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Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY. JUNE 4. 1915. JUD6EHALLY IS BITTER TO WOMAN Scores Mrs. Loretta Swaton Who Admits Race Suicide CALLS HER ACT WILLFUL KILLING (ourt Refuses Divorce; Husband's Bill Dis missed, Too Th# dlvores bill of Mr* lamt'a Fw'Kton. *n»l th# cross bill of her husband, Harry, wvr# dismissed. Thursday morning, by Judge Hally, after the court had bitterly de nounced Mr*. Seaton aa being gullt> of "willful killing." In preventing the birth of her child. If all th» charges made in the husband's < ro«* bill mere proven," aaid Judge Hally, “I mould not con alder them on#t#nth aa lm;>ortant In thla ( line aa the admleaton of the wife, that ahe thwarted nature In refuting to become n mother It la not an ordinary off ms# committed on the spur of the moment It la an act which requlrea mature consld ► ration, ruin, deliberation, the con nltrance of other*- coupled with a dealre to do willful killing" Mr* Smaton'a admlaalon that ahe had eubmltted to Illegal treattn *nt was made Wednesday Judge Hally at that time- declared he would not grant her a decree, The wlfe'a chief charge agalnat hT husband «as that he us#d vile language In her presence, when he lost at j oker She admitted that ahe '»at In” the game at tlmea "Profanity In g poker game. In It aelf does not ronafltute ground a for a dlvorr «ald Judge Hally "The testimony In thla caae shows that the profanity was the reault of con ditions to which both man and wife mere parties" Judge Hally called Mr and Mrs Swa’on into his private office after dismissing the caae, and advised them to aettl* their quarrel He said afterwards that he did not think there was a possibility of an Immediate reconi Illation PLAN TO EXTEND DEARBORN-AVE. IS AGAIN JSQUELCHED In denying tne second time Thurs day morning a petition presented by Charles Coulson and others for the opening of Dearborn ave , from West Jefferson ave to the River Rouge, the council committee on streets cuntured loe circulator* of the petition for misrepresenting facts regarding the cost per lot owner for making the Improvement A circular, printed In Hungarian, staled that the cost to property owners In the assessment district would not he more than |1 50 a lot "That statement la not true and no person has any right to make such a misrepresentation," said Aid Vernor The circular was signed culson A Cos." but Mr. Coulson denied all knowledge of the refer ence made to the probable cost. More than 300 residents and prop ertv owners In th» vicinity of West Jefferson and Dearborn aves , pro tested against the afreet opening, and most of them appeared In per son before the street opening com mlttee, REQUIEM MASS FOR MISS M’GARRY Following services In the home No 2KK Van Dvkeave . Friday morn ing, at 8 30 o'clock, requiem mass will he sung in St Charles' church at 9 o’clock, for Miss Kathleen Mr Harry, daughter of John M. McGar ry. who died Tuesday, following sev eral months’ The Rev Francis W Hewlett, pastor of the church, will celebrate the mast. At the game hour, masses will be said In the monastery of St Ronaventure, and the chapel of Ihe Immaculate Heart of Our l.ady of the Miracu lous Medal. St. Joseph's retreat. Dearborn, The pallbearers will he William R Thompson, P J M. Hally. Edmund Atkinson. William Dooley, William Hlllger and Jams* McNamara. The body will be placed In Mt Elliott cemeiery mausoleum and later Interment will he made In Mt. Olivet. COMMITTEES FOR BABIES NAMED The executive committee of Ref. ter Rabies' week, June 7-14, m»t. Thursday morning. In the office of Mayor Marx, with the mayor and a number of well known men and women Interested In the success of the movement Mayor Marx ap pointed the following committees to further the publicity of the move