f»e v ‘ M-rehant* Nation*'.... IJS 14 1 ) Na‘ Hank of Commfrr* 2>'» T'enlnr-ilar .atate 2'»> People* «tf*te . . 7*9 l'p|F#>d Savings Bank . ll* ... xx wyn* County Mom*.. 34* l«5 »e/ .r‘fy Tr .** t’O 230 t'f-tofi Terjst Cos .... .... 112 tier -Amer I. 4 T r i, l*o The fr.Hnwlnsr firms are prl' lleged • o e\». it* <-.rder* on ’he ex, hanje '■ar.vl* & Povah, XX" A Harri - .♦ ('■ ft XV Noble 4r Cos. XV E >| * ts j k M Thomaon 'l *• **.. XX' K Reilly A <’ O#o M XX*eat A iv, Emmet I. 'tirur c ' -i« r- Merrill A Cos .• A XX' Wallace ♦ c*o XX'U’lxtr. ft Rm* A Cos. xv-r A Veee Ar I . XX' B Mcta*'l»h! n r K F'elton. Detroit Tlmeu 4«k f'fielteg Maln 47.3A. THE EUROPEAN CONFLICT AS SEEN FROM DAY TO DAY B/ J. W. T. MASON. 1 W rlttoa for tb# I alio* PrfM.l NEW YORK. Juno J.~ Tf,>- rap t ,r». of 2< fc 000 Ruariar.a .a-it month .n tho ao'ith*Aat*rn an-a f»f tios .a th** moat atup*-r.df’l- rinuin victory of thn »ar aa tar mflif'M] on th»* on<‘m/ «r« (on forr.ffj A' th»* wimc t.m*' • on aoquonfna of thi« la'ftst. Aua'ro-<lor man* rannot b** f*orr.,<a •<1 ’*|th tho rcaults of Von H’.ndnnnnru'a •Jra' victory ovor tha Ruartana in Kart f’rua'i*. Von Hindon'oorj n«ta *;i-hod a dcftrito ovor 'ho Slava I ,»* Tannonbors. and fhua v- >0 »o tno !Orman froopa an Inval ialila moralo a' a tinio whon tho mill'ar a llity of »ho R’taalana *iv h»*.nr ffMintod very hi*h. Altbo'i«h far » * ai»- tn r 'a w« ro mad»* hy Von Hi .J* -: than ar«- non to tho crodit <f 'ion Von Mirk'iiMn and tho command or cooperating nlth ,r ero ta no danger of Von Hlndonher? a r< pu ,’afion »uff«rina hv compart*, 11 Sir ?e,tion* havo made r/ thia charactor do not mn*lde r ,v, af hia •ory alwaya *oar r hoa for »ho pion*er and tho mt»la'or and p*ya f hiof hon or* to Mm I Von Hindonherg rorr)'ln« 'ho pio noor. It »»" ho mho ftra* ahowid ' how the ,Rtj**;an* could ho honion (and It M" h»* «ho inspired «. 'many j With complete confidence Ifi •he »o jfijrlty of her oartern fror* Tho | \u*»ro-fierm»na now op* ra*i.n In |t;a!|rta artd Ao’ith Poland, so- *hoir I part aro uolog method* employed ,.vi i fnmi |4<Hl,oo'.di>ol u 51.. and tiortuan In-i vo, m- ti’ - ,4' eotr. n hat l«‘*s. British >•> m* ui* arte esti •iiutrd t»» ' '1 au averngi' annual •»t i • .« r per cent or SJ?»*>.- t i r* t'.u. two third* of thr vjp, if > ’ l Kingdom» y»*ar- D iiupor- A l.c.n American prisl u ts .0 the laUi Amerl n.c .r •.: ; '. o’* impoitnl for i *, »s ii ’rv of the I'rltish iv -e 'c-'iv paid for b> tarn : »-f ( I• 1 . and invea’ol in *<*- , f n American govern* pent* a-d * c 'hare* of enter- I ’ K»'* n t t * Fivintrlea. such as niilpvi * - • * 4 >:i» lines, plant a ! lin: , i- ivifacturtn* Indus • r >*.. r ’ I, :■ 1 is. vtc • xi. r- \ • ’ British Invest • * *. p: fcr» ncr for British f> p.«>r - » » tilroad financed In :t; r i 1 • • v .»* t -uaily *• i tippe t a • h Id ’ - ’• -tierials. and the Di!