Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JUNK 1. IHI 5 . 346 Athletes From 19 Schools In America s Greatest Meet _ " ;. : 9% ' '. * \ - , ■•■ ■-* »K * ' \ A y f^' r ’ ' 5 Two of tH# otjrt in big track ands eld rr>ect '/» i J o' C i,i in the him le». and Mucks of W • conain, in the »vt gb's America’* Kreaft nt athlii" n of the year will be thi toil* »• c«.; f«fnc> mee, at t|»* l iii'.i r-i 1 t Illinois, I’rbana. Saturday. i;-. < hundred and fortv-nix athlete* reaentliiic 1!* of t'i*’ nr* .if • >1 < the central w *«t from tin ' I Rhenie* tn th*' Rookie* x ill and the chance* nr*' that doxen conference record■» ut:d . r hap* two collr** record* s' ill i . Th - * meet will !>«• th* 'r« **• the hlatory of the •- < .• . i ence, and the di appoint. BOX St’ORK. I'KTltf -IT ,\it i: ii o a i: Hxjah * * 41 Vltt toil- <■ f (’raw-ford r f Tea h ) f Hum*. lb 1 Voting, 21- ! » .... Oldham. |>. T*»ta la . i<> • n . !* riTsnriKi! i VM It II 'A \ Carer. It .. f l i fnhnMnn ! b Hulr.t, <• f Hltiehman. ' f \\ »('ii re* Vlo*. Jb tjerber, ll» Rename c ‘ *' Kanthlciirr. p. Total* *3 fnnina* JAatroit ■ " nif*t-'irah Two- b***> bit Vltt I' • r IV»Kr**r, < - ar. Vitt, \'< hit* - * ddhan 1 ■ < • Vltt, Hie* htnan I »n«ild I ham an.l Vm v\ nun. r «■ J fttru-k nut ilx '-I H • ' ' thlener I Fir -t I* «> f'ldham off K xni »»l*-»i* ' base* t tetri. I ’ I'ltt - u base nn error* T*• » 1 Wild pitch K nth!* t • IXV t'mpir* • lit!*;* r I l.e Little Old Johnny Cou Will Try to Regain Crown Johnny t’oulon. the uttl<- « hie. " battler who no long won tin < * of the bantam* on tils b.ild h* >1 in going to try a Mimtdwok T;■ experience of Jim Jeffrie-* aiiu count lon* other gentlemen »ho ha\. ennayed similar stunt* with diva trou* result*. han no t< rt«»t '' Johnny. Up l« a* confidin' tl at will win ha< k the championship n hr in of anything Johnny, however, ha-n't lived yearn for nothing ll' know i lot of trtrks yet, even if he i an * •hamp. and I * !• b* to take the title aw *v fmin KM Williams, on two thin.;* on»* I tliai he really bellevea he packs a bill enough wallop to put the 11«»Itirn*>x* Imne away The oth< i * a "•» l founded belief that William e ill ' - longer nrale 11 ♦» pmtntl- tln 1 • »*iri mate bantam limit, and 1" " 11 all the expostulation* of immy . Harrla to the contrary "William* enn’t make Ilf* ti more and be stroqg.'' Johnny ah! ; noveral dayn ago, “and I know it i I alno know that there Isn't n l l ' ; pound boy In the gain' with the exception of mvgelf. who stand- n j rhauce to heat him Will I’*: flvht ; me? I don't know, hut 111 mak It ao hot for him If he don't tl it h< will have a sweet time trying t<* square himself with th«- fun H* ha* never given me a return sh lit i anyway, which Is contrary to ring precedent. I arn going to j.o » ! 91,000 for him to meet me at 1 pounds.” Johnny hasn’t been Idle slue. Wil i llama defeated him m ('allf .n i a ; year or ao ago. lit* alv i\ wj.