Newspaper Page Text
V tti.f/iY, JUNE 4. 1915. In the Religious World Who Wears the Laurel? T©r»© Comments on the Uniform Prayer Meeting Topic of the Young People's Societies—Chris tian ,Endeavor, etc.—for June 6; 'Cody Under. Soul on Top.”—. I Cor. 9:24-27. (BY WILLIAM T. ELL 18.) M il) Sunday on** day outlined to me anew sermon, which he meant to call hl« "Joky II and Hyde »**r t »rr*n." and he traced for me the f.rowth through the fumous fiction of thlt> Idea of the dual personality. “And it all goes back," he concluded. "t( what Paul aaid about the two natures which he found In himself." rills'topic carries ua straight to that subject Every one of Is Is two. We are all of us pcratnhulatlug bat t infields. The war above all other , wars Is that raging within the con- kciousnens of men and women, be pveen the higher and the lower na ture Character and destiny are both determined by which one of these two-fold elements wears the laurel of victory When spirit keeps body In subjection, then all the graces of the Christian life are possible; but 4 when body Is on top when appetite drives conscience and Ind ilgenre spurns Intelligence then all the woes of Indulged sin lie in wait I # t "Shadow boxing' Is a fad In ath letic circles nowadays Rut Paul would ha*e none of It. In our lea sou. with Its forceful figure from the boxing arena, he cries. "So lox I. as not beating thr air but I bruise my bodv and bring It into bondage ". All of which Is only one way of say ing that the supremacy of the spirit Is so Important that If Is worth suf fering for A price must he puid for emancipation from the thralldom of ♦he flesh. Spirituality comes not by mere lsoiratlnn. nor piety t> pin ing, stem work Is needed. Self-de nial Is the route to soul supremacy. • • • Our luxurious age speaks cynical ly of the hair shirt and penances of * »he ascetics Our sensual « ".ltlva *:lon of voluptuous tastes removes us as far from the rnonnsfle type of re llgion as t.ueullrs was from Simeon Stylltcs No sweeping Indictments are ever true, hut It la net far jrjong to sav that our modern fash ions hsll from deeadent Rom* rath »* cr than from rigorous Sparta The etyles of apparel which women have of late accepted certainly Intimate that the claims of spirituality and nesthetlclrm are subordinated to jbos* of sense and materialism. God send us prophets, women a* well rh men. who will first practice, and then preach, the holy urgency of the claims of a life lived l-i the spirit For the locks on whhh an i lent Home went to shipwreck are now visible ahead of the ship of t our modern 11 f« • • • Christians should be amoL.t the first to confess the *in and shxme of tlie recent action of British church men In refusing to endorse the gov ernment’s suggestion nf the prohibi tion of the »ab- of Intoxicant.- At two eccle-dnstir.,.l convocation*, held ,n Kngland In Apt 11. the members re fused to abstain from alcohol One , eminent errb dH**tle flatly do* hired Whnf a deadly parallel thl- narra «|vc makes with the writing of the Apostle Paul, who, for his brethren's sake. was not only willing to torego » meat, but also to |»e occurs -d Vr** die murks of the lord Jesus the stigmata of the cross no long* r to l»e found on th* church? When Christian leader* put appetite above spiritual duty, then w© must with bowed heads accept *u**h strictures as this caustic comment from an editorial In The Philadelphia North American: "Clergymen in a flutter of agitation lest they be anked to % stop tippling and a dignitary of the church putting the state of his pro rlour. health against the sat* ty of the empire surely these spectacles make one regret that Gilbert and Sullivan have passed away.' #ll Only the reign of the splr't Insures the reining of the appetites. • • • Heaven has no crowns for* wills surrendered to wishes. « * * * Every day, in the gymnasiums o the great cities, one may find classes o men burlly engaged In trying to keep their bodies "fit " They spend time and effort In the duty of pro serving their health. Because of the feat that their muscle* will grow •soft and their arteries hard, they A REAL SMOKE FOR FIVE CENTS ormorr timm i ONE OF THE MOST ;; • Wonderful Cigars TMNtB 8PO»n THE WORLD HAS YET AND EOUAL IN smoke to DOUILE THE MONEY. Hand Made Cigar FILLER Retail# 5c $2.50 per Box of 50 T;™?":*"?