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EDITORIAL PAGE DETROIT TIMES ’ 9vtrllah»<l svarjr availing ascapt a t>jr (hr bat rot I Cos.. 7S-74-.T »v« y Nubs -nptl»n Ha too— By rsrrler. 1 1 c* ts * Month; |l 4 ysar. Up mail. *- p« r >**'. pa}* I* *4iV»BOO Talouhoa*—Main 4b«o conn*' tin* sli « IMnU. Glv# Timas’ o; >*r*’ >r i.arn* f or parson waritan a’obs- ripti n • ru«- - plaints of Irregjisr d«u»*ry will oa '« <* • 1 > phono up l« III) y c. Kntarail at tha Fusi.-flics at L>#tru t *» MKI-cUa* mall rr.sttar f-t Th* ua* cf tha ram* of »Ht» ; Cofihar* in any ,utsi<l* pi J* • t » 4. Ail secra-iv-d t»o. • •>•« ra tarry and shouhi ha rau.-rad to * * list* alKOvd by Utchard W. * * pia nacar MONDAY. Jt'XK T 1 Here’s a Work You Can Help With Your Dollars When a girl who ha> “g"ne wr \.e Wants to go right again, what are w, going to do alnnit it 7 | That is not a question which ear. U answered lightly. A great deal depends, ot course, the girl. If she is of strong character and .. sound constituion, she may t*e ai ie : get on the right track and stay th.*r\. unaided. But if she is strong and »und, rl.c l doesn’t often “go wrong." The great majority of these young women are weak-willed and with >ut * c resisting power w hich a hardy physi-;ut gives. What, then, is to l>e done ? They must be helped, for they can’t help themselves. If they are strong enough to make u; their minds to escaj>e from the conditio? in which they find themselves, that’s about all the strength that can 1* astpected of them. We mustn't expect too much. Strength comes from right living, not ;from making up one’s mind to be strong, f First, then, the young woman must U put in a more favorable environment, where the influences for evil which >ur ; founded her and led her away from the •odal standard can no longer reach her. I But this is only a beginning; for, left to herself, she would drift helplessly, lose courage, and her later condition would be Dorse than the former. She must be given, therefore, proper •Mention, proper food, proper compar - ■looship, until she is built up, mentally and physically, to a state of self-reliance In which she can look the world in the face and say to it: “I am a woman who Can take care of myself." -* Such a place, and such attention, i provided by the Rescue home of the >al -1 vation Army, which is now asking the people of Detroit for $50,000 for its new* 'building A site has been donated, and on it Stands a house which will be used for juvenile court cases. The new building, to accommodate 12' people, is a necessity to the community. The Salvation Army is doing work, in this manner, which the city of Detroit ought to do, and is doing it as efficiently, doubtless more sympathetically, than the city could do it. It is helping the individual, but it i ■•Iso assisting the entire community; f r while it saves the girl, it makes YCM’R ! TAXES lighter by keeping her fr.-ni the [ courts and the poor commission. r Then* are plenty of so-called .