Newspaper Page Text
Classified j Cent a Rates | Word <'u li with order, if i liarg* 1. * c * lln N(» 11 anslent advertising !•<! fin than IH- with mull, Jif 1 111 t flit, iII Insertion Ttiv utiiiVi' r«ti'K apply t<» nil ' lassl ft* .'llki'tl* *<*l «■ |>t lilt • ‘mi f T liunk.<. <‘ iilij.irli i*. Mi itlt’K Notice* nml i'll mlk |>ii i nlitiM Mai* ll* Ip Birth*. 1 h*. i'aida us Thanks nml M iii.k .Nullcin Minimum tiling,. 711 fill 2 j wuriln nr l> ' UVi*r .’1 surd < mu .nil uim third cents for ru It extra \\ v>r*l Marriage Licenses in-oh I/* id'i. .. s.nith Ituhy, »• *• Walter M Gab, , !'• il l 17 Linge muin 2t) ilniiii' |!.,vir v Mamie II ill l lil.ll till 1 l>' Ill'll, Ulluui !• Mull.iml. .1 .V til.- I« I) Erna Sander*. M.> Wullerman. II Ifeiu > \\ '1 iii'ii', 3.1. Anna G. l-'rnnk 25 U ni'll U IVkk. 2i, Ml at M Hani iin. :v \i . i |! i'uU/ik'*, S'. Erlna Engle. 23 Vl|| ..n <• I I’ernot 22. Wyandotte. I4IIIIU II Hhlm rin, 2". Fold Mu' 1 A I'lu. \a* ■r. Ml<’h Goldie G «S1 its Toledo. 11 G 1 \ 1 iri-l'i r, 21, Elsie O Ku- chew tit 1 1 7 I 1 1 \\ W l it*-. <' I. 21, < 'll vis I \ if- 11 lln ill- I '• nk |H lltrrx T ' .•»». _•' I "troll Mary If (Tn In. U . !t»i 'I. < • II : .1- It'llh I. Ah* t lift 17 \ 1 t. w t lau!**-11. .1 Ii"la St In I; *, : Martha \ "ti : *, 2 t \f - |;. 11it l <C. . I • <ra SitlMT* st it* 11 2 " I , I \ I > 1 M lh«*l r.-.«e, “\lt-.rt lv 1 —n. II ,r* i« \ a.V .rr '.ti 7 I re-'a llt'l* H * 1 \rt '1 17 r'm- h . I• ■ 'ilah M !(• Hi ll L- 111. " 1" t r It I rri' » la 11 1> rt t '1 '« •r. 'Mi' li \\ 1 rr> <■ 3-. it ■ \m. » 1“ ' 'as* tirt it 1 \rii r '" W; k. .1. Mi' M.i Ih« lit/ "1 Fete T"k .1 r* kl. 71 M.-r\ Mir 13 George Settle*. It I I"! -:: ' Rr-.xvn ml I'rc-iH, 71. Ill'll- '1 i'-!*-r. 24 Tose'dl .T r»<Ml *T ?■* ftitr It Kl*- u -r I;<-t 1 ;i-I 1 v I *'• «* :11 • Mi- 1 Th"ti 1* Klit 2! N•• 1'!•■ I'l'vlik. I l ' .1 Kn • Sophia I Ur.urn. Fred V We hater 29. Highland 1 IJIIIi •- • ; I : ’ ‘ Mortuary 1 11< \ 1 1 i trm ,u . - > 1 1 t . - M i» 1 father of WI Ilium F I': .1. - • M s M Itc rm-ry Mitch ; r I'.'l th f 1 f.< til - I'inr 4 run. Ml M -rt'l .y June 7, '* 1 " a HI Burial private MliiM II 4 1■ 1 5 at n-(l>m e S< 1 l ft* »' i:-"tn.( 11-. it '■■r. i-eloV- M f. * M 'S 1 ■ Sh-rt* find dn ni» ht e*- if Urnriin 11 -1 nt •• r. us Far l»t m Plan-, "in 7 <>tl «• nf funrr il latrr 111 i«• \\ i\ rm—Hti it. H""Kli !.I t-i-j t< 1 •-l • .1: ti-• .ti I (tt'f.r’al ffl'-r hrlp viishlnr J»t>*l * ..r ■ t nit! v I 't >v t» t tie I"l »V P M U-r >. %2(’lmmUr of < ,'ummrrr*. A P !7f.! \ 111 r* v•>ti• sj man do«lrlnic »f r. ! • « •: k v ' ti ■* t. f• • mi - van"Niirnt 1H Mti isan-avo lJt »« «Ti I'iii'K ’ »'. w -i»h< r 111 id Milter run M-ork :<f nor l-\ • illln»: at tit* trfTrr "I its! It (ItUK It f |4.’2 J"K fTimpati steady Joh ItUtlh'll tt ir '« «*radt t in 51' Pi card at It A ItMK. I F.rst las- 13- \ nl.'.n j Barr i A NM \ T '• 1 1 *i' \ . s i-nt'rn-a n. nI- ■ ' - >if lit »• “1 h i hi' * an 1 h 1 1 (m'-'lf ■ r nt,«l ?- t nfr»M . f • form M[ it n I t ' lit tt <■ ts s* st t 1 n•• a 1 \ t-j-U ’•. Mr < ; :Pi. "t ti l • frorii ■* t" 13 "hl> KlltiKM 'KIT. it • • • hrtnw tools .12 M -.ti ivr Phone Peck Hofei. 1 ;r 1 •• »■ t,. ■-t ■ Ml h NEAT U fi vll r 1 ♦ . "I ha ' t« nml hinb an ’>ill• >tt atm n-" afraid of 1 W"f k to Jolt .1 Pc all * fi r< #•; ! Mt" ti-i •• not »-i- ■ irt . tvs (is » • .1 w« Apply to Mr 1 , . •. « 1 1’ 11 |■. 11.. t >t lldtt . fr, tn t 12 only \V \N7T.I- St. rl.s art!rli • oetns for nr tv i . ■■ m j • -on a*•f •t - am . t tt ■•at viol : Ivc for free raamlnat '" t'"sti".i M 1 : isitit t>iK; Stiw.irt tdilrf . \\ ishlnirton, I* C. Young 1 Polish Men ns a«« Mnnt «alc- it. ‘'Mit Ptts only j iroml nt-iti'-v. Apidv :■ .ttvarr 41 1 Until <■!"