Newspaper Page Text
SATI’IIDAY, JUNK 5, 1915. LITTLE ADS FOR THRIFTY BUYERS Designed for the Purpose of Placing Before the Public the Merchandise, Craftsmanship and Special Service Offered by Exclusive Concerns That Are Not Generally Advertised Classified i Cent a Rates 1 Word G»»h with order, if charged. 7o a line 50 transient advertising ln#'-rtsd for less than Iftc with Utah, 144 cif charged. pei Insertion Thi* kbovt nlra tppif to all chxaai flea ttmiH fir*|ti liiriliM, t ante of Thunk*. (diltuarle*. Meeting Notices •ml all Mile pi < ceding Male Help Hit tha, Death*, Ckrdi of Thanks «n<| Mri'tiiiv Notice* Mini mu in charge, tii for ?.'• words or It **, Over 25 word* one uml on< tltlrd cent* for each extra word. Marriage Licenses. Kre.i Keelei 39. Detroit, Margaret Ahtako), 3 V .■•alto Kit Itogyoka. .Detroit, Julia ft-in nan. It. name Frank Ncln.i*. 31, Detroit; Marie Tar cli, lit, ».tm< John t iinntnnhum, 37, Detroit; Maud (it) nn, .'7, name. Marwood Andrews. 10, Detroit. !<«>••■ K uhn. I s , »> me Albert latonlurier, Detroit, fatllelllie I’oUi tl. 33. aitlne. Williai-i r.-riy, <2. Detroit; M »r --k »ret Itnriihttin. »ante J* fit ry t !e* , *l*iii, 10, Detroit, Helen la-rvli. In sun.* Chui leu lllooiii, 34. Detroit. Stephu nla AMhlulw, 34). Mini lnuii, > Rosea. 31, Detroit. Mary F*« iik. 30. i>hii • . . . , l,|oyd lone* Detroit. Nora Mel. •on. 31, same \ Kohn. Detroit, lloa# «• babel. 2ft, some. I'r, ,| s i'• •ter, 1", Detroit, All* * Fell. 3y *ame. Ghnrle* Hooper ?J, Detroit. rlor •n«e jite-le, 31. urtllU Haul jane. 2>, Detroit. Bertha Handler. I'* name. Kdward Dank. 33 lnk»t<r. Miry Berwsrnlt* 3C same 51 notii Mad »t. 19, l*elr >!t. A Swln eleka. Ik, .nine. ,~, Walter W ilkie. 2>, Detroit, Ully S< hull* 31, »ante lliiv ir.l Keillor* . Detroit Ade. 1 , 1 ■ • - I Mnlia. lona* 31, Detroit; Nell* i same John .''lev in* .;. I >i*tr.. • Del. n Pana»k; -V -ame John l»oy|e 31. Detroit. Jennie he h<>e. 2*. *anie. A Mavninia. 3 1 Detroit. Julia HP • lat. 21. same. McK»! 1 Dow and). 32. same. Merman Glo- kei. 31. Det roi t, Mat 11. da Rnneaho, 2)*. earn* Births. BOVS. \\* Woman’* hospital ’ Co shi <- * M>-rk ■ r V K y nar t o 1 fti t -in *•■! »« Maih*-w*i«n, 3t> Alexan drine Iran* llnpp 1 Thirty first J laxhft, Tl. ’ I <*th, t 173 Hi-end. >m. J Flta* 155 Fluiner. G l.aul-p. 117 Cleveland F st *•*-!» ; 3* Shetidan, G Ex in*. -7' Eighteenth, <J Htonee, Grace hospital F -lotk-v ft*# llen.frie. J i d.loß, 3kft Thirty third W v iona, 13 FI >r< r • K Bnr. I*7 Milwaukee. V I'unipalonu, 2'ft Orleans. I v’taruvn-, 291 Division. A. Sarose. '2l Catherine .1 Hues kP-wii * 4.’, Newton, I* " . Ik-dl*i-h. 3* Ford)«*•. G Toth. 9v Vanderbilt. G! RIJ4 c t*haw 227 Columhu* II P t* oldt. Woman « hospital. N Calvert. 137'* Vnmont K ltotdn*on. 11 Mark, F Heelev. lft'i* iloodwin. I* Colombo, Detroit. A Kettle. I•■■• « Comold, W Hilbert. 74 Conger 'V Montroy. 11l Richmond I. H» • i n«. .«*’» Hngg, * Lessnex. \’an u nrrm-r hospital. I. It I tig ro«* \.> -i M rini-r h .pII nI. K Zawn ki. ID7 Michigan S Hon*. 2;4S Michigan 1.. II in. ft', Lincoln A P*n«t*. 73# ttrandv F Zd>>n-k ft 13 Medburx l f >ki >w « xn*kl. Iftftl s» Auhtn 1 Walter*. 41* M< Dougall I* Cummin** 2»»• 4 Hr*ml blvd /. J*w erskl. l.i Newton. <• D.ngler. l-' , 32 Ellery M Auet<\ *2> Hamilton. J \ Deaths Mary Ht« ker, 2ft>;* 1.1nd.-n, 7ft - mitral eitntlon John Itiha. 4 3.'. Antoine 73 \*. heart dl*ea*p H.xr ry W Cole, ft 7 Haidwln. 'lays. In nnltlon innl* ic ■ .anitarlum, 4" \ . .r* meninultla. t*. It ftlgi krtt. >4 Fourtpenth ft3 >rar*. rarboilr arid poi.i-ni'ie John <‘hr iji klewtcz. Jr. ftft7 Maker, 32 * - ar*. nephritis Ch.irle* Wall, I*7 It Vine- Wood fti year*, mltr-fl n w r*! o Jh la Hrd’man. tlra>-e hospital. 7,4 year*, ar-'inont.-i William Hal/wedel. Holvev h"*plt 11. r.’ u nr*. frn<-tiired skull Jxill un C, Hclimldt kll Six feeritii ft'.’ year- ■ Irr'ioal* hepatic, f If Miller. Ht M ir' * hoeolt *1 40 \ear*. tt inshot Kdwtn J C'ltnpheM. !il \...-xr« perlt<<niti*. c.m-•• ho*pit.-*l TJlltan M Von »• hrelder. on Nl< olet 27 y. xr». tuhorrtilosia Martha F. Hudnik I’rovPP t e ho*jit*l. in ve.-ir* broncho pneiinionlii I'dward Makn rat. 71*7 Mit< hell, x 'ear*, t.ron-bo pneumonia lo*et,h retrowskv. H* Man * host ltal 13 vent*, fr o tore of skull Heor*e c la»ri-n>'f. -757 St Clnlr ftl iee> «. i-eret.iwl hemorrhnFe. Collin* C t'olhv, 11?’' K Jefferson, '-2 year*, rerehrnl 1 etrorrhft«e I’rnrk Kogeez. | 7 Portland. 2 vetra, enteri tl* Heor *e Farris. lefferson and Hrlswold. 71 years, mitral IrmtiffP Irn. rx \ntl «>n' Martin. t« n«>hns. .12 ve*r« tuber- il«'«l» ta« oh Hteppler, Harper hospital. 42 lear- lobar pr.etl monte; llenrv t.-ip<-«. *i| Ht Auhln, R? rear*, pernb’lous uraemia; James Mr<’arther 21st Rb-l mond. «3 '• ■ ir* ttibereulosls. Charles " Cross _ li Ttenfon. ft 4 veers endoosnllfls Kilo men* Mnffnthon. r»’32 "rlf-ins, 1 veir |oh»r pneumonls Minnie Frown Tit Clinton. IS years, tuberculosis Josh ua Johnson. ’>2 Beacon veers m' - ocardltls August It-sl.r. I(4'm Mud son. ftft \ ears, de*et eralli e sclerosis Csrrle Fairbanks. St >f-irv”s hospi tal 4 1 'ears. Impiest pending Mar garet Wallace. (Trace hospital branch. R3 vears lobar pneumonia Heorge It Holt. T*” Fifteenth. *7 veu« cancer James Rturra'-. Jr. 172 I.e Mxv, 44 ve»rs lotar pneumonln FTenrv Me r*)end 174 Concord. 21 year*, tuber rulosts Mortuary M% X tune 1 Hi*.. T'dward b. love-1 husband of F.mllle I. and father of Mrs Ororit* C Jop’i ton. Mrs. Earnest fl Oswald Ft "e'--«| at 2 t> m. Saturday, June * t!»i', front residence 13 Beresford-ave, ITl*h land Tark Buffalo, N V , papera please rory. ttnßlirt June 2. at tb» reslcb nee of her daughter Mrs George Ora bie. 1104 West Tafa ye t te-b) vd . Jen- Me Worden, widow of the late (’'buries Worden, bclove-1 niolher of Mrs George fjrable Funeral from resilience Snturdnv, June 7», a» ? p m. eastern standard time Buriat at Plymouth iirt.r m ttcT.ii—itn.c A —NEAT API’KABING gentleman, about 25 year* of age, «*oml habit* and high ambition and not afraid of work to Join a live sale* force; enperlenre not no-esaary; *vc as *t*t you it* many wav* Apply to Mr, Olddmg*. 1010 Penobscot bldg, from # to 12 only AGENTS and dlstrb t managers want ed to call on the nutom >h|)o trade Great opportunity. Write for par ticulars at once N. Grossman, IS Joy-at . Boston, .Mass Whin you answer thee# aduftwc manta pleas* mention th* Tims*. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN It FI I* IVAWI’FD —M Al-lt. A.A.—BIGGEST wage in city. Only 21 machines left for ex perienced power machine op erators. Let us prove it to you. First come, first placed Apply Miss Baxter, Hamilton Carhartt, Mfr., Michigan-ave. and Eleventh-st. PEA DING gentleman about 27. year* of itge. good habits and high uu hitli.n and not afraid of i live aalr-S force, experience not necessary; we as- M*t >oi in m.inv ways Apply to Mr <lidding*. |o|o Penobscot bldg, from 9 to 12 only. SALESMEN For Subdivisions and Fruit Farms (). F. HYDE CO. 303 CHAM OF COMMERCE MAIN 50# M KI,P UAITKII—fkMAIR HOOD (’l'm i|v dishwasher and waiter rin ol'tnin work at once hy calling a 1417 Jefferson-a ve east to are for child. 129 Smith a ve IHVDEIt 4 hues, experienced 304 New Telegraph bldg C‘*«»K Colored, at once; must be rent appearing. 121 Woodward 0< • MPKTI-7NT stenographer and of fii«- n -i-tant. permanent position I• »b and Wlght-sts. iEX I ‘F. It I r-’Nt’KD German girl for gen «"sl housework, small family. !*ft Hague a\«- Telephone North 1373 I7AH4 position for young girl to as st** with housework go home night.* 41 Walon Hemlock 23]#-R ”! xN- 1.1 ■ -1> ironer. 19 Sib- I3XI I'HIFNCKD chambermaid with reference Apply 114 Winder <; K\ 1-: it a I ht'usework no washing, reference.