-enti - mental reasons for aiding in this fine 7 Work; but there are many n-re Intensely practical reasons. t Even if you don’t care about tin* g.r!, you ought to care about yourself. | But the committee in charge -f th< yfsiaing of funds believes that you do pn about the girl—that you’ve a heart •—that you wouldn’t see her go to smash j for the sake of a few cigars or a theater jacket. F ’ Already $15,000 of the sso,<Mio has • been garnered, in large contributions End small. I The factories are adding their share, Jtad the factory workers an* proving that bthey are big-hearted and generous. 8o do what you can for these girls, r. Cut down your pleasure allowance for p few days, and send the savings to Richard 1\ Joy, treasurer of the com j mittee. You’ve t- * idea how you will feel n I . if i ney will ( help to accomplish. MtTriful Intervention Is This. C hosen for Mexico It is >i mi-officially announced that; nt Wili i met witr. the Mexican ; r = >blem will U* T-* », n»i a >tjviig lit**! *r> -s exp***;iti<*n lti’o Mexici to relieve the starving with ut. mi’ tar> guard, announcing to the rartv : oai ?, r > ew: > na*lest> tit* workers will m,i! themselves bey.*nd the pale of j consideration. A few months !al»or among Mexico’s war victim- by this expedition will un it i* *.i i!\ create a wide-spread ot ■ fro nd>hio an*l gratitude among the >,m; e p*s • le of Mexico. Quite likely, it will result in a request f. r American intervention, if the nght- I ing continues. At Uh MU .'•••• mi* test .for the factional leaders anil mean- the ’.,tion of the one or ones w r.o ta.. to stand it. The whole country wouM revolt i ig n.-t t’ e man who harmed an expedi [ t.■ -r* *r -u*h an errand of mercy, yet it j *rmit• t ! t*» continue its work, the ■ r .*i:v! will he cut from under the an an-hy, and the war will end. It’s an admirable brand of “interven ti- n." From Another Point ot l iev: Villa’s currency rep*>rted worth three cents on the dollar. M onder w: at has transpired to give it its standing? • • • A headline says: “Observe the Law Is Ten* r of VYhson Note. Hut the act which prompted the note was base. • • • An item says Coming. Cal. is to have .v large new pickling plant. Respectful ly called to the attention of the Anti- Sal >on League. • a « Incidentally, if it is in order t» in quire. who shot the z back into Przemysl ? • • • An explorer claims to have the pr -of that the Carden of Eden existed in South America. Mas a principal port, maybe, on the River of lK>ubt. • • • Convicts in Junction City. Ohio, make paving blocks. Their work, also, over the road. Should Suit the Mighty Hunter. Culled from the Polk State Gazetteer: Elephant Butte. N. Mex. Tiger. Wash. I>eeriaiid, Fla. Deerwo*xi, Minn. Lyons, Mich. Huntland, Tenn. Bison. Okla. Antelope, Tex. Buffalo, Minn. —F. VV. F. lit By puttying his uplifted nose a Chicago mar. ~jcc*ed«-d in passing a deputy u:.o was waiting for him. Stung again by a putty-blower? PRESENTIMENT T':.* > v . -peaking of n a \V . . r.g » ■.* eiuiy ** * >-n <*••• r* »a* of Tr-.i -. .ry AMI s»:n <• 'I Adoo j a-* reminded fa «tor ■ »;«•■ < * '.at lit • Sor .• !•.(’[» ■»o i i.d:’- # ff'n ard!»*d on Miyme K*’» Sie. an ! -.or:.*- • 1 ere about 11 45 a !»if ■ * •.« lat *. h*- fc-ad of * s'air- Mivtn* ” *,:rl ’■ ■- vo • • '‘Oil Ml that »< • g a,'*d 'nrt : '!«>r - ir <\(rar»-' - rookin' yap to '-»«• '.»