™ CNEE. OAUSS garter* RntmoiUth, 48# Fifth Ava., New York DISTRIDUTORS DETROIT, MICR put themselves Into the hands of physical trainers Only In like man noi can souls be kept In condition. There must be vigorous and sustain ed drill, maintained by conscious purpose. If one neglects thr read ing of the higher forms of literature, the lllble especially, and the r* gular use of prayer, and meditation upon spiritual themes, then of a surety one's soul will grow flabby and un fit. In the old terminology r*t rellg ion. the forms of worship, public and private, were called "exercises." That Is the right word. Thev "eier deed" the faculties of the spirit, and kept them In good condition. It it. more Important to discipline our souls tlrnn to cultivate our bodies. * * • Any habit, however harmless In Itself, which says to the will. "You cannot coutrof me." Is a sign of th«* slavery of the spirit of the body. © • • The elenr teaching of the Now Testament Is that Christ make* m*r free from the law of the flash All wh« . with Him. become sons of God nr* given a spiritual sceptre whbli *n*ures the reign of spirit over body. Every successful church and rescue mission can point to Illustrations slaves to lower animal passions— drunkards, drug victims, lei bers— who have been emancipated by Christ, so that they now reveal a newness of Ilf*- sustained b> the Spirit of Christ Sovereignty over one's lower self is a sign and seal of aim hood. • • • Moody used to say, “If r» llgion has done nothing for your tttupor, t has done nothing for your soul. ’ Moslems observe the month of K'lraadan by übsttnence from food, tobacco and other indulgences, from tunrise to sunset Mohammed made tills a requirement of all who follow him. But among the wealthy i lass e. 4 a usage has brown up of spending to* nights ol Ramadan In revelry nil feasting and sleeping through th* 1 greater part of the day. Thu th*y obey the letter of th** law, but violate Its spirit The fast Is r**alh turned Into a feast. We cannot throw stones at the Moslems for 'uls b<*caus*> we live in glass house- The id**a of fasting has departed from ua Our occasional calls to a day of prayer no longer add "and lusting." The spirit <ff self denial is pot characteristic of the church In our time. Although it Is a sure mark of the Gospel of Christ. • • • Not dental, hut discipline of th** oody Is the Christian program. • • • The body Is a tool for one world the spirit Is trained for two worlds. • • • SEVEN SENTENCE SERMONS. ’’’bought 1* the soul of act. — lirow ning • • • Human Improvement Is from v. Ithin outward Froude. • • • What is fame’’ an empty bubble. G» Ul? a transient shinning trouble James Grainger • • • l*oetrln«* Is nothing but the skin of truth set up and stuffed Henry- Ward Beecher. • # # lor whosoever shall be ashamed ot me and of my words In this adul terous and sinful generation, the Son of man also shall be ashamed of him. when he rometh In the glory of his Father with the holy angels. \ark 8 3*. 0 0 0 Live, there are many round Needing they care, I’rny, there Is One at hand Helping thy prayer; Fight for the love of God. Not for renown; Strive, hut In His great strength, Net In thine own. —Co wen. • • * Civility may he truly said to cost nothing. If It does not meet with ft good return, it at least leaves vott In th© most creditable position.— H*au Brinitnel. Thief Returns Loot By Mail. 1 .OnBVIBES, Ky . June 3 —Miss Myrtle Fischer, who was attacked and robbed at her home several weeks ago. has Just received in mall the valuables, estimated to be worth S9OO, which had be?n taken from her. MISS MABEL CARBON, No. 332 Kifteenth-st., who is A * working hard for a ’Frisco trip in the Timex’ transcon tinental campaign. It perseverance and aggressiveness are virtues which g<> towards making a winner. Miss Carron should be u serious contender on June ID. 11 -.BBBwBsI 9d 188 Ml - 'IHKH r TJSRSB OLD NEGRO KNEW THREE PRESIDENTS Giles I>. Jackson, Horn Slave, Now a Wealthy Lawyer WILL MANAGE EXHIBITION Colored People Man Showing of Achieve ments RICHMOND. Vu„ J mi** » Giles B. Jackson, among the wealthiest Negroes In Ui< hniond amt kilobit throughout the state, v. a- orn .1 slave in Goochland <•«>un• > about ti.’i years ago H<* ha- It*** u chosen president of th** * : iiion vvhiqji l.s to he tienl in this <By in July in. commemoration of th* fiftieth anni versary of th * (mancipation and of the achievements of the Negroes in this country, lie has s« cured a fed eral appropriation of fr>'i,uOO, an ap propriation from the New \ ork leg islatur** of 17,.’*00, a eouucil’iianic appropriation from th* city of Rich mond of s’>,ooo and several lessor donations Jackson is the leading Negro lawyer In Virginia, and at one time was prominently Identified with the political life of Richmond. He was a friend of President McKinley, who commissioned him as a colonel to takr* part in the Inaugural parade in 1901. In 19or> Jackson was placed In command of the third civic *li vision In the Roosevelt Inaugural parade at Washington, and Mr. Roosevelt, when h*- visited Rich mond, In r.»06, railed at Jackson's office, and from In front of it nd dressed a crowd of several thousand Negroes, who rh *ered him lustily Jackson's law offices are decorat ed with bronze busts of Pre-id* ills McKinley and Roosevelt, a large picture of Gen. IT. S Grant and stafT, and a portrait of Abraham Elncoln. besides pictures of all the oth’r presidents from Washington down. Jackson has a vivid recollection of Gen. Grant, whom he saw thr**- times, twice as a prisoner of wnr. During the war Jackson followed his master, Col. Charles \\\ Dickinson, of Fitz l.eo's