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TERSE—CLEAR Saves vour time and your eyes FIFTEENTH YEAH. NO. 211. RUSSIANS DESTROY GERMAN TRANSPORTS IN BALTIC FIGHT DARDANELLES FORTS AS STRONG AS GIBRALTAR, DECLARES ENVER PASHA Chief of Young Turks Think Constantinople Is Quite Safe BELITTLES ITALY AS WAR POWER Declares Her Troops Can Accomplish Little or Nothing Bnv«r f*<»* air T rkrv * .in of «•-'»!> It Ml* I•• M ! » til c"• in* i- • « r thi E Mr i t ; • I «ttC N't* '••f t •• I TI I t ll' 1 r »*r*ar * i> t < t ■ ;n n pi at! * e > V • ft a v i«-1 «r 1• *• . . Till . ' " • u • • • •11 $ *a ir* 1 1 r irK-* '■ L* Thla an<l th* !,nl that tnc »110. 'i»t In • m i •> • ' orti tne.i »:• • r«I ifftnilvl Ir* (lit ye. nil ir lr\tarr»t t th«• f ' jm *ti< Inter. mv w;• h Dm ar r -«t * til-fa ti* »Ih> M-Hfv Wood t I r 1 l’r**» atafT <>i :><> ilrnt. m l.u i» n« « • t Constantinople nv irr\t: i wonn (F/d,? <’• r ■ >t > • 'r t /’;*•*» . <1 npirliilil It'l*. M« thr I l‘rr..| I iipi rlilitril In t,rr*l Itrlml ii. consi an rivi>pi.i: Jim** • I (VI i Hit. Mi. TANARUS! II ißtif ;uil I• »n don * - "'ll- I * «r«1 iro 11 tod >•• »• *• a*. Impr* a !• n-'ai mop Impnmlblt than at any j r •viouh time .-*• dd 111 ' r. 'vli ' h .1 d* ft roved 1 1 % the ;«111 1 fl"*t << nsi-t j ed of a non' •>( date fortr> st* which answered in no way to the exlgeti rtf* of modt‘l n Ts tr .*nd w»r» merely nomin tl obatai I**w to ft’* son Ihr of ili*> trait- In tin mean ! time, their t»lu< • have been takenj by a complete system of moat mod ern defense•< \V»* had ample Unit to tn*tal the»e they have la*, n rnn stmcted alonir the moat advanced lino* for resisting every po-sihle artn of modern w irfnre The straits today art* defended Ht never before If they <;.n lit* forced which I doubt —ls will only he nt fht» cost of a sacrifice that would only !»•• Justified If their pnssngc constitutes the one; supreme <ud of th»* *nMro war It imllnnol tin l’a«e Tttnli PHYSICIAN IS ACCUSED Dr. Moses Bcnmosche Is Charged With Malpractice Dr. Moses Bcnmosche, 33 years old, of No. Kt>7 Brushst., was arrest ed, early MorvUi morning, by De tectives Retd and Van Nortwlrk. ('barg«<l with giving Illegal treat ment to Mr*. Uiila Ifoffmnn. 24 y*-arn old, wife of a Philadelphia clothing dealer. The woman, who han been Tish ina for three week* at the home of her brother, Joarph || nail, of No 2107 John R -st.. In believed to he dying In Grace hospital. and the arrent of the physician wan made when Assistant Prosecutor Harry It K< Idan obtained an ante mortem "tntehment from her. In which nhe named Dr. Renmosche. Deter five* Reid and Van Sort wick d*dare that the Illegal treat ment wan glrcn last Wednenday at N'o 70.*» J# ffernon ave., the home of a friend of Mrs. Hoffman, and thev allege that they have evidence that Dr Henmonrhe wan at the hoitnp all right Detroit Ttmrn Juli I'rlallng I>egt/ Mala 462 t». TODAY’S GAMES Amer ican Detroit at New \ork, t hrcatenlUE i'liit ago ut Boston cloud- . St Loll - at I'uilMtti l"hwi, cloudy Cleveland at Washington, clear National Brooklyn at I'M t-hunrh clear. Boston at < 'lnelf.riatl, cloud' I .. N* w y nrk ; t t ‘hie.igo, < l.iUtl. I’Mladol, liia af i<t l.ouia, cloudy PARTY ON YACHT IS MAROONED .Mildred G„ With Score Aboard, Fast On Sand Bar HARBOR MASTER GOES TO RELIEF Tug May Be Neces sary to Pull the Boat Off The gasoline yacht, Mildred ti , owned by Kdwatd Gray, dredging I contra«’tor. of No. ho California uvc., with Mr. Gray, member* of his fani-j ily and about a do*« n friends aboard. ; wr nt hard aground on a sum! bur in | lake Sr. «‘ I.