- ' ad •n * or 111 < oip»* down th*r* and kl« k bur. all the *»i through Mj» No 12 <*oi:ar"‘ "< 'hart*** Mo * *r 1' ” ■ -Mfutly - t i Mayrn K*o !,«•, ?jrr. -,g ?o N ° j :t "V» a Uari.r *’ respond*! O ari* - Howard, -igl full) "Wh; t 1 - I* *" •*./teething * ' - O '** -e •* *** g«*i*lY *nu ’ . • ••’• VJ .y: r. M!*> a* rai att* r part."—l'hi.a .ei; Kv**nln/ T**l< aj. i RATHER < OMPLIMENT\RY ■•' • • I ■ - . « •' • ; ! ’■ X fai h. f ti> i. ri *- a♦ ’’ e re ,• • , I-aur* nee U . • 1 u*- v t«»r "Wfce:. ' « ia-* r■.**aia hi' 1 rung down h»* fame brt> *l*. • •• to - :;.e rt'il »< 'ini i a"t’< i, •- **#•■. jr» app«H'»d v • ■ i! »>r of i /*"«■* * r--ora an ! handed •I.r l»'tv ' » • » t: * ligur»* *u • :■ ■■ !♦ 1 .<* ■ '••. a • and M y. ••• •! <: don t *«-Il me e ; i / • T .rt* i;,’j do you"” Th» r'ftt. dad I replied ‘ V ell. <4 and *.*.« old g'-ivUman though* fully, Is ?h»i mo* W:,p other chore*, do yo»: hav» !<j do be.-: I* -a 'ting*' hvery h* idy'- M agaz in* HIS *‘P.R» !»f)ER" DETAINED 1*" off;.*, bc>> *Ol 1 *h:» of;. 'Ve ••• • ■;< v..»« an« girl n d** -* ' f*el. d' - * *» ■ VS •• . t» a* h»*r hax • ‘lte;.', httle gir.. » a*> y* r t. me *a> , 'I .In t' ’• U ft ‘!« ii* r*a* s Aw g-an an t* j 1 it .-a}' -1". Naa dt pupils would laug at mr’ * T aM* r say* If anybody laugh* 111 kill ’em ’ ’ Sr»v,« de girl ‘\» I t.a’e to* <> *.* .i • -.»%•< an- tea? her " lona o.| h\ • <l** girl "Mi brudd* r laughed an he atn’» h* en hotr *• frotn ■*« Uieii let a week, she kep’ him In -o long " ECONOMY "Hut your fiance Dag such a small salary’ MOW ir • J t>|;.K to Hup Oli, «• re to econotnlie V\ »»’re going to d<* without *ucb a lot of things that Ja.< k ueeda.” m . . ■ A •» A DETROIT TIMES Oh, W ell, It’s Different in Our Case. WHAT's THt l VC* A f \ vnew TWt Tv Au:t ycu cot d? • vvas | ms* t n roe r^i Mffi TmE MeptiviCM ; vpo Mism/ ?miuo SuMMUWAi MVKf *1 A- *r*T (VoTMIKM . 'Ml*. - J * —* » V- \ • a \ '\ . (\ r i 4 wW --t P su ,‘U>- V^L'S At a iVv'?>,'fx.» -w ,T I | Th*S *',> “mg limit* NtKT UihTl ; ■ r V’CCul HAvC > cE v fam^cn 1 - r-r ; tst - * ‘V " a- w ' v . i N;-' \ - w Jk . _AA. m # . . . ••• To vc -vat •-* • • • - MAT A SHlftT AAiM ■<s . f • ‘ AMU iN . n * .;m fyT CM A Fui. Cve*C'-^ T 44TVi4T • _A- . * r you. Ak.6 n fS" " DC -*p- I M 1£• w r v ' i HI wv w • j T «*t** ar«* mor- t sc*« ;r. heav." **ar?h than :,re -4 in v r .5 -o in ! ?!.» r* >. • - • r **r* *hißi- t .at 't r - cjr •*.•» * 'han hate b»*rn rtu-n’ion * i In the > a,—, r. I h* ar 1 a y. u « rnotr—r 1 raniay N I .:.r, t c c.' t !—. - ; | 1 Ivav-- tham *i*h T ;* !ror.i ~r*- n:oth r Th*T* r of or ,r- No** * ■■ < u-j.-ir * i jr.rl £ v» f . or •:,.***■«- aft« mm t a »>« « -, • . .»!*-• ar-1 -r-tr. :-in« of ■ lihlrvn ♦» Eyeglasses DTicn Seeded Should lie Worn—Advice On ! heir Proper Use :nanS? ir.a icr«*a» pre/.j dice airaifi.*' A**r:ns (t la *.-*•* .i pr-judio* tha* i • • r 1 > r*fra<*in* . jr* n> .-«»• of the e:*.a* * 'moas rr» human.'jr. \V|i< **• t ia* *- - a;<* re»‘*d* and tii* y eh iuld : • an. <> id a fa»iure *«» •. so means det. . lorat.on ot o* health an . t n> • or.- and n-ualiy pre dure* touch, e-i-arj aiifferinf **, the mdiV.dual T-/ *!.<•-• .i 1 .» do * *-ti' «:.. *••, ad vice .is to fh»*ir proper u.