ment: Printing. Renjamln Jacob sen. E. C. Tanger, Joseph Mack. D J. Case and C H. Thom; publicity, Harry Walker, Robert Wllllamaon and O. J. Mujford. Tl«m Jmh Prtstiag l)»t. Main 4R» WHOJSYS? The Loye Liars Ay EDWIJjJ BLISS Copyright. I9IS, b> I’m it*- l bang*-. hit' All moving picture rights and all foreign r**px right* strictly r»s#r\»d. H nnllsurtl V *-«trrtin t.» Slowly. gently, so slightly •** to h« almost Imperceptible his finger-* closed about her own Just <-tiougb so ■he was awaie (lie man knew » nt he was doing She lift* *1 her i . deeperately pleadingly. Sum* power from outside tu-rsHf • aught nnd hebl lor locuthlesp .ihd hf * at'! I»r Holland rose ftly, hi* fa- r wearing the evpreaston <>f one who ha« looked upon deadly danger ami wishes, >et Is afraid, to • mtir.n «• It Without a w-oril be turned upon tile heel amt strode toward the house With lip* parted Heltnu star#*! be fore her Her finger* were rim hi-I so lightl) the {iirik nail* had -o . ri fled the llrsh Iter llp« moved >!«•*- peratalx In denials she knew 10-r ?*• *• 1 1 Wn* battering to bit* ■pcetllU it* hei tongue could utter them She knew now that the gre it Debtor hud * (inie ti to i with hi* demand for p.ixmcnt In full Ami *he knsxx that evasion of the debt wa* Tto lustle iif a petticoat caused tier lo look U| It, <iul*k anger Mr* Presalev stood liefore !er an accus ing llghteiitlS evpresator • .t* lo r f,o •• that told lit* young wife Instan’lv the s*-ene that had Jw*t tr<Ml*ptr»'l w*« n" se* ret to the companion In a fir of anger. Selma dlsrui-ond tin from her service ami *hc \v>-nt straight to the husband, with her story. Dwight looked up from the not* Mrs Pressley had Just thru-' Int* hi* hands a ll»tle pu*xled ll*- tv*v*l not know ri before mat the sup-id* tir' h.r hud notirte*! Selma of the *m t.erxlernent *if lor fortune Still, xx imi of It now’ And whv xxix* tho usual!) good nulured In-lv in sip h >• tower itig rage'* "Rut. m\ <lesr Mrs Presslev, x«hx' do you gt' e this t-- me* ' he <j r. rl*id "It merely state* what you and I and all the world know tt-rt Mr* Dwight's fortune wa* ernt e»»|e I <th 1 •**." he crleil. a great glow on . n • deratandtng coining upnt* him. "th> note ren- h«-*t your hand* aud '<>u kept it from Helms, Owing th*- shook The note Mr Plight. -a-ne h* fore you a*krd Mr* I'wigtit to mart* you." the companion Interrut ied stiarply "You ha*l written .« t-ifl*- earlier that you Intended proposing that evening Ml** A-ht-n told me that sh. tntonde.' r*' ,x>tig "ii Th-ti . - nr-- itu> «-r I fr in la <-d and “lo married y«»u." Dwtghf mu II ed Incredulously, though grim line* had form*-*! al«. nt th* corner* of his in oith "YhU bad l-ett-r go imriodln'e Jy " lie cllppe-1 oiT th* «otds Ilk steel particle* Mrs I'r*--*lev turred In tier hurried r* tr*-at nut th* r>- wa* thing In thn*. -\*-s that checked her. t'->r a long time the mHllonntre stood there, hi* arm rigftdjy out stretehe*! as th-> gh h<- would dr!'.* from ti e ro->r-i the ♦ vll thought* th* U.S.ITALIANS ARE CALLED All Reservists In U. S. Told to Renort for Examination CINCINNATI. O. June 3 Mob Dilation of all Italian reservists in the I'nitcd States was ordered to day. according to announcement hi Charle* Oenoochlo. Italian consul here, who issued a call for all men between 2*> and 39 ><ar* of age to report at once for examination. He aaid the reservists will leave Cm rinnati as soon as transportation can be arranged Pietro Cardlello. !*aiian ron-ml in Detroit, raid. Thursday afternoon, iha* he 1 as received notice ordering all Italian reservists io return to Italy. "I dent know what we can do about it,’ he said. "There ia no way -of forcing a reservist to retort Mabley rJ? Warm Weather ot^es W’hy not select r/jk H y° ur hot weath / IT /f er now, / y // when our stock reS ' l neW u 1 / A line of skele u / M/m ! If on won, f e(^s an(^ \\ 1 // 111 serges that \\ j [ 1 i will assure you \\ j 1 j? comfort and u t Q J| style during the \\ 1 1 If ll hot days. \|7 1/ $15.00 VI Ri $ 20.00 L $ $35.00 JOHN S>. MABLEY Clothing—Hats—Haberdashery—Boys’ Wear MabUy's Corner Grand River-Griswold l departing wiunan had lift behind i Then he laughed, laughte.’ wltn an r*tt<-iiipt at llghmess. The crumpled liall of paper fell to the floor fr<>m Id* hand. Hlowly. slowly he reached down and picked It up, tucking It in his pocket carefully Then tie sank heck in the big chair, thinking thinking Dr Holland came into the house ami passed hurriedlv to hla au-irt merta, then, later, Selma entered the house. l-'ur lust a second a sharp twinge of leuloiisv shot through him a« be told h mself they ha<l entered l>\ the **me door they ha*l t*e#n In the garden* at the same time. And ap-.iln Ite laugh#*! at htmself Yet lh« poison was there, Inflltrat it-« th*- very soul of him He caugtit himself constantly on guard, glancing it in* wit* a lot the doctor from un der the shade of hla brows, furtive, suspicion* look* he could not forego -I though he knew they derneane-l him i it was a month after the discharge of Mi* Pressley tnixt he stealthtU | moved from his - hair In the library a* Selma slipped out Into the night air followed shortly oy Dr. Holland 11»- had tried to convince hlm«elf that the change In rninner toward him **n hla wife * purt w-a* due to some ir tuitions) rending of hi* thought* Even ic-w ho fought aralrst *he l-n pulse which caused him to spy or the pair • 'U-.trlv silhouetted against the night he made out her figure Her fare » i* . o r-r. -l with her hand* and lie could *ec she wa* sobbing slier.tlx i . »• • f |. I'ollaod was strolling toward tier, yet Dwight wa* aw nr* ii h;x I not seen bet He slipped quickly behind a st->nc pill..r, * »i x human Impulse urging him to dose his eyes to rh*- scene ■ *-t < ■rx In-pulse from outside mak ing those eyes tx»ln points of light rivalling In shrewdnes* the long wieked stars above, as they fa»terie*l Upon the - ■ >upie He • ,xug» t the uncertainty the *ur r • - . of it doctor ,xs tie caught sigh' of the woman lie caught th<- Impulse of the man to comfort her saw th* flgbttrg down **f that Impulse Then l»r Holland placed his hand upon her W-r hi* voice but the gentlest xv I i>>-r of n sound, a* he called her name. Hhe turned and looked up a* t.> . then swlftlv. some Iron band of self restraint w-lthln her snapped and -f;- flung hei arms about Ills neck • h hei b* rut resting upon hi* rh> *t he murmured words xx hlch • r-*1 ck t-x ihe millionaire be hind the pillar, killing something In side the vers soul of the man. even as It fiub'kened the I'fe In his hotly Huddenlx Helina drew away, - rou* h tfne f- >rful a* she reg<xrde*l the man toward whom she hml gone In ne hour of xxeaknes* Dxslght leaned f..r xv ard the better to listen (ler voice was broken, wild with a pas sionate despair a* It rang In his esr* "No N.e You must not You must g >d | wilt I must lie true to h‘m while he lire* You must go -you i must— " Il'nstlnneA Tomorrow.t t.t Mali :i lie doesn’t want to go. I | don't Know how many reservists jt)* re ;.rc In Detroit. I haven't an> means « f fln*llng out All wc can ido Is p'lbltah the order and make arrangements for those reservist* who watit to obey It. I haven't any | Idffa bow many will go back from (Detroit. Fellows' Ruling Will Not Affect Circuit Courts The rultr.g of Atty.-Oen (»ran» ; Fellows, that eastern standard time cannot be adopted as the oflVeial time In cas *s where the hour 1* fixed by an act of legislature, will i not Interfere in any way with the opening and closing of the Wayne j circuit court, according to Judge Alfred J Murphy, who Is presiding "The hour at which courts open and clos'’ Is not fixed by legtsln turV said Judge Murphy. "There Is no law which says we must con vene or adjourn at a certain time. This matter Is governed entirely by the Judges.” Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA ST O R I A SENDS BOOK IN REPLY TO WIFE’S DIVORCE SUIT Dr. Charles Roger, who styles himself "late president of the Chi cago Institute of Mental Function s.'' has answered the divorce hill ol i his wife, Adeline, of No. 114*? Third ave., by sending to Judge Hosmer a booklet, entitled "Character R-ad | lng at a dance." The booklet wii received, Thursday morning, accom panted bv a Dtter. "When I discovered that my h< m* had been destroyed by annthei man.” writes f>r Roger. "I resolved to product the little booklet. Mj stsndimr can be attested lit n in* a nre hv the clippings In th* hook | ’ 3-Hour Sale 3 kind that lo ars up ~ VU.--—* V , ** Five I VPfV 111I1P nf IHP nl <h • > u.T«Vn(| *1»-vi* . 1- -J yj JL y v4JJIV/ I3 Guaranteed Car- Oul complete vrttM this adjustment. Hegu Should Tako Advantage of Our Offers ’''“d hiushcs, go on )> Kw .ii Friday from *9 |-ii < Dims, our depenuamo lioniefurnishings have at- to 12 o'clock. Uoav hi; JQ >1 a 1; 11 |.» lun-' liti *l* sand I ol previous years. These homes miss getting one M ~f / il.t'if them in helroit) have ALL been SATISFAf TORILY only ,u n Midi are ll ■ of Owen & < They should, they must convince YOU that QQa|| nls place for you to come for YOUR homefurnishings. We will trust you. 3-Room Home Oj if its Home 0 Jtf Detroit Refrigerators | . few®* White PORCELOID Lined J ru ml i:,;o xxii.o 1- 1 ;i'AItANTKKD "Detroit refrigerators have no equal for SAT •'> 11 t-.mcr her*- '\ c d«i n-u hundls ISFACTORY BBRVICG. They are built heavier •"ti'-naiV 'i.Wv ,r tn< f better than is necessary. That’s why they MM. \ • futn-ter*. *<. % i«v-.f». *re so economical of There is always a per • -,fh. xx *«-u. This grroie is feet circulation of cold, dry atr in the food com • I* ' Mo x tb. • ustomarx "Sals 11 ■" — > partments of a , -•.*• ri* w 1 bp*-clal at *l->. hut coo cn -11 cm 7C r—i 1 hm- Detroit. The ... .$22.50 Ll m ~ tt Hi FOR CEL Oil) si 11 *-*-u. at \\r«*k. UJ "j J lining is free v % min- *-t %»minster Has* p- II » front cracks >»ir r«. I ll BM y fr I or uruvtc us And 1,-HI I "llunm St/.--" vtur-s In the prln- IIM H or trt vices ana xx -■ brings nJ M easy to clean. xMI you jjur price m f kll .All styles from i j pg| t $2Q j Oak Dining Tables aJS J RTL) J iilml Thos* who have •“shopped aroutxd.” psopls s " .;W Exclusive sl a Week with our superior quatltlss And our low- for the J rr prices. You'll want one of OUR yvJT - • ww e % r* • golden oak dining tables at Unij ]This Bed and Spring TT ——^sll.7s ,I.o®. w..h *" | ” 1 1 .,, 1 ..1.,,. o.— ..,,brijsu .FA,SO up w!3 Hotel Tuller Roof Garden Opens Sat. June 5 at 8:30 p.m. .. FREE-FREE.. Everybody interested In Lend s ape work and what to plant to mak j Home# more beautiful Address OIL6ER LANDSCAPES NURSERY CD 703 Brcitmeyer Bldg. The Spoilers Read Rex Beach'* splendid novel from which th-- great Photoplay wa* taken. Illus trated. Only 50c By Mail 60c The Island of Regeneration 50c Photoplay version now at the Majestic theater. Read the story. Over 500 other popular stories in the 50c edition. MACAULEY’S BOOK STORE 78 Library Ave. King Hid. IHE TIMES Ia the largest Paper in Detroit I>ess what isn’t Fit to Print Nothing In the DETROIT TIMES business or editorial departments the sun cannot shine upon DETROIT TIMES which I «,* nd with my kind personal regard- " Th*- booklet tell how to r<-ad character by plane.n - into tlie •>’• - shaking lumas, and b> egiintln'ng th i form it ion of tiie nope, ear:-, mouth end head One of the chief purpox-i'H ol the Information on < hat atier reading, -'at** Dr. Roger In hi hook. Is ’ * kno’x vx h« n atid when not to ext: nd credit. I Mr* Roger rbarge.