< n rlean liver and he has not aban don ad boxing since he beconi*' an •x. He I* constantly In training, and apenda most of his time av tv from the little cigar store that l> ar hla name up on the square. In July, Johnny la going to Canada | tile fail tec »■ .C , !, M j*m t that in ; t. ti.'tr-' «»t n* • * ! S u.trda.. iiii't t .ll*t. mnt* r* ’ • ' . 0.i.-t . : -;; i- run <)• x I:if . .x . • . r» m j 11 * if ti ,im in tlc it ilh.'l : t. !• a l •!) ;l t l' vur.: ■ . r , ::l> i ■ , V • - totuun iit'xl Ali- hliMn *«: 1 Nutr | me i r.i < ■ .1 «nt . t <•; or..di> 1. • i-. in« r it ad Kan Hid <1 MV IJ I .' I,' Tx • T ' *'V *•;: .. n . 1 e. II 1 \\ ir-l, I ’: • I 'i.• vt l; ~f ( hi- I <-**o ! i. : .« -I 11f” < mi i r I t:n, of Itlant eota Hiitou. tl K u It. tl .f| Him ~t > ' Ul • ) -*.'. ill 1 .j », \ |* t\! if. Ii» :i r ,{ , r . * . ,h ni . I *i t . , ; i> li< lit .I' l ' . hu i j. u|. <’ t<i ! ■. e and -•'*• vit.ii dt .-s «t foe, rmd li ft* T'.c *•. .. ~.. i , ! it • «>; Mi* r: <. t (A >l\ v < I < t.• n| ..1 • *{•*;: *i y K,*i : • ■r. -n,. ’ :11 • <i ri >t! ’■ t • ft I ■ • l.r.i 4 'll.-- I < ■'•■T idt .f- . ■j t: _ l’.<r . i Mit; I-'l.-r, Its I I !•*.»!♦ ; V.'.," . ■ M. It eon in in .n' ot ,». \. «!- - . tr. I ’ nd ' Mcr of low ■ \i.'t:i- ..! •»< • \ itUir. a fifth oi .i . . ,'r.d of !••*» nutrk. (. ht'iit of Nt "! t- ■ ii, loom. .I* in 'li - hull ;t ' " r*»n*r - oin ).« • ,tor oi t’nn |>li il, i.r * hit. uc>. ui.-l i i>i! k it Ulittoi iin on it i. 1 n *»rt* ' r.-.t •• will 1 ir.i’o* hi idt., : .iii \ olnts ■ ■ ith l,i i*>’ v.o ’ .tid •(* li a .'.under at t + -liwluin * ,iml sj.« i’ll all summer in th» wood:* Then he is going to o»m l.m k. tan* In i *i- \ o' to jj- . >i!.,d lino on him- If. and then :*i*rinx fli»• Id* l OU|) Tills, of conr*o, is :-|| ni enrdltlu to Johnny', lut the fighter ool> w« ' lIS 11 |pp> and i* I.’, aml look - ev* n in h i*i <-o:idit on And the: e in*- t lot ol t'lihago tans, partieu lerly his Logan S*|iiai* worshipers who think not only has a . ham <■ to hlij one o\tr on t' blond Ui! Ilam . hut tiui! hi II do it. Httkc/oForQuahty^ - AH Kinds of Suits— # Pepi6h one* with a good ad a/iybody swaggc-Vcr ccr /f-’VI f / N eervative business all-the way through kind— j ? I For slim, stout, short or N Vijjy Closely woven, good wear- Jwßgr ing worsted ~ oleoty of flan- JRi . Wwdrf nets, sergrs, casaimcrcs, fll ”jf homaapuna, summary twee ts vH P fin Urquharts la grays 1 n and tartan eolorlnga, brow's \ and greens mist blues, black- V <9 and-wh te snowflake shades— j \ J V ch i. claids, mixtures, in ■„TI both lig it ind ch*ri> effects. y Bra A*. 115, S2O, $25 and S3O. # "rrk Mno \ 4 fi ’••sn- I'liwri !«%.?•-. I £ :r:Tz 001-203 Wondward Avanua ' I ■■ .II ■■* •Dclrtlri But ItwaA 'I i; !< ■ !il brine ihi* . *ars of !» ' . •i ■ ' l' • : !.* i at.".ill 1 ’ i iayine for tld < v tit ■ Mi V.i ,*:«•. an! Minn*-»>ta lias ‘ \ ; •* and til nthr in 'i ■ n.K o fxar the little fob . in tbn :,o nuh Jan •n. of 1 K- lor -i, is ol to la a jr.i: v« ! i T (.vi fit is i: . and Ohio a and (i >;i : :».m and < irroll. 1 f;t* aa.; * }u < t th.* hllttl!*** to ■ ? . ; ■•< i'l I jt< Jo II t*» (•• : Ward \ i'l -• ••• > •I' . . * V* Id", ;■ !'l ri ■ t’ .