-» over. of vital i:: p<r.i!i-<* In fira pUc* if ey' *;a»e«*s are * .rn *Re> .id *.o* folded *o*er* ! ,r * and« u * e-** . ’ * -at v «-d or du hd. The. * icild »• -r ir / on i t on '; e ojr- id a .f • * !-•••- ■ - r an*e | In a ia«- thus *■ ; r. .* Somewhat Mixed. A < ares il eji-.inia’e has k .e‘-n mad* ;e *n'i -,f •-.* prop..rtlon of •fti ( ,f forto n birth an I descent bro-»* ou* * .< T'n ted ; te. *hi h I '>• e. of *• -p. ■ a! in'’fat a’ t ; i« t't . ri' r m** According ’o Prof A ( f- L: r i i*t *.f ( >n,e:|\-r- 'y. • a n.,01e , .al st'd • of • f. ..• .t. *h» four.try contained peopl* of foreisrn or ■*■ per ce* r.* of t'.e -fit ire -hire pfipila'.on Os ' his nut..’** r 4 *../1 *i '*c-i« foreign • irn 12,- f* 16,311 had ha**n !njrn In An.-ri* a if f< r. lyn >orn parents, and . a or.* «i*< a pa-i nf • • or dir. at to the >»ai; ’is a larr* *.-op-irrlop of 'lie fora;<r, ;< p. 1. *on nr at laid tho *» of for»*i*n irth ar» of fierman m ion 1 i.» f are tier mans an 1 soma 4 ' *;* r,( Irish d"*aent ar.d .1.231.- >*2 * laaalfled as Kna’.tsh S-nth, ar, ei-h f'sn**da on'ri iW-d J ; ii t.» the so-< il!*d ftgairn pop ,la*.' r \ isrria Ifunxary 27" P »-!a 2.*>41 dl» Ira’r. 1 2 .•• 6 . ni! tie S' vndinavlan ino ip in 1 1 Ina H**ad»*n. Vo r »ay at and I»■ nmark 1 7*3.375. All tha <* -r oup'rv - ♦>, r i>*nir sor.ia 1,177,h52 <‘ tjr.f».«r, , iarsld Cnj* rr ;ad "Mr WUtr s rr.< k • n.a *;• averdn* M llow dar and h.*'’’ I 'll a «11dn't J and >rad t Irn '* I’lf l b'irgn Pr»;s». U hat a Girl Could Do By E s. HITCHCOCK f a h-.h a r.•".*.* : -i • • r a hero »!•;••> could be i** t>y their ra 'her ahilf* - nl <t hince to ■ * h«*r «'••*;. •• £ t *•- i little .t:n< T * -••raker i i*r.,r*»* c* R?.» a , id in ! 1 :t -a a.• a uiiiiii iruty ’ ■*.♦• r >rr r.d where • - -u: *ide > i r - • mu.o •. a '•» an .*•:- , «•■*. t * l ;rtn* * • *x-'e. •- d* - ; f ' ' e (tiv-id ' - ’-t ■ i ■ i-lren It - ! b* and f r • tliera and K ■■! P’r * chi 1: :j to have a ■ \ <n.;‘* W a i o < • *».Kxlr.a.-* for ii mu *irl t- r-a*e' •■.r • tp* and h;«'*r Ko* the same ’• k.iiisi'i - ..d not «•* la <1 •ir* .* • • on '.i...» - i.,r stands 'I he-, noifl - n* p’ leap. v a done by rubbing ’ * .*■:.*.. a.* h clean md soft ' ,* s rot r.ace**;,ry to U.-a c. nkin. v i -* -ho .Id nor he* A'itti in *' ■• . I'' -y *r >:: ! *■ hsnxert r»-pair* 1 'hey tiecoma »orr». ’ no ked > rack* ; and on of -h*pa ' J fra*r:- .- **.*• :•■•>* and cheap , a-r rr- .• r R »;•», ! franr.-*- »•*• * > 6 and ye' h Id ,l f*‘r shape* 1 TJ • «-e also d*rra*)Je and .... . - .all <)■.'-i ■ •( v»«ra I stae 1 e v d>> net bur* *.-.• a»rs r a* and «,.*e free • r*-m rus' S »- • !, v. r ihd i ' *r - m !<r dis -a-e« if> ; parted p. •x» !> hv >on ta* f r, • ar* r.*s of .afflicted chil , ■ • * - •< ir:«-r ;r,. . * f» a a »r*d fa .1 to rapor' a phy*i* ; in or J.« al'h of 1 ' ! • • 'hu.A p* *n. ♦ n’hers to *i*a* t with the ass! < ,t»d * . prertd th> 'roi!'i<’ The 21-Hour Shift 'r■ .rn tha front sav the •1- i • * i ! .•*■- dream of tha calm i- ’ ’ *-,r 1 appy horna# 1* not ha- ' Ho occupied Is the . * - .arrirnc soldier ait!i the • Ina irl battle that •'« »-i.'.k* f.ll his dreams and * • a • . !]