* Apply 199 Hecond-ax-e Ulltl. wanted for gen* ral housework willing to go In t tie country for the summer. _ih•» West Orand-hlvd GIRT, for general housework; two children 117 Alexandrine west HIBI. for '.’eneral housework, small family good wages A0 Webb-ave OH I, for general housework; good wm -s 2110 Gratiot. Ridge Sllt-M Hlltl. to look after child 2 years old 13'' Hmlth-ixve HI RDM for light assembling. *<l Kean blen P - *i • Hlltl* for general housework, meat be good cook, no laundry work. thr«e in family 24ft Taylor. «P u>D Ullll, for light pantry mrk and dl*hw,t*hlng Apply 122 Winder. IJCWID German girl for general house, work 217. Irouuols-ave I.ADY nlnno player wanted at once 13SI Jefferson-»Ve HFFIf'K Hlltl. wanted. 134 t’hene-st m - i, i riII’RBTiAN, 140 Monroe. I* Invited to attend sh» nrpheum fheefer Saturday evening a* a inn at of the Detroit Time* Two tickets ate waiting at this office for her SBP’.iND nilll, 93 Taylor-ave North iSftfi 817 VK It AI. laundresses and women for cleaning. 31 75 per day. Diftll Hus j sell-at HHA PHKB. rapid and accurate, n it le-* than five vears' experience, sot engineering work. Fall Main It 411 HTF,Ni»GR.\PHER— Salary »«S Main • * * f ( STITCHERS on shoes Third floor. 44 Fast I.arned WANTED »ilrl for general work, one who can go home nights._ two In family, wages sft, Fall North 99ft. anted” 25 Tolcphono Oporators 14’e pnv while learning Fine oppor tunity for adx-ancement. Rest rooms provided for off-duty hours. Hood |ndu< cments to bright girls Till: MM’Hinv.N STATE TELR PH4TNF CO. Applv radlllac Exchange, corner of John R and Madison. x\ \ >t►;i» sin vrinix—ffm 4i k. r AT'ARI.E young lady wishes posi tion a* governess or companion for Invalid, references Hemlock 254 1 EXPERIENCED maid wants house work In small family; no washing, good wage* Ridge 2444-J. 945 Kirby cast _________ At TOMOWH.KW. FREE MOTOR BOAT SHOW AT 1255 .TrfTerson Avrnuc East Watch for the GLASS HOUSE A complete line of motor boats, canoe*, rowboats, engines and sll sorts of marine accessories and flt tlnß«. DON’T FAIL TO COME Open every day from ft a m. to 9 p. m Saturdays open from 3 a. m. to 4 p; m Open Sundays only hy special ap pointment. DETROIT BOAT COMPANY, Ft'K v; High power 4-passenger i rosuater, overhauled and in perfect shape Inuulre Joe t'ampau-ave. or phone East .147 AITO IftftTHtTTIOJI STUDENTS WANTED Learn to drive and repair automo bile* hv the Sterling System. In dividual Instruction; new class each week F;nroll now for next week | Sterling Auto College. 717 Casa-are 41 TO P 41XTIH 44. Auto find Wasron Taintinpr o M MI LT* PROP Css* and Adams, I’pstslrs IX 4XTKI4—4I TOWOIIII I \VK CAN SELL YOVR CAR 4\ • in buy a *ar for you ua know what you have or what you xx ant. A. C. AUTO SALES CO. ] Cad. 354-J. 167 First St. WANTED -AUTOS We xvlll sell your car without cost to you We have more buyers than cars A C Anto Mules, DI7 Ftrst i-t Cadillac 154-J ___________ \Xnen vn„ answer tnesa aftlverttr*- msnta please mention th# Ttmsa. Want to Sell Something ? Try a little Ad in the Times Classified Col umns. ONLY 1c A WORD We Collect Later Main 4520. FOR *» 41.1-3—llll 1 4 I l>. Bicycles nainy spring *•■ im.m bus indu •<1 in to reduce th*• prlc« * of our . 111 ti • Mile of bicycles All 343hb yi lc-. now * 7 All 14u bicycles riow # :-4 All 335 ,imi 31" f> < j 1< nnw 337 V All 325 bicycle* now 32'». Ex-erx- bb-ycle with '"aster-brake, mud guard*, and xvith the w.-'l known Haverford KUar.uiti > f«.r '>ne year. Easy term* If de-ired Haverford Cycle Cos. 249 Wood ward-ave. (II 4IIKXX OIHMIKTI Ml IKS, SEE Dieplo & Rf-o.” for a good paying business Open Hunuav from In t«« * p tn s;n FREE PRESS HLDG MMN ' H RICH TALCK. MINE Improved, ft miles from r.i-ir id. 7. mile* from boat W • nut 7 11 M. "r Robert Elliott, 210 Dover Court-rd., Toronto. 