* ; .«■ of VVa am in i*. i r > f 111 iti-atty of the [ I;: ■ i . i! and I.ji’lkt. of a I* ho most so: • 11. in ;> !i -a ? «».•• \\*h ’a,. •to . .• ■ r .r. f'hi'T.-" vd n’lokloy, i ( Colo :; ri iat i• > ord r.n • in I!; j.ol< . ’i ii y i r < - tiwiion . ill! i TK*tV i )>!; /it rhU! . f t lu‘ v. • tjtlit >n f t. < . Idx ' *i:« Mucks. ■' n : i !• the 1 amin* t, and and ' "\ ]>uuiuf ( ; I'oxers !’.an«|U<*l r ad., : ; to Jin • \. ■ ()' |i ;U ; t• Xl 1 1 Jo. (undo « i I f;r- to r, • > ricUS oily , ' r a famous «•! ib 'fc and j•■ •Vj ’ \ , injin »•(] t hr* .' t • : . ran into (*lini io > W .it !••!'; ; ■ *., „i H ii*nn n.i o . . .• tr airis at ■..(•a o tl i t no I a oi .■ otf t' i on run •. ot tto mdltsdhut . 1 '- i ' ■ •■" •ji. ■ t 1 Wed aa* da v i 'd l * v i-i'k .i.ul Sat 'd. > a! ~l '• *■ 1o • to Oscar Wil • n I- t .' di ; and in month*, io and ’ V.'.d J., mainiyer of Knl i’i i roan. i. “u f f ‘ luimjiii is for lit oi ! . iv. ;b«> Dolan Williams flyh* in and . and • v Roux pilot of Dolan. ‘ t tli in \ i 1 tio* baiu|Ui*t would oik Satiirdn niaht. \nd “it” did. In n • * add And sumo oonsola ion. 1 .' r. in ’ln* fact that Man lot i o I 'cainid Ids old position In dn liyhtwp. !it ranks and that Her nun . oo in In a to the front again. I oth a»*‘ thrum'll with banquets Mon tl n i banquet Jinxed Tlmmas. I'nf it Is quit* a coincident that lift its l.avt nlway- followed ban Mi. ts in New Orb .ins' championship mdidatfs. DETROIT TIMES STANDINGS American League. *>i \\him.. \\ L.lvt W I. I’i-f Phlrntro 27 17 *>l.! W:i*iri’n I'* 1. I 7 I it* I rott . 3*4 17 «Ms, « ’I. v« 1.1 17 1 I» 7 Hi..'.hi I'.l 17. 57il ,•» t I. UU 17 23 .41' i N York. 1!» 17 021 Alhltli.« 13 .7 ..7 1 <-ateriln > '» liraiill», ili.Rli.n Ht X*. W Ynlk. i-o|il wi'illh l '! Wn-hinuton at I'lillailclphla. cold v> rut l. i r Only two Kam*M scheduled. Tkilh »'* liaiiica. fo»lroll at New York <'l« v* land at Wmihins t nn. Si l.oul, at I'hlliKleiptiia I'Uli ,i r .I at Uastun. National League. ST % V 111 M», tv. i. vet vr r. r » Fhlrn ,:o. 231fi 5 <4O St. I/ul* 1" 11 4»v I*h 1111 *• .«< . II IS .7.1* I* »'»»**«*! I* 17 4. liui-tiiri . .01d.51.1 I'lnein'i I ’ i li lit wMyn .oia 513 X York, 1i.0.4.' 4 ralrriliii'a 14 mu 11 a. i'hllliii> 2 Hrooklvn 1. ,X* w York Jo, Ho*ton 3. < 'lra Inr. 1 1 1 5 St laimu 2 • 'til tin i « bailie.* scheduled. Todai'a l.umm. Itr""kl\ n at I'ittMtiui irli only tin; namo scheduled. South Michigan League, vr \ \ni%u. w. i, i*< t \v r. r. t '■'n Him 'l llt fi'iO Sajrlnaw I*l 17.1 k", II Ciiik, IT 1.7 511 H City. 1 4 I'l I7 Flint ... i 7 17 lon Jackson. 12 IS .4'■) T «'*.lrrila>'a ttmiilt*. I hr | Sontli H« n.i ». Saginaw 2. Hattie < re* k at Jm kaoni rain. T’ ilav'a *.iimra. ' !*.• I. i\a a South Prnil. l i tn i :, rk at Jaekson (two ; in* mi Hay City at Flint. //\ . ■ | H 4i 2 '> ♦ - -T Agy QHAIIAC I CR —Person- It is pleasing without being cf- ♦—« »-» nlity. When you meet a feminate. **—Tnt.n >ou in- :.tivoy ca!n!< r; Jt j s vigorous without over* * '»—» ajy li'.m tlicici" for yourself just doing it. *•—** > v/hr.t hind cl t; rrmn he is and . ' . 