• k , Satuid.iy. "firn to 7 30 j TANARUS« Ml HIM 111*— (111 VIV A'll N'T- 'l.t | art il.i'S r.f one of the hc»t it -»• pioi 'slti' O ever piit on tto n irki-t Sonic*hina no I- '1 •• ... - • •• t-.irly (ddrr- • P M pidtm-iti ‘ tics tnur , 17 4 1 Third «t . •'. n (ti nat 1. (> WE \\ 1 N'T I-- star t inn n< t* nvi-nts this month and ofT*-’ spec'al Indti'r monta quirk 1 Mon Pern int I Pat S'l'klt Add" • * Perry Nttr* setlrs. Itm hi st-r. N Y. it 11 1* w tAiiii—n *mi.e. A Ml J*t. toyed who would 1,0 tvilll'-ir to he I with stippi v.nrk for Iki.i r<\ tm l ro'int 3Ve*| P45-W A v \ Oll:I, f .r i-enrra! housework Ko wa tiler A U1.1.l MU 1: Ul to anal It tt Ith housework tctlt farnllv k-olntt to siimn er cotta sc 'pplv *» '• 7 Loth* Top Take H: nml Riv<-r inr to Poth* rofi and walk east . ( p 111| 1 1 - i '»K • ' " 'nn obtain tt ok it onre hv i'nll- In k n f 111 7 .1 offer son *-n st Olßti for liyht lion cwork and take cure of Icih' pH. tlratlot ... ... so attend the Orphrtim fh> it r Mo*i«l: t i-venltiy iis t Rin sf of the lirtrolt Times Two tirk.ts nri naltlmr at this ofOee for her WANTKD 2-t Telephone Opprators VA'e pa While learr lnu Fine eppor tttri 11 v for ndvftnronienf Tlest rooms provided f"f off-dutv hours Mood fntltK entente to hrlynf ylrls Tin: MIFIIIMW ST ATP THUS* PIIOVK rn. Apply f'adlllne Karhnnire, corner of John It nml Madtaon. it ant *riovi-mmR. I7XI •ITft I I'.Ni Pit maid wants house work In entail family, no nnshlnk. K >"d * urea ltldnc 24 44 -J. 1*45 k -11.\ east \\ 4 UI 11-MI IAMI A HI3f.PS In every town Small samples. Stron* selllni* points Patented specialt \, old estahllsh'd concern, rated f Ifto.fioo, big romnilaslon. pay aide weekly. F-. li. Cannon, Clevo land, Ohio. j%JNE 1 9 1 5. Al I U lit! 11111. * Ml) AUKkIOHIM, A1 TO44OHII.KK (Ml AtTISIIOUIM. We have secured control of the entire output of the “Just Rite” Tire Tube for the United States and Canada. Absolutely the fastest tube in the market. PRICE 75c U. S. AUTO SUPPLY CO. “Detroit’s Best Bet” 809 Woodward-Ave. Phone Grand 5408. I'OH s 4 I.l3—Ml*' 171. L 4!4F.01 a. vim . lift up Pent |1 too up Av'.'ii" '"ororia. we nh« H I*> -. ( *pan Sal ev till Mits M .!<'NFS. K"'2 Montclair. t» tn'Tt' i to ttt.nd fh* Orphnum the ater Montlav i-venitik as a ancst of the I "tr*.ir Tim'S Tw" tickets .ire wtMtiRK »t this office f.T her S A 11.It* '\T for sale. 22- ft sloop rl*. ri-aeonnhl# cheap for cash Hem* 1 lo< k 22H?* \V s »T*A K "I STAIN', billiard and pool • Odes tcw ind si . ond-hnnd Oco. Marsh Cos. 5 Fnrmer-*l K 7. terms 3vv I7X-TtANOF7 your old ftirnl*ure for new "t *1 ve you cash Main ? - 'I in i oil «> 4i r.—mt 11 n*. Bicycles It,i Inv sjrltiv season has Induced us to redu* e the juice; of Hill entire list of hiev ■ Ji-S All tc, bi< v ■ l«-s now s■’■■■ \!l *1" hic\c|es now S7O V 1 | '. and $ " h V'|i - now $27 50 j V! I $-“• tdc v l |c i i"W I? 0. Iflv'-r* hlv.le with coaster brake, imid-kuards anil with the W'll* kt" wII Ilu vet ford au.irantee for ..m> year 13. s>,- terms If desired Havorford Cycle Cos. 2» i Woodward-ave. DRTI24 Tl\ E 4, t’f MI'FTI N'T tru-tw "rth\ operatives, dn \ or niyht II «) I’wyer Secret s, - Human. 505 Rrettmeyer tilde «*udlilac -M and bun lavs, phone M’est Js7* i.oar 4\i» Fin xn. 1.1 is r Thursdav afternoon. pearl I. h on Kouiteenth car, corner St it*- and Woodward Own:-r, -1- Fourteenth-nv* P< v-T \ jiea rl pin Reward, phone 11. ml" k 2150 Mil 41-7$ TO 1.0 44. PAN!' ro'.Ti: ,i'T- H >l’<Un 1.1 HP It \l. I O \\ S t >N |(K Al. ESTATE ,M"\PY T"P"IN"X ’At VNT I < »TS Wft.T. ftf’Y KQFITIKS IN VACANT I’HOPF MTV f lit IMI’UOVPI* ItKAI. IST ATI-7 It 17AP I7HTATE EXCHANGES A SFECIAPTY. rP.KRT, HO9 Majestic Bldg. PRIVATE FT’NI'S to loan on first moru a«c Petrott Improved AI.KX. WATSON. Roa Hammond Rida CONSTHt’CTION POANS - Liberal amounts .1 F Weber. sat Gratiot 1*414 1.1 nv *4O PET STOCK. “HE NEW BIRT> STORK 5o Whitt Fanlall per pair $2 s<i Hart Mountain t’anarles... J 2 orsmro At. Rora Fat $ "" float, harness and wniton.. Jinon Toy Silk Hair Poodle do* . $lO 0" Hull Terriers $3 oo Collie I log* .