«t r »unie dl*tanc« above, the hr ad of IV< hr- Inland, late Sun , day night, Uthough the boat bus aj l'Jb-horsepow er engine, It was Iliad J equate for thin r mergency. After ! several (ain attempt* to bark oft. J [Mr. Gray and lus part\ turned m lor the night und awaited the arrival ot | relief boat ?. As soon as he learned of the boat’s plight. Harbormaster Kllng net out in the police motor boat It was | then about 3 a ni. but as the yacht s lights were out. the harhnttnaster i was unable to locate It He started! out again after daybreak, and ntt#>r conferring with Mr Gray, returned for tow line Jr may be necessary to get a tug to pull the yacht off the bar The party is In no (longer, as the lake Is as smooth as a mirror. low water was the cause of the Mildred (}. going aground. Several smaller boat* got Into difficulties. Sunday, front the same cause. The yacht Sweetheart, owned by J. y Rose, of the Edison Cos. with Mr j Rose and several friends aboard was aground near the Mildred n. j from •*! to 11 p nt, when she was r* k leased by a launch owned by Ktwln I nderwood. Tho Sweetheart lost 1 Its rudder and was leaking hadlv when It pulled Into tho Waterworks! slip. It is announced that the new Cu ban national currency will he put j Info clr« illation shortly, and will consist of f.*i gold pieces, f| silver pieces, and fractions of a dollar The first shipment of this money fp he made from the I’nlted States will amount to si.2oooon. The opal Is the only gem not sac <« tifullv count* rfelted. NEW Os TING cto to ftn- "It Gland vis Ahr T,ln» f.nat nr (nterurtisn '•nr to Alennse Oil' iepr« s« ntsllvi s wilt «li#>w vmii ihr p-i*ttb«t Slimmer bungalow sites In America. Hannan, 1 MoJraw bldg Adv. DETROIT TIMES _ ; j. *- , j < ' ' ~ k ' / "7 _ .-. ■ \ ...} . v \ ALLIES WIN 3 MILE TURKFRONT Success In Dardanelles Follows Churchill Prediction FRENCH BIG GUNS LANDED Italians Also Take Part In Engagement Along Straits NEW YORK. June 7 (Special) \ cable to the New York World from i London says that following swiftly upon Winston Churchill's speech In which he said the slltes w’ere within a few miles of the greatest victory of the war. meaning the campaign at the Dardanelles, it was announced Si>day that the allies had pushed bai k the Turks for a distance of sbo | yards clear across thp entire front on Gallipoli peninsula, and that two lines of Turkish trenches were tak !on along a three-mile front. This was the result of a desperate two day battle In the hills, which follow ed the beginning of the fighting by the Turks themselves. The French war office said that the Turks’ guns had heen continually dominated bv I the artillery of the allies This is; 1 1 ak( n to mean either that the French ' , have landed some of their big gunH. or that the ammunition supply of i the Turks Is diminishing. After the Turks had successively attacked the French and then the | Hrltlsh positions, Gen Sir lan Ham lltnn, commanding the allies, deetd ed the time had come for a general engagement. For more than two hours Hrltlsh and French artillery bombarded the Turkish positions, the battleships of the allied fleets a* the same time taking up a position on each flank and likewise hurling great shells Into the Turkish lines on the hills. In the meantime the Infantry force* quietly massed for the hig attack Two French divisions were on the extreme right in the hills running down to t)»e Dar danelles shore. Next came the na- M ONDAY, JUNE 7 . 