2 •<T-.IT * whether or not you’re going to . : - f n^ s repetition without itHj ► *♦ '■'*<? like him. ~ losing the freshness of appeal that -—* i» —» * , . . first charmed you. ■*—■ ; >v—* * 1! ru s whliY-wa- hy, or over* . T- Z g. or or loud, or You--bc you man or woman 2 1 i** effeminate, or dull, or uninter* ri ? c . vt 1! ? t "’ 3 Leverage those - « W*• estirg. you’re through, light that are admirably manly +—- £ . there. m 0 nian * * * *f —» 4*? i.. , , *. , . , Instnntly you will decide that ■*—« » —* it is character ti nt decide? you. , t i ; l„ t . . -—* *• -♦ ««*» you Jiltc it tor its character —its •*— Z=Z Ss Beverages have character personality. Time will prove *- ■■■■« ? : Some can’t outlast n single the soundness of your judgment. »•; mci ting. For 29 years COCA-COLA has Izz2 •‘*•l , , r been put to the test. Daily for ; —; g-r SS Ort'crs ore Wiy-woshy cf- 29 jt hM and , hc , f K SS v'",;'" ;.1 ur " n 7^’-‘ n 8- ihe American people—hs:» borne t=Z B SS Y ° U ‘ O ' SCt them T ck ' y - the test cf repetition without 3 *•--» Others are overhearing —too losing its zest. *—; „ * SS dcck.ed in ilavor oi ct eM. lou p or 29 years it has proved its * * JT~t ovoui them. wholesomencss —its vigorous- Z w COCA-COLA has the character, rcss —its deliciousness—its char- 27/2 Z-Z the personality of a fine, whole- ucter. iHS s** some, manly man. It meets the You can prove to yourself in T ilutes of men and women on pne glassful wlmt 29 years have V*?> this common ground. built into its reputation. 1 \Joeiicicii3 <,WO I Tv-krnrvMf Kj fa | Z -* Drrrsnd the genuine by full n«me— 2~- Z £ * ruckn&mcs encourage substitution. • *—* pr The Coca-Cola Cos., Atlanta. Ga. S S'uimiummimiimuimimmiutiiuiiiiimtuiiuiimumimittiiii®! AMUSEMENTS. nFTROIT p‘ ‘‘iif* mm kSK.irxi.sii s ,turile> m Popular Prices: >lnllnr<-«. 2?ie t«» <1 .Ml Mr. Hackett Presents thr Mrlotlrnnifi “Craig Kennady” In Thr Hannock Mystery Wtrk lieu. Sun. Eve., June fith Spi-cia! Summer Season THE “SPUING MAID” at POPU.AI! PRICES 21c—10c—71c mio XDWAY 1 VYORITES HE AITV CHORIS ORPHEUW— * Phone: t In rr; 122.1 t 'lnin M*n? t to.*.:;»*) 7 to tl: 1.1 Siintoll Old Soldier Fiddlers 7 7 Price flnm-lnit I ontest Tnnlghl lothliiit rhrni* lull tb*- prior: 10-.0-ltiic. PrlnllitK. thr plnln nrnt kltnl—thnl Is right—l ltn-*s 4nl» Ilrpl.— Ha n 1520. Federal LeaKue. M 4 \lM\4*. I. I . 1 \V. I. I*< t I’’ Ii 4 1 7 7. Hi I*, nklxn .’I IV .525 N• m i k 'I l 7 74 Si I,'ni* I|ilH .5 1 4 |< I'll .' ll 7 1. 1 KIIiIII r« 17 21 .H 5 , ' ‘i.. a i.- llli 743 Itumtlo.. 13 .6.117 tmlrrilni'i U<«uli». Sr, l.iiiii- 4'Mr.i2. i 11 - it*' K,f • i 'ity 1. I l(! n 1" 4 I «T ill. 7-1. uul i- -iii.i .-i n«-h*-<lult U. 'I Ml** » ’«* l.inira. I'rni'kljr. u! Huffnlo, I " it •' Imi iu h .it Kiinsns I'lty. st I.oiilm at i'*hl* ;iKo. < »nly Unci a min si liril uled. American AHsociation. W. I. l'f't W. I.,Prt 1 I nn'*, 17 11 05 ' ft. Paul. 20 If* .513 K «' ’■ 22 K 7*14 I'luinh s 10 23.410 lilvvl.i'i 22 FI r. I'll v. I'<l. 4422.3 ** t* 1. m. vi .1 1!