cavalry, as body ser vant. When lie was captured by th * union troops In Caroline county lie asked to be taken before Gen. Grant There lie begged to be al lowed to return through the lines to his master, who. he said. !i * had left wounded upon the battle field. G**n. Grant granted him permission and gave him a pass. Jarkson says he asked to he al lowed to lenvr* the federal lines at night so that he could guide him self on his Journey by th** stars. This was allowed Gen. Grant cau tioned hint, however, that he might be shot by a picket, and told him If he was halt'd to stop at once and give the password, which was, "Friend of the union." He started out In the darkness and soon experienced some nervous ness, whereupon ho recalled the ad vice of t «* union commander. At i>!i( * he begun repeating the pass word .it « v* * y step, and finally bl - shouting “Friend of the union" -*«* loudly that h * was surrounded by eight or E* patrols, who demand •*d to knew if he believed he was th* < uly friend th*' union possessed, lad on show ed his pass and was al lowed to proceed. A COLORADO VACATION DOESN’T COST MUCH -GO THIS SUMMER W t*~ the very low fares In effect daii* tun. I to S* i t I** only slo for round ti ;> from i 'hli:i *<> t'J.'i from St I.on .. i.. I tin* po ;,liillt\ <>f good ra*lo ha - proven I- in* rh»* pl**<«- of l• a-<• s foi a real out -f-doors va< a ! I Kilt The turuuolse ■ky. c-i'n-tant stin saln**. invigorating air. cool night*, uondrrf i .-now*-r:\pp* *1 mountains. i*.tny*>ns h.k* - streams, tto- unusual oppo tiinitl* for outdoor sports, r.akr* An. wondi-r ho-v anyone has * v*i fail and t * Visit i olnrado. I * von car** to go all the way to th** Ptiifft. * this year, by nil no-i \l-it C'otnrndo the nation's l.vyuirmnd Tl-.»- "It* ky M mnlnin 1.1,ti*f *■ .1 • c'»dnrndo T-*ly *-r." “Colora *lo *' lifornia Ext***--*" .• n• 1 other fast t * a'ns \ 1.1 It-* ic Island t.lne- pt-nvldo th* '•••■ • r r • ! lwiv x ttav*-t \Mtomat ,*■ I*!** k signals—Fine,-.* modern alt* *■ t *1 **i|iii|-nient Superb dining *r t ervi< »■ * >.il-. *'.)•■ i 1-ne h* rue. n the ea*>t an*l both Denver an*l Colorado St*r ittu *< it-- i ii'ito or drbo in f. ! foMets and I*. .*.!;!* t :il Book I !11 I TrtC. I Bur* hi. V 1 Jo* t • t'tdg . 1 ' Mi h c c c, aidtKt. I*. I* ,\ , I*l* itn- Main Ordinance No. 21(»-A \X Hit'll' I M t( In iiiiic-ud Section t-li of l hr,pter 11*7 of (he 4 oit>|dlc*l • inllnsH'-c** for the t It* of Detroit for the year 11*17, ns nnieadetl. IT IS IfKRFBY oBDMMD IIV TUI I*l :* *l*l.l. t>F TH I*: rITY *iF DKTBOtT: S* tion I 'l’ jte* lion l-n of Chapter I*7 <-f th«- < *.>* 11 j> 1 1 ♦*.l drill name* leu the City <>f Detroit f«>r th*- v • , r l"12 a■* amended, he and th* .- mu. ) * t i-hv amend***l a* t** rend a* follows*. S. 11 on in The Mr* limits *>f the , Cltv ol Detroit shall include all that section **f th** eitv hounded **n the *-*st by the (enter line of Minnie jßfeet extended <>t* tl *• w< -t i*\ th* center lilt** it era wfor*l street. **n the terth b> a line runnlt.g parallel to F’**rt str*-et ami 13ft f* * t distant north of the north line thereof nnd on t ** south by t lino running |*arallel with Fort street and 13ft feet distant south from the south line thereof except ing loin 22. 23 mill .*I of Clark Burk S"h ~f part Private Claim 5*3 Ivins between F**rt .trect and the Wnbn-h 1! 8.. an*l sltunt** on the south side **f Fort sir* et west corner of s* **tt* n avenue S«»e 2. This ordinance stiall take Immediate effect. Approved June 1. i:»l5. nsr\R R MATIN. A** e* t III] r lU* It \IU> UVbSAY. A 1431 t-MI v Clerk. [)EPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Detroit, Jure 4. 1916 PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SEWER Scaled proposals will he received at fin* office of the Department of Public Works Detroit. Ml*h. until Thursday, June Ift, ISH6, at io o'clock a. tn, eastern standard time, at whhh time and pluie thev will to* opened for fur nishing all labor and mitertal, except Iron manhole rings and covers, which iv II he furnished by the city. nn*l building and (Inlshim. complete togethet with lh«- finch tilling accord ing to the plans md sperlth'ntlon© on flic In this office, the following vitrl fled r-ro< k public sewer, to.wit CHARLEVOIX AVE. PUBLIC SEWER From :*llev west of I.waste to Mart n\•(!!*•. h-ngth of sewer 41 feet, tw ■ m tnholes with Iron steps. ( H VRLEVOIX WE. PUBLK' SEWER From alley w«tst of Garland t*> aifi-v cast **f lyemn'. length of sewer l,v*3H f«*et, eight manholes with iron - si* ps. CHARLEVOIX AVE. PUBLIC SEWER From Iteniteaii to nil* v ** **f llillger, length *>f sewer 791 feet, three manholes with lion st«*|.*> FAIR VIEW AVE. PUBLIC SEWER From Jefferson avenue to the south line of Marsh nvenue extended, length DETROIT TIMES of sewer fe«*t im**re or lessi, five inanh"!* s with Iron steps WATERLOO ST. PUBLIC BBWBR From the alley west of (.yeast© t«> the Aliev east of Mart, length of sewer *!IX f*-*t, three manholes writh Iron steps MAIDSTONE AVE. PUBLIC SEWER tn \(nl*lstone «n*i ton Avenues, from ID*- < enter line of laiwton to a point flv. f,-et soutti of city line, length iif sewer tX6 f*-et I more *»r U*s.