191 5 . NEITHER FALCON NOR DOVE. val division made up of 20,b00 blue Jackets and marines. In the center of the line were '.he British territo rials and u division of British regu lars, and the extreme left down to the Aegean shore was held by Indian troops. H is estimated that 60,'00 men took part. BLAMES AUSTRIANS EON WAR Laid Plot That Caused Conflict, Says Mme. Grouitch SERB MINISTER’S WIFE IN DETROIT Will Ask Aid for People of Her Stricken Country Austro-Hungarian politicians nr* blamed for causing the war by Mint Slavko Grouitch, wife of the Set Man permanent under-sc* r* tary for foreign affairs, who will give an address in the Board of Commerce building. Monday evening, in which (( wntlniiril on f'swr Ttvul GREEK KIN 6 VERY ILL Condition of Constan tine Remains Ex tremely Critical # ) ATHENS, June 7. fSpoclalj — i The official reports from the palace state that the condition of King Constantine remains eflthal. The premier and most of the other nirni- , ber* of the cabinet remained In the i palace almost all night long. AMERICA WILL NOT ARBITRATE Issue In U. S. Note Held Not Proper for Discussion FORWARDING IS HELD UP Wilson Takes Time to Eliminate Loopholes for Quibble WASHINGTON. June 7.—The American rejoinder to Germany was still held up today. Twice in the hands of the state de partment’s legal experts, it was twice recalled by President Wil son. Today the same statement was made concerning It that was made immediately after last Friday’s cabinet meeting—lt "probably will be cabled to night. '* Friends of the administration say the delay is Justified by the necessity for making the note so clear that a direct answer cannot be avoided. WASHINGTON, June 7- The president's note to Germany In re spnnse to the country * reply to his Lusitania message is all completed save for the paragraph which deal* with the G»rman proposal that the differences between the two coun tries he arbitrated The president and hi* cabinet were n n n |t | n agreeing that th 1 matters In hand were not arbitrable even Secretary Hrvan, strongest champion of arbitration, agreeing that the pending controversy doe* not pxrnilt of the slightest hack down of the government in it* dc niand for a full and direc t under standing between the I’nlted States and Germany, without the Jnterven tlon of any third agency. The only reason for th* delay in the note wa* that the president was not quite satisfied with that section of the message dealing with this phase of the subject. The note will he com |C»Rtlnuni M rage Two). I\ M. KV. RECEIPTS SHOW INCREASE The Pere Marquette receivers’ r* port for May shows an increase in | estimated freight revenue of 1124.- . op‘>; passnger revenue, sll,*>2t>, ami j a total estimated increase of |134,- 770. For 10 months ending May 31, the estimated revenue shows an In crease of fu11,167, principally in freight. The report says: “The proposed contracts covering the new entrance into Chicago are now ready for exe ctitlon and will he submitted to the court for its approval, .June 7. The contracts are very advantageous to tills company, we think, affording a ; very practical and in many respects a better entrance than the one now | being used, while the cost of opera ; tlon w ill be substantially reduced." DORSEY TO FIGHTFRMiK Atlanta Solicitor-Gen eral to Oppose Clem ency By Governor ATLANTA, Ga., June 7. — (Special! Hugh M. Dorsey, solicitor-general of Atlanta, m-iuesi* ol Leo M Frank, condemned to death for the slaving of Mary Phagun, will appear before the governor personally to oppose any commutation of sentence for the condemned man. This became known today when It was learned tHut Dorsey had written Gov. Slayton asking for a hearing after the prison commission had made its reeointnen dattnn, providing it was favorable to Frank. Dorsey has had private d*- tectlves at work Investigating tin evidence offered on behalf of Frank i to the prison commission and hat-' he**n especially industrious in gettir. data regarding the letter fn-ni l!*-| la'e Trial Judge Hoan in which lie asserted his doubt of the Ju tire o’ the verdict against Frank. It is in timated that In connection with this phase nf the subject some seiisu tional affidavits will be offered. It Is ItelleVed that the prison com mission may fl|*« its rcf-ommendatinn today and that Ht least three no m hers will recommend commutation It is reported Dorsey intends to n*- tack them, saying they declared months ago that Frank ought to have a commutation of his sentence Printing. fftt- plain neat kind—that la right— -TlMre Jab Or pf.