|5 00 Raid.lts 25c up Reirtilnr II Flah Globes isc Fancy Gold Fish Pigeons, all varieties .... 30c up ItD OR iNmurCR 4VK ~DAY OLD cTTIX All breeds, perfect health and condi tion. can hr uhlp'ed safely any where Edwards |4trd Store, 129 Mlchlgan-avc., Detroit Pr.MONAM. NtiTICE If any poor «lrl Is In trou ble. needtr.R advice, friendship or help, write or cull on HEVRKI \RY M V !!• • A HPT IH’FFY. 993-Fort-st west, Salvation Armjr LAI’IES* HATS reblocked H»mpa and Panamas our specialty The Flclu alvo lint Frame Shop, 61 Gratiot. 4THR 4GE. HTORAGF furniture, ncarlv new, bar aalti price Sumner Cos.. Mich A 4th. ut \ ncD—Mia« ii i 4m:oi a. nil* fOAt her beds wanted Jewel Mat tress Fo. 359 Michigan. Fadlllac P 95. 44 441 1 11-MOVn. 15,000 FIRST MORTGAGE on acres near It"\al Oak, worth $15,000. Partnership 1n auhdtvlolon If da slred Bo* R. No. SO. When you answer tr.-»« aovertloo in/nti pleaao mention tiia Tinea 41 rOMOBII pa. FRKE M0T()ir"llOAT SIIOW AT 1256 JefTerson Avenue Hast Watch for the GLASS HOUSE A complete Rnr of motor bouts. I canoes, rowboats, entr ties and all sorts of mat Inc ace.-sot lea anil llt tlngs. DON’T FAIL TO COME Open every day from 9 a m to ? p m Saturdays op* n from k a in to 4 p rn Open Sundays only hy special ap pointment I >ETRi *IT B< *AT • • Ml* 'N X SIX-CYLINDER .iut"tnolille hance for real * slat* S C Warner, 721 Merrl- k .44 Tt* I 4 aTH4 4 Tlo4’ STUDENTS WANTED Learn to drive and repair automo biles bv the S!«-rlm>4 Si-t*n. in dividual I n.«t r uctlon. n. w das-each w-. • k Enroll now for n-xr «. "k Sti-rlln*; Auto College, 717 Fas. ave 4t it* PAINTING. Auto and Wagon Painting O S MI'LL. PROP Cass and Adame, C'&ftain 44 4 4TI3I>— 4 I Toxinlllf I WE CAN SELL VOl li CAR 'Ve cart buy nc, r f-r you I>-t us j know nhnt you hue or what you I want. A. C. AUTO SALES CO. Cad. 554-J. 107 First St. WANTED “AI'TOS" "> will sell iiuir •ar without cost to yu " • have more bui t* than cars A F Auto Sales, 167 Flr-t --st Cadillac 75 4-J <*TOH 44.17 (Ml 4 4lt l 44;K. ACME Storage, -r.-imrn. th warehouse. Storage, moving M vvi h Gilman. CENTRAI NT - tying parking, fireproof rat- right M tor van for sutuirbrin moving Phone Cadillac 6!> i— ■ Rf'EHl. PRi'S storicc Cnrtuge and Pncklm: Office 1 2 Alfred Ride -423 Wav, rl\ -n»,-. PARTY MOVING to California can rent part of ir Central Storage Fo . Cadillac 69 WANTED i«> Mil. CASH' FASH' Wl buy ' 1 false teeth old sold writ, hes, ,| imond lewelry. e».- In an> cot utti' n Libert\ Rcflnln« t'o, :>7 Woodward ave. fourth floor T 4» Rl;> |—Hill S|,s. Hannan Rental Agency A ftec list of liomscs and flats Call In person at the oldest and larsost rent estate exchange in Michigan i Mcfjß.wv nr. Da T* * RENT During Julj i nicely furnished house. Vtnewood ave , near R.ifiiyett'- ldvd -Photi - West 237-M A MODERN < room house open fire place. in living room; rrr t $75 month. Including garage ?5| Past Orantl-h|v,l East 46« 5-RO4AM Ft ITT At 117 with large of ground. F.rnnd Rln-r and Maple gro( e-axe. one mile from city lim its Applx - 311 lit rrlson-a \-e T 4» 111 A I—ROflttl, A LA HOI LIVING R ">M. Plano. b. <i. room and bath for two young men. strictly modern Grand 47*2 R BRAIN A RD, 66 Large, airy room; modern conveniences Grand It6l I. HOTEL FRANKLIN Cor I.arred and Bates -only a block from Woodward and Jefferson aves 1 Extra fine. et< am-heated rooms at spe. lal Summer ltat*-« .50,7..