*•*’. v * r,l '•.line* were tt • rated w.ih Br ’ s 4 ' *•■ 1 rn“ry. etc" We -ire .i p: ng the conditions, apparertlx 7 • ’b« preseut lean i* h,, **'. r> | • e offered here slm e t v f i • 'e war tn Eirope Li\ esiocK tell IIH. 4 \ i I HUB *TIM K > 1111 l ‘ i .1 une ’■ l *f > fed , r • ,t 1 - t * V\ low er • »,,f- , n-niun ~w« ml 4 ...» a •■' lower ItliM r*F,_. I•«- I' *teer«, . I,' 1.1 *’rt p - -m<|a. i• |. e bar«d\ k ilera i t • * ••,.! ,t her* . r* 11 sa 2» *»m l. fl I iM » « ’ ,7 . CAB '« , i , , , - rr n t-» prime - : f 4 ' •' •: ’> |I|M t h • - »*.t If.; •*. J 2 and ~M»r at 13.79 if >SO per Vi t -• . . ,r m! * !*uU an-t *!->w , i • e .■dipped • fair. I • I . . •■■IT lit- * beep, 11.' - ’ Iff ewt -11 it v ...-It sleadv w ith a . f <.r prm.,' n- ■ n- ■ r \ r . *. I* * i7 *' - I" » '7*o '' . • Attlr. ■ alve*. 9X5 i \* r m kv ii ii i ix »; i n>i k. Pnn ti4>« A teflraa. : » - |r s'Aid V N > Jure X C . ■ t ■ ir* market is j... w (I . Rec eipt.*, j 7 .»r • market a.,i i 7 v >rk*r* and -r -opts - >r*i market »t ’. ,•• I1 i 2 vs ar 1 1 n>: *. 5■ r* *7 '2' •-v »•/ tl *' 21. C:i'.vf, *< :••• » t .to: \KI VMI I IX •' *I 1M K. I - Re- •■{ 1 *■' v Xfke - t irlir I —e Tl *r> 1 i *f *. * ” roughs. *• t H 7 ' « ‘*ttle. FU f ipt ' .ar- at-.idy 'beep and i limb* K* pi - i.c - *»e '•••/>* t‘ # - » ' *> ip-* D«. nrm t"p, i DETROIT'S BIG PRINTING PLANT , The Richmond .v Hack us company ■a* i)< io • n adding • pupment to 'its alte id) e\ten»ivt* plant until at I th« present t me th- companv is ad* ! rerit ini; Itself a 'he largest print ng plant bi 'ween New ork and i Chicago. Not only <io*» the Richmond & j Backus company operate ex'enalve 1 ly in the printing line, tm* :t deal* in nearly everythin;; • eceasary to the entilfinenf of th» 1 i.slnesa world J lor moilern method*. As an tn s’ance of ri,»- v> r*/t Uity of the com pany •» * re -; »■ • ro office equip nrent it m-iy be stated th*" the Time* er, r- new o r e outfit, for I l»o»h editorial and business office, ioa’alled when the Tim* * moved into its new quarters was furnished by : the K 4 rr.or 1 & Backus company. arH'n*** the FI-;* n* ty Von Min denberg Von Hindeno* g. too had 'o fight a:, a n.) n»u< h be-tter aup plied vi.tb an nriniMon than ar*» the | Ruwian* in »he south atern ar*>a,, *o that he had 'o <. err-onm a great ••r pow*r of lestatane* Tru«.*> r^a•' e>na explain wh. Vnn If nfJ»*n /*• n Ka«t Prussian miwi«» arouae# fm rr.r»r«- rr.'Ptary and popular ‘nthn «‘a«m »h..n the pr» «n? Au.vr mm vW»r»rl*n *le •», ?ho o;enuinnti in ?he 8 n r!i*t r br and a..out Pntemyrl ar‘- of iin <> .in * serond only, •«j the fre* »n„ of K"!h* Prussia from h»> Slava. WMh th<* fall of T'rir mv -l and if 1 emh'Yg la retaken final op'raMona for drltlng th»* Itna • fan* out of Austrian territory will' h f wom' 1 pr»<*Mr>i !»• and the < arv» lou* '< »sos hurlin'? 'ho Slavs, i-rk ir »o tlio'r o" n f?rr tory at ev r»-y om'i'rn |*oin s os lontart will pro l nr.l) aceompllahed by the Teuton*. The reranoire of Prremy I alone i tal'< m Oahr|.i hr the Russian*, ff ts r s' Ia v h hire t.