< 527 .Mlneap. 1 4 23 .373 \ r>(*Ti|u* '» Iti unltu. Mllwauke* R Polumbua 0. I.M'ilsvill* 4 Kannai* City 3. linl ir ajoli' 7>, M niapollH 4, International League. •»T % \ 111 \ ti. w UVt tv t. r-1 P ,fT !m 1> . «;»'* I’r’viflV* 14 15 . IST i: tin I 17 12 7SO T iroiKn. 1117.47.2 Muritr il 17 15 ’1 \i w irk. 11 10.(li lt • -t7 17 14 717 .1 City.. 11 17 .3113 4 <'*.toriln>’■ I, i , ■! I M intreal 0 I'iv: ■i- N»-w trk; ioM .1. : * i' tv -1 :ii'hmoml. »i't uritunils, Patience, the War Is Not Over l.< if wi must wait for the tv v i: In for** we have that great ha" in th» air which novelist* have h'-rn il' -( rlhing for so many year*. I.afavftti Journal. AMUBLMENTS. IS. 3, Sill, 7 . till HOW \ HI) KST \ HKOOK I KTKoiT'.-: n\\\ ST Ur. IN’ ••KOI U FEATHERS” % Ihrllltm-, I hriiltliltiu Wnr l*lnr. I ilillr >!<'«.rnlli. I) ri'krntrn Wri-klv. \ll M«lliirr *rnti* I •>«- (rtrrpl iiil.l Kvcnlru’ «. t. itn«l Min. 1 1 2."n\ IfWfj I 2 j 7 C tlrlr«lr< ».n-ntr*t iv I 9 ia. * \ itttikrmrNi \ nlur PH I'.lV Tit Mtlr*. Pntron* n a- II mi r I’irlnrp k hiM» from 13 .W to at.H*. None f IniT u hrrr, Tkc I’.iiT I’n pit In r I dinrllr, Burt “Gone” Melburn 7—4lTl||:ii live. \CT% —7 Milr* Mini in Ilf n tt nf Ihr Mile*. 025 c Matinee Daily CONROY & LE MAIRE .||- ■ ll‘>nnrri •' 'I nlt 1 I|rl It IIP: iiiirim-i tMrrti ti-kstnr* Rrnt.i Ujkli .1 I'. Niiki iili '•■toll* ,v Norton |li rri iII m«t-»rllu Ni'lit UfliilllvO **.j • 1 •*•••■ s : 1..*»•,I ..*»•, ,I,ip inil .Mir Nfivy of 1915 I trlntlvr, offldpllt lii'/riirrd lirprn. ilnrllolt— .Iripnn. Itnly —-.'ft Othrr I tjlvn-a, flptmlt Tim -■ Juh I’rlntltiK Ilppt.— Mtlti 1.V.t1, Lcochares Leads Yankee Sprinters The racing which closed at <'harchill l towns. Louisville, Ky., re cently hus developed the fact that l.eocharc* is n» present the king ot American sprinters. This 5-year-old ;a tlie property of John W. Schorrs stable, and appears to iiave ripened with age. I’nless weighted out of the future races on the Kentucky circuit he is not likely to be beaten In a rate of six furlongs or less. At weight for age it scents now that unless H&rmonlcon can take his measure he will quit the summer the champion sprinter of the 1915 Kentucky season, as there is no chance for hint to go against the Texas ntare Pan Zareta, for she will do her early summer racing on the Canadiun courses. Lcochares has been beaten hut once this season, and that was at a mile, when Hodge and Prince liermls defeated hint This race wa* a bit too far for the Schorr sprinter, and will not make a material dif ference In his record. The mile was run in 1:40, which any good soul will tell you is practically flying. At that I.eochares was only run Into submission in the last furlong. He hasn’t been defeated In the sprints, and that record is not likely to bo broken. His Opinion "In some Instances the optimist is of less rcaJ value to the commun ity than the pessimist, '* remarked tlrout P. Smith. "While the former may possess a big wishbone, the lat ter usually has the larger backbone And that’s what counts, after all. Peacon Harkamore!" —Judge. AMUSEMENTS. LYCEUM*";!" 