- $1 $1 50 per dnx-; $5 so $7 per week Rot IMS Furniture f.-r rooms com plete $1 w«ek Sumner. Mich A 4th. lit 1(1.4 I —FI. 4Ts A SMALL, bright upper flat 5 rooms and hath. gas. $3" 953 Vlnewood. three doors from "cst-blvd. Main Hl* 411 II (Ml |4 IM 141 s BOARD and rooms for one or two; pleasant locality, modern conveni ences. 265 Commonwealth. Grand sl4 3. 44 44TFI*—HE 41. F.ST4TE. WILL BUY equities in vacant lots, improved property or real estate under foreclosure. EBERT, 309 Majestic Bldg. DETROIT TIMES TO IIEVIN-ill NINVII PLACK*. FISHER ARCADE 249-253 Woodward Exclusive Shops, Salesrooms. Offices CALL Union Trust Company Main 4470 WILL LEASE WOODWARD-AVE. STORE SEE I'NION TRUST CO. IIEIIIII 41. 4I4TICK. “REMOVAL NOTICE J. R. (iLADINtJ CO. Architects and Builders wish to announce their remov al from 501-3 Elks Temple Bid#., into their large new quarters at 306-16 Broadway Market Bldg., where they will be pleased to sene their many clients. Ill'll.l>l7RS. McHugh Building & Construction Cos., Incorporated . General Contractors, Cherry 1289. 932 Dime Bank Bldg. M M XII ;it RBMKTL STAG ISI AND Summer Colony. 10 Miles From Detroit In the St Clair river s'i-ft. I"t* facing Hi* water S6OO 3<- ft l"t* facing th*' cannla S3O" Ac low uk *2*- cash nnd $5 per m'*nth This ld*nl .-ummer hum*- Island ha* hl'-rh hank*. .-eiv,-rc, water, natural g is, «-U-itri'- IlKhta, 3"0 n' , i*'i* of tlnihcr. bathing hcach.-a, 23 cot t.-ig'-t*. 2 hotela. a pavilion Just th pin"** for tht» family and children or for vniir wr«*k-end». Return *Ric ad f<>r bonklctc. view* an<l prices PEN.I F MORTKXSON CO, I'herry 26H3. 1119 Dime Rank 141 <1 k Name Address Kingsville-on-the-Lake TO RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED $1.25 Per Day JULY AND AUGUST. I Located on Ink*- shore, fine bathing facilities. No better place for chll *lr*-n HOMER WARREN A- CO, 1 227 iTnmli'-r of Commerce SUMMER RES( )RT Nice five-room cottage In the Maple Leaf sub.. Ilarsen's Island, a'ltolfi ing Tashmuo Park, can he bought for sssv. xvlth a pa> merit down Mho a number of lot** t!,;it we will build Summer Cottages on to suit the hover, with a paxment down This Is n great chance to get a Summer Home. The ni est sj'Ot on the lakes. STANDFIELD 305 Hodges Rid* Fherrv in ALGONAC, MICHIGAN, RIVER FRONT LOTS Fine Summer Home Sites I.* a ted ' nl> one block from Star line dock and Inside vlll.ig* limit- Size |"\lo7 Ft Ice $('10 each I7a.«v terms No m-»ro lu-.VJtlful spot on St Clal r Ivor. lIOMFR WARREN CO. 1827 Chamber of Commerce. FOR a 4 I F— *117411 I'M I' IMtOPFUTV. A lILL'IGTCN PARK, described on pa>.e Iglit. represents a n*-w de t us *re In •• tliurban property in the Royal C. ik district See It Best Comer in the City. Stanton nrd McOraxx-, street paved, jot f0xlI4; 9-room modern house In rear. Ftore on corner, room for 5 stores facing «tant"n W \ Slay ton, RS7 Fourteenth-ave Wal 49S B. V. 1- RAT. $5 dug Flxm rooms, bath, sepatafe furnace; vicinity of Grand River nnd Boule vard. $1.10" cash ALEX. WATSON 4"3 Hammond Rl-lg COTTAGE Will take x-arnnt lot on west side near car line, on easy term* xx-lth sbed and chicken house; $2 150 KBKRT, 309 Majestic Bldg TWO-FLAT INVESTMENTS Locust, rents $4". SSOO down. s4,t're g'>n, rents $42. $?oo down. $4.T00. 