-). Hire** manhole* with Iron steps. COLFAX AVE. PUBLIC SEWER From Warren avenue to south line of Da 11» \ , t**tnl length of s* w*er *s>|!' feet tmure **r l»-ss). twehe manholes with Iron steps. SYLVESTER ST. PUBLIC SEWER From c-pane avenue to alley enst of Bohns, length of sewer SAA feet, two manholes with iron t*u*ps. LYUASTE AVE. PUBLIC SEWER From (effersfin a venue s*mth I,T:>T ff**t * rnor*- <>r 1.-ss), three mnnholes with Iron steps Kn< It bidder must deposit with hi* I hid *-n* b'Med in a separate envelope, a ! certified hank * heek pnvahle to the j .*r*ter if the Department of Public " ■ irk> of th*- City of Detroit, as fol lows: * Chi*rlt>\ oix-ave puMl* sewer. I 10a I Charlevoix-uve. puhllo sew er . sot) | Charlevoix-ave puhlic sewer... Jfc I Vnlrview ae. putillr sewer . 2.e c* 1 Waterloo-at. public sewer .... Maidstone-,ive public sew«*r... sot 'Colfax nw puhilr sewer S.'iC*' t S\ I vester st. puhlh sewer 10ft I.v "ste-ave pul'll* sewer. . . It.kfti IVhl'-h sum will he forfeited to the Department In ease th** Milder falls to enter into (ontra-t within five dt*xs after the an ©ptancfi *>f Ills or their tender and will t.*• returned to the eontr*ir*tor upon i roper execution of IBs contract l.'in-l Contra-ts t*> he suhje* t t<* th»* :it*pro\nl **f tie Com mon Council The Iddder whose ten der Is ac* . pted xx-Itl I*** re*iulred to fariti-h w .*h hi- * ontra t an nfiproved I h r«*tv bond to the City of Detroit In | the full Amount <*f contract The Department of Public Works I < \pr**«*lv reserv es the right to reject an' or nil proposals. Checks Hid proposal* to he placed In sop.-*r>»t. * nvelnt *>s All proposals to he made In duplicate i hits * GF.uRGK II I'RN’KKt.Ix A-t4.’.' Commissioner. PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING Th. Secretary *.f poll* e w ill receive hid for f .rrlshlrig th** department wit.i i-oinfilniut orders, assigned or der- -xml report on orders, together j with cards f**r th* same, up until ; el* -ti o'clock i r:l , Saturday, .(tine ■ i? if»ir. Snmpl*.- >f material may he hn*l up**n application at the Secretary's office Th.- right to reject any and all bids Is reserv*d Samples of sto. k must accompany i hid OR»(RdE A WAT.TF.RS. A -112‘ s©'retarv |)EPT OF PUBLIC WORKS June 3. IMS. PROPOSALS FOR MOTOR TRUCK TRAILER Sealed proposals will he received at the office of tin* Department of I'uhltc Works. Detroit, Ml«*h. until Monday. June 7. 1!*lf». at Ift o'clock a in, eastern standard time, at which time and place they will he oprn***l for one Model 612 Troy Motor Truck Trailer with 38\7-inch tires of our selection, required for handling 'asphalt, all t'* h. m accordance with specification* on fib- in th. office of the Department <*f Puhlic Works. Do ■ t with In sft days. Bidders nr* required t<> fib* a certl fi**d check In the sum of lift** with the Department of Puhlh Works, be fore th*- proposals are opened, condi tioned that should they h*- the low est bidders th* \ will, within five days after being awarded th* contract by the department, enter into contract with surety company bond in the full estimated, amount it contract. t'hecks rind propo.-uls 1 > he placed In separate onx**'lope 'l n»* right to rej. <-t any or all pro posal- is expressly reserved All propos • ■ to he made in duplicate 4St S GRO II FFNKKT.I.. A-143ft Commissioner. u———m II ju*-*-j>'—— |)EPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Detroit. Juno 1. 1015. PROPOSALS FOR PAVINC AND RE-PAVINC STREETS AND ALLEYS Sealed proposals will he received a; the office of ©tie Department of Public Works. Detroit. Mich., until Monday. .Tun*- 7, 1916. at 1" o'clock a tn . eastern standard time, at which time and place they will he opened sot furnishing alt the Inhor and ma terial for paving and r* paving the streets and alley* named below, with In the limits mentioned, in the Pity of Detroit, with the styles of pave ment stated. Contractors wUi plea-e not*- that th*- appropriation for paving street and alley Intei sections -- exhausted, and that payment for same wiU he deferred until fun her appropriations are made and become available 4»ne-t'«mrse Concrete. ALLEY 4<»H (Paving) "T" alley In hi* • k between Wood ward, John H, Alger and King, 2ft feet wide with one tout.— con- retr pax lng ALLEY UW (Paving) Kaxt and W*»at alb y Iti block bo twren Thlr«l, 4eeon*l For* .“t nn<l Man <-oi k, 2C f«* t wide (in* re or less) with one course concrete paving ALLEY 170 (Paving) "T" allev In block be ween Wood ward. John It., Willis and Can ft* Id IS and 20 f**et whle with one course concrete paving ALLEV 171 (Paving) In block between John B. Brush. Palmer and Hendrtc, 2 1 feet wide with one enttrse concrete paving. ALLEY 172 (Paving) In block between Trumbull And Lincoln from the north line of Stan ley. northerly 6l*ft f*-«*t put** or les-. is feet wide with one eourae ***>n fete paving. ALLEY 173 (Paving) In block betvx-ern Hamilton Mnp'- elalr. Kefcheval and Waterloo. IS feet wide with one com -*• * onercte paving. ALLEY 171 (Pnving) In btoeg between Blvard, Bussell r>lriston and Alfred. 