<>■• (n/ <>f f at»le or •a hlstla ha h* ars *a • or • iff* r« the r.l*h» i r u a!il** to And hi* aun • r,r of a flafea attack. Edmund Vance Cooke and Ihe Detroit Times Ease the Day’s Work for Wilson TIIK V, IIITK HOT'SK V. ushingtrm June 3. 11)15. My (\< »r Mr. Cooke: Mo I not give myself the ploaiuir»* of tolling you how ? ,m1 how deeply gratified I was by your p'*m in the entitled, "Lucie Sam and Woodrow?" I don't think •/ii .an possibly know how much such things hearten me /,<! in -c o(f the day’s work. Cordially and sincerely yours, WOODROW WILSON Mr. L'imund \’ance Cooke, c-o I iie I tetroit Times, Dctr M t Michigan. By Webster. I arming 4 s. I.atm. speak* r At a reren* f.*rTn*r»' r . ** ’ r« ;r a a > r * * n a .»• * *• [••mark 'h a' so ;r •■<*: -of i a -a* .j n.vh rr.*-r.*al lj'»’ a f * n',»r!i *’ •!> < ( ;„i ;*r.. No o"o **h .1! -p.'*'* 1 «•■*•-pec* ia‘l> of ,'aifin !: ■* it:-;><»*-» >to ■! * ve of a v »!io ould »• \iti' r «• •*»nth »lv t"r ‘ >ir •*•*!■■*. and not <*-1 pm tit i mental develop n*u * Hl« t ran-la* ion **\*»r iae ** 1 .H grra:lv larg* h * r-.n.uiand • a tun* iAh Ho would mak*- *> < 1 h-ertminationa between Tuxl'sh word* of r>»• ar!v • k h«» *ame mean.”* a *»ny lP**rarr or profe-monal , all rc th.* would be of *cr*at xil -* | H*» would »-*m «r 1 «pn*k Kn »r! I mar- flu**nth. his <no» M*e of I.a a roots * uld ena >le v itii t> «• o .<»**p«»r in»o r* thin a- he read Hi [mad would'T by know rg 1 if*» of an - *•»:♦ peoples ar t v wcr knowledge of l/eratur** w :i 1 ~ive him lifelong enjoyment I * a bo* works so ,r '••am firm 'nft. ar.d simp!;. do*** what ftl* fath • r t.'lln him *o do. maktn* ni o «< nations for himm-lf he is UtM** fetter equipped for ;fo thAn he wa rfare H** rray hav. acquired r * i’ar ha It of Industrie:* 1 vho'h has w ail** Put that an * inquired also in sttd.vm* la'it. Hut if a >ov AO'.ld make Ins four '•ears' farm work a school, an **»• fer, ni*-nt station on producing r** . It it rug it a higher value t .»n f h«* •■'ho„-r o» upa*ton of Ja'in If every *lnie he plan’ed a f **l 1 of i.rn •• -vould examine - air ! i’l a.I [ho condemns of his work.; r< ! p• r< ’ .*• r*- * '* of tlift* r«*n* r, hod*, r- • h ?ri original ron-Iu nl< ”, i' *l> *’ •• n»af »r.od *,»• would «• doing ritf'nal r*s«uir*h work ‘u.«t a* va ms * t~ ativ’hlng th»- ro. 1 ?< a* t( t*;«• I‘nfort n : , * , l> •nn pATA f iwly ff* r>*-'>pl“ work In • a *horongti wa. l<*r;l*«on (Te< t H-rald Emj I A Kanm* paper f*lls of a m<n aho Afrt home under ' .*• Influent* I of li.juor and in hta* tv that ' hU wife «h .Idn't gnow It. he * jf on a p*»n». o•« mien "Whv, Will. « l ► smd 'you'r** drunk ’ ‘Not tall •flow in tie *orld d'l yo*i g»-t that I r.jt on your forehead*' That stumped him. V fa right thought uro* I hit myteif * "You bit j yours* If ’ Now. |,o v d.d you bite vour»elf orj t* »• foreh**Hd *** Hut h** 1 had her th*-r*- and he ran.*' right hark “I stood on a chair ' A Poem a l):iv, it \iiiiy t mi jo \>. I "h»n lu»i*'> ».»» i>. ••ittliig iuii H« >» im» *• >l l i .«i■ U in -mg h run, «i»*wu. .Ir.iiK ..IT h.» "iu.«rt. nn ».tl>l M\ w •Jt K U di'ur. 111 g,. 1.. i, t "M> v*..ik O- tin'.*'' t«*WM iU I •M ) M *•! k l a ii i;W >* -r .1.1 l tin t u • Hit h»pl>a. in a >r i-in an' I 'M. wu k i* and. u. tlil .1,11,. nt i,> \ t »l.ep All night . I .. M -i i u W fault i * that ' .J IV th h>" I ks. 