17 lefferson (4 flat), rent* s $66. $ .6"" Alex • Watson. l*"3 Ham mond bldg. F BENNETT 30fi Medhury. Is Invited to attend the orpheum theater on Monday evening ns a guest of the Detroit Times Two tickets are waiting at this office for Mm 700 CASS AVE 9-room house, finished in unaltered onk all modern Improvements big vara, everx thing In Al condition Phone Grand 15c3. between 8 » m and 5 p nr See house hy appoint ment. ” VENEER FLAT, $5,000 Near Grand River: new and modern; on easy terms at snap price EBERT. 309 Majestic Bldg. (ipvn Sat. nnd Sun. 2 to 4 253 Stanford, near Grand River and Boulevard, $3,200; 7-room house hath, gas, electric light*, cellar and barn E 55 term*. KINGnN REAL ESTATE CO.. ♦OS Whitney Bldg, Main »1T«. SCHOOLCRAFT If vnu own your own lot* wa will build you a home. Building **v*r*l there now Ad draw box R No. II 44tien you answer mesa art vert tri mants pleas* mention tht Tima*. row a 41.r.—itKftiiir.%1 r iMtorr.ii nr roi inic—MKsinKNCK **»uii , »c»iti DILLON-ANDERSON CO. REAL ESTATE T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT VV iLi CAN SELL WHAT YOU HAVE SUITE 1117 FORD BUILDING CADILLAC 1039 Foil *41.15—F.11011, roil *4I,IS—FARM*. SMALL FARM THERE IS MANY A MAN sitting In a rented home today alum and blu<‘ over lack of employment or other adverse conditions, while hundreds of acres of good, fertile land close t<> our beautiful city nr.* waiting for such men to take hold and tsiahlish for themselves u home and com petence. KEYING A FARM resolves Itself Into self-questioning. Do you llk« to work In the open air’ Do you like to grow things? Do you prefer green pastures and fields to city streets; the quiet and peacefulness of the country to the hurly-burly of the city, the certainty of a good living on the farm to th«> alluring promises or the clt> ? If you nrn looking for such a place \v K HAVE IT. as well as the plan by which you can easily acquire it It Is a plan suited to each man and his conditions. We have a number of satisfied and HI'i’CESSFUL customers already enjoying their “Little Farms." , Write. nhon<* or call and we will have our representative call aud explain our plan. , JAMES S. HOLDEN CO. 1102 Penobscot Bldg. FARMS ON CAR LINE Larger Than Eleven City Lots ON GRAND RIVER AVENUE ELECTRIC One man. after looking nt thl<> property last Sunday said* "I have seen thr.-e other acre lot hulxllvisions. Thi* is bv far the beat" lie bought three hi r. *• Many others have done the same thing. *h!s subdivision is only a sin 11 ride from limits. Grand River Is paved from Detroit past this property Tin land lies high and level Ex - nt iivt Good drainage. !Ta tura made this a beautiful piece of property Buy an ■re now I'lant potatoes o, p.i tiring else. One crop will half ptv for It Have, a g trden raise lib k. ns and greatly reduce the cost of living. X< , i stores, ■ h ■•ol, t« |.*j hone, electric and mail ser vi'l'cinent walks N> v< r a "it will von buy farms at these prices. No Interest or taxes until 11> I*> Easy terms. Iwo parcels with buildings Sab men on gr timls Saturday p. m., Sunday and Monday , Take Orchard Lake and Farmington car to Five Points PRICE .$225 UP THOMAS HITCHMAN, 819 FREE PRESS BLDG. MAIN 5502 FOH fi U.h'—IIKMIIKM E OHOI'EH Y 4 . 1 (highland kksii)i;x> SI 'H'li )N*. b for bkadlu. b for beadle WHEN YOi: lU'Y. SIBO ' First paymrm on a f>>ur-rr>om cot tage- ri'tir Oh* Ford Plant. 