15 to 75c \ \l (.11 \\ Tree nr rbco'r THE STORM 25cMAT -: UlddUl COUNTRY Saturday | \r*«! > ■ ' ‘•nn* (.rent \\ ir 1 WASHINGTON - ~, ?•*; WILLIAM i arm Min Inespoilers HK» !»»:%* ll’** lilll'tT *TOin, 11 *. TO.. I 120, ,%i2n, 7i2«. IMI.n. uAYETY ”m/....10c 1 DERBY WINNERS I) %IM II \ l«< (M HT Baseball on Nokes Elec.Scoreboard CADILLAC--" Ml 1 h«» TIM; Kura 111 > Daughters of Eva M: \ T N l.l?h—Till. \\ IM i: (.till *» AVENUE— iii. ACROSS THE PACIFIC l.nrarnt nrtl Mini *>rn-i<llot<nl Y|rl«t> i.rrnnt In (hr \\ \rt(i •Tin (.Irl of (l»»» I nilrrnorlil " PALACE GARDENS , I h>- n in 1 !., in.-n I park s«n»rrn>- fix •iimMrr.limr fnn. II nr IT'.llli\\- Tt.’A II %MI <•! .» nml V H 1.!.. tl.r "TRIP mm Tin: run n«. M llanrr at I'* nr IMYIE toal-;hf. JESS WILLARD HAS “SOME” FEET CLATIIE. Kan, June 4-Je§* Wil lard, the world's champion heavy weight, formerly a cowboy In the weat, ordered a pair of “cowboy boot a,” sending his measurements by mal! to C. H. Ilyera, cowboy boot factory here, which is the largest, strictly handmade boot factory in the world. The boots are number 10 1-2, of JpsjsL Announcement | Extraordinary ] S' / I We offer Men and Young Man h' 7-V (Mlf *yvia choice of several hundred MSm WEf Green Room Suits j As ine c^°^es as have been i /»!J f'i shown in any store in America Priced up to $35 1 Y i\\ $01.75 'i 'jr UiMi Sale / 1 ■ '\'j I ( ’ Price -L f\ ',? ; Incomparable showing of Men’s and Young II t Meu's Green Jtoom Suita other grades ii 'M sls to SSO I Great Sale of Men's , ] I SILK SHIRTS . A special purchase from one of America's greatest shirt makers. j 1:1 a Regular $5 Shirts V\ s 3 We want you to see the new Self-Conforming Straw Hats Made by Blum and Koch —We’re sole agents. The most comfortable straw lmt you ever saw. $3 and *4 Special agents for Knox Straw Hats $4 and $5 Sole agents for Henry Heath English Straws $4 and $5 Remarkable showing of fine Panamas from $5 to $35 Men’s Grey nml White w A Canvas Oxfords So . J KI-178 Woodward Jit. Detroit'* l.«r«e*t Clothier* — " t?2zzzz2s=: ■ A CIGAR WITH A “COME-BACK” s - I | the best IfrfejjSy I that Brains and Money can produce. Retails 10c $5.00 per Box of 50 I WALTER M. SMITH CHAS. CAUSS 1 1 rJA *” • "•* V " k DETROIT. Mica I RKHOItT*—%TI.%\TK' CITY. H l'«onT**—lTl.AVriC CITY. nmf; sgXatSJl h, Ar“ ® a s els <w«aflߧ C w jfi wwiv. a a k ti*a jallflli w<« ••• CMALFONTE ATLANTIC CITY SCL- .PI." , TMC ItlttS COMMNt t i ON TNI BEACH iL'-uu at, | THE TIMES l SAVES YOUR TIME, YOUR EYES AND YOUR INDIGNATION. CONCISE—CLEAR—CLEAN I PAGE SEVEN H vuim hoot Width, and HmM|||| ui. a-ii'i-m.-nt u 20 inches, tsNß3|§J||| c»t l>> two inches, of any of * pair< of boots made by thtf Ann mlio have been in busineaa Every stitch is hand nnwidfwSlß before the pair Is completed mBIf * ill have passed through tht of Hi shoemakers, each of docs one particular part. jflj Diamonds exposed to radium |h| come highly radioactive and reaijH so for several years, according t# isl British scljntist. 'll