8J1.1.1 4Rl>** 4MI Pool.. BILLI 4rl Ta bles with th<-only genuine Mor irch cushions, to xv and reniodded at moderate prices and 'n«y t.-rms, niao stoudlc* -ml repulrlmt llrnnv xx lok - Balk e-Pol lend.-r Cos. of Michi gan. 100 Randolph-st. DFTI :< ' r II l-7«l. Ci'iM PETF. NT. trustworthy operative*, day or tileiit 11 <* 1 >wvei Secret Service llure-iu. No 60J. Rrcltrneyer bldg C’ndlllac 131 Night* and Sundays, phone West 2574 1.0 414 oa p t:nso x %i. ; iimphhti . MONEY LOANED nt lowest rates on diamonds, watchee, mink and seal Van Baalen'.s Loan Office ESTABLISHED 78C- '*.4r> 2«>9» 17ft ,'hel by - at.. r« ar of Hotel Cadillac LOST 4\D I’OI X 11. LOST—Thursday afternoon, pi nrl brooch, on Fourteenth car, corner State anil Woodyvard Oxxnet, 717 Fourteenth-avc I.OST—A jieatl |dn Reward, phone llernlock 215i'> TO I.oA \. rnNSI Liberal amounts. J F. Weber. Ifil Oral ltd POt 1.1 111 4XI) P3CT srot K DAY OLD UHIX All hreeds. perfect health and condi tion, enn be ship’ ed saf' ly any where. Edward* Kir I Store, 1-9 Mlehlgan-ave , Detroit PBRftflft 41. h. NOTICE If atiy poor girl la in ti Me needing advice, frien<lshlp or help, write or call on SI.VKKTNRY MAROxRKT DI'FFY, 99.1-I’ort st west. Salvation Army. LADIES’ HATS r'Mocked Hemps and Tanamas our specialty. The Exclu sive Hat Frame Shop ftl Hr tint. •TOR 4i;F.. STORAGE furniture, nearly new. I'nr galn price Sumner On , Ml- h Ar 4th. 44 ANTED—WIM 1.1.1. X Allot s. OLD feather beds wanted Jewel Mat tress Do . 339 Michigan. Cadillac #93. When you answer :beie advertise ments please mention the Times. OSGAR ANI) ADOLPH AT THEIR GAY PRANKS. - ' ■■■■•' - - / ✓ors ue* I /'^chTs».wj kc / ivhy con ~ : I*olt 4 41.E—IIKMIIKM P. PROPERTY FOR a 41.K—ltl7llllFN(’K •UlOl'l liTY DILLON-ANDERSON CO. REAL ESTATE T ITT? HAVE WHAT YOU WANT W I Zj CAN SELL WHAT YOU HAVE SUITE 1117 FORD BUILDING CADILLAC 1030 FOR 9 4 1.1-7—VAC ANT LOTS. FOIt SALE—VACANT I.OTS. Lots at Bargain Prices In CAMPBELL & HARDING’S ST. CLAIR PARK SUBDIVISION ADJOINING GRAYHAVEN Opposite the Continental Motor Cos., and near the Beautiful Lake St. Clair S2O Down $5 per Month Present prices cannot prevail and we have a limited number of lots. Make an early selection and profit thereby. Office will be open Sundays to show lots Take Jefferson Limits or Grosse Pointe Car Telephone Hickory 51 I lIR *4I.I7—MIWCBIXASBOI *• DIN I N'fi •K<>< iVI chairs and table New Horn* sewing machine. ht«ix-*-*. , chertp. <’;»dtllae .77-13. 41« St. Aubin | TV I‘EW RITE Its. All new 350; rebuilt 315 up. Rent $1 mo. up Agents I'omn#. weighs ft ■kJftlTsS. jh* < >pen Hat eve. till * WKfwVa Detroit Type. Cos . l Kn U I«-rr nr Wood. Main 4H>- MN- MINES I .El-PRICK. 07ft Wll ll.iins-nve . Is Invited to attend the nr -heum theater «s a g'test of the I'.-trilt Time.* Saturday ex-enlng Two tickets are welting at this of - •- for her SAILBOAT for sale, 22-ft sloop rig. reasonable cheap for cash, llem lo.-k 22ft9-W. SODA KOI’NT A IN, bllli >rd and poo! table* new and second-hand Geo. Marsh Do , 9 Farrner-s* E Z term* 11’E EXCHANGE vnur old furniture for new or give you cash. Main 2'ifH. Iftl Michlgan-ava XTt*|t 44.37 4\D t 4RT44iF.. ACME Storage, -r.-tmm th xx-arehouse. Storage, moving. M 899 tl Gilman. CENTRAL STORAGE GO. moving, packing II: eproof. rate* right Mo tor vans for suburban moving I hon •• (la dll lae ft 9 HOKHL P.ROS. Storage nnd I' n klntr office ift2 Alfred Ridge 821 Waverly-ave. PARTY MOVING to Galifornlft can rent part of i ar. Gentral Storage Go . Gadillao 69. 44 4 \TF.D—MONEY. |*. Mini FIRST MORTGAGE, on «a acres near Royal 4»ak, worth 315. had Partnership In subdivision If de sired Box B No. 3d T 4» RENT—FI.4TX. FI \T ’ rooms atid bath, cornpl"felv furnl- hed xvith Janitor service Wal nut M 2 MRS J M R* )RB. 121 Englewood nx-e„ la InX'ited to attend the Or phetim theater Saturday evening ns a guest of the Detroit Time* Two ticket* are xxaittng at this office for her. TO RI;-.T—HOI «4F.g. Hannan Rental Aprencv A free list of houses and flats Gall In t erson at the oldest nnd largest rtai estate exchange in Michigan. 