1 per cent a month thereafter. Price SI,BOO $l9O 5-room hminr, near Ford's. sl.9ftft <l-room cottage n< nr Ford - *, $2,000. S4OO ,A< fir: t payment on new 2-flat near Ford's. 5 rooms down, 4 up. Lftriti* garage SNAP AT $2,900 B FOR BKAI'I.F W HEN Y< *F BEY. (\ S. BEADLE CO. Main 85.'4 Room -I McGrnw III< 1 sr. OPEN si NDAY ts-5 IV M. EAST SIDE (SOFTH OF M.V'K Two modern homes. on*- of T and hath, th«* other 8 room* and hath, hot air heat. select hardwood floors throughout, hardwood rtni-h downstair*. whin* niftmil finish and birch tnahog tnlzed doors upstairs, linen firass. commodious closets large front porch Those hotisoa are located on the east side of Renlteau U block south of Mo k avc . small payment down; balanc* as rent T \LK IT OVER M ITIf HOCK & LAXGLOIS, Moilkos MMk Ctt«lil!no • FINK BENGAL* t'OUNEU L* inix2oo, on olertrir. OiiK Kinp*- Fin*' restricted section. A snap at $ i • 8-room house panaled ceilings, tire place. eli • trie lights, finely decor ated. third house from Woodward, nice'shrubbery, large lot 1 *mx2sft. In restricted section at Royal Dak. Only 18.01*0. , , 2 acres. Royal 'tak. close to electric. A snap .. , _ , I have some fine places at Loyal **ak for sale . . . FRANK E PRIGG-4. ** 1 ' I'iiih* Riink Bldg. Eherry 2**')'.' Rhone Sundays Mid evening- 1 Royal Oak **i NEAP, GRATIOT SPECIALS Iroquois, 7-room modern.... S4,<M)O Meldrum. double. « rooms _ e:\. h. modem ••' Seneca. * rooms, steam 10-at, _ extra tine home. Exll 1 .. Seminole, 8-room frame, mod *rn • • ■ • Seminole. 8-rm fiatn*-. steam. corner 4,00 HANNAN 1 McGraw Fddir WEST SIDE BARGAINS Wabash and Butternut, corner lot. "nineteenth street Flat, rent s4»>. easy terms BAKER ST., 503 10-room fiair.e house lot ' x: 1 UNION TP,I ST CO. Main 4 470. COTTAGE BARGAIN Chestnut, 1"5. « rooms. I.'' I'* 1 '* Hurlbut. *7*. 7 ro<»m.« -:? M N.i Iy, 8. w, ♦» rootni*. ... Willis, nr Mr* »o kl\ n, .-room brick )'V’" lith at . •10 6 i Trombley and Crntg, 8 rooms .. **oo HANNAN 1 McGraw Bldjr. A Ol vlted to attend the Orphetnn the. ater Monday evetutig as 4 ie-t of the 1 >etr<ui Tim. rwo tnet ar> waiting nt this ofllcc for him BUNGALOW $3,750 Six-room hung a low* on Euclid be tween J*«hn 11 and Oakland fur na< e heat, hardwood flni*h and floors; terms $1 town, balance ns rent. G A KItSKINK A CO. 501-501 Mi'estlc Bldg EAST C.RAN D 81/V 1). NEAR Ol! \TI< >T BRICK ANI> SHINGLE Beautiful 8-room house. hit e living room. fireplace, large bedroom . oommodious eloset«. nrtDtlc d«* or ations and fixture. plate gl windows Will consider good va cant and cash, or |2.."*00 will l andlc It TALK IT CVnn WITH HOCK tfc LANGUORS, 401 Hodge* Bldg. Cadllla* lilt. Whan you answer thess artverc..** manta plea*#- mention tha Time* FOR SALE—FIRM*. COUNTRY HOME <0 acres. 8-room house, full hase r»»»*nt. cow barn for 25 heads, horse bn n I \ S. shed 30x80, garage, full Kt outbuildings. Two big silos; soil hlai k sand This farm Is only 1 • mil. > from city hall, five min ute walk from milk depot, stone road, i le. trie ear. stores and school. Electro lights in house. If you want something that Is a bargain let me tell you about *.hi» farm WM 1). GOSLIN 329 Ford Itldg Cadillac 1535. Hran- h J><lford. FARMS .'• miles from city hall near Grand River, five neri s with house, burn, sued. Straw-berries, beds. black berry I ushea, about too. Price $1,500. $:,750 down. FARM. Half mile from Grand River, 5 acres, $ >.250 cash. 1 *' s 11,1 Snyder-rd . s. mile from Grand Rtv. t. SIO,OOO will hnndle t.' acres, l] miles mu Michigan-ave.. |'* a. r. sos oak. first growth worth JL'V" u lone with fine buildings; 91. .> per acre. Roche Jeau-Doxtator „ REALTY & BUII.DINO CO., .It Chamber of Commerce Bldg Rhone Cadillac 353 i5 ACRES, near Gratiot, about TS mhm*> Iron) «*ify hull Rond h»»u<*o and barn $2.H00; will take small house in !>etrolt. so acres, near West Branch, small house, only $2.0u0; will take vacant or cottage In Detroit ' a. r< . rear Algonac, with stock anil tools. Will take cottag.. In De troit. 8. rotes, mar Ypsilnntl. fair build* ings. take small house or 2-flat In j l*etrolt. 