*«n aMe t< in trem-h *honi « in Hie terrain to ?he north o *h and east of the for ♦ res*. Pntomral'a lns« wilt have no .prion oor.«'qu#'n''»'«, union* th* Attn'ro di-rtn.nii nn occupy f.em horg a« w«II The evacuation of loth of fho-o defensive renter* ! would Indicate »ho heg'nnlng of the ord of *h*> Star holding In Gallrta, hut Prr'mv«|v recapture alone will not permit. thia Interpretation Demand tor Prime Steers Is Active; New Records Made In Sheep Trade BY H ll XAt K. The i pwgrd drift of prices, m the market U'vision dexoti-il to the sale •>f dry-Vi| cattle, continue* The Mai' it;. of *trtctl> high grade bul locks ' ccouie* ni4*re and more notlccab.* hs the season ad'au.e* and 4he present prtispect fv>r r« ciird prices m ihl* department, hefon the ind of the current month i» 4le i ldedl> gi-od The spre.t 1. betweetti he git's kind and go<*d corn cat tie, I* tapiJly widening and a.i the 1* is maturing in the aouthwest, a l resk in all of the grassy gradt a j will not t.ow be long deferred Feeder*, who still have dry-fed ~4\*tl4' on hand ahould not try t^ 1 1 ( lay the game tiki fine for f* ar of ! I out stuvH'g ihe market. The ile 1 marnl for prime heavv *ie* r* i n ore a li'e *han at auv preceding date sir-e the holldax season and price* *tc higher The demand for ~g b. lixHt is supporting the mar 7* t f>i ;-eef bro.l cow s, w hich are quoted ;-round $7 per cwt.. hut hII Ida \ io»i, quotable from It &0 to I". ,*.9, ,rc sh*rpl> lower and hard •o e.-ll j't the decltie. The demand I for Stockers and feeder*, in the far we«t, 1* growing stronger every da', | (.tr. ' hi Ve bunches harlrg hang »and han-.’i in Kansas and Ntobraska. for Jn to J* .10 per cw» The -plen d.d r(",vs‘. in the demand for fin ! Uheil bullock* ha* lent Interest and I erth*:•iasnr to the trade In ihe dis ’ trb’* wax h were so # ortun*te as to • -ic.\| e me serious ra'Jges of 'he foot and mouth dls-ssf* in the m*d i rile Xvest and er.*t. the memory of re rent experience*. In connection with this dreadful «■ ourire. Is stl'l i ioo ftcjh In the min i- of feeders lord the\ verv rat irnFy hesitate '> sere i id,nt up with cattle wt'h 1 whos' jast historv thev *-•» not 1 fl'nrou rn;v conversant T V| " big ’spring tu->h of veal calve- seems *o be about over and h’gher prices are ASKS INQUIRY INTO MAN’S DEATH On the request of Irxrir.g II f*al m* r, attorney of Uort’.and. N 3 Bri-fk King Attortte' Jasnow-ki .r lered the police, a we.-g ago, to inx <•«' rjt* the <1- sth of A! «rd i 1 illicit*!: whose body *a- found In a n-d .tl the rear of No B"i2 Bald win ax- , \prll I'. t »*: T’-.e coroner and pi*ij< i came to the cun< lu.-ton tl it English had k.lle<l bim**lf i rw If ti poo on | Baline;*. in a letter to Mr Jaw now ski. fa id h*- re* on t<* be : Sieve that English was th»* victim of foi l pla», because he wa- named a* a wltm sf in a ilivorce rase and .there n.