1 MORAW BLDG A MODERN house, open flre piace. in living room, rent $75 n "’<>nth including parage 2*>B 17ast Hrand-blvd. East 4ft4. MBS ZIEU 741 Moldrum la lnvi#*d to attend the orpheum thcatet Sat urday evening ns a guest of the D< froit Times. Two tl< ket» are lx ItlQg a I Ibis offlci sot ; ■ T 4» RENT—RAOMI, A LARGE LIVING ROOM, piano, bed. room and bath fo r two young men, strictly modern. Grand 4742-R HR AIN ARTY, fiS Large, airy room: modern conveniences. Grand 14ftl-J. HOTEL FRANKLIN Gor T.arned and Bates—only n Mock from Woodward nnd Jefferson ax-es l-7xtra fine, steam-heated room* at special Summer Rate* s<h . 7’> $1 $1 sft per day: $5 to $7 per week ROOMS Furniture for rooms com plete $1 xv«rk Sumner. Mich A 4th. When you answer tr.esr advertise ments mention tiie Times. DETROIT TIMES MONEY SAVING HINTS FOR YOU nnuili \M» POOMI BOAUI* anil ronrnu for one nr two; -ant locality , modern conv-nt * I' l -♦»•» <,‘i'tmiwnw« alth. Grand SMI. TO HUM—III I*l. %i EB, Fourteenth-ave.. Near McGraw Only one of these large now store* lift. Splendid location for any kind of bimlncsH. Apply 111 Union Truat hldgr ORATIOT-AVI';, niIINT.P, CRANE— New Moi e md flat above, choice location Reasonable rent. 411 Union Trust R!n»r. l-o iu:vr—l'iimii. PIANOS Beal makoi greatest #.»• sortment; year's r< nt allowed on lull l iiase. GRINNKLR HIIOS, 240 V roil v u i.—i in ms. We Must Sell This Ideal 136-nore farm, lo ated out Graml Rlv.-r-ave 20 mill * from city, in desirable location, has large modern barns fullv equipped. good l> room house, other outbuilding*, nil i*alr;>d and In first-class condi tion. Farm Is well tiled, has run ning stream, day loam soil all un der cultivation. If you Intend to I'm n firm i It wll | you to look Into this; It will cost you nothing and ma,\ nv nn a gro:it deal to you Remember. It must he sold and we are offering It at *23 per acre under valve I’Vhe lll.aao with i’ll ■>v terms . , j)| take s ore city pr "p/rt\ Tr« • b v IVI Ison & Cos., t'adillnc lillo Chamber of Commerce bldg ) 5 ACRES, near Gratiot, about IS miles from < itv hall good house and barn, *:\Brt'A: will take small house In Iletrolt 80 acres, near 1V« «t Branch, small house, only will t ike vacant or cottage in Petr lit 6 > acres, near Algonac. with stm k and tools, will take cottage in I'e trolt. 8o a< r<’s near Ypsllanll, fair build ings take small hotts* or 2-flat In 1 >et roll 120 acres, near Willis, good build ings and fences, want rjty prop erty. KING OX HER. ESTATE CO tor. Whitney Rid- Main .1171. 80 ACRES, $800; 10 acre*, SIOO. $25.00 clown and $lO mo. on 40 acres. M. 0524. C. s. BEADLE sou tm:—\ m nn v STOT' ROOK: And then write a let ter and get fai ls about Stevenson's Grand River sbdlvls! m, R mile from cits limits. Rots from Ah to 47> f t et I’rP i « range from $ A 7.7 to li'.nn including all tmpr ovenn e' If you are Interested In a honn -te or an investment write box It. No 2 ° See Ward’s Subdivision Put Grand River nve all lots .‘0 ft . at $250. floo, «|',o with sewer age and eernent sidewalks Tele phone for llterafut' or appidntmeiit for auto to see the property. THOS. W. WARD 37 nuhl Block Main M S M Will. 117 Harper is ln\ ited t„ attend the t'rpb> urn tb- it-: Satur day evening as a gu -t of the P- - trolt Times Two tbk.ts nr-- uait it roil 8 4l.K —Ml>llll M | - I’itOl'Klt I 4. 