120 acres, near Willis; good build ings and fences, want city prop erty. ' * * KING* >N REAL ESTATE CO 4<is Whitney Bldg. Main 3173 80 ACRES 1 rice SBOO, SBO down, balance month iv onlv I'li mll.-s from Detroit; in h. heart of Michigan If vo U are looking for land Investigate this, will make you mnnev. <’all nhone "R , Malone;. ..-ampbell R„. nlt > ( ". Inc . i.ot Free Press hldg '' T norsE* bu it oii thi* io fotii I• t n«iv boM m fls>mo Tark. S©o l-.yster .v How irth, Royal oak. Fruit Farm ' ' n ' r ' " DJ a r. . berries, in acres 1 ' applo*. all b, ar • ‘‘ n ; f "M«ge, and packing hou-e till for $.?, ,aa terms. This Ia nton-v make. We have manv of lor coo. I f ar m s at bargain prices 'L’T' V r wr,,f ' Malonev < ampb. il Realty Cos , Inc , 504 Free I reus Hldg. SO ACRES, $800: 40 acres S4OO. $25.00 down and $lO mo. on 40 acres. M 6524 C. s. BEADLE I <Ot v \| Xi RK t(j j INVESTORS ' v r have the very best Investments In small tracts near Detroit ready Tor subdividing Win g|»d to show you acreage that miinot he clupllrated fur price Rocheloau-Doxtator, „,KKALT Y * BUILDING <*? il I < hum her nf Phlpr I Phone i 'adi line 353 VV V \ II I)—I V \lt < nVI II V< IS LAND CONTRACTS BOUGHT I.IBE.RAI l.f'AN'S <'N REAL i;ST \Tli MbNKY To LOAN *>\ VACANT LOTS MONEY TO LOAN ON REALTY KyEITIKfI. PEAL ESTATE KXEHANGESA SPECIALTY EBERT. 309 Majestic Rldjpr. To BX( il (3(iE—HI v u i v , vi. FOR RXrifAXGB pert; i r • ; City for property somewhere along the electric line, suitable for a gro i cerv store and home Address P O. box 3*!;i, Lcorse. kllll »\l> 441 4\ T 1.018 EAST SIDE FLAT SITE , Rhillp-ave. few lots north of Jeffer son. Fine location for medium prb e.l Cat Prb e only $80f». includ ing paving. E. L. Jl NOD 50ft UNION TRUST ft 1.1 ut E,\T> 3900 'STOP; l.oo|\' And then write a let ter and get facts about Stevenson's Grand Rlv.-r shdlvlslon. mile from eltv limits, l.ots from B** to 45 feet Prices range from $475 to s•'•'9*l. Including all Impr .vementi If you are interested tn n home rite I or an Investment writs tux 11. No When you answer tness advertiaa menta pleas* mention the Time*. FOU SAl.Fs— VACANT 1,01 a. BUY A HOME W DON’T PAY RENT 1 A small rayment down will start you on the road to IndependoM* GO OUT SUNDAY 1 to see these new houses You will find them tetter than r*pr*oo«m(^H 1078 CADILLAC AVE. NEW HOUSE BRICE $2,600 $250 DOWN 5 rooms, hath, electricity; oak floors, roller window shades, lot 30x130. street paved. SEMINOLE AVE. NORTH OF HARPER PRICE $2,350 You will like them. 5 rooms. 3 bed rooms, large floored attic, bath, electric lights. They will be open Sunday. HOMER WARREN & CO. 9 MAIN 8404. 1327 CHAMBF-R OF COMMICMiH REAL ESTATE. LEA SF-d. INHI RANOM AUSTIN SUBDIVISION! A FEW CORNERS LEFT 11 ON FOURTEENTH AVENUE | ADJOINING LA SALLE GARDENS 1 SIZE 50x128 FEET | Suitable for terraces and flats. I Will sell on very easy terms. J These are bargains. Prices are rapidly increasing in thljfl district. $ HOMER WARREN & COMPANY 1 Main 6406 1227 Chamber of CommoNM PUT YOUR MONEY IN CITY LOTS 1 IT WILL BE YOUR BEST INVESTMENT. 4 SEE OUR LOTS $ ON COPLIN AND J LAKEVIEW AVENUES 1 FROM S4OO TO $550 • j 1 VERY EASY TERMS | Water Sewer Sidewalks Building Restrictions Inside the city limits and only a short distance from sevjj eral large factories. Good location in which to build working men’s homes. ' COME OUT SUNDAY ) Our office corner Kercheval and Coplin Avenues will tHjjl open all day. Take Jefferson car to Coplin, walk north. j HOMER WARREN & CO. : 1227 Chamber of Commerce : BUY ONE OF OUR Little Farms ONLY 17 CENTS A DAY IN GREENFIELD 7 miles fmm city hall; fertile soli; ti*ke Grand River suburban car to Monnler-rd.; walk south to prop erty at