-ir persons who might have bad reason f»r doing away I Hiti so lhat he could not testify. I The police reported back to the orofe.'u or, Th ir*da , th* ■ thev were Mill ronvin ed English died y hts ( « r hand. Vin'i Body Found in River. The body of Patrick t avan. a wid ower. k*> years old. who disappeared from his home. No 247 Third ave eight days ago. was found In the river at *he foot of Tent! ** . Thur* day afternoon. It Is thought thto he fell mto the water while fishing off the dock A mn, U'llltani. live* 'at No. .1.1 Forsythe ave Germany lead* all the o'her conn un -r of member* of the International Council of Women The Growth of This Bank The successful career of this institution is well reflected in it, stead' growth as indicated in the following figures showing its de|M>.sits .unco establishment: Juno Ist, 1907 Itogan business June Ist, 1910 $ 5.992,000 line Ist, 1913 10,753.000 „uno Ist, 1915 10,322,000 THE ===== National Rank of fommercg OF DETROIT Capital and Surplus, 51,500,000 OFFICERS Richard P Tov. President • Wm IV Hamilton. Vice President llenry H Sanger. Vie#-President and Cashier Charles It. Talbot, Vlre-Preald* nt Samuel R Kingston. Vice President Wrn. H. foiirtaine. Assistant Cashier C’haa. N Ma>» o«-k. A*at tant f’nsfilff Wm. J. llrownell, Auditor DIRECTORS FREDERICK M AI/JKR RfCIIARf) P TOY JAMKH COCZBNB JOSEPH MACK A R DKMORV EDWARD M MANCOI RT EDWIN DENRY KDWW H NKI.SnN JOHN F DODGE JOHN 8 NEWHKHRY RALPH M DYAR MI'RRAY W SALKS ANDRKW H GREEN, JR HENRY H HANGER WM P. HAMILTON MENJAMIN 8 WARREN CHARLES H HODGES CHARLES II WAKRU.N JAMKH IN'tiLLS o looked for In thi* departmeat be lor* long T!ie Forest 4'itv Kali association. North Randall, tv, na« announced that no «lov«»n m»t**»i anltniki will !>.* perruited to exhibit at the agrl ultmal fair to ■« held l*> thru a**«> elation, this ><«r. This action la t.ken because of the imminent dm irr of iiuothei outbreak of the foot <.ntt iiiinlf disease. It ia ballrvad *Ktat th* offl. i«la of many other ( rt l*s \% i*| follow the I* ad >f the North Randall or an'.aation and tiimmaie rattle. hoc*. sheep and Knata (ron. thetr hat of •ahtblta sot the iurrent >« ar The month just cnden mad*' a naw !il«h record In connection with the u t .story «! the hi eep bualne** tn ibU *ointr? During May, latnba roinmit a v*-.«r old and wethe a > «*tn it g i«o year* old. sold high,>r than \«aa « ver before known tn th** hi tor* of thi* roontn. A locil Arm 'h** D M b>riv Cos *f iH’trnlf. **old in ft'iffaio on Mo*.da May -4. a tir'.oad ts yoatllng wethera, reail) two years old for I'* per l '*t> !n| if*! | rlf •**’■ I*-* i*t for .i fill, load <*f animals of this as** These *h< • p. which were of i.e’.ini weight and ver* fat. were f,,| tit th« Avon ■**•**«! farm owned by *hc c'lmpani together with **'' , rnl <-a*W«d» of western lami a The , nflre was aold. minus the tV* e I "inglng a larger amount of nuney. j.tobaMv than wa« e*«*r b* f«..e readied for a like nutn f* Heavy ewe* are slip mg iw.ddl' a* a result of cotruvetltlon w so : icrn gra**> stock, and