2" feet wide with one course concret*- paving ALLEV t7.’> (Paving) "T" alley In block between Beau hien, st, Antoine, XVatson ;<nd Frs ktne 18 feet wlilc With one c-ourse concrete paving \\ llh Ttrlek. Vote—The l*ri' k for paving the fol lowing alleys vx*i!l he furnished and delivered on or contiguous t * the work by the City of Detroit, fre. of cost to the contra* tor, ALLEY 17fi (Repaving) In block between Abbott nnd Mich igan from the west line of First to the east line of Second, 20 feet wtde mnr» or less with brick on concrete foundation. ALLEY 477 (Repaving) In flork between Fifth. Fourth, Howard and Abbott, 10 feet wide with brick on concrete foundation. ALLEY 178 (Repaving) In block between Beauhlen. Ray nor Clinton and Gi allot, 20 feet wide with brick on concrete foundation. ALLEY 179 (Repaving) It. block between Fourth, Third. Lafayette and Howard. Id feet wide with brick on concrete foundation. Reinforced Concrete Roosevelt Ave. (Paving) From the north line of Michigan to the south line of Hancock, 24 feet «rl4i with reinforced concrete (Thomai System). and Berea, Medina or any other eurbatone that may be bid upon uml ordered ALLEY 468 (Paving) Assessment Estimate. 388 cubic yards excavation. 1328.44 square yards one courae concrete paving 1 o«5 lineal feet retaining plank. 2-in.x6-in. Flty Katlmate*. 15 92 cubic varda excavation 1 2 lineal feet eurbatone In f2-4ft R > circles furnlabed by city, aet by contractor r,n 76 eouare yarda one courae con crete paving 1 05 cubic yarda concrete under and behind curba. 34 incal feet retaining atone, old Medina curb may be uaed. ALLEY 469 (Paving) Assessment Estimate. 24 4 cubic yarda excavation. 791 14 square yarda one courae con -1 I • paving. 26 lineal lect retaining atone, old Medina curb may be used. IIS lineal feet retaining plank, 2 -In x6-ln. (• 7n ruble yarda concrete under and behind curba. t'll> Katlmatea. None. ALLEY 470 (Paving) 421 cubic yarda of excavation. 11D5.16 aqua re yarda one courae com ret* paving 357 lineal feet retaining plank. 2-in.x6-ln. f'lty F.attmatea. 7 cubic varda of excavation. 12.56 I'nenl feet eurbatone In (2-4 ft R ) circles furnlahed by city, aet by contractor. 55 21 square yarda one courae enn cr< t< paving. 1 03 cubic yarda concrete under and behind curba 26 lineal feet retaining atone. Old Medina c urb may be uaed. ALLEY 471 (Paving) iumnirnt Katlmate. 452 cubic yarda of excavation. I 477.29 square yarda one courae concrete paving. I?ii6 lineal feet retaining plank, 2-ltt. x6-ln. (Ilr Katlmntea. None. ALLEY 472 (Paving) Assessment Katlmate. 3*B cubic ynrds of excavation. II SO aqunre yarda of one courae concrete paving 19 lineal feet retaining atone, old M> cllna curb may he uaed. 106" lineal feet retaining plank, 2- \6-in 0.4S cubic > arcla concrete under and behind curb.* Fit) Estimates. None. ALLEY 473 (Paving) Assessment Katlmate. 471 cubic >nrds of excavation. 1783.62 square yarda one courae cotn-rc i«- paving 1754 lineal feet retaining plank, 3- Fit) Katlmatee. None. ALLEY 474 (Paving) Assessment Katlmate. 424 runic yarda of excavation. 896 22 square yarda of one courae concrete paving 621 lineal feet retaining plank. 2-ln.x6-tn. City Katlmntea. None. ALLEY 475 (Paving) tanenamrnt Katlmate. 298 cubic yards of excavation. 782 22 square yarda of one courae concrete i»avlng 889 lineal reef retaining plank. 2-ln \6-in. Fit) Katlmntea. 6 cubic yards of excavation. 1 I 22 square yarda of one courae concrete paving ALLEY 476 (Repaving) Vnacsamenf Katlmate. 130 cubic yards of excavation. In cluding old paving material, cobble stone, etc. 556 69 square yards of brick on concrete paving 316 lineal feet retaining plank, 2-1u.x12-ln. Flty Katlmntea. None. ALLEY 177 (Repaving) Assessment Katlmate 192 cubic yards of excavation. In cluding oid paving material, cobble stone. etc. 666 67 square ynrds of brick on concrete foundation paving 464 lineal feet retaining plank. 2-ln xl2-ln Flty Katlmate*. None ALLEY 478 (Repaving) \aaraament Katlmate. 111 ctoblc yards of excavation In cluding old paving material, cobble stone. etc. 469 41 square yards of brick on concrete foundation paving 53 lineal feet retaining plank, 2-ln xl2-ln Flty Katlmatea. None. ALLEY 179 (Repaving) taaesament Katlmate 211 cubic yarda of excavation In cluiilrg old paving material, cobble stone. etc. 661.57 square ynrds of brick on cor.i tetc foundation paving. 125 lineal feet retaining plank. 2-tn.xl2-ln Flty Katlmatea. None. Roosevelt Ave. (Paving) Assessment Katlmatea. 441 cubic yards of excavation 8476 19 lineal feet of curbstone (new » straight <6 29 lineal feet of curbstone, new. In i29-12' R Med > circles furnished b\ contractor (19 dressed Inside. 