Plymouth-rd.; prices, SIOO to ssst. IN DEARBORN Take Mlrhlgan-ave. suburban car to Telegraph-ave.; wtvlk one block smith to property, price $450 to 9600 City c Suburban Homes Cos., 200 GRISWOLD-ST., R. M. OKINDLEY, MGR. Seventy-Five Cents Down The fool thinks a thing worth less or It wouldn't be offered him. Telephone girls, office girls and others Investigate this; A fine 30-foot lot In the North Wood ward highest class residential section for 75c down and 73c weekly. Shade trees and side walks nil In Yon men or women who work for moderate wages hurry up and call Main 13417. Tills la better than a savings account. E. W. VASVARY 420 Free Press Bldg. $5.00 DOWN f" per month; price $2 4*9 and up. buys a lot on Smith subdivision, oniy sv, miles from ritv hall, on Van Dyke-ave. and Frem h-rd WAGNER REALTY EG , 744 Grntlot-ave, Ridge 871 SEE PAGE EIGHT. Eyster A- How arth's Home Park subdivision In Royal oak. 23 minutes from Ford r.i< tor) A WAGNER. K'BB Semnd-nvf is In vited to attend the < rpheum the ater Monday evening a*- ‘ i iest of the Detroit Times Tw » E lo t are waiting It till* off MRS .1 E IM»PGI: 3 Boston blv.V, is Invited to att.nd *' ■ nrphi mi theater ns n guest of the Detroit Times on Mon*la\ evening. Two tbkets are waiting at this oftlee for h**r. CHEAPEST. LOTS OUT WOODWARD SKVKN-MILK ROAD PRICES S3OO TO S42S—EASY TERMS WALKER SUBDIVISION One block east of Woodward avenue. Fine location for Ford employes. A number *>f houses already on the subdivision, New $50,000 public school on the property. Seven-Mile Road Paved. One five-cent car fare to property. COME OUT SUNDAY Our salesmen will be there all day. Look for our “auto” at Log Cabin HOMER WARREN & COMPANY Main 6406 1227 Chamber of Commerce REAL ESTATE LEASES INSURANCE MONEY TO HI ll.n MONEY TO Bl II.D MONEY TO BUILD If You Have a Clear Lot and Need Money to Dulld 4 AJLI SEE US We Furnish TMans and Spec!flcntlon* Free and Will Make Mast Liberal Term*. ,< “OUR PLAN WILL PLEASE YOU” If You Cannot Call Write .>r Phone and Our Represent*!!** Will Call on You 1 HENRY S. KOPPIN CO. ] Michigan's Greatest “Horn* Builder*.” *« MAIN 2G2. * 306 BREITMEYER BLDO| PAGE ELEVEN KOH IA— VACANT IsOMB SEE THIS SUNDAY I 942 BELVIDERE AVEL* BRAND NEW PRICE $2,500 1 VERY EASY TERMS m LAKEVIEW AVE. M NEAR KERCHEVAL 1 PRICE $2,600 A $250 CASH j Balance aa rent —5 room*, hardwofl H“. rs. roller window shade*. TmH are targatna. 71 INVESTORS, STOP AT | GABLE AND PISCOPINK || SUBDIVISION j Buy a lot within two minutes! walk north of Harper aval and Van Dyke. Good title in solutely guaranteed. Plied $350 to $425; $5 down, sfl| a month. Take Harper esH to Van Dyke ave. and waiH two blocks north to Milled ave. Agent on property frow 8 to 5 Sundays. For information call MR. SHELBAUER, 4 McGRAW BLDG. MAIN 6524 m CLAIRMOUNT AVE. ’ 1 30 ft., near Wilson, n. i>rlc« |969w i GLADSTONE AVE. 55 ft., near Wilson, a bargain at s92fc* DELAWARE AVE. Second block P.» ft ; special at ! 1.400 b n Hi ft, near Wilson, the only lot lit! thi* block, at 11,106. BALLISTER AVE. 118 ft., n s . unrestricted, only $3,750*1 E. L. JUNOD .*>e UNION TRUST BLDG, CAD. 3900. i ~ A SNAP! A CHANCE! J Grand Hl\«r frontage at n/*w city t limit* ti l y 1“W figures; 50-ft. loti r> .-*ti icted new Mayvlew suhdlvl»l si >n opening; autos to property J now. g.t busy. Eherry 4774. Mr. Uipfol, 4 1 Buhl block. UTERES and story of North Woodward real estate on' pi e nine In connection with J ii fiexter hlvd. subdivision. Re strb Hons; every Improvement an 4 j tern.* fJo out Sunday or phone for appointment at any time. H. J. ' Goossen Realty Eo.. exclusive sella j lug agents, 982 Woodward-av«* ! Grand 2 109