— Wain ‘ AFTERNOON EDITION LONDON HEARS CZAR'S SEA FORCES GIVE MD BEATINC TO TEUTMS THE WEATHER Detroit «od vtrlMltyi Monday il(k< ami In. .aa > , partly cloudy | cooler l.inlKhti iiMi.lrnitc nmtcrly nla da. I.oncr Mlehlannt Fair and cooler, Moadan Tneaday, fair. SUGAR SHIP TORPEDOED German Submarines Add British Bark to Victims LONDON, June 7. — (Sre<dal C’a Idei—The HrlH«h bark Sunlight, en route from the West Indies, and laden with sugar, wus torpedoed oTT the Irish coast. The crew was laud ed at Queenstown. ABERDEEN. Scotland. June 7. — (Special Cable) —The crew of the steamer Star of the Writ, which was torpedoed Saturday off Peterhead, has been landed here. GIRL FORGER IS “IN BAD” AGAIN MILWACKEE, June 7.—Miss Ag nr* Bautngnrt, of IVtrolt, the 20- y?ar-old girl, known In six states and n score of cities as "the beautl fill forger.” who started out to see the country on forged checks. Is the cause of more trouble. Employes at the county poor farm, where e!ft> la serving a one year sen tence, have revolted because she was Installed as their superior, in stead of being recognized as a prls oner. One woman has r*slaned and others have served notice they will not work under Alisa Buumgart's directions. IJ O\Y WOULD YOl’ like to be a soldier fighting in the war 11 that is now ravaging Kurope? In addition to dodging bullets you would not be allowed to correspond with those “on the outside.” Only such brief communications as ap pear above are sent through “the lines.” Study this postal closely and notice the limited amount of information you are allowed to convey. NOTHING Is to be written on this side except the date and signature of the sender. Sentences not required tnav be erased. If anything j else Is added the post card will be destroyed. I am quite ucll. f liiT' - L.>./>.■ / , . \ and am going on well. | rnu/ he i/uaJumo'if I m~‘i 1 11 njj *■' / Ir'tr* mi i o ■"!? jitsr 2„ 1 ( fwrert , j 1 t Rf ily l hare received no letter from you \ fir a long time. ■ I C / i mvp u t t te prepaid on bny letter or pod card C ‘ «.odr«*i*d ui me tender ol thu c*rd ] L t. JV. V-y ■ '■ . I I , „ ONB CENT. Expedition Against Riga Defeated, Says Petrograd RUSSIANS LOSE SINGLE SHIP Heavy Firing Indicates Main Battle Fleets Are‘ln Action LONDON, June 7.—By sinking set*, era! German transports and anotft«r unnamed vessel off the Gulf of Riga, Russian submarines and destroyara defeated an attempt to land a large body of troops in the Courland, ac cording to unofilclal dispatches from Petrograd today. The Russian* lost one auxiliary ship, the Petrograd dispatches said. A large fleet of German transporta was concentrated at Kiel, the unolß cial dispatches suid. Under protec tion of the German Baltic squadron the transports moved up the Baltic, passing between Oesel and Gothland Islands, with the Inteutlon of landing troops in the L'ourland region to seize Riga and outflank the Ruesiana operating near Libau. The Petrograd correspondent of the Times cabled that the Oermaus, if successful, might even have attempted an ad vance on Petrograd. Stockholm dispatches said violent cannonading was heard from the di rection of Gothland for six hours. In dicating that the main battle fleets were in action. F. \V. nerd of thr arlvrrtUtaa I*. p(trti>K-nt of thr llarrauiilka AadtaK Murhlnr comeany. last, Saturday, for New York, whrra hr will re cel\ r the dearer of n C. R from ttie New York Ftilvrralty School of t 'onimeroe, Ai counts and Finance. It*» wilt return to hin work after two week'.s vacation In Ntw York state.