10 dressed outside), 4-22' R Med.) circles furnlshe 1 by coniractor (2 dressed Inside, 2 dressed outside) 11.183 58 sq. yds. of reinforced con crete i Thomas system) paving 23 '6 square yards of brick on 2-ln ( "ncrcte, brick furnished by city. 22' 1 71 cubic ' ards of concrete under and b# hind curb. 22'. lln« til feet at the Junction of pav. ment with car track; contractor Will All void under rail heads with cement mortar, without extra charge. Fity Katlmatea 169 cubic yards of excavation. 79 <8 lineal feet of new curbston* (st might). 25 12 lineal feet of new curbstone In (1-4' R Med ) circles furnished by cent rn. tor. 369 27 square yards of reinforced concrete paving 8 52 i uole yards of concrete under and behind curb. ?2? 22 lineal feet of retaining stone, old Medina curb may be used. Ti e time to he set in the contrsets for tl.e completion of the above pav ing I'.hs shall be a.■» follows Alley (68, August 10 1915 Mb’y 460, August 40. 1915 Aliev 470, August 10, 1915 Alley 471, August 10, 1915 Alley 472, August 10, 1915. Aliev 173, August 19, 1015. Mlev 47 4, August 10, 191* Aliev 475. August 10, 1915, Aliev 476, August 10, 1915 Aliev 477, August 10 1915 Alley 178, August 19. 1915 Mlev 47:*, (August 19, lp|s Roosevelt Avenue, October 18, 1915 Sabi streets to be paved according to the specifications for concrete .idnpte.l Fell jit, IMS brick, adopted Jan 19. 1916; reinforced concrete ndopted Keb 23, 1918; also the esti mates of the City Engineers as above, an.l the -charter and ordinances of the City of Detroit. Didders will state the price per cubic yard for excavation, price per lineal foot of curbing, price per square yard for paving or concreting, and price per lineal foot for retaining plank or stone, etc. Bids will only b# received for the entire of the work or material for any street or section of street as per quantities stated In the estimates and th» hid will he accepted which la the lowest on aggregating the above de tails regardless of any error of ex tensions or footings made by bidders. Rlc ders must deposit with bids en closed In separate envelope, a certi fied check payable to the order of the Department of Public Works of the City of Detroit, as follows: Alley 468 J 2'io 00 Alley 469 10« 00 Alley 470 100 00 Alley 471 200 00 Alley 472 100 00 Alley 473 200 »0 Alley 474 100 oo Alley 475 80 00 All*y 476 100 oO Alley 477 200 00 Alley 478 100 00 Alley 479 200 90 Roosevelt Ave 2,900 00 Which sum will be forfeited to the city of Detroit In case the bidder fails to enter into contract, to confirmation of the Common rmin cil within the five days after the ac ceptance of his tender by the Depart ment of Public Work*. The bidder whose lender Is accept ed will be required to furnish with his < ontract nn approved surety com pany bond to the City of Detroit In the full amount of the contract price for the work conditioned on the full and faithful performance of his part of the contract. The contra, tor shall he paid In bonds for first paving, or the pro reeds thereof. If auch bonds are pur chased by the Sinking Fund Commis sioners. according to law. No hid will he accepted from any person or firm who is in arrears or default to the Cltv of Detroit Specifications In detail for the above work may he had on applica tion to the secretary The Department of Tuhllc Works expressly reserves the right to reject anv or all proposals. AH proposals shall he made in du plicate . <«*«> GEORGE H FF.NKF.LL, CommtFUtoner DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS. Detroit. Mich., June 1, 1915. SIDEWALK^NOTICE To All 55 hom It May Concern: Take notice that by order of the Common Council you nre required to construct reconstruct or put to prop er line and grade, a brick, nnturnl stone, artificial stone, cement or con crete sidewalk, crosswalk or drive way, according to specifications pre pared by the Commissioner of Public 55 orks and approved by the Common Council. BOOK A—EAST (1) (*n the west side of Cameron, In fiont of or adjoining such lots or parts of lots numbered 64, 71. between Lynn and CanllT Stanley and Ackerman sub. of O. Ls. 28 and 29 of >4 sec. 38, 10,909 acre tract. (2) On the east side of Cameron. In front, of or ndjolnlng such lots or parts of lots numbered 191. ids, 96. 94, 93, 87. between Lynn and Cuniff, Stanley and Ackerson sub. of o. I.s ■>h and 39, of >4 sec. 28, 10,009 acre tract. (3) On the south side of Elizabeth street, in front of or ndjolnlng such lots or parts of lots num bered 6. 