'w vu u ii miiiiiK, ‘ ,t...t|. r.- pile t It it i it > t u gut a). t!l i. t be lied. I W' I 4 it in ‘ l« t v .*u kit. w li«t « .rk ,• . h .. ti *. t|.i 1 at n the lii. r'i i a though W'i' fee! A * - .lii w h*<n tin) fe. I-- >• a ...•■* J ll.* 11l brtok .tl.u 1 end V • « 111 : f: I I \•• Il rn.i !<• I* .I W. | I . ■ [-1 "om W « .ur ttf 1 .-il*. »i 1 right the ro.*nt Tb. ■'* * m.i.t ni’M L’« iiiilk.*! and tten We a t r tueikfiat t.*r t*>* men l.i. t*■ t ■ » u. «•. with «% iii iperlng r.a. In | t rt»t.i UAlr. the . *ll.ll eu liar 1* r..' .*1 .1, , *.a. ,i 1 and a- »'■ with r .» \i l f. i. ult r ...I* 1 )i>i, W . i tie l . • 'Aft'} a r .*. ..el II h«.*d. Vr* I • t |iu;i Mill* i h * U 1 A >*t ■ lv ait*. v*i. al.* ruii, VV «n a liA k .a lie <•! duuo. Vt * 111) ll.iuil < Ihv • ' .a ■U l * t . ■ u el twl*. Iwe . | V* I el. i 'a! ) tII . tll el I t* « .trill 1 )v u the 1 iii ah I I (Ue wile Take > i t *■ j t v giid mi l * i w l»i l. t W a " * «‘d . U a a : 1 **V ) atmt TANARUS! • . I . • I O ’• •«. . r.t I VAid l’.lf x II I >*>**'ii lll*' l*r * >ll , x . * .1 * i * .. v *. ut ti •• r* in W|i h a d>*i.e no a gt o m a tlx*w. It. ■ . • n sc thr brtndie.l .w j l • , , I v. .X .. .. .ve.l i 'ull.. 11l t til 1J... - * •►. iul k! »<■ 111 - •t* I i'.e > |tl, il I*l vvu:. g rs ! >» r. • **r lr> *• •i la w ie- timing roufi.i. in a*. ». »**. »!- .*< * ' • 111 g .-U l , t>f-a t -h *• •. t < -r . . ti.e r «.' I ;n o*ai» i*. rued ()>•■ hr .rum I Ti.. . e I• i * t . . . * i .v - w -r« ! . * 1 r ' a ’ | 'j’. *x * j.rr, »r. 1 f.f i*f*ggfl»t n* ct I . * .* «t t • *e t ‘ * x i. e: k '.axe •*■ ■ ,r > .i >f ■ t f.. <* ' Jtyt «a wui-.t til* * . Ulli.lkl tlut U< .ike Tf.e rr. ’.*.<r form of l.iAl T fjk* A- •- • ...r xx .... x-J.ei »■ ■U. . ; I «r • * . o-. f 1 .Vi ; *t u a *>f *x .i J with h*t ai.<. . * II era**’ ri. tv* it*.i'n r.iti *>..t V. :• ,r : ti.e •■> w I bagl. The .1 • x : * Air . etfg' •.tl' * * It* ti t r.e .* x i tt i *n .* Ai l ■’ * . > • •• 1 ‘I t* ugh. and *T] -f | v Ig, I * ra * ' |• .* 1!* •* f t f ( i u r ( .v' 4 in« | i * 11» r k >!,| j *a . . .tfkrtl .i‘ 1 sne^el. v>t *;• * ■ ♦wi.* i * j»r*i ifr. . J • * * )• ;.er» ?»>f•»!« ; * >% * . -» .% * # .* • i M n«> m»»ft *4j f . . i .\% t» \ »4*l ••\p*n» n <‘ ta • 4ht. i*mj .* ► **•■! t*» t: )i.« i ». r k • , r * 4 1* !*• *#• t*♦ i t S 1 A '.-J f- •’ • r ‘ H'Hf.M »• 1 *> * Mur '„»•*• t »* lit* ih t M) V•' * t V • t? -f f: • * f* «f •• Jgg-t * rk* . *» at rr V* : ■1 <k r * # n»! i r. '• * r * r* t : II r.r\ * - .'Hi Pointed Paragraphs Wit w ut w .adorn >* laiio without moat A ” .n- '•!*•: . • vh : .f ■* h. * tetr, per till ii»* low* v *t Th*> cudtll* AMtn* * Ir.t* r girl die llh<» *h** hot w*afh*r lHd vti'i • vi r g*-t *0 lon* f me thgt you xanted to howl ilk*' a dog* I And the tight* *d x!.o ha/ rt <>r• monev than friend.- Is of It 1!i * sir* ;urit*. of m**n are 1 : • rli). w- * it... r to*) f.t-f < t too sin * mn i * v! it toinp* I* tit* AA'.'tg*’ to work t »r hi** dally hr* ad W ’.*■( *-r t i*. gun.* ha worth *.