it la eery generally believed that the stunmi Os the bulge hat* been p.l'U'd 111 • ■ rrv department devoted to the Tend itig of mature aheap and lamb* and the meat Which they produce That there 1* a flattering outlook he for* •he entire sheep- breedtn c lndua*r> «an not be denied, however owing t*» th*> scarcity of foundation stuck on the farm* of the country. th* hith price for which all grade* of meat are selling and the «urren’ sensational demand for wool. The Chicago stock'aros !»*•’ been f]i.arsntlned against southern lam a because of the presence of foot an . mouth disease In that section of th*' tountry and It Is more than pr *> a »l< U>*! the *arl> movement of th* en**re early lamb crop may he sen OU !j hampered bv I nited Htate* (jtjarantine regulation* America- a«-*er* are tr*ng very hard. Jus* now *n piny both end* against she middle in the effort *r boost provision values while the. Surplua and Undivided Profit* over $ ,800,000 | \ An individual Executor or Administrator may be removed by death The service rendered by this Company as fiduciary i> ia not subject to termination by death. , si Its life is perpetual ! _ -jj , KII) AY , JINK 1 . refuse to giv* ilour •auction to a material r* ■• tn th* selling price of live h*>gw. This is the old familiar game that th* **• k*•ntleiu*n neatly t always play at this season of the year, but It will of tie-<•* lty be of .•hort it’iiMion thi» y* ir. Provision st*'* k* ««r** rapidly wasting a* a re sult *f i* record nronk'.iig demand for ■ n no ts. both ut hour*' and abroad. Shipments of bacon and fat li.icka have seldom been larger in May than they were din ng the month list ended The «\por* trail*- goes % st« adilv on in sp to of th** worst blockade ever known In the history' <»f international commerce laud la accumulating. It I* title, but a ces mn of hos' li' « which 1* liable ito com** i iwi) moment will cauao this p i* o* . *'■*»*•■ to melt away in • t:* ' w lnkh.’i ; of an eye. |,lve ho. -a t I- per rwt higher t m t ani'l:i th in >! v are on this -il*le of the i *r «Mi h Is in its*‘lf :t v »r' signihi <ti fit* t. Michigan p. , i;v. 1 • rue offering to I eon’ r:v t Htmcht h» ul* of tat rnedt tii* f«*: s•> > to t • ;,..ided any tino* fr< m \me !.'• to s* |> 1 the price t«* :1 ■• f o i • load i k -i.i'h n The eisht-d dlar h > tr'-mbling in the balaio . at f*vt-• *• 1 nc and the ad dltlon of mot het «1 • • t’. before fIM idv.nt nf r> c :il Sep .-mbei bulge »M |.| e the *»••*• i<!i ii Ol V*TV llttlrt rp: • • a* j'latnfed 1 with t ,*■ hu *« of the trade For mor* t*u. r two mouth* the Tim* 1 * ■ s en pr*<l't|Mg .» sub-tantial tj. t;i * *tif u Th K ' line and • p-. . out i a s. l * : « *w Indl le n i mpl* t** v tidb'ati**n of the t p.. do ■!. r ' nm bn COPPERS AND— MOTORS Specialized in and ’< Carried for Clients HORNE! LOWER & WEEKS MrniHpr« Nr w N«*rL. (M‘ 'fork J. J. HAYES, Manager, 201 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. Locai