5, between *Bt. Antoine street and Hustings street, plat of the sub of C. Moran farm, between Qratiot and Indiana stteets. BOOK B—EAST (1) On the east side of Cadillac avenue. In front of or adjoining such lot or part of lot num bered 96, between Mack avenue and (ioethe street, 55'aterworks sub. of all that part of P c 257. east of Cadillac Boulevard and between Mack street and Jefferson avenue. (2) On the west side of Hurlbut avenue. In front of or adjoining such lot or part of lot num bered 97. between Mack avenue and Goethe street, 55’aterworks sub of all that part of p. c. 257 * nst of Cadillac Boulevard and between Mack street and Jefferson avenue. (3) (»n the east side of Meldrum avenue, In front of or adjoin ing such lots or pnrtn of lots numbered 27, 28, 34 35. between Muck avenue and Berlin street. sValker and RadclllTe's sub. of thnt part of (>. I,* it ,nd 25 and of lots 9 and 10. sVhipnlc’s sub of O. Ls 26 anfl 27. Mel drum farm, between Meldrum and Beaufnlt avenues and north of Berlin street. BOOK C—EAST (1) On the west side of Bnldwin avenue, in front of or adjoin ing such lots or parts of lots numbered 41. 42, 43. between Cat field avenue and Forest avenue, K C. Van Husan's sub of the easterly 61.07 acres of P C. 16, between Mack and Gratiot avenues. (2) On the east side of Crane ave nue. In front of or adjoining such lot or part of lot num bered 27, between Lambert street and Gratiot avenue, the Maltz sub. of that part of P. c. 164 lying north of Gratiot ave nue. (8) Oil the east side of Crane ave nue. In front of i r ndjolnlng such lot _or part of lot num bered 47, between Lambert street and Duncan street, the Maltz sub. of thnt part of p. C 154 lying north of Gratiot ave nue. (4) On the west side of East Grand Boulevnrd, In front of or ad joining such lots or parts of lots numbered O. L n 63 8n ft. of s 20*7.07 ft. of e 12X50 ft between Forest avenue and Canfield avenue. P, C 678, w of and adjacent Grand Boulevard and between Mack and Grntiot a venues (5) On the west side of l-7.-i■ t Grand Boulevard, In front of or ad joining such lots or parts of lots numbered O. L. n 4t.60 ft of s. 1976 19 ft of e. 123.50 ft . between Rylvestei str< < t and Canfield avenue, P C 67 s. w of and adjacent Grand Boule vard and between Mark and Grntiot avenues I (6) i>n the east side of McCb-llnn avenue. In front <>f or adjoin ing such lot or part of lot numbered 7, between Harry street and Nichols avenue. Mc- Cormack Bros sub, of lot 18, 55'm It Moran's sub of portion of 11 C of P C 152 (7) on the cu-t side of llohns ave nue. in front of or ndjolnlng auch lot or part of lot num bered *l. between Moffat street and Chapin avenue. s',m Win kle's sub of lot" 1 2. 3.8, 9, 12, 13, 16 and n 112.9s ft of lot I* of Crnne A- \\'« sson's rub. of P C 644 <8) •>n the east side of Meyburn avenue. In ffont of or adjoin ing such lot or pan of lot numbered 91, betw»en Forest avenue and 55'nrten avenue, Emily Burnett « sub of the easterly part of p. C. 399. sos Gratiot avenue (9) fin the east side of Seneca ave. nue, in front of or adjoining such lot or part of h.t num bered 23. between Chnpift ave nue and Moffat street. Stephen son & Trrbeln Co.'s .ub <,f th w of block 29 and lot A of block 32 of the sub. of that part of the Co«k fan , p i■„ 153, 136 and 18" between For est nnd Gratiot avenues. (10) On the east side of Seminole avenue, in front of or ndjo n- Ing such lot or part of lot numbered 41. between Gratiot avenue anti Moffat “treet fur rv'e Cook farm sub of blocks 2*. 27 nnd lot V of block 26 of the sub of that part of the rook farm. IV Cs. 153, 156 nnd 180. between Forest and Grn tiot avenues. BOOK C—WEST (1) On the south side of Avis ave nue, In front of or adjoining PAGE NINE such lot or MUrt «f MjflH bered 51 »«tW*ai| avenue and Vii«4mh|HH the John p. Clark NlilkgHH Os lot 8. ship Yard Ui»£ (2) On the north aid* gs berlaln avenua. I* adjoining such lot *V lot numbered 1, betWMR jßfdH'.'b mere avenue and Wn ijilgiajlß avenue Christopher J. ||Mw| •uh of the s. part of a, V ggafl o l 7of shin Yard trndt, it i! (■•) (>n the south aide of nMl^| avenue. In front of or Adjoining *j| such lot or part of lot n«m» W bcre.i 324, between KlnNW™ avenue nnd sVoodmere avene*. TO the John P. Clark estate a«n> J ... ®f lot 8. Ship Yard tr*et. ■>! (4) On the south side of avenue, in front of or adjoining such lot or part of lot n«MA« bered 125. between E laniard vs avenue and 55'oodmere avetiM, the John P Clark eatate anK , of lot 8, ship Yard tract. (5) On the north side of HwatT , avenue. In front of or such lota or parta of lota rram hered 167, 169, 19*. 170, IM, ' 1«2. 173, 174, between E lamer* ' avenue and Lawndale avennfb ' the John I*. Clark estate ann. of lot 9. Ship Yard tract. (9) On the north slue of Homer avenue. In front of or adjoin ing such lot or part of lot num- ; bered 175. between El am era avenue and sYoodmere avenue, the John P. Clark eetato aub. ' H of lot 9. Ship Yard tract. (7) On the south side of Rathbou* i avenue, in front of or adjoining ■ su< h lot or part of lot ntim- c bered 33. between Els mere dje nue and 55'oodmere avenue. En gel's sub. of the northerly por- 1 tlon of the northerly hair of the westerly half of lot 7, ttllp Yard tract. (8) On the north aide of Rst v '’***' avenue, In front of or adjoin ing such lot or part of lot numbered 34, between Elsmere avenue and 55'oodmere avenuo, Engel's sub. of the northerly portion of the northerly half of the westerly half of lot 7, Shin Yard tract (9) On the north side of Longwortll ; avenue. In front of or adjoin ing such lots or parts of lot* numbered 264. 