* T*ro**»*n« or n * d»;*i.d> "t. * it the pilli" l» Th** trimming of » xoman’» hat 1* .ill on the out ..ile, that of a m ill * is h!1 on the in • ide The dk> '* all irul has v* y • hurt ' i 1 .g/, hut hi- pant *r*' Jt.s* n long !i* tho-*' of ..riy other dog till)* should h«* war** of young m*ui who i '*•*' a J '..r.! - . ► ;d --hiishiiild Hi*'v .ir*• ajf to dev**l*ip in*u 1* mon drn; ■< From wha' a man thinks ,*■ *.now* n.ibtr irt w hat his t.* glihor , * h* known, and *h* reriiaimh lit pro; b!v h* about x!iat h r* ai y do* • know ... Hess Haskins I— p/78r-**ti, ' 'Pi C y* N W Jk J .iAV AJk ** j **•• *U * w t- 7 y nr, *XaaV s' | I /x T * “’rh* him Corner* \NiM Tiilw v%ere defeated by th’ l.ocust t»i;inlw in a clone and excitin' ifjtme, .'b'l t’ 2\i. Willy Stubly’w eiror in tb* firwt innin’ lowt th’ name f'r th’ locals letlln’ in two runs.” MONDAY, JUNE 7, 19 15 AUT ANI) DKMOCItAt’Y BY OM. FRANK CRANE tCopyrlght. IDll*. hy h*raiik Cranti) \N b«*n you say “art* most pc*o|»!t* think >t nuiMums, picture Kallenes and old masters. It i" ijuite the tiling for gentlemen hur dehoxl with wealth t«» collect expensive ami curious luie-a-hrac ami. upon the tK'- * •*» of their death, to leave it to the * ity, to la* known a> tin* Smith Jones col lection. What giukl is it? Who goes to mus eums? \ very small portion of the ll*eop!e. The elfeet of the “art gallery” i upon the* comnuinity is something, but j the whole idea is i very poor grasping at the real function of art in democracy. It la ne\olent 1\ inclined folk want to increase the ministry of the beautiful, let them improve the appearance of the | houses of the citizens, the furniture in them and the grounds around them. Particularly let them make beautiful the habitations of the p>*or. A hundred th*»us md «l**ll l r picture from Purope is not in any way so val uable artistically as ten thousand dol- Ut-x’ worth of tree- would be. or twenty th.ousand dollar- spent on adorning the water front, or fiftv thousand dollars in ves'.tsl in changing lum tenements into ! comely and home like dwellings. Art for the exclusive set only, whether * at set is millionaires or alleged high br iw- i« as bad *»s anything else that *s exclusive. 1 rile - art can get to the •ormnon jveople it i< a .-U|x*rfliiity, !r Mime- it a, tl •* director of the State \rt n. Maurice Irwin Flagg, 1 ; U* r. doing op.a s* n ible and real irt fvromo»ion. He -unphes farmers and 1 wellers in snail villagi - gratis with model- for attractive homes and land scape designs. The purpo e is “to lieautify the dwel !:ng nlaces of ti e n* *ple ati 1 flevelop at ♦b.e same ♦ >me ambition for and a love and the Ihvutiful in the minds of men with small incomes." This i- the «u.r* of art work that Is sincere and '**’!•*■• u- 1, It get - somewhere. It bel* s It i- not * conceited etTort t*> »p»u- and to the >u; *n >r classes. W hen we do away w : th the ugly “shoe jbtix” farmhou-e. with it- alxvminahl© bj rn, nil übstitute son* thing pictur !