7> - ROOM OOTTAOI Just the thing for netvl)-w--Is I?.Aon, s3fiA down. S7O month c"n'| Friday or Saturday John II Hub bard. 12lo> Kirby eaat Ri lge 7-12 DISCUSSES HANDLING OF TRAFFIC “Safety First” Commit tee Holds Important Meeting Here WILL WORK OUT UNIFORM CODE Gillespie Plans To Open Information Bureaus “Safety first" traffic regulations were discussed. Friday morning, in the office of Police Commissioner (in i' .side, by police and traffic men from several cities, members of the street I traffic committee of the Safety First 1 Federation of America, j It was decided to collect informa | tion from all parts of the United j States on the education of traffic pa jtroimen, the proper clothing for ! them, the use of signals, the institu tion of zones, and many other mat ters pertaining to traffic. This in formation will l>e digested by the committee, and an attempt will be made lo formulate a code, to be sub mitted to the October convention of the federation and recommended for adoption throughout the country. The meeting was attended by Com missioner Gillespie, chairman of the committee; Secretary G. A. Wal- ron B.4i.t;—iikmi)i:\( i: I’ltoi’fcarrr. B Fnga’low" ba rTTaTn" - 843 BENITEAU BLVD. HALF BLOCK FROM M \CK CAR. A fine 1 "tory bungalow on large lot. 45x135, I’s-story and large hark yard; street Is 100 feet wide, and paved; close to car can he ha-1 at reasonable price. See It to day. HANNAN 1 Mi'ORA W BLDG. 700 CASS AYE 9-room house, finished in quartered nnk all modern Improvements; big yard: everything in A l condition. Phone Grand 1553. between 8 a m. and 5 p. m. See house by appoint ment. Open Sat. and Sun. 2 to 4 233 Stanford, near Grand River and Boulevard, s3,2ntl; 7-room house, bath, g.i", I'lectrlc lights, cellar and barn F. '/. terms. KIVGi.X REAL ESTATE CO. ' 4 >f. Whitney Bldg Main 3173. si. QUICK SALE Manlstlque, first block, s-room frame, steam heat, lot 30x110. Term*. Spe cial bargain. 1 NR GRAM* BRPG. HANNAN ~~S( 7 h7iOLORA FT If you own your own lots we will build you a home. Building several there now. Address box B. No. 23. 53~KRUt>F1S~T\ 5-rooni (otlnge. near Govln-st.. for $1,400; rasv terms. TIB »MAS W. Warp. 37 Buhl block. l'R KIBB 72Chene-*t., is Invited to attend the Orpheutn theater Satur da> evening as a guest of the Do trolt Times. Two tickets are wait ing at this office for him. FOREST, Near Woodward Foil : brick, slate ruof, 9 rooms. Wal nut 3765 *1 M Ml-M* lIIXiIITV Seventy-Five Cents Down The fool thinks a thing worth less or It wouldn’t be offered him. Telephone girls, office girls and others Investigate this: A fine 30-foot lot in the North Wood ward highest i 1 is.s residential section for 77.' down and 73c 'weekly. Shade trees and side walks all in Von men or women who work for moderate wages hurry up and call .Main 12*57. This ; bettei i- in saving* account. E. W. VAS VARY 420 Free Press Bldg’. SUMMER RESORT Nice five room cottage In the Manic Reaf sub, liar-on * Island, adjoin ing Ti'hmnn Bark, can be bought for s’s3o. with a payment down. Also a number of lots that we will build Summer Cottages on to suit Pi<> buyer, with a payment down. This Is n great chance to get a Summer Home. The nicest spot on the lake*. STANDFIELD 803 Hodges Bldg I 'her r) 143 T* * RENT - Furnished summer cot tage, Canadian side Rake St Clair, St. Clair Whore*. Phone Cadilla 2018. W. w wn-.ii ro »n v. CASH! CASH! We buy old to. tb. old gold watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc.. In any condition. Liberty Refining Cos., I>7 Woodwnrd ftve.. fourth floor. tor*, of the Detroit police depart ment; Frederick H. Klllott, execu tive secretary of the federation. New York; C. M. Talbert, head of the Bt. Ixiula department of street*; ||. k. iAfikhart, police captain. Dayton; W. K. Conu, of the D. U. K.; Alonzo P. Ewing and William G. Hryanß of De troit; E. I*. Goodrich, consulting en gineer of the borough of Manhattan, New York; H. P. James, head of the department of street*, Dayton; A. M. Mandel, of the Dayton bureau of municipal reacurfh; J. J. of the vehicle Hlgnal department, Buffalo; W. P. Hitchcock, commls sioner of public safety, Syracuse; Park