- tliat h,*r ltns ; h.m«l spent mi niih h time studying I < liaract*-rs that he failed to support !In r Sli** alleges that h*' l**ft her for several v « ks, e.»mc hack for <»n*- night, ad dia ainp*'d lh*- next j morning wit*i two of 10-r diamonds Sh*- hI.-'o ehaig's that lor liliahand Iha b*-*-n Imii t« »1 ft»r character reaillug activili* i. ablisHed If Resides its great JLL*'. 'Jf financial resources, there A l ‘ .*vT are two factors of strength r JLL.+*iy±m n in this institution which merit your consideration - the Serv- r '; ice of the Hank and the > V.'? » ’ ?*•** *T i Character of its Management. ; V:r' ’• y* - T Both are unsurpassed. M The Detroit » dggg. Savings BankJWt. PF.NOBStOI BUILDING. FORT STREET WEST—I 2 BRANCHES OFFtcrKS D C DaUmatffr, l‘ • • t fhartaa A l>-on. \ I • a|Mil Caarf« S H*k#r. • AfMrr TKatnn I Hancock f fMff Ja mss H Dohtrtf. A« * » -M* f Idtssrd J Os > f The Record For Responsibility la the basis upon which The Peoples State Bank Invites your burness. Sound management and prcgressive methods, and an appreciation of all confidence placed in the Institution make this Dank a good place to do your banking. i ’ommercial and Savings Department* Main Office: Fort and Shelby Sts. TWELVE BRANCHES Resources Over Forty-Seven Million Dollars Rogt*r. in hi* lett ;r, declare* that tills Is 1 only i barge which he wl-he.s to cl*-tiy He Is now In R»i»- on Mr*. Roger probably will he granted ad« er* * Thursday after* noon. \> hen lo r cas*- cornea up h' 1 - fore Judge Mandell. K) STANDARDIZE TRAFFIC RULES AIM OF MEETING S» mdardlxatUin of the traffic r*-g --ul iliona of the various < itl**a of the I nlt*'*l S’at*.- Is the <*hj*-ct. of a meeting of the street truff'.c cont mlttee of the Safety Flr>t Federa tion of America, which has been called for Friday morning In the DIRECTORS Paul f Ba|lay !'• t *. Cartiv C bsi|#» A Data I* 4 ((•lamattr I»' h T DuCbarm* In 1 - M Uw»»» ‘'ttalKsarw Hsntlns Hobsrf Henkel H McMillan Sidnav T Millar Iranci* Palms M Rsmirb office of Police Commissioner John Gillespie, chairman of the commit tee. Frederick H. Klllott, executive secretary of the federation, is al ready in the city, and several other officials of the organization will he In attendance Among them a*» some of the original promoter* of the safety first movement. A tabulation of the traffic regula tions of 50 cities In thin country, the first ever made, will he presented In this meeting and will be of great aid to th’ committee in fram ing ith report to the federation. The idea Is that the report submitted by this committee will be adopted by the federation as the official stand ard. and it will he up to thi cities to follow this standard or not, a* they see fit. Electricity „„ „ _ „ I your plant will solve all of your power prob lems. With Central Station Service you are relieved of the su perintendence and anxiety of a power plant. Y’ou are not Ji<( concerned with coal deliveries or the labor problems of the engine room—and you have the most satisfactory L> power supply available , j at any time in any jij Quantity. _ We Will Tell You About It The Edison Illuminating Cos. MAIN 4.100 ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES- IT PAYS. PAGE THREE rtif purjiotie of HiaudardtgtfßS^B truth. lul.r" Haiti «;iii*-.- j*»«* "u to Himpiiry lumßßrn i rot)l. in lor timer*, no that ' hoy go Into a Mranfie city now just w hut t* «xp Navy Get* Conscience MarityC’SH hl LUTII. Minn . June « verted at a religious meeting, th«* current inane of the Army mH| Na\y Journal. received >eal Kc< rui*im? officer foylc, a sailor til recently chief yeoman in navv, has sent the government UtmjM $1 lilllp* as payment for lie had taken while in the “1 mui-t make it right before I an on in Christ lau lire,’* wu tljjH tonfcHsion im