*•-. \\r i*i t l »*,r place: wh**n we transform the village ’> m a i lli*e*: >n of huge dry ;■ kml- packing case* -i ? in rows, dull and drenrv and -ttipid in apf^earanee, into a lovely g;ir len, tr«*es and flowers with 1 »u-"os of charming and individual at tr o t vi ness; when we get -ome sort of artistic uni f y in our • ; tv building: th**n we shall he entitled to b*' called lovers of Iveauty. M*t r -tales are f 'l'w ng. ( alifor ?:ia, t ickv, Texas, and Indiana are formulating programme- -imi'ar to that .f Minn** t. (iermanv, Italy. France, . fid < a uadi have published the Min -<ita plans. Say- Mr. Flagg: “Tl,h 1 otter housing programme is supplementary t<* the other work of the oimmi - -ti. It circulate - exhibits of in justrial art s< ilptors, l.ome fumish ln/-. homi industi.e-, anl scliool art. It •rgatii/.c- home industries and handi craft ela-ses and put- into tie* field spe cialists t<> teach such work. And it has been surer fu! in finding a market for its product.” — ■ Secret of Looking Young by m aooinr,ton orucc lAnU. r * ' Th> H I ■ "of It u "Uty.'* I * yrh"i' *k > -Oxl I nrruii.o' U.” • t*- I Kx*uv wuni.o. ‘a.ii.'s so k< *‘i» you rut looktnx ;. ,* * j. i ! *t*- i* noth III*; wrofi* in i; I- Hut fh* o' i- > >'.<»***t *b sl Hi «t e* wron* 'in *1 *• rn* »r- n.iiiv • > n;*n to hnie thi - in* nf i Iv.iu* in* >••*«- \h often n Tint t! » artiflri:il nnl- to x* lil***i . >i..y nr** ol.ler not v.'iiun* tl>Bn t!i*lr tru • ,iu« l’r*.*» iwlv b*Taio»«* H* v u..ik>- ie* of mj. u , tifli. *. t * n.itui 1 '«•' 1* n» x i- to lnf* r that ff..y -' in kt* jt*u a* *il of tie in than u .Ii M, Hit) ll* r |t, «|*!« - sill ' It* t‘ • rti jit to i>r** • rvo n .oiehful • i ;■* ' < t>v * t)fi< *-nl nu ;uo is apt to the f.n* .i li.irlh*** of elpre- *loii th'.il * i.ii r* v**t-*' of youthful No, It is ru t in to-meuei* that th«* serret «if j lf**>kiriK v* u *. I- to b* foiirnl If a to li*. . Hl' 1 Ui.v il! rIfK rt'LTIVATP> v Ml' HAIIITS VN’» IM;AH THAT KKF.P MNhl FKKI.IN't* Mil In tfu a- in *v*rythliiK **l * *h« mirel *v* rrlHi'fi .» tr* nn laloun influent iv* r th* lio'lv Two ui-r nant . partner** In a <!ry KOotlt* -tor**, aooil wat< io: i i|> parttn* ruato«i**r Said ono o rh“ in*)iratin*; th*' * '* turner I* l« i d'llKtit t<* tiiv* that youriff p*mon eon.'- liito th* ntor*' Hh» Is lik* a ru) <*f sun -hin*’ " • •Yountr person’" r**i**«t*d flu* other “What you mean? I»•* you know her iv** n*y flvl -upp«*a*' > f.ii hove rnli«n**»| your k«i*- * by Just t*-n y* ar- ** No m:itt*T.‘’ -aid it” other “She m like a ri»v of *ubahWi»’ Just the ajiini' ' Kva* fly.'' *«'r*ed til' i ! * tr *r. "That Is why ah* >:• ••• j*• I• >* klr>*< »o youru.' To maintain. n<> matt* r x*. hat lh<- hand Pap, tin* failltiK i heerfulnea* **f dt* p<> lti<*n to b*> keen ly lot* r< t**d In the nffulrs of ev* rvday life; b> avoid dwelllhK «n» unpl** isa*it tiiouirtita of any ki..*l this a«ld'*l to the avold iti*. of * xtr* m«*s -in h as 1 »*t*• hour- and over « n*iriK. Is in tru'h th* !»*•■• pre * rlptl»»n f*»r th* r* t* nt:on of youth ful appearin'** Ph.vslolorlata know that «*v*rv Klooniy. t *ir«h, unkind, mall* ions thoipftr tb ih* an imprint, not merely on th** hr/iir. but «>n th*> fratuns. Itantah all dh < ordain tt oui. u's, and you w I'l | not hav*- to worry about tb** mmlm*. of tlo* « rlnkl**a And. above a'l rulttrnt** • -nthusla-m riln< to fa>*h >n • ■*»* " If ii and faith In fellow. lii'lnit*, however hard the kno«ks that • xp**r ,i* nr* Kiv * yf .* lie murryptHli* be kiml. b<- ardent Ti • ** are sh natural trait of vo*i*h. and ~nu who would stay v outhlul lo ikinK tnusf • resolutely mainuin them