Commissioner Dust and Police Supt. Downey. I). P. Kingsley, of New York, pres ident of the federation, sent his re grets by telegraph. "It seems to me that your com mittee has to deal with that part of safety first work which is nearest the heart of the public, and, there fore, likely instantly to be under stood," he wired. "A recent visit to Detroit shows me that you are al ready far in advance of New York, and 1 sincerely hope your committee may arrive at conclusions which may inspire the men In charge of safety first In this state. The big problem of the federation in street traffic is New York city, and If your committee, learning from the pro gressive cities of the west, will make recommendations which can be adopted by the safety first organiza tion of New York, you will have ren dered a real service." Secretary Klllott offered a compila tion of statistics from 50 cities, as follows: Automobile* required t> stop behind street cars, 30; prohibit glaring headlights, 23: provide for licensing of operators. 41; periodical ' animation of cars, 30; street ears, near side stop, 29; far side stop, 10; both. 11; safety zones at car stops. [3O; pedestrians controlled by traffic officer, 40; safety zones for pedes trians favored, 43; lights Vequired on all vehicles. 27; caution signs a? approaches to public schools, 19; compelling horse-drawn vehicles to be equipped with brakes, 37; in fa vor of a standard code of traffic reg ulations, 48. The committee decided to report favorably on a school for traffic pa trolmen. On the question of hours, it will seek more light. There was a difference of opinion as to whether a traffic officer should work eight hours without relief, rs has been tried In New York, or whether he should work four hours, then have a relief of two hours, and then put in another four hours. Commission er Gillespie thought that eight hours of continuous work would wear out the men. The committee also divided on the subject of clothing. Mr. James, or Dayton, said that he would hate to see a change from the regulation blue, and thought that any agitation for lighter colors came mainly from women's clubs. Mr. Goodrich, of New York, favored white garb at night bo that the traffic officer could be readily distinguished, and recom mended that a light be stationed over the officer. Commissioner Gillespie led the way in the discussion of pedestals to mark safety zones, showing how they must be made with sloping bases so that they could not be over turned by vehicle wheels bearing |down on their edges, and should be corrugated, so that horses, stepping on th( m, could not slip. Concerning signals, the committee wanted more light. Commissioner Gillespie did not believe that a traf fic officer should make himself into a human semaphore, standing tor | eight hours a day with arms out stretched, but was assured that in some cities the officers have become used to it. The committee was tfhan imous in the opinion that a uni | tot m code of signals should be work ed out. Commissioner Gillespie announced bis intention of opening information stations in the heart of the city, a * I that traffic officers need not be both ! ered by questions. ! "People ask the traffic men all I sorts of questions,'' he said. "They i want to know it this hotel or thai is a good one, and h<Yw much it n»R »o stop there, and where else they can get a room, and how far it is to (No. 742 Garland-ave., and what's the i best way to get there, and It usually ; takes about five minutes to direct I such a person. Strangers are chary {of asking qestlons of anybody but a | polite officer. Os course, a traffic I nian can't answer these questions land keep his eve on traffic at the ■same time. Besides, If I’m a stran ger, and have 100 questions to ask, I .vant good answers, not gruff oms. < I want to know w hat time a train haves without having to send an automobile to the station and finding Out from the staion maser, a* we usually have to do here. All these PAGE THIRTEEN >• tu ns could be answer** mi in '.urmution bureau. aod I' c could be trained to apply |HE| instead of to the man at tM"j^Rf§ No action wua taken on thiPJ^Hj gestion. FISKE SAYS M NAVY IS N0?il TOO efficiekH WNAPOI.IS. Md. JuM <—!