265. 269, 297. |7t, „ 27'. between Elsmere aventi* nnd Lawndale avenue, th* John P Clark estate nub. of lot I, Ship Yard traet. (19) On the south siae of Long worth avenue. In front of or adjoin ing such lot or part of lot numbered 221. between Elamoro avenue and 55'oodmere avenue, the John P. Clark estate suh. of lot 9. Ship Yard tract. (11) On the east side of Park IW nue In front of or adJotnTng such lots or parts of lota num bered 35, 37, 39, between Dig avenue nnd Toledo avenuo. Quinn nnd Haggerty's sub. of n part «f p, C. 593. lytng be tween Dlx nnd Toledo avenue*. (12) On the west side of Park ave nue. In front of or adjoining such lot or part of lot num bered 49. between Dlx avenue end Toledo avenue. Quinn and Haggerty's sub. of a part of P. c r.S3 lying between Din and Toledo avenues As nre owned by you. on or before lun*' 17. 1915. or In default there of. the same will be constructed, re constructed or put to proper line and grade by the Department of Publle 55’orks. and the expense thereof, to gether with the cost of this publica tion. will be assessed against sold lots. GEORGE H FENKET,L. A-1419 Com'r of Public Works. pEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Detroit, May 29. 1911. FOR CONSTRUCTING VITRIFIED CROCK LATERAL SEWERS Sealed proposals will bo received at the office of the Department of Public Works. Detroit. Mich., until Saturday, June S, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m. standard time, at which time and place they will be opened, for furnishing all the labor and material except manhole rings and covers, which will he furnished by the city, at i Ity yards, and building and fin ishing complete, together with the bark filling, according to the plans and specifications on file In this of fice. vitrified crock lateral sewer In the following described alley: Lateral Sewer Arm In street. In blocks bounder) by Martin, Ctcotte, Devereaux and Hanson streets (ex tended ). Each bidder must deposit In a sep arate envelope with his hid a certified hank check payable to the order of the Department of Public 55'orka of the Fltv of Detroit for the sum of two hundred dollars ($290) for each sewer bid upon, which will be for feited to the Department In case the bidder falls to enter Into contract within five days after the acceptance of his tender. Contracts to be sub ject to the approval of the Common Council The bidder whose tender ie accepted >vlll be required to furnish with his contract an approved bond to the Cltv of Detroit In the full amount of the contrnct, conditioned on the faithful performance of con* The contractor shall be paid In bonds or the proceeds thereof. If aueh bonds are purchased by the Sinking Fund Commission according to law. No bids will b< accepted from any person or firm who Is In arrears or default to the City of Detroit upon debt, contract, or tbligation to said ettv. Printed specifications In detail for the above work m»v be had on ap plication to the Secretary. The Department of Public Work* reserves the right to reject any ov all proposals 45 4? GEO. If FEN KELL, A-1417 Commissioner. Ordinance No. 245-A 4\ ORDINWFK to amend Section 5-h of 4 hoptcr Ist of the Compiled Ordinances for (lie 4 It) of Detroit for the )ear 11*12. 1T l* HEREBY ORDAINED BT Till: PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF DETROIT Section 1 Thai section 5-b of chap ter 181 of the Complied Ordinance* for the Flty of Detroit for the year 1912, he and the same Is hereby amended so us to rend as follows; Se-’tlon 5-b No saloon where snlr- Itlous, Intoxicating or malt liquor* are sold n- a beverage shall l»e here ift •• r established and maintained within the territory within the Cltv of Dtl • • rlbed ns follows. All that portion of the city bounded on the north by the northerly city lim its on the east by the center line of Russell street from a point where the center line of Bussell street in tersects the northerly limits of the city, southerly along the center line of Russell street extended to the cen ter line of Grand Boulevard east: thence westerly along the center line of Grand Boulevard east to the cen t*>i line ~f Melrose avenue; thence northerp. along the center line cf Melrose avepne extended to the cen ter line of Holbrook avenue; thence westerly along the center line of Hol brook avenue to tbe center line of Goodwin avenue thence northerly along tbe center line of Goodwin avenue, extended to the northerly r It) limits, excepting, however, the following described parcel of land, lots 4« and 49 of Moeller Gardonla subdivision of lots 7 and 8 of the subdivision of the west one-half of quarter section 13. 19 009-acre tract, fLiint ramck, 55’ayne county, Michi gan . Sc 2 This ordinance shall taka Immediate effect Approved June j 1915. (•SCAR B. MARX. Mayor. Attest RICHARD LINDSAY. A-14?7 City Clerk ji THE TIMES Jfmr I time, your eyes and your ‘j indignation. Con cl at, clean.