> ■■ presence of Secretary of the |mH Daniels and score* of officers of tVH naval reserve at the Naval sesdsdifl alumni dinner here last night, fttaH Admiral Bradley A. Ftsk'3 madp «■ Impressive address, disclosing tfcfl true relation of the American anifl to tli© naval forces of possible mM emies. I Responding to the toast of * 4 T|h navy," Admiral Flske sketched !■ defects of the navy In material, aonnel and organization. He ahoilM| how the forces now at war In llgi ropY have surpassed the States in the development and fMjfß of the newer Instruments of naVH warfare, with supeftbr organisation and adequate personnel. Ha dM dared that even in gunnery. whldU has been regarded as the priso foga ture of the United States navy, tIM forces in Europe have acbtarOß feats greater than any even nfw tempted by the United States One of the most startling featnrg|| of Admiral Fiske’s speech wan hi* statement that It was the duty di naval officers to make layiflen ram iz■? the facts of the navy aa knows to those of Its service. "If wc fear to do this,** he addadjj “lest we incur displeasure and our individual careers, we am naM worthy of the uniform we wear a&H we fall our country In her hour iv'cd, Just aa effectually aa if WOf deserted our flag in war.** DOG CATCHERS QU AIL WHEN TOLD: TO HUNT BADGER Officers Fred Derskinsky and AS* bert Auberlln, crew' of the merry! barque known as the dog wagon, ar«ij| the h?rocs of many desperate bat*; tics with dogs and cats, mad andj otherwise, and once they pursued: an escaped monkey all through thd jungles of Detroit’s west side, hot they quailed perceptibly when given seine brand new game to hunt, FiV day. Calling at headquarters for OP$ ders, they were handed a little alip . of paper on which was written: “Badger, under ths house at N©,2 707 McDougall-ave. Dog wagow call.” "Er —hum!” said EVsrshinsky, to one of the clerks. "What is a badger like?” “A badger?” repeated Clerk John O’Keefe. "Why a badger Is a com bination of skunk, grizzly bear and wild cat.” "Does It bits?" asked Dershinsky, "Bite?” said O’Keefe. “Why n‘ badger. Fred. Just everything it comes in contact with.. In a fight between a bulldog and a badger, the two just come together, and somebody gets a basket and pick* up the remaining parts of tho bulldog." Dershinsky left, with serious miui. Bulletins from the front started to float in an hour later. On** was from Auberlln. It was to tlie effect that the badger had built a tunnel under the house, and Hint a few minutes previously, tha badg< r’s fail was seen at the mouth of the tunnel. “Wr are entrenched, and I nm go inir to send Dershinsky In after ths badger In a moment,” said Auber lln. “You are not." said Dershinsky’s voire, flitting In on the wire. "This is going to be a siege.” For two hours, reports came occa sionally. It was a siege. "All qui< t on the eastern front," ■ ’s Clerk O’Keefe’s report, early Friday uft?rnoon. Factory Inspector Gets Warrant. Deputy State Factory Inspector Marv Girardin swore out a warrant, Friday, charging William J. Hart wig. electrical supply dealer at No. 20-1 Jefferson-avc., with refusing to furnish Information required by s factory inspector in the course of duty. Miss Girardin ulleges that she called on llartwig three times In the effort to obtain the Informa tion that she required, and that he flatly refused to answer her ques tions. PrlnMncr. thr plain nrat ktn4—tfelt la right—Time* Jah Oryl.—Wain 45*0. —By Condo.